abnormal chapter 12

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Anterograde amnesia

: Amnesia involving the inability to remember new information.


A chemical that alters a person's mood or behavior when it is smoked, injected, drunk, inhaled, or swallowed in pill form.

substance use disorder

A cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating that the individual continues using a substance even though it causes significant problems in his or her life. Clinicians diagnose substance use disorders by assessing the individual in four categories of symptoms: impaired control, social impairment, risky use pharmacological changes. New diagnostic term has fewer negative connotations than the term "addiction"

Gambling Disorder

A non-substance-related disorder involving the persistent urge to gamble. This disorder is included with substance use disorders as it is now conceptualized as showing many of the same behaviors, such as: Cravings Increasing needs to engage in the behavior Negative social consequences.


Alcohol dependent individuals showed a variety of behaviors : Early neural dysfunction. Nervousness and fretfulness as infants. Hyperactivity as children. Poor physical coordination.

alcohol effects

Alcohol is a depressant A psychoactive substance that causes the depression of central nervous system activity. Immediate effects Sedating Central nervous system depressant Potentially fatal in excess Potentiation compounds these effects

theories and treatment

Biological Genetic abnormalities Opioid receptor on chromosome 1 (OPRM1) Chromosome 15 in a cluster of nicotinic receptor subunits (CHRNA-3, -5, and -4) Catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT)


Biological Twin, family, and adoption studies consistently point to the importance of genetic factors as contributors to alcohol-related disorder. Genetics of alcohol-related disorders comes from studies examining associations with genes involved in alcohol metabolism and neural transmission.


Caffeine withdrawal symptoms: Headache Tiredness and fatigue Sleepiness and drowsiness Dysphoric mood Difficulty concentrating Depression Irritability Nausea Vomiting Muscle aches Stiffness


Diverse group of substances that cause psychoactive effects by producing chemical vapors. Inhalants have similar effects as alcohol. Slurring of speech, loss of coordination, euphoria, dizziness, and, over time, loss of inhibition and control.

phycological, treatment

Dual-process theory: Proposes there are automatic processes that generate an impulse to drink alcohol and controlled, effortful processing that regulates these automatic impulses. Alcohol myopia theory: Proposes that as individuals consume greater amounts of alcohol, they are more likely to make risky choices because the immediate temptation of the moment overcomes the long-term consequences of the behavior. Relapse prevention: Based on the expectancy model, in which individuals are encouraged not to view lapses from abstinence as signs of certain failure. The primary emphasis of CBI is on enhancing reinforcement and social support for abstinence.

wernickes disease

Form of aphasia in which the individual is able to produce language but has lost the ability to comprehend, so that these verbal productions have no meaning.

Substance abuse:

Maladaptive pattern of substance use occurring within a 12-month period that leads to significant impairment or distress evidence by: Failure to meet obligations Repeated use of substances in physically hazardous situations Legal problems Interpersonal problems.

Substance dependence:

Maladaptive pattern of use manifested by cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms during a 12-month period and caused by continued use of substance.


Marijuana: Psychoactive substance derived from the hemp plant whose primary active ingredient is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hashish, containing a more potent form of THC, comes from the resins of the plant's flowers. Individuals use synthetic forms of THC for medicinal purposes: Treating asthma and glaucoma and reducing nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Heavy and continued use of marijuana: Produce effects on bodily functioning. Lead to higher risk of heart attack. Lead to impaired respiratory functioning.

Sedatives, Hypnotics, & Anxiolytics

Medications include: Benzodiazepines Barbiturates Nonbenzodiazepine sleep medications such as: Zolpidem (Ambien) Eszopiclone (Lunesta) Zalepon (Sonata)

prevent heroin relapse

Methadone: Synthetic opioid that produces a safer and more controlled reaction than heroin and is used in treating heroin addiction. Buprenorphine: Used in the treatment of heroin addiction. Naltrexone: Used in the treatment of heroin addiction.

Korsakoff's syndrome:

Permanent form of dementia associated with long-term alcohol use in which the individual develops retrograde and anterograde amnesia, leading to an inability to remember recent events or learn new information. Retrograde amnesia: Amnesia involving loss of memory for past events.


Naltrexone - Blocks the effects of the body's production of alcohol-induced opioids, through involving dopamine. Disulfiram: Known popularly as Antabuse, a medication used in the treatment of alcoholism that inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and causes severe physical reactions when combined with alcohol. Acamprosate - Reduces the risk of relapse by reducing the individual's urge to drink and thereby reducing the drive to use alcohol as a way of reducing anxiety and other negative psychological states.


Nicotine: Psychoactive substance found in cigarettes

Biopsychosocial model

Pathways model is anApproach to gambling disorder that predicts that there are three main paths leading to three subtypes.


Principles of treating substance dependence other than alcohol through CBT are similar to those involved in treating alcohol dependence. Clinicians combine CBT with motivational therapies and behavioral interventions that focus on contingency management.


Psychoactive substances that cause abnormal perceptual experiences in the form of illusions or hallucinations, usually visual in nature. LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide): Users ingest in tablets, capsules, and liquid form. Produces tolerance. Peyote: Primary ingredient is mescaline. Psilocybin: Found in certain mushrooms. PCP (phencyclidine, a.k.a. "angel dust"): Originally developed as an intravenous anesthetic. Symptoms that mimic schizophrenia, mood disturbance, memory loss, difficulties with speech and thinking, weight loss, and depression. MDMA- known on the street as ecstasy, is a synthetic substance chemically similar to methamphetamine and mescaline. Users experience feelings of increased energy, euphoria, emotional warmth, distorted perceptions and sense of time, and unusual tactile experiences. Users experience unpleasant psychological effects Confusion, depression, sleep problems, cravings for the drug, and severe anxiety.


Psychoactive substances that relieve pain. Clinicians prescribe hydrocodone products for a variety of painful conditions, including dental and injury-related pain. Physicians use morphine before and after surgical procedures to alleviate severe pain. Clinicians prescribe codeine for mild pain. Heroin: Form of opioid, synthesized from morphineis. Serious health consequences of heroin use: Fatal overdoses Infectious diseases Damage to the cardiovascular system, abscesses, and liver or kidney disease


Substances that have an activating effect on the nervous system. Amphetamine: Affects the central nervous and the autonomic nervous systems. Methamphetamine: Related to amphetamine but provokes more intense central nervous system effect. Cocaine: Highly addictive central nervous system stimulant that an individual snorts, injects, or smokes. Effects include feelings of euphoria, heightened mental alertness, reduced fatigue, and heightened energy.

Substance intoxication:

The temporary maladaptive experience of behavioral or psychological changes that are due to the accumulation of a substance in the body.


Tolerance: Extent to which the individual requires larger and larger amounts of a substance in order to achieve its desired effects, or the extent to which the individual feels less of its effects after using the same amount of the substance.

Biopsychosocial Perspective

Useful for: Understanding substance dependence Approaches to treatment Genetics Action of substances on the central nervous system

Substance Disorders: The Bio-psychosocial Perspective

Various treatment programs for people with substance-related have emerged. Biological treatment may involve the prescription of substances that block or reduce cravings. Behavioral treatment involves techniques such as contingency management, cognitive behavioral therapy, and relapse prevention.


when they stop substance

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