A&P final

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The law of partial pressure, also known as __1__. If two gases have the same partial pressure, but gas A has a higher water solubility coefficient than gas B, then gas ___2__ will diffuse at a faster rate. ______3___ states that the amount of a gas that dissolves in water is a function of its partial pressure and its solubility coefficient. If the alveolar partial pressure of gas A is 110 mm Hg and the partial pressure of gas B is 135, then gas ___4___ will diffuse into the blood at a faster rate. If the P(CO2) in the tissues increases, then the P(CO2) in the systemic venous blood will ___5___.

1. Dalton's law 2. gas A 3. henry's law 4. gas B 5. increase

The most important stimulus affecting breathing rate and depth is ___1___ Central chemoreceptors monitor ___2___ and peripheral chemoreceptors monitor ____3___. The peripheral chemoreceptors differ from central chemoreceptors because they are stimulated by changes in __4__ produced independently of P(CO₂). In general, ___5___ P(O₂), ____6____P(CO₂), and production of H⁺, will cause greater stimulation of the respiratory center.

1. blood P(CO₂) 2. CSF 3. blood 4. H⁺ 5. decreased 6. increased

In the emmetropic eye, the __1___ muscle is relaxed and dilated. This will put tension on the suspensory ligament and flatten the ___2___. Oppositely in accommodation, the ciliary muscle contracts and __3___ the diameter of the ciliary body. This action reduces tension on the ___4___ ligament. This results in the lens forming a ___5___ shape.

1. ciliary 2. lens 3. narrows 4. suspensory 5. convex

Place the following labels in order indicating the passage of light through the eyeball.

1. cornea 2. anterior chamber 3. pupil 4. posterior chamber 5. lens 6. vitreous humor 7. retina 8. vascular tunic

A ___1___ is the simplest of all reflexes. The __2___ axons synapse directly on the ___3__ neurons, whose axons project to the __4__. Very minor synaptic delay is incurred in the single synapse of this reflex arc, resulting in a __5___ reflex response. A ___6__ has more complex neural pathways that exhibit a number of synapses involving ___7__ within the reflex arc. Because this reflex arc has more components, a more ___8__ delay occurs between stimulus and response.

1. monosynaptic reflex 2. sensory 3. motor 4. effector 5. very prompt 6. polysynaptic reflex 7. interneurons 8. prolonged

1. Mucus + saliva + entrapped material = 2. An antibacterial enzyme = 3. Antimicrobial proteins = 4. Antibodies = 5. Cells that produce mucus = 6. A protein that increases mucus viscosity =

1. sputum 2. lysozyme 3. defensins 4. immunoglobin A 5. goblet 6. mucins

T/F 1. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in developed countries. 2. The amsler grid is used to test for macular degeneration. 3. The majority of macular degeneration cases are found in adolescents. 4. There is currently no cure for macular degeration.

1. true 2. true 3. false 4. true

A typical spinal cord in an adult is

16-18 inches long

The eye measures about ________ in diameter.

2.5 cm

There are five basic taste sensations. Select the one mismatched with its stimulating agent.

Bitter; acids such as those in toxins or poisons

What is a likely result of damage to the phrenic nerve?

Loss of motor control of the thoracic diaphragm

Which is not a function of the respiratory system?

Sound reception

Which statement accurately describes structures at a taste bud?

The gustatory microvillus of a gustatory cell extends through the taste pore of a taste bud

4 terms for ascending tract = 4 terms for descending tract =

a = posterior funiculus, fasciculus gracilis, anterolateral system, spinothalamic tract d = lateral cortico tract, tecto tract, medial tract, lateral vesti tract

3 characteristics of asthma = 3 characteristics of bronchitis =

a = wheezing, coughing, mucus; lasts an hour or two; treatment is steroids b = inflammation caused by viruses; acute or chronic; resolves within 10-14 days

The route that the sensation of taste follows isa: Primary axons pass along cranial nerves VII and IX.b: Primary neurons synapse in the nucleus solitarius.c: Secondary neurons synapse in the thalamus.d: Tertiary neurons travel to the primary gustatory cortex.


When your eyes adjust from low levels of illumination to bright light, the process is known as light _________.


Caffeine and unsweetened chocolate both taste bitter, as they are


Phagocytic cells of the alveolus are the ....

alveolar macrophages

Olfactory receptor cells are _____ neurons.


The lateral horns of the spinal cord contain ...

cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons

3 characteristics of cervical = 3 characteristics of thoracic = 2 characteristics of lumbar = 2 characteristics of sacral =

cerv = nerves innervate muscles of the neck, has neurons that innervate the upper limbs, C1-C8 thor = nerves innervate intercostals, contains no enlargement, T1-T12 lum = gives rise to the femoral nerve, L1-L5 sac = gives rise to the sciatic nerve, S1-S5

The spinal cord part with the largest diameter is the ___________ part.


What is the correct order for the parts of the spinal cord, from superior to inferior?

cervical - thoracic - lumbar - sacral - coccygeal

By definition, transducers ....

change one form of energy into another form

The inferior tip of the spinal cord is the ___________ part.


How does the urinary bladder respond to the micturition reflex?

contraction of its wall

Because most pathways decussate, each side of the brain processes information from the _________ side of the body.


3 items that decrease oxyhemoglobin levels = 2 items that increase oxyhemoglobin levels =

decrease = increased temp, decreased pH, heavy exercise increase = decreased P(CO2), increased P(O2)

When our brains process visual information about objects directly in front of us, they are able to use information that compares signals from the two eyes (steroscopic vision) in order to provide

depth perception

Each side of the spinal cord gives rise to _____ cervical nerves.


T/F Axons of the anterior corticospinal tracts decussate in the medulla.


T/F Muscarinic cholinergic receptors always produce a stimulatory or excitatory response.


T/F Rods and cones face the light coming into the eye.


T/F The reason we can detect so many different odors is that each olfactory neuron is slightly different from the others, allowing for a wide range of odor sensations.


T/F The white matter of the spinal cord is surrounded by its grey matter.


Which papillae, distributed on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue surface, lack taste buds?


What is the thin strand of pia mater that helps to anchor the spinal cord to the coccyx?

filium terminale

The _______ of a sound stimulus is interpreted as its pitch and measured in hertz, whereas its _______ is the amplitude of the sound waves and is measured in decibels.

frequency, loudness

Pitch refers to the ________ of sound waves; pitch is determined by the tension produced by ________ laryngeal muscles.

frequency; intrinsic

3 terms for gray matter = 4 terms for white matter =

gray = marked by low myelination, anterior horn, lateral horn white = contains myelinated axons, tecto tract, posterior funiculus, fasciculus gracilis

4 found in the CNS= 4 not found in the CNS=

in CNS = posterior horn, central canal, posterior median sulcus, spinothalamic tracts not = posterior root, posterior ramus, sympathetic chain ganglion, communicating ramus

The cell bodies of the preganglionic neurons in the sympathetic division are located

in the lateral horns of the T1-L2 spinal cord segments

Exposure to irritants causes mucus production to ..


After causing vibrations of the malleus, sound waves pass (in sequence) through the

incus stapes oval window scala vestibuli perilymph and cochlear duct endolymph.

Each thoracic spinal nerve emerges from intervertebral foramen that is _____ to the vertebra of the same number.


Distortion of hair cells in the cochlea causes

initiation of action potentials in CN VIII

2 terms about intrapleural pressure = 2 terms about intrapulmonary pressure =

intrapleural pressure = lung expression is dependent, pressure generated in the pleural cavity intrapulmonary = pressure in the lungs, outward pull of the chest wall and inward pull of the lungs

The lungs remain inflated because ...

intrapleural pressure is less than intrapulmonary pressure

The structure that functions as a diaphragm to control pupil size is the ..


Which is not correct about the left lung?

it has an esophageal depression

What type of receptors detect deep pressure and vibration?

lamellated corpuscles

What structure prevents food and drink from entering the trachea, conducts air, and produces sound?


The male voice tends to be in a lower range than a female's voice because men have ...

longer and thicker vocal cords

The main function of serous fluid is to ...

lubricate and reduce friction between pleural membranes around the lung

Following an injury to his arm, a patient complains that he has no sensations from the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and part of the ring finger. What nerve do you suspect to be damaged?

median nerve

3 items for MONOSYNAPTIC reflex= 3 items for POLYSYNAPTIC reflex=

mono= simplest reflex, does not involve interneurons, patellar reflex poly= more prolonged delay between stimulus and response, interneurons receive and process info, withdrawal reflex

In a common reflex arc, after a sensory nerve signal is processed by interneurons in the integration center, where does the signal go next?

motor neuron

Following an injury to his arm, a patient complains that he has lost the ability to flex his elbow and supinate his forearm. Which nerve do you suspect he has damaged?

musculocutaneous nerve

2 items in nasal vestibule = 2 items in respiratory region = 2 items in olfactory region =

nasal = skin, vibrissae resp = extensive vascularity in lamina propria, drainage of ducts olf = olfactory receptors, detection of odors

Into what region of the pharynx do auditory tubes open?


A flattened lens is ...

necessary for distant vision

Which of the following terms describes axons from many preganglionic cells synapsing on a single ganglionic cell?

neuronal convergence

Olfactory glomeruli are located in the ...

olfactory bulbs

4 opaque structures of the eye = 4 transparent structures of the eye =

opaque = sclera, iris, ciliary body, choroid transparent = cornea, lens, vitreous humor, aqueous humor

Which division of the autonomic nervous system maintains homeostasis when we are at rest?


If a person suffers a thorax-crushing injury and is unable to breathe properly, you would suspect that this nerve was damaged.

phrenic nerve

Which of the following accounts for the loss of functional alveoli in an individual with a lung disease?

physiologic dead space

Suppose that following an automobile accident, a broken rib penetrates into the pleural cavity, causing air to accumulate in the space between the visceral and parietal pleura. This condition is known as a ...


Some prey animals, such as rabbits, have laterally placed eyes, and the images on their two retinas do not overlap. Such animals would be expected to show _________ depth perception.


The cell bodies of sensory neurons are found in ...

posterior root ganglia

gray rami carries ____ axons white rami carries ____ axons

postganglionic; preganglionic

Following an injury to his arm, a patient complains that he cannot extend the forearm, wrist, and digits. You suspect that he has damaged the ____

radial nerve

Which photoreceptor cells function in dim light?


3 characteristics for somatic nervous system = 3 characteristics for autonomic nervous system =

s = voluntary control, one lower motor neuron, stimulates skeletal muscle fibers a = involuntary control, two lower motor neurons, innervates cardiac muscle and smooth muscle

The sciatic nerve arises from which nerve plexus?


As middle-aged persons get older, the lenses of their eyes no longer assume as round a shape when their ligaments slacken. This results in difficulty in

seeing nearby objects

Conscious awareness of incoming sensory information is called


Breathing muscles such as the diaphragm are controlled by neurons of the _________ nervous system.


Place the respiratory structures below in the order that air would pass through them as it moves from the outside to the inside of the body.

starting with outside: primary bronchus secondary bronchus tertiary bronchus terminal bronchioles respiratory bronchioles alveolar ducts alveolar sacs alveoli

Changes in the external and internal environment are ________ that are detected by the sensory system.


2 terms for stretch reflex = 2 terms for crossed-extensor reflex = 1 term for flexor reflex = 2 terms for tendon reflex

stretch = muscle spindles are the receptor, initiated by an increase in muscle length crossed= marked by actions to stabilize the limb opposite of injurious agents, involves contralateral excitation of extensors and inhibition of flexors flexor = involves ipsilateral excitation of flexors and inhibition of extensors tendon = tendon organs are the receptors, initiated by excessive force in the tendon

What is the most numerous type of receptor?

tactile receptors

The stereocilia of cochlear hair cells project into the ...

tectorial membrane

In adults, the spinal cord is not the same length as the vertebral canal, and most of the lumbar part of the spinal cord is within ...

the thoracic vertebrae

During quiet expiration, ...

thoracic cavity volume decreases

T/F Breathing is controlled reflexively and consciously because both autonomic and somatic nuclei in the brain are involved.


T/F During development, the growth of the vertebrae continues for longer than the growth of the spinal cord itself.


T/F During systemic gas exchange, oxygen diffuses from the blood to the tissues and carbon dioxide diffuses from the tissues to the blood.


T/F Olfactory receptor cells are modified bipolar neurons that bear olfactory hairs.


T/F Receptors contain modality-gated channels within their plasma membranes.


T/F Some motor pathways originate in the cerebellum.


T/F The depth and rate of respiration influence blood levels of hydrogen ion. Group starts


T/F The enteric nervous system contains both motor and sensory neurons.


T/F The parasympathetic division is also called the craniosacral division because its preganglionic neurons are housed within nuclei in the brainstem and within the lateral gray matter of the S2-S4 spinal cord segments.


T/F The spinal cord exhibits some functional independence from the brain such as the reflexes it controls.


T/F The two-neuron chain allows increased communication and control of the effector organ.


T/F There are eight pairs of cervical spinal nerves, but only seven cervical vertebrae.


The motor division of the autonomic nervous system has ___________neuron(s) in each pathway.


Hyperventilation causes generalized ______, which ______ blood flow to the brain and can result in feeling dizzy or faint.

vasoconstriction; decreases

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