A&P Quiz 4

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The first step in every fracture repair is: Hypoxia by cells downstream from broken blood vessels A fracture Callus formation Release of omega-6 fatty acids by damaged cells

A fracture

Dead chondrocytes: Are mineralized but do not create strong bone tissue Are rescued by stem cells within the bone marrow Have gotten too far away from their blood supply Are removed by multinucleated osteoclasts

Are mineralized but do not create strong bone tissue Have gotten too far away from their blood supply Are removed by multinucleated osteoclasts

Choose each of the following that would be true during bone remodeling: Increased bone resorption should increase insulin secretion from the pancreas Increased insulin should decrease activation of new osteoclasts Osteoclasts should release more RANKL after microfractures and small amounts of bone damage occur Increased ATP in osteoblasts reduces their secretion of RANKL There is a negative feedback loop involving increased osteocalcin which increases insulin which then reduces the amount of bone breakdown and circulating osteocalcin

Increased bone resorption should increase insulin secretion from the pancreas Increased insulin should decrease activation of new osteoclasts Increased ATP in osteoblasts reduces their secretion of RANKL There is a negative feedback loop involving increased osteocalcin which increases insulin which then reduces the amount of bone breakdown and circulating osteocalcin

Appositional growth involves: Intramembranous ossification Endochondral ossification Osteoprogenitor cells differentiating into osteoblasts Osteoclasts removing dead chondrocytes

Intramembranous ossification Osteoprogenitor cells differentiating into osteoblasts

Match each of the following descriptions with their proper bone cell type: Living cells within hyaline cartilage; undergo both hyperplasia and hypertrophy during growth in length of long bones Cells that form bone tissue; immature bone cells Cells with long projections that extend into surrounding bone tissue; detect damage to the surrounding bone tissue Exist as precursor cells with a single nucleus in circulation; differentiate into multinucleated bone resorbing cells once they enter the tissue

Chondrocytes Osteoblasts Osteocytes Osteoclasts

One big difference between remodeling trabecular bone versus compact bone is that compact bone remodeling starts from the outside and remodeling of trabecular bone starts from the inside of existing bone tissue. True or False


The first step in intramembranous ossification is when chondrocytes undergo hyperplasia. True or False


VEGF is released by hypoxic chondrocytes, and is very important for bringing multinucleated, differentiated osteoclasts into the bone tissue to start producing new bone material. True or False


Match each of the following events in fracture repair with the correct type of cell associated with that event: Turn into osteoblasts Produce new blood vessels Produce fibrin and collagen to help form the callus Produce hyaline cartilage and turn into chondrocytes Form multinucleated osteoclasts

Osteoprogenitor cells Angioblasts Fibroblasts Chondroblasts Osteoclast precursors

The first step in bone elongation is: Hypertrophy of chondrocytes Hyperplasia of osteoblasts Hyperplasia of osteocytes Hyperplasia of chondrocytes

Hyperplasia of chondrocytes

Osteoclasts: Produce osteocalcin protein Resorb osteocalcin protein and turn it into a hormone after treatement with enzymes Make hydrochloric acid Form a tight seal with existing bone tissue to avoid breaking down "too much" bone

Resorb osteocalcin protein and turn it into a hormone after treatement with enzymes Make hydrochloric acid Form a tight seal with existing bone tissue to avoid breaking down "too much" bone

Which of the following should decrease body temperature the most? Standing in a cool breeze while dry on a cold day Standing in a cool breeze while wet on a cold day Increasing thyroid hormone activity Standing in still air while wet on a cold day

Standing in a cool breeze while wet on a cold day

Convective cooling of the epidermis can increase evaporation because it increases the thermal gradient between the dermis and epidermis. True or False


You'd expect to see intramembranous ossification involved in: Widening the tibia during elongation Widening the tibia in response to increased body weight or weight bearing Growth in size of the parietal bones Responses to growth hormone secreting tumors

Widening the tibia during elongation Widening the tibia in response to increased body weight or weight bearing Growth in size of the parietal bones Responses to growth hormone secreting tumors

A ________ within the fractured bone causes ________ cells to release _________ that promotes _______ to increase blood flow to the area. This increase in blood flow brings in _______ _______ and ________ _______ , which subsequently release chemical messengers called _______ from the site of the tissue damage.

hematoma, healthy, pro-inflammatory factors, inflammation, increased nutrients, immune cells, cytokines

Non-shivering thermogenesis should involve: Contraction of skeletal muscles White adipocytes Brown adipocytes Skeletal muscle cells

Brown adipocytes Skeletal muscle cells

Compact bone remodeling requires intramembranous ossification. True or False


Inflammation in a damaged tissue causes further damage and should be prevented by ice or anti-inflammatories as much as possible in all cases. True or False


No more brown adipocytes can be formed after birth of an animal. True or False


Immature bone cells that make bone tissue are called _________ , and these cells ultimately turn into mature bone cells called __________ . Cells on the outside of the periosteum that form the fibrous parts of the periosteum are called _________ while cells on the inside of the periosteum that ultimately form osteoblasts are called ___________ cells .

Osteoblasts, Osetocytes, Fibroblasts, Osteoprogenitor

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