AANT233 Test 3 Quizlet (Final) Incas

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Chavin de Huantar

Chavin religious center, very popular religious site for Andean peoples to travel too

Mit'a Labor

Collective Labor owed to empire Consisted of construction projects Labor input was needed, everyone does their part. Major Crime to not do your portion of work


The four parts together Has relation to directionality Divided into 4 regions Cuzco is center -Chinchasuyu -Contisuyu -Kollasuyu -Antisuyu

Wascar (Huascar) [Waskhar] 1528-1532

-Born Thupa Kusi Wallpa -Brother was Atawallpa (they foughter murderously for the throne) -Most of his Kin and Nobles were murdered by Atawallpa

Incas by Privilege

Adopted and built into structure. Nobility and Royalty from captured lands. Treated like Nobility, but were not Inka by blood what-so-ever Sometimes by marrying Inca Noble women to local lords


-(100-800AD) -Very EXQUISITE burials -Known for extensive artwork and burials, figurines having sex -blended sacred, military, political, and social roles without developing the distinct administrative institutions

Nazca (Nasca)

-(100BCE-800AD) Southern Coast of Peru -Geoglyphs (lines) -Noted for its distinctive pottery and textiles, and for the geoglyphs made on the desert floor -Principal sites being Cahuachi (religion) and Ventilla (urban) -Lacked hierarchical structure


-(900-1470AD) -emerged in old Moche valley heartland and united the entire north coast -Main city of Chan Chan -Highly stratified society -Large gap between wealthy and commoners -Eventually fell to Incan armies


-(900-200 BCE) in Northern/Central Andes. -INFLUENTIAL ART -Was one the earliest pre-Inca cultures. -The religious centre became an important Andean pilgrimage site, and the art was influential to the Incas. -Their imagery and ideas helped establish the first universal Andean belief system. -A lot of Golden Art

7. Yahuar Huaca (Yawar Waqaq)

-Birth Name was Titu Kusi Wallpa -Apparently captured as a Prince, and was vanquished from execution when he cried Tears of Blood! -This gave him name Yahuar Huaca (He who cries bloody tears) -Took vengeance on all the enemies of his youth who captured him -Apparently died at his own festival being to stupid and got stomped out (size 12s) -This caused disarray in leadership so he was buried without much glamour and glitz

8. Wiraqocha (Wiraqocha Inka)

-Born Hatun Thupa Inka, 3rd son of Yahuar Huaca -Marks transition from raiding and alliance to attempted territorial expansion -Was a man bent on achieving more power through conquest -Took his wife from the Anta -Took 3rd stance in a war between Lupaqa and Qolla, never supplied of the troops asked for by either side, later allied with victorious Lupaqa. -Arrogantly took Creator God as his title, then the Chankas Attacked -Flees during Chanka War

Pachacuti (1438-1471) [Pachakuti]

-Born Inka Yupanki -Declared himself Pachacuti after the Chankas War where he was victorious -First real emperor of Inca

6. Inca Roca (Inka Roq'a)

-Closed off addition of new lineages to Lower Cuzco and created Upper Cuzco (Hanan Cuzco), the Grand Royal Moiety -Saved city from draught by plunging his hand into soil where he heard water -Earliest ruler who's descendants claimed a royal estate in early colonial era -Expeditions were they seized lands and solidified Inca control in region (a lot of imperialism)

The State and Production

-Collective Labor was major part of Incan civilization, everyone does their part -Had no money, did not need it -Barter system


-Creator God -Rose from Lake Titicaca (or cave) from time of Darkness to bring forth Light -He made the Sun, Moon and Stars -He made mankind by breathing into Stones. (His first creations were monstrous giants he had to kill with a flood, made humans with smaller stones) -Spawned first 4 brothers and 4 sisters from the cave Qhapaq T'oqo

Tupac Inka Yunpanqui (1471-1493) [Thupa Inka Yupanki]

-Defeated the Chimu -Threatened to cut off their coastal water supply -Known for much imperial conquest and major expansion of empire

Atahualpa (Atawallpa)

-Dynastic war with Waskhar and kills many of his kin and nobles -Dies from Spaniards before he can be crowned King -Murdered by Pizarro, who played him. Atahualpa was held for ransom but later executed. -he was given option of burned to death (no burial) or strangulation (burial)

Pachacuti's Story

-Father put his brother in line for throne -Empire was attacked by Chankas, Pachacuti's father and current Ruler Wiraqocha Inka flees with the Son next in line -Offended by the cowardness of his father -Defeats and takes over Chanka Territory -Apparently during war Pururaucas (hidden thieves) were stones that rose as warriors to aid defense of Pacacuti and Cuzco -Claims his rulership over empire because his father fled with next of kin and are scared to return because Pachacuti's captains are loyal and won't overthrow him

3. Lloque Llupanqui (Lloq'e Yupanki)

-Honored Left-handed -Became ruler even though he had an elder brother -Spread Inca influence through acumen rather than war -Married Mama Kawa

5. Capac Yupanqui (Qhapaq Yupanki)

-Powerful Honored -Witnesses say he had an older brother so ugly, that was could not rule, so Capac Yupanqui became ruler -Married Mama Qori Willpay (Golden Jewell) from Cuzco or Ayarmaca

Wayna Capac (Huana Capac) [Wayna Qhapaq] 1493-1528

-Powerful youth -Major expansions already complete by his time, so he secured perimeter territories and dominated the far north. His brother was co-ruler, -planned a second capital at Tumipampa

4. Mayta Capac (Mayta Qhapaq)

-Royal Mayta -Aggressive leader who fought a lot -Married daughter of Lord of Callaguas -Born with teeth intact, was in womb for 3 months, could walk at birth, and reached stature of an 8yr old at only 1yr.

2. Sinchi Roca (Zinchi Roq'a)

-Warlord Roca (Roq'a) -Renowned more for his wisdom and generosity than physical valor. -Peaceful relations with neighbors. His wife was received from a neighboring state called Sano -Born at Tamboquiro during (mythical) journey to found Cuzco

First 8 Mytho-historical Leaders

1. Manco Capac (Manqo Qhapaq) 2. Sinchi Roca (Zinchi Roq'a) 3. Lloque Llupanqui (Lloq'e Yupanki) 4. Mayta Capac (Mayta Qhapaq) 5. Capac Yupanqui (Qhapaq Yupanki) 6. Inca Roca (Inka Roq'a) 7. Yahuar Huaca (Yawar Waqaq) 8. Wiraqocha (Wiraqocha Inka)

Question: The Inca came to dominate the Andes during what time period?



Ceremonial knife with crescent shape used for sacrifices

Lord of Sipan (Tomb)

Burial in Moche was very exquisite and very artistic. One of most elaborate and beautiful burials ever excavated by archaeologists


Capital of Inca Empire

Ransom and Execution of Atawallpa

Captured and originally held for ransom. Given option of being burned to death (no body left to mummify) or choked to death (would have body to mummify) - chose choke I believe

Qhapaq T'oqo

Central Cave. Wiraqocha summoned 4 brothers and 4 sisters from this cave (Rich Window)

Temple of the Sun (Cuzco and Machu Pichu)

Cuzco (Qorikancha) -Most important ritual structure Housed the Punchao -Spaniards never could capture it -golden idol described as a seated boy -brought out during the day put back at night Machu Pichu -Intiwatan, hitching post of the sun in center of Machu Pichu's Temple Complez

Zeq'e System

Cuzco's network of Shrines Each Zeq'e line was assigned to a social group to who would conduct the appropriate rituals relating to calendar events


Extended kin groups Base settlement units (community)

Question: The Inca were the first imperial policy in the Andes - True of False?


Chan Chan

Giant Chimu City (1000km Coastal City) Highly stratified society

Stone of Sayhuite

Giant carved stone, may represent a map of the Inca cosmos


Goddess of the Earth/Nature Earth Mother Prayed to her for successful crops

Mama Cocha

Goddess of the Waters


Golden Idol that represents Inti the sun god. Held in Qorikancha

Willaq Umu

High Priest of the Sun


Hitching post of the sun in the center of Machu Pichu's temple complex

Imperial Administration

Inca Council, Apu (Great Lord/General), Judge, Chief Inspector, Chief Accountant (Khipu), Provincial Admin, Local Admin, Governors of Royal Bridges, Gov or Royal Roads


Inca elites - 10 royal kin groups mummified when they die

Puppet Rulers and Uprising

Inca rulers would be in charge, but they were often controlled in every action by Spanish power and King overseas


Inca society built largely around Astronomy Many festivals and events align with Astronomical Events (solstices, equinoxes, zenith passage of Sun) Kept great track of Stars Calendar was based on Solar Cycles

Battle of Cajamarca

It was here where Pizarro and his men captured and killed Atahualpa

Inti Raymi

June Solstice Festival (longest day) Celebration of the Sun in Cuzco Dressed in gold Ceremony was stamped out by spaniards

Impacts of Disease

Kills off many Inca and native Andean peoples Again, kills more than the conquistadors Small Pox

Thupa Amaru (Tupac Amaru)

Last Inca Ruler Executed with capture of Vilcabamba Launched campaigns to defeat Spaniards, was a real thorn in the Spaniards side for a while

Animal Domesticates

Llamas, Alpacas, Vicunas, Guinea pigs, dogs

Apu (Great Lord)

Lord of Suyu

Royal Estates

Machu Picchu is example

The Chanka Wars

Major Imperial Expansion Cuzco was attacked by Chankas, many fled, Pachacuti stays and ends up winning, later being declared emperor. Helped kickstart imperial expansion by providing Inca with soldiers after loss


Manqo Inka emperor fled Cuzco when Spaniards arrived and set up hidden capital in Vilcabamba Last refuge of Inca Empire before it fell to Spaniards

Question: In Inca mythic histories which ruler is said to have emerged with his wife from a cave at "The House of the Dawn"

Manqo Qhapaq


Most (pre-inca) people thought that their founding ancestor had emerged from the landscape at a particular spot called a ...

Mountaintop Shrines

Movie about girl who died traveling up mountain for religious venture Often children would be sent into mountains for religious ceremonies to be sacrificed


Mummification process, you werent dead, just being carried over into next life, which is why your body had to be preserved. Lineages and ancestor veneration very important to Inca Supay may have been the God of Death


Not many markets, usually relied on other means to distribute and acquire goods

Khipu (Quipu) Kamayuq

Official responsible for keeping records on knotted strings

Inca Wives

Often their blood sister


Overlooks Cuzco, jagged walls Saw toothed walls help defense and offense in attacks, cross fire fortress-temple complex at the northern edge of the Inca capital Cuzco. Constructed during the reign of Pachacuti and his successors.

The First Emperor credited with Major Imperialistc Expansion?


The First true Inca emperor was?


1. Manco Capac (Manqo Qhapaq)

Powerful (Ancestor) [First Rich Ancestor] Original Ancestor summoned from Cave by Wiraqocha Creator God Wife was Mama Oqllu, together they were the principal ancestor couple Credited with first solar temple

Inca Weapons and Armor

Primarily club, spears, slings Primarily weak copper armor, not much protection, more decoration


Producers and taxpayers, large groups who provide for the military

While the Inca lacked a formal writing system they used what device to record important information?

Quipu or Khipu


Region of Tawantisuyu

Sapa Inca

Ruler/ God King Wife is Called Qoya

Royal Incas

Sapa Inka (Top) Inka Royalty (Family and Nobles) Extended Inka Royalty Inka Peoples (Nobles) Inka by Privilege Commoners

Encomienda (Reduccion)

Spanish can demand forced tribute and labor if declared by Spanish King

Inca Forts

Stepped fortresses so enemies would have to constantly climb up another wall while Inca armies are on flat ground above. Jagged Walls


Sun God Modeled after the Sun God portrayed at Tiwanaku at the Gate of the Sun

Spanish Weapons and Armor

Swords and GUNS Very heavy, brilliant armor, would often slow Spaniards and make them easier targets in long battles

Intensive Agricultural Techniques

Terrace Agriculture on the side of mountains Potato Quinoa Squash Corn (Maize) Coca Leaves (stimulant)

Inca Crafts

Textiles Pottery Gold (metallurgy) Ceramics Woodwork Stonework

Huaca da Moche

This society's Temple of the Sun (100-800AD)

Upper and Lower Cuzco

Upper: Modern Nobility, more powerful, more $$ Lower: Older Nobility, less powerful, lackluster

Horses and War Dogs

Used to ravage the Incas, spaniards had better domestication of animals, brought horses from Europe.

Inca Road System

Was built mostly to move troops quickly into and out of Cuzco All roads led to Cuzco Economic constantly moving goods around, llamas and trade stations suspension bridges

Pachacuti's Expansion

Was first able to conquest Chankas Follows is a period of consolidation around Cuzco Southern Expansion and secures Lake Titicaca North Expansion along coast of Peru into Chimu

Dynastic Civil War (Atahualpa vs Wascar)

Washkar and Atawallpa fight to be next rulers. Both son's of current King born to different mothers Atawallpa ends up killing all of Washkar's close of kin and nobles Spaniards arrive before Atawallpa is able to be crowned king

Inti Illapa

Weather/ Thunder God

Mama Quilla

embodiment of the moon, wife of the sun

Quipu (khipu)

knotted string device used to record information


largest Huacas or Holy Place in Cuzco Likely the death place of Pachacuti Giant carved stone and theater


mainly used children because they were considered pure Did not sacrifice as much as previous societies

Taki Onqoy (dancing sickness movement)

movement to reject all this European and restore traditional Andean Order Leaders of movement were able to accumulate weapons A participant in movement ratted them out to Spaniards in Catholic Confession!

Tampu T'oqo

origin cave with different chambers (House of Windows)

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