Across Five Aprils - Chapters 1 & 2

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How did 3 of Ellen's children die?

Child paralysis

Who is Jethro?

Closest with Bill; youngest of 12 children; born in 1952; favored of 12 children; likes to learn; works on the field; 9 years old

Explain the honor of "first table" that is extended to Jethro at the end of potato planting. What is significant about Bill's handing him bread dipped in coffee?

He sat at the table with the older members of the family. Bill gave him the bread dipped in coffee to welcome Jethro to the first table.

What was Jethro's initial feeling about the war?

He wanted it to come because to him it just seemed like loud brass music and men riding on horses. He didn't know much about wars. He liked the stories. He thought the stories were beautiful and exciting. He is not afraid of his family members being killed.

What makes Jethro like Bill so well? What aspects of Bill's character does he admire?

He was different than others. He was interested in books and was gentle, but was strong and worked hard.

Where do the Creighton's live?

Illinois, farm, half-acre, cabin, adjacent to an apple orchard across the road

What are the 2 similes in this statement "War meant loud brass music and shining horses ridden by men wearing uniforms finer than any suit in the stores at Newton; it meant men riding like kings, looking neither to the right nor the left, while lesser men in perfect lines strode along with guns across their shoulders, their heads held high like horses with short reins"?

Similes: 1. men riding, like kings 2. heads held high, like horses with short reins Compared to: 1. men riding is compared to kings 2. heads held high is compared to horses with short reins

What kinds of things troubled adults that April morning?

Months of drought, elections, slavery, secession, waiting to see if Lincoln has decided to go to war

Who is Shadrach Yale?

Schoolmaster at Jethro's school; from Pennsylvania; has feelings for Jenny; had planned to do other things but stayed at the school

Why is Ellen happy to see Wilse Graham?

She hasn't seen him in years and usually when he comes he brings information about the people from Kentucky

What does Matt Creighton say about Jenny's relationship?

She is too young for a relationship

What is Ellen's opinion concerning war and slavery issues?

She was concerned about the downtrodden people. She is upset of the talk of war

What happened to Mary?

She went to a dance with Rob; when leaving, a drunk man named Travis chased after them and scared their horses with a gun and as a result, their carriage tipped over and they died

What is the simile in this statement "Jenny's voice came clearly, pleasant as the sound of a little bell ringing"?

Simile: Jenny's voice, as the sound of a little bell ringing Compared to: the sound of a little bell ringing

What is the simile in this statement "It was a coveted honor and he accepted it with dignity, looking somewhat like a solemn dwarf as he sat between his father and Bill, his eyes wide beneath the tumble of yellow curls that clung to his forehead and the back of his neck"?

Simile: like a solemn dwarf Jethro compared to: a solemn dwarf

What were people going to do to Travis when he killed Mary?

Whole town banded together to kill him

Who does Ellen see arriving when she goes outside?

Wilse Graham

What is the idiom in this statement and what does it mean "Yore own Ol' Abe from this fair state of Illinois is talkin' out of both sides of his mouth-fer the time bein' anyway"?

it means saying different things to different people

During what time did the story take place?

mid-April 1861, warm springtime weather

What is the idiom in this statement and what does it mean " 'He'd put his hand in the fire fer you, Jeth,' she told him once, and Jethro believed her"?

someone would endure a terrible hardship because they love you

What is the simile in this statement "'He [Bill] talked to it [his horse] gentle,' the story went, 'like a woman talkin' to a young 'un'"?

Simile: like a woman talkin' to a young 'un Bill talking to his horse compared to: a woman talking to a child

What is the simile in this statement "Huge silver poplars towered above the cabin, their roots extending like giant claws"?

Simile: roots, like giant claws Compared to: giant claws

Who is Ellen?

A small women; has 12 children; has sunscorched skin; was pretty in the past; hardwroking; favors Jethro; grew up in Kentucky; 4 or 5 of her children died; not close with Nancy

Who does Jethro compare to his father?

Abe Lincoln because both men waver when having to make decisions

How does Wilse feel about slavery and the prospect of war?

Doesn't mind slavery because the men in history that signed the Constitution thought slavery was okay; thought war was about greed; Resents north for bothering the south

Who is Jethro's cousin?


Why are Shadrach and the Creightons friends?

Ellen nursed him back to health when he had typhoid fever and have been friends with him since

How has the earlier death of three children within one week's time affected the relationship between Ellen Creighton and Jethro, her youngest child? Does she treat him differently, as a result of this experience? If so, why?

Ellen overlooked Jethro's shortcomings. She was not as hard on him. She valued him highly as a result.

Who is Wilse Graham?

Ellen's sister's son; Ellen hardly hears from him; from Kentucky

What news does Shadrach bring?

Fires have been shot at Fort Sumpter; Congress not in session; need 75,000 volunteers for war

What event begins the Civil War? Which side fires first? Why?

General Beauvegard, a Southern general, opened fire on Fort Sumpter. The confederates demanded that the fort be given over to them.

What does Ezekiel 18:19-20 tell us? Considering this, was Travis Burdow treated fairly by the community? Why or why not?

God will judge people for what they do. No, because Travis should not answer for what his grandfather did.

Explain Jethro's relationship with his brother John and his wife Nancy.

He didn't like or dislike John. He thought Nancy was unfriendly, but she was shy. He didn't visit John's cabin much.

After Mary was killed on the way home from the dance, the crowd was intent on revenge. What does Matthew Creighton's intervention teach us about his character?

It shows that he is forgiving and doesn't want more violence. He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes.

What does the following quotation reveal about Ellen Creighton's character? ...there were reverberations of Calvinism strong within her, which would have protested vigorously against the vanity of regret for passing beauty. She had borne twelve children, four of whom were dead...she had lived through sickness, poverty, and danger for over thirty years; the sight of a pretty face might bring a tired smile to her lips, but it was a thing of little value in Ellen's world.

It taught her to not focus on looks but the sovernity of God.

How do Psalm 103:8-10 and Romans 12:19-21 illustrate Matthew Creighton's response to Mary's death?

It was a Godly response. He had compassion. He repaid evil with good.

What does the family talk about at the dinner table in Chapter 1?

Jenny's affection for Shadrach

Jethro is perplexed when his father halts an act of revenge against the Burdows. Why is Jethro upset? In what way does his father's intervention with the angry crowd remind him of the President's actions with regard to the Civil War?

Jethro was angry and didn't understand why his father stopped it. He wanted justice. He thought the President didn't want bloodshed just like his dad.

Who is Bill?

Jethro's favorite brother; has blonde curly hair and blue eyes; big silent man; peculiar; loves to read; great physical strength; doesn't drink; hangs out with John; goes to school when laid off of work

Who is Nancy?

Jethro's sister in law; John's wife; not family oriented; aloof from family; abused as a child; Ellen dislikes her

Who is Jenny?

Jethro's sister; 14 years old; Has black hair; Shad and her like each other

Who stopped the killing of Travis?

Matt Creighton (Pa)

Describe the Burdow family. Why are they disliked by the citizens of Jasper County?

They are despised as bad people with a bad background. Their history made them disliked, Mary's death made it worse.

Why is Shadrach planning on leaving?

To get an update about the dispute between the North and the South

How does Tom and Eb feel about the prospects of war?

Want it to come soon

What is a simile?

a comparison of two unlike things in which a word of comparison (like or as) is used

What is Matt's opinion concerning war and slavery issues?

he thinks that human nature has gotten better and that will overcome slavery

Who was Copernicus? Why does Jethro introduce the subject of his teachings to his mother? What is her reaction to the teachings? How does she feel about Jethro's explanation?

an astronomer/ he believed the sun was the center of the universe/ he wanted to get his mother distracted/ she questions whether it's Biblical/ she is proud of him because he can remember all the things

What is the simile in this statement "Three of her children died within one week of the dreaded disease they called child's paralysis, a disease which struck the country that year , people said, like the soldiers of Herod"?

child's paralysis, like the soldiers of Herod child's paralysis is compared to soldiers of Herod

How does Jethro's feelings change after listening to the conversation among the men?

felt troubled what war was doing to his family

What is Wilse Graham's opinion concerning war and slavery issues?

he doesn't like the idea of change, but also doesn't like where the country has come

What is Bill's opinion concerning war and slavery issues?

he hates slavery, but believes it is with them to stay because those who brought it are long gone and will not suffer

What is John's opinion concerning war and slavery issues?

he questioned the right and wrong of one man owning another soul or body

What is the idiom in this statement and what does it mean "Now he kin set back and look pious at the states that has been blowin' hot and cold"?

they are unable to decide what they want to do

What is the idiom in this statement and what does it mean "Shad says that some folks took that news real hard; it kind of let the wind out of their sails all of a sudden"?

wind out of their sails means to discourage them

What is the idiom in this statement and what does it mean "Well, the pot can't call the kettle black-look what we're stirrin' up amongst ourselves"?

you can't criticize someone for doing something you do yourself

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