Abeka 5th Grade Language Test 4
Are Bill and he singular or plural subjects?
Bill and he (were, was) early for Sunday school.
Identify the correct pronoun or verb form- (He, Him) and Jacob ride the same bus to school.
Identify the correct pronoun or verb form- Have you (ate, eaten) your lunch yet?
Identify the correct pronoun or verb form- Memphis's father has ( ran, run ) around the track four times.
Identify the correct pronoun or verb form- The dog (attackted, attacked) the cat and chased it up a tree.
Identify the correct pronoun or verb form- When the bell (rung, rang), we started Bible class.
Identify the correct verb form- She (don't, doesn't) like spinach very much.
you; subjective
Identify the personal pronoun in the following sentence and identify if the pronoun is a subjective case, objective case, or possessive case. Did you get some dessert?
me; objective
Identify the personal pronoun in the following sentence and identify if the pronoun is a subjective case, objective case, or possessive case. Hand me that book please, Randy.
ours; possessive
Identify the personal pronoun in the following sentence and identify if the pronoun is a subjective case, objective case, or possessive case. Ours will be the best skit.
she; subjective
Identify the personal pronoun in the following sentence and identify if the pronoun is a subjective case, objective case, or possessive case. She likes to have her reading completed by bedtime every day.
mine; possessive
Identify the personal pronoun in the following sentence and identify if the pronoun is a subjective case, objective case, or possessive case. The pencil that Rosalynn dropped was mine.
we; subjective
Identify the personal pronoun in the following sentence and identify if the pronoun is a subjective case, objective case, or possessive case. We have to make sure that the arithmetic problems are accurate.
Is Edgar Allen Poe a singular or plural subject?
Is I a singular or plural subject?
Is farmers a singular or plural subject?
Is she a singular or plural subject?
demonstrative pronoun
Is the following bolded word used as a demonstrative pronoun or interrogative pronoun? Are those your books on the floor, Melissa?
demonstrative pronoun
Is the following bolded word used as a demonstrative pronoun or interrogative pronoun? That is a beautiful antique.
demonstrative pronoun
Is the following bolded word used as a demonstrative pronoun or interrogative pronoun? This is my favorite picture in the museum.
interrogative pronoun
Is the following bolded word used as a demonstrative pronoun or interrogative pronoun? Which of these sweaters belongs to you?
interrogative pronoun
Is the following bolded word used as a demonstrative pronoun or interrogative pronoun? Who has been to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.?
What is the correct pronoun for the following sentence- Before breakfast, ( we, us ) girls must make our beds.
What is the correct pronoun for the following sentence- Chris and ( I, me ) were late for football practice.
What is the correct pronoun for the following sentence- I brought candy for Makayla and ( I, me ).
What is the correct pronoun for the following sentence- The students studied ( they're, their ) spelling words.
What is the correct pronoun for the following sentence- This is ( he, him ) speaking.