Accounting 101-Orientation Assignment

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4. Which of the following are concepts taught in a financial accounting course? a. Understanding and applying the policies and procedures that a business puts in place to protect the business b. Reporting what a business owns and owes c. Reporting the cash a business receives and spends


5. Which of the following are concepts taught in a managerial accounting course? a. Estimating the revenues and expenses of a business b. Recording and reporting the cost of the products a business makes c. Analyzing the relationship of the costs of a product, how much to make of a product, and how much profit a product will make for a business


1. Clicking what button in CengageNOWv2 will allow you to quickly evaluate the work you have attempted without submitting the assignment (assuming your instructor has made this option available)?


3. Which tab/page allows you to easily track your assignment scores, number of submissions, time spent, as well as the ability view assignment takes and question results?


3. Which accounting course(s) focus(es) on the preparation of external financial statements by applying Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)? a. Cost Accounting b. Financial Accounting c. Managerial Accounting


2. Foundational accounting concepts are generally taught in which course(s)? a. Cost Accounting b. Financial Accounting c. Managerial Accounting


1. If your instructor has enabled the Check My Work feature, you can click on Check My Work to get instant feedback.


1. Most students initially believe that if they are good at math, they will be good at accounting.


5. Which of the following is a recommendation from a former accounting student on how to be successful in learning accounting concepts? a. "You need to attend every class and pay attention. Take good notes and do all the homework." b. "Study about 5-8 hours a week and work on the practice problems for each chapter." c. "Do not put off homework - it is more important than you know - and when in need - ASK FOR HELP!


4. Which activities help students succeed in their accounting courses? a. Discussing concepts with a Certified Public Accountant b. Attending class c. Practicing homework problems d. Taking notes during class e. Reading the required textbook chapters

B, C, D, AND E

1. CengageNOWv2 is a comprehensive online learning tool. Using CengageNOWv2, you may access all of the following except: -Homework -Grades -eReader and study tools -College transcript


1. In CengageNOWv2, all of the accounting problems are multiple choice or utilize drop-down menus.


1. Not all students can be successful in their accounting courses.


2. Most students learn and understand accounting concepts simply by listening and watching their accounting instructor.


3. Before you take an assignment, there is no way for you to know how many "takes" you have available, the time limit, or special scoring conditions, such as a late penalty.


3. Buttons with white font indicate panels that are purely informational.


4. By clicking Check My Work, you are submitting your assignment for grading.


1. When taking an assignment, you can maximize your workspace by clicking on the arrow to fully collapse the left-hand navigation bar.


2. Each time you log in, CengageNOWv2 automatically performs a system check and informs you if your computer does not meet the CengageNOWv2 system requirements.


2. On the Assignments page you have options to view all assignments, only the assignment you can take now, or assignments you can practice


2. The Score listed in the upper right hand corner of the panel indicates your performance on this task within the problem.


2. When completing accounting forms, you can copy and paste from the Chart of Accounts for ease of entry and to avoid spelling errors.


2. When utilizing the Multi-Panel View, you can open multiple panels and easily toggle back and forth to quickly access the information you need.


3. In CengageNOWv2, when entering numbers and amounts in the journal, it's not necessary to enter a dollar sign or a comma. CengageNOWv2 will auto-format your answer.


3. Most students find that accounting courses require more time than other courses.


3. When completing Accounting forms such as journals, ledgers, and financial statements, you can learn from your mistakes by clicking on the red shaded cells to receive additional detailed feedback that explains the specific error you have made.


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