ABA notes

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Of the options listed, which activity is associated with the local rate that varies the most? (cumulative licks)

21-29 coloring

On most graphs, the proportion of the vertical axis to the horizontal axis should be approximately:


The best definition of extinction for a behavior maintained by attention using everyday language is

"ignoring the behavior you don't like so it will happen less often."

__________________ is a linear measure of frequency change across time.


What would you recommend the creator of this graph change?

Change the x-axis label to a unit of time

What would you do to fix this graph?

Change the y-axis to include up to 100


Characterizes feelings or states of mind as causes of behavior*

Which is best included in an operational definition?

Chews and swallows food appropriately

What are the three criteria for defining behavior?

Clarity, completeness, objectivity

Rating scales used for functional assessment are a type of

Indirect method

Generally a response

Is a single instance of a behavior

A therapist treating depression from a mentalist perspective might

Encourage her clients to examine their thoughts to understand why they feel depressed

Response class theory suggests that interventions should address the

Entire response class, including high- and low-frequency behaviors

which is correct?

MOs and SDs have an effect on current behavior. events that have an effect of FUTURE behavior are reinforcers, punishers, and responses that occur without reinforcing/ punishing consequences.

A supportive environment is one in which

Reinforcement is available and the individual has the ability to access it

____________ refers to the physical shape or form of a behavior.

Response topography

Which of the following most likely suggests a function?

Scratching results in relief from itching

Conditioned reinforcer is synonymous with

Secondary reinforcer and learned reinforcer

Which standard functional analysis condition was not originally included in the seminal study by Iwata and colleagues, but has been consistently shown in the literature as a common function and typically included in FAs?


Which characteristic of ABA refers to clarity in its methodology?


A conditional discrimination is

a four-term contingency

superstitious behavior is established and maintained by

a contiguous relationship between a behavior and reinforcing events that follow its occurrence but occur independent of the behavior

a dependent relationship between a response class and one or more stimulus classes, or between two or more stimuli is

a contingency

A behavioral contrast involves

a decrease in a behavior with a corresponding increase in the behavior in another setting

For a behavioral assessment, a narrative recording should be the same as

a descriptive analyses an ABC recording an anecdotal recording all of the above

operant extinction occurs when

a reinforcing consequence if withheld

Radical behaviorism

a thoroughgoing form of behaviorism that attempts to understand all human behavior, including private events such as thoughts and feelings, in terms of controlling variables in the history of the person (ontogeny) and the species (phylogeny)

amanda squirts the cat with water and says "No!" when he jumps on the kitchen counter. amanda hopes that the water will function as

an unconditioned punisher

In a group therapy session held in the office, a child has attained a rate of 8 interactions per house, but this decreases to 3 per hour when the session in held elsewhere.

There is a stimulus change decrements of 5.

Refer the client for a medical consultation and evaluation if

There is any indication that a problem behavior is related to medication of illness

What do reflexive, surrogate, and transitive CMO's have in common?

They originally were motivationally neutral.

Punishment is defined neither by the actions of the person delivering the consequences nor by the nature of those consequences (e.g., time-out).


The crucial question for determining whether to continue an intervention is, "Is the program actually producing the skill development it claims to produce?"


when an abusive master walks into a room, the dog stops wagging its tail. cessation of wagging may be the result of

conditioned punishment

MOs and SDs have

evocative and abtive effects.

Average level is

indicated with a horizontal line

In what type of schedule are environmental arrangements developed in which some occurrences of a behavior will be reinforced and other occurrences of the same behavior will not be?

intermittent reinforcement

Consequences (reinforcement, punishment, and extinction) may have

repertoire-altering effects.


requires control over extraneous variables. is an evaluation of the cause of one event by other events ideally requires that all variables be controlled except the dependent variables

unconditioned punishment

requires no previous learning history

You put the baby down, walk to the next room, turn off the TV, and the baby starts crying, all within 10 seconds. Turn off the TV and the crying stops within a few seconds. What would you record as the CONSEQUENCE of crying?

turning off the TV

The effect of conditioning on future responding is strongest

when conditions are the same as those during training.

Failing to involve stakeholders in an intervention might result in

the selection of a sub-optimal behavioral objective a lack of resources for the intervention poor treatment fidelity

Stimulus discrimination can be broadly described as

tighter stimulus control

Latency is the

time between the onset of a stimulus and the initiation of a response

variables that influence the efficacy of reinforcement include

timing, quality, establishing operation, duration, and variety

The alone condition of a functional analysis is included

to assess for reinforcement that is not mediated through other people

Which of the following could function as conditioned punisher (the other three are typically unconditioned punishers)?

A teacher

when selecting reinforcers to use in an intervention, to help ensure that they do not lose their value through satiation, you should select.

A variety of reinforcers

While alone in the shower, Bogart liked to practice whistling his favorite tunes.. when in learning to use the new tune, he whistled some notes "off key", meaning his whistle made sounds that did not fit with the rest of the melody. However as he continued to practice, he was less likely to whistle those notes off key. With respect to off key this is

Automatice punishment

Clients in a group home stop talking to each other and become silent whenever a particular staff member appears. Questioning a clients privately a bogus the statements that he hits me if I talk unless he is asking me a question. Aside from the ethical issue you must now address, you can Conceptualize the situation as respondent, because the staffer has made himself a conditioned punisher evidence of learning by the clients operant, because talking was punished by hitting and now drops in frequency in the presence of the staff member. all the above

All of the above

Escape May be accompanied by avoidance of the setting in which the aversive often occurs. Occurs in a negative reinforcement procedure. Increases the future probability of the behavior that precedes it. All of the above

All of the above

Frequency is

All of the above

Generalize condition reinforcers are Exemplified by money The same as generalize reinforcers Backed up by primary or secondary reinforcers All of the above

All of the above

Generalize conditioned reinforcers Enable the same reinforcement to be given to individuals with different preferences Do not always require a back up reinforcer Are likely to be reinforcing anytime even long after the behavior has been reinforced All of the above

All of the above

Overt behavior Has an effect on the environment Is measurable Involves movement All of the above

All of the above

Peter, a behavioral tech, became visibly upset and rudely disputed his BCBA when she corrected his Graphing. Putting on a motional displays may have been reinforced by escaping criticism of his performance in the past. Past criticism may have been paired with aversive consequences, with the result that criticism and I will listen strong emotional behavior in Peter. This is potentially evidence of both opera and respondent conditioning in peters learning history. All of the above

All of the above

To get attention and individual sometimes bites his lower hand and other times bites his arm. Both behaviors Are part of the same response class. Are operating a controlled. Are probably strengthened or weekend by the same reinforcer. All of the above

All of the above

Which are examples of respondent behavior? Decreasing stress Increase in heart rate Disgusting food All of the above

All of the above

Which is a primary reinforcer? Shelter Water Steep All of the above

All of the above

Which is an unconditioned stimulus? A bright light in your eye the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard very hot coffee on the tongue all of the above

All of the above

Which is likely an unconditioned response? Shivering increased heart rate a startle response all of the above

All of the above

Which of the following always constitutes behavior? Pupillary constriction from bright light Salivation after smelling food Winking one eye All of the above

All of the above

Time sampling data collection

All of the above Yields data that are reported as percentages Is popular and frequently used Procedures have some inherent error

Operants must be defined in terms of: their relationship to controlliing variables a set of contingencies their consequences a and b all of the above

All the above

Which best characterizes a functional definition of "cheating"?

Altering scores so that performance is indicated as more favorably than what it is

In a departure from earlier proponents of methodological behaviorism, investigation of human behavior by methodological behaviorist today more often involves

An analysis of public observable events in order to make inferences about presumed mediating variables that affect behavior

Although erroneous, mentalism is most like

An antecedent analysis

A reflex includes

An eliciting stimulus and the behavior it produces.

As compared to the true duration of the behavior, a partial interval system is more likely to yield

An overestimate

According to methodological behaviorism, talking is

An overt response to stimuli mediated through organismic variables

Clarity in an operational definition refers to

An unambiguous description; specifies the exact behavior

An unconditioned stimulus elicits

An unconditioned response

The presentation of a stimulus which elicit a response without prior conditioning is

An unconditioned stimulus

You need to intervene on a tolerable, but annoying behavior. What experimental design should you use?


A data collection procedure likely to be used when conducting a descriptive assessment is

ABC narrative recording

Whole interval recording would be the more suitable method for measuring behavior when the desired outcome of the behavior change plan is that

ALL OF THE ABOVE In music students spend more time practicing the piano A student remain engaged in learning activities for longer periods A long-distance runner maintain a steady pace for the longer distances

Self injury may sometimes function to

Access tangible items

Public health data show a higher prevalence of which of the following among people with developmental disabilities?

Accidental injury Epilepsy Sleep disorders ALL OF THE ABOVE

A scatterplot enables an analysis of behavior

Across times of the day

Reviewing the file for Diana, a new client who licks her hand, you find a graph from her previous placement. You notice that the activity associated with the highest local rate of licks was her

20-29 coloring

In order to produce a display that is not distorted, it is recommended that the vertical axis length has a _______ ratio to the horizontal axis


Of the options listed, which activity is associated with the local rate that varies the most? (cumulative licks)

50-60 play

What time intervals should be used with momentary time samling?

60 seconds or less

Brothers (ages 5 and 7) are often off-task and disruptive when getting ready for school. The parents are busy professionals. What is a likely MO for the behavior problems?

A CMO of parent attention deprivation

You are teaching a hungry child to say "Fork." You place a plate of food in front of her, but no fork. With respect to saying "Fork," the food with no fork is


You are lying in a hammock in the shade. The temperature is perfect the entire time. After an hour you go for a swim. Going for a swim may be a result of

A UMO of activity deprivation.

Which is an unconditioned stimulus? A bright light observing someone eat with their mouth open a verbal insults uncomfortable clothing

A bright light

A stimulus change decrement occurs when a decrease in responding is due to

A change in the SD.

Which of the following exemplifies response generalization?

A child is taught to sign "I love you" with his right hand, as a result he can sign it with his left hand also.

Lifting ones finger

Affects the environment

An unconditioned response is elicited by

And unconditioned stimulus

A preschool child exhibits crying and aggressive behaviors towards the child on the tricycle when he is not allowed to ride the tricycle. The crane behavior is likely a result of

A combination of respondent and operant conditioning

Investigation of human behavior by radical behaviorists involve

A comprehensive description of all human behavior according to principles derived from the empirical study of behavior

In operant conditioning, a stimulus control is a function of

Antecedent and consequent events

A previously neutral stimulus that elicits a behavior by being correlated with an unconditioned stimulus is

A condition stimulus

Initial interviews with people familiar with the individual whose behavior is being assessed can be useful in identifying

Antecedents and consequences to look for during observation

In operant conditioning, there is

A correlation between a behavior and a consequences

Which best characterizes a functional definition of "teasing"?

Any behavior that has historically resulted in or is likely to result in a negative responses from a peer

Which best characterized a topographical definition of "teasing"?

Any behavior that is likely to evoke a negative response from a peer Pulling on the back of the hair and calling "four-eyes"

A stimulus is

Any conditions, event, or change in the physical world.

Which of the following is most likely to result in discrimination?

(all of the above) * Mr. Stallings gives out gum to students, but Mr. Merriweather gives detention to students chewing gum. * Talking is ignored when the teacher is at her desk, but reprimanded when she is at the chalkboard. * Requests to play outside are honored when the weather is warm and denied when it is cold or rainy.

The effectiveness of discriminative stimuli derives from

(all of the above) * a learner's history of reinforcement, punishment, and/or extinction when those stimuli have been present. * differential reinforcement * the consequences associated with those stimuli.

You begin to read a book, but the words look blurry. Most likely, the blurry words

(all of the above) * are an MO for your eye glasses. * are an AO for being handed an additional book. * are an EO for your eye glasses.


(all of the above) * indicates the availability of reinforcement. * informs the organism whether or not a response at a particular time will result in reinforcement. * If absent, indicates that reinforcement is not available.

Which is an example of a UMO?

(all of the above) an increase in painful stimulation activity deprivation food deprivation

An MO's behavior-altering effect could result in an increase or decrease in the

(all of the above) current latency of a behavior current duration of a behavior current frequency of a behavior

An MO for punishment

(all of the above) is an environmental variable. alters the effectiveness of something as a punisher. is an object, event, or stimulus.

Staff have been measuring the frequency of head-hitting on a particular resident. They have noted a decades in head-hitting but the resident continues to have open wounds on his face. Staff have recently noted that he also scratches himself. Instead of head-hitting, staff should also be measuring

Any contact between the resident's head and his hand or another surface that could produce injury if repeated


Appeals to feelings or states of mind as a cause of behavior Is supposedly an antecedent analysis Tends to halt further inquiry into causal factors.

A topographical definition of behavior is one that identifies instances of a target behavior by its

Appearance or form

Which characteristic of ABA refers to the commitment to affecting improvements in behaviors that enhance and improve people's lives?


Functional analysis and other functional assessment methods are most likely to yield similar results when analog conditions

Approximate those of the natural environment

Interview and paper-and-pencil instruments for assessing reinforcers

Are less valid than systematic manipulations Include scales, surveys, inventories, and checklists Are less time consuming relative to systematic manipulations

A problem with assessing low-frequency behaviors is that they

Are not easily evoked

To get attention, sometimes an individual bites his hand and often times he hits people. Both behaviors

Are part of the same response class

One of the advantages of rating scales is that they

Are simple and quantifiable

Whole interval recording would be the most suitable method for measuring behaviors when the desired outcome of a behavior change plan is that

A music student spends more time practicing the piano

Most behavior can be classified

As overt vs covert

which is the best selection for a target behavior?

Asking for jellybeans for someone who likes jellybeans

A stimulus that has no effect on behavior is

A neutral stimulus

A stimulus that has no effect on behavior is An unconditioned stimulus. A discriminative stimulus. A neutral stimulus. None of the above

A neutral stimulus

The respondent conditioning process calls for presenting

A neutral stimulus with or immediately preceding an unconditioned stimulus

A behavioral objective includes a

A performance criterion

A behavioral objective includes a

A performance criterion Description of the behavioral dimension or parameters Description of the conditions under which the behavior occurs

A stimulus or event that is reinforcing without having to be conditioned is

A primary reinforcer

You consult with an agency that wants you to use only indirect methods of functional assessment. You might use

A rating scale

Behaviors that may differ in what are collectively strengthened or weakened by the same consequence form

A response class

Operant stimulus control has been achieved when:

A response occurs more frequently in the presence of a specific stimulus, but rarely occurs in the absence of the stimulus.

Which of the following is an example of an unconditioned punisher?

A shock

Select the response

A single eye wink

Stimulus generalization gradient refers to

(all the above) *the spread of the functional effect of an SD to other similar stimuli. *a reduction in responding as a function of stimuli that are increasingly dissimilar to the SD. *a graphical display of a change in responding as a function of varying a property of the SD.

A TYPE of long delayed outcomes that interferes with behavior control is that which is small cumulative improbable all the above

* all of the above

which is true?

-all of the above- phylogenic behavior is elicited operant behavior is largely ontogenic ontogenic behavior is usually emitted

Which of the following can be exhibit behavior?

A sleeping dog

A discriminative stimulus is:

A stimulus in the presence of which a response will be reinforced.

A child needs to learn to brush his teeth. However, some of the components skills and the task analysis or too difficult. Target

The prerequisite skills

Which of the following is NOT part of the definition of a behavioral consequence:

The rate of the given behavior will immediately increase

Steady state of responding can be defined as a schedule-controlled behavior that is stable and does not change over time.


The three levels of scientific understanding are: describe, predict, and control


When a reinforcer is continuously available, its reduced effectiveness is also known as satiation


Unconditioned reinforcer is synonymous with

Unlearned reinforcer and primary reinforcer

Under what circumstances is it inappropriate to use a reversal design?

When the change in behavior produced by the intervention is irreversible

If a child enters the kitchen where cookies are cooling on the counter, reaching for a cookie will be reinforced by getting a cookie. If the child's mother is in the kitchen, reaching for a cookie will not likely be reinforced, but asking for a cookie might. The presence of the child's mother is

a conditional stimulus that determines which response will result in getting a cookie

amanda squirts the cat with water and shouts "Moo!" when he jumps on the kitchen counter. amanda hopes that the "Moo!" will acquire the function of

a conditioned punisher

extinction will be more rapid with a behavior that has been maintained by

a continuous schedule of reinforcement

For a behavioral assessment, a narrative recording should be the same as

a descriptive analysis an anecdotal recording an ABC recording,

select the most parsimonious explanation. A 5 year old tantrums in the candy aisle due to

a history of reinforcement in the form of receiving candy

The effectiveness of discriminative stimuli derives from

a learner's history of reinforcement, punishment, and/or extinction when those stimuli have been present.

You consult with an agency that wants you to use only indirect methods of funtional assessment. You might use

a rating scale

You consult with an agency that wants you to use only indirect methods of functional assessment. You might use

a rating scale a structured interview the Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS) all of the above

A mother uses escape extinction during the morning routine (dressing, eating) with her disruptive young child. When he is finished with the routine, she rubs his back and talks to him for 5-10 min before leaving. The frequency of disruptive behavior decreased. The back rubbing may have been

a reinforcer for morning routine behaviors.

a dependent relationship between two or more stimuli is

a respondent contingency

Applied Behavior Analysis is set apart from other disciplines devoted to the understanding and improvement of human behavior with respect to its:

all of the above

Stimulus events that affect behavior are described by

all of the above their physical features when they occur with respect to a behavior of interest their effect on behavior

A partial interval data collection system is appropriate for which behavior?

all of the above talking or whispering to self in class hair twirling scratching

Which would be a helpful component to a definition to skin picking?

all of the above Includes scratching with finger nails or pinching the skin excludes mouthing of skin excludes open-hand rubbing

an effective conditioned reinforcer may be established by paring a previously neutral or ineffective stimulus with a primary or previously established secondary reinforcer preferred food items in a contingency arrangement activities that the client engages in at higher rates than other activites all the above

all the above

spontaneous recovery is not an indication that the extinction procedure is ineffective the re-emergence of behavior during extinction short- lived and followed by a decrease in behavior all the above

all the above

terminating an unconditioned stimulus/conditioned stimulus (i.e., US/CS) pairing has a function- altering effect describes respondent extinction will reduce responding to the CS all the above

all the above

A behavioral environment is made up of

all the stimuli that affect an individual

The goal of designing a single-subject graph in ABA is to

allow the data to most clearly reveal the extent to which the dependent and independent variables are related

If a behavior is maintained by automatic reinforcement, the rate of the behavior would most likely be highest in which functional analysis condition?


The most common experimental design used for functional analyses in published literature is the

alternating treatments design

Both an FI 5 and an FR 25 are in effect. The individual produces her 14th target response after 5 minutes and receives reinforcement. What schedule of reinforcement is she in?


an opportunity to make a choice involves having

alternatives from which to choose and the repertoire to meaningfully benefit from the available options

An MO for punishment

alters the effectiveness of something as a punisher.


alters the reinforcing value of an object, event, or stimulus.

Inter-response time is the preferred measure when it is important to know how the

amount of time between responses

You are driving down the road and see lights in your rear view mirror. With respect to pulling over, the police lights are

an MO.

Philosophic doubt

an attitude that the truthfulness and validity of all scientific theory and knowledge should be continually questioned.

a toddler is taken to the doctor for routine vaccinations. the doctor, wearing a white lab coat, gives the child three shots in the arm and the child cries each time. later, the child's father comes home from work wearing a plain, white cotton shirt. the toddler sees the shirt and immediately begins to cry. this suggests that the lab coat and the father's white shirt are equivalent stimuli because

an emotional response was conditioned in the presence of the coat and the shirt now elicits the same emotional response

evaluation of behavior problems that may have a link to a medical condition should be carried out by

an interdisciplinary team that includes members who are qualified to make the necessary determinations

A resident in an institution for people with developmental disabilities has been recently ill. She is asked to begin her laundry. On the way to the laundry room, another resident passes her and she hits the other resident. The other resident hits her back. What would you record as the immediate ANTECEDENT of the aggression?

another resident passes her

Initial interviews with people familiar with the individual whose behavior is being assessed can be useful and identifying

antecedents and consequences to look for during observation the impact of the problem behavior on others the individual's strengths

Fixed-interval schedules

are those where the FIRST response is rewarded ONLY after a specified amount of time has elapsed. This schedule causes high amounts of responding near the end of the interval, but much slower responding immediately after the delivery of the reinforcer. An example of this in a lab setting would be reinforcing a rat with a lab pellet for the first bar press after a 30-second interval has elapsed.

What type of baseline is indicated by an increasing or upward trend:


Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?

asking someone to change their behavior

on a graph displaying data from a functional analysis, the variable on the y-axis is the

behavior requested in the demand condition may compete with behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement

MOs and SDs have

behavior-altering effects.

A salesman is paid a 10% commission for all products sold by Company A and Company B. Company A line increase and sales for Company B decrease. This is an example of

behavioral contrast

The methods use to determine what time of day a behavior is most likely to occur are

behavioral interview, scatter plot, and ABC data

The methods used to determine what time of day a behavior is most likely to occur are

behavioral interview, scatter plot, and ABC data

A parent asserts that he never gives in to escape-maintained tantrums. However, observation data indicate that he placates the child. This inaccuracy exemplifies a problem with

behavioral interviews

Behaviors of social significance include

behaviors that may restrict access to educational, residential, or community settings

A child sitting alone picks his arm until it bleeds. Nothing is happening. No one is there and he doesn't know you are observing. What would you record as the CONSEQUENCE?


A student stops working for candy in school because his mother has started putting candy in his lunch. This is a confound due to

bootleg reinforcement

"A stimulus (a) in the presence of which a particular behavior has been previously reinforced AND (b) has not been reinforced in the absence of this stimulus" requires

both (a) and (b) to define an SD.

In which schedule of reinforcement is an individual reinforced every time a particular behavior occurs?

both FR1 and continuous reinforcement

When direct and frequent measurements are not collected, which of the following judgment error(s) commonly result?

both a and b

You suspect automatic reinforcement in the form of sensory stimulation as a possible controlling variable. Which conditions might you use to evaluate this hypothesis?

brief vs. long intertrial intervals

a parsimonious explanation is most likely to be

built on an existing foundation of knowledge or laws

Generally, a scatter plot

can be helpful when the target behavior occurs infrequently

Generally, a scatter plot

can be helpful when the target behavior occurs infrequently may involve a teacher recoding occurrences of the target behavior captures the frequency of behavior but not antecedents or consequences all of the above

Problem behaviors

can sometimes be remedied without formal behavior analysis services

because of a learner's history with the aversive consequences associated with particular stimuli, these stimuli

can suppress behavior in the absence of the actual aversive stimuli

A child walks into a kitchen. Her mother is sitting at the table with a plate of cookies. The child says, "Cookie" and proceeds to approach the table. Saying "Cookie" is under the control of

cannot determine

Generally, a scatter plot

captures the frequency of behavior but not antecedents or consequences may involve a teacher recording occurrences of the target behavior can be helpful when the target behavior occurs infrequently

In what schedule is the conditioned reinforcer for one response the discriminative stimuli for the next response?


What schedule presents two or more basic schedules of reinforcement associated with distinct discriminative stimuli in a predictable sequence?


All behavioral assessments should identify

competing contingencies

Two or more contingencies of reinforcement that operate independently and simultaneously for two or more behaviors constitute what schedule of reinforcement?


working with a child with autism, you present a squeaky toy contingent on her clapping her hands, and a raisin contingent on tapping her nose. You are using a

concurrent schedule reinforcer assessment

a reinforcer assessment is which two different stimuli are presented contingent on different responses is a

concurrent schedule reinforcer assessment.

A conditional discrimination is a discrimination in which reinforcement of a response to a stimulus is

conditional on the presence of one or more additional discriminative stimuli.

many token systems include the removal of tokens if problem behavior occurs. when this contingency was imposed on tom and his academic and problem behaviors DECREASED, STAFF concluded that the effect was due to

conditioned negative punishment

maddy disclosed a personal issue in group therapy and john told everyone about it later. in the next group session, the counselor noted that maddy was unusually quiet. the counselor was seeing response suppression due to

conditioned punishment

when adding new stimuli as part of an established equivalence class, new stimuli must be

conditioned to at least one stimulus in the equivalence class

A young adult with a severe intellectual disability exhibits dangerous aggressive behavior about once a month described by staff as occurring "out of the blue." You should

conduct a descriptive assessment

A behavior analyst is developing a home and community support program for a young adult with autism. The young main's mother wants him to stop playing with children's toys. She wants him to play sports and participate in hobbies more typical of his age group. The behavior analyst should

conduct a preference assessment using a selection of age-appropriate leisure activities that he might like

A strategy for improving ecological validity in a functional analysis is to

conduct the FA in the natural setting

When resources limit the type of intervention that can be used,

consider methods previously demonstrated to be effective under similarly limited conditions

When communicating with people unfamiliar with ABA jargon, you generally want to

consider the person's repertoire and avoid using ABA terminology if this could be confusing or off-putting to them

An ecological assessment (aka ecobehavioral or eco-systemic assessment) is best characterized as

considering all aspects of a person's environment, broadly defined, that could affect behavior

An ecological assessment (aka ecobehavioral or eco-systemic assessment) is best characterized as

considering all aspects of a person's life that could affect behavior

to be functional relationship, changes in antecedent or consequent events must alter the response class.

consistently, but not necessarily each time

To determine the steps of a complex scale using a task analysis

consult an expert perform the skill and record the steps you use observe the performance of someone who is fluent in the scale and record the steps they use all of the above

All behavior that repeats and is controlled by the outcomes it produces can be classified as

contingency-shaped or rule governed behavior

Given the logistics of collecting data on cigarette smoking, the preferred measure would be generally be

count of cigarettes smoked per day

The ________________ is a graph which records the cumulative responses emitted on the vertical axis

cumulative graph

It is important to collect interobserver agreement on the independent variable to

demonstrate procedural reliability

terminating an unconditioned stimulus/ conditioned stimulus (i.e., US/CS) pairing

describes respondent extinction

You want to use a multiple baseline across subjects design to evaluate the effect of extinction of self-injurious behavior. Before beginning,

determine how you will keep the subjects safe

What term or phrase describes the scientific belief that the universe is a lawful and orderly place:


Philosophical assimptions of behavior analysis include D.E.E.P.P.R

determinism experimentation empiricism parsimony philosophic doubt replication

Philosophical assumptions D.E.E.P.P.ER

determinism experimentation empiricism parsimony philosophical doubt replication

An antecedent stimulus that evokes behavior because it has been correlated with the availability of reinforcement is called a(n) ________.

discriminative stimulus

To avoid shaping more dangerous escape maintained behaviors in educational settings, the person intervening should:

do all of the above

One risk to the demonstration of experimental control when using a BAB design is that the behavior

doesn't deteriorate during the A condition

A child with a sensitivity to noise has a set a goal to remain seated throughout an entire 30-minute band practice by the date of an important concert he is expected to attend. Which is an appropriate measure of this progress toward his goal?


What type of recording should be used when the length of time a client engages in a behavior is the concern?

duration recording

A client may receive treatment for an ear infection as you are about to begin an intervention. To be able to experimentally evaluate the intervention, you should

encourage the doctor to begin treatment and extend your baseline

You begin to read a book, but the words look blurry. The blurry words could have an

evocative effect on looking for glasses.

self-injury has been nearly eliminated through extinction. a new staff inadvertently reinforces it

expect an increase that might be difficult to reverse

You are asked by a parent to provide counseling for a typically developing young teen who lacks motivation in school. You have professional experience and training with families and typically developing children. You should...

explain that you do not provide "counseling" but you can work with the family in other ways

A purpose for conducting a behavioral assessment is to

facilitate the development of an intervention by identifying the variables that influence its occurrence determine the client's problem and how to change it get a measure of behavior preferably directly but possibly indirectly all of the above

Free will is compatible with determinism.


Motivating operations are events that have been associated with the availability or non-availability of reinforcement in the past.


Reading a book is a response.


S-R psychology is a paradigm for modern behaviorism


Your sister can be an unconditioned punisher.


Reinforcement after a set number of responses is

fixed ratio (FR)

A data collection procedure likely to be used when conducting indirect functional assessment is

functional assessment questionnaires behavior rating scales behavioral interviews,

You are developing an intervention plan for a nonverbal 4 year old girl with autism. her parents complain that her gestures and noises are easy to understand but her teachers don't care enough about her to try and figure out what they mean. The parents claim that this is causing her to have meltdowns in school. They also claim that her meltdowns at home happen because she is willful. Her teachers complain that she is unmotivated and manipulative. Which of the following target behaviors should be given priority?

functional communication skills

Long delayed outcomes that control the behavior that produces them are

highly likely to occur

Rule governed behavior is primarily a function of the

history of reinforcement with the rule-giver

Progressive ratio schedule reinforcer assessments can be used to determine

how effective a reinforcer is under conditions of high response effort

A factor that would increase the priority for target behaviors for intervention is

how the change affects the overall reinforcement for the person the reduction in negative or unwanted attention how the change affects continued development and independent functioning all of the above

matching an item to itself, or an item to an identical item, is sometimes referred to as

identity matching

planned ignoring is extinction

if attention is the maintaining reinforcer.

A time series graph (equal-interval or semi-logarithmic) of your behavior

illustrates the story of what happened and how your behavior changed

Stimulus discrimination procedures in practice usually involve reinforcing responses to

increasingly fewer properties of a stimulus.

In a functional relation, the ______________ is the intervention

independent variable


indicates the availability of reinforcement.

An anecdotal assessment is a type of

indirect assessment

The pain from a bee sting

is a CMO-T with respect to having bee sting medication applied.

A planned probability that a behavior will be reinforced

is a schedule of reinforcement

The _________ is a graph based on two-dimensional area formed by the intersection of two perpendicular lines

line graph

What is the most commonly used graphic format for the display of data in applied behavior analysis:

line graph

Test and Heward (1984) recommend the number of sessions for data collection using momentary time sampling be ________ other data collection techniques.

long than

characteristic of a supportive environment includes

maintenance of safety and dignity

The most appropriate target behavior for a person who engages in too much negative verbal behavior about himself (for example, "I'm so stupid. I'll never get this right") would be

making positive statements about himself

As it relates to functional analysis, ecological validity refers to the extent to which conditions in the experimental setting

match the conditions that influence the behavior in the natural setting

What non-discriminative schedule presents two or more basic schedules of reinforcement for a single behavior class in an alternating, usually random, sequence?


Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?

modeling appropriate behavior and activity schedules

Behavioral momentum refers to the occurrence of some behaviors

momentarily increasing the probability of other behaviors occurring

Which of the following are discontinuous measurement procedures?

momentary time sampling, partial and whole-interval recording

What recording procedure is concerned with recording the presence or absence of behaviors immediately following specified time intervals?

momentary time-sampling

Interventions based on a functional assessment are

more likely to be effective less likely to involve punishment likely to focus on strengthening behaviors that are functionally equivalent to the problem behavior

The future probability of Ken completing homework increased when his parents required Ken to remain at his desk until his homework was completed. This is an example of:

negative reinforcement

The matching law pertains primary to the delivery of reinforcement

on concurrent schedules

Which antecedent is most likely to exert control over behavior?

one that immediately precedes a target behavior

Which consequence is most likely to influence future occurrences?

one that reinforces a target behavior

The results of an evaluation of two different interventions using an alternating treatments design show a large vertical distance between the data paths. This indicates that

one treatment was more effective than the other

As a behavior analyst, you should provide services...

only in areas in which you are competent

behavior that is the result of interactions with the environment during the individual's lifetime is


behavior that is the result of ones genetic background is


Behavior whose probability of occurrence is determined by its history of consequences is:

operant behavior

a teacher takes away a point each time a student speaks out in class. this is a/an

operant contingency

an M&M follows the response "Ball," in the presence of the word "ball." This is a/an

operant contingency

The options of watching tv or playing a computer game are offered

paired choice

Stimulus generalization occurs when a behavior is evoked by stimuli that are similar to an SD because they share similar

physical properties

when using extinction, you should

plan for a possible increase in aggression or counter control

Which functional analysis condition constitutes the control condition for the others?


Whole interval data collection is appropriate for which behavior?

playing without pushing peers

Given appropriate permissions, a way for the BACB to see if people who practice the CBA learning module series (LMS) to fluency get higher scores on the BCBA exam would be to

plot people's BCBA score on the x-axis and their corresponding percent LMS fluency on the y-axis of a graph

Given appropriate permissions, a way to see if people who practice the CBA learning modules series to fluency get higher scores on the BCBA exam would be to

plot people's BCBA score on the y-axis and their corresponding percent LMS fluency on the x-axis of a graph

given the written word "three" (stimulus A)- say, "three," (stimulus B) given the spoken word "three" (stimulus B)- point to numeral "3" (stimulus C) stimulus equivalence is demonstrated when the learner

points to the numeral "3" when given the written word "THREE"

Herrnstein found a near-perfect, ________ correlation between one unit increase in ________ with one unit increase in behavior.

positive; reinforcement

Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement both

produce an increase in future behavior

An essential structure of the line graph requires the vertical axis (y-axis) to be labeled with a __________ and the horizontal axis (x-axis) to be labeled with a __________.

quantitative measure; time unit

You are asked by a parent to help a typically developing young teen who is not completing school assignments. Your professional experience is with autism, but you learned behavioral self-management skills in college. You should...

refer the family to a behavior analyst with appropriate experience

Which kind of CMO acquires its properties by systematically preceding worsening/improvement?


You noncontingently offer a student a small portion of chocolate ice-cream. You hen tell him that with each math problem he complete, he gets another bite. You have used

reinforcement sampling.

Unconditioned reinforcement Is

reinforcement that requires no prior conditioning of reinforcing stimulus

once equivalence classes are established, equivalent stimuli tend to

remain functionally related long after training


requires control over extraneous variables is an evaluation of the cause of one event by other events

Stimulus generalization may refer to

responding under loose stimulus control.

Stimulus discrimination can be broadly defined as

restricting the range of stimuli that evoke a particular behavior.

a symmetrical response occurs when a learner

reverses the direction of matching of the originally trained pairs.

An ethical consideration when using a withdrawal design to evaluate self-injurious behavior is the

risk of injury during the reversal phase

Behavior with a response to consequence delay of 30 seconds or more is likely

rule-governed behavior

Kindergarten children participated in an experiment of "delayed gratification." Each child had a marshmallow placed in front of him and was told, "If you dont eat the marshmallow for 5 minute, you can have 2 marshmallows." The behavior of the children who waited is an example of

rule-governed behavior

You used the help function of your software program to determine how to insert a picture and followed the procedure step-by-step to successfully insert a picture. This is an example of

rule-governed behavior.

Which measurement procedures are listed from most accurate to least accurate for measuring discrete behaviors with consistent duration?


A decrease in operant behavior due to continued consumption of a reinforcer is known as a __________


which of the following is most likely to have empirical support?

science fair project

when key stakeholders are likely to disagree with the organizational behavior change program you intend to use, the best approach would be to

select goals and methods that are in line with the organization's mission

The best option to ensure that behavior change will be maintained after treatment is to

select target behaviors that are likely to be reinforced in the individual's natural environment

which of the following behavior problems justify a medical evaluation as part of a comprehensive behavioral assessment

self-injurious eat hitting

Compound schedule of reinforcement include

sequences of simple schedules

Which is an inappropriate label for the horizontal axis?


Intermittent schedule of reinforcement means that

some but not all responses are reinforced

A student driver learns to step on the brake in the presence of a red traffic light. This is an example of

stimulus discrimination

A student has learned to make requests of his teacher when she wears a certain expression because she is more likely to honor his requests than if she were not wearing that expression. This is an example of

stimulus discrimination

A worker has been trained to examine bottles of beer as they move past a light on a conveyor belt, and to remove any bottles containing beer that looks cloudy. Later, he is assigned the same task at another station on the assembly line. His performance of that task in the new location is an example of

stimulus generalization

When an established behavior occurs in a new situation, this is most likely to indicate

stimulus generalization

A boy learns to say "Help" when he gets stuck tying his shoes and his mother comes and helps him. He then says "Help" when he tries to climb up the slide but his little legs are too short to reach the bottom rung of the ladder. This is an example of

stimulus generalization.

Training occurs under one set of conditions and later the behavior change also occurs under a different set of conditions. This is called

stimulus generalization.

A four-year old girl with autism often hits her father when she is angry. Her father doesn't mind. It is a light slap, usually on his arm, and she does it with a sulky expression on her face that he describes as cute. The behavior analyst should

suggest teaching an alternative response to replace hitting

a mother wants to teach her son to recognize his grandmother. a few times a day she shows him a picture of grandma and he says "grandma." one day when she is talking to a friend about grandma, her son brings her the picture of grandma. This is an example of


in a match-to-sample situation, given a picture of a ball, the learner says, "ball," and given the spoken work "ball," the learner selects a picture of a ball. This is a demonstration of


a boy teases his sister because she gets mad when he does so. an appropriate extinction procedure might involve

teaching the sister to stop getting mad

A surrogate CMO would depend on what kind of relationship with an MO?


lawfulness means or is supported by which of the following statements?

that given perfect experimental control you would always get the same results you obtain consistent results over numerous similar experiments this computer works the same way each time you turn it on. automobiles that come out of the same plant all work the same way

The reinforcing effectiveness OF A STIMULUS is determined by

the MO, immediacy of delivery, size/amount, and quality of reinforcer.

Arranging high-frequency (ie., high preference) activities to follow low-frequency (ie., low preference) activities is an application of

the Premack Principle

Before performing a formal or informal behavior assessment, the behavior analyst must be sure he/she has

the authority and permission to do so

Before performing a formal or informal behavioral assessment, the behavior analyst must be sure he/she has

the authority and permission to do so

When the goal of a behavioral intervention is not a behavior, contingencies of reinforcement should be applied to

the behaviors involved in achieving the goal

A teacher places a cookie in front of a student. After he eats it, she places a toy car in front of the same student and he ignores it. She correctly concludes that

the cookie is more likely to reinforce behavior than the toy car

Two treatment options are being considered for an intervention. Both have good empirical support in the literature. Your choice maybe based on

the cost of implementing the intervention the families preferences the experience and skill of the direct providers of the treatment all of the above

Stimulus discrimination procedures in practice usually involve reinforcing responses to stimuli that have

the critical features of the natural SD.

The "want" or "need" for a reinforcer is determined by

the current MO.

A factor to consider in prioritizing target behaviors for an intervention could be

the degree of danger to self and others how often the target behavior change affects the person's life that the behavior will address a persistent problem or skill deficit all of the above

A factor to consider in prioritizing target behavior for an intervention could be

the degree of danger to self and others how often the target behavior change effects the person's life that the behavior will address a persistent problem or skill deficit

Continuous Reinforcement Schedules

the desired behavior is reinforced EVERY SINGLE time it occurs. This schedule is best used during the initial stages of learning in order to create a strong association between the behavior and the response. Once the response if firmly attached, reinforcement is usually switched to a partial reinforcement schedule.

At home when the phone rings you normally answer it and say "Hello." The response is reinforced by the conversation that follows. If the phone and door bell ring at the same time, you might answer the phone and say,"One moment, please." This response would be reinforced by allowing you a moment to see who is at the door without losing the opportunity to talk to the caller as well. What is the conditional stimulus?

the doorbell ringing

in a contrived free operant observation to identify reinforcers,

the environment is salted with a variety of potential reinforcers and an observer records duration of engagement with each one.

If a cumulative record of John's math worksheet problems is smooth,

the fact that the tech's cell phone rang while John was working shows that his performance is stable even there is a minor distraction

A student of yours may soon reach an academic criterion and earn a star that completes his star chart, which is followed by a party that both you and he really enjoy. However, as he works on the final task to earn the star, he frequently begins to jump and flap. If you do not quickly refocus him, he won't finish. Which is a CMO-R for your refocusing of the student?

the jumping and flapping

Duration is preferred when

the length of time the behavior occurs is important


the objective observation of the phenomena of interest; objective observations are "independent of the individual prejudices, tastes, and private options of the scientist. Results of empirical methods are objective in that they are open to anyone's observation and do not depend on subjective belief of the individual scientist"


the philosophy of a science of behavior; there are various forms of behaviorism such as methodological behaviorism, radical behaviorism.

when conducting a functional assessment, you also want to familiarize yourself with

the physical material and human resources available to the organization The key stakeholders (both formal and informal) in the organization The mission of the organization n which the intervention is to be conducted


the practice of ruling our simple, logical explanations, experimentally or conceptually, before considering more complex or abstract explanations.

In a conditional discrimination, a discriminated operant is reinforced or not reinforced depending on

the presence of another antecedent stimulus.

a respondent contingency includes

the probability of a particular stimulus given another stimulus

The x-axis of a stimulus generalization gradient represents

the range of values over which a parameter of an SD changes.

The Y-axis of a stimulus generalization gradient represents

the rate or amount of the target behavior.

spontaneous recovery is

the re-emergence of behavior during extinction

multiple schedule reinforcer assessments can be used to determined

the relative effects of contingent versus noncontingent presentation of a stimulus.

in a multiple schedule reinforcer assessment, reinforcer value is determined based on

the relative rates of a single behavior on different reinforcement schedules

A game leader gives an instruction ("touch your head"), the players respond according to the instruction and their responses are reinforced (the players stay in the game) only if the statement "Simon says..." precedes the instruction. The fourth term in this contigency is

the statement "Simon says.."

The form or shape of the behavior is calleld the:


Which kind of CMO acquires its properties by altering the value of another stimulus?


a toddler has learned to select a picture of grandma in a photo album when asked , "which one is grandma?" when grandma comes by for a visit, his mother says, "grandma's here." grandma holds out her arms and says "where's my hug?" one day, the toddler sees the picture of grandma and says "where's my hug?" this is an example of


when a learner can match two stimuli that are equivalent due to their relationship to a third stimulus, this is called


when shown the shape of alaska, a child is taught to say "alaska" when she is asked "what is the capital of alaska?" she is taught to say "juneau" then, when shown an unlabeled map of the U.S and asked "where is juneau?" she points to alaska. this is an example of


when shown the shape of florida, a child is taught to say "florida" when asked "what is the capital of florida?" she is taught to day "tallahassee" then when shown an unlabeled map of the U.S and asked "where is tallahassee?" she points to florida. this is an example of


stimulus equivalence is evident when the learner demonstrated

transitivity, reflexivity, and symmetry

An advantage of the alternating treatments design over the A-B-A-B reversal design is that

treatment of the problem behavior can begin right away

Which procedure refers to the report of the number of times response opportunities are presented before an individual achieves a pre-established accuracy or proficiency level?

trials to criterion

A stimulus class has a common effect on behavior, but can vary based on their topographical properties.


If food reinforcers are to be used in at individual's reinforcement program, they should be

used during sessions that take place before meals.

if sensory stimulation to the hand reinforces hand mouthing, and extinction procedure might involve

using a glove

A partial interval (PI) data collection system is appropriate for which behavior?

visibly grinding teeth in class

A trend on a line graph goes through a series of data points representing an individual's behavior over time. If we make no change in the environment,

we make the assumption that extending the line beyond the existing data will predict the individual's behavior in the future

Empirical support for the CMO-S is


Under what circumstances is it inappropriate to use a reversal design?

when the change in behavior produced by the behavior is irreversible when withdrawing the intervention would risk injury to the client or staff when conducting a reversal is objectionable to the treatment team all of the above

Which of the following should be considered when deciding which target behaviors should be given priority in intervention?

whether the behavior change contributes to the individual's ability to make choices based on their preferences

Which of the following should be considered when deciding which target behaviors should be given priority in intervention?

whether the behavior change will increase the rate or overall amount of reinforcement an individual is able to reliably access

When selecting target behaviors and goals for behavior change, a behavior analyst should ask,

who will benefit from this change? why should this behavior be changed? will this change improve the individual's life experience,

Which observational recording procedure UNDER-estimates the occurrence of the behavior?


Which observational recording procedure requires the presence of the behavior throughout the entire interval?


A factor that would increase the priority for target behaviors for intervention is

will be reinforced in the natural environment is a prerequisite for other functional skills will increase access to environment with more opportunity for learning all of the above

when using extinction, it helps to

withhold reinforcement consistently

Stimulus discrimination procedures in practice usually involve

withholding reinforcement for responses to stimuli that do not have the critical features of the SD.

To ensure that a factory worker achieves the work required of him on a daily bases, his supervisor should reinforce

work completion

Whole-interval data collection is appropriate for which behavior?

working quietly

An advantage of alternating treatments design over the reversal design is that

you can quickly identify the most effective treatment treatment of the problem behavior can begin right away the ethical dilemma of withdrawing an effective intervention is avoided all of the above

The experimental analysis of behavior is characterized by

Basic research

Stimulus generalization may refer to

Behavior evoked by an SD in the presence of irrelevant stimuli.

Which us the correct way to talk about reinforcement?

Behavior occurs more often in the future due to the reinforcing consequence*

Response class theory suggests that interventions should address the

Behavior through antecedent control

A teacher combines a variety of empirical validated strategies to form her own behavior management system. This is best characterized as

Behavioral technology

Momentary time sampling is a better sampling method of data collection when measuring

Behaviors that are difficult to observe continuously (e.g. Employees personal use of company equipment)


Can be explanatory fictions*

If a person is nonverbal and cannot respond to a reinforce survey, suspected reinforcer for that person

Can be found by asking the person's family, friends, and teachers.

Baseline data indicate that several component behaviors in a task analysis are already mastered. Consider

Combining some of the steps

__________ reinforcers are established based on a history of pairing with established reinforcers.


_____________ are value-altering events that are a result of a person's learning history.

Conditioned motivating operations

Generally, when people speak in their native language, the grammar they use is

Contingency shaped behavior

Stimuli in an arbitrary stimulus class:

Do not share similar stimulus features.

Generalized conditioned reinforcers are Exemplified by classroom token systems whereby students purchase from a "store" The same as secondary reinforcers Exemplified by subway token systems whereby commuters purchase rides with tokens. All of the above

Exemplified by classroom token systems whereby students purchase from a "store"

Completeness in an operational definition refers to

Explanation of the boundaries or parameters; delineation of what is included and excluded

A conditioned reinforcer is a punishing stimulus that has acquired its properties as a function of species history.


A target behavior is always the problem behavior.


Behavior analysts reinforce people.


Direct measurement requires that inferences be made concerning an individual's performance.


Discriminative stimuli alter the value of a reinforcer.


It is acceptable to label the x-axis with session numbers.


Through careful design, we can control behavior.


which of the following behavior problems justify a medical evaluation as part of a comprehensive behavioral assessment?

Food refusal and other eating disorders Self- injurious ear hitting Bedwetting ALL OF THE ABOVE

Using direct observation, you conclude that TV is likely to be a reinforcer. You may have

Found that watching TV was the longest duration activity

Which of the following properties are recorded using continuous measurement procedures?

Frequency, duration

With circular reasoning, the cause is determined

From the same information as the effect*

Examples of rating skills include

Functional analysis screening tool (FAST)

A supportive environment is one in which

Functional skills are taught and maintained.

Public health data show a higher prevalence of which of the following among people with developmental disabilities?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease Allergies Constipation ALL OF THE ABOVE

A descriptive assessment may be used when

Gathering information to develop a hypothesis regarding the function of a behavior of interest

Which of these would be the most effective treatment, according to the BACB guidelines? A procedure that

Has been empirically demonstrated to be effective

Which stimuli might be members of the same stimulus class?

Hey stop sign, a policeman with hand out and palms facing a car, a flashing red traffic light

In a typical applied setting, behavior analysts are likely to encounter limitations to the services they provide from

Interested parties who disagree with a behavioral approach A lack of adequately trained personnel Individuals seeking to intentionally sabotage your efforts

To determine whether a previously implemented intervention was carried out with fidelity,

Interview staff who worked with the client, if available


Involves the movement of muscles and glands

An analog assessment may not yield valid results if the function of the problem behavior

Is pain onset

One reason behavior analysis is a natural science is that

It doesn't employ mentalism

Which is likely in an uncondition response?

Jerking your hand away after it touches the hot iron

Which of the following is an example of a negative reinforcement contingency?

Jo is sitting near a window at Starbucks having a cup of coffee. The sun is streaming in the window, and it is too warm for Jo-she is beginning to perspire. Jo moves to another chair away from the window, where it is shady. The next time Jo goes to Starbucks, she sees the sun shining in the window again and sits in the chair in the shade instead.

Which of the following often imposes limitations on the types of intervention that can be used in the provision of behavior analytic services?

Legal constraints

Which of the following most likely suggests a function?

Masturbation often results in orgasms

Given a high-p request sequence intervention where two high-p request precede a low-p request, select the appropriate reinforcers for each request

Nice Job, Well done, delivery of a piece of cookie

Reinforcer sampling involves

Noncontingent exposure to a variety of novel stimuli or activities for a brief period

Which practice would violate individuals dignity

Not having stalls in a bathroom with several toilets

Clarity in an operational definition of head hitting is best exemplified by

Open hand or closed fist hits to any part of the head at any time

Tallying the number of individuals engaged in specified behaviors and comparing this to the total number of individuals in the group is an example of:


Which of the following is correct?

Reinforcement enables the SD to exert stimulus control in the future.

Variable ratio

Reinforcement is delivered after an unpredictable number of responses High and steady response rate Example: Gambling

In the term radical behaviorism the word radical means

Relating to the fundamental nature of something: far-reaching and thorough

Which of the following includes ALL SECONDARY reinforcers?

Religion, fashion, sexual jokes


Results in the aversive stimulus not being experienced.


Results in the termination of an aversive stimulus

Which would NOT be a helpful component to a definition of aggression?

Results in the victim crying, as evidenced by the presence of tears

______________________, an Austrian physician, went against invented wisdom when he implemented a change in hand washing procedures.


Upon noticing her child stealing cookies out of the cookie jar, the mother slapped her child's hand. As a result, the child is less likely to steal cookies next time his mother is home. This is an example of

Social punishment

After Lauren Bacall said, "You do know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and blow," as she was leaving his office, Bogart made his first whistle, which was so high pitched that it caused her to run screaming out of his office. As a result he was more likely to whistle the next time he wanted to get rid of her. This is an example of

Social reinforcement

Which kind of CMO acquires its properties by being paired with another MO?


With negative reinforcement,

The individual escapes or avoids versus stimulation

A strength, force, or intensity of a response is called the:


when john came to the clinic, he already responded to "good", as in "good boy" and "good job", as a reinforcer, so his BCBA knew that

"good" could be used in training because it was a conditioned reinforcer for him

The best example of everyday language for timeout could be

"having a child take a short break from an activity after a specific problem behavior."

In a behavioral objective, and example of a CRITERION is

"90% correct for three out of four days"

In a behavioral objective, and example of a PERFORMANCE CRITERION is

"No self injury for three consecutive days"

Select the request sequence that uses behavioral momentum and that you are most likely to find in an intervention to promote language

"Stand up," > no delay > "Sit down," > no delay > "Touch your nose," > no delay > "Say your address"

In a behavioral objective, and example of a CRITERION is

"The garbage taken out once each day of the week without having to be asked"

The average rate of "+ thoughts" after Day 21 is 12/dat. If conditions remain the same, what us the rate likely to be on Day 40?

0 to 2

Once the components of a complex girl have been learned and can be performed accurately, reinforcement contingencies are then shifted to


Behaviors can be defined

Functionally or topographically

this graph shows correct rates of answers to social studies questions during 1 min. timings by a student classified with special needs. the classroom goal is 35 per min. correct for everyone. based on these data, what can you say about the appropriateness of this activity?

He is approximately halfway to the goal, and another month should be sufficient for him to achieve it at the current pace

Which us NOT an explanatory fiction? A child becomes an award winning pianist because

He practices at least 10 hours a week

Which intermittent observation system is likely to over or under estimate as compared to the true duration of a behavior

Momentary time sampling

Which of the following constitutes a prompt?

Physically helping an individual perform a task.

Which of the following constitutes an instance of behavior?

Squinting in the sun

___________ is "an energy change that affects an organism through its receptor cells" (Michael, 2004, p.7).


Behavior changes that result from the presentation or removal of an antecedent stimulus in the presence of which the behavior has produced functional consequences demonstrates

Stimulus control

A topographical definition of a behavior is one that is written in terms of

The movements that comprise the behavior

A person is in a street market of another country and is hungry and does not speak the language. He emits several novel behaviors with a noodle vendor TO OBTAIN food.

The novel behaviors are emitted because of the MO for hunger.

Which exemplifies a frequency measure?

The number of instances of self-injurious behavior during the class period.

According to the Task List, frequency is

The number of occurrences of a behavior

Applied behavior analysis

Was defined by Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968)

Failing to involve stakeholders in an intervention might result in

a lack of resources for the intervention

an intervention is supported by peer-reviewed experimentation, but you don't think it will work because the outcomes are inconsistent with what operant conditioning would predict

accept the data supporting the intervention until contrary findings emerge

A motivating operation (MO) is always

an antecedent

Which of the following is NOT a schedule of reinforcement?


After completing baseline and three sessions of the experimental phase, your client moves to another state. This exemplifies an experimental confound due to

client attrition

many token systems include the removal of tokens if problem behavior occurs. when this contingency was imposed on tom and he earned tokens for his academic BEHAVIORS, STAFF concluded that the increase in academic behaviors was due to

conditioned reinforcement

Reinforcement provided for the first response after a constant length of time is

fixed interval (FI)

what are the schedules of reinforcement

fixed ratio (FI) variable ratio (VI) fixed interval (FI) variable interval (VI)

A descriptive assessment may be used when

gathering information to develop a hypothesis regarding the function of a behavior of interest resources are unavailable to conduct a functional analysis assessing the function of a serious problem that occurs infrequently

Rate of responding as a function of the variations of a property of a controlling stimulus describes a

generalization gradient

training an operant response in the presence of a stimulus that is a member of an equivalence class results in

generalization of the response to other members of the stimulus class

A _________ is a conditioned reinforcer that does not depend on a current establishing operation for any particular form of reinforcement for its effectiveness.

generalized conditioned reinforcer

a child falls and scrapes his knee after running down the stairs. as a result of the scrape, in the future he always walks. the scrape

had a repertoire-altering effect.

Which behavior is most appropriate for frequency data collection?

hand biting that is momentary

Duration per occurrence is appropriate for which behavior?

hand mouthing that can be brief or long

A high general level of positive reinforcement...

has been shown to reduce a wide array of problem behaviors

Problem behavior can be reduced without behavior analysis services by...

having an enriched environment


is a behavior reduction procedure

What is needed to develop a systematic and useful technology of behavior change:

knowledge of specific arrangements of environmental variables to bring about desired behavior

Trend line is the

line of progress

Rapidly changing experimental conditions is a strategy for avoiding a confound due to


when an abusive master walks into a room, the dog walks out. the dog's behavior is likely maintained by

negative reinforcement

Which exemplifies a frequency measure?

number of greeting responses in a day

Which observational recording procedure OVER-estimates the occurrence of the behavior?


Which observational recording procedure requires the observer to record whether the behavior was present or absent at any time during the time interval?


A client with a severe intellectual disability is sitting alone when a peer enters the room with a spot of blood on his face from shaving. The sitting client then bangs her head. With a pained expression, she holds her head and looks at the peer. What would you record as the ANTECEDENT to head banging?

peer enters the room with blood on his face

____________ has occurred when the frequency of responding has been decreased by the presentation of a stimulus.

positive punishment


precede a target behavior

Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?

reducing the noise level

Behavior that is elicited by antecedent stimuli is referred to as:

respondent behavior.

Consulting with or making referrals to other professionals

should be based primarily on what is best for their client may include referring the case to another behavior analyst may include seeking assistance from professionals other than behavior analysts

The type of attention delivered in the attention condition of a functional analysis should be

similar to the type of attention delivered in the natural environment

A teacher places a cookie in front of a student. After he eats it, she places a toy car in front of the same student. He plays with it. She is using which method of reinforcer identification?

single stimulus

On a cumulative record or graph, the higher the response rate, the

steeper the slope of the graph

The environment influences behavior primarily by

stimulus change

Generalization gradient is most similar to

stimulus change decrement

With respect to its effect on behavior, the environment is described in terms of

stimulus conditions or events

On a generalization gradient, the lowest response rates are associated with

stimulus that are several degrees different from the original stimulus.

When you first hit a malfunctioning key on your computer keyboard, you hit the key several times. This behavior

suggests a behavior-ALTERNING (evocative) effect of the MO (hitting the key and getting no result).

In negative reinforcement, the reinforcer is the

termination of aversive stimulus

determinism means

that all events have causes

A factor that would increase the priority for target behaviors for intervention is

the effect of the change on significant others

Stimulus events that affect behavior are described by

the effect on behavior

On generalization gradient, the highest response rates are associated with

the original stimulus

The unlearned aspect of a UMO is

the value-altering effect

The purpose of reviewing health and medical records as part of a behavioral assessment is

to identify factors that may serve as obstacles to behavioral intervention to determine if a behavior problem is related to the effects of medication to identify factors that could explain patterns of behavior ALL OF THE ABOVE

Response generalization refers to the occurrence of

variations in behavior as a result of extinction.

Under what circumstances would you consider using a BAB design?

when the target behavior could cause injury to the client or others when an intervention is already in place when time is limited all of the above

In a behavioral objective, an example of CONTEXT (I.e., description of the conditions under which the behavior occurs) is

"The teacher placing a worksheet on the desk"

The best example of everyday language for satiation could be

"a person having so much of something that they stop working for it."

The best example of everyday language for stimulus generalization could be

"applying something learned in class in a different setting."

The best example of everyday language for negative reinforcement should be

"behaving in a way to avoid something unpleasant, like a reprimand."

The best example of everyday language for stimulus generalization should be

"being able to apply something learned in class in a different setting."

In a behavioral objective, an example of CONTEXT (I.e., description of the conditions under which the behavior occurs) is

"given an instruction to take out the garbage"

The best example of everyday language for response cost could be

"imposing a fine for doing something unacceptable."

which statement reflects a deterministic philosophy with respect to an adult who engages in aggression most mornings at breakfast?

"oatmeal makes her sick, then she strikes out"

The best example of everyday language for positive reinforcement should be

"providing rewards, attention, praise, etc. to get more of the behavior."

The best example of everyday language for extinction could be

"reducing behavior by withholding the attention or reward it usually gets."

The best example of everyday language for a (positive) reinforcer could be

"something a child wants and is willing to work for."

Examples of everyday language for consequence could be

"something good or bad that happens after a person does something."

In a behavioral objective, an example of a CRITERION is

"the garbage taken out once each day of the week without having to be asked"

which statement reflects a deterministic philosophy with respect to a child who exhibits unpredictable tantrums

"we haven't yet identified the factors that control tantrums"

Examples of everyday language for stimulus control could be

"when behavior occurs because of signals that indicate various outcomes, such as when a driver sees that her tank is low and starts looking for a gas station"

Examples of everyday language for stimulus control could be

"when changes in a person's setting cause them to do certain behaviors, such as when a red light causes a driver to put her boot on the brake"


(a) repeating conditions within an experiment to determine the reliability of effects and increase internal validity. (b) repeating whole experiments to determine the generality of findings of previous experiments to other subjects, settings, and/or behaviors.

The pain from a bee sting

(all of the above) alters the value of bee sting medication being applied. is a CMO-T with respect to having bee sting medication applied. is a UMO

Compound schedules of reinforcement include

(all of the above) simultaneous schedules sequences of simple schedules fixed interval schedules combined with extinction

Parents of a 3-year-old child ask for your help to reduce supper-time problem behavior. The child frequently leaves the table to play with toys or crawls into the father's lap for attention. As part of the intervention you may

(all of the above) use father attention as a reinforcer for in-seat and eating behavior of child. increase the UMO for eating by reducing the child's afternoon snack. reduce the CMO for attention from father by having non-contingent attention from father before dinner.

You begin to read a book, but the words look blurry. The blurry words could have an

(all of the above) * evocative effect on looking for glasses. * abative effect on reading. * abative effect on requesting additional reading material.

Simple schedules of reinforcement include

(all of the above) * fixed ratio * variable ratio * fixed interval

Stimulus discrimination procedures in practice usually involve

(all of the above) * reinforcing responses to stimuli that have the critical features of the natural SD. * withholding reinforcement for responses to stimuli that do not have the critical features of the SD. * withholding reinforcement for responses to noncritical properties of a stimulus.

A child has learned to write her name on the chalkboard in the classroom. Later on the playground, she writes her name in the sandbox with her finger. This is an example of

(all of the above) *response generalization *setting/situation generalization *stimulus generalization


(all of the above) have value-altering effects. result from a learning history. have behavior-altering effects.

The textbook describes a study by Ahearn and colleagues (1996), in which negative reinforcement was used to increase food acceptance in children. In this example, during baseline, bite acceptances produced access to toys and bite refusals produced removal of the spoon (negative reinforcement). During the intervention, bite refusals no longer produced removal of the spoon. Instead, the spoon was only removed if a bite was accepted. As soon as a bite was accepted and every time a bite was accepted, the spoon was briefly removed. Which factors that are important to consider for effectively changing behavior with negative reinforcement are illustrated in this example? The stimulus change following the occurrence of the target behavior was immediate. The difference in stimulation prior to and after the response occurred was large. The occurrence of the target response consistently produced escape. Reinforcement was unavailable for competing responses. all the above*

(all of the others)

Reviewing the file for Diana, a new client who licks her hand, you find a graph from her previous placement. You notice that the activity associated with the greatest number of licks per time segment was her

30-39 DTT

Hersen and Barlow (1976) recommend that observers continue training until they achieve a minimum of _______ agreement.


Which of the following exemplifies response generalization?

A boy used to climb on a step stool to reach the cookies when he was little; now he just walks to the cabinet and opens it.

Which is an unconditioned stimulus?

A bright light

Someone regularly arrives in a noisy truck bringing fresh donuts. Soon you begin to salivate when you hear the truck coming. The noise from the truck is

A condition stimulus

An abative effect refers to:

A decrease in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event

Examples of UMO's for punishment include

A decrease in the temperature of water to the point of extreme cold and an increase in pain to the point that it could not get any worse.

Explanatory fiction

A fictitious or hypothetical variable that often takes the form of another name for the observed phenomenon it claims to explain and contributes nothing to a functional account or understanding of the phenomenon, such as "intelligence" or "cognitive awareness" as explanations for why an organism pushes the lever when the light is on and food is available but does not push the lever when the light is off and no food is available.

You are asked to use only empirical (experimental) methods of functional assessment. You should use

A functional analysis

A stimulus class is generally defined as

A group of stimuli that have a common affect on a response class

A stimulus classes sometimes defined as

A group of stimuli with one or more common properties, including Temporel or formal properties

An advantage of brief functional analysis is that

A hypothesis might be derived from an analysis of antecedents

Common obstacles to the provision of behavioral services include

A lack of funds to purchase reinforcers

Experimental analysis of behavior (EAB)

A natural science approach to the study of behavior as a subject matter in its own right founded by B.F. Skinner, methodological features include rate of response as a basic dependent variable response classes, within subject experimental comparisons instead of group design, visual analysis of graphed data instead of statistical inference, and an emphasis on describing functional relations between behavior and controlling variables in the environment over formal theory testing.

The respondent conditioning process calls for presenting A neutral stimulus with or immediately preceding an unconditioned stimulus A neutral stimulus immediately following and unconditioned response A condition stimulus with or immediately preceding an unconditioned response All of the above

A neutral stimulus with or immediately preceding an unconditioned stimulus

Methodological behaviorism

A philosophical position that views behavioral events that cannot be publically observed as outside the realm of science.

Hypothetical construct

A presumed but unobserved process or entity (e.g. Freud's id,ego, and superego.

The definition of overt behavior includes

A relation between an organism and its environment

A reflex is

A response and it's associated controlling stimulus

In a scatterplot, an appropriate cell entry for occurrence of the target behavior may be

A slash to indicate some occurrences and a filled in box to indicate many occurrences. A slash to indicate a duration less than 50% of the time and a filled in box to indicate greater than 50% of the time The exact number of occurrences.

A stimulus delta is:

A stimulus in the presence of which a response will not be reinforced.

With negative reinforcement,

A stimulus is removed after a behavior and increases the future probability of the behavior


A systematic approach to the understanding of natural phenomena (as evidenced by description, prediction, and control) that relies on determinism as it fundamental assumption, empiricism as its primary rule, experimentation as its basic strategy, replication as a requirement for believability, parsimony as a value, and philosophic doubt as its guiding conscience.

Functional relation

A verbal statement summarizing the results of an experiment (or group of related experiments) that describes the occurrence of the phenomena under study as a function of the operation of one or more specified and controlled variables in the experiment in which a specific change in one event (the dependent variable) can be produced by manipulating another event (the independent variable) and that the change in the dependent variable was unlikely the result of other factors (confounding variables) in behavioral analysis expressed as b=f(x1), (x2)... where b is the behavior and x1,x2 ect. Are environmental variables of which the behavior is a function.

Which design could provide the most valid non-intervention measure with a demonstration of experimental control?


A data collection procedure likely to be used when conducting a descriptive assessment is

ABC narrative recording ABC continuous recording scatterplot recording,

At the beginning of a consultation, you want to define the problem behavior. The best source to consult might be

ABC narrative recordings

Direct observation may include

ABC recording

Which of the following exemplifies response generalization? A boy used to climb on a step stool to reach the cookies when he was little; now he just walks to the cabinet and opens it. An expatriate reverses.... A child is taught to sign "I love you" with his right hand, as a result he can sign it with his left hand also. ALL OF THE ABOVE


Partial interval recording would be the better sampling method for measuring behavior when the desired outcome of a behavior change plan is that

ALL OF THE ABOVE A toddler stop biting other children during playtime A student in the classroom engages in less talking out during lessons A smoker on a cessation program smokes if you were cigarettes throughout the day

A scatterplot enables and analysis of behavior

Across times of the day

For reinforcement to occur, Increases in the behavior are due to the consequence it produces. A behavior must produce a consequence. There is an increase in the future probability of the behavior. All of the above

All of the above

In applied behavior analysis the definition of behavior Exclude behavioral states such as happy or sad. Sometimes excludes covert behavior. May include only measurable or observable behavior. All of the above

All of the above

Most behavior can be classified As operant versus respondent As overt versus covert. By response class. All of the above

All of the above

Respondent behavior Is under the control of an antecedent. Is not amenable to shaping can sometimes be brought under up rent control. All of the above

All of the above

Sex is A primary reinforcer A reinforcer due to an organism's phylogeny An unconditioned reinforcer All of the above

All of the above

The definition of overt behavior includes The requirement of measurable change movement of some part of the organism displacement in space through time all of the above

All of the above

The respondent conditioning process calls for A neutral stimulus paired with the unconditioned stimulus. Absence of the neutral stimulus when the unconditioned stimulus also is absent. An unconditioned stimulus that reliably elicits an unconditioned response. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following may be a stimulus? A response exhibited by itself a gradual change in temperature a response exhibited by another person all of the above

All of the above

Which stimuli might be members of the same stimulus class? Blue back, blue airplane, blue box A schedule, and M&M, hearing "correct!" A stop sign, a police man with hand out and palm facing a car, a flashing red traffic light All of the above

All of the above

Discontinuous measurement may refer to recording the occurrence of behavior when exhibited

All of the above Anytime during an interval At a particular moment at the end of an interval During an entire interval

Stimulus salience:

All of the above.

Measurement of permanent products is desirable because:

All of these are desiresable characteristics of a permanent product.


An approach to explaining behavior that assumes that a mental, or "inner" dimension exists that differs from a behavioral dimensions and that phenomena in this dimension either directly cause or at least mediate some forms of behavior, if not all.

A descriptive assessment is

An assessment involving direct observation of the target behavior in the environment in which I normally occurs

Advocates of brief functional analysis maintain that

An extended functional analysis is sometimes necessary

Which is an example of a UMO?

An increase in painful stimulation

An evocative effect refers to:

An increase in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event

Select the response

An instance of face hitting occurs at 2 PM on Tuesday

As compared to the true duration per occurrence of a behavior, a whole-interval system is more likely to yield

An underestimate

Which of the following is not a component specified in the definition of ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis seeks to produce statistically significant results.

Using functional analysis methodology with very dangerous behavior is ethically questionable because such behaviors

Are intentionally provoked

What is wrong with this graph?

Aspect ratio is off

Problem behaviors are frequently a function of

Attention, escape, automatic reinforcement, and access to an activity or tangible item

A scatter plot indicates no pattern. This provides tentative support for which function?

Automatic (sensory) reinforcement

The child managed to open the cookie jar and get a cookie without any help from others. As a result he was more likely to open the cookie jar without assistance the next time he wanted a cookie. This is an example of

Automatic reinforcement

A high rate of SIB particularly during unstructured activities in during a difficult class may indicate

Automatic reinforcement and escape functions

An operational (behavioral) definition should

Be clearly written and wasn't readable by a general audience

Reinforcers identified by means of surveys that ask a person to list their like, dislikes, favorites, and so on should

Be functionally assessed

Objective: during lunch time at the studio. Each day for five consecutive days. What is missing or faulty?


A data collection procedure likely to be used when conducting indirect functional assessment is

Behavior rating scales

Radical behaviorism asserts that private events are

Behavioral events that are unobservable by others but that are controlled by the same behavioral processes that control public events

Early ______ adopted and S-R model of psychology that described behavior as occurring in response to antecedent Environmental stimuli


Time sampling recording procedures are particularly well-suited for

Behaviors that do not have a discrete start and end

Momentary time sampling is a better sampling method of data collection when measuring

Behaviors that occur at a moderate to high rate such that it is difficult to maintain constant observation for a sustained period of time

Objectivity is an operational definition of head hitting is best exemplified by

Blows to the head including open hand or closed fist to any part of the head

Completeness in an operational definition of head hitting is exemplified by

Blows with hand or fist to head; excluded are banging head to an object, inaudible blows, and scratching

Progress is slow in mastering a few components skills of a task analysis. You should

Break the challenging steps down further

When addressing an individual's skill deficits in particular areas of functioning, it is often advisable to

Build on existing strengths

And unconditioned stimulus elicits an unconditioned response, but the unconditioned response may be transformed into an operant

By following it with the reinforcing stimulus when it is elicited

Low frequency, high intensity behaviors can be addressed

By treating high- and low-frequency behaviors of the same response class regardless of intensity

A child in Mrs. Smith's classroom hates to cut out shapes. When she see the yellow cardstock come out of the teacher's drawer, she begins to tantrum. The yellow cardstock has become what kind of stimulus?


A therapist knowingly provides a child with a bag of M&M's that the child cannot open, so that they use the mand, "open!". This is an example of:


You push the unlock button on your car key, and the door unlocks every time. What schedule is this?

CRF (continuous reinforcement)


Can be collateral products Do not cause behavior Can be explanatory fictions

Problem behaviors

Can serve multiple functions

What kind of graph is this?

Celeration chart

The potential that a medical condition plays a role in the behavioral difficulties for a child with autism is high because

Children with autism are often highly susceptible to inappropriate generalizations (e.g., spoons are aversive because of a gagging incident that occurred when the child was ill) Children with autism often can't communicate to others that they feel ill The incidence of medical problems in children with autism is significantly higher than in the general population ALL OF THE ABOVE

One way to determine whether stimuli are reinforcers is to

Compare rates of behavior under an extinction condition to rates when the suspect reinforcer is provided contingent on the behavior. Compare rates when the potential reinforcer is made contingent vs. Noncontingent

________________ are stimulus changes after the behavior.


Objective: fifty percent of the time, the student will stay in his seat. What is missing or faulty?

Context or conditions

objective: the student with engage in three or fewer hand mouthings each hour for three consecutive hours. What is missing or faulty?

Context or conditions

When two or more events occur simultaneously or very close in time.


You used the help function of your software program to determine how to insert a picture and followed the procedure step-by-step to successfully insert a picture. You now perform this task fluently. Inserting a picture is now an example of

Contingency shaped behavior

Record reviews

Could yield identification of a previously effective treatment that should be attempted again

Record reviews

Could yield identification of a previously ineffective treatment that should be avoided

Another term for frequency is


On the free task list (measurement section) frequency is defined as


Objective: given a basic multiplication facts worksheet with 20 questions, the student will complete it. What is missing or faulty?


Objective: given instruction to be seated, the student will sit down. What is missing or faulty?


What kind of graph is this?

Cumulative recorder

A reinforcing stimulus generally

DECREASE the EO for the stimulus and INCREASE the future rate of the bx

Scatterplot row and column headings might be

Date and class period

Scatter plot row and column headings might be

Date and class period Scheduled environmental conditions (e.g., homeroom, lunch, recess) and day of the week Date and time of day

Which are examples of respondent behavior?

Decrease in stress

Which are examples of respondent behavior? Saying, "I'm hot." Decrease in stress Eating All of the above

Decrease in stress

Which are examples of respondent behavior?

Decreasing stress

Which are examples of respondent behavior? Saying, "I'm hot." Decreasing stress Eating All of the above

Decreasing stress

Self-injury keeps changing forms. The original target behavior was head hitting. Three more self-injurious behaviors have been added. A functional assessment indicates an attention (from nurse) function. Consider

Defining the behavior functionally

An operational (behavioral) definition should

Delineate what counts as a response and what does not

The reinforcing efficacy of a particular item can be determined using which of the following procedures?

Deliver the item contingently under one condition but not another, then reverse the conditions to see if responding changes accordingly

Positive punishment can best be defined as:

Delivery of a stimulus after a behavior that decreases the occurrence of the behavior.

The effectiveness of timeout is largely determined by:

Density and quality of reinforcement available in the time-in environment

An assessment in which antecedents and consequences are observed and recorded in relation to a target behavior under naturally occurring conditions is called a

Descriptive assessment

Which exemplified basic science? A reading program

Designed to investigate how students learn to read

When developing a behavioral technology, you

Determine whether a treatment package produces the desired results

__________ are events that have been associated with the availability or non-availability of reinforcement in the past

Discriminative stimuli

Which question characterizes those found in a rating scale?

Does the behavior occur dependent upon which room the person happens to go into?

Which question characterizes those found in a rating scale?

Does the behavior occur in response to you talking to others in the room?

All stimuli in a class would exert control over behavior

Due to the single common feature

In a reinforce assessment in which you observe an individual engaging freely in activities of their choice, you record the

Duration of engagement with each stimulus or activity

ralph is a longtime smoker who lets his workers take smoke breaks as often as they please. Recently, he has started to worry that workers are taking too many smoke breaks and not working enough. What would be the measure of smoking that he should use for his workers?

Duration of smoking breaks

Time sampling measurement refers to recording the occurrence of behavior when exhibited

During an entire interval, part of an interval, or at a particular moment at the end of an interval

A topographical definition should be used when

Each occurrence of a behavior does not produce the same outcome

Public health data show a higher prevalence of which of the following among people with developmental disabilities

Ear aches

A reinforcer assessment for an active ten-year old student just after recess is likely to show a preference for

Edible reinforcers

The temporal order of the 4-term contingency of positive reinforcement consists of:

Establishing operation -> discriminative stimulus -> response -> reinforcing stimulus

Continuous measurement refers to recording

Every occurrence of a target behavior during a particular observation period.

Clients in a group home stop talking to each other and become silent whenever a particular staff member appears. Questioning a clients privately evokes the statement that he hits me if I talk and less he is asking me a question. Aside from the ethical issue if you must now address, you can conceptualize the situation as Respondent extinction of talking behavior A result of operant and respondent extinction Evidence of learning by the clients All of the above

Evidence of learning by the clients

You burn your tongue from eating a very hot pepper. Eating the pepper likely

Evokes bx that relieves the burning and may have a punitive effect on eating hot peppers.

Generalize condition reinforcers are The same as unconditioned reinforcers Backed up by primary reinforcers only Exemplified by money All of the above

Exemplified by money

Scientific "attitudes" as described by Skinner include:

Experimentation, Philosophic Doubt, & Parsimony

You are changing channels on your TV and find that if you hit the button too fast, the channel doesn't change; but if you slow down to the rate of once a second, the channels advance with every button press. What schedule is this?

FI (fixed interval)

The pitcher walks a baseball player every 3rd time up at bat. This is an example of what schedule of reinforcement?

FR 3

Humans must be able to connect the behavior and the reinforcing consequence in order to be effective, due to their language ability. Other organisms do not need to connect the behavior and the reinforcing consequence.


In doing an observation of out-of-seat behavior, two observers agreed that the student was out of his seat 24 out of 30 times (i.e., they agreed 24 times and disagreed 6 times). This does not meet the minimum agreement for IOA.


Radical behaviorism is a philosophical position that considers behavioral events that cannot be publicly observed to be outside the realm of the science.


The dependent variable is the intervention in a functional relation.


The term "applied" in ABA means that technology is applied to a research question.


When a student exhibits an undesirable, but not dangerous behavior when presented with a demand, it is recommended that you ignore the minor behavior and prevent escape in order to extinguish the behavior.


Entries in the cells of a scatter plot may indicate

Frequency of occurrence of the target behavior Occurrence(s) of the target behavior

Entries in the cells of a scatter plot might include

Frequency of occurrence of the target behavior Occurrence(s) of the target behavior

Which characteristic of ABA refers to a behavior change that either lasts over time or appears in novel environments?


The agency needs to evaluate the clients math fact performance. Which objective is best suited?

Given a set of written addition and subtraction math fact questions for the digits 0-9, the client will point to each problem and say the number that completes the math fact, at a rate of 60 corrects Per minute with no errors on three consecutive measures

These graphs show the same data. Based on the levels, trends, and variability in these data, evaluate the progress (trends) made in Unit 1 and Unit 2.

Graph 16A shows that Unit 2 had greater progress.

Mentalism tends to

Halt further inquiry into causal factors

Which would NOT be a helpful component to a definition of head banging?

Head banging occurs when the client has an ear infection

Including the individual in the selection of goals, target behaviors, and behavior change procedures

Helps ensure the selection of goals that are meaningful to the individual

Including the individual in the selection of goals, target behaviors, and behavior change procedures

Helps in selecting goals that are likely to be supported in the natural environment Is legally required in some places Helps ensure the selection of goals that are meaningful to the individual

This graph best represents: (relative rate of response, relative rate of reinforcement)

Herrnstein's Matching Law

Reinforcer identification via naturalistic direct observation involves

Identifying high probability behaviors which may be used as reinforcers Observing the student in the natural environment Recording duration of engagement with various environmental stimuli

Interviews with staff suggest that a child's self-injurious behavior during academic programs is maintained by attention. However, a functional analysis has proven inconclusive. A review of the child's medical records would have been helpful prior to conducting the assessment because

If a medical condition exists, accounting for it in the functional analysis may have guided a clearer interpretation of the results

The key difference between an escape contingency and an avoidance contingency is:

In an escape contingency the EO is present prior to the occurrence of the target behavior, while in an avoidance contingency, the EO is not present prior to the occurrence of the target behavior.

An advantage of functional definitions of behavior over topographical definitions of that functional definitions

Include all of the behaviors in a response class

In a typical applied setting, behavior analysts are likely to encounter limitations to the services they provide from

Interested parties who disagree with a behavioral approach.

With regards to feelings, behavior analysts maintain that they

Involves covert and respondent behavior governed by the same contingencies that affect overt behavior

A behavior analyst should obtain informed consent to conduct a functional analysis (FA) of serious problem behaviors because a functional analysis

Involves intentionally provoking a problem behavior which can cause harm to the individual

According to the philosophy of radical behaviorism, human behavior

Is a function of antecedent and consequent events occurring in the physical environment according to sn S-R-S model of psychology

An analog assessment in which therapists deliver the functional consequences is not likely to yield valid results problem behavior

Is maintained by peer reactions

Overt behavior

Is measurable

An advantage of continuous measurement relative to discontinuous measurement is that it

Is more accurate

Respondent behavior

Is under the control of an antecedent

Respondent behavior Is amendable to shaping Can sometimes be brought under the control of a consequence Is under the control of an antecedent All of the above

Is under the control of an antecedent

Time sampling data collection

Is used where the data collector cannot observe all of the time

Using functional analysis methodology with low-frequency behaviors that are not easily evoked

Is usually ill-advised

Which of these would be the most effective treatment, according to the BACB guidelines? A procedure that

Is well-researched and often used, but usually only effective when adapted to the individual client

A review of health and medical record may be useful because

It could how certain treatments are contraindicated

A review of medical records may be useful because

It could indicate that the behavior problem is correlated with illnesses or medication

Which of the following is not characteristic of the experimental analysis of behavior?

It is a method for studying behavior in natural environments

If during a record review, you find what appears to be a well-conducted functional assessment,

It may still be valid, but keep in mind that behavioral function can change

Which of the following are characteristic of applied behavior analysis?

It uses measurement strategies rather than subjective reports. It pursues outcomes that are of significance to participants It has its theoretical underpinnings of behaviorism.

Which is likely in an uncondition response? Jerking your hand away after he touches a hot iron holding one's breath upon entering the pool irrational thinking upon hearing "fire" in the theater all of the above

Jerking your hand away after it touches the hot iron

Which is the BEST example of stimulus control?

Joseph bites his mom when she asks him to stand up, and at no other time

Which of the following often imposes limitation on the types of intervention that can be used in the provision of behavior analytic services

Legal constraints A lack of adequately trained personnel Being given little or no time for assessment

Generalize condition reinforcers are

Less susceptible to satiation

Which of the following always constitutes behavior?

Lifting a finger a fraction of an inch

Which of the following best describes a stimulus?

Light then one could see, but that is to dim to be functional

Behavior can be exhibited by

Living single celled in complex organisms

A frequently played with the toy is provided by the parents contingent upon compliance by the child. The child says he no longer cares about the toy, so his parents remove the toy contingency. The toy

May still be a reinforcer

Stimulus equivalence:

Means that a person responds accurately to untrained and nonreinforced stimulus-stimulus relations following training on different stimulus-stimulus relations.

Behavior of the student may be measured directly (rate, duration, etc.) or measured indirectly by

Measuring permanent products of the behavior

__________________ a monk that experimented with peas, saved us from variability in science and showed how to _______________ for critical variables and observing the outcomes.

Mendel; control

The proper subject matter for psychology is the nature and function of presume mental processes and conscious states of mind according to the traditional view of psychology and the philosophy of


Tom is a teenager with a mild intellectual disability and limited languages who is sometimes violent towards young children. His therapist believes this is related to a low self-esteem and a lack of regard for others. The philosophical orientation that allows such an interpretation is primarily associated with


Tom is a teenager with a mild intellectual disability and limited language who is sometimes violent towards young children. His therapist believes this result from agitation triggered by the noises young children often make. The philosophical orientation that allow such an interpretation is most related to

Methodological behaviorism

Tom is a teenager with a mild intellectual disability and limited language who is sometimes violent towards young children. His therapist believes this results from the fact that aggressive behavior is more effective than talking in eliciting attention from caregivers because people often ignore him when they can't understand what he is saying. The philosophical orientation that allows such an interpretation is primarily associated with

Methodological behaviorism/ and or radical behaviorism

______________ is a philosophical position that considers behavior events that cannot be publicly observed to be outside the realm of science; ________________ attempts to explain all behavior, including private events such as thinking and feeling.

Methodological behaviorism; radical behaviorism

Which intermittent observation system is likely to over or under estimate as compared to the true rate I'll be behavior?

Momentary time sampling

Which of the following includes ALL SECONDARY reinforcers?

Money, soothing words from a spouse, voice of a friend

Interventions based on a functional assessment are

More likely to be effective

Consider the following scatter plot: X-axis = days of the month; Y-axis= hours. Most cells are filled in a few adjacent ROWS. The behavior occurred

Mostly during a few hours of the day

Consider the following scatter plot; X-axis =days of the month; Y-axis= hours. Most cells are filled in a few adjacent COLUMNS. The behavior occurred

Mostly during a particular time of the month

Which of the following is most likely to result in discrimination?

Mr. Stallings gives out gum to students, but Mr. Merrriweather gives detentions to students chewing gum.

Public health data show a higher prevalence of which of the following among people with developmental disabilities?

Multiple medical issues

A reinforcer assessment in which two or more single schedules of reinforcement are alternately applied to a single behavior is a

Multiple schedule reinforcer assessment

A nonverbal student put his hand over his mouth, shakes his head and says "No!" when I offered nonpreferred food. The person offering takes the food away. The students behavior is maintained by

Negative reinforcement

Two arguing siblings are quieted by parents reprimand. For the parent, the cessation of arguing probably serves as

Negative reinforcement

You find that moving in your seat can temporarily relieve back pain. Relief from pain probably serves as

Negative reinforcement

Mrs. Smith placed Timmy in time-out because he refused to pick up his pencil to take his math test. Previous behavior assessments have demonstrated that the function of his non-compliance in math was typically escape maintained. Was this intervention appropriate?

No. The time-out environment is more reinforcing than the aversive math exam. Placing him in time out will likely increase this behavior on the next exam.

Primary reinforcers are Always present at birth. Always edibles. Learned. None of the above

None of the above

Primary reinforcers are

Not learned

What is wrong with the following criterion for a math objective? At least 80% correct for three of four days

Nothing is wrong with it

What is wrong with the following criterion for it in - seat objective? 95% of the time during math class for three consecutive days

Nothing is wrong with it

The treatment team for a boy with autism who has frequent aggressive episode is recommending to roll him up in a mat three times a day for 10 minutes each time. The behavior should

Object on the basis that clients have a right to effective, evidence-based treatment

A parent wants to incorporate an intensive schedule of sensory integration activities for their child with autism, requiring a two hours of discrete trial training maybe cancel to make room for the child's daily schedule. The behavior analyst should

Object on the basis that time and resources should be provided to support only evidence-based practices

What are the three criteria for defining behavior?

Objectivity, clarity, completeness

Objectivity in an operational definition refers to

Observable characteristics of the behavior or environment

To determine the steps of a complex kill using a task analysis,

Observe the performance of someone who is fluent in the skill and record the steps they use

Later versions of methodological behaviorism expressed the view that human behavior

Occurs in response to stimuli in the physical environment as mediated through presumed internal processes according to an S-O-R model of psychology

Which would NOT be a helpful component of a definition of hand mouthing?

Occurs mostly when not involved in hands-on activities

Applied behavior analysis

Often applies the findings of the experimental analysis of behavior to social issues

In applied behavior analysis the definition of behavior Often includes only measurable observable behavior

Ofter includes only measurable observable behavior

For behaviors that are largely continuous or do not have clear onset or offset, if your goal is to reduce behavior, the behavior should be measured using

Partial-interval recording

Which synonymous with respondent conditioning?

Pavlovian conditioning

Which synonymous with respondent conditioning? Operant conditioning Pavlovian conditioning classical operant all of the above

Pavlovian conditioning

What is wrong with the following criterion for an objective? Says "hello " 80% of the time for three consecutive days

Percent of time should only be used when duration is relevant

Which is the clearest operational definition of a pica attempt?

Places a nonfood item in the mouth or moves it toward the mouth; does not ingest

Which of the following is the best example of a task analysis of "completing simple math problems" ?

Point to and say the first number, point to and say the operation symbol, point to and say the second number, say "is "and the answer

A child request a carrot from his mother and she gives it to him. He continues to request carrots. This exemplifies

Positive reinforcement

Teasing increases after the teacher begins reprimanding a student for each occurrence of his behavior. This exemplifies

Positive reinforcement

A stimulus presented contingent upon a behavior that increases the future probability of the behavior is

Positive reinforcer

Different types of scientific investigations yield 1 or more of three levels of understanding of phenomena under study. These are:

Prediction, Description, and Control

With positive reinforcement, a stimulus is

Presented after a behavior and increases the future probability of the behavior

Which of the following is a stimulus?

Pressure on the right-hand caused by ones left hand

According to the philosophy of radical behaviorism

Private events are no different than public events other than the fact that they are unobservable by others

Which is a primary reinforcer? Art Reading Processed foods All of the above

Processed foods

What is the best intervention component based on an assessment that identifies no function and the students aggressive behavior (slapping the teacher) tends to occur during discrete trial training when trials are presented to fast or when he makes errors?

Prompting with gradual fading

The single item method of reinforcer identification

Provides an indication that an item may be highly preferred

A student is talking loudly during study time. The teacher yells at the student. This stimulus (yelling) could have multiple effects of

Punishing talking, evoking escape and avoidance bx and eliciting respondent bx

A student is talking loudly during study time. The teacher yells at the student. This stimulus (yelling) could have multiple effects of

Punishing talking, evoking escape and avoidance bx, and eliciting respondent bx

The potential negative side effects (e.g., crying, running away) of negative reinforcement are similar to the side effects associated with:


To arguing siblings are quieted (and remain quieted) by a parents reprimand. For the siblings, the rivermen serves as


Unconditioned punishment refers to

Punishment that requires no prior conditioning of punishing stimuli

Peter, a behavioral tech, became visibly emotionally upset and rudely disputed his BCBA when she corrected his graphing. putting on emotional displays may have been reinforced by escaping criticism of his performance in the past evidence that peter lacks the emotional stability to work in a human service profession this is normal, unconditioned respondent behavior that is elicited by an aversive/painful stimulus like correction from a supervisor all the above

Putting on emotional displays may have been reinforced by escaping criticism Of his performance in the past

A comprehensive analysis of all human behavior according to known behavioral principles, include those events which are not publicly observable, is possible according to which philosophical position?

Radical behaviorism

The idea that behavior occurs as a function of antecedent and consequent events occurring in the physical environment according to an S-R-S model of psychology is a feature of

Radical behaviorism

Tom is a teenager with a mild intellectual disability and limited language who is sometimes violent towards young children. His treatment team believes that hallucinations may be a contributing factor. His therapist suggest that by treating his violent behaviors, his hallucinations (if they exist) Will also go away. The philosophical orientation that allows such a prediction is primarily associated with

Radical behaviorism

With which type of assessment method might you score never, almost never, seldom, half the time, usually, almost always, or always?

Raging scale

Which beat characterizes a topographical definition of "cheating"?

Reading a cheat sheet or copying another's work

ABC continuous recording is a data collection procedure used to

Record which of a set of selected antecedents, behaviors, and consequences takes place during an observation period

ABC narrative recording is a data collection procedure used for

Recording any events that take place before or after a behavior that may be relevant

An operational (behavioral) definition should

Refer only to observable characteristics of the behavior

Fixed ratio

Reinforcement is delivered after a predictable number of responses High response rate with pauses after reinforcement Example: Piecework—factory worker getting paid for every x number of items manufactured

Fixed interval

Reinforcement is delivered at predictable time intervals Moderate response rate with significant pauses after reinforcement Example: Hospital patient uses patient-controlled, doctor-timed pain relief

Variable interval

Reinforcement is delivered at unpredictable time intervals Moderate yet steady response rate Example: Checking Facebook

A teacher wants her students to finish their homework before school is out, and so insists that they remain quiet and in their seats for the hour she gives them at the end of the day for this purpose. Her students often whisper and talk to each other and the teacher spends the hour directing them to be quiet and get to work. What recommendation might a behavior analyst make to improve this situation?

Relax the requirement that students remain in their seats and reinforce homework completion instead

A priority with the new client with an impaired social repertoire is to play with the client while providing positive stimuli such as bits of preferred food. Also smiling and making positive comments on giving each bit of food

Relies on the respondent conditioning to make oneself, one smile, one's voice stronger conditioning reinforcer

A supportive environment is one that

Remains stable in terms of scheduled activities and personnel

Negative reinforcement can be defined as: A stimulus _______, contingent upon a response, which _______ the future probability of that response.

Removed, increases

Concept formation:

Requires both stimulus discrimination across different classes and stimulus generalization within a class

which is true?

Respondent behavior elicited by unconditioned stimuli results largely from ones phylogenic history

___________ are all the topographical forms of the performance that have a similar function.

Response Class

A set of behaviors that are strengthened or weekend as a result of the same consequences are called

Response class

A slightly different behavior than the one that was taught is needed to achieve a task. If the new behavior occurs, we call this

Response generalization

Mrs. Mody decided that because Johnny dumped the contents of his glue container on the floor that he would not only have to clean up his work space, but clean the entire classroom floor. The punishment procedure that Mrs. Mody is using is called:

Restitutional overcorrection


Result from a learning history

In order to select the best intervention strategies for a given behavioral issue, behavior analysts should

Routinely review behavior analytic literature in their area of specialization

Fido (a dog) runs to the door when he hears the garage door open. Which is NOT an explanatory fiction?

Running to the door when the car has pulled up has been reinforced by seeing his master

Which of the following constitutes behavior?

Salivation after smelling food

What kind of graph is this?


The graph shows Grovers rates of the correct answers on his animal worksheets. After assessing the level, trend, and variability, you have to make plans for the future in this situation you

See that his rates drop after almost every absence, so improving attendance will be an important issue to address.

Partial interval recording is best suited when measuring

Several behaviors at the same time or behaviors that co-occur with other higher rate target behaviors

After working late, a woman was waiting at the elevator to go home. The door opened and there was as rough looking man on the elevator. She said, "Oh, I forgot my papers," and turned away. Which is NOT a mentalistic explanation of her behavior?

She had learned a rule that a person's appearance is an indicator of probable behavior and that she turned away from the man as a function of this rule

This graph shows correct rates of answers to social studies questions during one minute. Timings Buy a student classified with special needs. A classical is 35 minutes. Based on these data, what can you say about their ProPrint nest of this activity?

Since there is little if any progress evident, an immediate change in activity or placement is appropriate

Which best exemplifies an unconditioned reinforcer?

Skin temperature change from 50°F (10 Celsius) to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 Celsius)

Which of the following always constitutes a behavior

Sleep walking

A scatterplot me identify an association between a behavior and which of the following

Social setting that tends to occur at a certain time of day

A student says "p" when she sees the letter P and "b" when she sees the letter B. This is an example of

Stimulus discrimination

Momentary time sampling would be the better suited method for measuring behaviors when the desired outcome of the behavior change plan is that

Students in a classroom engage in less talking out during lessons

Which is best included in an operational definition

Swallows a teaspoon of food

A child who loves to eat cookies steals them everywhere. Which would be the best definition?

Taking cookies without permission

After students finish their task, they are to fold their hands. That teacher then asks them to question related to the task and praises those who answer correctly. This contingency is effective at promoting a high rate of task completion, sitting with hands folded, and correctly answering questions. Deprivation of teacher praise may be the MO

That INCREASE the value of praise, evokes task completion, and abates talking with peers DURING tasks

Operant selection means

That behavioral repertoires are learned and specific behaviors are admitted because of the consequences they produce


That has an avarice effect on one bx may have an evocative effect on ANOTHER bx

Which exemplifies a behavioral technology? A reading program

That has been experimentally demonstrated to improve reading.

Generally, to have a neutral stimulus (NS) become a conditioned stimulus (CS)

The NS Is paired with an US/UR or a CS/CR

Generally, to have a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus The NS occurs simultaneously with or immediately after the US The NS is paired with the US/UR or a CS/CR The NS is paired with the US that does not cause an UR All of the above

The NS Is paired with an US/UR or a CS/CR

When the process of reinforcement enables antecedent stimuli to evoke the behavior in the future, this is evidence of

The SD exerting stimulus control over responding

According to radical behaviorism, thinking is

The act of privately talking to oneself

Which is an unconditioned stimulus?

The aroma of food

Which is an unconditioned stimulus? The aroma of food the aroma of my favorite coat a greenlight a ringing phone

The aroma of food


The assumption that the universe if a lawful and orderly place in which phenomena occur in relation to other events and not in a willy-nilly, accidental fashion.

Due to a minor neurological condition, do you have difficulty initiating sequences of behavior. Do you want to collect baseline data to take to your neurologist. You systematically record

The average latency between signals to start complex chains and when you actually get started

An advantage of brief functional analysis is that

The avoidance of establishing a significant reinforcement history for the undesirable behavior A hypothesis might be derived from an analysis of antecedents It is well suited when there is little time

For reinforcement to occur,

The consequence must increase the future probability of the behavior.

What is Wrong with the following criteria for a math objective? At least 80% correct on three days

The criterion could be achieved despite having lower than 80% days

What is wrong with the following criterion for it in - seat objective? 95% of the time during math class for three days

The criterion could be achieved despite several lower than 95% days

Behaviorism broke with traditional psychology with its assertion that

The determinants of behavior were to be found in environment rather than in the mind

Which contribution can be directly attributed to the experimental analysis of behavior?

The distinction between respondent and operant behavior

Two treatment options are being considered for an intervention. Both have good empirical support in the literature. Your choice maybe based on

The experience and skill of the direct providers of the treatment

Research on basic principles characterizes

The experimental analysis of behavior

A topographical definition should be used when

The function of a behavior is unknown or cannot be observed

The potential that a medical condition plays a role in the behavioral difficulties for a child with autism is high because

The incidence of medical problems in children with autism is significantly higher than in the general population

A scatterplot is most likely to yield useful information if

The individual is in a routine with different activities scheduled throughout the day The individual is in a routine with different activities scheduled throughout the day

When conducting a functional assessment, you also want to familiarize yourself with

The key stakeholders (both formal and informal) in the organization

Rate is

The number of responses per unit of time

An intervention has been implemented in which a supervisor walks through the factory every quarter hour, records weathered goggles are being worn, and provides rewards accordingly. The rate of by injuries has not changed. What is likely the problem?

The observation intervals are equally spaced

In order to say that private events are behavioral (rather than mental) phenomena, radical behaviorism assumes that

The processes understood to control unobservable behavior are the same processes that control observable behavior

A topographical definition should be used when

The relevant outcome is produced by undesirable variations of a response

A resident in an institution for people with developmental disabilities has been recently ill. She is asked to begin her laundry. On the way to the laundry room, another resident passes her and she hits the other resident. The other resident hits her back. Which would you record as the CONSEQUENCE of the aggression?

The resident was hit back

Which of the following may be a stimulus?

The response exhibited by self

An advantage of brief functional analysis is

The risk of establishing a reinforcement history for the undesirable behavior is minimized.

Stimulus generalization has occurred when:

The same response occurs in the presence of two different, but similar, stimuli.

Both of these grab share the same math performances. Which graph should be you represent to the treatment team to discuss Bobby's progress?

The second graph because the first exaggerates the appearance of Bobby's progress by plotting the data by session rather than days

Using the multiple stimulus without replacement method,

The selected item is removed before the next trial

Which is primary reinforcer? The opportunity to use the bathroom The need to use the bathroom upon seen flowing water The sensation of relieving one's bladder All of the above

The sensation of relieving one's bladder

Which is primary reinforcer? The opportunity to use the bathroom The need to use the bathroom upon seen flowing water The sensation of relieving one's bladder All of the above

The sensation of relieving ones Bladder

In the context of functional analysis, the term ANALOG refers to

The simulation of antecedent and consequence events occurring in the natural environment

This graph shows correct rates of answers to social studies questions during one minute timings by a student classified with special needs. Based on this data, what can you say about the appropriateness of this activity for the students?

The student is not making progress and variability is increasing. A change in activity would be appropriate

Duration is

The time between the onset and cessation of a response.

Extra play-time is used as a reinforcer for on-task behavior. A child with moderate ASD does not complete his tasks to earn the play time. During free play time, he seldom engages in available activities or toy play. This contingency may not be effective for the child because

There is no CMO for toy play (the child lacks a behavioral repertoire for toy play, so there can be no satiation or deprivation.)

Sally has consumed two cups of coffee everyday for five years.

This is an example of steady responding

Upon receiving your first referral, you immediately recommend a timer procedure for a minor disruptive behavior because you know from the literature that it can be very effective.

This was a mistake because you did not conduct any kind of functional assessment

Inter-response time (IRT) is the

Time between the cessation of one response and the onset of another

A scatter plot analyzes the relationship between

Time of the day and a behavior

If the data collector no longer has to observe for the remainder of the interval once she records the behavior, she is using a

Time sampling measurement procedure

An individual in a residential home engages in a high rate of self-injurious behavior across several settings. ABC data have revealed nothing conclusive and a functional analysis is not feasible due to the dangerousness and high rate of the behavior. What would a scatterplot reveal that ABC data does not?

Times of day when the behavior is most prevalent

Scatterplots potential he yield a correlation between behaviors and

Times of the day Individuals were present in the environment and predictable times Activities that regularly occur at the same time

The purpose of reviewing health and medical records as part of a behavioral assessment is

To identify biological and physiological variables that may be related to the behavior of interest

Partial interval recording would be the better sampling method for measuring behavior when the desired outcome of a behavior change plan is that

Toddler stops biting other children during playtime

The critical test for stimulus equivalence is:


"Analysis" of behavior is only complete when all variability surrounding a measured response and the controlling factors of the environment is accounted for.


A behavior is reinforced, not the person.


A graph where the number of behaviors observed is added to previous data is the cumulative record.


A stimulus class has a common effect on behavior, but can vary based on their topographical properties.


According to Osborne's 1969 study, Iwata indicated that free time could either be defined as the availability of preferred activities or the termination of non-preferred activities.


According to Sidman (1993), ineffective teaching produces and exacerbates problem behavior.


According to the matching law, as reinforcer deliveries increase along the x-axis, proportional increases in behavior are depicted along the y-axis.


Although other fields aim to understand and improve human behavior, Applied Behavior Analysis distinguishes itself by its focus, goals, and methods.


By applying the matching law, you can utilize differential reinforcement without employing extinction on the inappropriate behavior.


Direct measurement refers to the ongoing assessment of an individual's performance obtained in a real situation.


Discriminative stimuli are events that have been associated with the availability or non-availability of reinforcement in the past.


Food and water are considered unconditioned reinforcers


In addition to increasing the future frequency of the behavior it follows, reinforcement changes the function of antecedent stimuli.


Many ineffective interventions are continued because direct and frequent measures are not gathered.


Motivating operations alter the value of a reinforcer.


Positive reinforcement for compliance alone does not suppress avoidance-motivated self-injury.


Read the following statement: Billy did not exhibit the target behavior of "head banging" when the behavior analyst visited the classroom. True or false: There was a reactivity effect.


To determine whether a previously implemented intervention was carried out with fidelity,

Try to determine how staff were trained Interview staff who worked with the client, if available Look for interobserver agreement and procedural integrity data ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following might be a target behavior in a program designed to teach an elderly learner to compose and send an email?

Turning on the computer

Which of the following might be a target behavior in a program designed to teach an elderly learner to compose and send an email?

Turning on the computer typing text into the body section of the email screen clicking the send button All of the above

A functional definition of behavior is one that identifies instances of a target behavior by its

Typical outcome

MO's can be classified as

UMO's or CMO's

Whole interval recording tends to

Underestimate duration

Partial interval recording tends to

Underestimate high frequency behaviors.

Consider the following scatter plot: X-axis= days of the month; Y-axis= hours. Most cells are filled in a RANDOM fashion. The behavior occurred

Unpredictably respect to time of the day or days of the month

Response generalization refers to the occurrence of

Untrained topographical variations of a trained response

An adult with intellectual disability never acquired the fine motor skills to tie his shoes, but he can grasp and manipulate small objects to perform similar tasks such as fastening his belt. You should target

Use of Velcro fasteners on shoes

The matching law pertains primarily to

VI and FI schedules of reinforcement

Functional analysis sessions are conducted in the child's classroom with his regular teacher when his peers are at recess. This may yield

Valid results unless that behavior is maintained by peer attention.

Social media has thickened the reinforcement schedule considerably. Logging in to Facebook to check how many people "like" your newly posted photo of a night on the town is an example of what schedule?

Variable Interval

Which is an unconditioned stimulus?

Very cold temperature

Which is an unconditioned stimulus? Very cold temperature Hearing "you've just won $1 million." The sound of your name All of the above

Very cold temperature

Which of the following includes ALL PRIMARY reinforcers?

Warmth, oxygen, sexual stimulation

When reviewing previous treatments implemented, consider if the problem behavior for previous interventions

Was similar in function(s) as the current problem behavior

When reviewing previous treatments implemented, consider if the problem behavior for previous intervention

Was similar or the same as the current problem behavior Was effectively treated by the intervention Was similar in function(s) as the current problem behavior ALL OF THE ABOVE

Assess the effects caused by the intervention that was imposed beginning in session 3 upon the level, trend, and variability of the SIB in the graph

We can't assert that any differences were caused by the intervention

Which of the following would be included in the feature stimulus class for ducks:

Webbed feet.

Under what circumstances would you consider using a B-A-B design?

When the target behavior could cause injury to the client or others

Under what circumstances is it inappropriate to use a reversal design?

When withdrawal of the intervention would risk injury to the client or staff

A client advocate is someone

Who watches out for the interests of the individual whose behavior is targeted for change.

For behaviors that are largely continuous or do not have a clear onset or offset, if your goal is to increase the duration of the behavior, the behavior should be measured using

Whole-interval recording

When changes in programming are imposed because a BC BA and Tissot paid's lack of progress if current trends continue the prediction is based upon extending the trend of the older data (A) into the future (B). The AB design can be based upon extending the data with a straight line or a learning curve. When the baseline data are flat, what type of graph is best used so that a straight line through the data in the A phase accurately predict levels of behavior to form a basis for B phase intervention

With flat data, straight lines predict equally well on both semi-log and equal-interval graphs

You begin to read a book, but the words look blurry. You see your glasses sitting next to your spouse who gives them to you when you ask. You say, "Please pass my glasses."

Your spouse and the glasses sitting beside your spouse are having an evocative effect on requesting glasses.

A mother uses escape extinction during the morning routine (dressing, eating) with her disruptive young child. She started rubbing his back and talking to him for the first 5-10 min upon waking him. The frequency of disruptive behavior decreased. The back rubbing may have been

a CMO for attention from mother.

A toddler ignores a toy until a peer (Mary) begins to play with it; then the toddler approaches Mary. With respect to this approach, Mary playing with the toy is

a CMO-T (Conditioned Motivating Operation-Transitive) (Mary is a stimulus that alters the value of the toy.)

You are driving down a stretch of highway approaching a billboard, behind which police often hide to catch speeders. They never sit anywhere else to catch speeders. You are somewhat reckless and unconcerned about your safety, so you typically don't care about your speed, but you don't want to get a speeding ticket. As you approach the billboard, you look at your speedometer. With respect to looking at the speedometer, the billboard is

a CMO-T.

You are driving down the highway low on gas, as indicated by your gas gauge. In the distance, you see a lighted gas station sign and take the nest exit. With respect to taking the exit, your gas gauge pointing toward empty is

a CMO-T.

You are teaching a hungry child to say "Fork." You place a plate of food in front of her, but no fork. With respect to saying "Fork," hunger is

a UMO (Hunger is an unconditioned motivating operation. It increases the value of food as a reinforcer.)

Brothers (ages 5 and 7) are often off-task and disruptive in church. The parents must prompt them repeatedly to sit still and be quiet. What is a likely MO for the behavior problems?

a UMO of activity deprivation

A child selling cookies door-to-door will most likely result in selling being reinforced on

a VR schedule (variable ratio)


a carefully controlled comparison of some measure of the phenomenon of interest (dependent variable) undertow or more different conditions in which only one factor at a time (independent variable) differs from one condition to another.

Behavioral contrast occurs when reinforcement is altered on one schedule causing a change in the response rate of behavior maintained on that schedule resulting in

a change in the opposite direction of behavior maintained on another unaltered schedule

You are driving down a stretch of highway low on gas. In the distance, you see a lighted gas station sign and take the next exit. With respect to driving toward the sign, reaching the sign is

a conditioned reinforcer.

a dependent relationship between a response class and one or more stimulus classes is

a contingency

when two or more events are functionally related to each other, this is referred to as

a contingency

For a behavioral assessment, a narrative recording should be the same as

a descriptive analysis

For a behavioral assessment, a narrative recording should be the same as

a descriptive analysis an anecdotal recording an ABC recording

When there is an MO for a reinforcer, the evocative effect of the MO causes a behavior to be emitted. The form or topography of the behavior that is emitted must be

a function of reinforcement history.

You are asked to use only empirical (experimental) methods of functional assessment. You would use

a functional analysis

What is said to exist when research reveal that an event can be made to happen by manipulation of another event:

a functional relation

experimental data indicating that changes in an antecedent or consequent stimulus class consistently alter the dimensions of a response class defines

a functional relationship

experimental data repeatedly indicate that every time the teacher walks into the room, on task behavior increases

a functional relationship is demonstrated

it is learned that sensory stimulation reinforces head banging. an extinction procedure might use

a helmet

When practicing with flash cards, a child often emits escape behaviors when asked to read a difficult word. A possible solution would be to use

a high-p request sequence by having 3 easy words precede each hard word

Response generalization occurs when

a new behavior produces the same effect as an established behavior.

Which is the BEST example of an arbitrary stimulus class?

a painting of a sailor, the word man, and a picture of a man

Discrimination is evident when

a particular behavior is more likely to occur in the presence of SDs and in the absence of S-deltas

Discrimination is evident when

a particular behavior occurs in the presence, but not in the absence, of a particular stimulus or stimulus property.

The word "punishment" to a lay audience usually means

a penalty for an inappropriate act

In a functional analysis attention condition, the discriminative stimulus is provided by

a person in the room with the individual, but doing something else like reading a magazine

an effective conditioned reinforcer may be established by pairing a previously neutral or ineffective stimulus with

a primary or previously established secondary reinforcer

which is the most parsimonious explanation?

a problem behavior is maintained by teacher attention

You consult with an agency that wants you to only use direct methods of functional assessment. You might use

a rating scale the motivator assessment scale (MAS) structured interview

A stimulus generalization gradient refers to

a reduction in responding as a function of responding in the presence of stimuli that are increasingly dissimilar to the SD.

To find out if you get better performance on the CBA learning module series in the mornings or in evenings, you could use an alternating treatments design and plot your correct and incorrect answer rates using

a semi-logarithmic plot (Celeration chart) or other time series line graph

You have an opportunity to lead an interdisciplinary team in a new area that is beyond your competence. You may...

accept the offer with the understanding that you do not have the competence in the new area, but will have consultation from a behavior analyst competent in the area accept the offer with the provision that you will complete training and receive consultation in the area before conducting research decline the offer because you do not have competence in the area, all of the above all of the above

You are requested to help a colleague by collecting direct observation data on a child with ASD. You have no experience with ASD. From a standpoint of professional competence, you should...

accept the request because you are competent in direct observation

One measure of the restrictiveness of a placement is the individuals is

access to preferred activities access to functional skill development freedom of movement permitted

Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?

activity schedules and appropriate task demand set and teach positive rules for behavior provide choice and a highly reinforcing environment all of the above

When conducting a functional analysis, a session should be terminated if

actual injury appears imminent

When conducting a functional analysis, a session should be terminated it

actual injury occurs the rate of the dangerous behavior increases above typical rates or intensity actual injury appears imminent

A student with special needs often arrives at school looking tired. His teacher maintains that he is less aggressive when he is allowed to take a nap. The behavior analyst should

agree with the approach because sleep deprivation has been shown to increase behaviors maintained by negative reinforcement

Applied Behavior Analysis is set apart from other disciplines devoted to the understanding and improvement of human behavior with respect to its: goals focus methodology all of the above

all of the above

a dependent relationship between two or more stimuli is a respondent contingency the relationship between two antecedent stimuli necessary conditions to achieve respondent conditioning all of the above

all of the above

a functional relation maybe defined as a statement which summarizes the results of an experiment... may be defined as a relation between 2 variables... can only be demonstrated with a well designed experiment all of the above

all of the above

if experimental data indicate that an antecedent stimulus consistently evokes a behavior and this behavior doesn't occur in the absence of that antecedent stimulus, stimulus control is demonstrated a functional relationship is demonstrated a motivating operation must be in effect all of the above

all of the above

stimulus generalization may refer to Responding under specific critical stimulus properties while non-critical properties vary. Behavior evoked by an SD in the presence of irrelevant stimuli. Responding under loose stimulus control. all of the above

all of the above

Which would be a helpful component to a definition to skin picking?

all of the above Includes scratching with finger nails or pinching the skin excludes mouthing of skin excludes open-hand rubbing


all of the above do not necessarily control the target behavior precedes target behavior are important to analyzing the functions of a target behavior

ABC narrative recording

all of the above is best suited as an aid in developing operational definitions has questionable reliability may not yield correlations with conditions prior to and following the behavior


all of the above may be reinforcing may have no influence on behavior are the result of behavior

A behavioral environment is made up of

all of the above stimulus change mediated through the behavior of others all the stimuli that affect an individual physical stimuli

A behavioral environment is made up of

all of the above stimulus change mediated through the behavior of others all the stimuli that affect an individual physical stimuli

A partial interval (PI) data collection system is appropriate for which behavior?

all of the above tongue thrusts during math worksheet practice out of seat fighting

A student is talking loudly during study time. The teacher yells at the student. This stimulus (yelling) cold have multiple effects of Reinforcing talking, an MO for escape and avoidance and eliciting emotional bx Punishing talking, evoking escape and avoidance bx and eliciting respondent bx Punishing studying, punishing loud talking and evoking escape bx All of the above

all the above

an effective conditioned reinforcer may be established by pairing a previously neutral or ineffective stimulus with preferred food items in a contingency arrangement activities that the client engages in at higher rates than other activities a primary or previously established secondary reinforcer all of the above

all the above

A boy with autism who carries stuffed animals around is turning twelve and kids at school have started to tease him about it. Attempts to get him to put his animals away have lead him to obsessively guard them and avoid situations with other children. the behavior analyst should

allow him to keep his stuffed animals, discreetly if necessary, and reinforce more age-typical social skills

A child with autism frequently asks the teacher to eat by himself when it gets too noisy in the cafeteria. Usually the teacher grants this request. However, if the teacher is not there, the child must remain in the cafeteria, which occasionally causes problems. The teacher's presence is

an SD

A pigeon's pecking of a red key is reinforced with food only wen the chamber lights are on. When the chamber lights are off, only pecking on a green key produces food. The green key is

an SD when the chamber lights are OFF and an S-delta when they are ON.

A child who engages in self-injurious behavior to get attention has been sitting alone quietly for a long time. His mother walks into the room and he begins to hit himself. The mother walking into the room is probably

an SD.

A child with autism frequently asks to be squeezed in a gym mat. When requests for the mat will be granted the mat is kept in the corner. At other times it is kept out of sight and requests to use the mat are denied. With respect to requesting the mat, it sitting in the corner is

an SD.

A plate of food and no fork is placed in front of a hungry child. If she says "Fork," you give her a fork. If you are not present, there is no one else to give her a fork. You are

an SD.

You are driving down a stretch of highway low on gas. In the distance, you see a lighted gas station sign and take the next exit. The sign in the distance is

an SD.

A company executive emphasizes "high quality product" at each staff meeting. Quality, shipments, and cost reduction are weighted equally to determine the annual bonus. If product shipment quotas are not met, then the responsible manager is fired. Shipment quotas are easily being met. Matching law predicts that

an equal distribution of the manager's time will be spent on the 3 areas for bonuses

Stimulus generalization occurs when

an established behavior occurs in a new situation.

Stimulus discrimination occurs when

an established behavior occurs in one situation but not another.

With respect to two or more behaviors at a given time, the behavior-altering effect can have

an evocative effect, abative effect, or both

With respect to a particular behavior at a given time, the behavior-altering effect of an MO has

an evocative or abative effect.

which is true?

an extinguished behavior can suddenly return without being reinforced

which describes "spontaneous recovery"

an extinguished behavior suddenly returns without being reinforced

Examples of UMO's for punishment include

an increase in pain and an increase in uncomfortably hot temperatures

Which of the following is a UMO for punishment?

an increase in pain.

Duration is the appropriate measure for which behavior?

an infant's cries that vary in length of time

ABC data collection involves recording the

antecedent, behavior, and consequence

in a school one day, a boy learned that foxes, lions, dolphins, whales and humans are all mammals because they share particular characteristics. for example, they are warm-blooded, have hair, and give birth the live offspring. after school, the boy went home, got out his safari animals picture encyclopedia and pointed out for his mother all the mammals in it. he was able to do this because

any animal that has the characteristics of mammals becomes a member of the equivalence class.

Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?

appropriate task demand and give clear instructions

You begin to read a book, but the words look blurry. Most likely, the blurry words

are an MO for your glasses.

conditioned reinforcers

are personal; that is, idiosyncratic to individuals because they depend on experience

One of the advantages of rating scales is that they

are simple and quantifiable

Fixed-ratio schedules

are those where a response is reinforced ONLY after a specified number of responses. This schedule produces a high, steady rate of responding with only a brief pause after the delivery of the reinforcer. An example of a fixed-ratio schedule would be delivering a food pellet to a rat after it presses a bar five times.

The play condition in a functional analysis is the control for the other conditions because

attention is continually provided and there are no demands throughout the session

The play condition in a functional analysis is the control for the other condition because

attention is continually provided by a caregiver throughout the session toys and other tangible items are readily available throughout the session or provided on dense schedules of reinforcement no demands are presented throughout the session

A high rate of the target behavior during the play condition of a functional analysis supports which function?

automatic reinforcement

given two explanations for the same phenomena, parsimony favors the explanation that is

based on the fewest assumptions

Using a high-p request sequence to evoke instances of compliance with a low-p request may increase the future probability of the low-p behavior

because of reinforcement that follows the low-p request

Divorced parents have a joint custody of their child. Dad decides that the child is spending too much time playing video games and imposes a limit of 30 minutes per day. The child's rate of playing video games at his mother's house increases sharply. This is an example of

behavioral contrast

"What does the behavior look like?" would be a part of a

behavioral interview

Information on previous attempts to address the behavior would be gained from a

behavioral interview

You are evaluating the effects of a new token economy in a special education classroom. To save money, instead of using objects as tokens, teachers are directed to "deliver" tokens by tallying the number of "tokens earned per lesson" on a date sheep kept on students' desks. Your evaluation is at risk of a confound due to

bootleg reinforcement

You are sitting on a bus when an elderly lady sitting beside you drops something that lands immediately in front of you. You pick up the item and hand it to the lady. Your behavior is likely occasioned

by a CMO-R in that a delay in responding would be like a warning stimulus, at the end of which a negative social consequence may occur if the appropriate helping response was lacking.

Continuing an experimental condition until staffing patterns stabilize is a strategy for avoiding a confound due to

changes in the environment

Beginning an experiment with more subjects than you need is a strategy for avoiding a confound due to

client attrition

An intervention that is ____________ will define the behavior change as it was derived from basic principles of ABA, not a "bag of tricks".

conceptually systematic

Objections to using reversal designs to evaluate interventions for academic goals include

concern that treatment gains won't be recaptured after the reversal

A strategy for improving ecological validity in a functional analysis is to

conduct the FA in the natural setting include furniture and decor from the natural setting in the experimental setting incorporate parents, peers, or caregivers from the natural setting into the FA,

Both an FI 5 and an FR 25 are simultaneously in effect. The individual produces his 14th target response after 5 minutes but does not receive reinforcement until he produces 25 target responses. What schedule of reinforcement is he in?


In a functional analysis escape condition, task demands are delivered

continually unless the target behavior occurs

If baseline data indicate an ascending trend, one would predict that the trend will:


Consequences are delivered in a functional analysis session on what schedule of reinforcement?


An elementary school student has been removed from the general education environment and placed in special education because he is often disruptive in class and is failing behind academically. What is the best target behavior to facilitate success on academic programs?

correct responses on academic tasks

A private event

could involve thinking (verbal behavior to oneself) could involve action of the muscles or glands affects only one person, all of the above)

The value-altering effect of an MO

could refer to an increase or a decrease in the value of the reinforcer.

BF Skinner invented a recording and graphing system for rate called the

cumulative record

An Mo's behavior-altering effect could result in an increase or decrease in the

current frequency of behavior

What is created by connecting successive data points within a given phase or condition with a straight line:

data path

You have an opportunity to lead an interdisciplinary team in a new area that is beyond your competence. You may...

decline the other because you do not have competence in the area

Positive behavioral contrast occurs when reinforcement is

decreased on one schedule resulting in an increase in response rate on the unaltered schedule

despite several studies that support the utility of behavioral momentum, a researcher questions the existence of this phenomena. This researcher is?

demonstrating philosophic doubt

In a functional relation, the ______________ is the behavior that was changed.

dependent variable

Experimental control is where the changes in the ____________ are related to manipulations of the _____________

dependent variable; independent variable

A purpose for conducting a behavioral assessment is to

determine the client's problem and how to change it

After less restrictive attempts have failed, you develop an intervention that includes an aversive component. You should always

determine whether the program will be properly implemented

An example of working collaboratively with another professional or paraprofessional is

developing a task analysis with direct care staff consulting with the psychiatrist on the efficacy of a medication as indicated by the data developing a task analysis with an occupational therapist

Differences in the way we respond to situations are primarily the result of:

different histories of reinforcement

when selecting reinforcers to use in an intervention, select

different reinforcers to be used at different times of the day

Behavioral momentum refers to continued compliance as

different request being made in rapid succession

An advantage of the alternating treatments design over the reversal design is that

differential effects of interventions are apparent despite practice effects

The effectiveness of discriminative stimuli derives from

differential reinforcement.

Three distinct approaches to determine the function of a behavior are

direct assessments, indirect assessments, and functional analyses

The procedure which best predicts reinforcement value is

direct measurement of choice responding

When conducting a functional analysis, unless policies indicate further precautions, self-directed dangerous behavior should be allowed to happen unless it is

directed toward a vulnerable organ

When conducting a functional analysis, unless policies indicate further precautions, self-directed dangerous behavior should be allowed to happen unless it is

directed towards a vulnerable organ

Trend is the

direction of the data path

A behavioral assessment may

discover resources, assets, and significant others that may be employed in an intervention

The CMO-R is analogous to the

discriminated avoidance procedure

A woman with developmental disabilities is a slow waker when crossing the street, raising the fear that she might get hit by a car. Which would be an appropriate measure?


Baseline data are being recorded for an individual who needs to get more sleep. Select the best measure to assess sleeping for this purpose


A client is undergoing a medication trial to control seizures that have historically had various durations. Which is the best measure?

duration per occurrence

When conducting a functional analysis to assess problem behavior that has more than one topography, you should assess

each topography on its own

What is the BEST example of an unconditioned motivating operation (UMO) for an adult human?

eating dinner after a week of not eating

The behavior-altering

effects of an MO are evident by a differential rate of responding when the MO is and is not in effect under extension conditions.

if a stimulus that is a member of an equivalence class if conditioned to elicit an emotional response, other members of the class will

elicit the same response

Respondent behavior is:

elicited by antecedent events

During academic task time, a child often screams. A second child in the classroom exhibits covering of his ears with his hands. What AO may be effective in reducing the covering of ears behavior?

eliminate or reduce the screaming of the first child.

Removal and reduction of ongoing stimulation typically produce behavior that is called _____________ whereas postponement and prevention of stimulus presentation produce behavior that is called _____________.

escape; avoidance

According to Malott, Whaley and Malott (1997), a rule

establishes rule BREAKING as an AVERSIVE motivating condition.

A stimulus or condition that increases the effectiveness of a stimulus as a reinforcer is known as a

establishing operation

Counting or tallying behaviors as they occur is called:

event recording

When assessing the rick of conducting a functional analysis on potentially dangerous behavior (SIB or aggression), ensure that

exposure to risk during the FA is no greater than it is in the natural environment

The day you are to begin an experimental reading intervention, the student becomes ill and is out for a week. When he returns, you should

extend your baseline

An ethical consideration when using a multiple baseline design to evaluate self-injurious behavior is the

extended baseline for self-injury

which will occasion new behaviors?

extinction with no access to the maintaining reinforcer

A salaried employee gets paid every 2 weeks by direst deposit. This reinforcement schedule is most like

fixed time (FT)

An advantage of functional definitions of behavior over topographical definitions is that functional definitions

focus intervention on the variables that control the behavior encompass all relevant forms of a response class allow for more accurate measurement of a response class all of the above

one measure of the restrictiveness of a placement is the individual's

freedom of movement

A child hits other children an average of three times per day. The preferred measure is


A child walks into the house three times each day. The appropriate measure for hanging up her coat instead of dropping it on the floor would be

frequency (count per day)

What term refers to the number of behaviors occurring in a unit of time?

frequency (or rate)

When developing a behavior program, involve the guardian and support staff

from conception, especially if the procedure might be objectionable

The relevance of behavior rule refers to selecting target behaviors which are:


assessment of behaviors maintained by amelioration of painful stimulation should not employ

functional analysis methodology unless one takes advantage of naturally occurring pain.

Examples of rating skills include

functional analysis screening tool (MAS) questions about behavioral function (QABF) motivation assessment scale, (FAST)

Terms for a procedure to determine the function of a behavior by experimentally controlling the IV and measuring the target behavior includes

functional analysis, experimental analysis, analogue assessment and in-situ hypothesis testing

Terms for a procedure to determine the function of a behavior by experimentally controlling the independent variables and measuring the target behavior include

functional analysis, experimental analysis, analogue assessment, and in-situ hypothesis testing

Five minutes ago you checked the baby's diaper and it was dry. Now the baby begins crying; you feel his diaper and notice it is wet. You immediately pick him up to take him to the diaper changing table, all within a few seconds. On the way, he starts smiling. What would you record as the ANTECEDENT to smiling?

getting picked up

in a match-to-sample situation , reflexivity is demonstrated when

given a ball, the learner selects a ball of the same size, color and texture.

in a match-to-sample situation (where reflexivity has been established), symmetry is demonstrated when

given a picture of a ball, the learner says, "ball," and given the spoken word "ball," the learner selects a picture of a ball

in a match-to-sample situation (where reflexivity has been established), symmetry is demonstrated when

given a picture of a hat, the learner says, "hat," and given the spoken word "hat," the learner selects a picture of a hat

in a match-to-sample situation , reflexivity is demonstrated when

given a picture of a hat, the learner selects a picture of the same hat

in a match-to-sample situation (where reflexivity and symmetry have been established) , transitivity is evident when

given the spoken word "ball," the learner selects a ball, and given the spoken work "ball," the learner selects a different ball from an array; then without additional training, given the first ball, the learner selects the second ball

given the written word "three" (stimulus A)- say, "three," (stimulus B) given the numeral "3" (stimulus C)- point to a group of three objects (stimulus D) stimulus equivalence could be established between all four stimulus by training the following response relation:

given the written word "THREE"- point to the numeral "3"

An example of working collaboratively with another professional or paraprofessional is

graphing behaviors and medications on the same graph to evaluate the effect of psychotropic medication and sharing this with the psychiatrist

If discrimination exists with respect to a stimulus, this would be indicated on a generalization gradient by

high response rates to the original stimulus and low response rates to dissimilar stimuli

In a progressive ratio schedule reinforcer assessment, reinforcer value is determined based on

how many responses an individual will emit to earn the reinforcer

Which of the following should be considered when deciding which target behaviors should be given priority in intervention?

how often the individual will be able to engage in the new behavior whether the behavior change will reduce unwanted attention from others the likelihood of success in achieving the desired behavioral change,

A factor to consider in prioritizing target behaviors for intervention could be

how often the target behavior change affects the person's life

A factor to consider in prioritizing target behaviors for intervention could be

how often the target behavior change affects the persons life

Behavioral interview information is sometimes inaccurate because

inaccurate information is reinforced or accurate information is punished

Behavioral interview information is sometimes inaccurate because

inaccurate information is reinforced or accurate information is punished information is overlooked interviewees fo not fully understand the question all of the above

Parents of a 3-year-old child ask help to reduce supper-time problem behavior. The child frequently leaves the table to play with toys or crawls into the father's lap for attention. As part of the intervention you may

increase the UMO for eating by reducing the child's afternoon snack

Deprivation __________ the effectiveness of a reinforcer



increases or decreases the value of a primary reinforcer.

During a high-p request intervention, getting compliance with high probability request

increases the likelihood of compliance with low probability requests if the requests are made at a rapid pace

Results of experiments that show that specific manipulations of one event, or the ___________________ produce a reliable change in another event, or the ________________ and that change was unlikely due to confounding variables is an example of a(n) _________________.

independent variable; dependent variable; functional relation

Rating scales used for functional assessment are a type of

indirect method

Measuring the presence or absence of behavior within intervals is called _______ recording:


Behavioral interview information is sometimes inaccurate because

interviewees do not fully understand the question information is overlooked inaccurate information is reinforced or accurate information is punished

In which method of obtaining assessment information would you gather information from parents, classmates, and/or co-workers? Correct!

interviewing significant others

The primary ways of obtaining information for a behavioral assessment are

interviews, checklists, tests, and direct observation


involves arranging events to evaluate their influence on phenomena. is one of the philosophical foundations of behavior analysis.

A behavior analyst should obtain informed consent to conduct a functional analysis (FA) of serious problem behavior because a functional analysis

involves intentionally provoking a problem behavior which can cause harm to the individual is an experimental procedure and participants must be protected from unreasonable risk of injury is an invasive assessment method and should be carried out only with the involvement of the individual's treatment team,

Automatic reinforcement

involves the reinforcement occurring independent of another person delivering it

When the speech therapist enters the room, the student with whom he would be working begins to tantrum, effectively delaying the onset of the therapy session. The speech therapist walking into the room

is a CMO-R (because the tanrum results in a delay of the onset of the therapy session)

A person scuba diving sees the tank pressure gauge is below the minimum value allowed and swims to the surface. With respect to swimming to the surface, seeing the tank pressure gauge

is a CMO-R for swimming to the surface.

A factor that contributes to the social significance of a target behavior is whether the behavior

is a prerequisite for other functional skills

A CMO-R associated with worsening

is a stimulus, the removal of which is a conditioned reinforcer.

A value-altering effect that decreases the value of a stimulus, object, or event as a reinforcer

is an abolishing operation.

A value-altering effect that increases the value of a stimulus, object, or event as a reinforcer

is an establishing operation

According to Malott, Whaley and Malott (1997), a rule establishes rule FOLLOWING as an AVERSIVE motivating condition. establishes rule BREAKING as a POSITIVE motivating condition is an establishing operation is a cognitive operation

is an establishing operation.

The most useful benefit of a behavioral assessment

is information that directs the behavior analyst to a highly effective intervention

Selecting target behaviors based on their benefit to an individual's caregivers

is likely to overlook the needs of the individual

For a stimulus to be an SD, in its absence the behavior

is not followed by a consequence that would have reinforcing value at the time.


is one of the philosophical foundations of behavior analysis

in ABA, a "quantitative" behavioral variable generally

is represented by a number that changes proportionally with the dimension of behavior that is being measured

A private event

is stimulation that is evident only to the behavior.


is the central tendency of the data along the vertical line

The purpose of conducting a behavioral assessment

is to determine the client's problem and how to change it

The purpose of conducting a behavioral assessment

is to determine the client's problem and how to change it is to facilitate the development of an intervention by identifying the variables that influence the behaviors of interest is to get a measure of behavior, preferably directly, but possible indirectly,

The purpose of conducting a behavioral assessment

is to get a measure of behavior, preferably directly, but possibly indirectly

ABC narrative recording

is well suited as an aid in developing operational definitions

Which of the following is not a characteristic of applied behavior analysis?

it addresses only important pathological behavior

If the name of the assessment procedure includes ABC, then

it requires direct observation of the client behavior and recording the antecedent, behavior, and consequence

A defining property of a time-series graph (like successive minutes or successive days) that makes it most useful in ABA work is that

it shows how behavior changes over the passage of time of equal intervals of time

A functional definition of a behavior is one that is written in terms of

its outcomes or consequences

What are the three criteria for defining behavior?

its outcomes or consequences

Long delayed outcomes that control the behavior that produces them are LIKELY to be


A parent wants her child to begin to follow directions as soon as they are given. Which is the appropriate measure?


A woman with developmental disabilities is slow to begin crossing when the street light changes, raising the fear that she might get hit by a car. Which would be an appropriate measure?


Measuring the length of elapsed time between the onset of a stimulus and the occurrence of a behavior is called ________ recording?


An individual exhibits stereotypy when presented with academic tasks. It always begin abruptly, but trails off about 30 to 60 seconds. Which if the following would be the best measure?

latency to working on the task

Tantrum data reveal the following counts by shift for a woman with developmental disabilities

looking for what is different on the days that tantrums are reported

When non-contingent access to toys and leisure items is provided during the attention condition of a functional analysis, these items should be

low-preference items

a transitive response occurs when a learner

matches two stimuli that are equivalent due to their relationship to a third stimulus

An assembly line worker is paid for completing a box of 12 assemblies. For assembly A he earns $1 per box. For assembly B he earns $1.50 per box. The assemblies take about the same time and effort. IF the worker is allowed to choose, he will probably work only on assembly B. This is based on what behavioral principle

matching law

You are evaluating the efficacy of an intervention to help the members of a little league baseball team improve their throwing accuracy. The intervention, to be implemented over the course of the baseball season, takes place during brief training sessions at the beginning of every team practice. Your evaluation is at risk of a confound due to


a functional relation

may be defined as a relation between 2 variables, such that a change in the independent variable causes significant and predictable change in behavior (dependent variable)

if a person is nonverbal and cannot respond to a reinforcer survey, reinforcers for that person

may be surveyed using pictures of the proposed stimuli or the actual stimuli

when a person is free to do anything they like, the behavior they engage in the most

may be used to reinforce low-probability behavior.

A behavioral assessment

may discover resources, assets, and significant others that may be employed in an intervention


may have no influence on behavior

Consulting with or making referrals to other professionals

may include seeking assistance from professionals in other fields

A private event

may include verbal behavior to oneself (thinking)

Celeration charts, cumulative records, and other time-series graphs of behavior

may reveal underlying cyclical changes in behavior that otherwise wouldn't be recognized as part of a pattern

Average level is the

mean of the values of the dependent variable

The operant mechanism related to the function of a problem behavior that must be incorporated into functional analysis conditions is the

motivating operation

The operant mechanism related to the function of a problem behavior that must be incorporated into functional analysis conditions is the

motivating operation reinforcing consequence discriminative stimuli

What schedule presents two or more basic schedules of reinforcement associated with distinct discriminative stimuli for a single behavior class in an alternating, usually random, sequence?


After feeding her child three fourths of his meal, a mother begins asking him if he wants more, and feeds him another bite each time he signs more. She compares how many times her son signs for more depending on which food he is eating. This is a

multiple schedule reinforcer assessment

When certain stimuli increase the future probability of a behavior when they are terminated immediately following a response, what has occurred is termed:

negative reinforcement

A child sitting alone picks his arm until it bleeds. Nothing is happening. No one is there and he doesn't know you are observing. What would you record as the ANTECEDENT

no identifiable antecedent

on successive days, jason has teased other residents 20, 15, and 10 times, respectively. should the experimenter's treatment be introduced at this time?

no, because the behavior is already decreasing

a child's self-injury results in a contingent loss of points. however, this has not changed the rate of self-injury. the loss of points exemplifies

none of the above

behavior can be extinguished by DRO punishing the behavior eliminating the MO none of the above

none of the above

A teacher responds to student disruptions in the classroom about every ten minutes. The students exhibit much less disruptive behavior for the teachers aide than for the teacher. This is based on what behavioral principle?

none of the above. (this example describes an interval schedule and a ratio schedule.

if sensory stimulation to the hand reinforces hand mouthing, having the individual wear a bulky mitt would

not be extinction if the mitt prevented hand mouthing

when we experimentally demonstrate that an intervention consistently leads to a certain outcome, we have

not demonstrated a cause, because to do so we would have to show that no other intervention can have that same outcome, which is almost impossible.

On a graph displaying data from a functional analysis, the variable on the x-axis is the

number of occurrences of the target behavior

When observers change the way they employ the definition of behavior over the course of an investigation it is called:

observer drift

Behavioral interviews are generally used to

obtain preliminary information

A person is in a street market of another country and is hungry and does not speak the language. He emits several novel behaviors with a noodle vendor BEFORE obtaining food.

obtaining the noodles will have a repertoire altering effect on future behavior.

Variable-ratio schedules

occur when a response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses. This schedule creates a high steady rate of responding. Gambling and lottery games are good examples of a reward based on a variable ratio schedule. In a lab setting, this might involve delivering food pellets to a rat after one bar press, again after four bar presses, and a third pellet after two bar presses.

Variable-interval schedules

occur when a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed. This schedule produces a slow, steady rate of response. An example of this would be delivering a food pellet to a ​rat after the first bar press following a one-minute interval, another pellet for the first response following a five-minute interval, and a third food pellet for the first response following a three-minute interval.

The procedure that predicts reinforcer value the best includes

paired choice

secondary reinforcers are developed by

pairing current primary or secondary reinforcers with a neutral stimulus

The most common convention for reporting interobserver agreement measures in ABA is:

percent agreement

Which of the following is NOT a component of the three term contingency?

perception of the stimulus

behavior that is the result of ones genetic background is


Given appropriate permissions, a way for the BACB to see if people who practice the CBA learning module series to fluency get higher scores on the BCBA exam would be to

plot people's BCBA scores on the x-axis and their corresponding percent LMS fluency on the y-axis of a graph plot people's BCBA score on the y-axis and their corresponding percent LMS fluency on the x-axis of a graph calculate the correlation coefficient of the percent LMS fluency to the BCBA scores for a group all of the above

A comprehensive behavioral assessment will hopefully identify

potential reinforcers and/or punishers competing contingencies maintenance and generalization factors

Which component of a basline logic refers to "knowing" what the direction of a behavior would be in the absence of the independent variable:


Different types of scientific investigations yield 1 or more of three levels of understanding of phenomena under study. these are?

prediction description control

elements of empiricism include all of the following except

prioritization of target behaviors

even if a behavioral issue has a medical cause, a behavioral intervention may still be useful because

problematic behaviors may be maintained by operant variables such as escape from pain associated with the medical condition

Collecting interobserver agreement on the independent variable is called:

procedural reliability

Self injury may sometimes function to

produce sensory stimulation access tangible items access a TV show

a reinforcer assessment in which the number of responses required to obtain a particular stimulus is gradually increased is a

progressive ratio schedule reinforcer assessment

Continuous reinforcement means that reinforcement is

provided after each response

an environment that is responsive to individual needs

provides age appropriate activities and teaching functional skills

You put the baby down, walk to the next room, turn on the TV, and the baby starts crying, all within 10 seconds. You turn off the TV and the crying stops within a few seconds. What would you record as the ANTECEDENT to crying?

putting the baby down, walking to the next room, and turning off the TV

In ABA, quantitative and qualitative measurement of behavioral variables are both discussed in that

qualitative refers to how you know the class or identity of what you are counting while quantitative refers to how many you count in that class

An advantage of the alternating treatments design over the reversal design is that you can

quickly identify the most effective treatment

tom is a teenager who reports feeling anxious when exposed to groups of people and social settings. he prefers to keep to himself, as this prevents him from feeling anxious. tom's therapist suggests that exposing tom to social settings and working on relevant social skills might reduce his anxiety. the philosophical orientation that allows such a prediction is primarily associated with

radical behaviorism

A special ed teacher is preparing for a new student. Her records describe her as a 12-year old, nonverbal student with autism who has occasional episodes of escape-maintained aggression and frequently runs out of the classroom during academic activities. Which behavior should the teacher intervene upon first?

raise her hand to get the teachers attention to escape tasks

When using the paired choice preference assessment

randomize the position of the two items

Neef et al. (1994) described (4) reinforcer dimensions. What were they?

rate, quality, delay, and effort

Making agreement measures unobtrusive or covert is a method for minimizing:


What term refers to differences in agreement that result when observers are aware that their observations will be checked as opposed to how they record when their observations are not checked?


Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?

rearranging the furniture reducing the noise level changing supervision arrangements all of the above

A childs rate of completing tasks has decreased since you moved the task to immediately after lunch, and you reduced the size of the edible reinforcer. The reduced rate is due to

reduced reinforcer effectiveness

An operational (behavioral) definition should

refer only to observable characteristics to the behavior be clearly written and easily readable by a general audience delineate what counts as a response and what does not all of the above

in a match-to-sample situation, given a ball, the learner selects a ball of the SAME size, color, and texture. this is a demonstration of


in a match-to-sample situation, given a picture a picture of a hat, the learner selects a picture of the same hat. this is a demonstration of


matching an item to itself, or an item to an identical item, is referred to as


while looking at a photo album with her child, a mom points to a picture and says, "that's grandma. say grandma," and the child says "grandma." on the next page of several pictures, the toddler points to the same picture of grandma and says, "grandma," this is an example of


stimulus equivalence is evident when the learner demonstrates

reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity

"Value-altering" refers to the value of the


The stimulus change responsible for the increase in responding is called:


______________ can be used to experimentally verify whether stimuli identified as highly preferred do indeed function as reinforcers.

reinforcer assessments

conditioned punishment

requires a previous learning history

the most parsimonious explanation

requires the fewest assumption and is built on an existing foundation of knowledge or laws

When cooperating with professionals from other disciplines to provide services, behavior analysts need to

respect the differences in codes of ethics, but ensure that their own behavior is consistent with the BACB's Guidelines for Responsible Conduct

an M&M is followed by a light each time the word "ball" is present. This is a/an

respondent contingency

months after having been traumatized outside her apartment, the woman stopped having an emotional response when she walked toward it. this exemplifies

respondent extinction

Stimulus generalization may refer to

responding under specific critical stimulus properties while non-critical properties vary.

A child learned to write her name on the chalkboard in the classroom. Later she writes her name on a dusty, chalky part of the chalkboard with her finger. this is an example of

response generalization

A dog trots to his owner and sits down next to him because when he does the owner scratches his ears. When the owner doesn't scratch the dog's ears, the dog nudges his owner's hand with his snout. Nudging his owner's hand is an example of

response generalization

During discrete trial training, a child was taught to point to objects. Instead of pointing, he now sometimes puts his whole hand on the objects. This change in behavior is

response generalization

When a new behavior produces the same effect as an established behavior, this is most likely to be

response generalization

An art student is taught to use various sizes of erasers to smudge the lines of a drawing to create a shaded effect. She finds she can accomplish the same result more quickly by just using her thumb. This is an example of

response generalization.

The matching law stipulates that under concurrent schedules of reinforcement

response rate is proportional to the rate of reinforcement for one behavior relative to the rate of reinforcement for other behaviors

characteristic of a supportive environment includes

responsiveness to individual needs maintenance of safety and dignity age appropriate activities and functional skills

The methods used to determine what time of day a behavior is most likely to occur are

scatter plot, ABC data, and behavioral interview

ONE TYPE of long delayed outcome that interferes with behavior control is that which is

small and cumulative

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator to improve fitness represents a/an

small cumulative outcome

every time jason matches correctly, amy says "good" with a smile and makes eye contact as she hands him a bit of food. she does this

so that her words and facial expressions become conditioned reinforcers

When using a high-p request sequence intervention,

social reinforcement follows high-p requests; a more potent reinforcer may be necessary for continued compliance with the low-p request

Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?

social stories and allow individuals to participate in goal-setting prompts ad redirect problem behavior model appropriate behavior and give clear instructions all of the above

In a functional analysis escape condition, the discriminative stimuli is provided by

someone prompting the child to engage in a variety of tasks such as gross motor exercises

A learner improving her performance under conditions different from those in which the original training occurred is called

stimulus generalization.

in a match-to0sample situation, given a picture of a hat, the learner says, "hat," and given the spoken word "hat," the learner selects a picture of a hat. this is a demonstration of


when a learner can reverse the direction of matching of the originally trained pairs, this is called


when shown the shape of alaska, a child is taught to say "alaska" when shown the shape of florida, the child is taught to say "florida" when the child is shown an unlabeled map of the U.S and asked "where is alaska?" she points to alaska. when asked, "where is florida?" she points to florida. this is an example of


A subject's specific behavior that is identified for change is called the:

target behavior

The ________________ is the response class selected for intervention.

target behavior

An 11-year old boy exhibits very few verbal skills and the behavior analyst and treatment professionals want to implement a rigorous language training program. The parents will be running the program, and they want the boy to clean up his toys and to eat his meals without making messes. If the behavior analyst's and team's factual and compelling rationale for teaching language fails, they should

target the skills the parents want targeted and revisit language training after gaining credibility with the parent

Task demands used in a functional analysis escape condition should be

tasks that have been correlated with the problem behavior in the past

A factor that would increase the priority for target behaviors for intervention is

that the behavior would result in a reduction in negative attention

Although the alone condition of a functional analysis is included to assess the reinforcement that is not mediated through other people, someone else should be in the experimental setting with the individual if

the behavior presents a danger to the individual if allowed to occur unabated

Although the alone condition of a functional analysis is included to assess the reinforcement that is not mediated through other people, someone else should be in the experimental setting with the individual if

the behavior presents a danger to the individual if allowed to occur unbiased

At the start of feeding, penguins at the zoo approach the worker who feeds them. Without taking into consideration any history, this approach behavior is an example of

the behavior-altering effect of the MO

You have misplaced your cell phone charger. You begin to look for it about once an hour until your cell phone completely dies; then you look for it continuously. The increase in looking for your cell phone charger is due to

the behavior-altering effect of the MO (the cell phone dying).

In a concurrent schedule reinforcer assessment, reinforcer value is determined based on

the relative rates of responding on the two different behaviors

concurrent schedule reinforcer assessments can be used to determine

the relative value of various stimuli as reinforcers

Partial Reinforcement Schedules

the response is reinforced only PART OF THE TIME. Learned behaviors are acquired more slowly with partial reinforcement, but the response is more resistant to extinction.

A defining property of the cumulative record or graph that makes it most useful is that

the resultant slope of the line drawn is proportional to the rate of responding

When preparing to conduct a functional analyses, in regards to determining the length of time to run each session, choosing to run shorter sessions (e.g., 5 minutes versus 10 or 15 minutes) will likely result in

the same results that longer sessions would yield

In a matching-to-sample task, whether or not the selection of a comparison stimulus is reinforced depends on

the sample stimulus

applied behavior analysis (ABA)

the science developed to the understanding and improvement of human behavior.

one might conclude that a stimulus is a reinforcer if its own contingent presentation is compared to that of a known reinforcer and

the stimulus produced a response pattern similar to that of the known reinforcer.

a graduate student conducts an experiment using a reversal design. A conditioned response is taught during the intervention, but during return to baseline, the conditioned response continues

the student has not demonstrated a functional relation

a teacher says that there is a functional relation between a student's seat location and on task behavior. She says the student predictably completes his worksheets and stays on task when he sits in the first row of the class, and he does not complete his worksheets and often talks to peers when he sits in the last row of the class.

the teacher has likely identified a functional relationship

A high rate of behavior in any condition of a functional analysis compared to the control condition suggests that

the variables present in that condition are probably maintaining the problem behavior in the natural setting

a child with autism is taught to discriminate friends from strangers. when presented with pictures of people he knows, he is taught to say the persons name. when presented with pictures of strangers, he is taught to say, "whats your name?" one day while eating at a restaurant, a waitress that child has never seen before approaches the table and the child says, "whats your name?" this implies that

the waitress is functionally equivalent to the pictures of strangers used in training.

Stimulus events that affect behavior are described by

their effect on behavior

the multiple stimulus method of reinforcer identification involves presenting

three or more options to the individual simultaneously

variables that influence the efficacy of reinforcement include

timing, quality, quantity, duration, and variety

The most appropriate target behavior for a training program designed to teach parents of children with autism to deliver reinforcement effectively would be

to accurately demonstrate the skill in a role play

An effective intervention to improve student behavior in schools, which does not require behavior analysis services, is...

to have teachers greet each child by name, accompanied by a positive statement

The most important question in selecting a behavior for change is

to what extent will this change improve the person's life?

a child with autism is taught to discriminate friends from strangers. when presented with pictures of people he knows, he is taught to say the persons name. when presented with pictures of strangers, he is taught to say, "whats your name?" one day while eating at a restaurant, a waitress that child has never seen before approaches the table and the child says, "Jenny." this implies that

training is incomplete as the child has failed to derive the intended equivalence relations

Determinism is the assumption that the universe is a lawful and orderly place in which phenomena occur as a result of other events.


The independent variable is the intervention in a functional relation.


The words to the National Anthem are a response class.


The paired choice method of reinforcer identification involves presenting

two items simultaneously

A(n) ____________ is a punishing stimulus that has acquired its properties as a function of species history.

unconditioned punisher

a dog barks and his abusive master gives a sharp blow to the snout. the dog's frequency of barking decreases. the decrease in barking is likely the result of

unconditioned punishment

Stimuli that do not require a learning history to acquire reinforcing qualities are known as

unconditioned reinforcers

A deterministic philosophy would maintain that variability in behavioral data is evidence of

uncontrolled influences

A child walks into the kitchen. There are no people around. He says, "Cookie" and proceeds to walk to the cupboard, open the door, get himself a cookie, and eat it. Most likely, saying "Cookie" is

under the control of hunger as an MO.

the availability of reinforcers can be enhanced by

using conditioning procedures to establish secondary reinforcers

The effect that can increase or decrease the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, or event is the ___________________.

value-altering effect

What term refers to "bounce" in data:


Which of the following is not one of the five attitudes of science:


Reinforcement that occurs contingent on the first correct response after an average 5 minutes is an example of what schedule of reinforcement?

variable interval

Reinforcement provided for the first response after a period of time, where the period of time varies around a specific average is

variable interval (VI)

Reinforcement that occurs after an average of 5 correct responses is an example of what schedule of reinforcement?

variable ratio

Reinforcement after an average of a certain number of responses is

variable ratio (VR)

Simple schedules of reinforcement include

variable ratio (VR)

Response generalization refers to the occurrence of

variations in behavior that contribute to shaping new behaviors.

one major weakness of reinforcer surveys that ask people to list their likes, dislikes, favorites, and so on is that

verbal self-reports are notoriously inaccurate

An essential structure of the line graph requires the ____________ to be labeled with a quantitative measure and the _____________ to be labeled with a time unit.

vertical axis; x-axis

When selecting target behaviors and goals for behavior change, a behavior analyst should ask,

will changing this behavior yield greater reinforcement for the individual?

A factor that impacts the social significance of a target behavior is whether the behavior

will help achieve the goal, even though the behavior change is not the actual goal

If the name of the assessment includes "description" or "descriptive" then the assessment procedure

will include direct observation of the client behavior

A factor that impacts the social significance of a target behavior is whether the behavior

will increase access to environment with more opportunity for learning is a prerequisite for other functional skills will be reinforced in the natural environment all of the above

Socially significant behaviors can be judged in terms of habilitation, including how the behavior

will maximize reinforcement for self and others

When selecting target behaviors for behavior change a behavior analyst should as,

will this change improve the individual's life experience?

Behavioral momentum results from compliance

with a high-p request sequence

An example of working collaboratively with another professional or paraprofessional is

working with the teacher to identify reinforcers the teacher will use to strengthen academic skills

By convention, the independent variable (IV) on ABA line graphs is plotted on the


By convention, time on ABA line graphs is plotted on the


By convention in ABA, the dependent variable (DV) on line graphs is plotted on the


An essential structure of the line graph requires the ____________ to be labeled with a quantitative measure and the _____________ to be labeled with a time unit.

y-axis; x-axis

An advantage of the alternating treatments design over the reversal design is that

you can quickly identify the most effective treatment treatment of the problem behavior can begin right away the ethical dilemma of withdrawing an effective intervention is avoided all of the above

You begin to read a book, but the words look blurry. You see your glasses sitting next to your spouse who typically gives them to you when you ask. You say, "Please pass my glasses." Most likely

your spouse and the glasses sitting beside your spouse make up an SD for requesting glasses.

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