Abeka 5th Grade, History Test 12 (Ch. 10-13; Geog. Atlas Map A6; Continent Study 3) Nine-Weeks Exam
Robert Raikes
"Father of he Sunday School Movement"
Be able to label these location on a map.
1. Aegean Sea 6 Mt. Elbrus 2. Black Sea 7. Norwegian Sea 3. Caspian Sea 8. North Sea 4. Danuibe River 9.Rhine River 5. Mont Blane 10. Volga River
Be able to label these states on a map.
1. Atlanta 6. Montpelier 2. Boise 7. Honolulu 3.Columbus 8. Juneau 4. Denver 9. Lincoln 5. Frankfort 10. Phoenix
Be able to label these locations on a map.
1. Belfast 5. English Channel 2. Dublin 6. Thames River 3. Edinburgh 7. Wales 4. England
England's principal river
Rhine River
Europe's most important inland waterway
Great Britain is the ____ largest island in the world
Winston Chruchill
Prime Minister of England during World War II
Margaret Thatcher
Prime Minister who worked to return Great Britain to the Protestant work ethic.
Spanish Armada
Queen Elizabeth's fleet defeated the
Roman emperor who first allowed freedom of worship
Norman Conquest
William the Conqueror's victory is known as
a singing poet
Martin Luther
began the Protestant Reformation
capital of England
capital of Ireland
capital of Northern Ireland
capital of Scotland
capital of Wales
Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
countries that are part of the United Kingdom
Captain Cook
explorer who discovered Australia
Sir Francis Drake
first Englishman to sail around the world
first great missionary of the Christian church
John Wycliffe
followers were called the Lollards
Florence Nightingale
founder of the modern nursing profession
William Shakespeare
greatest writer of the Elizabethan Age
Mt. Elbrus
highest spot in Europe
invention that helped the Romans build strong, lasting structures
Johann Gutenberg
inventor of the printing press
largest country in the world
largest country on the island of Great Britian
Oliver Cronwell
leader of the Roundheads
James Watt
man who perfected the steam engine
monks in monasteries copied and preserved the
George Whitefield
most famous English preacher of the Wesleyan Revival
Protestand Work Ethic
the Biblical teaching that God expects all people to work
Biblical heritage
the British colonists most important gift to the New World
the Carthaginian general who crossed the Alps with war elephants
the Greek word meaning "marketplace"
Julius Caesar
the Roman leader who "crossed the Rubicon"
Sir Christopher Wren
the architect who helped to rebuild London after the great fire
the author of the Illiad and Odyssey
the city Rome fought in the Punic Wars
the country know as the "Emerald Isle"
Magna Carta
the document signed in 1215 that established the tradition that the monarchy limited by laws
the efforts to take Jerusalem back from the Turks were called
the empire England belonged to for 400 years in ancient times
the false idea that the Bible does not mean what it says
Charles Darwin
the false teaching of evolution was made popular by
Augustus Caesar
the first emperor of the Roman Empire
John Cabot
the first explorer to reach North America in modern times
the freed slave who wrote many fables
the longest river in the British Isles
Miles Coverdale
the man who produced the first printed version of the English Bible
John Wycliffe
the man who produced the first translation of the entire Bible in English
William Carey
the missionary known as the "Father of Modern Missions"
the mountain chain known as the "Backbone of England"
the only continent with no large desert
the people who came from England to the New World for freedom of worship
the queen who promised "I will be good"
Age of Industry
the time when machinery began to do the work formerly done by men and animals
the word that comes from two words meaning "people" and "rule"
Caspian Sea
the world's largest lake
where the Protestant Reformation began
world's largest landmass