Abnormal Psych chapter 5

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panic attack

abrupt experience of intense fear or discomfort accompanied by a number of physical symptoms

situational phobia

anxiety involving enclosed places or public transportation

fight/flight system (FFS)

brain circuit in animals that when stimulated causes an alarm and escape response resembling human panic

behavioral inhibition system (BIS)

brain circuit that responds to threat signals by obstructing activity and causing anxiety

disinhibited social engagement disorder

condition in which a child shows no reticence whatsoever in approaching adults

panic control treatment (PCT)

cognitive-behavioral therapy involving gradual exposure to feared somatic sensations and modification of perceptions about them


disorder characterized by anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult

generalized anxiety disorder

disorder characterized by intense, uncontrollable, unfocused, chronic, and continuous worry that is distressing and unproductive

panic disorder

disorder characterized by recurrent unexpected episodes of fear accompanied by a number of physical symptoms

body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

disorder featuring a disruptive preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

disorder involving unwanted, persistent, intrusive thoughts and impulses and repetitive actions intended to suppress them

attachment disorder

disorder whereby a child is unable or unwilling to form normal relationships with caregiving adults

reactive attachment disorder

disorder whereby a child neither seeks out a caregiver nor responds to help from one


emotion of an immediate alarm reaction to present danger or life-threatening emergencies

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD

enduring, distressing emotional disorder that follows exposure to severe helplessness or a fear-inducing threat

separation anxiety

excessive, enduring fear that harm will come to an individual or their loved ones while apart

social phobia

extreme, enduring, irrational fear and avoidance of performance situations or interacting with people

social anxiety disorder

extreme, enduring, irrational fear and avoidance of social or performance situations

natural environment phobia

fear of situations or events in the physical world, especially heights, storms, and water


mood state characterized by marked negative affect in which a person apprehensively anticipates future misfortune


people's urge to pull out their own hair from anywhere on the body


recurrent, difficult-to-control picking of one's skin leading to significant impairment or distress


recurrent, intrusive impulse clients seek to suppress while recognizing they aren't imposed by outside forces


repetitive, ritualistic, time-consuming behavior or mental act one feels driven to perform to suppress impulses

adjustment disorders

set of clinically significant emotional and behavioral symptoms in response to specific stressors

acute stress disorder

severe reaction immediately following a terrifying event, often including amnesia, emotional numbing, and derealization


sudden, overwhelming fright or terror

specific phobia

unreasonable fear of a particular object or situation that markedly interferes with daily life functioning

animal phobia

unreasonable, enduring fear of living organisms that usually develops early in life

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