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What is a prerequisite course? What is a corequisite?

A course you must successfully take before the class. Course you must take at the same time as the class

What is the Occupational Outlook Handbook and what kind of information can be found there?

A handbook published every two years. Contains information about a wide variety of careers in the US

What is a Holland Code and what are the 6 personality types it identifies? Why would you need to know your Holland Code?

A system to classify jobs, interest clusters, and work environments. Realistic, Conventional, Enterprising, Investigative, Artistic, Social. Can help you identify compatible career and work environments

Understand the expectations of college students and how college is different from high school.

Actively prepare for class, Participate in class, seek out resources if you need help, Be responsible for your own learning

What is the Transfer Assured Admissions policy?

All passing Wake Tech graduates are guaranteed into an NC 4 year university

To which colleges can students transfer under the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement?

All public and many private

What kinds of classes transfer (and what kind do not transfer)?

All the ones protected by the CAA, ones offered at both schools. Ones not protected at the transferred school and not offered there

What is a credit score and why is it important?

An analysis of one's creditworthiness that ranges from 350-850, used by banks and creditors

Know the credentials available at NC community colleges.

Associates in Arts, Associates in Engineering, Associates in Fine Arts, Associates in Science, Associates in Applied Science, Associates General Education, Diplomas and Certificates

When is the best time to apply for transfer to another school?

Beginning of your last semester of college

What is the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement? What is a bilateral agreement? What are the similarities and differences between the two?

CAA is an agreement between NC colleges that allows transfer to all public and many private universities and protects credits, additional credits for AA and AS students, offers new protections since being revised in Spring 2014. Bilateral agreements are agreements between specific community colleges and universities, are for a specific AAS program, and vary from college to college

When should you take notes while in class and what should you make note of (SOARS)?

Class discussion, student led presentations, group or paired activities, explanations of assignments, demonstrations. Singled out, On the board, Asked, Repeated, Stressed

Know the difference between credit hours and contact hours. Which is used to calculate your GPA and your tuition bill?

Credit hours are associated with the class and are used to calculate GPA and tuitions. Contact hours are the number of hours you spend in class each week

Know how to calculate a GPA.

Credit hours times quality points, total them up then divide by total credit hours

Understand the importance of your online presence.

Don't be stupid online

Identify specific strategies for approaching multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, short answer, matching, and essay questions.

Four step process(cover the answer choices so they won't influence you, read the questions and annotate the important parts, formulate your own answer to the question and jot it down, process of elimination).

What financial aid options are available to students?

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Grants, Loans, Scholarships

Explain what you would do before, during and after an informational interview.

Identify the questions you want to ask, set up an appointment. Introduce yourself, record the interview or take notes. Express your thanks, compare the info with another source

Explain the informal outline, two column, and Cornell methods of notetaking.

Informal is how I do it and is apparently bad. Two column is comments or questions on the left and main notes on the right. Cornell notes is similar to two column but with more on the left and a summary on the bottom

Know what information should be included on a college syllabus.

Instructors contact info, Important class policies, Outline of instruction/dates

Why is a personal statement important? Know the basic do's and don'ts of writing a personal statement.

It tells the college about you. avoid big topics

Explain the differences between visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners. What does the term "multimodal learner" mean?

Learn through Seeing, Hearing, and Doing respectively. Requiring a combination of the different learning styles

What kind of career information is available on (See "plan for a career.")

Learning about yourself, exploring careers, reality checks, know before you go, career focus, and job finding tools

Explain what it means to survey a reading assignment.

Look over your reading to get an idea of what you'll be learning, ask yourself what you already know, find connections to your life or previous learning find connections to your life or previous learning, scan for important terms

What is Satisfactory Academic Progress and how is it measured?

Maintaining Financial Aid eligibility, GPA of at least a 2.0, credit hour completion rate of at least a 67%, attempt no more than 150% of the credit hours required for graduation

Explain the difference between maintenance and preparation studying.

Maintenance studying is studying all the time to always keep up with relevant information. Preparation is studying for a test

How should one prepare for reading?

Make sure you have enough energy, plan to read in small chunks, set realistic goals, estimate your reading time effectively, prepare your environment

What is goal discernment and what are the stages?

Making good goals, Self Assessment, Goal Exploration, Goal Setting

Explain some general strategies to use during the test.

Mind dump method, survey the test, read the directions, two pass method

What are the three phases of metacognition?

Planning, Monitoring, Evaluating

What does PSAR stand for?

Prepare, Survey, Annotate, Review

Explain the most effective way to take notes before, during and after class.

Seperate your notes, focus, clear distractions, review past notes and annotations, write down the day's agendas. Abbreviations, shorthand, don't write everything. Review your notes within 24 hours of class, color code, summarize, write down questions, recite your notes, compare notes

What is financial literacy?

Setting financial goals, creating a budget, cutting costs, understanding credit, avoiding scams, saving

What is distributed practice and why is it important?

Spacing out your studying

What are SMART goals? Know what each letter stands for and be able to evaluate an example goal using these criteria.

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time bound

What is an academic course plan and why is it important to have one?

Step 1) Include any transfer credit or previously completed college credits that will count towards your degree Step 2) Include your current schedule for this semester Step 3) Plan the courses you will take in the future to complete your chosen credential. Helps you plan for your future

Know what kind of documents you may need to submit when you apply to a college or university.

Such as letters of recommendation and essays

How can you avoid running out of time on a test?

Survey the test, budget time for each part

What is annotation and why is it important? How does one annotate?

Taking notes while you read. Note important information, questions, responses, and conclusions

What is plagiarism and what are the consequences?

Taking or passing off another person's work as your own. Loss of grade (for the assignment) Loss of credit (for the class)

Discuss the importance of attendance in college and understand the difference between dropping a class and withdrawing from a class. Know the difference between the grades of W and WF.

There's an attendance policy, Dropping is before the drop date/60% through the class, W is without penalty, WF is a fail

Why are recommendation letters important and how can you insure you will get good ones?

They say more than your grades, contain opinions about your work habits and character, show that someone supports you. Get them from people that know you and check them first

Why do people procrastinate? What can you do to overcome procrastination?

Unclear about assignment expectations, overwhelmed by the assignment, unsure of how to start, uninterested in the work. Figure out what you're avoiding, ask yourself what advice you would give to someone else in that situation, set up rewards for yourself, divide the task into smaller pieces, just do it

List and describe effective goal setting strategies.

Use your stages of goal discernment, write down your goals, use "I will" statements, prioritize your goals, write performance goals not outcome goals, anticipate obstacles

What strategies can you utilize before you take a test to insure success?

distribute practice, list topics or concepts that are still unclear, leave early, have all required materials, don't be anxious

What is active reading and why is it important?

making notes and annotating while reading. HIGHLIGHTING AND UNDERLINING IS PASSIVE

How can you effectively utilize a todo list? (think about the prioritization matrix)

organizing it by urgency and importance and both important and urgent

What is the difference between a todo list and a planner?

planners are more specific when it comes to date and time

What are the expectations of college reading assignments? (In other words, what does the instructor mean when he/she tells you to read something?)

read i and begin learning it

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