Abeka 5th Grade History Chapter 13 Check Up section E
missionary from Northern Ireland to India
Amy Carmichael
made the idea of evolution popular
Charles Darwin
executed by the Roundheads
Charles I
During my reign the Spanish Armada was defeated and the English became a people of "the Book."
Elizabeth I
king during the French & Indian War
George II
king during America's War for Independence
George III
authorized a new translation of the Bible in 1611
James I
Mary, Queen of Scots feared my prayers more than she feared an army
John Knox
returned Great Britain to the Protestant Work Ethic
Margaret Thatcher
defeated the king of the Civil War; ruled during the Commonwealth
Oliver Cromwell
Father of Modern Chemistry
Robert Boyle
queen who said as a child, "I will be good."
wrote the first English science book
William Gilbert
discovered circulation of the blood
William Harvey
England's first constitutional monarchs
William and Mary
led Great Britain to victory in World War II
Winston Churchill