A&P exam 2

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Oxytocin ________. A) release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism B) is an adenohypophyseal secretion C) exerts its most important effects during menstruation D) controls milk production


Thyroid hormone exerts its influence by ________. A) entering some cells and binding to intracellular receptors within the nuclei B) exerting only a minor effect on body metabolism C) causing a reduction in the number of blood vessel adrenergic receptors, and therefore decreasing blood pressure D) acting to decrease basal metabolic rate


Which anterior pituitary hormone does NOT target another endocrine gland? A) growth hormone (GH) B) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) C) luteinizing hormone(LH) D) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)


Which of the following is NOT a component of the cyclic AMP signaling mechanism? A) steroid B) effector enzyme C) hormone receptor D) G protein


Which of the following is NOT a steroid-based hormone? A) epinephrine B) estrogen C) cortisol D) aldosterone


Which of the following is not a category of endocrine gland stimulus? A) enzyme B) humoral C) neural D) hormonal


Which organ is responsible for synthesizing ANP? A) the heart B) the kidney C) the skin D) the spleen


Which organ is responsible for synthesizing the hormone atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)? A) the heart B) the spleen C) the kidney D) the skin


Select the correct statement about oxygen transport in blood:

A 50% oxygen saturation level of blood returning to the lungs might indicate an activity level higher than normal.


A baby is admitted to the hospital with a history of projectile vomiting after each feeding. On examination, it is found that the sphincter controlling food passage from the stomach to the duodenum is thickened and does not open readily. Because of the baby's loss of gastric juice, his blood probably indicates ________.

Regulating hormones from the hypothalamus ________. A) first enter into the hypophyseal portal system B) enter venous circulation and travel to the heart, which pumps the hormone-containing blood to the pituitary C) enter the hepatic portal system, which feeds the pituitary D) travel by arteries to the pituitary


Steroid hormones exert their action by ________. A) entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene B) finding an appropriate cell receptor and initiating cAMP activity C) stimulating the synthesis of a glycogen D) increasing blood pressure


Steroid hormones exert their action by ________. A) entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene B) activating the hypothalamic release of regulating hormones C) binding cell receptors and initiating cAMP activity D) entering the cell and activating mitochondrial DNA


The ability of a specific tissue or organ to respond to the presence of a hormone is dependent on ________. A) the presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ B) the location of the tissue or organ with respect to the circulatory path C) the membrane potential of the cells of the target organ


The parathyroid glands respond to which type of stimulus? A) humoral B) positive C) neural D) hormonal


The second-messenger mechanism of hormone action operates by ________. A) binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP B) increasing the basal metabolic rate in the target organ C) synthesizing more than one hormone at a time D) altering gene expression in the nuclear DNA


The single most important regulator of calcium levels in the blood is ________. A) parathyroid hormone B) gonadotropic hormones C) thyroid hormone D) calcitonin


A man has been told that he is not synthesizing enough follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and for this reason he may be unable to father a child. Choose the correct statement to explain this problem.

FSH stimulates sperm production in the testes.

Direct gene activation involves a second-messenger system. TRUE OR FALSE?


surfactant; lowers surface tension

Infant respiratory distress syndrome occurs because premature infants lack the ability to produce _____, which ______.

the total amount of air that can be inspired after a tidal expiration

Inspiratory capacity is ________.

Which of the following is not a form of lung cancer?

Kaposi's sarcoma

The pituitary hormone that promotes ovarian secretion of progesterone and testicular secretion oftestosterone is


too little oxygen in the atmosphere

Possible causes of hypoxia include ________.

Which of the following is not possible?

Pressure gradient equals gas flow over resistance.


Prods pancreas to secrete more insulin; restricts fat storage; improves glucose handling; reduces body fat

________ is a hormone that has only one known effect: to stimulate milk production by the breasts.



A fluid secreted into the small intestine during digestion that contains cholesterol, emulsification agents, and phospholipids is ________.


Surface area in the nasal cavity is increased by the presence of _______.

interfering with the cohesiveness of water molecules, thereby reducing the surface tension of alveolar fluid.

Surfactant helps to prevent the alveoli from collapsing by ________.


Surgical cutting of the lingual frenulum would occur in which part of the body?

a shift to the right in the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve

The Bohr effect describes _____.


The Bohr effect refers to the unloading of ________ in a RBC due to declining blood pH.

Inspiratory capacity is ________. A) the total amount of air that can be inspired after a tidal expiration B) the total amount of exchangeable air C) functional residual capacity D) air inspired after a tidal inhalation

A) the total amount of air that can be inspired after a tidal expiration

Nerve impulses from ________ will result in inspiration. A) the ventral respiratory group B) the chemoreceptor center C) Broca's center D) the preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus

A) the ventral respiratory group

Possible causes of hypoxia include ________. A) too little oxygen in the atmosphere B) obstruction of the esophagus C) taking several rapid deep breaths D) getting very cold

A) too little oxygen in the atmosphere

Hormonal actions on cells include those that affect

A)quantities of enzymes. B)synthesis of enzymes. C)gating of ion channels. D)activities of enzymes. E)any of the above E

Hormones can be divided into different groups based on their chemistry. These categories include

A)steroids. B)amino acid derivatives. C)eicosanoids. D)peptides. E)all of the above E


According to the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve, PO2 in the lungs of 100 mm Hg results in Hb being 98% saturated. At high altitude, there is less O2. At a PO2 in the lungs of 80 mm Hg, Hb would be ________ saturated.

________ are the result of hypersecretion of growth hormone.

Acromegaly and gigantism

elastic recoil of tissues

Air is forced out of the lungs during normal expiration due to ______.

atmospheric pressure

Air moves into the lungs during inspiration due to the force of _____.

Select the correct statement about the physical factors influencing pulmonary ventilation.

As alveolar surface tension increases, additional muscle action will be required.

The presence of smooth muscle allows the walls of the bronchioles to constrict and provides control over air flow.

As the bronchial tree terminates in bronchioles, the principal material comprising their walls is smooth muscle. What functional purpose does this smooth muscle provide?

produce mucus that protects parts of the digestive organs from the effects of powerful enzymes needed for food digestion

The function of the goblet cells is to ________.

collect absorbed nutrients for metabolic processing or storage

The function of the hepatic portal circulation is to ________

Bile would be released from the gallbladder to emulsify the fat in the duodenum.

The ingestion of a meal high in fat content would cause which of the following to occur?

Resistance to air flow increases due to the increase in cross-sectional diameter.

Which of the following is not true of the respiratory tract from the medium bronchi to the aveoli?


Which of the following is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in North America?

There are 32 permanent teeth, and the wisdom teeth are the last to emerge.

Which of the following is true concerning the number and type of permanent teeth?

cartilage rings

Which of the following maintains the patency (openness) of the trachea?

parietal cells

Which of the following produce intrinsic factor?


Which of the following provide the greatest surface area for gas exchange?

pulmonary ventilation

Which of the following refers to the movement of air into and out of the lungs?

inferior vena cava

Which of these is not part of the splanchnic circulation?

internal intercostals and abdominal muscles would contract

Which respiratory-associated muscles would contract if you were to blow up a balloon?

More CO2 dissolves in the blood plasma than is carried in the RBCs.

Which statement about CO2 is incorrect?


Which structure is lined with simple squamous epithelium?


Which vitamin requires intrinsic factor in order to be absorbed?

Because between a PO2 of zero and a PO2 of 40, hemoglobin saturation changes very rapidly and a greater degree of unloading will occur with even small changes o PO2.

Why is it possible to deliver more O2 to vigorously working cells without increasing respiration rate or cardiac output?

CO2 is more soluble in water than is O2.

Why is the rate of CO2 exchange roughly equivalent to that of O2 despite its less steep pressure gradient?

A man has been told that he is NOT synthesizing enough follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and for this reason he may be unable to father a child. Choose the correct statement to explain this problem. A) The man must be producing progesterone, which inhibits the synthesis of FSH. B) FSH stimulates sperm production in the testes. C) FSH stimulates estrogen secretion by ovarian cells; therefore, it is not synthesized by males. D) A hormone made in the anterior pituitary cannot influence fertility.


ACTH ________. A) is secreted by the posterior pituitary B) secretion is regulated by a hypothalamic secretion C) causes the release of hormones from the adrenal medulla D) is not a tropic hormone


Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) ________. A) promotes dehydration B) secretion is inhibited by alcohol C) is produced by the anterior pituitary D) increases urine production


Gonadocorticoid(s) ________. A) synthesized by the adrenal medulla are primarily androgens B) production by the adrenal gland is insignificant compared with sex hormone release from the gonads during late puberty C) secretion inhibition is highly dependent on a negative feedback loop involving ACTH D) hypersecretion can result in adrenogenital syndrome, also called feminization


Leptin is secreted by ________. A) lymphocytes B) adipocytes C) goblet cells D) fibroblasts


Mineralocorticoid is to aldosterone as glucocorticoid is to ________. A) estrogen B) cortisol C) testosterone D) epinephrine


The effect of a hormone on a target cell may be decreased by the presence of ________. A) plasma membrane receptors B) antagonistic hormones C) synergistic hormones D) permissive hormones


The hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract ________. A) connects the hypophysis to the pituitary gland B) is partly contained within the infundibulum C) conducts aldosterone to the hypophysis D) is the site of prolactin synthesis


The major targets of growth hormone are ________. A) the thyroid and adrenal glands B) liver, bones, and skeletal muscles C) the blood vessels D) the liver and gall bladder


The most important regulator of electrolyte concentrations in extracellular fluids is ________. A) insulin B) aldosterone C) glucagon D) cortisol


The parathyroid glands maintain adequate levels of blood calcium. This is accomplished through ________. A) blocking the action of growth hormone B) targeting the bone and activating osteoclasts so that calcium will be released C) antagonizing the synthesis of calcitonin D) slowing the activity of tissues that require calcium for activity


The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is NOT a true endocrine gland because ________. A) embryonically it was an endocrine tissue, but in the adult human it is no longer functional B) it is only a hormone storage area that receives hormones from the hypothalamus for release C) it is unable to function as an endocrine tissue because it is actually part of the neural system due to its location D) it is strictly a part of the neural system and has little or nothing to do with hormonal release


decrease in pH (acidosis) weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond

With the Bohr effect, more oxygen is released because a(n) ________.


You have just eaten a meal high in complex carbohydrates. Which of the following enzymes will help to digest the meal?

the pancreas

You have just eaten french fries, buttered toast, ice cream, and whole milk. Which of the following glands would be most active in helping you to digest this food?

Which is the correct order of events for hormones activating Gs proteins? a. activation of G protein, binding of GTP, activation of adenylate cyclase, conversion of ATP to cAMP b. activation of G protein, binding of GTP, activation of phospholipase C, activation of DAG and IP3 c. activation of a G protein, tyrosine kinase receptor, phosphorylation of intracellular proteins

a. Activation of G protein, binding of GTP, activation of adenylate cyclase, conversion of ATP to cAMP.

What is the mechanism of action of lipid-soluble hormones? a. activation of genes, which increases protein synthesis in the cell b. increasing protein kinases c. phosphorylation of intracellular proteins

a. Activation of genes, which increases protein synthesis in the cell.

What tropic hormone stimulates cortisol from the adrenal gland? a. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) b. growth hormone (GH) c. luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) d. thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

a. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

What keeps intracellular receptors from binding to DNA before a hormone binds to the receptor? a. chaperone proteins (chaperonins) b. transcription factors c. Receptors can't enter the nucleus until the hormone is bound to it.

a. Chaperone proteins (chaperonins)

One of the least complicated of the endocrine control systems directly responds to changing blood levels of ions and nutrients. Which of the following describes this mechanism? a. humoral stimulation b. protein synthesis c. carbohydrate oxidation d. catabolic inhibition

a. Humoral stimulation

Where is antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also known as vasopressin, synthesized? a. hypothalamus b. posterior pituitary c. kidney d. anterior pituitary

a. Hypothalamus

What is the most important regulatory factor controlling the circulating levels of thyroid hormone? a. negative feedback b. thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) c. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) d. a circadian rhythm of release

a. Negative feedback

Which of the following hormones is regulated by a neuroendocrine ("letdown") reflex? a. oxytocin b. cortisol c. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

a. Oxytocin

_____ is the situation when one hormone cannot exert its full effects without another hormone being present. a. Permissiveness b. Antagonism c. Synergism d. Activism

a. Permissiveness

Which intracellular substance degrades cAMP, thus inactivating the response to a hormone? a. phosphodiesterase b. phospholipase C c. adenylate cyclase d. protein kinase C

a. Phosphodiesterase

Which of the following occurs in situations where more than one hormone produces the same effects at the target cell and their combined effects are amplified? a. synergism b. summation c. antagonism d. permissiveness

a. Synergism

Which of the following is NOT a property of endocrine glands? a. They have ducts. b. They drain vascularly. c. They drain lymphatically. d. They produce hormones.

a. They have ducts.

Hormones that regulate the secretory action of other endocrine glands are called __________. a. tropins b. GHIH c. somatotropin d. somatostatins

a. Tropins

In circumstances where the body requires prolonged or increased levels of a hormone, the DNA of target cells will specify the synthesis of more receptors on the surface of the cells of the target organ. This is known as ________. a. up-regulation b. cellular affinity c. sensitivity increase d. a stressor reaction

a. Up-regulation

The process of filtration is driven by a. blood hydrostatic pressure. b. active transport. c. solvent drag. d. renal pumping. e. blood osmotic pressure

a. blood hydrostatic pressure

During the autoregulation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which event does not occur when the normal GFR is disturbed? a. dilation of efferent arterioles b. contraction of mesangial cells c. dilation of afferent arterioles d. constriction of efferent arterioles

a. dilation of efferent arterioles

The ______ control(s) capillary diameter and the rate of capillary blood flow. a. mesangial cells b. juxtaglomerular complex c. podocytes d. dense layer

a. mesangial cells

What is the limiting factor for the reabsorption of most actively transported solutes in the proximal tubule? a. number of transport carriers in the luminal membrane b. number of transport carriers in the basolateral membrane c. number of sodium-potassium ATPase pumps in the basolateral membrane

a. number of transport carriers in the luminal membrane

Which of the following is greater? a. the concentration of solute in the filtrate at the bottom of the nephron loop (loop of Henle) b. the concentration of solute in the filtrate at the beginning of the nephron loop (loop of Henle) c The concentrations at the top and bottom are identical

a. the concentration of solute in the filtrate at the bottom of the nephron loop (loop of Henle)

hypersecretion of HG in adults


lipid-soluble hormones

act on intracellular receptors that directly activate genes; can enter cell

water-soluble hormones

act on plasma membrane receptors; act via G-protein second messengers; cannot enter cells

Thyroid hormone (a small iodinated amine) enters target cells in a manner similar to ________. A) insulin, because insulin is a small peptide B) steroid hormones, because both diffuse easily into target cells C) growth hormone, because the thyroid works synergistically with thyroid hormone D) glucagon, because the structure of glucagon is similar to that of thyroid hormone


Thyroid hormone (a small iodinated amine) enters target cells in a manner similar to ________. A) glucagon, because the structure of glucagon is similar to that of thyroid hormone B) steroid hormones, because both diffuse easily into target cells C) insulin, because insulin is a small peptide D) growth hormone, because the thyroid works synergistically with thyroid hormone


Thyroxine is a peptide hormone, but its mechanism is different from other peptide hormones. Which of the following statements is true concerning this difference? A) It causes positive feedback. B) It does not require a second messenger to cause a response. C) It is a stimulant of cellular metabolism and targets all cells. D) It is very specific in the cell type it targets


When it becomes necessary to enlist the fight-or-flight response, a hormone that is released during the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome is ________. A) estrogen B) epinephrine C) angiotensinogen D) renin


Which of the choices below is not a factor required for target cell activation by hormone receptor interaction? A) blood levels of hormone B) type of hormone C) number of receptors for that hormone D) strength of the bond between the receptor and hormone


Which of the following hormones suppresses appetite and increases energy expenditure? A) gastrin B) leptin C) aldosterone D) secretin


Which of the following is correctly matched? A) adrenal medulla — glucocorticoids B) zona reticularis — gonadocorticoids C) zona glomerulosa — epinephrine and norepinephrine D) zona fasciculata — mineralocorticoids


The nose serves all the following functions except ________. A) as a passageway for air movement B) as the initiator of the cough reflex C) warming and humidifying the air D) cleansing the air

B) as the initiator of the cough reflex

Which of the following is not an event necessary to supply the body with O2 and dispose of CO2? A) pulmonary ventilation B) blood pH adjustment C) internal respiration D) external respiration

B) blood pH adjustment

What ion is sometimes used as a second messenger of amino acidbased hormones? A) iron B) calcium C) sodium D) chlorine

B) calcium

Which of the following is not found on the right lobe of the lung? A) middle lobe B) cardiac notch C) horizontal fissure D) oblique fissure

B) cardiac notch

Which of the following does not influence the increase in ventilation that occurs as exercise is initiated? A) psychic stimuli B) decrease in lactic acid levels C) proprioceptors D) simultaneous cortical motor activation of the skeletal muscles and respiratory center

B) decrease in lactic acid levels

With the Bohr effect, more oxygen is released because a(n) ________. A) decrease in pH (acidosis) strengthens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond B) decrease in pH (acidosis) weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond C) increase in pH (alkalosis) strengthens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond D) increase in pH (alkalosis) weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond

B) decrease in pH (acidosis) weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the lungs and through all cell membranes by ________. A) osmosis B) diffusion C) filtration D) active transport

B) diffusion

Gas emboli may occur because a ________. A) person holds his breath too long B) diver holds his breath upon ascent C) pilot holds her breath upon descent D) person breathes pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber

B) diver holds his breath upon ascent

When it becomes necessary to enlist the fight-or-flight response, a hormone that is released during the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome is ________. A) estrogen B) epinephrine C) angiotensinogen D) renin

B) epinephrine

Tidal volume is air ________. A) remaining in the lungs after forced expiration B) exchanged during normal breathing C) inhaled after normal inspiration D) forcibly expelled after normal expiration

B) exchanged during normal breathing

Aldosterone ________. A) is secreted by the neurohypophysis B) functions to increase sodium reabsorption C) presence increases potassium concentration in the blood D) production is greatly influenced by ACTH

B) functions to increase sodium reabsorption

Complete the following statement using the choices below. Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is A) less than the pressure in the atmosphere. B) greater than the pressure in the atmosphere. C) equal to the pressure in the atmosphere. D) greater than the intra-alveolar pressure.

B) greater than the pressure in the atmosphere.

The most powerful respiratory stimulus for breathing in a healthy person is ________. A) loss of oxygen in tissues B) increase of carbon dioxide C) pH (acidosis) D) pH (alkalosis)

B) increase of carbon dioxide

Which respiratory-associated muscles would contract if you were to blow up a balloon? A) diaphragm would contract, external intercostals would relax B) internal intercostals and abdominal muscles would contract C) external intercostals would contract and diaphragm would relax D) diaphragm contracts, internal intercostals would relax

B) internal intercostals and abdominal muscles would contract

Respiratory control centers are located in the ________. A) midbrain and medulla B) medulla and pons C) pons and midbrain D) upper spinal cord and medulla

B) medulla and pons

Which of the choices below determines the direction of respiratory gas movement? A) solubility in water B) partial pressure gradient C) the temperature D) molecular weight and size of the gas molecule

B) partial pressure gradient

Intrapulmonary pressure is the ________. A) pressure within the pleural cavity B) pressure within the alveoli of the lungs C) negative pressure in the intrapleural space D) difference between atmospheric pressure and respiratory pressure

B) pressure within the alveoli of the lungs

Which of the following is not a stimulus for breathing? A) rising carbon dioxide levels B) rising blood pressure C) arterial Po2 below 60 mm Hg D) arterial pH resulting from CO2 retention

B) rising blood pressure

ACTH ________. A) is secreted by the posterior pituitary B) secretion is regulated by a hypothalamic secretion C) causes the release of hormones from the adrenal medulla D) is not a tropic hormone

B) secretion is regulated by a hypothalamic secretion

Which of the following maintains the patency (openness) of the trachea? A) surface tension of water B) surfactant C) cartilage rings D) pseudostratified ciliated epithelium

B) surfactant

The parathyroid glands maintain adequate levels of blood calcium. This is accomplished through ________. A) blocking the action of growth hormone B) targeting the bone and activating osteoclasts so that calcium will be released C) antagonizing the synthesis of calcitonin D) slowing the activity of tissues that require calcium for activity

B) targeting the bone and activating osteoclasts so that calcium will be released

Which of the choices below is not a functional process performed by the respiratory system? A) pulmonary ventilation B) transport of respiratory gases C) external respiration D) pulmonary respiration

B) transport of respiratory gases

The lung volume that represents the total volume of exchangeable air is the ________. A) tidal volume B) vital capacity C) inspiratory capacity D) expiratory reserve volume

B) vital capacity

Factors that influence the rate and depth of breathing include ________. A) thalamic control B) voluntary cortical control C) stretch receptors in the alveoli D) composition of alveolar air

B) voluntary cortical control

variable secretion of potassium and hydrogen ions is a specific function of which renal structure? a. proximal convoluted tubule b. collecting system c. distal convoluted tubule d. nephron loop

b. collecting system

Under normal conditions, glomerular filtration depends on three main pressures: Which of those pressures is a pressure that favors the filtration pressure? a. capsular hydrostatic pressure b. glomerular hydrostatic pressure c. blood colloid osmotic pressure

b. glomerular hydrostatic pressure

One mechanism the kidney uses to raise systemic blood pressure is to a. decrease secretion of aldosterone. b. increase secretion of renin by the juxtaglomerular complex. c. increase filtration into glomerular (Bowman's) capsule. d. increase release of angiotensin II by the suprarenal glands. e. decrease urinary albumin concentration.

b. increase secretion of renin by the juxtaglomerular complex

If the osmotic pressure in the glomerular capillaries increased from 28 mm Hg to 35 mm Hg, would net filtration increase or decrease? a. net filtration would increase b. net filtration would decrease c. net filtration would not be altered

b. net filtration would decrease

In which region of the nephron is tubular fluid first formed? a. nephron loop b. proximal convoluted tubule c. distal convoluted tubule d. renal corpuscle

b. proximal convoluted tubule

The active transport of which ion out of proximal convoluted tubule cells causes the reabsorption of both water and solutes? a. chloride b. sodium c. Potassium

b. sodium

produce insulin

beta cells of pancreas

Activation of which kind of receptor causes heart rate to increase?

beta-one receptor

Steroid hormones

bind to receptors in the nucleus of their target cells.

what three factors does target cell activation depend on?

blood levels of hormones, relative number of receptors on or in target cells, and affinity of binding between receptor and hormone

Which of the following is not an event necessary to supply the body with O2 and dispose of CO2?

blood pH adjustment

Oxygen unloading in a RBC due to declining pH is called the ________.

bohr effect

The major targets of growth hormone are ________.

bones and skeletal muscles

During the T wave of the electrocardiogram, the ventricles are

both depolarizing and relaxing

When hormones interact they can produce any of the following kinds of effects,except


At age 85, Lyle's immune system does not respond to vaccines as well as it did when he was younger. The atrophy of which endocrine gland is likely responsible for this? A) adrenal B) thyroid C) thymus D) anterior pituitary


Sometimes prolonged excessive exposure to high hormone concentrations causes a phenomenon known as ________. A) diabetes mellitus B) cellular inhibition C) down-regulation D) metabolism of protein kinases


The ability of a specific tissue or organ to respond to the presence of a hormone is dependent on ________. A) the location of the tissue or organ with respect to the circulatory path B) the membrane potential of the cells of the target organ C) the presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ D) nothing all hormones of the human body are able to stimulate any and all cell types because hormones are powerful and nonspecific


cholecystokinin (CCK), an intestinal hormone responsible for gallbladder contraction

Chemical digestion in the small intestine involves ________.

produce pepsinogen

Chief cells ________.

Bile contains enzymes for digestion

Choose the incorrect statement regarding bile.


Chyme is created in the ________.

During an afternoon class, Lisa starts to feel hungry and worries that her blood sugar level may be dropping. Which hormone is helping to prevent a drop in blood sugar level? A) thyroxine B) aldosterone C) insulin D) glucagon


Calculate the net filtration pressure if capillary hydrostatic pressure is 60 mm Hg, capillary osmotic pressure is 25 mm Hg, and capsular hydrostatic pressure is 10 mm Hg. a. 25 mm Hg b. 35 mm Hg c. 50 mm Hg d. 60 mm Hg

a. 25 mm Hg

Where does most nutrient reabsorption occur? a. 5 b. 2 c. 1 d. 6 e. 4

c. 1

Where does countercurrent multiplication occur? c. 4 == nephron loop

c. 4 == nephron loop

What is the primary function of hormones? a. cause allergic reactions b. influence metabolic activity of glands by electrochemical impulses c. alter cell activity d. activate extracellular enzymes

c. Alter cell activity

What gland secretes growth hormone? a. adrenal cortex b. posterior pituitary (lobe) c. anterior pituitary (lobe) d. thyroid gland

c. Anterior pituitary (lobe)

What is the function of the ventral hypothalamic neurons? a. control secretion of oxytocin b. control secretion of thyroid hormones c. control secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) d. control secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

c. Control secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are intermediary hormones stimulated by which of the following hormones? a. thyroid hormones b. oxytocin c. GH (growth hormone) d. prolactin (PRL)

c. GH (growth hormone)

Hypersecretion of what hormone can produce the effects of gigantism a. thyroid hormones (TH) b. aldosterone c. growth hormone (GH) d. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

c. Growth hormone (GH)

Which hypothalamic hormone stimulates the release of growth hormone from the anterior pituitary (lobe)? a. growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH) b. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) c. growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) d. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

c. Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)

Virtually all of the protein or amino acid-based hormones exert their effects through intracellular ________. a. calcium b. nucleotides c. second messengers d. deactivating ions

c. Second messengers

Most inspired particles such as dust fail to reach the lungs because of the ________.

ciliated mucous lining in the nose

Receptors for hearing are located in the ________.


net filtration pressure

comprises all forces acting on capillary bed; net fluid flows out at the arterial end and in at the venous end; more leaves than is returned, and the excess if returned to the blood; determines the direction of fluid movement

The erythrocyte count increases after a while when an individual goes from a low to a high altitude because the ________.

concentration of oxygen and/or total atmospheric pressure is lower at high altitudes

The blood colloid osmotic pressure mostly depends on the

concentration of plasma proteins

A hormone that promotes gluconeogenesis in the liver is


Gluconeogenesis, the formation of glucose from fats and proteins, is due to the action of ________.


Mineralocorticoid is to aldosterone as glucocorticoid is to ________.


Terminal bronchioles are lined with ________ epithelium.


________ is the most common lethal genetic disease in the United States.

cystic fibrosis

The major targets of growth hormone are ________. A) the blood vessels B) the adrenal glands C) the liver D) bones and skeletal muscles


The neurohypophysis or posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is not a true endocrine gland because ________. A) it is strictly a part of the neural system and has little or nothing to do with hormonal release B) embryonically it was an endocrine tissue, but in the adult human it is no longer functional C) it is unable to function as an endocrine tissue because it is actually part of the neural system due to its location D) it is only a hormone storage area that receives hormones from the hypothalamus for release


The second-messenger mechanism of hormone action operates by ________. A) synthesizing more of the hormone than is actually needed B) increasing the basal metabolic rate in the target organ C) not responding to a feedback mechanism D) binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP


Virtually all of the protein or amino acid-based hormones exert their effects through intracellular ________. A) ions B) deactivators C) nucleotides D) second messengers


What ion is sometimes used as a second messenger of amino acid-based hormones? A) chlorine B) iron C) sodium D) calcium


Which of the following is NOT a change typically produced by a hormonal stimulus? A) alters plasma membrane permeability B) activates or deactivates enzymes C) induces secretory activity D) stimulates production of an action potential


Which of the following is NOT a step in thyroxine (T4) production? A) the production of thyroglobulin by follicular cells B) the binding of iodine to tyrosines in the colloid C) the linking of two diiodotyrosine (DIT) molecules in the colloid D) the diffusion of iodide from blood plasma into the follicular cell


Which of the following is not a cardinal sign of diabetes mellitus? A) polyuria B) polydipsia C) polyphagia D) All of these are signs.


Which of the following is not a change that may be caused by hormonal stimulus? A) a change in membrane potential B) the stimulation of a genetic event resulting in protein synthesis C) an increase in enzymatic activity D) direct control of the nervous system


Which of the following hormones stimulates the adrenal cortex to release glucocorticoids that help the body to resist stressors? a. follicle-stimulating hormone b. prolactin c. thyroid-stimulating hormone d. adrenocorticotropic hormone

d. Adrenocorticotropic hormone

Which of the following is NOT a change that may be caused by hormonal stimulus? a. the stimulation of a genetic event resulting in protein synthesis b. a change in membrane potential c. an increase in enzymatic activity d. direct control of the nervous system

d. Direct control of the nervous system

Which of the following is not a category of endocrine gland stimulus? a. neural b. humoral c. hormonal d. enzyme

d. Enzyme

blood colloid osmotic pressure

due to the presence of plasma proteins too large to cross the capillary; promotes reabsorption; averages 36mmHg on both ends

In chronic bronchitis, mucus production is decreased and this leads to the inflammation and fibrosis of the mucosal lining of the bronchial tree.


Increased temperature results in decreased O2 unloading from hemoglobin.


Nasal conchae mainly work on inhalation to warm and moisten air. They serve minor functions for exhalation.


Oxygenated hemoglobin releases oxygen more readily when the pH is more basic.


The Hering-Breuer reflex is a potentially dangerous response that may cause overinflation of the lung.


The average individual has 500 ml of residual volume in his lungs.


The epiglottis is a smooth muscle that covers the glottis during swallowing.


The largest amount of carbon dioxide is transported in the bloodstream in the form of carbonic anhydrase.


The archway in the back of the throat is called the ________.


Which of the following is not a type of hormone interaction?


The loudness of a person's voice depends on the _______

force with which air rushes across the vocal folds

Aldosterone ________.

functions to increase sodium reabsorption

After a steroid hormone binds to its receptor to form an active complex,

gene transcription is initiated.

blood hydrostatic pressure

generated by the pumping action of the heart; decreases from 35 to 16 from the arterial to the venous end of the capillary; as blood moves along the capillary, fluid moves out through pores and into the interstitial fluid.

hypersecretion of GH in children


Alpha islet cells produce ________, an extremely potent hyperglycemic hormone.



gonadotropic hormone secreted by gonadotropic cells of anterior pituitary; stimulates gamete production

Complete the following statement using the choices below. Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is

greater than the pressure in the atmosphere.

GH mediates growth by

growth-producing proteins

Ordinarily, it is not possible to transplant tissues from one person to another, yet corneas can be transplanted without tissue rejection. This is because the cornea ________.

has no blood supply

Compared to arteries, veins

have thinner walls

________ law would apply to the amount of CO2 you could dissolve in a Pepsi.


What stimulus is testosterone production

hormonal stimulus

what stimulus is aldosterone production

hormonal stimulus (RAAS)

cAMP signaling mechanism

hormone binds to receptor, receptor activates G-protein, G-protein activates adenylate cyclase, adenylate cyclase converts ATP to cAMP, and cAMP activates protein kinases that phosphorylate proteins

Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids and that regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________.


Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids that travel through the blood and regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________.


hypothalamic-pituitary-target endocrine organ loop

hormones from final target organs inhibit release of anterior pituitary hormones

hormonal stimuli

hormones stimulate other endocrine organs to release their hormones

what stimulus is parathyroid hormone production

humoral stimulus


hunger hormone; stimulates release of GH

What is the primary driving force (pressure) that produces glomerular filtration? colloid osmotic pressure of blood hydrostatic pressure of blood (blood pressure) Gravity

hydrostatic pressure of blood (blood pressure)

hypersecretion of epi/norepi

hyperglycemia, increased metabolic rate, rapid heartbeat and palpitations, hypertension, intense nervousness, and sweating


hypersecretion of aldosterone due to adrenal tumors; hypertension and edema due to excessive Na+; excretion of K+ leading to abnormal function of neurons and muscles

cushing's syndrome

hypersecretion of cortisol; depresses cartilage and bone formation; inhibits inflammation; depresses immune system; disrupts cardiovascular, neural, and GI function

Arteriosclerosis can lead to

hypertension, stroke, and coronary artery disease.

addison's disease

hyposecretion of cortisol; involves deficits in mineralocorticoids; decrease in glucose and Na+ levels; weight loss, severe dehydration, and hypotension.

The most powerful respiratory stimulus for breathing in a healthy person is ________.

increase of carbon dioxide

Each of the following factors would increase cardiac output, except

increased blood concentration of glucose.

Which of the following is not a parathyroid gland mechanism to maintain adequate levels of blood calcium?

inhibition of calcitonin synthesis

high level of calcitonin

inhibits osteoclasts activity and release of Ca2+ from bone matrix; stimulates Ca2+ uptake and incorporation into bone matrix


inhibits release of GH


initiates maturation of male reproductive organs; causes appearance of males secondary sexual characteristics and sex drive, necessary for normal sperm production, and maintains reproductive organs in functional state


initiates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism; ANP blocks to decrease blood pressure

The amount of air that can be inspired above the tidal volume is called ________.

inspiratory reserve

the pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall is


Surfactant helps to prevent the alveoli from collapsing by ________.

interfering with the cohesiveness of water molecules, thereby reducing the surface tension of alveolar fluid

Which respiratory-associated muscles would contract if you were to blow up a balloon?

internal intercostals and abdominal muscles would contract

What structure regulates the amount of light passing to the visual receptors of the eye?



more than one hormone cannot exert its effects without another hormone being present


most important hormone in Ca2+ homeostatsis


most potent mineralocorticoid; stimulates Na+ reabsorption and water retention by kidneys and K+ elimination; release is triggered by decreasing blood pressure and rising blood levels of K+; ANP blocks secretion to decrease blood pressure; Part of RAA mechanism; increased K+ directly causes release of aldosterone

neural stimuli

nerve fibers stimulate hormone release

what stimulus is epinephrine production

neural stimulus

hyposecretion of epi/norepi

not problematic

Which of the choices below is not a factor that promotes oxygen binding to and dissociation from hemoglobin?

number of red blood cells

Conscious perception of vision probably reflects activity in the ________.

occipital lobe of the cortex


one hormone cannot exert its effects without another hormone being present


one or more hormones opposes action of another hormone

In the plasma, the quantity of oxygen in solution is ________.

only about 1.5% of the oxygen carried in dissolved form

interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure

opposes BP by acting outside the capillaries and pushing fluid in

Which of the following could not be seen as one looks into the eye with an ophthalmoscope?

optic chiasma

Total peripheral resistance is related to all of the following,except the

osmolarity of interstitial fluids

insulin activates

osteocalcin and tyrosine kinase enzyme receptor

An essential part of the maculae involved in static equilibrium is (are) the ________.


what gland produces hormone that regulate glucose levels in the blood


The single most important regulator of calcium levels in the blood is ________.

parathyroid hormone


part of the RAA mechanism; formation is triggered by renin

Which of the choices below determines the direction of respiratory gas movement?

partial pressure gradient

factors that affect blood pressure

peripheral resistance, blood volume, and cardiac output

The ________ gland may influence our day/night cycles and even regulate the onset of sexual maturity.


hyposecretion of GH in children

pituitary dwarfism

Which of the following is NOT a cardinal sign of diabetes mellitus?


Which of the following is not a cardinal sign of diabetes mellitus?


Which center is located in the pons?

pontine respirator group (PRG)

The ________ regulates smoothing of transitions from inspiration to expiration.

pontine respiratory group (PRG)


precursor of Vitamin D

Intrapulmonary pressure is the ________.

pressure within the alveoli of the lungs


produced by adipose tissue; appetite control; stimulates increased energy expenditure


produced by parafollicular cells; antagonist to PTH

growth hormone

produced by somatotropic cells; has direct actions on metabolism; encourages use of fatty acids for fuel; protein synthesis; decrease rate of glucose uptake and metabolism; conserving glucose; glycogen breakdown and glucose release to blood; indirect actions on growth;


promotes production of gonadal hormones; secreted by gonadotropic cells of anterior pituitary; absent from blood of prepubertal boys and girls

The trachea is lined with ________ epithelium.

pseudostratified columnar

capillary colloid osmotic pressure

pulls fluid into capillaries and/or prevents fluid from leaving

Blood moves forward through veins because of all of the following,except

pumping by the smooth muscle in the wall of the vein.

Oxytocin ________.

release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism

major targets of GH

release is chiefly regulated by GHRH

Each of the following will lead to a decrease in blood pressure,except

release of renin


released in response to ACTH, patterns of eating, activity, and stress; prime metabolic effect is gluconeogenesis; promotes rises in blood glucose, fatty acids, and AAs.

antagonizes insulin


Where the respiratory zone of the lungs begins.

respiratory bronchioles

How will the lungs compensate for an acute rise in the partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood?

respiratory rate will increase

precapillary sphincters

responsible for the maintenance of pressure within the capillary beds

Motion sickness seems to ________.

result from mismatch between visual and vestibular inputs

inhibits PTH

rising Ca2+ in blood

Which of the following is not a stimulus for breathing?

rising blood pressure

The hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract ________.

run through the infundibulum

The oval window is connected directly to which passageway?

scala vestibuli

Virtually all amino acid-based hormones exert their signaling effects through intracellular

second messenger

Virtually all of the protein or amino acid-based hormones exert their effects through intracellular ________.

second messengers

The walls of the alveoli are composed of two types of cells, type I and type II. The function of type II is to ________.

secrete surfactant

adrenocorticotropic hormone

secreted by corticotropic cells of anterior pituitary; stimulates adrenal cortex to release corticosteroids; causes small increases of aldosterone during stress; tropic hormone

Which of the following is true about calcium homeostasis? A) Increased calcitonin levels will cause increased blood calcium levels. B) High calcium levels cause bone resorption. C) Parathyroid hormone causes an increase in osteoblast activity. D) Parathyroid hormone is the single most important regulator of calcium levels in the blood.


Which of the following would be associated with the action of steroids on cells? A) extracellular receptors with a specificity for only a single amino acid sequence on the hormone B) an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cyclic AMP C) second-messenger systems D) a hormone-receptor complex that interacts directly with the cell's DNA


A premature baby usually has difficulty breathing. However, the respiratory system is developed enough for survival by ________. A) 17 weeks B) 24 weeks C) 28 weeks D) 36 weeks

D) 36 weeks

Select the correct statement about oxygen transport in blood: A) During normal activity, a molecule of hemoglobin returning to the lungs carries one molecule of O2. B) During conditions of acidosis, hemoglobin is able to carry oxygen more efficiently. C) Increased BPG levels in the red blood cells enhance oxygen-carrying capacity. D) A 50% oxygen saturation level of blood returning to the lungs might indicate an activity level higher than normal.

D) A 50% oxygen saturation level of blood returning to the lungs might indicate an activity level higher than normal.

Which of the following is true about calcium homeostasis? A) Increased calcitonin levels will cause increased blood calcium levels. B) High calcium levels cause bone resorption. C) Parathyroid hormone causes an increase in osteoblast activity. D) Parathyroid hormone is the single most important regulator of calcium levels in the blood.

D) Parathyroid hormone is the single most important regulator of calcium levels in the blood.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the respiratory rate of a newborn? A) The respiratory rate of a newborn is slow. B) The respiratory rate of a newborn varies between male and female infants. C) The respiratory rate of a newborn is approximately 30 respirations per minute. D) The respiratory rate of a newborn is, at its highest rate, approximately 40-80 respirations per minute.

D) The respiratory rate of a newborn is, at its highest rate, approximately 40-80 respirations per minute.

Which of the choices below is not a role of the pleura? A) allows the lungs to inflate and deflate without friction B) helps divide the thoracic cavity into three chambers C) helps limit the spread of local infections D) aids in blood flow to and from the heart because the heart sits between the lungs

D) aids in blood flow to and from the heart because the heart sits between the lungs

Which of the following determines lung compliance? A) airway opening B) flexibility of the thoracic cage C) muscles of inspiration D) alveolar surface tension

D) alveolar surface tension

The second-messenger mechanism of hormone action operates by ________. A) synthesizing more of the hormone than is actually needed B) increasing the basal metabolic rate in the target organ C) not responding to a feedback mechanism D) binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP

D) binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP

The major targets of growth hormone are ________. A) the blood vessels B) the adrenal glands C) the liver D) bones and skeletal muscles

D) bones and skeletal muscles

The erythrocyte count increases after a while when an individual goes from a low to a high altitude because the ________. A) temperature is lower at higher altitudes B) basal metabolic rate is higher at high altitudes C) concentration of oxygen and/or total atmospheric pressure is higher at higher altitudes D) concentration of oxygen and/or total atmospheric pressure is lower at high altitudes

D) concentration of oxygen and/or total atmospheric pressure is lower at high altitudes

Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver due to the action of ________. A) aldosterone B) insulin C) secretin D) cortisol

D) cortisol

The loudness of a person's voice depends on the ________. A) thickness of vestibular folds B) length of the vocal folds C) strength of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles D) force with which air rushes across the vocal folds

D) force with which air rushes across the vocal folds

Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids and that regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________. A) enzymes B) antibodies C) proteins D) hormones

D) hormones

The neurohypophysis or posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is not a true endocrine gland because ________. A) it is strictly a part of the neural system and has little or nothing to do with hormonal release B) embryonically it was an endocrine tissue, but in the adult human it is no longer functional C) it is unable to function as an endocrine tissue because it is actually part of the neural system due to its location D) it is only a hormone storage area that receives hormones from the hypothalamus for release

D) it is only a hormone storage area that receives hormones from the hypothalamus for release

Which of the choices below is not a factor that promotes oxygen binding to and dissociation from hemoglobin? A) partial pressure of oxygen B) temperature C) partial pressure of carbon dioxide D) number of red blood cells

D) number of red blood cells

The factors responsible for holding the lungs to the thorax wall are ________. A) the smooth muscles of the lung B) the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles alone C) the visceral pleurae and the changing volume of the lungs D) surface tension from pleural fluid and negative pressure in the pleural cavity

D) surface tension from pleural fluid and negative pressure in the pleural cavity

Normal development of the immune response is due in part to hormones produced by the ________. A) adrenal medulla B) pancreas C) thyroid gland D) thymus gland

D) thymus gland


secreted by prolactin cells of anterior pituitary; stimulates milk production; primarily controlled by lactin-inhibiting hormone; blood level rises toward the end of pregnancy; suckling stimulates release and promotes continued milk production

The hypothalamus controls secretion by the adenohypophysis by

secreting releasing and inhibiting factors into a tiny portal system.

ACTH ________.

secretion is regulated by a hypothalamic regulatory hormone

No exchange of gases occurs here.

segmental bronchi


signals production of red blood cells

Which organ does not produce hormones?


hypothalamic hormones

stimulate release of most anterior pituitary hormones

anterior pituitary hormones

stimulate targets to secrete still more hormones


stimulates liver and pacreas

parathyroid hormone

stimulates osteoclasts to digest bone matrix and release Ca2+ into the blood: enhances reabsorption of Ca2+ and secretion of phosphates by kidneys; promotes activation of vitamin D; increases absorption of Ca2+ by intestinal mucosa


stimulates pancreas, gallbladder, and hepatopancreatic sphincter

Which of the following is not a change typically produced by a hormonal stimulus?

stimulates production of an action potential


stimulates release of GH


stimulates release of HCl

factors that increase blood pressure

stretch, endothelins, increased sympathetic tone, and angiotensin II, ADH, and epi/norepi


strong stimulant of uterine contraction; released during childbirth; hormonal trigger for milk ejection; acts as neurotransmitter in brain; used for male-bonding.

The factors responsible for holding the lungs to the thorax wall are ________.

surface tension from pleural fluid and negative pressure in the pleural cavity

Type II alveolar cells secrete ________.


Cardiac output is increased by

sympathetic stimulation


synthesis of glucose from lactic acid and noncarbohydrates


target cells form receptors in response to low hormone levels


target cells lose receptors in response to high hormone levels

Which of the following can act on receptors inside the target cell that directly activate specific genes? A) testosterone B) growth hormone C) calcitonin D) melatonin



the flow of blood from an arteriole to a venule through a capillary bed

Which organ is responsible for synthesizing ANP?

the heart


the movement of fluid from the interstitial fluid back into the capillary


the movement of fluid through the walls of the capillary into the interstitial fluid

Which of the choices below describes the forces that act to pull the lungs away from the thorax wall and thus collapse the lungs?

the natural tendency for the lungs to recoil and the surface tension of the alveolar fluid

The ability of a specific tissue or organ to respond to the presence of a hormone is dependent on ________.

the presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ

capillary hydrostatic pressure

the pressure exerted by blood on capillary walls

Unlike inspiration, expiration is a passive act because no muscular contractions are involved. Expiration, however, depends on two factors. Which of the choices below lists those two factors?

the recoil of elastic fibers that were stretched during inspiration and the inward pull of surface tension due to the film of alveolar fluid


the smooth muscles of the metatrioles and the precapillary sphincters contract and relax regularly causing intermittent flow in the capillaries

The larynx contains ________.

the thyroid cartilage

Inspiratory capacity is ________.

the total amount of air that can be inspired after a tidal expiration

Nerve impulses from ________ will result in inspiration.

the ventral respiratory group

how are steroids and thyroid hormones activated?

they diffuse into target cells and bind with intracellular receptors, the receptor-hormone complex enters the nucleus and binds to specific region of DNA; DNA is prompted to transcribe to produce mRNA; mRNA directs protein synthesis; This promotes metabolic activities or synthesis of structural proteins, or proteins export from the cell

The ________ gland declines in size and function with age.


Normal development of the immune response is due in part to hormones produced by the

thymus gland

Normal development of the immune response is due in part to hormones produced by the ________.

thymus gland

The largest pure endocrine gland in the body is the ________.


what gland produces the body's major metabolic hormones

thyroid gland

The hormone that plays a pivotal role in setting the metabolic rate and thus impacting bodytemperature is


Possible causes of hypoxia include ________.

too little oxygen in the atmosphere

Which of the choices below is not a functional process performed by the respiratory system?

transport of respiratory gases

Apneustic breathing is characterized by prolonged inspirations.


Atelectasis (lung collapse) renders the lung useless for ventilation.


Changes in arterial pH can modify respiration rate and rhythm even when carbon dioxide and oxygen levels are normal.


Dalton's law states that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is the sum of the pressures exerted independently by each gas in the mixture.


Intrapleural pressure is normally about 4 mm Hg less than the pressure in the alveoli.


Labored breathing is termed dyspnea.


Smoking diminishes ciliary action and eventually destroys the cilia.


Strong emotions and pain acting through the limbic system activate sympathetic centers in the hypothalamus, thus modulating respiratory rate and depth by sending signals to the respiratory centers.


The alveolar ventilation rate is the best index of effective ventilation.


The functions of the nasal conchae are to enhance the air turbulence in the cavity and to increase the mucosal surface area exposed to the air.


The lungs are perfused by two circulations: the pulmonary and the bronchial. The pulmonary circulation is for oxygenation of blood. The bronchial circulation supplies blood to the lung structures (tissue).


The olfactory mucosal lining of the nasal cavity contains the receptors for the sense of smell.


The parietal pleura lines the thoracic wall.


Tracheal obstruction is life threatening.


Under certain conditions, the vocal folds act as a sphincter that prevents air passage.


Valsalva's maneuver involves closing off the glottis (preventing expiration) while contracting the muscles of expiration, causing an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.


Ventilation perfusion coupling means that more blood flows past functional alveoli than past nonfunctional alveoli.


hypersecretion of insulin

type 1 diabetes

hypoactivity of insulin

type 2 diabetes

Composed of simple squamous epithelium.

type I cells

The respiratory membrane is composed of fused basement membrane of the capillary walls and ________.

type I cells

Composed of cuboidal cells.

type II cells

Secrete a fluid containing surfactant.

type II cells

Each of the following factors would increase peripheral resistance,except


These vessels hold the largest percentage of the blood supply.


The lung volume that represents the total volume of exchangeable air is the ________.

vital capacity

Factors that influence the rate and depth of breathing include ________.

voluntary cortical control

When will the blood pressure be greater?

when the peripheral vessels constrict

Kaposi's sarcoma

Which of the following is not a form of lung cancer?

rising blood pressure

Which of the following is not a stimulus for breathing?

Gas emboli may occur because a ________.

diver holds his breath upon ascent

For gas exchange to be efficient, the respiratory membrane must be ________.

0.5 to 1 micrometer thick

________ are hormones synthesized from cholesterol.


The hormone oxytocin

-promotes uterine contractions -is responsible for milk expression from the mammary glands -triggers prostate gland contractions -is the produced in the hypothalamus All of the above

The kidneys secrete

-renin -erythropoietin -calcitrol

A premature baby usually has difficulty breathing. However, the respiratory system is developed enough for survival by ________.

28 weeks

A release of parathyroid hormone (PTH) will trigger ________. A) increased activation of vitamin D by the kidney B) a drop in blood calcium levels C) a reduction of calcium reabsorption in the kidney tubules D) increased osteoblast activity


Cellular responses to hormones that initiate second-messenger systems include ________. A) possible activation of several different second-messenger systems B) cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase formation of an active second messenger C) formation of a specific protein kinase that acts on a series of extracellular intermediates D) hormone binding to intracellular receptors


Johanna, a 7-year-old girl, is significantly shorter than normal for her age. Her doctor recommends treatment with a hormone before her growth plates ossify in her long bones. Which hormone is recommended? A) growth hormone B) thyroid stimulating hormone C) parathyroid hormone D) cortisol


The relationship between the pressure and volume of gases is given by ________. A) Boyle's law B) Henry's law C) Charles' law D) Dalton's law

A) Boyle's law

The only amine hormone to act like a steroid is ________. A) TH B) ACTH C) GH D) ADH


Select the correct statement about the neural mechanisms of respiratory control. A) The pons is thought to be instrumental in the smooth transition from inspiration to expiration. B) The dorsal respiratory group neurons depolarize in a rhythmic way to establish the pattern of breathing. C) The pontine respirator group (PRG) continuously stimulates the medulla to provide inspiratory drive. D) The ventral respiratory group is contained within the pons.

A) The pons is thought to be instrumental in the smooth transition from inspiration to expiration.

How do glucocorticoids enable the body to deal appropriately with stress? A) by increasing blood glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid levels and enhancing blood pressure B) by decreasing the heart rate, thus decreasing blood pressure C) by stimulating the pancreas to release insulin D) by blocking the neurotransmitters that prepare the body for the stress response

A) by increasing blood glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid levels and enhancing blood pressure

Most inspired particles such as dust fail to reach the lungs because of the ________. A) ciliated mucous lining in the nose B) abundant blood supply to nasal mucosa C) porous structure of turbinate bones D) action of the epiglottis

A) ciliated mucous lining in the nose

Which of the following is not a category of endocrine gland stimulus? A) enzyme B) humoral C) neural D) hormonal

A) enzyme

In the plasma, the quantity of oxygen in solution is ________. A) only about 1.5% of the oxygen carried in dissolved form B) about equal to the oxygen combined with hemoglobin C) greater than the oxygen combined with hemoglobin D) not present except where it is combined with carrier molecules

A) only about 1.5% of the oxygen carried in dissolved form

Which center is located in the pons? A) pontine respirator group (PRG) B) expiratory C) inspiratory D) pacemaker neuron center

A) pontine respirator group (PRG)

Oxytocin ________. A) release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism B) is an adenohypophyseal secretion C) exerts its most important effects during menstruation D) controls milk production

A) release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism

The walls of the alveoli are composed of two types of cells, type I and type II. The function of type II is to ________. A) secrete surfactant B) trap dust and other debris C) replace mucus in the alveoli D) protect the lungs from bacterial invasion

A) secrete surfactant

Which organ is responsible for synthesizing ANP? A) the heart B) the kidney C) the skin D) the spleen

A) the heart

Which of the choices below describes the forces that act to pull the lungs away from the thorax wall and thus collapse the lungs? A) the natural tendency for the lungs to recoil and the surface tension of the alveolar fluid B) compliance and transpulmonary pressures C) the natural tendency for the lungs to recoil and transpulmonary pressures D) compliance and the surface tension of the alveolar fluid

A) the natural tendency for the lungs to recoil and the surface tension of the alveolar fluid

Unlike inspiration, expiration is a passive act because no muscular contractions are involved. Expiration, however, depends on two factors. Which of the choices below lists those two factors? A) the recoil of elastic fibers that were stretched during inspiration and the inward pull of surface tension due to the film of alveolar fluid B) the expansion of respiratory muscles that were contracted during inspiration and the lack of surface tension on the alveolar wall C) the negative feedback of expansion fibers used during inspiration and the outward pull of surface tension due to surfactant D) combined amount of CO2 in the blood and air in the alveoli

A) the recoil of elastic fibers that were stretched during inspiration and the inward pull of surface tension due to the film of alveolar fluid

The larynx contains ________. A) the thyroid cartilage B) a cricoid cartilage also called the Adam's apple C) an upper pair of avascular mucosal folds called true vocal folds D) lateral cartilage ridges called false vocal folds

A) the thyroid cartilage

For gas exchange to be efficient, the respiratory membrane must be ________. A) at least 3 micrometers thick B) 0.5 to 1 micrometer thick C) between 5 and 6 micrometers thick D) The thickness of the respiratory membrane is not important in the efficiency of gas exchange.

B) 0.5 to 1 micrometer thick

Which of the following is not a form of lung cancer? A) adenocarcinoma B) Kaposi's sarcoma C) small cell carcinoma D) squamous cell carcinoma

B) Kaposi's sarcoma

Which of the following is not possible? A) Gas flow equals pressure gradient over resistance. B) Pressure gradient equals gas flow over resistance. C) Resistance equals pressure gradient over gas flow. D) The amount of gas flowing in and out of the alveoli is directly proportional to the difference in pressure or pressure gradient between the external atmosphere and the alveoli.

B) Pressure gradient equals gas flow over resistance.

Which of the following is not true of the respiratory tract from the medium bronchi to the aveoli? A) Cartilage gradually decreases and disappears at the bronchioles. B) Resistance to air flow increases due to the increase in cross-sectional diameter. C) Proportionally, smooth muscle decreases uniformly. D) Lining of the tubes changes from ciliated columnar to simple squamous epithelium in the alveoli.

B) Resistance to air flow increases due to the increase in cross-sectional diameter.

Which of the following statements is incorrect? A) During fetal life, lungs are filled with fluid. B) Respiratory rate is lowest in newborn infants. C) Descent of the diaphragm results in abdominal breathing. D) The chest wall becomes more rigid with age.

B) Respiratory rate is lowest in newborn infants.

Select the correct statement about the pharynx. A) The pharyngeal tonsil is located in the laryngopharynx. B) The auditory tube drains into the nasopharynx. C) The laryngopharynx blends posteriorly into the nasopharynx. D) The palatine tonsils are embedded in the lateral walls of the nasopharynx.

B) The auditory tube drains into the nasopharynx.

Leptin is secreted by ________. A) lymphocytes B) adipocytes C) goblet cells D) fibroblasts

B) adipocytes

The most important regulator of electrolyte concentrations in extracellular fluids is ________. A) insulin B) aldosterone C) glucagon D) cortisol

B) aldosterone

The respiratory membrane is a combination of ________. A) respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts B) alveolar and capillary walls and their fused basement membranes C) atria and alveolar sacs D) respiratory bronchioles and alveolar sacs

B) alveolar and capillary walls and their fused basement membranes

Which of the following provide the greatest surface area for gas exchange? A) alveolar sacs B) alveoli C) respiratory bronchioles D) alveolar ducts

B) alveoli

How is the bulk of carbon dioxide carried in blood? A) chemically combined with the amino acids of hemoglobin as carbaminohemoglobin in the red blood cells B) as the bicarbonate ion in the plasma after first entering the red blood cells C) as carbonic acid in the plasma D) chemically combined with the heme portion of hemoglobin

B) as the bicarbonate ion in the plasma after first entering the red blood cells

The relationship between the pressure and volume of gases is given by ________.

Boyle's law

Cells that respond to peptide hormones usually do so through a sequence of biochemical reactions involving receptor and kinase activation. In order for cells to respond, it is necessary for first and second messengers to communicate. This is possible because ________. A) peptide hormones always enter the cell membrane and elicit a response without assistance from other messengers B) hormones alter cellular operations through stimulation of a gene directly C) G protein acts as the link between first and second messengers D) the hormone receptor complex moves into the cytoplasm as a unit


Hormones often cause a cell to elicit multiple responses; this is because ________. A) the protein kinases are rapidly metabolized into functional amino acids B) there are thousands of receptors on the cell membrane C) during protein kinase activation, enzymes phosphorylate many other enzymes D) the receptors bind to several hormones at the same time


Hormones that bind to plasma proteins ________. A) must also bind to plasma membrane receptors B) are usually made of amino acids C) are usually synthesized from cholesterol D) are usually water soluble


How do glucocorticoids enable the body to deal appropriately with stress? A) by decreasing the heart rate, thus decreasing blood pressure B) by stimulating the pancreas to release insulin C) by increasing blood glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid levels and enhancing blood pressure D) by releasing the neurotransmitters that prepare the body for the stress response


Mineralocorticoid is to aldosterone as glucocorticoid is to ________. A) testosterone B) estrogen C) cortisol D) epinephrine


Oxytocin ________. A) exerts its most important effects during menstruation B) is an anterior pituitary secretion C) release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism D) controls milk production


Several hormones are synthesized in the hypothalamus and transported to the anterior pituitary gland. The mechanism of transportation from hypothalamus to anterior pituitary gland is through the ________. A) hepatic portal system B) general circulatory system C) hypophyseal portal system D) feedback loop


Several hormones are synthesized in the hypothalamus and transported to the anterior pituitary gland. The mechanism of transportation from hypothalamus to anterior pituitary gland is through the ________. A) hepatic portal system B) feedback loop C) hypophyseal portal system D) general circulatory system


Which hormone has only one known effect: to stimulate milk production by the breasts? A) estrogen B) oxytocin C) prolactin D) progesterone


Which of the following is NOT a change that may be caused by hormonal stimulus? A) stimulation of mitosis B) an increase in enzyme synthesis C) direct control of the nervous system D) a change in membrane potential


Which of the following is NOT a parathyroid gland mechanism to maintain adequate levels of blood calcium? A) activation of osteoclasts B) increased intestinal absorption of calcium ions C) inhibition of calcitonin synthesis D) increased calcium ion reabsorption by the kidneys


Which of the following is NOT a typical result of a long-term stress response? A) loss of muscle mass B) elevated blood pressure C) decreased production of glucocorticoids D) impaired immune function


Which of the following is not a steroid-based hormone? A) estrogen B) aldosterone C) epinephrine D) cortisone


Which of the following statements is true of amino acid-based hormones? A) They are synthesized from cholesterol. B) They cross the plasma membrane. C) They require a receptor in the plasma membrane. D) They are lipid soluble.


Select the correct statement about the physical factors influencing pulmonary ventilation. A) A decrease in compliance causes an increase in ventilation. B) A lung that is less elastic will require less muscle action to perform adequate ventilation. C) As alveolar surface tension increases, additional muscle action will be required. D) Surfactant helps increase alveolar surface tension.

C) As alveolar surface tension increases, additional muscle action will be required.

The statement, "in a mixture of gases, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of gases in the mixture" paraphrases ________. A) Henry's law B) Boyle's law C) Dalton's law D) Charles' law

C) Dalton's law

A man has been told that he is not synthesizing enough follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and for this reason he may be unable to father a child. Choose the correct statement to explain this problem. A) FSH stimulates estrogen secretion by ovarian cells; therefore it is not synthesized by males. B) The physician is wronga hormone made in the adenohypophysis could not influence fertility. C) FSH stimulates sperm production in the testes. D) The man must be producing progesterone, which inhibits the synthesis of FSH.

C) FSH stimulates sperm production in the testes.

Which statement about CO2 is incorrect? A) Its concentration in the blood is decreased by hyperventilation. B) Its accumulation in the blood is associated with a decrease in pH. C) More CO2 dissolves in the blood plasma than is carried in the RBCs. D) CO2 concentrations are greater in venous blood than arterial blood.

C) More CO2 dissolves in the blood plasma than is carried in the RBCs.

Because the lungs are filled with fluid during fetal life, which of the following statements is true regarding respiratory exchange? A) Respiratory exchanges are made through the ductus arteriosus. B) Respiratory exchanges are not necessary. C) Respiratory exchanges are made through the placenta. D) Because the lungs develop later in gestation, fetuses do not need a mechanism for respiratory exchange.

C) Respiratory exchanges are made through the placenta.

Which of the disorders below is characterized by destruction of the walls of the alveoli producing abnormally large air spaces that remain filled with air during exhalation? A) pneumonia B) tuberculosis C) emphysema D) coryza

C) emphysema

Which of the following is not a steroid-based hormone? A) estrogen B) aldosterone C) epinephrine D) cortisone

C) epinephrine

Several hormones are synthesized in the hypothalamus and transported to the anterior pituitary gland. The mechanism of transportation from hypothalamus to anterior pituitary gland is through the ________. A) hepatic portal system B) general circulatory system C) hypophyseal portal system D) feedback loop

C) hypophyseal portal system

The amount of air that can be inspired above the tidal volume is called ________. A) reserve air B) expiratory reserve C) inspiratory reserve D) vital capacity

C) inspiratory reserve

Surfactant helps to prevent the alveoli from collapsing by ________. A) humidifying the air before it enters B) warming the air before it enters C) interfering with the cohesiveness of water molecules, thereby reducing the surface tension of alveolar fluid D) protecting the surface of alveoli from dehydration and other environmental variations

C) interfering with the cohesiveness of water molecules, thereby reducing the surface tension of alveolar fluid

Which organ does not have hormone production? A) heart B) kidney C) liver D) skin

C) liver

The ability of a specific tissue or organ to respond to the presence of a hormone is dependent on ________. A) the location of the tissue or organ with respect to the circulatory path B) the membrane potential of the cells of the target organ C) the presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ D) nothingall hormones of the human body are able to stimulate any and all cell types because hormones are powerful and nonspecific

C) the presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ

waves of muscular contractions that propel contents from one point to another

Peristaltic waves are ________.

ADH ________. A) increases urine production B) promotes dehydration C) is produced in the adenohypophysis D) is inhibited by alcohol


Aldosterone ________. A) presence increases potassium concentration in the blood B) production is greatly influenced by ACTH C) is secreted by the posterior pituitary D) functions to increase sodium reabsorption


As a result of stress, the anterior pituitary releases ________, which stimulates release of hormones from the adrenal cortex that retain sodium and water, increase blood sugar, and begin breaking down fats. A) ADH B) growth hormone C) thyroid stimulating hormone D) ACTH


Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids and that regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________. A) enzymes B) antibodies C) proteins D) hormones


Dave has discovered a new lipid-soluble hormone. Which of the following is true regarding this hormone? A) can be stored in secretory vesicles B) will likely act through a second-messenger system C) receptor will be located on the plasma membrane D) will be bound to a transport protein in the blood


Glucagon ________. A) is considered a hypoglycemic hormone B) stimulates the absorption of glucose from the blood C) triggers the conversion of glucose into glycogen D) triggers gluconeogenesis


Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver due to the action of ________. A) aldosterone B) insulin C) secretin D) cortisol


Hormones often cause a cell to elicit multiple responses; this is because ________. A) there are thousands of receptors on the cell membrane B) the receptors bind to several hormones at the same time C) the protein kinases are rapidly metabolized D) during protein kinase activation, enzymes phosphorylate many other enzymes


In circumstances where the body requires prolonged or increased levels of a hormone, the DNA of target cells will specify the synthesis of more receptors on the surface of the cells of the target organ. This is known as ________. A) sensitivity increase B) a stressor reaction C) cellular affinity D) up-regulation


John tells you that cholesterol is bad and should be eliminated from your diet. You explain to him that cholesterol is important. Which of the following hormones is synthesized from cholesterol? A) growth hormone B) thyroxine C) oxytocin D) testosterone


Leptin is secreted by ________. A) goblet cells B) lymphocytes C) fibroblasts D) adipose cells


Normal development of the immune response is due in part to hormones produced by the ________. A) adrenal medulla B) pancreas C) thyroid gland D) thymus gland


One of the least complicated of the endocrine control systems directly responds to changing blood levels of ions and nutrients. Which of the following describes this mechanism? A) the rapid oxidation of carbohydrates B) catabolic inhibition C) protein synthesis D) humoral stimulation


One of the least complicated of the endocrine control systems directly responds to changing blood levels of ions and nutrients. Which of the following describes this mechanism? A) catabolic inhibition B) neural stimulation C) protein synthesis D) humoral stimulation


Regulating hormones from the hypothalamus ________. A) enter venous circulation and travel to the heart, which pumps the hormone-containing blood to the pituitary B) enter the hepatic portal system, which feeds the pituitary C) travel by arteries to the pituitary D) first enter into the hypophyseal portal system


The pituitary hormone that promotes egg development in ovaries and sperm development in testes is


The statement, "in a mixture of gases, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of gases in the mixture" paraphrases ________.

Dalton's law

________ law is called the law of partial pressure.


constrict; dilate

During an asthma attack, bronchioles become severely _____. Taking epinephrine causes them to _____.

residual volume; keep alveoli patent

Even the most forceful exhalation leaves air in the lungs; this is called the ____ and is needed to ____.

0.5 to 1 micrometer thick

For gas exchange to be efficient, the respiratory membrane must be ________.

diaphragm descends and rib cage rises

For inspiration of air, which of the following happens first?

mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, and serosa

From the esophagus to the anal canal, the walls of every organ of the alimentary canal are made up of the same four basic layers. Arrange them in order from the LUMEN

diver hold their air upon ascent

Gas emboli may occur because a ________.

protein and peptide fragments

Gastrin is a digestive hormone that is responsible for the stimulation of acid secretions in the stomach. These secretions are stimulated by the presence of ________.

enteroendocrine cells

Gastrin, histamine, endorphins, serotonin, cholecystokinin, and somatostatin are hormones or paracrines that are released directly into the lamina propria. Which of the following cell types synthesize and secrete these products?


Hemoglobin molecules are fully saturated when bound to _____ molecule(s) of O2.

produce digestive enzymes

Hepatocytes do not ________.


Hormones or paracrines that inhibit gastric secretion include ________.

active transport driven directly or indirectly by metabolic energy

How are most nutrients absorbed through the mucosa of the intestinal villa?

as the bicarbonate ion in the plasma after first entering the red blood cells

How is the bulk of carbon dioxide carried in blood?


Hydrochloric acid is secreted by which of the ________ cells of the stomach?


If an incision has to be made in the small intestine to remove an obstruction, the first layer of tissue to be cut is the ________.

- mesentery - omenta - peritoneum

Important peritoneal folds DO include the ________.

round ligament

Important peritoneal folds do not include the ________.

initiates protein digestion and denatures proteins

In addition to storage and mechanical breakdown of food, the stomach ________.

only about 1.5% of the oxygen carried in dissolved form

In the plasma, the quantity of oxygen in solution is ________.

are longer and thicker

Men tend to have deeper voices than women because their vocal cords _____.

Which statement about CO2 is incorrect?

More CO2 dissolves in the blood plasma than is carried in the RBCs.

ciliated mucous lining in the nose

Most inspired particles such as dust fail to reach the lungs because of the ________.

the ventral respiratory group

Nerve impulses from ________ will result in inspiration.

vagus nerve and enteric plexus

Nervous control of gastric secretion is provided by ________.

restrictive disease

Spirometry results reveal a vital capacity of two liters which is well below the predicted value of five liters. This suggests which disorder?


Occasionally food or liquids will "go down the wrong pipe," initiating a cough reflex. Which structural barrier has been breached if this happens?


Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the lungs and through all cell membranes by ________.

Increased levels of the hormone ________ will lead to increased levels of calcium ion in the blood.


cystic duct

Pancreatic amylase does NOT get to the small intestine via the ________.

secrete enzymes that kill bacteria

Paneth cells ________.

hydrochloric acid

Parietal cells of the stomach produce ________.

pharyngeal tonsil

People who have their adenoids removed to cut down on snoring are having their ______ removed.

chief cells of the stomach

Pepsinogen, an inactive digestive enzyme, is secreted by the ________.

carbonic anhydrase

Red blood cells contain the enzyme ____, which catalyzes the formation of carbonic acid.

Which of the following is not true of the respiratory tract from the medium bronchi to the aveoli?

Resistance to air flow increases due to the increase in cross-sectional diameter.

medulla and pons

Respiratory control centers are located in the ________.

Because the lungs are filled with fluid during fetal life, which of the following statements is true regarding respiratory exchange?

Respiratory exchanges are made through the placenta.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Respiratory rate is lowest in newborn infants.

If intact proteins are transported across the villus epithelium, an immune response may be generated.

Select the correct statement about absorption.

Chyme entering the duodenum can decrease gastric motility via the enterogastric reflex.

Select the correct statement about digestive processes.

Iron and calcium are absorbed mostly by the duodenum

Select the correct statement about electrolyte absorption

A 50% oxygen saturation level of blood returning to the lungs might indicate an activity level higher than normal.

Select the correct statement about oxygen transport in blood:

The auditory tube drains into the nasopharynx.

Select the correct statement about the pharynx.

As alveolar surface tension increases, additional muscle action will be required.

Select the correct statement about the physical factors influencing pulmonary ventilation.

Gastric secretion can be stimulated before food has entered the mouth.

Select the correct statement about the regulation of gastric secretion.


Short-chain triglycerides found in foods such as butterfat molecules in milk are split by a specific enzyme in preparation for absorption. Which of the following enzymes is responsible?


The ________ contains lobules with sinusoids (lined with macrophages) that lead to a central venous structure.

plicae circulares and intestinal villi

The absorptive effectiveness of the small intestine is enhanced by increasing the surface area of the mucosal lining. Which of the following accomplish this task?

inspiratory reserve

The amount of air that can be inspired above the tidal volume is called ________.

Select the correct statement about the pharynx.

The auditory tube drains into the nasopharynx.

stomach; chyme

The bolus is liquefied in the ________ and it is now called ________.

lamina propria

The capillaries that nourish the epithelium and absorb digested nutrients lie in the ________.

What is the chloride shift and why does it occur?

The chloride shift is an ionic exchange process whereby chloride ions move from the plasma into the erythrocytes to counterbalance the net positive charge left within the erythrocytes by the rapid outrush of negative bicarbonate ions.

hepatopancreatic ampulla

The ducts that deliver bile and pancreatic juice from the liver and pancreas, respectively, unite to form the ________.


The enzymatic breakdown of any type of food molecule is called ________.

surface tension from pleural fluid and negative pressure in the pleural cavity

The factors responsible for holding the lungs to the thorax wall are ________.

loose connective tissue

The lamina propria is composed of ________.

thyroid cartilage

The larynx contains ________.

Henry's law

The law that applies to the amount of CO2 you could dissolve in a soda is called ________ law.

force with which air rushes across the vocal folds

The loudness of a person's voice depends on the ________.

vital capacity

The lung volume that represents the total volume of exchangeable air is the ________.


The major nonelastic source of resistance to air flow in the respiratory passageways is ________.

in the walls of the tract organs

The mechanical and chemical receptors that control digestive activity are located ________.

increase of carbon dioxide

The most powerful respiratory stimulus for breathing in a healthy person is ________.

as the initiator of the cough reflex

The nose serves all the following functions except ________.

Select the correct statement about the neural mechanisms of respiratory control.

The pons is thought to be instrumental in the smooth transition from inspiration to expiration.

alveolar and capillary walls and their fused basement membranes.

The respiratory membrane is a combination of ________.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the respiratory rate of a newborn?

The respiratory rate of a newborn is, at its highest rate, approximately 40-80 respirations per minute.

serous cells and mucus cells

The salivary glands are composed of which two types of secretory cells?

electrolytes, digestive enzyme, mucin, lysozyme, wastes, and IgA

The solutes contained in saliva include ________.

Dalton's Law

The statement, "in a mixture of gases, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of gases in the mixture" paraphrases ________.


The terminal portion of the small intestine is known as the ________.

If a baby is born at 28 weeks' gestation, what major problem will the doctors look for?

The type II alveolar cells may not have fully developed; therefore, there is the possibility of lung collapse, resulting in severe breathing difficulties.

secrete surfactant

The walls of the alveoli are composed of two types of cells, type I and type II. The function of type II is to ________.


There are some 20 known pathogens found in the large intestine; our Ig ________ antibody-mediated response restricts them from going beyond the mucosa and causing problems.

before food enters the stomach and is triggered by aroma, sight, or thought

There are three phases of gastric secretion. The cephalic phase occurs ________.

exchanged during normal breathing

Tidal volume is air ________.


What part of the tooth bears the force resists the friction of chewing?

intrinsic factor

What stomach secretion is necessary for normal hemoglobin production in RBCs?

blood pH adjustment

Which of the following is not an event necessary to supply the body with O2 and dispose of CO2?

cardiac notch

Which of the following is not found on the right lobe of the lung?

Pressure gradient equals gas flow over resistance.

Which of the following is not possible?

contains enzymes that begin the breakdown of proteins

Which of the following is not true of saliva?

the recoil of elastic fibers that were stretched during inspiration and the inward pull of surface tension due to the film of alveolar fluid

Unlike inspiration, expiration is a passive act because no muscular contractions are involved. Expiration, however, depends on two factors. Which of the choices below lists those two factors?

chemical digestion

When we ingest large molecules such as lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins, they must undergo catabolic reactions whereby enzymes split these molecules. This series of reactions is called ________.

pontine respiratory group (PRG)

Which center is located in the pons?


Which hormone causes an increased output of enzyme-rich pancreatic juice and stimulates gallbladder contraction to release bile?

the natural tendency for the lungs to recoil and the surface tension of the alveolar fluid

Which of the choices below describes the forces that act to pull the lungs away from the thorax wall and thus collapse the lungs?

partial pressure gradient

Which of the choices below determines the direction of respiratory gas movement?

assist in blood flow to and from the heart because the heart sits between the lungs

Which of the choices below is NOT a role of the pleurae?

transport of respiratory gases

Which of the choices below is not a functional process performed by the respiratory system?

aids in blood flow to and from the heart because the heart sits between the lungs

Which of the choices below is not a role of the pleura?


Which of the disorders below is characterized by destruction of the walls of the alveoli producing abnormally large air spaces that remain filled with air during exhalation?

as bicarbonate ion in plasma

Which of the following INCORRECTLY describes mechanisms of CO2 transport?

attached to the heme part of the hemoglobin

Which of the following INCORRECTLY describes mechanisms of CO2 transport?

arytenoid cartilage

Which of the following anchor(s) the vocal folds?

fungiform and circumvallate

Which of the following are types of papillae on the tongue that contain taste buds?

chloride shifting

Which of the following counteracts the movement of bicarbonate ions from the RBC?

alveolar surface tension

Which of the following determines lung compliance?

nitric oxide

Which of the following does NOT influence hemoglobin saturation?

decrease in lactic acid levels

Which of the following does not influence the increase in ventilation that occurs as exercise is initiated?


Which of the following enzymes is specific for proteins?


Which of the following is (are) not important as a stimulus in the gastric phase of gastric secretion?


Which of the following is NOT a phase of gastric secretion?

It is longer than the small intestine

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the large intestine?

terminal bronchiole

Which of the following is a conducting zone structure?

synthesize vitamin K and B-complex vitamins

Which of the following is an essential role played by large intestine bacteria?

High-altitude conditions always result in lower-than-normal hemoglobin saturation levels because less O2 is available to be loaded.

Which of the following is correct regarding acclimatization?


Which of the following is not a factor that helps create the stomach mucosal barrier?


________ is locally regulated in the blood by the active form of vitamin D, which acts as a cofactor.

enhances sensitivity to insulin


what gland is part of the sympathetic nervous system

adrenal medulla

Which of the choices below is not a role of the pleura?

aids in blood flow to and from the heart because the heart sits between the lungs

A hormone that helps to regulate the sodium ion content of the body is


The most important mineralcorticoid regulator of electrolyte concentrations in extracellular fluids is ________.


Bitter taste is elicited by ________.



allows the flow of small molecules across capillaries, such as glucose and oxygen from the blood into the tissue and CO2 from the tissue into the blood

produces glycagon

alpha cells in pancreas

The respiratory membrane is a combination of ________.

alveolar and capillary walls and their fused basement membranes

Terminates in alveoli.

alveolar duct

Which of the following determines lung compliance?

alveolar surface tension

Which of the following provide the greatest surface area for gas exchange?


When renin is released from the kidney

angiotensinogen is converted into angiotensin I.

The main control of peripheral resistance occurs in the


How is the bulk of carbon dioxide carried in blood?

as the bicarbonate ion in the plasma after first entering the red blood cells

The nose serves all the following functions except ________.

as the initiator of the cough reflex

Approximately ________ liters of glomerular filtrate enter glomerular capsules each day. a. 480 b. 180 c. 125 d. 18 e. 1.8

b. 180

After a lipid-soluble hormone is bound to its intracellular receptor, what does the hormone complex do? a. phosphorylates a protein b. acts as a transcription factor and binds to DNA, activating a gene c. activates a protein kinase d. directly alters protein synthesis at the ribosome

b. Acts as a transcription factor and binds to DNA, activating a gene.

What hormone released into the blood by the posterior pituitary inhibits or prevents urine formation? a. oxytocin b. antidiuretic hormone (ADH) c. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) d. cortisol

b. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Which of the following hormones has intracellular receptors? a. insulin b. cortisol c. epinephrine

b. Cortisol

Steroid hormones exert their action by ___. a. binding cell receptors and initiating cAMP activity b. entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene c. entering the cell and activating mitochondrial DNA d. activating the hypothalamic release of regulating hormones

b. Entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene.

Which of the following is NOT a major type of stimulus that triggers endocrine glands to manufacture and release hormones? a. humoral b. enzymatic c. neural d. hormonal

b. Enzymatic

Which of the following is not a steroid-based hormone? a. cortisone b. epinephrine c. aldosterone d. estrogen

b. Epinephrine

Which of the following is not a type of hormone interaction? a. synergism b. feedback c. permissiveness d. antagonism

b. Feedback

Thyroxine is a peptide hormone, but its mechanism is different from other peptide hormones. Which of the following statements is true concerning this difference? a. It is a stimulant of cellular metabolism and targets all cells. b. It does not require a second messenger to effect a response. c. It is very specific in the cell type it targets. d. It causes positive feedback.

b. It does not require a second messenger to effect a response.

Which of the following hormones mainly serves to stimulate milk production by the breasts? a. follicle-stimulating hormone b. prolactin c. adrenocorticotropic hormone d. thyroid-stimulating hormone

b. Prolactin

Which hormone's receptor is always bound to DNA, even when the receptor is empty? a. insulin b. thyroid hormone c. cortisol

b. Thyroid hormone

Most solutes that are reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule use which of the following pathways? a. paracellular b. Transcellular

b. Transcellular

Growth factor hormones, such as insulin, bind to which type of receptor? a. intracellular receptors b. tyrosine kinase receptors c. G proteins

b. Tyrosine kinase receptors

What type of hormones bind to receptors located on the cell membrane? a. lipid-soluble hormones, such as thyroid hormones and cortisol b. water-soluble hormones, such as insulin and epinephrine

b. Water-soluble hormones, such as insulin and epinephine

Thyroid hormone (a small iodinated amine) enters target cells in a manner similar to ________. a. insulin, because insulin is a small peptide b. growth hormone, because the thyroid works synergistically with thyroid hormone c. steroid hormones, because both diffuse easily into target cells d. glucagon, because the structure of glucagon is similar to that of thyroid hormone

c. Steroid hormones, because both diffuse easily into target cells.

The ability of a specific tissue or organ to respond to the presence of a hormone is dependent on ________. a. the location of the tissue or organ with respect to the circulatory path b. nothing-all hormones of the human body are able to stimulate any and all cell types because hormones are powerful and nonspecific c. the presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ d. the membrane potential of the cells of the target organ

c. The presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ.

In the countercurrent multiplication mechanism: a. active transport at the apical surface of the thin descending limb of the nephron loop moves sodium and chloride ions out of the tubular fluid and into the peritubular fluid of the renal medulla. b. as water is reabsorbed along the DCT and collecting duct, the concentration of urea gradually decreases in the tubular fluid. c. active transport at the apical surface of the thick ascending limb of the nephron loop moves sodium and chloride ions out of the tubular fluid and into the peritubular fluid of the renal medulla. d. the removal of sodium and chloride ions from the tubular fluid in the thick ascending limb decreases the osmotic concentration of the peritubular fluid around the thin descending limb

c. active transport at the apical surface of the thick ascending limb of the nephron loop moves sodium and chloride ions out of the tubular fluid and into the peritubular fluid of the renal medulla.

During reabsorption of water in the proximal convoluted tubule, what causes water to diffuse from the lumen into the interstitial space? a. active transport of water b. a decrease in the osmolarity of the interstitium c. an increase in the osmolarity of the interstitium

c. an increase in the osmolarity of the interstitium

The second-messenger mechanism of hormone action operates by ________. a. synthesizing more than one hormone at a time b. increasing the basal metabolic rate in the target organ c. binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP d. altering gene expression in the nuclear DNA

c. binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP.

Which of the following substances is not normally found in filtrate? a. water and small solutes b. ions, such as sodium and potassium c. blood cells and large particles d. nitrogenous waste particles, such as urea

c. blood cells and large particles

Secretion of hydrogen ion by the DCT is by the process of a. active transport. b. facilitated diffusion. c. countertransport. d. diffusion. e. cotransport.

c. countertransport

The filtration barrier in the renal corpuscle consists of three layers:

c. endothelium of glomerulus, dense layer of glomerulus, and podocyte filtration slits.

Which transport mechanism(s) results from blood pressure that forces water and solutes across the membranes of the glomerular capillaries and into the capsular space? a. reabsorption b. secretion c. filtration d. reabsorption and secretion

c. filtration

Which of the following reabsorbs 25% of the water in the nephron? a. distal convoluted tubule b. proximal convoluted tubule c. nephron loop d. collecting system

c. nephron loop

Which of the following would only be found in the glomerular filtrate if the glomerular membrane were damaged? a. chloride b. creatinine c. protein d. glucose

c. protein

In response to increased levels of aldosterone, the kidneys produce a. urine with a lower concentration of potassium ions. b. a larger volume of urine. c. urine with a lower concentration of sodium ions. d. urine with a higher concentration of sodium ions. e. urine with less glucose

c. urine with a lower concentration of sodium ions.

A hormone that can lower blood levels of calcium ion is


Pacemaker cells in the SA node

can spontaneously depolarize

Which of the following is not found on the right lobe of the lung?

cardiac notch

Which of the following maintains the patency (openness) of the trachea?

cartilage rings

insulin triggers enzymes to

catalyze oxidation of glucose to ATP production, polymerize glucose to form glycogen, and converts glucose to fat

humoral stimulii

changing blood levels of ions and nutrients directly stimulate secretion of hormones

Which area is sensitive to the hormone ADH? distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct

distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct

Cells that respond to peptide hormones usually do so through a sequence of biochemical reactions involving receptor and kinase activation. In order for cells to respond, it is necessary for first and second messengers to communicate. This is possible because ________. a. peptide hormones are converted by cell membranes enzymes into second messengers b. hormones alter cellular operations through direct stimulation of a gene c. the hormone receptor complex moves into the cytoplasm as a unit d. G protein acts as the link between first and second messengers

d. G protein acts as the link between first and second messengers.

Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids and that regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________. a. antibodies b. proteins c. enzymes d. hormones

d. Hormones

The stimuli causing endocrine glands to secrete their hormones in direct response to changing blood levels of certain critical ions and nutrients are called __________. a. endocrinal stimuli b. hormonal stimuli c. neural stimuli d. humoral stimuli

d. Humoral stimuli

Which second messenger causes the release of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum? a. tyrosine kinase b. DAG c. cAMP d. IP3

d. IP3

Which of the following transporters in the luminal membrane results in secretion? a. potassium ion channel b. glucose carrier transporter c. Na+-glucose cotransporter d. Na+-H+ countertransport

d. Na+-H+ countertransport

Acromegaly may be caused by all EXCEPT which of the following? a. hypersecretion of GHRH (growth hormone-releasing hormone) b. pancreatic tumor c. lack of negative feedback by insulin-like growth factors d. positive feedback by GH (growth hormone) on the anterior pituitary

d. Positive feedback by GH (growth hormone) on the anterior pituitary

Which of the following is NOT a change typically produced by a hormonal stimulus? a. activates or deactivates enzymes b. induces secretory activity c. alters plasma membrane permeability d. stimulates production of an action potential

d. Stimulates production of an action potential

Which event correctly occurs under maximum ADH stimulation? a. Facultative water reabsorption occurs in the PCT. b. Obligatory water reabsorption occurs in the DCT. c. The DCT and collecting system become impermeable to water. d. The DCT and collecting system become more permeable to water

d. The DCT and collecting system become more permeable to water

Which factor controlling glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is usually 0 mm Hg under normal circumstances? a. blood colloid osmotic pressure b. filtration pressure c. glomerular hydrostatic pressure d. capsular colloid osmotic pressure

d. capsular colloid osmotic pressure

What physiological process occurs at the structure labeled "2"? glomerulus b. reabsorption c. excretion d. filtration e. micturition f. secretion

d. filtration

When the level of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) decreases, a. the osmolarity of the urine decreases. b. more urine is produced. c. less urine is produced. d. more urine is produced and the osmolarity of the urine decreases. e. less urine is produced and the osmolarity of the urine decreases

d. more urine is produced and the osmolarity of the urine decreases

Which metabolite(s) or nutrient(s) is/are not present in normal urine? a. amino acids b. glucose c. lipids d. proteins

d. proteins

Formation of angiotensin I is triggered by ______. a. ADH b. aldosterone c. angiotensin II d. renin

d. renin

The decreased intracellular concentration of sodium in tubular cells during active transport is caused by which of the following mechanisms? a. sodium-glucose cotransporter b. the sodium-potassium ATPase pump in the luminal membrane c. passive sodium channels d. the sodium-potassium ATPase pump in the basolateral membrane

d. the sodium-potassium ATPase pump in the basolateral membrane

Which of the following does not influence the increase in ventilation that occurs as exercise is initiated?

decrease in lactic acid levels

With the Bohr effect, more oxygen is released because a(n) ________.

decrease in pH (acidosis) weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond

atrial natriuretic peptide

decreases blood Na+ concentration, therefore blood pressure and blood volume

Cardiac output can be increased by all of the followingexcept one. Choose the exception.

decreasing ejection fraction

Which of the following would have thegreater effect on vascular resistance?

decreasing the diameter of a blood vessel by ½

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the lungs and through all cell membranes by ________.


what processes move fluids across capillary walls?

diffusion, filtration, capillary hydrostatic pressure, and reabsorption

The exocrine portion of the pancreas produces

digestive enzymes

The mechanism for producing concentrated urine involves a. the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). b. aquaporins being inserted into the membranes of the collecting duct cells. c. a high concentration of NaCl in the interstitial fluid that surrounds the collecting ducts. d. a properly functioning nephron loop (loop of Henle). e. all of the above

e. all of the above

The structure known as the juxtaglomerular apparatus is located near the a. the collecting duct. b. the proximal convoluted tubule. c. renal papilla. d. the nephron loop (loop of Henle). e. glomerulus.

e. glomerulus

Increased sympathetic tone can do all of the following, except a. increase systemic blood pressure. b. increase cardiac output. c. produce venoconstriction of blood reservoirs. d. stimulate peripheral vasoconstriction. e. increase the glomerular filtration rate

e. increase the glomerular filtration rate

The process of filtration occurs at a. the proximal convoluted tubule. b. the distal convoluted tubule. c. the collecting duct. d. the nephron loop (loop of Henle). e. the glomerular (Bowman's) capsule

e. the glomerular (Bowman's) capsule

factors that influence insulin release

elevated blood glucose levels; rising blood levels of AAs and fatty acids; release of ACh by parasympathetic nervous system; glucagon, epinephrine, growth hormone, thyroxine, and glucocorticoids; somatostatins

Which of the disorders below is characterized by destruction of the walls of the alveoli producing abnormally large air spaces that remain filled with air during exhalation?


Steroid hormones exert their action by ________.

entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene

The cartilaginous flap that closes the trachea during swallowing is called the ________.


When it becomes necessary to enlist the fight-or-flight response, a hormone that is released during the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome is ________.


Which hormone stimulates production of RBCs and which organ or structure produces it?

erythropoietin; kidney

Tidal volume is air ________.

exchanged during normal breathing

As carbon dioxide enters systemic blood, it causes more oxygen to dissociate from hemoglobin (the Haldane effect), which in turn allows more CO2 to combine with hemoglobin and more bicarbonate ion to be generated (the Bohr effect).


During normal quiet breathing, approximately 750 ml of air moves into and out of the lungs with each breath.


ADH ________.

is inhibited by alcohol

The neurohypophysis or posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is not a true endocrine gland because ________.

it is only a hormone storage area that receives hormones from the hypothalamus for release

factors that decrease blood pressure

low O2, High CO2, High H+, and high K+; prostaglandins, low sympathetic tone, and ANP


lowers blood glucose levels; enhances the membrane transport of glucose into fat and muscle cells; inhibits glycogenolysis and glucogenesis; participates in neural development and learning and memory

arterial blood pressure

maintains blood flow through capillary beds


major target is the liver; causes increased blood glucose levels; effect on glycogenesis, gluconeogenesis, and release of glucose to blood


maturation of reproductive organs; appearance of secondary sexual characteristics; with progesterone, causes breast development and cyclic changes in uterine mucosa

Respiratory control centers are located in the ________.

medulla and pons

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