Abdominal and Genitourinary Injuries Chapter: 30

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blunt injury to the kidney

A football player was struck by another player in the right flank area just below the posterior rib cage. He complains of severe pain and point tenderness to the area. Your assessment reveals that there is a small amount of blood in his underwear. You should be MOST suspicious for:

break in the continuity of the bone

A fracture is MOST accurately defined as a(n):

cover the exposed bowel with a moist sterile dressing and then secure it in place with a dry bandage

A man has a large laceration across his lower abdominal wall and a loop of bowel is protruding from the wound. He is conscious and alert and there is minimal bleeding from the wound. You should:

The Mesentery is?

A membranous fold that attaches the intestines to the walls of the body

distal humerus

A supracondylar or intercondylar fracture is also known as a fracture of the

Your patient has his penis caught in his zipper. What do you need to do to relieve pressure?

A. Pull the pants off the patient B. Force the zipper open C. Remove the foreskin D. Cut the zipper out of the pants answer is D

You have a patient with suspected kidney injury but no spinal injury. How should he be positioned?

A. Supine B. Prone C. Lateral recumbent D. Position of comfort answer is D

You have a male patient who has no immediate life threat, but does have bleeding genitalia. You should bandage with a?

A. dry dressing B. moist dressing C. occlusive dressing D. adhesive dressing answer is B

If you are treating a patient with an abdominal evisceration, you should use a?

A. moist, sterile dressing B. dry, sterile dressing C. adhesive dressing D. triangular bandage answer is A

Whenever possible, you should always provide the sexual assault patient with

A. police escort B. rape crisis intervention C. an attendant of the same gender D. name of the assailant answer is C

Can organs from the chest enter the abdomen bad vise versa

Abdomen to chest only

In case of sexual assault, which of the following is true?

Advise the patient not to wash, urinate or defecate

How much blood can abdominal cavity hold?

All of it

open abdominal injury

An injury in which there is a break in the surface of the skin or mucous membrane, exposing deeper tissue to potential contamination.

closed abdominal injury

An injury in which there is soft-tissue damage inside the body but the skin remains intact.

the overlying skin is no longer in tact

An open fracture is MOST accurately defined as a fracture in which:

apply direct pressure to the wound

An unresponsive trauma patient has a large open abdominal wound with massive external bleeding. You should

Where should the seat belt be worn

Below the iliac crest

Rebound tenderness is know as?

Blumberg sign

What is only definite sign of bleeding in the abdomen

Bruising around the umbilicus

Cullen sign

Bruising or ecchymosis around the umbilicus, which indicates bleeding in the abdomen.

apply gentle manual traction in line with the limb and reassess for a pulse.

During your assessment of a 29-year-old female with significant deformity to her left elbow, you are unable to palpate a radial pulse. Your transport time to the hospital is approximately 40 minutes. You should

. stabilize the pelvis with a pelvic binder and protect the spine.

During your secondary assessment of a 30-year-old male who fell 25 feet, you note crepitus when palpating his pelvis. Your partner advises you that the patient's blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg and his heart rate is 120 beats/min and weak. After completing your assessment, you should:

A 66-year-old male presents with dark red rectal bleeding and abdominal pain. He is conscious and alert; however, his skin is cool and clammy and his heart rate is elevated. Further assessment reveals that his blood pressure is 112/60 mm Hg. Which of the following questions would be MOST pertinent to ask him?

Have you experienced recent abdominal trauma?


Holds aorta in place

Peritonitis, an intense inflammatory reaction of the abdominal cavity, usually occurs when?

Hollow abdominal organs are damaged and spill their contents

What type of organs are most affected by cavitation fron gun shot

Hollow organs

the patient is clinically unstable

In general, musculoskeletal injuries should be splinted before moving the patient unless:

If resistance is encountered or the patient experiences severe pain

In which of the following situations should the EMT splint an injured limb in the position of deformity?


Inflammation of the peritoneum


Inspection, auscultation, palpating in that order

Following blunt abdominal trauma, a 30-year-old male complains of referred pain to the left shoulder. This finding is called the:

Kehr sign.

Which of the following statements regarding abdominal trauma is correct?

The absence of abdominal pain does not rule out intra-abdominal bleeding.


The displacement of organs outside of the body. An injury that goes all the way through the peritoneum and now the bowel protrudes outside that body

bones and voluntary muscles of the body

The musculoskeletal system refers to the


The posterior region below the margin of the lower rib cage

Which of the following statements regarding abdominal eviscerations is correct?

The protruding organs should be kept warm and moist.

A. Compartment syndrome typically develops within 6 to 12 hours after an injury

Which of the following statements regarding compartment syndrome is correct? A. Compartment syndrome typically develops within 6 to 12 hours after an injury B. In most cases, compartment syndrome develops within a few minutes after an injury. C. Compartment syndrome occurs because of increased pressure within the bone cavity. D. Most cases of compartment syndrome occur following a severe fracture of the pelvis

It is often discovered when the patient is jarred or moved suddenly.

Which of the following statements regarding rebound tenderness is correct? It should be assessed for by vigorously palpating the abdomen. Rebound tenderness is a specific sign found with a spleen injury. It is often discovered when the patient is jarred or moved suddenly. The absence of rebound tenderness rules out intra-abdominal injury.

Uterine trauma is likely to cause shock in the pregnant patient.

Which of the following statements regarding trauma during pregnancy is correct? Uterine trauma in the pregnant patient rarely leads to severe bleeding. Uterine trauma is likely to cause shock in the pregnant patient. Uterine blood supply is greatly reduced during pregnancy. The uterus serves as a reservoir for blood supply during pregnancy.

lift the airbag and look for deformity to the steering wheel

While assessing a 21-year-old female who struck a tree head-on with her small passenger car, you note that her air bag deployed. You should:

area of soft-tissue damage surrounding the injury.

With regard to musculoskeletal injuries, the zone of injury is defined as the:

law enforcement is at the scene

You are dispatched to a residence for a young female who was kicked in the abdomen. While en route to the scene, you should ask the dispatcher if:

You are transporting a patient with blunt abdominal trauma. The patient is unstable and is experiencing obvious signs and symptoms of shock. Your estimated time of arrival at the hospital is less than 10 minutes. After treating the patient appropriately, you should:

You are transporting a patient with blunt abdominal trauma. The patient is unstable and is experiencing obvious signs and symptoms of shock. Your estimated time of arrival at the hospital is less than 10 minutes. After treating the patient appropriately, you should:

Suspect kidney damage if the patient has a history or physical evidence of?

an abrasion, laceration, or contusion to the flank area. a penetrating wound in the region of the lower rib cage or upper abdomen. fracture on either side of the lower rib cage

A 54-year-old male experienced an avulsion to his penis when his foreskin got caught in the zipper of his pants. He was able to unzip his pants and remove the foreskin prior to your arrival. Your assessment reveals that he is in severe pain and that the avulsion is bleeding moderately. The MOST appropriate treatment for this patient includes:

applying direct pressure with a dry, sterile dressing.

A 20-year-old male was accidentally shot in the right upper abdominal quadrant with an arrow during an archery contest. Prior to your arrival, the patient removed the arrow. Your assessment reveals that he is conscious and alert with stable vital signs. The entrance wound is bleeding minimally and appears to be superficial. You should:

assume that the arrow injured an internal organ.

Skeletal or voluntary muscle

attaches to bone and forms the major muscle mass of the body. this muscle contains veins, arteries and nerves

When documenting a call involving a female patient who was sexually assaulted, the EMT should

avoid speculation and document only factual data.

When documenting a call involving a female patient who was sexually assaulted, the EMT should:

avoid speculation and document only factual data.

When worn properly, a seatbelt should lie:

below the anterior superior iliac spines of the pelvis and against the hip joints.

A football player was struck by another player in the right flank area just below the posterior rib cage. He complains of severe pain and point tenderness to the area. Your assessment reveals that there is a small amount of blood in his underwear. You should be MOST suspicious for:

blunt injury to the kidney.

Cullen sign suggest

bruises around the umbilicus

Signs of injury to the kidney include?

bruises or lacerations on the overlying skin shock hematuria

Your presence is requested by law enforcement to assess a 33-year-old female who was sexually assaulted. The patient is conscious and obviously upset. As you are talking to her, you note an impressive amount of blood on her clothes in the groin area. Her blood pressure is 98/58 mm Hg, her pulse is 130 beats/min, and her respirations are 24 breaths/min. You should:

control any external bleeding, administer oxygen, and transport at once

When treating a patient with an amputation of the penile shaft, your top priority is?

controlling bleeding

When treating a patient with an evisceration, you should?

cover the protruding contents with moist, sterile gauze compresses

Placing a pregnant patient in the supine position during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy may?

decrease the amount of blood that returns to the heart

Difficulty breathing and a sunken appearance of the anterior abdominal wall is MOST indicative of a ruptured?


Difficulty breathing and a sunken appearance of the anterior abdominal wall is MOST indicative of a ruptured:


The accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity will MOST likely cause?


Late signs of abdominal injury include all of the following

distention change in mental status pale, cool, moist skin

Accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity will MOST likely cause:


______ takes place in the solid organs

energy production

This system control both the reproductive functions and the waste discharge system

genitourinary system

Contraction or tensing of the abdominal muscles in an effort to ease pain is called:


Air bags, in conjunction with properly worn seatbelts, are MOST beneficial when a person is involved in a:

head-on crash

A sign of kidney damage following blunt trauma is:


Common finding of of an injured kidney?


Because solid organs have rich supply of blood, any injury can result in major:


Peritonitis, an intense inflammatory reaction of the abdominal cavity, usually occurs when:

hollow abdominal organs are damaged and spill their contents.

Placing a pregnant patient in a supine position during the third trimester of pregnancy:

may decrease the amount of blood that returns to the heart.


most of the ___ system lies behind the digestive tract

What are the late signs of peritonitis?

nausea diminished bowel sounds bowel stops functioning

How to lay a women down when in later trimesters of pregnancy and why?

on her left side to avoid the large uterus placing pressure on the vena cava

Blunt abdominal injuries may result from?


What is a sign of peritonitis?

severe abdominal pain tenderness muscular spasm

solid organs

solid masses of tissue where much of the chemical work of the body takes place, such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, and the kidneys

List the hollow organs of the abdomen?

stomach intestines ureters colon bladder gallbladder


stretching of the muscle

Hollow organs

structure through which materials pass, such as the stomach, small intestines, large intestines, ureters, and bladder

The most common sign of significant abdominal injury is?


peritoneal cavity

the abdominal cavity

What systems contain organs that make up the contents of the abdominal cavity?

the digestive system the urinary system genitourinary system

Which of the following statement regarding abdominal evisceration is correct

the protruding organs should be kept warm and moist.


the temporary wound channel caused by high-velocity weapons is called

A 22-year-old male was punched in the abdomen several times. You find him lying on his left side with his knees drawn up. He is conscious and alert and complains of increased pain and nausea when he tries to straighten his legs. His blood pressure is 142/82 mm Hg, his pulse rate is 110 beats/min and strong, and his respirations are 22 breaths/min and regular. In addition to administering high-flow oxygen, you should:

transport him in the position in which you found him.

Which of the following organs is at MOST risk for injury as the result of a pelvic fracture?

urinary bladder

urinary bladder

which of the following organs is at MOST risk for injury as the result of a pelvic fracture

keep her knee flexed and secure it with padded board splints

A 17-year-old female dislocated her patella while playing soccer. Her knee is flexed and she complains of severe pain. You should:

assume that the arrow injured an internal organ

A 20-year-old male was accidentally shot in the right upper abdominal quadrant with an arrow during an archery contest. Prior to your arrival, the patient removed the arrow. Your assessment reveals that he is conscious and alert with stable vital signs. The entrance wound is bleeding minimally and appears to be superficial. You should:

stablize her head and perform a primary assessment

A 22-year-old female was ejected from her car after striking a tree head-on. As you approach her, you note obvious closed deformities to both of her femurs. She is not moving and does not appear to be conscious. You should:

giving him small sips of plain water.

A 40-year-old male presents with severe abdominal pain following blunt trauma. He is diaphoretic, intensely thirsty, and has a weak and rapid pulse. Appropriate treatment for this patient includes all of the following, EXCEPT: covering him with a warm blanket. giving him small sips of plain water. promptly transporting to the hospital. administering supplemental oxygen.

control the bleeding and cover the wound with a sterile dressing

A 54-year-old male accidentally shot himself in the leg while cleaning his gun. Your assessment reveals a small entrance wound to the medial aspect of his right leg. The exit wound is on the opposite side of the leg and is actively bleeding. The patient complains of numbness and tingling in his right foot. You should:

have you experienced recent abdominal trauma

A 66-year-old male presents with dark red rectal bleeding and abdominal pain. He is conscious and alert; however, his skin is cool and clammy and his pulse is rapid. Further assessment reveals that his blood pressure is 112/60 mm Hg. Which of the following questions would be MOST pertinent to ask him?

Your primary concern when dealing with an unresponsive patient with an open abdominal injury is?

maintaining the airway

keeping the injury moist and warm

management of esvisceration injuries includes

What are the parts of the small intestine

Doudenum, jejunum, ileum

How to treat an evulsed penis with bleeding

Dry dressing

How long can peritonitis take to set in after an abdominal injury?

12 - 24 hrs

How long to assess bowel sounds

2 minutes

What is the box area that receives an occlusive dressing

Chin to bely button

Palate abdominal cavity in which direction


a poorly placed lap belt

Compression injuries to the abdomen that occur during a motor vehicle crash are typically the result of:

The abdominal cavity is made up of?

Contains: stomach, small intestine, most of the large intestine, appendix, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen


Contraction the abdominal muscles to minimize the pain of the abdominal movement; a sign of peritonitis

40 year old male with severe abdominal pain following blunt trauma. He is diaphoretic, thirsty and has a weak, rapid pulse. what is your treatment?

Cover with warm blanket administer supplemental O2 promptly transport to the hospital

positive indicators of a fracture

Crepitus and false motion are:


Damage to solid organs typically leads to _______.

Bruises to the RUQ, LUQ, or flank are know as

Grey Turner sign

Kehr sign

Left shoulder pain caused by blood in the peritoneal cavity

Point of lower peritoneal where the nerves and arteries pass through


How to treat an evulsed penis

Moist dressing

S/S: pain that is tearing and is going from the abdomen posteriorly

abdominal aneurysm

Patient with open abdominal injuries often complain of:


When a hollow organ is punctured during a penetrating injury to the abdomen?

Peritonitis may not develop for several hour

internal bleeding

abdominal rigidity and periumbilical bruising are signs of

Kher sign

Reffered pain to the left or right shoulder

Direct injury to the gallbladder

S/S: pain just under the margin of the ribs or between the shoulder blade

abdominal aneurysm

S/S: pain that is tearing and is going from the abdomen posteriorly

When documenting a call involving a female patient who was sexually assaulted, theEMT should:

Selected Answer: C. avoid speculation and document only factual data.


Skeletal muscle is attached to the bone by tough, ropelike, fibrous structures called:

This filters out worn out blood cells


delaying transport of a critically injured patient

The MOST significant hazard associated with splinting is:

pelvic fracture with hypotension

Which of the following musculoskeletal injuries would pose the greatest threat to a patient's life?

When to use a dry dressing

To control bleeding

When to use a moist dressing

To cover areas of stripped skin

Bloody meatus indicates what

Trauma to the genitourinary system

Black tarry stole indicates bleeding where

Upper part of GI track

Which of the following organs is at MOST risk for injury as a result of a pelvic fracture?

Urinary Bladder


What is the most common mechanism of injury in geriatric patients?

carefully assess the patient for breathing problems

When caring for a patient with a possible fracture of the scapula, the EMT should:

avoid speculation and document only factual data

When documenting a call involving a female patient who was sexually assaulted, the EMT should

displaced fracture

Which of the following musculoskeletal injuries would MOST likely result in deformity?

proxmial femur

a "Hip" fracture is actually a fracture of the

When used alone, diagonal shoulder safety belts can cause?

a bruised chest a lacerated liver decapitation


a junction where two bones come into contact. stabilize in key areas by ligaments

The mesentery is

a membranous fold that attaches the intestines to the walls of the body

Compression injuries to the abdomen that occur during a motor vehicle crash are typically the result of:

a poorly placed lap belt.


a sign if kidney damage following blunt trauma is

Suspect a possible injury of the urinary bladder if?

if blood is at the urethral opening. blood at the tip of penis or blood stained underwear. physical signs of trauma on the lower abdomen, pelvis, or perineum.

What do hollow organ injuries cause

infection brought on by leaking of material

What is Kehr sign?

injured liver

You are transporting a 42-year-old male who experienced blunt abdominal trauma. He is receiving oxygen at 12 L/min via a nonrebreathing mask, and full spinal precautions have been applied. During your reassessment, you note his level of consciousness has decreased and his respirations have become shallow. You should:

insert an airway adjunct if he will tolerate it and begin assisting his ventilations with a bag-mask device.

During your assessment of a patient who experienced blunt trauma to the abdomen, you notice bruising around the umbilicus. This is a sign of

intra-abdominal bleeding.

During your assessment of a patient who experienced blunt trauma to the abdomen, you notice bruising around the umbilicus. This is a sign of:

intra-abdominal bleeding.


is a stretching injury to the liagments around a joint

In any case of trauma to a female, you should always determine if the patient?

is pregnant

When performing a history on a patient with abdominal trauma, what questions should you ask?

is there any blood in your stool? does your pain go anywhere? do you have any nausea, vomiting or diarrhea?

In later trimesters of pregnancy why is a women's urinary bladder more susceptible to injury

it is displaced further forward

18 year old football player who was hit in the right flank with a helmet. He's complaining of pain in the area. he has an open airway, normal RR, pulse is rapid and regular. he noticed blood in his urine. based on this info what organ has the patients injured


The solid organ of the urinary system includes the?


What are low, medium, and high velocity injuries

knife, shotgun, and rifle

You are dispatched to a residence for a young female who was kicked in the abdomen by her boyfriend. While en route to the scene, you should ask the dispatcher if:

law enforcement is at the scene.

While assessing a 21-year-old female who struck a tree head-on with her small passenger car, you note that her air bag deployed. You should:

lift the air bag and look for deformity to the steering wheel.

The largest organ in the abdomen is the?


Which of the following organs would MOST likely bleed profusely when injured?


List the solid organs of the abdomen?

liver spleen pancreas kidneys

Grey Turner sign suggest injury to the

liver, spleen, kidney

All of the following are hollow abdominal organs, EXCEPT for the:


Bruising to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen following blunt trauma is MOST suggestive of injury to the:


The major complaint of patients with abdominal injury is?


Air in the abdominal cavity can cause?

pain infection tissue ischemia/infection

25 year old woman who was restrained in a car crash, complains of abdominal pain. The airway is open, with normal RR, pulse is regular but weak and rapid. You inspect the abdomen for possible bleeding. You would expect to see all the following?

pain or tenderness rigidity distention

Open abdominal injures are also know as?

penetrating injuries

When a hollow organ is punctured during a penetrating injury to the abdomen:

peritonitis may not develop for several hours.

Because the depth of an open abdominal wound is often difficult to determine:

prompt transport to the hospital is essential.

The abdomen is divided into 4


Early bruising following abdominal trauma often manifests as?

red area of skin

Early bruising following abdominal trauma often manifests as:

red areas of skin.

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