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Which of these is a body of salt water surrounded by land?


In square miles, what is the population density in Namibia?

seven people per square miles

Serbia does not have ideal weather conditions for agriculture. What makes it difficult to grow food in Serbia?

the extreme cold and hot seasons

In most of Southeast Asia (with the exception of Singapore) who controls communication and television broadcasts?

the government

Which of the following is true about television communications in Southeastern countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos?

the government controls what is broadcasted

Which of the following best describes a mixed economy?

the government has a role, but individuals can still make decisions

Most of the nations in Northern Europe are welfare states. What does this mean?

the government supplies all of the healthcare

Which plain stretches through Romania, Croatia, Serbia, and Hungary?

the great Hungarian plain

What does the nickname Bread Basket refer to in the United States?

the great plains

Which statement is true about North Korea?

the healthcare is government run and lacking

Which statement is true about South Korea?

the healthcare is very good and life expectancy is about 80 years.

Which of the following mountain ranges located in south Asia is 1500 miles long?

the himalayas

Which statement is true about housing in the urban areas of Russia?

the houses or apartments are very small

Which of the following is considered the gateway to trade for Africa, Asia, and the Arabian Penninsulas?

the indian ocean

Who arrived in New Zealand first?

the indigenous people

When crossing from Fiji to the Cook Islands you cross an imaginary line that demarcates the change of one calendar day to the next. What is the line called?

the international datelineq

Which statement is true about the language spoken in southern Europe?

the languages spoken in southern Europe have a Latin root.

What feature of a map will tell you what each symbol means on the map?

the legend

What would help determine multiple boundary lines on a map?

the legend

Which of the following is an indicator of a country's economic stability?

the literacy of its inhabitants

What makes printed materials, such as newspapers and magazines, very unnecessary in the region of Africa which is south of the Sahara?

the low literacy rates in the area

What is genocide?

the mass destruction of an ethnic group

Which of the following statements is true about South Asia?

the more densely populated the area the greater the effect on the environment

Which of the following best describes brain drain, which is happening all over south America?

the most educated people are moving away

Why do coastal regions, near mountain ranges, have a lot of rainfall?

the mountains trap the weather coming from the sea

In regard to natural resources, which of the following best describes the need for world trade?

the natural resources on this planet are not distributed equally

Which of the following is the worlds longest river?

the nile river

Which hemisphere is north america located in?

the north/west hemisphere

Which European plain stretches from southeast England to western France and includes parts of Denmark, France and Germany?

the northern European plains

What is a birthrate?

the number of births per 100 people each year.

What is a death rate?

the number of deaths per 100 people each year

Where is the earth's crust the thinnest?

the ocean floor

Australia and Oceania are both located in what ocean?

the pacific ocean

Which canal created in the early 1900s by the united states is a short cut between the Atlantic and pacific oceans?

the panama canal

What separates the eastern and western hemispheres?

the prime meidian

Which of the following was an outcome of the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?

the quality of Russian healthcare has declined greatly

What impact does the use of explosives for fishing in Southeast Asia have on the coral Reef?

the reef is damaged by the explosives and takes a long time to rebuild itself

What does healthcare depend on in west africa?

the regional income and economy

What is the main concern of having more nuclear power plants built in East Asia?

the ring of fire could cause an earthquake which causes the nuclear power plants to malfunction

What are the Sierra Madre mountains called before they get to Mexico?

the rocky mountains

Which of the following statements about southern Europe is true?

the roman empire started in Italy.

What three deserts is the outback in Australia home to?

the sandy desert, the Gibson desert, and the Victorian desert

The area between Japan and the Korean Penninsula is called what?

the sea of Japan

What is weather?

the short term temperature and weather conditions in an area

What is culture?

the social behaviors found in human societies, as well as knowledge, beliefs, arts, and laws

Which hemisphere is Australia located in?

the south/east hemisphere

What aspect of Africa's southern coast makes it so conductive to human survival and comfort?

the subtropical climate makes it an ideal place to grow crops, with moderate weather.

What is the greenhouse effect?

the sun emits radiation through the atmosphere and traps heat inside the earth.

Going up a tall mountain, what does one notice about the temperature?

the temperature lowers

Which of the following has a vital role in determining the climate of a region?

the tilt of the earth in relation to the sun

What feature of a map will tell you exactly what type of map you are looking at?

the title

What is the risk of over irrigation?

the water could dry up completely

What is climate?

the weather in the area over a long period of time

An example of a flat land in Russia would be?

the western Siberian plain

Which statement is true about spain?

there are more doctors per person than anywhere else in the world

Chinas industrialization is increasing its wealth and its ability to improve the healthcare it provides. What has this done to the life expectancy rates?

there has been an increase in the life expectancy rates to 70 years old.

Which statement is true about housing in urban areas of Russia?

there is a shortage of places to live

Which of the following is true regarding resource distribution?

there is an unequal distribution of natural resources on this planet

The outback makes up two-thirds of Australia. What is one of its notable features?

there is very little veegtation

What significant event happened in 1994 to put an end to apartheid in South Africa?

there was a world wide movement to end apartheid

The temperature in Antarctica can get below -100 degrees Fahrenheit. What does this mean in terms of vegetation?

theres only a few things like moss

Which is true about the eastern and western ghats mountains?

they almost touch at the tip of india

Which statement is true about all of the countries in Mainland Southeast Asia?

they are all small

Which of the following is true regarding the people living on the Oceanic islands?

they are indigenous and have been there for thousands of years

What is stopping Taiwan and China from combining?

they both want to keep their own system of government and control the other

Most families in the Sahel culture would be considered patriarchal. What does this mean?

they have a male leader

New Zealand has a marine, west coast climate. What does this mean?

they have changing seasons, with warm summer and cool winters

During the Anglo-Nepalese War, Nepal was not actually colonized by Britian, but was affected by the war in what way?

they lost land

In northern Europe, there are 10 years of mandatory education. Why is this?

they take education very seriously, which is why in many areas there is a 100% literacy rate.

Pakistan and Bangladesh were at one time a single country. Why was the decision made to become seperate countries?

they were physically separated by India

Which of the following is a natural side effect seen when nations begin trading resources?

they will also start trading culture

desalination isa common goal among people who live near the ocean. What does desalination mean?

to remove salt from water

What does the term reforestation mean?

to replant a forest

Which of the following is an example of a conversation effort?

to save a species from extinction

in what direction is the Sahel in relation to the Sahara Desert?

to the south of the Sahara

Starting in the 1950s, what has surprisingly gone up in antarctica?


Living on an island puts limitations on access to what?

trade, food, transportation

Taiwan's economy is primarily based on which of the following?


36% of the freight in Canada and the United States is moved by?


What is the largest impact that shanty towns have on the environment in Latin America?

trash and human waste pollution

About 34% of the United States and Canada is covered with what natural resource?


What is the climate in central India?

tropical dry

The Serengeti Plain is home to many of the signature African animals, such as zebras, lions, and giraffes. What type of climate does this region have?

tropical dry, with seasonal rain and dry wind from the sahara.

What climate does both Bangladesh and Sri Lanka share?

tropical wet

In which of the following government structures is there ONE central body that controls everything and make all the laws?


77% of the Mexican population lives in what type of area?


Most of the people in South America live in what type of community?

urban areas

Which of the following is true regarding the religion of islam?

within the religion are different factor which do not get along

Agriculture is important to australia. Australia is the worlds leading producer of what?


With Europe having a large supply of coal, what was it able to use coal to power long ago?

steam engines

Europe's landscape is rich in coal and iron ore which can be turned into what?


in the tundra area of Russia, in December, people go weeks without what?


What is an example of a service sector job?


Which river is found in South America is the second largest in the world?

the Amazon river

What sea is located to the western side Malaysia?

the Andaman sea

Which ocean is located to the west of Europe?

the Atlantic ocean

What is the lowest point in North America called?

the Death Valley, in California

About 80% of all Russian live in which area?

the European region

The Khyber Pass can be found west of what major mountain range?

the Himilayas

What body of water is found at the base of the Himilayas?

the Indus River

What event of the Persian Gulf war caused massive pollution in the region?

the Iraqis several oil fields on fire in Kuwait.

10,000 years ago, what two bodies of water were considered the keys to sustaining life?

the Mediterranean and the Nile river

Which of the following areas in North Africa and Southwest Asia are best for urbanization and tourism?

the Mediterranean coast

Which river is 2,357 miles long from Minnesota to the gulf of mexico?

the Mississippi river

The Aswan Dam controls the flooding of the Nile River. How did this have a negative effect on the surrounding areas?

the Natural fertilization of the land did not occur

Which sea is located to the east of scotland?

the North Sea

The Korean Penninsula separates which two seas?

the Sea of Japan from the Yellow Sea

The Rocky Mountains extend into Latin America, where their name changes to what?

the Sierra Madre in Mexico

Which mountain range creates the Europeans side of Russia?

the Ural Mountains

Mount Mckinley is located in which range?

the alaskan range

What is a benefit of the slash and burn technique used in the Amazon?

the ash created acts as a nutrient for the soil

What is the name of the trading network that australia is a member of?

the asia pacific economic cooperation

During which war did Russia detonate around 600 nuclear explosions?

the cold war

What feature of a map will give you the map orientation - which direction is north, south, east, and west?

the compass rose

Which of the following is a land locked body of salt water?

the dead sea

Which of the following best describes the natural increase of a population?

the difference between a birth and death rate in a region

Which one of the following is one of the positive impacts people have had on Southeast Asia?

the economy is growing

What separates the northern and southern hemispheres?

the equator

Economic landscape - Southeast Asia

-Southeast Asia's economic landscape remains mainly agricultural in nature. However, countries like Vietnam are quickly beginning to modernize with industry, communication, and transportation.

One orbit around the sun is roughly how long in reference to time here on the Earth?

1 year

Antarctica covers 5.4 million square miles. What percent of this continent has been surveyed for minerals and resources?


The west Siberian Plain covers how many square miles?

1,000,000 square miles

Northern Europe is one of the worlds most educated areas and requires students to attend school for a minimum of how many years?

10 years

The Pyrenees Mountain range is about how many feet up in elevation?

11,000 feet

A tropical wet climate has what amount of rainfall per year at the very least?

60 inches of rainfall

Italy is the most populated nation in Southern Europe and has about how many people?

60 million people

What is the literacy rate in India?


The hole in the ozone layer of the atmosphere is located above what continent?


What is the primary language spoken in North Africa?


Which country borders the top of the United States?


Which of these countries has the lowest population density?

Canada. Bangladesh has the highest with 3000 people each square mile.

Which of the following is a land-locked body of salt water?

Caspian sea

What country is the main trade partner of Africa south of the Sahara?


Which country has east asia's most rural economy?


Which country makes up about 80% of East Asia?


Which of the three listed is the largest region in Canada? Christianity, Buddhism, Islam


Which agency travels to Africa to help with the disease crisis?

Doctors without borders

Which mountain range is located in the country of south Africa?

Drakensberg Mountains

Which animal is an endangered species in Africa?


Which statement is true about the culture in eastern Europe?

Family is the most important thing

Which of the following can be exported to help stabilize the North African and Southwest Asian economy?


Throughout western Europe you will hear which languages predomonantly?

German and French

Where did the center of the gold trade of AD 700 take place?


What played a major role in Europeans colonizing south Africa?

Gold and diamonds

What caused Ivan the IV to be known as Ivan the Terrible?

He ruled as a dictator

What are the two predominant languages spoken in the southern African region?

English and french

Which one of the following locations in Africa has an increasing problem with over population?


The Eastern Highlands of Africa reach from what point to what point?

Ethiopia to the Cape of Good Hope

North Africa shares the Mediterranean sea with what continent?


Where did the industrial revolution begin in the 1700s?


Which of the following is a true statement?

Europe has a large variety of landscapes. Europe has a variety of climates.

Which statement is true about Europe?

Europe has a lot of bodies of water in and around it

50% of costa Ricans come from what type of descent?


Singapore's economy combines what two markets?

European and Asian

(?) has helped to make trade possible by constructing about 125,000 miles of highway.


Education is vital to a growing nation. Which of these nations is a leader in educational computer technology?


What is the most developed and economically sound country in South Asia?


Over a long period of time, most if not all of (?) was created by volcanoes.


Which of the following would be considered an island in Southeast Asia?


At the peak of industrialization in South Asia there was an increase in pollution. What caused this increase in pollution to occur?

Industrial waste contaminating the fresh water supply in rivers and streams

Who came to the aid of south Korea during the Korean war in the early 1950s?

The United Nations

Southwest Asia is better known today as what?

The middle east

What kind of map has the most detail?

a city map

Why are the Indonesian islands called the ring of fire?

a lot of active volcanos there

What is one thing that Iraq, Iran, and Turkey all have in common?

a lot of their culture is dictated by religion.

Which statement is true about the oceanic Islands?

a lot of them are not inhabited by people

Coral reefs take about how long to develop?

a millennium

Which South Asian nation is a leading producer of graphite (lead) in the world?

Sri Lanka

Which of the following best describes a volcano?

a rupture of the earth's crust that allows magma and gas to escape

Which description most accurately fits an asteroid?

a small, planet-like object which orbits the sun

Which of the following best describes an "autocracy?"

a system where one person has total power

What is a market economy?

a system where the people are in control. trading

What is the asia pacific economic cooperation?

a trading network

The Outback in Australia can best be described as what?

a very dry, low area of flat land

About how many people are employed by factories located on the border of Mexico and the United States?

about 1 million people

In what year was the silk road established?

about 100 BC

About how may languages exist in Russia?

about 100 languages

What is the rubber belt in Southeast Asia?

about 700 miles of rubber-producing trees

At one point, 80% of Europe was covered in forest. as of today, how much of this 80% has been removed?

about two-thirds (2/3), or almost 70%

What best describes the literacy rate in Eastern Europe?

above average

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide put into the air from pollution caused what?

acid rain

Which of the following is not a factor that hinders Cambodia and Laos from industrializing their nations?

agricultural limitations

The higher the altitude, the thinner the ...


Nations such as Taiwan import fossil fuels to use in their industries and this leads to which type of pollution?

air pollution

Trade is made easier since both the United States and Canada have international what?


Living in a mid latitude region allows you t see what?

all four seasons

Most of the population in south America lives in what type of region?

along the coastlines

east Asia is home of part of the Ring of Fire. What is the Ring of fire?

an arc of islands which were created by tectonic plates

Which would be more likely to cause a catastrophic event if it hit our planet?

an asteriod

Which is an accurate definition of cultural diffusion?

an exchange of cultural knowledge

Which of the following countries is located on the Arabian Penninsula?


What language is predominately?


What is the smallest independent state in the world?

Vatican City

Which of the following latin american nations belong to the OPEC organization due to its oil production?


The doldrum is phenomena that occurs at the equator. What effect does this have?

Very heavy winds occur

Which one of the following countries does not have adequate communication to support modern trade like they have in singapore?


Which nation is located in Southeast asia?

Vietnam, Indonesia

Colonization in Southeast Asia is thought to have helped to start which conflict?


Which of the following states could get upwards of 100 inches of rain a year? Washington, California, New York.


The Central Lowlands in Australia separate the Great Dividing Range from what?

Western Plateau

about 80% of Russians live in what part of Russia?

Western Russia

Which of the following is a major river system in china?

Xi river system

Why do people in China wear face masks out in public?

as protection against air pollution

Which ocean does not border Australia?


What months are considered the typhoon season in East Asia every year?

august through october

High speed rails exist in France, Germany, and Italy, while which of the following allows you to drive as fast as you would like in Germany?


Which of the following grows well in equator-regions of Africa where there is constantly a warm and humid climate?


Also known as the foothills at an elevation of 2500 feet to 0 feet, what can be grow on the coastal areas of the Tierra Caliente?

bananas and rice

Why is the ability to desalinate water so sought after in regions around the Persian Golf?

because it would enable them to use ocean water for drinking water and irrigation

Why is agriculture so difficult in Serbia?

because of the extreme cold winters and extreme hot summers

Why are air and water travel vital to new zealands economy?

because out in the south pacific that is the only way to trade

Why is it warmer near the equator?

because that region gets more sunlight

Why are companies in the united states setting up factories on the border of Mexico?

because the population in that area will work for lower pay

Why are the United States and Canada both considered global?

because they both open up trade with other parts of the world

Where is central America located?

between mexico and south america

What is Australia classififed as?

both a country and continent

What is an example of a market economy?

creating a business and making as much money as you want

Which one of the following countries has not put a limit on the amount of timber that can be exported and sent to other nations?


Which of the following African nations has a literacy rate of only 49%?

central African republic

50% of the population in the USA are married and 22% of them have at least one (?).


Central Asia is located to the west of what country?


Which of the following would be considered a non-renewable resource?


What can be grown at 2500 to 6000 feet in elevation in the Tierra Templada region in Latin America?


The elevation of a region impacts the climate and vegetation found there. What type of climate is seen in an elevation range of 12,000-16,000 feet?

cold and icy

Karl Marx wrote the manifesto for which of the following?


What system of government does China have?


What type of economic system was implemented in Russia from 1917 to 1991?


What is the #1 product that russia exports?

crude oil

Which layer of the earth is inhabited by humans and animals?


Immigrants teaching their language to the natives is an example of what?

cultural diffusion

Which location in California is 282 feet below sea level?

death valley

Clear cutting does what to the air quality in an environment?

decrease air quality

Japan is an island. How could its population be accurately described?


All of the following land features can be found in the great rift valley except for which? Freshwater lakes, deserts, volvanoes


The people in latin america face the environmental challenge of learning to support their economy and living standards without doing what?

destroying the ecosystem that is helping to support how they live

What natural resources does Australia have that the rest of the world wants?

diamonds and gold

Which of the following is having the greatest impact on the earth of South Africans?


Israel was recreated after World War 2 in 1948 as a Jewish State, where it is surrounded by nations that are predominantly what religion?


What is the #1 religion practiced in North Africa?


The Aswan Dam was bult in the 1970s to control of the Nile River. What is one of the advantage to the region from building dam?

It helps generate electricity for the region

Which statement is true about the Arabian Penninsula?

It is a land mass that is surrounded by water and three sides.

About 80% of the Israelis practice which religion?


Which of the following is the largest country in central Asia of the three?


What type of region is constantly warm?

dry tropical climates

Up until the late 1800s, what did companies do with their toxic waste?

dump the waste into the nearest water system

What causes fault lines to form?


What in Russia is free but limited based upon the governments budget?


How has the end of World War 2 impacted education on the islands of Southeast Asia?

education has increased

What was a benefit of Europeans, colonizing Northern Africa?

education increased

Which statement is true regarding education in western Europe?

education is mandatory for students in western europe

Japan's workforce is very advanced due to the high quality of what in Japan?

education system

Education is very important to a workforce. As a result, Sri Lanka offers free education, paid for by the government, for which grade levels?

elementary through college

During Mao Zedong's rule over China, who was education reserved for?


What does equinox mean?

equal night and day

Which one of the following, located in the northeast of the United States, is a part of the Great Lakes?

Lake Michigan

Which one of the following, located in the northeast of the United States, is a part of the Great Lakes?

Lake ontario

Which one of the following would be considered mainland Southeast Asia?


Latitude/ longitude

Latitude (north/south)horizontal, Longitude (west/east) vertical

The Mediterranean Sea runs into which of the following countries?


which of the following locations is the oldest in northern Europe of the three?


In the mid-1900s the pollution from factories was pumped into the sky and would turn into acidic rain, which would...

erode the paint on cars

In a communist economy what does the government control?


Which factor had previously negatively affected the Danube River?

excessive pollution

Which of the following was an improvement to Russia under the Peter the great?

expanded military

A growing culture and population, the capital of Mexico has 19.5 million people currently living in ...

Mexico city

How old are the rainforests in malaysia?

Millions of years old

Which of the following moved the capital to St. Petersburg and called it the "Window to the west"?

Peter the Great (Peter I)

Which location is a part of Eastern Europe?

Poland, hungary

What is the heart of culture in central america and the Carribbean?


The Murray and darling rivers in australia allow for what in the area?


A physical map shows up the ...

features of the land

A physical map shows us the ...

features of the land

Which of the following government structures is used in the united states?


What is GPS used for?

finding a location on Earth

Which country is found in Northern Europe?


Which of the following is an example of how climate can impact vegetation?

flooding replenishing soil for crops

Droughts in East Africa lead to what kind of crisis?

food crisis

Kuwait is a very small country but needs a lot of workers for factory jobs. About 60% of the workers in Kuwait are what?

foreign workers

What part of the world has a unitary system of government?


Which nation is a part of western europe?


Which language is widely spoken in the congo?


Which category does ground water fall into?

fresh water

Europe has an area known as the Black triangle, that stretches across Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic. What created the Black Triangle?


The Cook Islands are located in which region of Oceania?


Oceania is broken up into three groupings. What are they?

Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia

The thousands of islands in Oceania are broken into what?


What relation so school and religion have in Iran, Iraq, and Turkey?

Religion is a required subject in school.

Which of the following locations in Brazil is a mega city?

Rio De Janeiro

About 80% of the population in Central America and the Carribean belongs to which of the following regions?

Roman catholic

The three main ice shelves in Antarctica are?

Ronne, ross, Larsen

Which ice shelf is located in the southern region Antarctica?


Which country is NOT a part of western europe?


What is the most common language spoken in Russia?


Which one of the following locations can be found in Eastern Africa? Rwanda, Botswana, Iran (north)


In the United States, what is mandatory for every child under the age of 16?


Where does the ring of fire stretch across East Asia?

from Japan to Taiwan

What effect did the Taliban's fall from power in Afghanistan have on young girls?

girls can now attend school

Which statement is true about Russia?

has the longest coast line of any country in the world

Regions like southwest Mexico and most of the Caribbean islands have a tropical dry climate. What does this mean?

high temperatures year-round, abundant rainfall with a dry season

North Africa, Southwest Asia, and central Asia all share a similar climate. What climate is most common in these regions?

hot and dry, little to no rainfall

What is an accent?

how a group of people pronounce words

What is the climate likely to be in the northeast part of Australia?


The amazon river holds ten times more water than the Mississippi river and empties into the Atlantic Ocean. What feeds this massive river?

hundreds of different river systems

How many different cultures can be found in Oceania?

hundreds of seperate cultures

What would be a possible scenario when you would need to know how to read a map?

if you were lost without access to technology

What is an example of cultural diffusion?

immigrants teaching their language to the natives of that area

About 50% of the people on planet earth live where?

in cities

When did peter the great start to modernize Russia?

in the 1600s

In what year was the Taliban removed from power in Afghanistan?

in the early 2000's

Which of the following is the proper location of the Sahel?

in the northern part of Africa, south of the Sahara

Which statement is true about Switzerland?

Switzerland is a blend of French, German, and Italian culture.

After going to war with China, Japan was able to acquire which location?


Which of the following is a country that borders Uzbekistan?


About 50% of the land in New zealand is used for what?


Unlike the rest of the world, 99% Americans can do what?

read and write

Which of the following locations is one of the most populated per square mile?


What are the two oceans located on either side of Southern africa?

indian and atlantic

Indigenous or native people are the first to do what?

inhabit an area

Which layer of the earth is under extreme pressure?

inner core

With new Zealand and Australia being in such remote locations, what form of communication is the most important for trade?


What is the core of the earth made of?

iron and nickle

What did the Egyptian civilization create in north africa?

irrigation systems

Brunei has a literacy rate of 93%, how does this benefit the country?

it advances the economy and workforce

What happens if a nuclear power plant shuts off?

it causes radiation to leak out

Eastern European governments change frequently. How does this affect their ability to offer free healthcare?

it decreases the likelihood of free healthcare

As you near the top of the global grid, what happens to the climate?

it gets colder

Which statement is true about Mongolia?

it has very few paved roads

How does the internet impact world trade?

it increases communication

The government of Oman puts a lot of its resources into education in an effort to produce a good work force. As a result, how much does secondary and post second education cost in Oman?

it is $0.00 a year

What is a hemisphere?

it is a half of the map that is separated by the equator or prime meridian.

Economically speaking, where does the region of Africa which is south of the Sahara Desert rank?

it is considered the poorest region in the world

Which statement is true about central asia?

it is landlocked

What can we assume of a country that has only primary economic activity - and does not use the resources shown below? (Images of mining, windmill, farming and water)

it is not very industrialized

Which statement is true about the healthcare available in Syria?

it is provided by the government

Which of the following statements is true regarding schooling in India?

it is required for nine years and is state-sponsored

In parts of South Asia such as Nepal, tourism is seen as which of the following?

it is seen as an economic stimulant and encouraged

The plain of Tibet is the highest livable area in East Asia, but not much vegetation grows there because ...

it is very cold at these elevations

How was waste from Russian nuclear power plants usually disposed of?

it was dumped into rivers, streams and lakes

Libya attempted to make a man0made river in the 1990s, hoping to transport freshwater to regions in need. Which of the following was a fear that Libya had to deal with creating the river?

it was feared that saltwater would seep into the river, contaminating the water.

Which statement is true about Poland before World War 2?

it was one of the most populated areas in Eastern Europe

How will the use of Natural gas instead of coal affect Europe's pollution problem?

it will rid the area of the acid caused by burning coal

What is a city-state?

it's basically a self-controlled state with a city and surrounding territory.

Which statement is true about healthcare in Central Africa?

its quality depends on each region's financial means and communication with the outside world.

Which statement is true about antarctica?

its the 5th largest continent on Earth

What do illegal hunters want from elephants?


About 67% of people living in central America and the Caribbean live in cities because ...


Who has supreme power in a monarchy?

king or queen

What stops countries in Southeast Asia, such as Cambodia and Laos, from combating serious diseases?

lack of money

Which body of water is located in the eastern part of central asia?

lake balkhash

What is the largest lake in Africa?

lake victoria

Which of the following best describes a peninsula?

land that sticks out into the water

The global grid is created by what?

latitude and longitude

Mid latitude seems to be the best climate to do what?

live and farm

What is driving the economy in new zealand?


Which locations on the earth are the coldest?

locations furthest from the equator

Madagascar has lost 90% of their forest due to what?


which of the following best describes the European coastline?

long and irregular

50% of the people living in Guatemala today are of what descent?


What are the four planets closest to the sun?

mercury, venus, earth, and mars

Most of the worlds people live where?

mid latitude

A primary activity is a type of job that directly involves natural resources. which of the following jobs would fall into this category?

mining, farming or logging

Which statement is true about the history of northern europe?

most of the countries here used to be monarchies

Which of the following is located in Asia and is also famous for being the world's highest peak?

mount everest

What is the earth's crust constantly doing?


What is irrigation?

moving water from a river system to an area that needs it

What type of resource does latin america have an abundance of?

natural resources

What part of Canada is the coldest?

near the very top

When does the total amount of water on earth change?


The tundra area of Russia is very unique. The people there go weeks without (?) during the summertime.


What, if anything, can grow in the extreme climate of the Gobi Desert?

no agriculture grows in the Gobi Desert

Which crop can be grown in the Sahara Desert, without human intervention?

no crop can be grown

What does winter time in Australia look like?

no snow and very little rain

Can Japan of Taiwan depend on agriculture production to stimulate and stabilize their economies?

no, due to the fact the lands are not fit to grow agricultural products.

The Tien Shan mountains are (?) of the Himalayas mountains.


The equator acts as the divider between which hemispheres?

north and south

The majority of agriculture in Australia takes place in which region?

northeast australia

Europe shares the Mediterranean Sea with what continent?

northern africa

What can be grown agriculturally in the freezing climate of serbia?


Apart from differences of religion, what is one of the main causes of conflict in Iran, Iraq, and Turkey?


Which resource is the driving force in North Africa's Economy?


About 90% of Canadians live where?

on the border of the USA

Which of the following best describes a large scale map?

one that shows a small area with a lot of detail

Which of the following is true regarding Russia?

only 10% of the land can be used for agriculture. it is rich in fossil fuels and is the world's leading producer of natural gas.

Do school systems exist in Oceania?

only in a few parts

About how many people live in Mexico?

over 100 million

About how many people were impacted as a result of the Chernobyl accident?

over 1000 people

The highest point in the Alaskan range reaches how many feet?

over 20,000 feet high

In the nation of Chad, there are about how many ethnic groups?

over 200 ethnic groups

How long is the Nile River?

over 4,000 miles long

What percent if Somali people are nomadic?

over 60%

Why do people generally think of the savanna climate when thinking of Africa?

over half of the climate is covered with savannas

What is the downside to the slash and burn technique used in the amazon?

over the years, 20% of the rainforest has been destroyed

What ocean is found on the western side of Latin America?

pacfic ocean

The great barrier reef is an ecosystem. What is coral bleaching?

parts of the great barrier reef are dying

There is 20 times more livestock in new Zealand than what?


Which resources have Russia relied on to help stabilize their economy?

petroleum, timber and iron ore

Which resources have Russia relied on to help stabilize their economy?

petroleum, timber, and iron ore

What is currently being done in South Asia to save the habitats of endangered species?


The conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean is primarily over which of the following?

religious differences

In today's world what is done to reverse the effects of clear cutting?

replanting trees

Which of the following best describes a non-renewable resource?

resources that could eventually run out

The Black Triangle stretches across Poland, Germany and where else?


what is the prime meridian located on the global grid?

0 degrees longitude?

One rotation of the earth is equal to what?

1 day

How many months of sunlight does the south pole get each year?

6 months

How many Latin American nations are connected by the Pan American highway?

12 nations

What is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Death Valley?

134 degrees fahrenheit

In the 1990s what percent of Russians lived in areas with acceptable air pollution levels (clean air)?


What is the estimated population of Nigeria?

190 million people

Israel was proclaimed by a nation after World War 2, in what year?


Which statement is true about a nuclear explosion?

1it can spread radiation even from a remote area.

How many official languages does Canada have?

2. English and french

Which statement is true about Lake Baikal in Russia, the worlds largest freshwater lake in terms of volume?

20% of the worlds fresh water

According to history what is the longest time that Japan has isolated itself from the rest of the world?

200 years

To what degree is the earth tilted on its axis?

23.5 degrees

In the Sahel region, about what percent of people have an adequate supply of clean water?

25% of the people

The subarctic is south of the tundra in Russia and has snow on the ground for up to how many days a year?

250 days a year

Literacy impacts the quality of a country's work force. What is the literacy rate in Niger?


Oceania has thousands of islands, that are grouped by region. How many regions are there in Oceania?

3 regions

What percentage of water on earth is fresh water?


What has been found in Ethiopia that suggests it may be the place of humankind's origin?

3.2-million-year-old bones

How much of the surface of the earth is covered by land?


In Latin America, the middle class accounts for what percent of the population?


How much radiation was released by the Chernobyl accident of 1986?

400 times the radiation of Hiroshima Atomic bomb

What percentage of the worlds plants and animals live in the Amazon basin?


About what percentage of people in south America are bilingual?

50% or more

What is the qualification for an area to be considered an urban metropolis?

50,000 people or more

How many local languages spoken in the congo?

700 langages

About what percentage of people living in Afghanistan farm for a living?


Due to the advanced healthcare available in Japan, the average life expectancy is ...

83 years old

Studies show that at the current rate, how many people will inhabit earth by 2050?

9 billion

The literacy rate is an indicator that helps us see how developed a country or region is. What percentage most accurately represents the literacy rate in western Europe?

98 to 100% literacy

Which statement is true about the people living in North Africa and Southwest Asia?

A lot of them practice self-sustaining farming

What basic tool allows you to use a grid to find locations on the globe?

A world map.

Which location is known to reach temperatures of -70 degrees?


What best describes the healthcare system in Japan?


Which one of the following countries with a population of about 29 million people, is the most populated in Central Asia?


Which of the following describes the "Khyber Pass" is south asia?

Afghanistan and Pakistan bridge border

What was the downside to the world ban on ivory trade?

Africans no longer had the income they depended on

what is the Great Dividing Range in Australia?

An area in the eastern part of Australia that has been Urbanized

What ocean is found on the eastern side of Latin America?

Atlantic ocean

In 1788 Britain sent its convicted criminals from its overpopulated prisons to what part of the world and set them free?


The south pacific includes which of the following land masses?

Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica

All of the following are reasons that bamboo is a vital crop in East Asia except which one?

Bamboo grows so fast that is considered an obnoxious weed that is to be discarded.

Which country is so far behind in modernization that they still plant crops by hand?


Why is water seen as such an important commodity in the regions of North Africa, southwest Asia, and Central Asia?

Because so much of the area is dry desert terrain

Why does the European union support the Kyoto protocol, which aims to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted?

Because they are working to reverse the effects of people on the landscape of Europe

Which country did not allow any outside contact or influence until 1999?


What is the name of the largest film industry in the world, which produces more feature films than any other?


Which Latin American country is closest to the united states?


Which of the following most accurately describes the human impact on the environment in Africa?


What was Bangladesh previously called?

East Pakistan

What part of Antarctica is the actual location of the South Pole located in?

East antarctica

The Bering Sea is on which coast of Russia?

East coast

Which of the following is true about the climate in Eastern Europe?

Easter Europe has a humid climate

The Indian Ocean is on which side of southern Africa?


Which is true about the climate in Eastern Europe?

Eastern Europe has both extreme summers and extreme winters

In which north African country is the Suez canal located?


A group called the Berbers in North Africa does which of the following for a living?


Which one of the following is the #1 business in the region f Africa which is south of the Sahara Desert?


Surrounding the Sahara and other deserts in the region are steppe climates. these are the areas that get a little more rain each year and are able to support short grasses. What are these areas good for?

Grazing herds

Which statement is true about the European Union's effect on Greece?

Greece's unstable economy has been improved by the union

Which body of water is located between Thailand and Malaysia?

Gulf of thailand

What are you likely to have during monsoon season?

Heavy rainfall and lots of flooding

The Northern edge of South Asia is where the (?) are located.


What is the official language in India?


Which of the following the proper location of the Sahel?

In the northern part of africa, south of the Sahara

Many countries in the Arabian Penninsula befriended Britain when the Ottoman Empire was trying to take over the region. Because of this, a British influence can still be seen in what aspect of these countries?

In their government - monarchies and written constitutions.

Which country in East Asia started the Kyoto Protocol Treaty?


Which one of the following countries is included in East Asia?


Which part of East Asia experiences over 1,000 earthquakes a year?


With an elevation of about 12,300 feet, Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in what country?


Which statement is true about Japan?

Japan is an island

Why did Japan go 200 years without contact or influence from the outside world?

Japan wanted to protect its culture

What is the #1 language spoken in China?


The asteroid belt in our solar system is between which two planets?

Mars and Jupiter

Which one of the following animals has been negatively impacted by deforestation in South Asia?


What problem is caused by the lack of access to clean drinking water in south Asia?

More Disease

What is the capital of Russia?


Which of the following is a major city in Russia?


Which statement is true about Russian Transportation?

Most Russians dont own cars

What three climate characteristics are most commonly seen in regions of North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia?

Most are dry, arid, and have little to no rainfall

Who was the first black president of South Africa in 1994?

Nelson Mandela

Which of the following would be labeled a "Maritime province" in Canada? Manitoba, New Brunswick, Alberta

New Brunswick

Which state is most likely to have a nor'easter snowstorm in December?

New York

The two major river systems in north africa are the nile and the ...

Niger river

Can Japan or Taiwan depend on agriculture production to stimulate and stabilize their economies?

No, due to the fact the lands are not fit to grow agricultural products

The scorched, barren desert found in the middle of Australia is known by what name?


The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world. Where is it located?

North Africa

What is another name for the Scandinavian peninsula located in Europe?

Northern Penninsula

Which statement is true about Norway?

Norway has a lot of permanently frozen soil

Which of the following is a collection of countries in the southwestern portion of the Pacific Ocean, including the Solomon Islands?


Which statement is true about agricultural products consumed by the people within the united kingdom?

Only 2% consumed food is produced in the UK

Who is allowed to attend school in Pakistan?

Only boys

What major water feature is located west of North America?

Pacific ocean

The Northeast region of Australia is known as what?


What is the #1 means of communication in Africa, south of the Sahara Desert?


Where is the Drakensberg Mountain range located?

South Africa

Whose education style is more or similar to the United States - North Korea's or South Korea's?

South Korea, they do not teach communist ideology

Australia is located in which body of water?

Southern pacific ocean

What mountain range separates Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia?

The Annam Cordillera Range

Which major body of water is located to the west of Europe?

The Atlantic ocean

Where is the Larsen ice shelf located?

The Atlantic peninsula Sula

What is the most populated area in Northern Europe?

The British Isles

What is the region called that is located in Mongolia and China?

The Gobi desert

What desert is located south of the Himalayan mountains, on the western side of India?

The Great Indian desert

The largest coral reef in the world is located in Australia. What is its name?

The Great barrier reef

In Southern Africa, the Gulf of Guinea runs from Nigeria near Ghana to what?

The Ivory coast

Which one of the following islands is located in the Micronesia region of Oceania?

The Marchall islands

What body of water separates Saudi Arabia from Iran?

The Persian Gulf

Which nation is an island located in Southeast Asia?

The Philippines

What sea is located to the east of the Philippine Islands?

The Phillippine sea

Which mountain range creates a natural border between Spain and France?

The Pyrenees Mountains

Southern Vietnam is on the coast of what body of water?

The South China sea

Which water way connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea?

The Suez Canal

Which sea is located north of the country Turkey?

The black sea

The Okhotsk Sea is located in what portion of Russia?

The easter edge

What body of water is between England and France?

The english channel

Which is true about the great Hungarian plains?

The great Hungarian plains are flat and full of rivers and livestock

Which statement is true about North and South Korea?

The people are ethnically the same

What body of water will you find on the western side of Saudi Arabia?

The red sea

Which desert is located in North Africa?

The sahara

What sea is located to the west of the Philippine Islands?

The south China sea

The body of water that separates Spain and Gibraltar on the north from Morocco on the South is called which of the following?

The strait of Gibraltar

How is Australia able to produce so much wool when only 5% of its population are farmers?

The vast grasslands allow a lot of sheep to gaze at the same time

Which river is Northern China's major river system?

The yellow River

What are the two main rivers in Iraq?

Tigris and Euphrates

What is the world's most populated urban area, with 35 million people in it?


Out of the three countries listed, which one is the most wealthy? USA, Japan, Canada.


Which of these countries has the higher literacy rate at approximately 99%? USA, Australia, Finland


France has which system of government?

Unitary. (The UK as well)

Which statement is true about urbanization in Western Africa?

Urbaniation is happening very rapidly

Living in an urban area in Mexico increases a child's chances of what?

a better education

Growing tourism in Vietnam will help fund what?

a better healthcare system

What is a nor'easter?

a brutally cold and windy winter storm

by 2007 188 million people in Russia has a what?

a cell phone

Which of the following best describes the silk road?

a central Asian trade route from China to the Mediterranean Sea

Which of the following best describes the appearance of a stupa, which is used in the Hindu religion?

a dome-shaped shrine

How are cities represented on a small scale map?

a dot

What is a savannah?

a dry land in tropical and subtropical regions with few trees

Which of the following is a characteristic of a tropical, dry climate?

a dry winter and wet summer with an average temperature of 80 degrees

What are the great plains in the united states?

a flat area in the middle of the country

Which of the following is a characteristic of a tropical, wet climate?

a humid climate with at least 80 inches of rain a year

What is the number 1 problem in south Asia today?

a lack of access to clean drinking water

Which of the following is a major part of the health crisis in Central Africa?

a lack of clean drinking water

What is a rift valley?

a large depression in the ground formed by the constant movements of plates

Which type of map would be useful to find the fastest route across town?

a large scale map

What best describes what a lot of Indians call dharma?

a moral duty

What is a meteor?

a piece of space debris that enters the earth's atmosphere

What type of map shows boundaries of states and countries?

a political map

What type of map will help you drive from point A to point B?

a political map

What best describes a service sector position?

a position that provides a service to someone

What would be the expected result of an el nino in north and south america?

an increase in rainfall

What crop does the Bangladesh rain forest provide?


What type of impact have people had on the environment of Southeast Asia?

both good and bad

The transoceanic highway connects which two locations?

brazil and peru

What are clouds made out of?

built up water vapors

Spain has a population density of 243 people per?

square mile

Bananas, coffee, and sugar cane are three of the major (?) of Latin America.


What does GPS stand for?

global positioning system

A quarterly economic activity is the highest level of industrialization, based on information and management. Which of the following would fall in this category?


In Northern European culture, there is a lot of emphasis placed on education. This is evidenced in what way?

government sponsored higher education. !00% literacy rate.

Water wells are used to gain access to ...

ground water

Since the end of World War 2 the literacy rate in Southeast Asia has?


Europe pulls in a lot of revenue from its tourists, but the tourism also leads directly to what?

increased pollution

The Tropical, wet, rain forest near the amazon houses the most species of what per square mile?

plants and animals

Which object in our soular system used to be considered the planet farthest from the sun, but it is now called a dwarf planet?


Which of the following is one of the negative impacts people had on Southeast Asia?

pollution has increased. Overcrowding. Increased deforestation

Who arrived in Angola in the 1500s and started to enslave people?


What creates wind?

pressure or temperature differences on the surface of the earth.

What does the greenhouse effect do?

prevents heat from leaving earth

Instead of having different states in Canada they have what?


Thematic or themed, maps contain what kind of information?


What type of map has a theme based on the information its tying to convey?


How do students living in the outback usually turn in assignments?

radio or mail

Great Britian helped modernize India by installing what vital system for trade?


What kind if African area would experience a tropical wet climate?


What type of vegetation is found on many of the islands of Oceania, due to the tropical climate?


In India only 57% of people living in (?) have access to clean water.


Which of the following used to be an island covered in a dense rain forest and is now its own city-state?


What is permafrost?

soil that is permanently frozen below the earth's surface

To the northwest of antarctica is which ocean?

south Atlantic Ocean

There are still 350 isolated indigenous groups in what section of the americas?

south america

Due to the free education the government provides in New Zealand the literacy rate is what?

very high

The population density of Bangladesh is ...

very high

Which statement best describes the impact the people in East Asia have had on their environment?

very negative

What percentage of the world uses a traditional economy?

very small percentage

Which of the following statements is true about central asia?

very unstable part of the world

December in Australia would be an ideal time to do what?

visit the beach

Eastern Europe has a long history of what?


The 'winter season" in Southeast Asia experiences to what type of weather?

warm and dry

Which of the following conditions create what are called typhoons in East Asia?

warm humid over the tropical oceans

Mid latitude climates exist in Northern Japan and Korea, which is humid overall but has ...

warm summers and cool winters

What variance in temperature is seen in tropical climates throughout a full year?

warm to hot

Which factor has the greatest impact on where people live in Egypt?

water supply

During the communist era in Russia, foreign investments ...

were not allowed

The Congo River stretches from Zambia into the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and then in which direction until it reaches the Atlantic Ocean?


North and south America are part of which hemisphere?

west hemisphere

France is considered a part of which region in Europe?

western Europe

The winters of Hungary and Romania can be described in what way?

wet and cold

What can be grown in the grasslands to the south of the Northern European plain?

wheat, sugar beets

Which of the following had a long-term impact on the landscape and environment?

when the soviet union tested nuclear weapons in Kazakhstan, they left behind toxic radiation

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