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somatic symptom disorder

a disorder in which people become excessively distressed, concerned, and anxious about bodily symptoms that they are experiencing, with their lives greatly and disproportionately disrupted by the symptoms

behavioral medicine

a field that combines psychological and physical interventions to treat or prevent medical problems

Electra conflict

a girl's sexual attraction to her father and feelings of rivalry with her mother

repressive coping style

a reluctance to express discomfort, anger, or hostility tend to have a particularly sharp rise in BP and heart rate when stressed

relaxation training

a treatment procedure that teaches clients to relax at will so they can calm themselves in stressful situations

migraine headaches

a very severe headache that occurs on one side of the head, often preceded by a warning sensation and sometimes accompanied by dizziness, nausea, or vomiting

Dr. Ortiz is a psychotherapist who uses hypnosis to treat many of his patients. During his practice he has found that hypnosis seems to be particularly helpful in:

controlling pain.

A person who has a disorder in which she is translating conflicts and anxiety into physical symptoms is said to have a _____ disorder.


Hispanic Health Paradox

hispanics have lower death rates than white people, but they have lower average incomes and levels of education

An individual who has been diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely first seek:

medical help.

A physician during the Renaissance would be most likely to feel that addressing emotional concerns was work for priests and philosophers because the mind and body are totally separate. This position demonstrates the concept of:

mind-body dualism.

With _____, a person pays attention to the feelings, thoughts, and sensations that are flowing through his or her mind but does so with detachment and objectivity and, most important, without judgment.

mindfulness meditation

The most widely applied method of biofeedback uses a device called an electromyograph (EMG), which:

provides feedback about the level of muscular tension in the body.

essential hypertension

psychological and physiological factors

Jane has hypertension, whereas Tanya has a conversion disorder. Both conditions have somatic symptoms, but Tanya's condition is accounted for primarily by:

psychological factors.

treatment of conversion + somatic symptom disorders

psychotherapy last resort; eventually agree + psychotropic drug therapy; focus on causes of disorders

Dr. Strange was able to make normal people with no neurological problems believe and respond as if they were deaf, paralyzed, or blind through:

hypnotic suggestion.

psychodynamic view of conversion + somatic symptom disorders

hysterical disorders represented a conversion of underlying emotional conflicts into physical symptoms and concerns

People with _____ disorder are convinced that they have or are developing a serious medical illness, despite the absence of substantial somatic symptoms.

illness anxiety

secondary gain

in psychodynamic theory, the gain people derive when their somatic symptoms elicit kindness from others or provide an excuse to avoid unpleasant activities

somatization pattern

individual experiences a large and varied number of bodily symptoms

if stress continues for too long a period, norepinephrine eventually travels to receptors on certain lymphocytes and gives them an ___ to stop their activity

inhibitory message


intentionally feigning illness to achieve some external gain, such as financial compensation or time off from work

hysterical disorder

label was meant to convey the prevailing belief that excessive and uncontrolled emotions underlie the bodily symptoms found in these disorders

A therapist is treating a client with a conversion disorder. The therapist is working to reduce the pleasurable outcomes associated with being sick and increase the rewards associated with being well. What is this technique called?


Cognitive-behavioral theorists propose that the physical symptoms of conversion and somatic disorders bring _____ to sufferers.


multicultural view of conversion + somatic symptom disorders

somatic reactions as an inferior way of dealing w emotions

Briquet's Syndrome

somatization disorder

Studies have found that the various psychological interventions for physical problems:

tend to be equally effective.

predominant pain pattern

the person's primary bodily problem is the experience of pain


the study of the connections among stress, the body's immune system, and illness


to waste away

conversion disorder is diagnosed at least __ as often in women as in men


treatment for illness anxiety disorder

usually receive the kinds of treatments that are used to treat OCD

factitious disorder seems to be particularly common among people who:

1) received extensive treatment for a medical problem as children 2) carry a grudge against the medical profession 3) have worked as a nurse, lab tech, or medical aide

It is estimated that _____ million people in the United States have hypertension.


Which statement BEST describes someone with illness anxiety disorder?

A person misinterprets normal bodily functions and changes as signs of a serious health condition.

_____ experience greater stress than _____ in response to a major personal injury or illness, a major change in work responsibilities, or a major change in living conditions.

African Americans; non-Hispanic white Americans

Persons with Type _____ personality style are more relaxed, less aggressive, and less concerned about time.


psychological factors affecting other medical conditions / psychological factors affecting other medical conditions.

Disorders in which biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors interact to cause or worsen a physical illness

Jennifer, who used to be a nurse, appears to be a devoted and doting mother. Her child has been sick 18 times in the last 30 days and misses a lot of school. Jennifer is constantly taking her child to the doctor. When her child spends time away from Jennifer, the child feels better. A factitious disorder that Jennifer might have that is causing her child to become ill is:

Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Charlene, a former nurse, always complains about being sick. She has no children and few friends to care for her, so she spends a great deal of time in the hospital. Even though the hospital staff are very kind to her, she seems to hold a grudge against the doctors. In reality, Charlene has been making herself sick for years. Based on this information, it is likely that Charlene suffers from:

Munchausen syndrome.

Karen intentionally induces her own symptoms by mistaking medications so that she can be admitted to hospitals and receive treatment. This behavior BEST reflects:

Munchausen syndrome.

Jamie has visited the doctor several times feeling anxious about headaches because she feels she may have a brain tumor. Although past MRIs show that she does not have such a condition, she still worries and goes to see the doctor when she has a headache. Which of these is MOST characteristic of Jamie?

She is preoccupied with the notion that she is seriously ill.

Michelle abuses laxatives so that she will have chronic diarrhea and then spends excessive time at the doctor complaining of her symptoms and getting medical tests. Which of these is probably NOT true about Michelle?

She probably has little knowledge about medicine.

conversion disorder

a disorder in which bodily symptoms affect voluntary motor and sensory functions, but the symptoms are inconsistent with known medical diseases; neuro symmptoms w no neuro basis; do not consciously want or purposely produce their symptoms

illness anxiety disorder / hypochondriasis

a disorder in which people are chronically anxious about and preoccupied with the notion that they have or are developing a serious medical illness, despite the absence of somatic symptoms; most often starts in early adulthood, among men and women in equal numbers

muscle contraction/tension headache.

a headache caused by the narrowing of muscles surrounding the skull; marked by pain at the back or front of the head or back of the neck


a lesion/hole that forms in the wall of the stomach or of the duodenum, resulting in burning sensations/pain in the stomach


a medical problem marked by narrowing of the trachea and bronchi, which results in shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and a choking sensation

type A personality style

a personality pattern characterized by hostility, cynicism, drivenness, impatience, competitiveness, and ambition; often leads to coronary heart disease

type B personality style

a personality pattern in which a person is more relaxed, less aggressive, and less concerned about time


a technique in which a client is given information about physiological reactions as they occur and learns to control the reactions voluntarily

Jim developed conversion blindness but rarely bumps into anything, even in unfamiliar environments. This is evidence that Jim has:

at least some vision, even if he is unaware of it.

Cognitive-behavioral interventions teach people with physical ailments new:

attitudes and responses toward their ailments.

Dr. Wesson treats patients who complain of headaches on one side of their head that cause immense pain. Dr. Wesson believes these headaches occur in two phases and are caused by:

both narrowing and expansion of the blood vessels.

conversion disorder

characterized by medically unexplained physical symptoms that affect voluntary motor or sensory functioning


chronic high blood pressure

communication realm

cognitive-behavioral theorists propose that conversion + somatic symptom disorders are forms of self-expression

Mona spent a lot of time in hospitals as a child. As an adult, she wishes to remain in a sick role although she is healthy, and therefore she often takes medicines to make herself sick. She would MOST likely be diagnosed with _____ disorder.


Lisa purposefully injures herself to cause bruises on her extremities. Then she goes to her doctor and complains of unexplained bruising. Her behavior is most consistent with:

factitious disorder.

Jamie has insomnia. Which of these is she LEAST likely to complain about?

feeling very active during the day

The BEST example of malingering is a person who:

feigns an illness to achieve some external gain, such as financial compensation.

Freud centered his explanation of hysterical disorders on the needs and conflicts experienced by _____ in the _____ stage.

girls; phallic

primary gain

in psychodynamic theory, the gain people derive when their somatic symptoms keep their internal conflicts out of awareness

conversion disorder usually begins between

late childhood and young adulthood

Lee lies to his doctors about feeling ill because he is trying to acquire disability compensation. Lee is BEST described as:


glove anesthesia

numbness begins sharply at the wrist and extends evenly right to the fingertips

factitious disorder imposed on another / Munchausen syndrome by proxy

parents or caretakers make up or produce physical illnesses in their children, leading in some cases to repeated painful diagnostic tests, medication, and surgery

factitious disorder

patients intentionally produce or feign physical symptoms

somatic symptom disorder

people become disproportionately concerned, distressed, and disrupted by bodily symptoms

illness anxiety disorder

people who are anxious about their health become preoccupied with the notion that they are seriously ill despite the absence of bodily symptoms

cognitive-behavioral view of conversion + somatic symptom disorders

physical symptoms of these disorder yield important benefits to sufferers; gains viewed as primary cause (vs secondary in psychodynamic)


proteins that bind to receptors throughout the body; spread can lead to chronic inflammation throughout the body

Topher often goes to urgent care for a wide variety of physical symptoms. However, no matter what his symptoms are, the healthcare providers never observe physical evidence that explains why the symptoms occur. Topher likely has a:

somatic symptom disorder.

mind-body dualism

the mind, or soul, is totally separate from the body

Dr. Michaels is giving his patient a sleep study that consists of a polysomnographic examination. Which type of activity is he NOT likely to assess?


People in which group are MOST likely to experience a psychophysiological disorder?

African Americans

Somatic symptom disorder is also known as:

Briquet's syndrome.

In the United States, people from _____ cultures seem to display the most somatic symptoms in the face of stress.


coronary heart disease

Illness of the heart caused by a blockage in the coronary arteries

What is a shortcoming of Holmes and Rahe's Social Readjustment Rating Scale?

It does not take into consideration the particular life-stress reactions of specific populations.

What did Freud believe about "hysterical" symptoms?

They enabled people to avoid unpleasant activities.

Which of the following is NOT true about people with factitious disorder?

They have little knowledge about medicine.

If Katie is similar to 90 percent of individuals with hypertension, her condition is likely caused by:

a combination of physiological and psychological factors.

factitious disorder / Munchausen syndrome

a disorder in which a person feigns or induces symptoms, typically for the purpose of assuming the role of a sick person; more common in women, men often have more severe cases; usually begins during early adulthood

Secondary gain is derived when somatic symptoms:

allow individuals to avoid unpleasant activities.

cognitive-behavioral approach to illness anxiety disorder

believe (1) that the illness fears are acquired through classical conditioning or modeling, and (2) that people with the disorder are so sensitive to and threatened by bodily cues that they come to misinterpret them

Somatic symptom disorder is diagnosed when people become disproportionately concerned, distressed, and disrupted by:

bodily symptoms.

factors that cause factitious disorder

depression; unsupportive parental relationships during childhood; an extreme need for social support that is not otherwise available


difficulty falling or staying asleep

psychological factors affecting other medical conditions

disorders in which physiological factors adversely affect a person's general medical condition

Angelina directly tells her patients with conversion disorders that there is no medical basis for their symptoms and suggests psychotherapy. Angelina is using a(n) _____ treatment approach.


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