A&P I Lab Exam 2

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The hard palate is made up of what bones?

Palatine bone and palatine process of the maxilla

Name the sesamoid bone that forms in the quadriceps tendon


Identify the three parts of the sternum

-Manubrium -Body -Xiphoid process

Know the bones of the face, including which ones are paired or unpaired

-Maxilla (2) -Mandible (1) -Vomer (1) -Lacrimal (2) -Nasal (2) -Palatine (2) -Zygomatic (2) -Inferior nasal concha (2)

Identify the acetabulum

-Men: larger, directed more anteriorly -Women: smaller, directed more horizontally

Identify parts of the ulna

-Olecranon -Coronoid processes

Identify the following structures of the skull on the various diagrams and models in the lab

-Orbit -Supraorbital ridges -Coronoid process (mandible) -Mandibular condyle (mandible) Ramus (mandible) -Body (mandible) -Angle (mandible) -Incisors -Canines -Premolars -Molars -External auditory meatus -Mastoid process -Styloid process -Zygomatic arch (made of temporal and zygomatic bones) -Foramen magnum -Occipital condyle -External occipital protuberance -Hard palate (2 bones - maxillary and palatine)

Identify parts of the digits (foot)

-Proximal phalanx -Middle phalanx -Distal phalanx -Number from hallux or great toe

Identify parts of the digits (hand)

-Proximal phalanx -Middle phalanx -Distal phalanx -Number from thumb

How many bones fuse together to form the sacrum and coccyx?

-S1: 5 -Cd: 4

Identify the following parts of an individual vertebra

-Spinous process -Transverse process -Body -Vertebral foramen

Provide an example of the following type of joint: Suture, gomphosis, syndesmosis

-Suture: Sagittal suture -Gomphosis: Teeth and mandible -Syndesmosis: Distal tibia and distant fibula

Identify parts of the tibia

-Tibial tuberosity -Medial condyles -Lateral condyles -Medial malleolous

Know the difference between true and false ribs

-True: 1-7 (attached to sternum by its own cartilage) -False: 8-10 (attach to sternum by way of the cartilage of rib 7) -Floating: 11-12 (do not attach to sternum)

Which vertebra is the "yes" bone? Which bone is the "no" bone?

-Yes: C1 - Atlas -No: C2 - Axis

Which ribs (by number) are floating ribs?

11 and 12

How many lumbar vertebrae are in the human body?


The epiphyseal line on the humerus has what other name?

Anatomical neck

How many bones are in the ankle versus the wrist?

Ankle (7) < Wrist (8)

The study or articulations, or joints, is called _____


On what vertebra would you find the odontoid process?

Axis (C2)

Each metacarpal bone consists of three major regions. What are these?

Base, shaft, and distal head

What is the human vertebral formula?

C7, T12, L5, S1 (5), Cd4

What is another name for the heelbone?


Which spinal curvature is the most superior one?


What is the common name for the zygomatic bone?


Identify the clavicle


Name the anterior depression of the scapula

Coracoid process

A rib that attaches to the sternum by the cartilage of rib 7 has what name?

False or vertebrochondral rib

What kind of joint (based on joint composition or structure) is one in which the bones are held together by collagenous fibers?

Fibrous joint

What are the names of the major paranasal sinuses?

Frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, and sphenoidal

The humerus fits into what depression of the scapula?

Glenoid cavity/fossa

The teeth are held in the jaw by what specific kind of joint?

Gomphosis (fibrous)

What are the names of the fibrocartilage pads between adjacent bodies of the vertebrae?

Intervertebral discs

The sagittal suture separates the _____ from the _____

Left parietal; right parietal

Know the structure that attaches the acetabulum to the femur's fovea capitis

Ligamentum teres

Name the roughened line that runs the length of the posterior femur

Linea aspera

The mandible fits into what part of the temporal bone to for the jaw joint?

Mandibular fossa

The superior portion of the sternum is called the ______


What is the name of the bony process posterior to the earlobe?

Mastoid process

What is the name of the process on the distal portion of the tibia?

Medial malleolous

What are the names of the bones that surround the opening of the nose?

Nasal and maxilla

Does the hyoid bone have and solid bony attachent


In what bone would you find the foramen magnum?

Occipital bone

What is the joint between the sacrum and hipbones called?

Sacroiliac joint

Identify parts of the sacroiliac joint


The joint between the trapezium and the first metacarpal is what kind of joint?


The sella turcica is found in what bones?

Sphenoid bone

What bone is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone in the orbit?

Sphenoid bone

What structure passes through the vertebral foramen?

Spinal cord

The eyebrows are superficial to what bone?

Supraorbital margin

The _________ joins the two coxal bones at the anterior junction of these bones

Symphysis pubis

The epiphyseal plate is a cartilaginous joint. It is also called a(n) ______


Provide an example of the following type of joint: Synchondrosis, symphysis

Synchondrosis: Costal cartilage to sternum Symphysis: Pubis symphysis, between vertebral bodies

When two bones fuse into a single bone, this union is called a(n) _____


What is the only diathrotic joint of the skull?


What is the name of the bone of the foot that joins the tibia and fibula?


Name the carpal bone at the base of the thumb


What part of the rib articulates with the transverse process of a vertebra?


What two features do cervical vertebrae have that no other vertebrae have?

Two transverse foramina and bifid spinous process

The upper teeth are held by what bones?

Upper maxillae

Which bone is not a paired bone of the skull? (Zygomatic, temporal, lacrimal, or vomer)


What are the two bony structures that make up the nasal septum?

Vomer and ethmoid bone

The most inferior portion of the sternum is the _____


Be able to identify all labeled structures, including curvatures, on Figure 8.2

pg. 105

Identify parts of the metacarpals

-Know in proper numerical order

Identify specific parts of the scapula (pectoral girdle)

-Acromion -Coracoid -Glenoid -Infraspinous fossa -Supraspinous fossa -Spine

Label the following illustration using the terms provided (jaw)

-Alveolar process -Angle -Body -Coronoid process -Mandibular condyle -Mandibular foramen -Mandibular notch -Mental foramen -Ramus

Label the following illustration using the terms provided (clavicle)

-Angle -Costal groove -Head -Neck -Tubercle

Label the following illustration using the terms provided (knee joint)

-Articular cartilage -Fibrous capsule -Joint cavity -Periosteum -Synovial membrane

What is the general location of the hyoid bone and what type of connection does it have to the skeleton?

-At the junction of the floor of the mouth and the neck -No direct connection to bony attachments ("floating bone")

What are the special names for the first two cervical vertebra?

-Atlas (C1) -Axis (C2)

Match the cervical vertebrae with their numerical descriptions: Axis Vertebra prominens Atlas

-Axis: C2 -Vertebra prominens: C7 -Atlas: C1

Label the following illustration of the foot using the terms provided

-Calcaneus -Cuboid -First cuneiform -Navicular -Second cuneiform -Talus -Third cuneiform

Label the following illustration using the terms provided (skull)

-Carotid canal -Foramen magnum -Foramen ovale -Internal nares -Lateral pterygoid plate -Mastoid process -Maxilla -Median palatine suture -Occipital bone -Occipital condyle -Palatine -Palatine process of maxilla -Sphenoid -Temporal -Vomer -Zygomatic bone -Zygomatic arch

Match the region, or vertebrae from the region, with the features or structures found there

-Cervical - Transverse foramina -Thoracic - Vertebral with rib pockets -Lumbar - Vertebrae with the largest vertebral bodies -Sacral - Ala -Coccyx - Typically, four fused vertebrae

Identify the following sutures on the various diagrams and models in the lab (see Figure 9.5 on pg. 121)

-Coronal -Sagital -Lamboid

Identify the following bones on the various diagrams and models in the lab

-Frontal -Parietal -Occipital -Sphenoid -Lacrimal -Temporal -Nasal -Zygomatic -Vomer -Maxilla -Mandible -Ethmoid

Know the bones of the cranial vault, including which ones are paired or unpaired

-Frontal (1) -Occipital (1) -Sphenoid (1) -Parietal (2) -Temporal (2) -Ethmoid (1)

Identify the paranasal sinuses in Figure 9.10 (pg. 128)

-Frontal Sinus -Ethmoid labyrinth -Sphenoidal -Maxillary

Rank the following joints in terms of least movable to most movable, with 1 being the least movable and 5 being the most movable

-Gliding (__) -Saddle (__) -Suture (__) -Syndesmosis (__) -Ball-and-socket (__)

Name the major features of the hyoid bone

-Greater cornu -Lesser cornu -Body

Distinguish between male and female os coxae

-Greater sciatic notch is narrow and deep in men and wide and shallow in women -Subpubic angle is greater in women; v-shaped in men

Match the following with the region it comes from: Hallux Ilium Clavicle Scaphoid Radius

-Hallux - Foot -Ilium - Coxal -Clavicle - Pectoral girdle -Scaphoid - Hand -Radius - Upper limb

Identify parts of the femur

-Head -Great trochanter -Lesser trochanter -Neck -Fovea capitis -Patellar groove -Lateral epicondyles -Medial epicondyles

Identify parts of the humerus

-Head -Greater tubercle -Trochlea -Olecranon fossa

Identify parts of the fibula

-Head -Lateral malleolus

Identify parts of the radius

-Head -Styloid process

Match the joint in the left column with the type of joint in the right column

-Hip - -Radiocarpal - -Tibiofemoral - -Intercarpal -

Identify parts of the carpals

-Identify their names and match to location -See mnemonic on pg. 93

Identify parts of the tarsals

-Identify their names and match to proper location

Identify parts of the os coxae

-Illium (iliac crest) -Ischium (ischial tuberosity) -Pubis (symphysis pubis)

Identify the metatarsals

-Know in numerical order

Label the following illustration using the terms provided (vertebra)

-Lamina -Pedicle -Spinous process -Transverse process -Vertebral arch -Vertebral body

Explain or define the following

-Ligament: -Bursa: -Tendons: -Tendon sheaths:

Which vertebra has no body?

Atlas (C1)

What is the function of the fibula?

Attachment point for muscles

What is the name of a joint that is held together by a joint capsule?

Synovial joint

Synovial fluid is secreted by what structure?

Synovial membrane

Provide an example of the following type of joint: Synovial

Synovial: Carpals

Which bone is not located in the orbit? (Maxilla, zygomatic, ethmoid, sphenoid, or temporal)


What is the name of the bone that makes up most of the temple?

Temporal bone

Identify all of the labeled structures in Figure 8.11

pg. 111

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