A&P: Ex.9 - Muscle Tissue
skeletal muscle
attached to bone and provides the means by which the body skeleton moves, as in walking or moving the head
bc each fiber forms from numerous myoblasts, it has many nuclei and is said to be ____
involuntary control
cardiac muscle is under what type of control?
Skeletal Muscle
cells are long, cylindrical, striated, and multinucleate LOCATIONS: combined w/ connective tissue and neural tissues in skeletal muscles FUNCTIONS: Moves or stabilizes the position of the skeleton; guards entrances and exits to the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts; generates heat; protects internal organs
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
cells are short, branched, and striated, usually w/ a single nucleus; cells are interconnected by intercalated discs LCATIONS: Heart FUNCTIONS: circulates blood; maintains blood (hydrostatic) pressure
Smooth Muscle
cells are short, spindle-shaped, nonstriated, with a single, central nucleus LOCATIONS: Found in the walls of blood vessels and in digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive organs FUNCTIONS: Moves food, urine, and reproductive tract tract secretions; controls diameter of respiratory passageways; regulates diameter of blood vessels
during development, a number of embryonic cells called ___ fuse into one large cellular structure that is the muscle fiber
cardiac muscle cell
each has a a single nucleus, called a cardiocyte, (the cell is said to be uninucleated) and is branced
each smooth muscle cell is ___ and spindle shaped, thick in the middle and tapered at the ends like a toothpick
cardiac muscles
forms the walls of the heart and pumps blood through the vascular system
smooth (visceral) muscle
found inside hollow organs, such as the stomach, intestines, blood vessels, and uterus; this muscle type controls such functions as the movement of material through the digestive system, the diameter of blood vessels, and uterine contraction during laboe
intercalated discs
how cardiocytes are connected to one another, they are special gap junctions that conduct contraction stimuli from one cardiocyte to the next
lack the bands found in skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue
muscle fibers
long cells that compose the skeletal muscle tissue
made of dense regular connective tissue proper
muscle fibers are ___ w/ a distinct banded pattern resulting from the repeating organization of inernal contractile proteins called FILAMENTS
nuclei are clustered under the ____, which is the muscle fiber's cell membrane
voluntary control
skeletal muscle tissue may be consciously stimulated to contract