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A home heating system connected to a temperature-sensitive thermostat is a nonbiological example of a negative feedback system. Which of the following best describes the heating element of the furnace?

right lower quadrant

A person with appendicitis will most often present pain in the __________.

A transverse or frontal plane

A radiographic image that would show both lungs would need to be in what plane?


A result of homeostatic imbalance could be __________.


A section that will allow you to look at the superior surface of the liver would be considered ________.


All ions are __________.

the thumbs are pointing medially

All of the following are correct positioning when placing the body in the anatomical position, except when __________.


An atom has an atomic number of 6 and a mass number of 14. How many neutrons does this atom have?

a chemical bond between atoms formed by the transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to the other

An ionic bond is __________.


An organic compound is analyzed, and it has twice as many hydrogen atoms as oxygen atoms. This compound is most likely a __________.

the pollex as the most lateral feature

Anatomical position is characterized by ________.


Approximately what percentage of the air we breathe is oxygen?

adenosine diphosphate (ADP)

As Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is hydrolyzed to provide energy for cellular needs, __________accumulates.

Endocrine system maintaining homeostasis by negative feedback

As blood sugar rises, receptors in the body sense this change, and the pancreas (the control center) secretes insulin into the blood. This change in turn prompts body cells to absorb more glucose, removing it from the bloodstream. As blood sugar falls, the stimulus for insulin release ends. Which of the following best describes this example of a feedback system?

proton donors or proton acceptors

Buffers tend to prevent dramatic changes in the pH when __________ are added to a solution.

a release of energy

Catabolic reactions involve __________.

are energy relationships between the electrons of the reacting atoms

Chemical bonds __________.

surface anatomy

Clinicians use ____________ to locate blood vessels in order to take a pulse or draw blood.

Enzyme proteins

Disaccharidases hydrolyzing disaccharides is an example of which type of proteins?

developmental anatomy

Embryology is best described as a subdivision of ____________.

Every organ system plays a direct role in excretion.

Excretion is the process of removing wastes from the body. If the body is to operate as we expect it to, it must get rid of nonuseful substances produced during digestion and metabolism. Which of the following is untrue with regards to excretion?.

Vitamin deficiencies that damage nerves and cause numbing in the hands may lead to failure to withdraw from a painful stimulus. This represents a failure in the effector portion of the homeostatic mechanism.

Failure of homeostatic mechanisms often lead to pathological symptoms. Which of the following represent an inaccurate pairing between parts of a homeostatic mechanism and disease?

Just as with acidity, temperature can denature proteins.

Fever is a body defense mechanism that speeds healing by increasing enzyme actions that are necessary to overcome a pathogen. However, higher temperature can also have which negative effect?

Chemical reactions would slow down.

If a cell were to become larger, but not gain or lose any of the chemicals inside, what would happen to the rate of chemical reactions?

metabolic reactions become slower

If the human body temperature drops below 37°C (98.6°F), the body's __________.

right inguinal (iliac) region

If you know that the appendix lies in the right lower part of the trunk, you could also say it lies in the __________.


In biochemistry, and thus in the body, the universal solvent is __________.


In blood, which of the following least fits the definition of a solute?

Most medical situations can be viewed from the point of view of a failure of homeostasis. Disease can be regarded as a disturbance of homeostasis. AND Positive and negative feedback mechanisms are named for the direction of the response relative to the initial stimulus.

In feedback, which statement is true?

one atom donates an electron to the other atom

Ionic bonds form between two atoms when __________.

Ionic bond

Large numbers of Na+ and Cl- ions associate to form salt (NaCl) crystals. This is an example of which bonding type?

lemon juice has a higher concentration of hydrogen ions and therefore a lower pH value compared to black coffee

Lemon juice is more acidic than coffee because _____________.

Amino acids

Match the following organic molecules to their biochemical building blocks: Proteins

Synthesis reaction

Match the following: A + B → AB

Nonpolar covalent bond

Match the following: A bond in which electrons are equally shared

Polar covalent bond

Match the following: A bond in which electrons are shared unequally

Hydrogen bond

Match the following: A type of bond that holds different parts of a single large, molecule together into a three-dimensional structure

Exchange reaction

Match the following: AB + C → AC + B

Consists of blood vessels, the heart, and blood

Match the following: Cardiovascular system

Smallest units of living things

Match the following: Cellular level

Interactions among molecules such as water, DNA, and proteins

Match the following: Chemical level

Is comprised of the intestine, liver, stomach, esophagus, and oral cavity

Match the following: Digestive system

Regulate inflammation

Match the following: Eicosanoids


Match the following: Electrically charged particle from loss of an electron

Contains the pituitary and thyroid glands

Match the following: Endocrine system

Regulation of body temperature

Match the following: Example of negative feedback system


Match the following: Fatty acids with all single bonds between carbon atoms


Match the following: Fatty acids with more than one double bond between carbon atoms

Mechanical energy

Match the following: Legs moving the pedals of a bicycle

Consists of the spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, bone marrow, and lymphatic vessels

Match the following: Lymphatic system

Muscle attached to the skeletal system

Match the following: Muscular system.

Several organs working together to carry out a shared function

Match the following: Organ system level

Electrical energy

Match the following: Represented by the flow of charged particles along a conductor or the flow of ions across a membrane

Consists of lung, trachea, bronchus, larynx, pharynx, and nasal cavity

Match the following: Respiratory system

Composed of alpha-helices or beta-pleated sheets

Match the following: Secondary structure

Bones, cartilage, and ligaments

Match the following: Skeletal system


Match the following: Smallest particle of a compound that still retains its properties

Include sex hormones

Match the following: Steroids

Inguinal (iliac) regions

Match the following: The abdominal regions that are directly lateral to the pubic (hypogastric) region

Lateral (lumbar) regions

Match the following: The abdominal regions that are located immediately left or right of the umbilical region

Groups of similar cells with a common function

Match the following: Tissue level

Used for energy storage and for insulation

Match the following: Triglycerides

Composed of the kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra

Match the following: Urinary system

Metabolism is regulated largely by the nervous system.

Metabolism is a broad term that includes all chemical reactions that occur within body cells. It includes breaking down substances into simpler building blocks (the process of catabolism), synthesizing more complex cellular structures from simpler substances (anabolism), and using nutrients and oxygen to produce (via cellular respiration) ATP, the energy-rich molecules that power cellular activities.Given what you know about metabolism, which of the following statements is false?

is defined as both moving the organism through the environment using the muscular system as well as moving substances through the internal organs of the body

Movement ________.

4 elements

Ninety-six percent of body weight is made up of __________.

B (protons) and C (neutrons)

On the image, indicate where most of the mass of the atom is.

A (electrons)

On the image, indicate which part of the atom is negatively charged?

to both cellular reproduction (where a cell divides producing two identical daughter cells) and organismal reproduction (making a new person)

Reproduction refers __________.

Carbohydrates, particularly glucose

Select the major energy fuel for forming adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Cellular, tissue, organ, organ system

Select the option that shows increasing complexity levels.

Abdominopelvic cavity

Serous membranes line the cavity walls and the surfaces of the organs that are contained within which of the following cavities?

have more H+ ions than OH- ions

Something with a pH of 5 would __________.


Sugars contain all of the following, except __________.


The ability to sense changes in the environment and respond to them is a physiological ability known as __________.

pleural cavity

The body cavity that houses a lung is known as the __________.

developmental anatomy

The branch of anatomy that traces structural changes that occur in the body throughout the life span is referred to as __________.


The building blocks of carbohydrates are called _________________.

pumps and transports blood

The cardiovascular system __________.

breaks down food

The digestive system __________.

Maintaining boundaries

The human body as a whole is enclosed and protected by the integumentary system. This is an example of a necessary life function. Select the correct function from the list below.

Complementarity of structure and function

The illustration depicts which of the following concepts?


The important cholesterol-based molecules are __________.

separates the body's internal environment from the external environment

The integumentary system ________.

defends the body from foreign substances

The lymphatic system __________.


The magnetic resonance image (MRI) shown is a _____________ section of the head.


The main function of DNA is to direct ____________ synthesis.

divides the body into left and right parts along the midline

The median or midsagittal plane __________.

provides locomotion

The muscular system .

responds to internal and external stimuli

The nervous system .

valence shell

The outermost energy level of an atom is known as its __________.

frontal plane

The plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior parts is called the __________.

Male reproductive system

The prostate and ductus deferens belong to which organ system?


The reaction shown is of what type? (gave electron up)

produces sperm and eggs

The reproductive system __________.

supplies the body with oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide waste

The respiratory system __________.


The sequence of amino acids in a protein constitutes the __________ structure of the protein.

eliminates nitrogenous wastes

The urinary system __________.

The thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities

The ventral body cavity is subdivided into which of the following sets of cavities?


What is the most common element in the body?

electrons and protons

What two parts of the atom are always equal in number in a neutral atom?

The rate of chemical reactions will speed up.

When a cell is placed in a solution that is more concentrated, water will leave the cell and the cell will shrink. What will happen to the rate of intracellular chemical reactions in this situation?

Carbohydrates are the major energy fuel for body cells and are found primarily in plant-derived foods.

When considering nutrients as a survival need, which of the following is true?

An atom with 11 electrons

Which atom is most likely to participate in an ionic bond?


Which atom is present in each unlabeled corner of this simplified structure diagram?

Cranial cavity

Which cavity contains the brain?

Thoracic cavity

Which cavity contains the lungs and heart?

Vertebral cavity

Which cavity contains the spinal cord?

Positive feedback

Which choice below is not one of the three components of homeostatic control systems?


Which form of energy is the most useful form of energy in living systems?

Mammary, crural, palmar, and antecubital

Which group of regional terms ONLY contains anterior body areas?

Spinal cord

Which internal organ is not housed in the ventral body cavity?

Atomic weight is the average of the mass numbers of all the isotopes of an element.

Which is true concerning atomic weight?


Which of the figures below represent a homogeneous mixture?


Which of the figures represents a full positive feedback system?


Which of the figures shows a heterogeneous mixture with very large solute particles that tend to settle out?

A, B, and C

Which of the following are substances composed of two or more components?

The study of how the body parts work and carry out their life-sustaining activities

Which of the following best defines physiology?

secretes hormones

Which of the following best defines physiology?

Potential energy is stored energy, which has the capacity to do work, but is not presently doing so.

Which of the following best defines potential energy?

A vertical plane that divides the body into right and left parts

Which of the following best describes a sagittal plane?

The study of large body structures visible to the naked eye, such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys

Which of the following best describes gross, or macroscopic anatomy?


Which of the following body systems acts as a fast-acting control system for the body?


Which of the following body systems functions to produce blood cells?

RNA: Bases are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), uracil (U)

Which of the following characteristics is correctly paired with the corresponding nucleic acid type?


Which of the following components of a feedback cycle represents the control center?

The heart is medial to the lungs.

Which of the following directional terms is accurate?

Increasing the muscle in the heart to cope with high blood pressure

Which of the following does not represent a negative feedback mechanism?

When two or more similar kinds of atoms bind, they form an isotope.

Which of the following does not represent an accurate hierarchy in the natural combination of matter?

Blood clotting when the lining of a blood vessel is injured

Which of the following events is an example of a positive feedback mechanism?

High concentration of reacting particles

Which of the following factors would speed up the rate of a chemical reaction?

Nucleic acids to DNA

Which of the following incorrectly matches a macromolecule with its building blocks?

Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen only

Which of the following is (are) found in all carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids?

Matter can exist in solid, liquid, or gaseous states.

Which of the following is a property of matter?

Release of oxytocin to increase the strength of labor contractions

Which of the following is an example of positive feedback?

Receptor perceives a stimulus by sending input along the afferent pathway.

Which of the following is correct regarding a feedback cycle?

Blood is a suspension.

Which of the following is correctly matched?

Inferior is sometimes referred to as caudal.

Which of the following is correctly matched?

The body is 98% water and is thus crucial to survival.

Which of the following is false concerning the survival need of water?

Carbon contains six valence shell electrons.

Which of the following is false regarding carbon?

True solutions are usually opaque due to the number of solutes dissolved in the solution.

Which of the following is incorrect regarding true solutions?


Which of the following is not a necessary human life function?

Water can easily split into its component parts of H and OH in order to balance acid in the body.

Which of the following is not a property of water?

An acidic substance will have a sticky feel.

Which of the following is not a way to distinguish an acid from a base?

Being covered with a blanket when you are cold

Which of the following is not an example of the body's use of homeostasis to regulate the internal environment?


Which of the following is not one of the four basic elements that comprise approximately 96% of a human's body weight?

DNA carries out the orders for protein synthesis issued by RNA.

Which of the following is not true of DNA?

Is the sole source of all hormones involved in reproduction

Which of the following is not true of the female reproductive system?

In growth, destructive activities must occur at a faster rate than constructive ones.

Which of the following is not true of the necessary life function of growth?


Which of the following is the storage carbohydrate of animal tissues?

Breathing and gas exchange in the lungs depend on appropriate atmospheric pressure.

Which of the following is true concerning appropriate atmospheric pressure?

The atomic number of any atom is equal to the number of protons in its nucleus.

Which of the following is true concerning atomic number?

Using mass number notation, we can identify the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons.

Which of the following is true concerning mass number?

Chemical reactions progress most rapidly when the reacting particles are present in high numbers because their chance of successful collisions is greater.

Which of the following is true concerning the rates of chemical reactions?

Typically only a local effect, not spreading to the entire circulation

Which of the following is true for the positive feedback mechanism shown?

Isotopes have the same number of protons, but differ in the number of neutrons they contain.

Which of the following is true of an isotope?

Atoms of any given element will differ from those of all other elements and provide the element its unique physical and chemical properties.

Which of the following is true of atoms?

One mole of any substance always contains exactly the same number of solute particles, that is, 6.02 x 1023. This number is called Avogadro's number.

Which of the following is true of concentrations of solutions?

It involves the breaking down of ingested foodstuffs to simple molecules.

Which of the following is true of digestion?

The result or response enhances the original stimulus, and the response is accelerated.

Which of the following is true of positive feedback mechanisms?

Water is added and building blocks are released.

Which of the following is true regarding hydrolysis reactions?

Solutions are homogeneous mixtures of components that may be gases, liquids, or solids.

Which of the following is true regarding solutions?

The elbow is proximal to the wrist.

Which of the following is true?

Hydrogen bonds are one of the strongest bonds that bind atoms together.

Which of the following is untrue concerning hydrogen bonds?

Omega-3 fatty acids

Which of the following lipids appears to decrease the risk of heart disease?


Which of the following organs belong to both the endocrine system and the female reproductive system?

Inguinal is the more medically accurate term for groin.

Which of the following pairings with regards to regional terms is correct?

None of the figures represent a homogeneous mixture where the composition is dissimilar in different areas of the mixture.

Which of the following represent a homogeneous mixture where the composition is dissimilar in different areas of the mixture?


Which of the following represents a heterogeneous mixture where the solute particles do not settle out?

The dipole molecules are electrically balanced.

Which of the following statements about a dipole, or polar molecule, is incorrect?

It is a type of stored energy.

Which of the following statements about kinetic energy is incorrect?

Just as an atom is the smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of the element, a molecule is the smallest particle of a compound that still has the specific characteristics of the compound.

Which of the following statements concerning molecules and compounds is true?

H+ and hydroxyl ion (OH−) are the most abundant and important salts in the body.

Which of the following statements concerning water, salt, and electrolytes is untrue?

An atom loses the unique properties of its element when it is split into its subatomic particles.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the structure of atoms?

The pollex is distal to the antebrachial region.

Which of the following statements is true?

Acromial and brachial are in the upper limb.

Which of the following statements with regards to regional terms is correct?

In anatomical position, palmar is anterior.

Which of the following statements with regards to regional terms is correct?

Olecranal is appendicular.

Which of the following statements with regards to regional terms is correct?

Sural refers to the calf.

Which of the following statements with regards to regional terms is correct?

The term digital can pertain to both the pedal and manus.

Which of the following statements with regards to regional terms is correct?


Which of the following types of chemical reactions always involves atoms or molecules combining to form a larger, more complex molecule?

Anatomical physiology

Which of the following would not be a topic of physiology?


Which one of the following requires magnification to study?

Visceral pericardium

Which serous membrane layer is closest to the surface of the heart?

Each element is composed of more or less identical particles or building blocks, called atoms.

Which statement concerning elements is true?

Ionizing radiation damages tissue by directly damaging organic molecules.

Which statement is incorrect concerning radioisotopes?

RNA carries out genetic instructions for protein synthesis.

Which statement is true regarding RNA?

Every element's atoms differ from those of all other elements and give the element its unique physical and chemical properties.

Which statement is true?

Solutions, colloids, and suspensions are all present within a human being.

Which statement is true?

Protons and neutrons

Which subatomic particles are equal in atomic mass?

Hydrogen bond

Which type of bond exists between water molecules?

The arms are lateral to the chest.

Which usage of a directional term is correct?

Because they allow us to explain where one body structure is in relation to another.

Why are directional terms so important?


With regards to isotopes, which of the following atomic structures is impossible?

hydrogen ions in a solution

pH is a concentration unit used to measure the concentration of __________.

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