Abnormal Psychology Unit Test 3

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too much concern with eating, shape, and weight

According to cognitive theorists, the underlying distortion in eating disorders is related to:

stress plays an important role in coronary heart disease and deaths

A graph that shows a spike in deaths due to heart attacks on the day in which a community experienced a significant disaster demonstrates that:


A person would be LEAST likely to feel drowsy soon after taking a moderate dose of which type of drug?

muscular; thin

A study of college men showed that they describe the ideal male as ______ and the ideal female as ______.

Anorexia treatment can be successful when you combine treatment approaches. Most therapists use education, psychotherapy, and family therapy. It is important to overcome the underlying psychological problems in order to create lasting improvement. There will be long-term adjustments including correcting dangerous eating patterns, addressing the broader psychological and situational factors that have led to, and are maintaining, the eating problem. Therapists are there to help clients recognize their need for independence and control as well as correct disturbed cognitions and learn about body distortions. Course and outcome vary from person to person but even with combined treatment recovery is difficult.

How successful is treatment for anorexia? What can we anticipate about the long-term adjustment, both physically and psychologically, of one who has had anorexia?

the behavior is part of an otherwise typical sex life

Most clinicians would agree that paraphiliac activities should NOT be considered a disorder when:

the child of the person experiencing it

Munchausen syndrome by proxy is MOST likely to adversely affect the physical well-being of:

intercourse younger, and using condoms more

Studies of patterns of teenage sexual behavior today compared to such behavior a generation ago show today's teens having:


The "club drug" that damages nerve endings and is associated with high rates of HIV-positive tests, but is not considered hallucinogenic, is:

the possibility of very powerful, sometimes negative, reactions

The GREATEST danger of LSD use is:

binge eating followed by a compensatory behavior

The central feature of bulimia nervosa is:

ironically, leads to greater hunger and more frequent binges

Vomiting as a compensatory behavior for those experiencing bulimia:

Korsakoff's syndrome

A patient in an alcohol rehabilitation center tells you a detailed story about growing up in the mountains of Tennessee. Later, you find out that the person in fact never even visited Tennessee. A day later you visit the patient again, and the patient does not recognize you. MOST likely, the patient is suffering from:

binge-eating/purging anorexia nervosa

A person who loses weight by forcing herself to vomit after meals or by using laxatives, and who otherwise fits the definition of anorexia, is experiencing:

may be in trouble; the person may experience hypothermia or water intoxication

A person who uses the drug Ecstasy at a crowded party begins to feel too hot, and immediately drinks lots of fluids. This person:

sexual interest arousal disorder

A woman reports having vivid sexual fantasies, yet is unable to experience either clitoral or labial swelling, or vaginal lubrication. The MOST likely diagnosis for this woman would be:

morphine misuse

A wounded veteran of the U.S. Civil War suffering from "soldiers' disease" MOST likely was suffering from:

be depressed

Compared to the general public, people with eating disorders are MORE likely to:

center on specific sexual problems

If someone receives "modern" sex therapy, chances are that the therapy will:

the links between stress and illness

If you were working in the field of psychoneuroimmunology, you would be studying:


In a very crowded department store during the Christmas rush, a woman suddenly feels a stranger rubbing his genital area against her thigh. He continues until the crowd begins to break up, then moves away. The MOST likely diagnosis for this man is:

causing broad personality changes

In psychodynamic theory, the therapeutic goal in treating sexual dysfunction is:


Intoxication is actually a form of:

somatic symptom disorder

Madeline appeared at the clinic complaining of pain in her knee, shoulder, and abdomen, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, and exhaustion. The patient history revealed that she had been going to clinics for years trying to get treatment for these complaints and a host of other physical symptoms. The diagnostic consensus was that Madeline suffered from:

self-help groups

Of the following alternatives, the MOST commonly-used form of treatment for a substance abuse disorder is:

the recovered person often misses his or her symptoms

One difference between the eating disorders and other disorders is:

cognitive intervention

People who are coping with severe pain by telling themselves that they can get through it by focusing on the pain ending, and by remembering that they have gotten through it before, are MOST likely to have received which of the following therapies?

finding the cause of a substance-related disorder is less important than treating the abuse as an independent problem

Psychodynamic therapies may not be very effective in the treatment of substance-related disorders because:

physiological changes resulting from stress

Recent research shows that high levels of anxiety and other emotional problems among those living in poverty may be caused by:

compensatory behaviors

Someone who fasts or exercises strenuously following a binge is engaging in:

they can't explain how the gains can outweigh the pain of the disorder

The MAIN criticism of the behavioral and psychodynamic explanations for the maintenance of hysterical disorders is that

the drug attaching to sites normally receptive to endorphins

The pleasant feeling called a "high" produced by using a narcotic is due to:

result from starvation

The preoccupation with food characteristic of anorexia nervosa is thought to:

alcohol use disorder

Wes has a drink in the morning on rising. He then drinks during his lunch. After work, he goes to a singles bar and immediately has a drink to ease his nerves about approaching the women there. Later, at home, he generally has a small dinner and then sits in front of the TV watching sports and drinking beer (as many as 12 cans). Somehow he manages to get up and go to work the next morning. Wes is displaying:

continuing concern about weight and appearance

What is a likely long-term consequence of anorexia?

the victim's suffering

What is the PRIMARY source of sexual excitement for sexual sadists?

"medical student's disease."

When I took abnormal psychology as an undergraduate, I was convinced I had symptoms of many of the earlier disorders we covered. As soon as we moved on to new disorders, though, I was convinced I had some of their symptoms, as well. My experiences were similar to those of some people with a form of illness anxiety disorder sometimes called:

facilitate their living as the other gender

When people with gender identity disorder take hormones, it is in an attempt to:


Which hormone can cause decreased sexual desire when present in either low or high levels?

a gymnast

Which of the following is MOST at risk for an eating disorder?

emotionally needy

Which of the following is a MAIN characteristic of an individual with Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

contingency management

Cocaine abusers on an inpatient ward earn rewards and eventually are released from the program if they produce periodic urine samples that are free of the drug. The program they are in is a form of:

effective in treating opioid overdose, although it may make withdrawal symptoms more severe

During a recent ambulance call, EMTs gave naloxone to a person who had injected an overdose of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid. This treatment is usually:


Every time Miguel had a headache, his mother let him miss school. Now, as an adult, his headaches have become more frequent. His head pounds any time he is required to do something he would rather not. This is a ______ explanation of conversion symptoms.


If one found that the average weight and size of cheerleaders had declined significantly over the years, and that those who aspired to be cheerleaders had a high level of eating disorders, that would be evidence for ______ causes of eating disorders.


The MOST powerful form of cannabis is:

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