Abnormal Psych-Personality Disorders Quiz 9

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A friend of yours says, "A 15-year-old high schooler accused of shooting several classmates received a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder." Your MOST accurate reply would be:

"No; this kid is too young for that diagnosis."

A friend asks your advice about the MOST effective therapy to use for treating borderline personality disorder. Your BEST answer is:

"Research suggests that dialectical behavior therapy is the most effective."

A friend says to you, "He must have antisocial personality disorder; look how careful he is about his own well-being, but how careless he is about others' safety." Your MOST accurate reply would be:

"You're partly right; most people with antisocial personality disorder are careless about their own safety, as well as the safety of others

Which category of personality disorder contains the disorders MOST commonly diagnosed?


As part of their therapy, clients learn to evaluate their unusual thoughts, track the accuracy of "magical" predictions, and reconnect with the world and with their limitations. The diagnoses of these clients would MOST likely be in which of the following broad categories of personality disorder?


Define dependent PD.

-A pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation

What are the disadvantages of using DSM for classifying personality disorders?

-low inter-rater reliability -high rates comorbidity -high overlap among symptom criteria -not based on theoretical model

Give characteristics of paranoid PD.

-reluctant to confide in others -finds threatening meaning -doubt loyalty and trustworthiness of others

What is the goal of treatment for paranoid pd?

-trusting atmosphere -cognitive therapy to correct cognitive errors

"You had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself.../ You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you/ You're so vain..." sang




There are three clusters of PDs.




slide 33-36


How prevalent is paranoid PD?


What is the prevalence of OCD?


How prevalent is narcissistic PD?


What is the OVERALL prevalence rate for PDs?


Antisocial Cleckley Criteria

16: superficial charm and intelligence, irrational thinking, no nervousness, unreliable, insincerity and untruthfulness, lack of remorse, motivate by anti social behaviour, poor judgement, don't love, poor, specific loss of insight, unresponsiveness in general, fantastic and uninviting behaviour, suicide not carried through, sex life impersonal and failure to follow through with a plan

What is required to be diagnosed with antisocial PD?

18 or older evidence of conduct disorder by age 15

What is the prevalence of dependent PD?

2% no gender difference

What is the prevalence of borderline PD? which gender more?

2% more common in females

What is the prevalence of histrionic PD? more common in which gender

2-3% more common in females

What is the prevalence of antisocial in males? in females? comorbid with?

3% males 1% females substance abuse (80%)

What is the prevalence of schizotypal PD? more common in which gender?

3-5% more common in men

Antisocial New Criteria

6: superficial charm, grandoise sense of self worth, proness to boredom/need for stimulation, pathological lying, conning and lack of remorse

About _____ percent of those who are diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are women.


slide 12-13


Define OCD.

A pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control

Define avoidant PD.

A pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to evaluation

Brain functioning ASPD

Behavioural inhibition system, reward system and fight flight system. BIS and REW imbalance may lead to psychopathic behavior. BIS responsible for our ability to stop/slow down when we are faced with punishment. REW responsible for our approach behaviour and associated with hope and relief. Less BIS and more REW in psychopaths.

Which of these well-known people appears to have displayed symptoms of antisocial personality disorder?

Bernie Madoff

People with which type of personality disorder are sometimes described as "psychopaths" or "sociopaths"? A. schizotypal B. antisocial C. borderline D. histrionic

B. antisocial

_____ theorists contend that borderline personality disorder results from a combination of internal and external forces. A. biological B. biosocial C. object-relations D. psychodynamic

B. biosocial

Alyssa suffered from separation anxiety as a child, the symptoms of which were never fully addressed and never fully went away. Given what you know about personality disorders, which diagnosis is she MOST at risk of developing as an adult? A. schizoid B. dependent C. paranoid D. avoidant

B. dependent

Neurobiological ASPD

Deficits in their abilities to maintain a plan and to inhibit irrelevant information.

Dimensions versus Categorical Models

Dimension: the degree for example height or inches. More flexibile. Categorical: you either have it or do not have it. Yes or no.


Do men or women tend to be diagnosed more with personality disorder?

personality disorders

Enduring maladaptive patterns for relating to the environment and oneself, exhibited in a wide range of contexts that cause significant functional impairment or subjective distress.

Narcissistic PD Causes

Failure of empathic mirroring by the parents. Search for ideal person. Increasing in North America. Due to hedonism, individualism, competitiveness and success. Me generation. Self enhancers.

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

Fixation on doing things the right way but don't complete anything. Work oriented, general rigidity, poor relationships. Don't have obsessive thoughts or compulsive behavior. Serial killers have this. play a role in sex offenders. Among gifted kids. Perfectionism.

Fearlessness Hypothesis

Higher threshold for experiencing fear. Experiment with electric shock and galvanic glands response. Non psychopaths showed a predictable pattern. They would be sweaty when they knew the shock was coming. The psychopaths had weak GSR to tones and extinguished fear fast.

Historionic PD Causes

Hysteria issue before but not anymore because men have it. Relationship with anti social behaviour. 2/3 Meet criterial for anti social PD. Females predisposed to have characteristics.

Cogntive Slippage

Illogical and incoherent speech

Borderline PD subtypes

Impulsive, identity disturbance and affective. Couple therapy for identity and affective.

Disorganized Affect

Inappropriate emotional behavior, which includes a variety of unusual behaviors

Of the following statements which one most accurately reflects up-to-date research on DSM-5 categories of personality disorder?

Individuals do not necessarily have to have very similar personalities to receive the same diagnosis

Of the following statements, which MOST accurately reflects up-to-date research on DSM-5 categories of personality disorder?

Individuals do not necessarily have to have very similar personalities to receive the same diagnosis.


Inflammatory cells present in Alzheimer's disease

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate regarding antisocial personality disorder?

Most who have it are not treated, and most who are treated are not helped much

"I am the greatest!" a famous boxer declared loudly and often. Had he in acted acted throughout his adult life as though he were the greatest, the most appropriate diagnosis would be:

Narcissistic personality disorder

Assume you have to give and in class presentation about narcissistic personality disorder. What is an accurate statement about treatment for this disorder?

No form of therapy is clearly better than the others

Assume you have to give an in-class presentation about narcissistic personality disorder. What is the MOST accurate thing you can say about treatment for this disorder?

No form of therapy is clearly better than the others."

A friend of yours says, "A 15-year-old high school student accused of shooting several classmates received a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder." Your accurate reply would be:

No, the student is too young for that diagnosis

Only 23 percent of adults report openly expressing their anger. Should they?

No. Ironically, venting appears to make people angrier.

A client is searching for the BEST treatment for borderline personality disorder. Will drug treatment be effective if it is the only intervention the client receives?

No; they should be used along with psychotherapy, if used at all


Non-DSM category similar to antisocial personality disorder but with less emphasis on overt behavior; indicators include superficial charm, lack of remorse, and other personality characteristics.


OCD=ego-dystonic OCD-PD is ego-syntonic????

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate in terms of current research findings?

Odd" personality disorders and schizophrenia are related to one another.


The experience of sensory events without environmental input, may involve all senses

How do personality disorder differ form the personality characteristics of typical people?

The lead to more maladaptive, distressful, and inflexible behaviors

Undifferentiated Type

This subtype of Schizophrenia is considered a "wastebasket" category, which includes the major symptoms of Schizophrenia (the individual fails to meet the criteria for another type)

Paranoid Type

This subtype of Schizophrenia shows intact cognitive skills and affect, no signs of disorganized behavior. Hallucinations/Delusions include grandeur or persecution (typical prognosis)

Disorganized Type

This subtype of Schizophrenia shows marked disruptions in speech and behavior, flat or inappropriate affect, where hallucinations/delusions tend to be fragmented

Residual Type

This subtype of Schizophrenia shows one past episode of schizophrenia, where the individual continues to display less extreme residual symptoms

Catatonic Type

This subtype of Schizophrenia shows unusual motor responses and odd mannerisms, which includes echolalia and echopraxia


This susceptibility gene has been discovered in Alzheimer's research

Which of the following would MOST clearly fit into the biosocial theory of the development of borderline personality disorder?

an individual who has difficulty controlling internal emotions and parents who mislabel those emotions

Which of the following has experienced "triggering"?

an individual who is prompted to injure himself intentionally after watching someone else do it

Psychodynamic theorists explain obsessive compulsive personality disorder as a fixation at the

anal stage

Psychodynamic theorists explain obsessive-compulsive personality disorder as a fixation at the:

anal stage

Which of the following is NOT an important part of dialectical behavior therapy?

antipsychotic drugs

People with which type of personality disorder are sometimes described as "psychopaths" or "sociopaths"?


One reason that the personality disorders are difficult to treat is that the afflicted individuals:

are frequently unaware that they have a problem

Like those with paranoid personality disorder, those with avoidant personality disorder usually

are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships

Like those with paranoid personality disorder, those with avoidant personality disorder usually:

are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships.

Which of the following would a phrenologist MOST likely have done?

assessed personality by feeling for bumps and indentations on the head

Which would a phrenologist MOST likely have done?

assessed personality by feeling for bumps and indentations on the head

What is burnout for antisocial PD?

at age 40-45; anitsocial behaviors tend to decrease

"Group therapy is a good option for those with dependent personality disorder; they'll be able to observe others coping skills and model them." This statement would MOST likely be made by a therapist having which theoretical perspective


A child who is severely criticized for acting independently, and who is praised for doing exactly what parents say to do, later develops dependent personality disorder. The therapist who would be LEAST surprised by this outcome would have which theoretical orientation?


A client being treated for avoidant personality disorder must increase his or her number of social contacts per day, The person, at the least, must greet others with the sentence, "Hello, how are you doing?" MOST likely, the therapist has which theoretical background?


A client being treated for avoidant personality disorder must increase the number of social contacts per day. The person, at the least, must greet others with the sentence, "Hello; how are you doing?" MOST likely, the therapist has which theoretical background?


Define schizotypal PD.

a pervasive pattern of interpersonal and social deficits marked by acute discomfort with close relationships as well as cognitive distortions and eccentric behavior

Giving in to a child's refusal to comply with a parental request may in adherently reinforce stubborn and defiant behavior, setting the scene for the development of antisocial personality disorder. This is most like a ______ view.


Giving in to a child's refusal to comply with a parental request may inadvertently reinforce stubborn and defiant behavior, setting the scene for the development of antisocial personality disorder. This is most likely a ____________ disorder.


Group therapy is a good option for those with dependent personality disorder; they'll be able to observe others' coping skills, and model them." This statement would MOST likely be made by a therapist having which of the following theoretical perspectives?


The fact that children may learn antisocial behavior by modeling parental conflict and aggressiveness provides support for:

behavioral theory

The fat that children may learn antisocial behavior by modeling parental conflict and aggressiveness provides support for:

behavioral theory

Assume a study of prison inmates diagnosed with antisocial enormity disorder show that they generally experience less anxiety than other people when the like or con others. This outcome would most strongly support which theoretical position?


Assume a study of prison inmates diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder shows that they all share characteristics of impulsiveness and aggression and also lack sympathy and empathy. Which perspective would MOST strongly explain the cause of these characteristics?


Assume a study of prison inmates diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder shows that they generally experience less anxiety than other people when they lie or "con" others. This outcome would most strongly support which theoretical position?


A client has enlarged brain ventricles and a measurable loss of gray matter. These symptoms are:

biological, and the most likely diagnosis is schizotypal personality disorder

A client has enlarged brain ventricles and a measurable loss of gray matter. These symptoms are:

biological, and the most likely diagnosis is schizotypal personality disorder.

Transported to the hospital after a suicide attempt, a man is later admitted to the hospital's psychiatric wing. His history showed other self-destruct behaviors and recklessness. MOST likely, if the man is diagnosed with a personality disorder, it will be:


"That personality disorder has become so common, I encounter it almost every day in the emergency room." MOST likely, this doctor is talking about which personality disorder?


"There's nothing out thee for me. I can't stand other people, and i can't stand myself, either. I'm just really mad right bow." Such a statement would most likely beamed by someone with which personality disorder?


"There's nothing out there for me. I can't stand other people, and I can't stand myself, either. I'm just really mad right now." Such a statement would most likely be made by someone with which personality disorder?


An individual with a diagnosed personality disorder is emotionally unstable, impulsive, and reckless. This person's diagnosis is likely to be which of the following personalty disorders?


Lisa felt like she was on an emotional roller coaster. She felt angry and empty. Lisa's feelings are MOST similar to those of someone with which personality disorder?


"That's it!" says your friend, the psychotherapist. "I can't work with that client. As soon as I show any empathy at all, it becomes almost impossible to challenge the client, and the client keeps calling me at all hours of the day." MOST likely, this is a client with:

borderline personality disorder

Dr. Marsha Linehan, developer of dialectical behavior therapy, would have diagnosed her young adult self with:

borderline personality disorder

Dr. Marsha Linehan, the developer of dialectical behavior therapy, would have diagnosed her young adult self with:

borderline personality disorder

Gort's parents never quite liked him, probably did not want children in the first place. He just was not accepted. It was clear early in school that Gort had a low opinion of himself and did not know how to interact with the other children. How he cuts himself and has been to the ER several times. This is a description of the possible development of:

borderline personality disorder

The inability to accurately interpret one's internal biological emotional or physiological states is characteristic of both:

borderline personality disorder and eating disorders

the inability to accurately interpret one's internal biological emotional or physiological states is characteristic of both?

borderline personality disorder and eating disorders

Goal of schizoid PD treatment....

build social skills -many therapists believe untreatable

DSM-5, like its predecessor, DSM-IV-TR, identifies 10 personality disorders utilizing a:

categorical approach

PDs often originate in...

childhood and become ingrained by adulthood

A personal experiencing paranoid personality disorder frequently says things like "You've got to get them before they get you," and "People have been sinners since the Garden of Eden." If these sayings reflect maladaptive assumptions the person has about people in general, the theorist who would be LEAST surprised would have which theoretical position?


An individual diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder reports having a great deal of difficulty figuring out how others feel, and as a child had difficulty developing adequate language skills. These findings would make the MOST sense to a theorist with which background?


An individual diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder reports having a great deal of difficulty gifting out how others feel and as a child had difficulty developing adequate language skills. These finding would make the MOST sense to a theorist with which background?


The problem is that they assume they can't take care of themselves, so they think others have to meet their needs. This pattern of thinking is not very helpful in trying to deal with histrionic personality disorder." A psychologist from which of the following perspectives would agree MOST strongly with this quote?


The type of therapist MOST likely to try to help people diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder to believe they are not helpless, and to teach them better thinking skills, is a ____________ therapist:


How do personality disorders affect life?

functional impairment subjective distress


helps break down neurotransmitters involved in fight or flight. If built up the enzymes won't work therefore people wont be able to handle stress. Only in males.

Define neuroticism.

high negative emotions

Research has found that borderline personality disorder is ore common among

hispanic americans

There is a new game called "Moods" where one acts out the mood listed on a card. Being encouraged to play this game is most like the treatment _____ might use for those with schizoid disorders.

cognitive therapists

There is a new game called "Moods" where one acts out the mood listed on a card. Being encouraged to play this game is most like the treatment ___________ might use for those with schizoid disorders.

cognitive therapists

What treatment is used for narcissism?

cognitive-improve empathy and coing with criticism

According to current research, if a person living in the United States is distrustful of both lawyers and congressional members, that type of person is:

common: most people in the United States distrust both lawyers and congressional members.

According to current research, if a person living in the United States is distrustful of both lawyers and congressional members, tat type of person is:

common; most people in the United States distrust both lawyers and congressional members

It is common for a person with a personality disorder to also suffer from another disorder, a relationship called:


The two childhood disorders that have been related to later antisocial personality disorder are:

conduct disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

The two childhood disorders that have been related to later antisocial personality disorder are:

conduct disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Biologically speaking, if one wanted to treat antisocial personality disorder, one would want to ______ the individual with the disorder.

decrease the anxiety level of

If an individual has damage to the prefrontal cortex, which of the following symptoms would MOST likely be observed?

deficits in planning, self-control, and decision

If an individual has damage to the prefrontal cortex, which of the following symptoms would MOST likely be observed?

deficits in planning, self-control, and decision making

If an individual has damage to the prefrontal cortex, which symptom would MOST likely be observed?

deficits in planning, self-control, and decision making

"Be loyal to your family" was what the child heard all the time, along with "You shouldn't -- you can't -- do it on your own, so don't even try." A behaviorist would say this kind of upbringing would be MOST likely to produce which of the personality disorders in the child, when he or she reached adulthood?


On their recent first date, Jason was getting very irritated when Rachel would not make any decisions for herself. She insisted that he choose which restaurant they went to for dinner, what cocktails they ordered, what movie they saw, and whether or not to go for coffee afterward. When the date was over, he was quite sure there would be no second date because he did not want to have to deal with her indecisiveness. If Rachel were to see a psychologist, she might be diagnosed as having _____ personality disorder


A person who has an executive need to be taken care of and is clingy is MOST likely to qualify for a diagnosis of

dependent personality disorder

Alyssa suffered from separation anxiety as a child, the symptoms of which were never fully addressed and never fully went away. Given what you know about personality disorders, which diagnosis is she MOST at risk of developing as an adult?

dependent personality disorder

If parents excessively reinforces clinging and punish attempts at independence, the result might be the development of:

dependent personality disorder

Narcissistic individuals are prone to _______ episodes.


What treatment is used for borderline PD?

dialectical behavior therapy

Which treatment approach seems to be of minimal effectiveness for those suffering from schizoid personality disorder?

drug therapy

According to psychodynamic theorists, an important factor is the development of avoidant personality disorder is

early experiences of shame

According to psychodynamic theorists, an important factor in the development of avoidant personality disorder is:

early experiences of shame.

Dependent PD may be linked to...

early neglect and disruptions in attachment patterns

Personality Disorder

enduring and relatively stable predispositions, which are inflexible and maladaptive, causing distress and/or impairment

Define personality disorders.

enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself

Define personality.

enduring traits that are fairly stable over time and make a person who he/she is

Personality Disorder Cluster B

erratic, dramatic, emotional: histrionic, narcissistic, anti social and borderline

Which of the following marks an individual as a pseudocommando?

expecting to be killed while committing mass murder

The category of "odd" personality disorders includes the traits of:

extreme suspiciousness, social withdrawal, and cognitive and perceptual peculiarities.

The category of "odd" personality disorders includes the traits of:

extreme suspiciousness, social withdrawal, and cognitive and pereceptual peculiarities

When dialectical behavior therapy is used with patients with borderline personality disorder, those patients, compared to patient receiving other for of therapy, make

far fewer suicide attempts and are hospitalized less often

When dialectical behavior therapy is used with patients with borderline personality disorder, those patients, compared to patients receiving other forms of therapy, make:

far fewer suicide attempts and are hospitalized less often

Which is MOST characteristic of mass murderers?

feelings of persecution and desire for revenge

Which of the following is MOST characteristic of mass murderers?

feelings of persecution and desire for revenge

A belief that the new anchor on CNN is giving one important messages about one's behavior reflects:

ideas of reference

A belief that the news anchor on CNN is giving one important messages about one's behavior reflects:

ideas of reference

A belief by someone that the CNN anchor is talking about an event pertaining to that individual in a personal way may reflect:

ideas of reference.


inability to remember places or name objects

Cognitive therapy for avoidant personality disorder focuses on:

increasing the client's tolerance of emotional discomfort and building up his or her self-image

Theta Waves

indicate drowsiness, boredom, lack of control and reactions. Lack of theta leads to lack of anxiety.

Characteristics of these patterns...

inflexible and pervasive

People with avoidant personality disorder have difficulty ___________ relationships, while people with dependent personality disorder have difficulty ______________ relationships.

initiating ; ending

People with avoidant personality disorder have difficulty _____ relationships, while people with dependent personality disorder have difficulty _____ relationships.

initiating; ending

People with avoidant personality disorder have difficulty ______ relationships, while people with dependent personality disorder have difficulty ______ relationships.

initiating; ending

Define extraversion

interest in interacting with other people, high positive emotions

What does treatment for histrionic PD focus on?

interpersonal relationships -generally poor prognosis

Cruelty to animals and people, destruction of property, and truancy before the age of 15:

is characteristic of those later diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.

Cognitive theorists believe that because those with schizoid personalities have difficulty scanning the environment, perceiving accurately, and picking up emotional cues, they develop _____ very slowly

language and motor skills

If instruments such as the "Big Five" are used to describe personality, rather than relying on DSM-5, then diagnoses of psychological disorder would become

less categorical and more a matter of degree

If instruments such as the "Big Five" are used to describe personality, rather than relying on DSM-5, then diagnoses of psychological disorder would become:

less categorical and more a matter of degree

If instruments such as the "Big Five" are used to describe personality, rather than relying on DSM-5, then diagnosis of psychological disorder would become:

less categorical and more a matter of degree.

What is the prevalence of avoidant pd?

less than 1% -may have bio predisposition/poor learning history of early relationships

What is the prevalence of schizoid? more common in which gender?

less than 1% men: unlikely to seek treatment

According to the DSM-5, a pattern diagnosed as a personality disorder must deviate substantially from the norms and expectations of the individual's culture. As a result

little multicultural research has been conducted

What treatment for dependent PD?

little research done -make sure client does not become dependent on therapist

Schizotypal personality disorders differ from other "odd" personality disorders in that they are related to schizophrenia and:

mood disorders.

All personality disorder are classified on Axis II. They are _____stable than Axis I.

more (more resistant to treatment)

"You had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself.../You're so vain, you probably think thissong is about you/You're so vain..." sang Carly Simon in the 1973 #1 hit, "You're So Vain." If the subject of the song were diagnosed with a personality disorder, which of the following would be the MOST likely diagnosis?


A person constantly strives to be the center of attention, yet the ideas the person so eloquently expresses are usually shallow and changeable. If this person were diagnosed with a personality disorder, it MOST likely would be:


People with which type of personality disorder are MOST likely to seek out treatment on their own?


"Beatlemania" gripped the United States in the 1960s when the British rock group The Beatles performed; adorning fans screamed, sometimes fainted, and shouted exaggerated, emotional praise a the group. These behaviors MOST closely resemble the characteristics of:

histrionic personality disorder

The "flower children" of the 1960s and 1970s have sometimes been called the "me" generation, reflecting the supposed self-centered indvidualism of the time. If this is true, a sociocultural theorist would predict a larger than usual percentage of which kind of personality disorder among the aging "me" generation?


The personality disorder that is characterized by the need for undying love and admiration is:


Ty is fairly handsome button as handsome as he thinks he is. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and is sure the everyone around him feels the same way. He is MOST likely experiencing

narcissistic personality disorder

although lying, even compulsive lying, is not considered a psychological disorder, it is sometimes a characteristic of people with

narcissistic personality disorder

A client is initially very resistant to therapy, cannot acknowledge weaknesses, and ignores feedback. MOST likely, the client is experiencing:

narcissistic personality disorder, and will not make much progress in therapy

"I am the greatest!" a famous boxer declared loudly and often. Had he in fact acted throughout his adult life as though he were the greatest, the most appropriate diagnosis would be:

narcissistic personality disorder.

What are the four cluster B disorders?

narcissistic, antisocial, histrionic, borderline

Although lying—even compulsive lying—is not considered a psychological disorder, it is sometimes characteristic of people with:

narcissitic personality disorder

The five traits to be included in future revisions of the DSM-5 that utilize a dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders are

negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychoticism.

The five traits to be included in future revisions of the DSM-5 that utilize a dimensions approach in diagnosing personality disorders are

negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychotics.

The five traits to be included in future revisions of the DSM-5 that utilize a dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders are:

negative affectivity, detachment, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychoticism

A group of diagnostic clinicians can't agree with each other on appropriate personality disorder diagnoses for several clients. In fact, it is obvious that, in many cases, they have inaccurately made their diagnoses. Assuming they are competent clinicians, this situation would indicate the DSM-5 categories for personality disorder are:

neither reliable nor valid

When the seat belt light in Didi's car stay son for a few extra seconds, she bursts into tears. She always craves attention and reacts toe even the smallest evens with an elaborate show of emotion. She probably would receive the diagnosis of:

histrionic personality disorder

Group therapy formats are of particular use to those who suffer from avoidant personality disorder because they:

provide a social circumstance where interactions with others can be practiced and where support can be both given and received

Group therapy is particularly useful int he treatment of avoidant personality disorder, mainly because group therapy

provides practice in social interactions

"It is clear that very demanding parents caused this person to develop paranoid personality disorder." This statement MOST likely would be made by someone from which of the following theoretical perspectives?


Which have sociocultural theorist suggested a s a cause for the emergence of borderline personality disorder?

rapid social change

Which of the following have sociocultural theorists suggested as a cause for the emergence of borderline personality disorder?

rapid social change

IF future editions of the DSM-5 change to dimensional approach in the diagnosis of personality disorders, clinicians will have to:

rate the degree of dysfunctioning caused by each person's traits in diagnosing personality disorders.

Currently, the "Big Five" approach to personality disorders is:

research being done on it.

If one has schizotypal PD, he is more likely to develop _______


Wes has always been a loner. He has never much cared for being with other people and does not form relationships easily. He appears to be without emotion. We may be exhibiting:

schizoid personality disorder

A person who is LEAST likely to be affected by criticism or praise from other people is one suffering from:

schizoid personality disorder.

Rare Personality Disorders

schizoid, narcissistic and avoidant

An individual has just received a diagnosis of paranoid personality disorder. That individual is MOST likely to have a parent or sibling who has:


Personality disorders are categorized into three main clusters that include all of the following EXCEPT:


The disorder that appears to be MOST closely related to the schizotypal personality disorder is:


Which is NOT the name used for a cluster of personality disorders?


A person who does poorly on a task called backward masking is MOST likely to be experiencing:

schizotypal personality disorder.

Depressive personality

self criticism, dejection, judgmental stance towards others, feel guilty. Different from dysthymic disorder.

Why is psychopathy unable to diagnose using DSM?

similar to antisocial but -more severe, more chronic, more agressive

Avoidant personality disorder seems MOST closely related to:

social anxiety

The framers of DSM-5 have designed a dimensional approach to personality disorders for possible future use. The approach involves a diagnosis of personality disorder trait:


which is NOT a problem in the use of the DSM-5 to diagnose personalty disorders?

the criteria are so restrictive that several categories rarely, if ever, are used

If you believe that personality disorder are BEST understood as a matter of degree in difference from typical personality rather than as a specific diagnosis, you agree with:

the dimensional approach

If you believe that personality disorders are BEST understood as a matter of degree in difference from typical personality rather than as a specific diagnosis, you agree with:

the dimensional approach

If you believe that personality disorders are best understood as a matter of degree in difference from typical personality rather than as a specific diagnosis, you agree with:

the dimensional approach.

What aspect of dialectical behavior therapy related to psychodynamic theory?

the emphasis on the patient-therapist relationship

What aspect of dialectical behavior therapy relates to psychodynamic theory?

the emphasis on the patient-therapist relationship

One especially good reason to use a form of group therapy in the treatment of dependent personality disorder is that:

the group members can model appropriate behaviors and expression of feelings to one another

One especially good reason to use a form of group therapy in the treatment of dependent personality disorder is that:

the group members can model appropriate behaviors and expression of feelings to one another.

You might suspect an "era of narcissism" is approaching for a country when:

there is increasing emphasis of self-expression and competitiveness

You might suspect an "era of narcissism" is approaching for a country when:

there is increasing emphasis on self-expression and competitiveness

The MOST important similarity among the personality disorders listed in the text is that:

they are inflexible, maladaptive, and related to impaired functioning or distress

What is a common reason for the hospitalization of people with borderline personality disorder?

they may attempt suicide or otherwise hurt themselves

Behavioral and cognitive theorist propose that people who develop narcissistic personality disorder may have been treated

too positively in early life

Comorbidity means that:

two disorders may occur together in an individual.

The parents of those with schizoid personality disorder are MOST likely to have been:


The parents of those with schizoid personality disorder are MOST likely to have been:


With the help of a therapist, a client with obsessive compulsive personality disorder had experienced a dramatic decrease in both dichotomous thinking and worrying. The cline's behavior is

uncommon; most with obsessive compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy

With the help of a therapist, a client with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder has experienced a dramatic decrease in both dichotomous thinking and worrying. The client's behavior is:

uncommon; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy

With the help of a therapist, a client with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder has experienced a dramatic decrease in both dichotomous thinking and worrying. The clients behavior is:

uncommon; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy

With the help of a therapist, a client with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder has experienced a dramatic decrease in both dichotomous thinking and worrying. The client's behavior is:

uncommon; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy.

Which adjective is the BEST one-word summary of borderline personality disorder?


Dialectical behavior therapy emphasizes all of the following EXCEPT:

use of antipsychotic medications in an outpatient setting.

Define openness.

willingness to consider and explore unfamiliar ideas, feelings, and activities

Define agreeableness

willingness to cooperate and empathize with others

A high school student asks a guidance counselor, parents, and friends for suggestions before deciding on a college to attend and on an academic major. This student's behavior is

normal for those in highs cool

One similarity of those experiencing paranoid personality disorder and those experiencing schizoid personality disorder is that they tend:

not to have close ties to others

One similarity of those experiencing paranoid personality disorder and those experiencing schizoid personality disorder is that they tend:

not to have close ties to the other

A therapist treating a clinet diagnosed with borderline personality disorder came up with the following analysis: the parents probably did not want children in the first place; the child just was not accepted; the child developed low self-esteem, dependency, and an in ability to cope with separation. The therapist's theoretical orientation is probably:

object relations theory

What are the five factors dimensional model?

openness consciousntiousness extraversion agreeableness neuroticism

A patient receiving dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for borderline personality disorder experiences and emotion that he or she realizes in inappropriate. Immediately after, the partite acts in a very different, appropriate,w ay. This DBT procedure is called

opposite action

A patient receiving dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for borderline personality disorder experiences an emotion that he or she realizes is inappropriate. Immediately after, the patient acts in a very different, appropriate, way. This DBT procedure is called:

opposite action.

Studies of those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder show that:

over half attempt suicide at least once in their lives, and about 10 percent succeed

Studies of those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder show that:

over half attempted suicide at least once in their lives, and about 10 percent succeed

How are cluster B PDs characterized?

overly dramatic, flamboyant, emotional, and or erratic behavior

Herman is 42 years old and tends to have very few friends. Whenever he develops a new friendship, he invariably loses it quickly because he begins to accuse the "friend" of trying to take advantage of him. He constantly sees conspiracies where none exist and is forever on guard against people trying to hurt or abuse him. Because he has had these tendencies for the better part of his life going all the way back into childhood, Herman should probably be diagnosed as suffering from _____ personality disorder


Which type of personality disorder is NOT categorized within the "anxious" cluster?


What are the three disorders in Cluster A?

paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal

Passive aggressive personality disorder

passive aggression in which people adopt a negative attitude to resist routine demands and expectations expansion of passive aggressive personality disorder and may be a subtype of narcissistic personality disorder

Why is it difficult to treat antisocial PD?

patients do not want to be there =poor prognosis

Self defeating personality

people are are overly passive and accept the pain imposed by others

Saddistic Personality Disorder

people who receive pleasure by inflicting pain on others

If you wanted to write a book about a fictional character who is a "typical" example of antilock personality disorder, you might have a character exhibit all of the following except:

periods of very high anxiety

Define conscientiousness

persistence in goals, organization, and dependability

The enduring pattern of inner thoughts and emotions along with outward behavior that is unique to each individual is termed:


The authors of DSM-5 have designed their own dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders for possible inclusion in future revisions of the DSM. The idea is that individuals whose traits significantly impair their functioning should receive a diagnosis of:

personality disorder trait specified.

Define paranoid PD.

pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent

Define schizoid PD.

pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions in an interpersonal setting

Define antisocial personality disorder.

pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others

Define histrionic PD

pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking.

Define narcissistic PD

pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy

Define borderline PD.

pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affect, and marked impulsivity

Prognosis for PDs is generally...


What is narcissism linked with?

poor parenting

Borderline PD is associated with...

poor/abusive parenting, childhood abuse, potentially early trauma

some researchers not that the majority of those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are female and that many of these women experienced emotion trauma, victimization, violence, and carious form of abuse as children. As a result, these researcher view the disorder as a special form o f

post-traumatic stress disorder

Characteristics of narcissistic PD

preoccupied with fantasies associate with high-status individuals interpersonally exploitative envious and thinks others are envious

The categorical approach to personality disorders assumes that:

problematic personality traits are either present or absent

The categorical approach to personality disorders assumes that:

problematic personality traits are either present or absent.

.5% - 2.5%

This percentage of the general population is affected by personality disorders


"Going off on a tangent"

Characteristics of avoidant PD

-Avoids interpersonal job activities -Won't get involved with others Is preoccupied with criticism and rejection -Views self as socially inept -Won't try new things in case they are embarrassing

What are characteristics of psychopathy?

-Deceptiveness or duplicity -Absence of empathy, compassion or remorse toward the victims of the psychopath's exploitive self-interest -Can often be charming -May or may not engage in criminal behavior

Characteristics of dependent PD...

-Has difficulty making everyday and major decision -Won't express disagreement -Fails to initiate projects on own -Feels uncomfortable when alone

Characteristics of histrionic PD

-Inappropriately seductive/provocative -Impressionistic style of speech -Suggestible, easily influenced by others -Considers relationships more intimate than they really are

Characteristics of OCD

-Preoccupied with rules, lists, details -Neglect family/friends because of devotion to work -Cannot discard worthless objects -Hoards money -Refuses to delegate tasks

Goals of treatment for OCPD

-addresses underlying need for order/control -teaches distraction/relaxation techniques

How does one receive evidence of conduct disorder?

-cruelty to others/animals -fires, vandalism, no hw -lots of lieing/manipulation -conduct disorder

Characteristics of schizoid PD?

-does not desire or enjoy close relationships -prefers solitary activities and takes pleasure in few things -indifferent to praise and criticism

What are the advantsage of using DSM for classifying personality disorders?

-familiar/convenient -ease in communication -consistent with clinical diagnosis

Characteristics of borderline PD

-fear abandonment -self harm behaviors -chronic feelings of emptiness -stress-related paranoid ideation or sever dissociative symptoms

Characteristics of schizotypal PD...

-ideas of reference, magical thinking -Suspiciousness/paranoid thinking -Inappropriate affect -Lack of social relationships -Social anxiety

The symptoms of personality disorders typically become recognizable in: A. adolescence or early adulthood B. infancy C. childhood D. early to mid-adulthood

A. adolescence or early adulthood

Psychodynamic theorists explain obsessive-compulsive personality disorder as a fixation at the: A. anal stage B. genital stage C. phallic stage D. oral stage

A. anal stage

Like those with paranoid personality disorder, those with the avoidant personality disorder usually: A. are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships B. avoid close relationships C. are indifferent to criticism and seek out close relationships D. are very sensitive to criticism

A. are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships

Assume a study of prison inmates diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder shows that they generally experience less anxiety than other people when they lie or "con" others. This outcome would most strongly support which theoretical position? A. biological B. psychodynamic C. cognitive D. behavioral

A. biological

Lisa felt like she was on an emotional roller coaster. She felt angry and empty. Lisa's feelings are MOST similar to those of someone with which personality disorder? A. borderline B. antisocial C. narcissistic D. obsessive-compulsive

A. borderline

It is common for a person with a personality disorder to also suffer from another disorder, a relationship called: A. comorbidity B. incidence C. diathesis D. prevalence

A. comorbidity

Which type of personality disorder is NOT categorized within the "anxious" cluster? A. paranoid B. dependent C. obsessive-compulsive D. avoidant

A. paranoid

Which have sociocultural theorists suggested as a cause for the emergence of borderline personality disorder? A. rapid social change B. nontraditional family structures C. traditional family structures D. clinging and dependent parents

A. rapid social change

The framers of the DSM-5 have designed a dimensional approach to personality disorders for possible future use. The approach involves a diagnosis of personality disorder trait: A. specified B. dimensional C. classified D. nonspecified

A. specified

Which is NOT a reason why the current DSM-5 method of categorizing personality disorders has been criticized? A. there are no accurate ways of assessing personality disorders, so it is always a "best guess" and never has any true validity B. personality disorders within, or even between, clusters are often very similar to one another C. patients with very different behavior patterns may qualify for the same personality disorder diagnosis D. some clinicians think that it is wrong to diagnose someone as having a pathological personality, no matter how troublesome their behaviors are.

A. there is no accurate ways of assessing personality disorders, so it is always a "best guess" and never has any true validity

Learning Disorder

Academic issues characterized by low performance in school, not caused by sensory deficits, showing a deficit between actual and expected results

Positive Symptoms

Active manifestations of abnormal behavior, disortions of normal behavior

Genetic Influence of Anti social

Adopted away offspring of felons have higher rates of arrest especially if they spent more time in an orphanage. Gene-environment interaction: the adopted parents expose the child to stress which activates the gene.

Genetic component to one important aspect of psychopathy


_____ drugs prescribed in low doses have been shown to be of some help to those suffering from schizotypal personality disorder, possibly because of similar neurological roots between this


Sarah respects none of society's boundaries and is insensitive to other people, frequently violating their rights. She does not consider the consequences of her actions. She MOST probably experiences:

Antisocial personality disorder

From a(n) _____ perspective, narcissistic personality disorder is explained as being an attempt by people to convince themselves that they are totally self-sufficient and lacking a ned for any true close, warm relationships with their parents or anyone else. A. cognitive B. object-relations C. Jungian D. interpersonal

B. object-relations

Dr. Quinones is seeing a client who clearly suffers from a personality disorder, but instead of adhering to the "category" method of diagnosing this problem, she chooses to assess the client as being high, medium, or low on several different personality traits. She feels that this will give more insight into the client's unique pathology, and thus will inform his/her treatment. Dr. Quinones is clearly a proponent of the _____ model

Big Five

_____ theorists contend that borderline personality disorder results from a combination of internal and external forces


Gender Difference

Borderline mostly in females 75% Histrionic and dependent more in females but recently equal Anti social usually in males, histrionic is female version of anti social Histrionic is gender biased: over dramatization, vanity, seductiveness and over concern of appearance

Dr. Smith is evaluating his client, Julia, using the supertraits of the Big Five model of personality. He determines that Julia is high in neuroticism, medium in agreeableness and conscientiousness, and very low in extroversion and openness to new experiences. According to your textbook, individuals with this combination of personality traits are MOST likely to have _____ personality disorder. A. dependent B. obsessive-compulsive C. avoidant D. paranoid

C. avoidant

Elizabeth works as a long-distance truck driver. She goes days, and even weeks, with little to no contact with other people, except at gas stations, restaurants, and motels. She spends 99 percent of her time by herself, does not often experience positive emotions, and rarely has any interest in romance or sex. She has no friends to speak of and genuinely prefers to be alone. Elizabeth might BEST be described as suffering from _____ personality disorder. A. socially phobic B. avoidant C. schizoid D. antisocial

C. schizoid

What treatment is used for avoidant PD?

CBT exposure treatment

Cortical Immaturity Hypothesis

Cerebral cortex of psychopaths is at a primitive stage of development. Hence why they are childish and impulsive.

Schizoid Personality Disorder Causes

Childhood shyness. Abuse and neglect. Children that have autism. Lower dopamine leads to higher detachment. Teach them value of social relationships and social skill training.

Environment + MAOA

Children who had high levels of MAOA and maltreated less likely to be anti social

schizoid personality disorder

Cluster A (odd or eccentric) personality disorder featuring a pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions.

schizotypal personality disorder

Cluster A (odd or eccentric) personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of interpersonal deficits featuring acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, close relationships, as well as by cognitive or perceptual distortions and eccentricities of behavior.

paranoid personality disorder

Cluster A (odd or eccentric) personality disorder involving pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent.

Cluster A: Schizoid

Cluster A Disorder, characterized by pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships, and a very limited range of emotions in interpersonal situations.

Cluster A: Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Cluster A disorder, characterized by odd dressing and behavior, social isolation and suspicious behavior, magical thinking, ideas of reference, and illusions (similar to criteria for MDD)

Cluster A: Paranoid Personality Disorder

Cluster A disorder, characterized by pervasive and unjustified mistrust and suspicion, usually brought on by early learning

Which of the following statements regarding the treatment of paranoid personality disorder is MOST accurate?

Most therapies are of limited effectiveness and progress slowly.

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Cluster A. Detachment from social relationships and are very limited in emotions. Seem aloof, cold and indifferent to people. Turn inward and away from world. Lack expression of emotions and interest. Don't want to be close to people. Dont care about praise or criticism. Homelessness often occurs. Observers in the world not participants. Ideas of reference but have social isolation. Some have positive or negative symptoms. More negative.

Paranoid Personality Disorder

Cluster A. Mistrust and suspicious of others without justification. Take events as personal attacks. Ready to pounce. Relationship with paranoid type of schizophrenia and delusional disorder. Both involve delusions that are out of touch with reality. Do not hear voices.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Cluster A. Socially isolate and behave unusually. No hallucinations and delusions. Ideas of reference, social deficits and paranoia. Odd or bizarre. Magical thinking. Feel like someone is in the room. Small amount develop schizophrenia. Dress weirdly and express no emotions. Passive and hypersensitive.

antisocial personality disorder

Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others. Similar to the non-DSM-label psychopathy but with greater emphasis on overt behavior rather than on personality traits.

histrionic personality disorder

Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking.

narcissistic personality disorder

Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of grandiosity in fantasy or behavior, need for admiration, and lack of empathy.

borderline personality disorder

Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, affects, and control over impulses.

Cluster B: Antisocial Personality Disorder

Cluster B disorder, characterized by the failure to comply with social norms, violation of others' rights, acting in an irresponsible, impulsive, and deceitful manner, with a lacking conscience, empathy, and remorse

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Cluster B. Dramatic and don't comply with social norms. Steal from friends and family. Irresponsible, impuslive and deceitful. Aggressive, mania without delirium, moral insanity, egopathy, and show no remorse or concern.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Cluster B. Mood and relationships are unstable and have poor self image. Feel empty and great risk for suicide. Most common in clinical settings. Impulsivity, chronically bored and difficulties with identities. Link between disorder and spousal abuse.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Cluster B. Narcissus spurned the love of Echo. Stare at himself all day. Exaggerated sense of self importance and want attention. Lack compassion for others, need people to admire them, grandiosity creates negative attributes, exploit people, envious and arrogant and cant live up to own expectations.

Historionic Personality Disorder

Cluster B. Overly dramatic. Theatrical in manner. Vain, self centred, seductive, seek approval, attention seeking, suggestible and view world in black and white. Speech is vague and exaggerated. Higher rate of women have it.

dependent personality disorder

Cluster C (anxious or fearful) personality disorder characterized by a person's pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of, a condition that leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation.

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Cluster C (anxious or fearful) personality disorder featuring a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

avoidant personality disorder

Cluster C (anxious or fearful) personality disorder featuring a pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to criticism.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Cluster C. Sensitive to the opinions of others and avoid relationships. low self esteem, fear rejection and causes them to be dependent on limited friends. Want to have friends but fear rejection.

"The problem is that they assume they can't take care of themselves, so they think others have to meet their needs. This pattern of thinking is not very helpful in trying to deal with histrionic personality disorder." A psychologist from which perspective would agree MOST strong with this quote?


A person experiencing paranoid personality disorder frequently says things like "You've got to get them before they get you," and "People have been sinners since the Garden of Eden." If these saying reflect maladaptive assumptions the person has about people in general, the theorist who would be LEAST surprised would have which theoretical position?



Considered the most definitive feature of madness, characterized by gross misrepresentations of reality, which include delusions of grandeur or persecution


Contributions to this disorder include smaller brain volume, inactivity of the frontal cortex and basal ganglia, and abnormal frontal lobe development and functioning

Loose Associations

Conversation in unrelated directions


Relative absence of speech (negative symptom)

Cluster B

DSM-IV-TR Personality Cluster characterized by dramatic, emotional, and erratic behavior

Cluster C

DSM-IV-TR Personality Cluster characterized by fearful and anxious behavior

Which treatment approach seems to be of minimal effectiveness for those suffering from schizoid personality disorder? A. behavioral therapy B. group therapy C. cognitive therapy D. drug therapy

D. drug therapy

Kumar is an individual who is often described as a "strange duck" by his peers. He dresses strangely, has very unusual habits, and believes that he has ESP and can interpret future events before they happen. His predictions, however, are often very general so that he never has to admit that he was wrong and that he does not, in fact, have such abilities. Which type of personality disorder BEST describes Kumar's case? A. dependent B. schizoid C. obsessive-compulsie D. schizotypal

D. schizotypal

Which adjective is the BEST one-word summary of borderline personality disorder? A. loner B. heartless C. indecisive D. unstable

D. unstable

Cluster A

DSM-IV-TR Personality Cluster characterized by odd or eccentric behavior

Under Arousal Hypothesis

Inverted u shape relationship called Yerkes Dodson curve. Low levels of cortisol arousal. Curve suggests that people with very high or very low levels of arousal tend to experience negative affect and perform poorly in situations. Low levels leads to anti social and risk taking behaviour because they can't feel anything. Low frequency theta waves are found in childhood and disappear. Psychopaths have excessive thetha waves when awake.


Lack of initiation and persistence (negative symptom)


Lack of pleasure or indifference (negative symptom)

Borderline PD Causes

Linked to mood disorders. Biological and environmental. Sexual and physical abuse. Stronger in women because women are more likely to be abused. Similar to PTSD because difficulties in regulation of mood, impulse control and interpersonal relationships. PTSD focuses on victimization. Rapid culture change.

Affective flattening

Little expressed emotion (negative symptom)

Anti social and twin studies

MZ twins was 55% whereas DZ twins 13%.

Behavioural Inhibition

May be core reason for the disorder or even cluster C disorders. Cluster C disorders have overactive BIS.

Should drugs be used in the treatment of schizotypal personality disorder?

Maybe; in low doses, they seem to help some clients

In the United States, most teenagers have cell phones with text capability. Which of the following MOST accurately describes adult cell phone usage?

Most have cell phones, and most of them text.

Big 5 Factor Model

Openness: imaginative, curious, creativity Conscientious: organized, reliable or careless, negligent and unreliable Extraversion: talkative, assertive, passive or reserved Agreeableness: kind, trusting, warm or hostile, selfish Neurotic: nervous, moody, temperamental

What is the most commonly diagnosed PD?


Common Personality disorders

Paranoid, schizotypal, histrionic, depedent

Characteristics of antisocial PD

Performing acts that are grounds for arrest Deceitfulness Impulsivity Consistent irresponsibility Lack of remorse

Axis II

Personality Disorder

The consistencies of one's characteristics are called:

Personality traits

Schizotypal Personality Disorder Causes

Predisposed to develop schizophrenia. One phenotype of schizophrenia genotype. People have the schizophrenic gene but lack biological/environment influences therefore less severe. Exposure to influenza. Damage in left hemisphere because disability in performing cognitive learning. Magical ideation. loose association.

Avoidant PD Causes

Predisposition to be difficult. PArents reject them, guilt engendering and less affectionate. Experiences of isolation, rejection and conflict with others. Similar to social phobia. Behavioural inhibition: heritable temperamental factor involving an avoidant response to unfamiliar situations.

"It is clear that very demanding parents caused this person to develop paranoid personality disorder." This statement MOST likely would be made by someone from which theoretical perspective?


"Its clear that very demanding parens caused this person to develop paranoid personality disorder." This statement MOST likely would be made by someone from which theoretical perspective?



Rates are ________ in inpatient and outpatient settings

Dependent Personality Disorder

Rely on people to make ordinary decisions and important decisions. Anxious/fearful cluster of personality disorders because motivated by anxiety. Agree with people even they have different opinions. Want supportive and nurturing relationships which may lead them to being submissive, timid and passive. They are similar to avoidant PD but cling not avoid.

Which of the following is a projective test


Paranoid Personality Disorder Causes

Runs in family, mistaken basic assumptions (stay on your toes), parents tell them to be careful and impress people, look to closely at peoples actions and cultural factors (prisoners, old people, refugees)

Wes has always been a loner. He has never much scared for being with other people and does not form relationships easily. He appears to be without emotion. Wes may be exhibiting.

Schizoid personality disorder

Disorganized Symptoms

Severe and excess speech, behavior, and emotion

Sociotropy versus Autonomy

Sociotropy refers to a personality orientation involving a strong investment in positive social interactions and autonmy if more indendendent. Dependent personality have more sociotropic personality.

Negative Symptoms

The absence or insufficiency of normal behavior, where a broad spectrum of symptoms is seen.


The broad spectrum of disorganized behavior

The treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder is complicated by one major factor, a factor that is also problematic in treating narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. What is this factor that so impedes successful treatment for these problems?

The person with the disorder simply does not accept the notion that anything is wrong with them, and thus is not motivated to seek or participate cooperatively with treatment


The rates of comorbid disorders, along with personaility disorders is _____.

Developmental Psychopathology

The study of how disorders arise and change with time, where disruption of early skills can affect later development

Which is NOT a reason why the current DSM-5 method of categorizing personality disorders has been criticized?

There are no accurate ways of assessing personality disorders, so it is always a "best guess" and never has any true validity

According to DSM-5, a personality disorder must "deviate markedly from the expectations of a person's culture." This implies that different cultures may not see some behaviors as symptoms of personality disorders. What does the research in this area show?

There has been little multicultural research done, but some research shows differing cultural expectations.

Developmental Disorders

These Disorders are diagnosed first in childhood, including ADHD, learning disorders, autism, and retardation

Psychosocial Factors

These are are seen as a contributor to ADHD, where constant negative feedback from peers and adults contributed to negative views, peer rejection, and social isolation -- low self-esteem

Pervasive Developmental Disorders

These disorders are characterized by problems with many aspects of life, including socialization, cognition, and emotions, includes Auspberger's Syndrome

Which of the following statements is NOT generally true of those with antisocial personality disorder?

They care for no one's safety, except theirs and their children

How do personality disorders differ from the personality characteristics of typical people?

They lead to more maladaptive, distressful, and inflexible behaviors


This brain formation is shown to decrease in size and shape as a result of Alzheimer's

Cognitive Disorders

This category of disorders affects the learning, memory, and consciousness of the individual, with profound changes in behavior and personality


This cognitive disorder shows a marked, gradual deterioration of brain functioning, reasoning, and judgement


This cognitive disorder shows impaired consciousness and cognition, which develops rapidly over hours or days, with marked memoy/lanuage deficits

Mental Retardation

This developmental disorder shows a childhood disorder, prevalent with below-average skills, cognitive functioning, with deficits or impairments in present adaptive functioning

Aspberger's Disorder

This developmental disorder shows significant social impairments, stereotyped behaviors, clumsiness, and verbal behavior. 1 : 36,000


This disease shows an alternative form of dementia which impairs judgement and reasoning due to neurological impairments


This disorder includes symptoms of inattention, overactivity, and impulsivity (seen to impair behavioral, cognitive, and social life)

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

This disorder may reflect a less severe form of schizophrenia


This disorder runs in families, with the DRD4, DAT1, and DRD5 genes showing implications

Schizophreniform Disorder

This disorder shows Schizophrenic symptoms for a few months, associated with good premorbid functioning

Shared Psychotic Disorder

This disorder shows delusions from one person manifesting in another person (little else is known)

Delusional Disorder

This disorder shows delusions that are contrary to reality, which lacks both positive and negative symptoms

Brief Psychotic Disorder

This disorder shows one or more positive symptoms of schizophrenia, usually precipitated by extreme stress or trauma


This disorder shows significant impairment with social interactions and communication, and restricted patterns of behavior, diagnosed by qualitative social impairment, communication malfunctioning, and restricted behavior patterns

Schizoaffective Disorder

This disorder shows symptoms of schizophrenia and a mood disorder, where both disorders are independent of one another


This form of Psychopathology is a broad label for hallucinations and delusions

Amyloid-Beta Plaques

This form of a toxic protein is found in Alzheimer's patients, damaging neural interlays and destroying synapses

Huntington's Disease

This form of dementia is a genetic autosomal dominant disorder characterized by typical symptoms

Vascular Dementia

This form of dementia is caused by a blockage of blood arteries, which is the second leading cause of dementia next to Alzheimers,


This form of psychosis includes disturbed thoughts, emotions, and behaviors ...

Cogntive Therapy

This form of therapy is used to counter the negativistic thinking found with Cluster A: Paranoid Personality Disorder

Building empathy and social skills

This form of therapy is used to focus on the value of interpersonal relationships to combat Cluster A: Schizoid Personality Disorder

Benedict Morel

This individual introduced dementia praecox, where demence (loss of mind) and precoce (early onset) are defined

Eugen Bleuler

This individual introduced the term schizophrenia (splitting the mind), where his observation showed this condition as being a separation of different personality functions

Emil Kraepelin

This individual used the term dementia and praecox to focus on the generalized subtypes of schizophrenia

Reading Disorder

This learning disorders shows heritability, and requires complete remediation of basic reading, cognitive, and issue skills, targetting skills to compensate for problems

Schizophrenic Delusions

This list of experiences includes erotomanic, grandiose, jealousy, perseutory, and somatic...

Which of the following statements BEST represents current knowledge about mass murderers?

We really don't know what causes mass murderers to act or how to treat them

Which statement BEST represents current knowledge about mass murders?

We really don't know what causes mass murderers to act or how to treat them

Which of the following statements BEST represents current knowledge about mass murderers?

We really don't know what causes mass murders to act or how to treat them

Which statement BEST represents current knowledge about mass murderers?

We really don't know what causes mass murders to act or how to treat them.


Where do personality orders typically begin?

Boys, 4:1

Which gender is most likely to have ADHD (greatest in the US)?

Chromosone that effects ASPD

X because males are more prone to it and women have to X's therefore can substitute one in

"let;s try to figure out where clients fall on several key personality traits, rather than using a dichotomous classification system." someone saying this would MOST likely favor which approach to classifying personality disorder?

a dimensional approach

The symptoms of personality disorders typically become recognizable in:

adolescence or early adulthood

Ben set up an elaborate scheme to mine gold in the Rockies and organized a large town meeting where he made a presentation to sell stock in his company. The shares were only $5 each and everyone could afford them. He showed pictures of the mine and explained how the company expected to gross $100 million each month. As it turns out, he was a terrific con artist who had made similar proposals in the last couple of years. Ben is MOST likely suffering from:

antisocial personality disorder

Ben set up an elaborate scheme to mine gold in the rockies. He had a large town meeting and made a presentation of his stock. The shares were only $5 each, and everyone could afford them. He showed pictures of the mine and explained ow the company expected to gross $100 million each month. As it turns out, he was a terrific con artist who had made several "successful" proposals such as this in town across America in the last couple of years. He is MOST likely suffering from:

antisocial personality disorder

Personality Disorder Cluster C

anxious and fearful: avoidant, dependent and obsessive compulsive

What characterizes Cluster C?

anxious/avoidant behaviors

Dr. Smith is evaluating his client, Julia, using the supertraits of the Big Five model of personality. He determines that Julia is high in neuroticism, medium in agreeableness and conscientiousness, and very low in extroversion and openness to new experiences. According to your textbook, individuals with this combination of personality traits are MOST likely to have _____ personality disorder


Elena can't seem to establish social ties because she is afraid of being embarrassed or appearing foolish. She is easily hurt by criticism and is not willing to go into unfamiliar situations. She may be experiencing:

avoidant personality disorder

If a person primarily fears close social relationships, one would MOST likely conclude that the person is experiencing:

avoidant personality disorder

If a person primarily fears close social relationships, one would MOST likely conclude that the person is experiencing:

avoidant personality disorder.

What are the three types of personality disorders in cluster C?

avoidant, dependent, OCD

Which category of personality disorder contains the disorders MOST commonly diagnosed?


Many theorists challenge the use of a categorical approach to personality disorders in favor of a(n) _____ approach


DSM-5 has been described as functioning like a light switch, which can be "on" or "off." In other words, one either does or does not qualify for a personality disorder diagnosis. Some theorists suggest that degree of symptoms, not symptom absence or presence, is more important and simliar to a:

dimmer switch, with the light adjustable from all the way off to all the way on

Characteristics of the Virginia Tech shooter reveal that he:

displayed a combination of features from many personality disorders

Characteristics of the Virginia Tech shooter reveal that he:

displayed a combination of features from many personality disorders.

Which category of personality disorder contains the disorders MOST commonly diagnosed?


OCD is more common in which gender?


Paranoid PD is more common in males or females?

males unlikely to seek treatment

many do not have relatives with schiz, some do

may have history of psychological treatment, especially childhood maltreatment

Obsessive compulsive personalty diorder is MOST common among

men with jobs

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is MOST common among:

men with jobs

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is MOST common among:

men with jobs.

Schizotypal personality disorders differ from other "odd" personality disorders in that they are related to schizophrenia and:

mood disorders

Schizotypal personality disorders differ from the "odd" personality disorders in that they are related to schizophrenia and:

mood disorders

From a(n) _____ perspective, narcissistic personality disorder is explained as being an attempt by people to convince themselves that they are totally self-sufficient and lacking a need for any true close, warm relationships with their parents or anyone else


The TV show Monk features a detective who is very seldom happy, has few good friends, has a very rigid order and way in which he must do things, and who frequently has difficulty making up his mind about what to do. If he were diagnosed with a personality disorder, it would MOST likely be a __________ disorder


As part of their therapy, clients learn to evaluate their unusual thoughts, track the accuracy of "magical" predictions, and reconnect with the world and with their limitations. The diagnoses of these clients would MOST likely be in which broad category of personality disorder?


How are cluster A PDs characterized?

odd, eccentric, socially isolated behaviors

Personality Disorder Cluster A

odd/eccentric: paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal personality

The treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder is complicated by one major factor, a factor that is also problematic in treating narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. What is this factor that so impedes successful treatment for these problems?

the person with the disorder simply does not accept the notion that anything is wrong with them, and thus is not motivated to seek or participate cooperatively with treatment

Currently, the "Big-Five" approach to personality disorders is:

the recipient of recognition, with a great amount of research being done on it

The therapist states, "I seldom use drugs when I treat clients with borderline personality disorder." The therapist MOST likely says this because

the risk of suicide increases because suing drugs may lead to overdose

A therapist states, "I seldom use drugs when I treat clients with borderline personality disorder." The therapist MOST likely says this because

the risk of suicide increases because using drugs may lead to overdose.

What differentiates normal personality characteristics from personality disorders?

the specific characteristics the degree of inflexibility and maladaptiveness the length of time one possesses the characteristics All of the above are correct

Dialectical behavior therapy emphasizes all of the following EXCEPT:

the use of antipsychotic medications in an outpatient setting

The strong relationship between antisocial personality disorder and substance abuse disorder means that:

there are high rates of substance abuse among those with antisocial personality disorder

The strong relationship between antisocial personality disorder and substance abuse means that

there are high rates of substance abuse among those with antisocial personality disorder

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