A&P II Lab Practical 2 Review

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A patient with iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis (IFDVT) has a blood clot located in the femoral or external iliac vein. Such a patient is at risk of the clot traveling to the lungs, resulting in a pulmonary embolism. Trace the route of the clot from the femoral vein to the pulmonary artery.

- femoral vein - external iliac vein - common iliac vein - inferior vena cava - right atrium of the heart - right ventricle of the heart - pulmonary trunk - pulmonary artery

Trace the blood from the mitral valve to the tricuspid valve by way of the great toe

- mitral valve - left ventricle - aorta - common iliac artery - external iliac artery - femoral artery - posterior tibial artery - medial plantar artery - digital artery - capillary beds - digital vein - plantar arch - plantar vein - posterior tibial vein - femoral vein - external iliac vein - common iliac vein - inferior vena cava - right atrium - tricuspid valve

Trace a molecule of oxygen from the nostrils to the pulmonary capillaries of the lungs:

- nostrils - nasal cavity - pharynx - larynx - trachea - main primary bronchus - lobar/segmental bronchi - bronchiole - respiratory bronchiole - alveolar duct - alveolar sac - across alveolar/capillary walls - pulmonary blood

which main bronchi is longer?

Left main bronchus

which main bronchi is more horizontal?

Left main bronchus

What are the sounds of Korotkoff?

Sounds that can be auscultated over a partially occluded artery

function of pharyngotympanic tube

allows the middle ear pressure to equalize with the atmospheric pressure

what is the function of the cerebral arterial circle?

also know as the circle of willis (ring of arteries), it provides alternate pathways for blood to reach the brain if there is impaired blood flow to the brain

The chambers that have just emptied when the second heart sound is heard are the __________.


immediately after the second heart sound both the _______ and _______ are filling with blood

atria and ventricles

the first heart sound (Lub) is a result of closure of the ________

atrioventricular valves

cardiac cycle

blood flow through heart during one complete heartbeat including atrial/ventricular contraction

what pressure point would you compress to help stop bleeding in the forearm?

brachial artery

vessel that is paired in the venous system, but only a single vessel is present in the arterial system


artery palpated at the side of the neck

carotid artery

The lining of the trachea is pseudostratified ciliated __________, which propels dust particles, bacteria, and other debris away from the lungs.

columnar epithelium

divides into the external and internal carotid arteries

common carotid

join to form the inferior vena cava

common iliac

effect on blood pressure: hemorrhage


effect on blood pressure: increased diameter of the arterioles


diastolic pressure

diastole (relaxation)

artery on the dorsum of the foot

dorsalis pedis artery

artery palpated on the dorsum of the foot

dorsalis pedis artery

covers the glottis during swallowing of food


a "lid" for the larynx

epiglottis cartilage

food passageway posterior to the trachea


what the external iliac artery becomes on entry into the thigh


what pressure point would you compress to help stop bleeding in the thigh?

femoral artery

pneumonia is an infectious disease in which fluid accumulates in the alveoli. patients who are diagnosed with pneumonia are monitored for their oxygen saturation levels. describe how pneumonia could affect the amount of oxygen in the blood.

gas exchange occurs at or along the membranes of the alveoli, if the alveoli are filled with fluid, gas exchange cannot occur. oxygen will not be able to diffuse form the inspired air into the blood and overall blood oxygen levels will decrease

what structural characteristics of the alveoli make them an ideal site for the diffusion of gases?

great surface area and thin walls

veins draining the liver

hepatic veins

indentation on the lung where the lung root structures enter and exit


effect on blood pressure: arteriosclerosis


effect on blood pressure: increased blood viscosity


effect on blood pressure: increased cardiac output


effect on blood pressure: increased pulse rate


two paired arteries serving the brain

internal carotid artery and vertebral artery

The two monosyllables describing the heart sounds are


vein that runs between the cephalic and basilic veins

median cubital vein

vein where blood is drawn from

median cubital vein


period of ventricular contraction


period of ventricular relaxation

connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx

pharyngotympanic tube

what pressure point would you compress to help stop bleeding in the calf?

popliteal artery


pressure surges in an artery occurring during each contraction and relaxation of left ventricle

Why is it important that the human trachea is reinforced with cartilaginous rings?

prevents collapse during pressure changes that occur during breathing

artery generally used to take the pulse at the wrist


The pulse is most often taken at the lateral aspect of the wrist, above the thumb, by compressing the _________

radial artery

artery palpated at the wrist

radial artery

what pressure point would you compress to help stop bleeding in the thumb?

radial artery

which main bronchi is larger in diameter?

right main bronchus

which main bronchi more commonly traps a foreign object that has entered the respiratory passageways?

right main bronchus

the second sound (dup) is a result of closure of the _________

semilunar valves

supplies most of the small intestine

superior mesenteric

systolic pressure

systole (ventricular contraction)

artery palpated in front of the ear

temporal artery

Why is the blood that drains into the hepatic portal circulation nutrient-rich?

the hepatic portal vein is formed by the veins that drain the digestive track which are nutrient rich

blood pressure

the pressure that is exerted by the blood against the walls of blood vessels

Most arteries of the adult body carry oxygen-rich blood, and the veins carry oxygen poor blood How does this differ in the pulmonary arteries and veins?

the pulmonary arteries carry oxygen poor blood to the lungs and the pulmonary veins carry oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart

Forms the Adam's apple

thyroid cartilage


tiny like balloon like structures, are composed of single thing layer of squamous epithelium, they are the main structural and functional units of the lung and the actual sites of gas exchange

Connects the larynx to the main bronchi


pharyngotympanic tube

tube that opens into the lateral walls of the nasopharynx and connects the nasopharynx to the middle ear

Describe the role that valves play in returning blood to the heart

valves prevent back flow of blood to the heart and ensure that blood flows "one way" into the heart

the heart chambers that have just been filled when you hear the first heart sound are the _______


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