ACT Prep English Section

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11. [2] At the very low tides of the full moon, when almost all the water was sucked *away, we* found the hideaways where crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins hid in order not to be seen. 11. A. NO CHANGE B. away. Then we C. away. We D. away; we


13. [1] Often, my brother and I, joined our mother on her adventures into tidal lands. [2] At the very low tides of the full moon, when almost all the water was sucked away, we found the hideaways where crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins hid in order not to be seen.[3] Sometimes we would dig with shovels in the mud, where yellow and white worms lived in their leathery tunnels. 13. Which of the following sequences of sentences makes this paragraph most logical? A. NO CHANGE B. 2, 1, 3 C. 2, 3, 1 D. 3, 1, 2


15. [1] When I was a boy growing up in Delhi, India, we had a kitchen garden behind our downstairs apartment. My father was an avid gardener, he still is: and every Saturday morning he would put on his work clothes, pick up his hoe and trowel, and would head out the back door. 3 [2] As a ten-year-old, I was supremely unenthusiastic about swinging a hoe in the garden when I could be out playing with my friends. Having tried and failed, my father was unable to make a gardener of me. I had no qualms, of course, about enjoying the results of his labor: the potatoes, squash, cucumbers, and cauliflower that he pursued out of the earth. I would even help him dig out the potatoes or cut a cucumber from its vine. To me, it was much more fun to reap than sowing. [3] Many years later, living in an upstairs apartment, I am more often sorry I didn't follow my father out to the garden. I have several indoor plants, but the experience is not the same. The few times that I've helped a friend with yard work has given me the joy of touching the soil with an open palm, to get the earth under my fingernails, of patting down the berm around a newly transplanted sapling. Now that I live far from my father (I live in Iowa on the other side of the world), I wish I'd spend more time with him in the garden. [4] My favorite photograph of my father shows him squatting on his heels, trowel in hand, behind a golden heap of onions freshly pulled from the ground. His glowing smile are evidence of his pride in the onions—the proof of his labor and love—and in me, the photographer, his son. In that photo, his love of the land and his love for me are somehow intertwined, indivisible. It is that same love—love of kin, love of land—that pushes under my fingernails, pushes against my skin,when I thrust my hand into the yielding earth and think that on its far side my father might be doing the same. Suppose the writer had intended to write a brief essay showing how a value he holds as an adult is very different from what he felt as a child. Would this essay successfully fulfill the writer's goal? A. Yes, because the essay shows how the writer came to value gardening when this was something he had not appreciated as a child. B. Yes, because the essay shows that as an adult the writer finally learned to value his father's ability to be a good parent, when as a child he had not done so. C. No, because the focus of the essay is on the writer's father's values and not on the values of the writer himself. D. No, because the essay is not about values; rather, it is about one man's avid interest in backyard gardening.


2. In 1916, as the Democratic Party's national convention met in St. Louis, Missouri, to nominate candidates *for the presidency* and vice-presidency and to establish a platform, a set of positions on issues. Therefore, suffragists (those who advocated extending voting rights to women) wanted the Democrats' platform to support women's right to vote. A. NO CHANGE B. for, the presidency C. for: the presidency D. for the presidency,










45. Suppose the writer's goal had been to provide a general overview of a specific Japanese art form. Would this essay accomplish that goal? A. Yes, because it provides an overview of the history, style, and construction of one form of Japanese art. B. Yes, because it describes the general forms and style of Japanese art using a specific art form as an example C. No, because it focuses on Japanese art in general rather than a specific art form. D. No, because it provides specific details about multiple art forms rather than a general overview of one art form




5. [1] Edna Gellhorn, a leader in the Missouri Equal Suffrage League, planned a "silent parade" without movement or music or speech. [2] She gathered together 7,000 St. Louis women. [3] Similar forms of demonstrations, known as "walkless-talkless parades," *had been* adopted by national woman suffrage organizations in Washington, D.C. [4] Gellhorn made telephone calls and wrote letters. [5] They donned yellow sashes over white dresses and held yellow umbrellas aloft as they lined both sides of Locust Street between the convention delegates' hotel and the meeting hall. A. NO CHANGE B. have been C. having been D. OMIT the underlined portion.


53. A. No change B. balustrade. Which is C. balustrade. It being D. Balustrade, this is


7. The Vatican Museums house a great many valuable paintings, sculptures, pieces of jewelry, and tapestries,as well as the world's most extensive collections of ancient manuscripts. Scholars often *probe* the museums' archives of early written works for insights into lives led long ago. A. NO CHANGE B. grab an eyeful of C. check out D. pry




71. The writer is considering deleting the previous sentence. If the writer were to delete this sentence, would the overall meaning of the passage change? A. Yes, because the sentence sets up the information that follows. B. Yes, because the sentence explains the process by which the supreme court reaches decisions. C. No, because the sentence serves only to repeat an earlier point. D. No, because the details provided in this sentence contradicted the main idea of the passage.


73. A. NO CHANGE B. law crimes: the Supreme Court ruled C. Law crimes, and the Supreme Court ruled D. Law crimes, The Supreme Court ruled


75. Suppose the writer's primary purpose had been to tell the story of a change in the powers of federal courts. Would this essay accomplish that purpose? A. Yes, because it discusses how the Supreme Court limited the powers of federal courts. B. Yes, because it explains how the Supreme Court transferred the powers of state courts to federal courts. C. No, because it is irrelevant whether federal courts can prosecute for common law crimes if state courts can do so. D. No, because the passaage focuses mainly on a specific case, rather than on legal matters in general


As we neared the summit, the whole group of hikers--thinly spread across the mountain for *most* of the route--condensed, forming an illuminated line along the trail. A. No change B. the most part C. majority D. more


I grew up with buckets, shovels, and nets *waiting by the back door*; hip-waders hanging in the closet; tide table charts covering the refrigerator door; and a microscope was sitting on the kitchen table. 1. Choose the best answer. A. NO CHANGE B. waiting, by the back door, C. waiting by the back door, D. waiting by the back door


Snowflakes *form from tiny water droplets,* following a specific process of chemical bonding as they freeze, which results in a six-sided figure. A. No change B. form, from tiny, water droplets, C. form from tiny, water, droplets D. form, from tiny water droplets


Such snowflakes offer evidence that even when impurities interfere, *the basic laws of chemistry still apply.* Which choice most effectively concludes the sentence and the essay? A. No change B. scientists can be certain that a solution to even the most confusing event will be found C. snowflakes will still fall if atmospheric conditions are favorable. D. snowflakes come in many different shapes and sizes.


5. Each pipe is individually rolled to create the proper pitch before *being bound* to the other pipes. A. NO CHANGE B. being binded C. been bounded D. been bound


8. The antara was also sometimes held in one hand while the other hand *beat* a cylindrical drum. A. NO CHANGE B. beaten C. beated D. beats


*Bypassing the liquid water phase*, those molecules condense directly onto the established hexagonal pattern. As a result, the flake grows outward into bigger and more complex hexagonal arrangements surrounding the original hexagonal shape at the center of the flake. If the writer were to delete the * * portion (adjusting the capitalization as needed), the sentence could primarily lose: A. an explanation of the process water molecules undergo to change from liquid to vapor to solid. B. a detail that mentions a step some water molecules skip in changing from vapor to solid. C. a visual description of what water vapor molecules look like. D. an explanation of how molecules react to various air temperatures.


*However*,to many, the most spectacular part of Vatican City is the Sistine Chapel. This vast chapel displays what many consider some of the most important works of Renaissance art: Michelangelo's awe-inspiring frescoes. These frescoes—paintings made on freshly spread, still-moist plaster—capture the attention of viewers with a complex array of religious images. One of his most famous frescoes, The Last Judgment, is painted on the west wall. A series of interrelated frescoes covers the vaulted ceiling. Despite its small size, Vatican City offers its many visitors a chance to see a wide range of historical and artistic wonders. It is easy to understand why the city has become one of the most frequently visited places in the world. 14. Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable? A. Yet, B. Therefore, C. Still, D. Nonetheless,


1. When I was a boy growing up in Delhi, India, we had a kitchen garden behind our downstairs apartment. My father was an avid *gardener, he still is:* and every Saturday morning he would put on his work clothes, 1. Choose the best answer. A. NO CHANGE B. gardener—he still is— C. gardener, he still is— D. gardener and he still is




12. This group held out manacled hands to them as a reminder that, without the vote, women were deprived of their freedom.At the top of the *tiers, stood a woman* dressed as Lady Liberty. Edna Gellhorn witnessed a victory that year when votes for women would became part of the 1916 Democratic Party's set of positions, or platform. Then finally in August 1920, after more than seventy years and countless parades, speeches, letters, and calls, the Nineteenth Amendment, to the U.S. Constitution, was ratified, thus giving all women the right to vote. A. NO CHANGE B. tiers stood a woman C.tiers stood a woman, D. tiers stood, a woman


13. His glowing smile *are* evidence of his pride in the onions—the proof of his labor and love—and in me, the photographer, his son. Choose the best answer. A. NO CHANGE B. is C. were D. OMIT the underlined portion.


13. Unfortunately, the music of the Incas can probably never be *exactly re-creating.* A. NO CHANGE B. re-created exactly. C. exact re-created. D. re-created exact.


15. This group held out manacled hands to them as a reminder that, without the vote, women were deprived of their freedom.At the top of the tiers, stood a woman dressed as Lady Liberty. Edna Gellhorn witnessed a victory that year when votes for women would became part of the 1916 Democratic Party's set of positions, or platform. Then finally in August 1920, after more than seventy years and countless parades, speeches, letters, and calls, the *Nineteenth Amendment, to the U.S. Constitution,* was ratified, thus giving all women the right to vote. A. NO CHANGE B. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution C. Amendment, to the U.S. Constitution D. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,








29. the writer has decided to add the following sentence: *I never understood why it was such a popular vacation spot.* What would be the best place to add this sentence? A. After the last sentence of Paragraph 1. B. After the last sentence of paragraph 2. C. Before the first sentence of Paragraph 4. D. Before the first sentence of Paragraph 5.


3. When I was a boy growing up in Delhi, India, we had a kitchen garden behind our downstairs apartment. My father was an avid gardener, he still is: and every *Saturday* morning he would put on his work clothes, pick up his hoe and trowel, and would head out the back door If the word Saturday were deleted from the preceding sentence, the essay would primarily lose: A. evidence that the father was an avid gardener. B. a detail that changes the meaning of the sentence. C. support for a point made earlier. D. a crucial link to the following paragraph.




33. These were artifacts from his ancestors. Fascinated by the geometric designs, Quezada *wondered, if he could make pots like these?* A. No Change B. wondered if he could make pots like these. C. wondered, if he could make pots like these. D. wondered if he could make pots like these?






49. A. NO CHANGE B. there to C. whom D. they


5. The Vatican Museums house *a great many valuable* paintings, sculptures, pieces of jewelry, and tapestries, as well as the world's most extensive collections of ancient manuscripts. Scholars often probe the museums' archives of early written works for insights into lives led long ago. Given that all of the choices are true, which one best emphasizes the extent and worth of the museums' holdings? A. NO CHANGE B. thousands of invaluable C. numerous important D. a group of precious




55. Which choice maintains the essays' positive tone and most strongly mimics the elaborate style of decor being described at this point in the essay? A. NO CHANGE B. embellished with myriad gold accents. C. marred with gaudy accents of gold D. accented with gold














9. archives of early written works for insights into lives led long ago. Accordingly, St. Peter's Basilica, the largest cathedral in the Northern Hemisphere, is remarkable. Built upon second-century *foundations*. St. Peter's features a dome designed by the artist and architect Michelangelo. A. NO CHANGE B. foundations, C. foundations: D. foundations;


At the end of the "Golden Lane," as the event was also called, Gellhorn organized a three-tiered "living tableau," *which a live scene was* presented by silent, costumed participants. Women wearing white represented states where women could vote. A. NO CHANGE B. a live scene C. a live scene was D. a live scene that


I have several indoor plants, but the experience is not the same. The few times that I've helped a friend with yard work *has given* me the joy of touching the soil with an open palm, to get the earth under my fingernails, of patting down the berm around a newly transplanted sapling. 9. Choose the best answer. A. NO CHANGE B. have given C. has gave D. have gave


In the early 1950s, a twelve-year old *boy named, Juan Quezada,* gathered firewood in the mountains near the village of Mata Ortiz in Chihuahua, Mexico. A. No change B. boy named Juan Quezada C. boy, named Juan Quezada D. boy named Juan Quezada,


It was August and our clothes were stifling, but we *would have needed* the warmth from our bodies sealed around us as we hiked into the high altitudes. A. No change B. would need C. will need D. need


Our pace slowed. *Progressing along the trail,* we reached the summit jus five minutes before dawn. Which choice emphasizes the slowness of the ascent and supports the idea that the narrator's group of friends did not set their own pace? A. No change B. Able to advance only a few steps at a time, C. Moving forward with each step, D. Climbing higher in altitude


Snowflakes begin to form when water in the atmosphere *freezes it causes* the water molecules to bond into a hexagonal shape. A. No change B. freezes, causing C. freezes, it causes D. freezes, this causes


9. Due to the limited number of notes that can be played on an *antara, early musicians'* most likely worked in groups, coordinating the timing and pitch of their instruments to extend the range of sounds produced. A. NO CHANGE B. antara, early musicians C. antara early musicians' D. antara early musician's


1. Surrounded by the ancient city of Rome, Vatican City is an independent nation *on the west bank of the Tiber River*. 1. Given that all of the choices are true, which one best supports the sentence's claim about Vatican City's status as an independent nation? A. NO CHANGE B. with an interesting past. C. with its own government, banking system, postal service, and army. D. that has to import most of its supplies, even such necessities as food and water.


1. Whether *its* bright and jaunty or haunting and melancholic, the music of the Andes highlands has a mellow sound unique in the musical world. A. NO CHANGE B. they're C. it's D. its'


10. Surrounded by the ancient city of Rome, Vatican City is an independent nation on the west bank of the Tiber River. This tiny country—about one-sixth of a square mile in all—is also home to a disproportionately large number of sites with great historical, artistic, and which have religious significance. The Vatican Museums house a great many valuable paintings, sculptures, pieces of jewelry, and tapestries, as well as the world's most extensive collections of ancient manuscripts. Scholars often probe the museums' archives of early written works for insights into lives led long ago. Accordingly, St. Peter's Basilica, the largest cathedral in the Northern Hemisphere, is remarkable. Built upon second-century foundations. St. Peter's features a dome designed by the artist and architect Michelangelo.*10* Intricate mosaics—enormous "paintings" fashioned from millions of tiny cut stones of various colors—lining each of the basilica's several smaller domes. At this point, the writer is considering adding the following true statement: *In addition to being an architect and artist, Michelangelo wrote poetry, including more than 300 sonnets.* Should the writer make this addition here? A. Yes, because it provides further details about Michelangelo, who designed the dome at St. Peter's. B. Yes, because it reinforces the paragraph's implication that Michelangelo was extremely talented. C. No, because it distracts attention from the paragraph's focus, which is on the architecture and visual art of St. Peter's. D. No, because it adds more information about Michelangelo, who made only small contributions to Vatican City's art and architecture.


11. Accordingly, St. Peter's Basilica, the largest cathedral in the Northern Hemisphere, is remarkable. Built upon second-century foundations. St. Peter's features a dome designed by the artist and architect Michelangelo.10 Intricate mosaics—enormous "paintings" fashioned from millions of tiny cut stones of various colors—*lining* each of the basilica's several smaller domes. The marble floor, with its intricate designs, covers the cathedral's catacombs, where popes are buried. Sculptures by Michelangelo and Bernini, including Michelangelo's poignant Pietà, contributes to the basilica's beauty. A. NO CHANGE B. that line C. line D. lines


11. Now that I live far from my father (I live in Iowa on the other side of the world), I *wish I'd spend* more time with him in the garden. 11. Choose the best answer. A. NO CHANGE B. wished I had spent C. wish I had spent D. wish to have spent


15. Whether its bright and jaunty or haunting and melancholic, the music of the Andes highlands has a mellow sound unique in the musical world. The instrument responsible for this sound is the antara, or Andean panpipe, known for the hollow-sounding, breathy notes it creates. The antara has its origins in the Incan civilization, once the more richer and more powerful empire in South America. The antara consists of a connected row of hollow, vertical pipes of varying lengths, which are then lined up. The pipes, which can vary numerously from three to fifteen, are fashioned from clay that is rolled around a mold. Each pipe is individually rolled to create the proper pitch before being bound to the other pipes. The antara dates back to the ninth century. Evidence about how musicians played the instrument have come from painted images on Incan ceramic pottery. Musicians are depicted playing a six-pipe antara by holding the lower ends of the two longer pipes with the right hand while placing the left hand near the remaining tops of the four pipes. The antara was also sometimes held in one hand while the other hand beat a cylindrical drum. [1] Due to the limited number of notes that can be played on an antara, early musicians' most likely worked in groups, coordinating the timing and pitch of their instruments to extend the range of sounds produced. [2] Other pottery images show two antara players facing each other while dancing. [3] Each player holds a set of pipes so that both sets are connected to the other set by a string, as if to suggest that those two antaras should be played together. [4] Even to this day, descendants of the Incas, the Quechua people of Peru and Bolivia, prefer to play matched antaras bound together. Unfortunately, the music of the Incas can probably never be exactly re-creating. Yet one can hear in the music of their descendants, beautiful variations on a musical sound that has survived for many centuries. If the writer were to change the pronoun one to we in the preceding sentence, this closing sentence would: A. indicate that the writer is a descendant of the Incas. B. suggest that the essay's audience are all musicians C. take on a somewhat more personal tone. D. become more clearly a call to action.




3. The antara consists of a connected row of hollow, vertical pipes of varying lengths, *which are then lined up.* Given that all of the choices are true, which one provides the most significant new information? A. NO CHANGE B. thus forming this musical instrument. C. arranged from shortest to longest. D. which are fastened together.




5. Our meals weren't always served in the expected order of breakfast, lunch, and supper. Everything *was subservient to the disposal of* the tides. 5. Choose the best answer. A. NO CHANGE B. was defenseless in the face of C. depended on D. trusted in




57. the writer wants to divide this paragraph into two in order to separate details about the building's outdoor features from details about its indoor features. The best place to begin the new paragraph would be at Point: A. A. B. B. C. C. D. D.








7. *The moon being* aligned with Earth and the sun when full or new, so its gravity combines with the sun's gravity to create an even stronger gravitational pull. 7. Choose the best answer. A. NO CHANGE B. Since the moon is C.The moon is D. The moon,


7. I would even help him dig out the potatoes or cut a cucumber from its vine. To me, it was *much more fun to reap than sowing.* Choose the best answer. A. NO CHANGE B. the most fun to reap than to sow. C. much more fun to reap than to sow. D. the most fun reaping than if I'd had to sow.


7. [1] Edna Gellhorn, a leader in the Missouri Equal Suffrage League, planned a "silent parade" without movement or music or speech. [2] She gathered together 7,000 St. Louis women. [3] Similar forms of demonstrations, known as "walkless-talkless parades," had been adopted by national woman suffrage organizations in Washington, D.C. [4] Gellhorn made telephone calls and wrote letters. [5] They donned yellow sashes over white dresses and held yellow umbrellas aloft as they lined both sides of Locust Street between the convention delegates' hotel and the meeting hall. For the sake of the logic and coherence of the paragraph, Sentence 2 should be: placed where it is now. B. placed after Sentence 3. C. placed after Sentence 4. D. OMITTED from the paragraph.


Every thousand feet, we came to a small station constructed of tin and cement, barely able to block the wind. At each one, we noted the roof *piled high on* fallen rocks and felt both unsettled and reassured by this evidence of the station's protective ability. A. No change B. piling high with C. piled high with D. piling high on


The triangular shape is an illusion resulting from one significant addition to the *process* dust. A. No change B. process is C. process: D. process;


1. In 1916, as the Democratic Party's national convention met in St. Louis, Missouri, to nominate candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency and to establish a platform, a set of positions on issues. Therefore, suffragists (those who advocated extending voting rights to women) wanted the Democrats' platform to support women's right to vote. A. NO CHANGE B. while C. when D. OMIT the underlined portion.


11. Other pottery images show two antara players facing each other while dancing. [3] Each player holds a set of pipes *so that both sets are* connected to the other set by a string, as if to suggest that those two antaras should be played together. A. NO CHANGE B. in such a way that both sets are C. with both sets being D. OMIT the underlined portion.




13. This group held out manacled hands to them as a reminder that, without the vote, women were deprived of their freedom.At the top of the tiers, stood a woman dressed as Lady Liberty. Edna Gellhorn witnessed a victory that year when votes for women *would became* part of the 1916 Democratic Party's set of positions, or platform. Then finally in August 1920, after more than seventy years and countless parades, speeches, letters, and calls, the Nineteenth Amendment, to the U.S. Constitution, was ratified, thus giving all women the right to vote. A. NO CHANGE B. had became C. becoming D. became




3. In 1916, as the Democratic Party's national convention met in St. Louis, Missouri, to nominate candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency and to establish a platform, a set of positions on issues. *Therefore, suffragists* (those who advocated extending voting rights to women) wanted the Democrats' platform to support women's right to vote. A. NO CHANGE b. Similarly, suffragists c. However, suffragists D. Suffragists


3. This tiny country—about one-sixth of a square mile in all—is also home to a disproportionately large number of sites with great historical, artistic, and *which have* religious significance. A. NO CHANGE B. having C. as well as D. OMIT the underlined portion.










51. The writer is considering adding the following sentence: *Mask figured prominently in classical Greek theater performances, in part due to fact that one actor would usually play several characters.* Should the writer make this addition here? A. yes, because it connects the paragraph's point about theatrical masks to the larger subject of classical Greek theater B. Yes, because it explains the masks' significance to classical Greek theater and architecture C. No, because it only addresses classical Greek theater and doesn't include information about Roman theater. D. No, because it deviates from the paragraph's focus on the Lyceum Theatre"s architecture














7. Musicians are depicted playing a six-pipe antara by holding the lower ends of the two longer pipes with the right hand while placing the left hand near the *remaining* tops of the four pipes. 7. The best placement for the underlined portion would be: A. where it is now. B. before the word left. C. before the word of. D. before the word four.






9. *I knew that it took about eight hours for the tides to change from high to low, sixteen hours for a complete cycle of tides.* I didn't have to wait to learn these things in school. In our house they were everyday knowledge. 9. If the writer were to delete the phrase "sixteen hours for a complete cycle of tides" from the preceding sentence (ending the sentence with a period), the essay would primarily lose a detail that: A. shows how the narrator's interests are different from the mother's interests. B. contradicts a point made earlier in the paragraph. C. helps establish the setting for the essay. D. displays the narrator's knowledge of tides.


Accordingly, St. Peter's Basilica, the largest cathedral in the Northern Hemisphere, is remarkable. Built upon second-century foundations. St. Peter's features a dome designed by the artist and architect Michelangelo.10 Intricate mosaics—enormous "paintings" fashioned from millions of tiny cut stones of various colors—lining each of the basilica's several smaller domes. The marble floor, with its intricate designs, covers the cathedral's catacombs, where popes are buried. Sculptures by Michelangelo and Bernini, including Michelangelo's poignant Pietà, *contributes* to the basilica's beauty. 13. Choose the best option. A. NO CHANGE B. does contribute C. has contributed D. contribute


The seemingly triangular shape of those snowflakes suggests *that forming* through a different process of chemical bonding. A. No change B. the manner in which formation C. which had formed D. that they form


*Generally,* a sudden gap in the clouds left us blinking as the sunlight *squelched out* the severe landscape of gray volcanic rock. A. No change B. Furthermore, C. Once again, D. Finally, Which choice most dramatically emphasizes the ruggedness of the landscape? F. No change G. shattered over H. smothered J. went over

D and G

10. At the end of the "Golden Lane," as the event was also called, Gellhorn organized a three-tiered "living tableau," which a live scene was presented by silent, costumed participants. Women wearing white represented states *where* women could vote. A. NO CHANGE B. in that C. that D. OMIT the underlined portion.


10. Whether its bright and jaunty or haunting and melancholic, the music of the Andes highlands has a mellow sound unique in the musical world. The instrument responsible for this sound is the antara, or Andean panpipe, known for the hollow-sounding, breathy notes it creates. The antara has its origins in the Incan civilization, once the more richer and more powerful empire in South America. The antara consists of a connected row of hollow, vertical pipes of varying lengths, which are then lined up. The pipes, which can vary numerously from three to fifteen, are fashioned from clay that is rolled around a mold. Each pipe is individually rolled to create the proper pitch before being bound to the other pipes. The antara dates back to the ninth century. Evidence about how musicians played the instrument have come from painted images on Incan ceramic pottery. Musicians are depicted playing a six-pipe antara by holding the lower ends of the two longer pipes with the right hand while placing the left hand near the remaining tops of the four pipes. The antara was also sometimes held in one hand while the other hand beat a cylindrical drum. Due to the limited number of notes that can be played on an antara, early musicians' most likely worked in groups, *coordinating the timing and pitch of their instruments* to extend the range of sounds produced. If the writer were to delete the phrase "coordinating the timing and pitch of their instruments" from the preceding sentence, the sentence would primarily lose: E. a description of how musicians overcame the limitations of the antara. F. an indication that music was an important element in Incan life. G. the idea that the antara was a key feature of Incan music. H. nothing of significance, because the phrase is redundant.


12. Accordingly, St. Peter's Basilica, the largest cathedral in the Northern Hemisphere, is remarkable. Built upon second-century foundations. St. Peter's features a dome designed by the artist and architect Michelangelo.10 Intricate mosaics—enormous *"paintings"* fashioned from millions of tiny cut stones of various colors—lining each of the basilica's several smaller domes. The marble floor, with its intricate designs, covers the cathedral's catacombs, where popes are buried. Sculptures by Michelangelo and Bernini, including Michelangelo's poignant Pietà, contributes to the basilica's beauty. If the writer were to delete the quotation marks around the wordpaintings in the preceding sentence, the sentence would primarily lose a feature that suggests: E. that mosaics are not paintings in the usual sense of the word. F. how large and complicated the mosaics in St. Peter's actually are. G. how carefully mosaics are put together. H. that the mosaics in St. Peter's are not typical of mosaics in general.


12. [1] Due to the limited number of notes that can be played on an antara, early musicians' most likely worked in groups, coordinating the timing and pitch of their instruments to extend the range of sounds produced. [2] Other pottery images show two antara players facing each other while dancing. [3] Each player holds a set of pipes so that both sets are connected to the other set by a string, as if to suggest that those two antaras should be played together. [4] *Even to this day, descendants of the Incas, the Quechua people of Peru and Bolivia, prefer to play matched antaras bound together.* For the sake of the logic and coherence of this paragraph, Sentence 4 should be placed: E.where it is now. F. before Sentence 1. G. after Sentence 1. H. after Sentence 2.


14.[1] When I was a boy growing up in Delhi, India, we had a kitchen garden behind our downstairs apartment. My father was an avid gardener, he still is: and every Saturday morning he would put on his work clothes, pick up his hoe and trowel, and would head out the back door. 3 [2] As a ten-year-old, I was supremely unenthusiastic about swinging a hoe in the garden when I could be out playing with my friends. Having tried and failed, my father was unable to make a gardener of me. I had no qualms, of course, about enjoying the results of his labor: the potatoes, squash, cucumbers, and cauliflower that he pursued out of the earth. I would even help him dig out the potatoes or cut a cucumber from its vine. To me, it was much more fun to reap than sowing. [3] Many years later, living in an upstairs apartment, I am more often sorry I didn't follow my father out to the garden. I have several indoor plants, but the experience is not the same. The few times that I've helped a friend with yard work has given me the joy of touching the soil with an open palm, to get the earth under my fingernails, of patting down the berm around a newly transplanted sapling. Now that I live far from my father (I live in Iowa on the other side of the world), I wish I'd spend more time with him in the garden. [4] My favorite photograph of my father shows him squatting on his heels, trowel in hand, behind a golden heap of onions freshly pulled from the ground. His glowing smile are evidence of his pride in the onions—the proof of his labor and love—and in me, the photographer, his son. In that photo, his love of the land and his love for me are somehow intertwined, indivisible. It is that same love—love of kin, love of land—that pushes under my fingernails, pushes against my skin,when I thrust my hand into the yielding earth and think that on its far side my father might be doing the same. 14. For the sake of the logic and coherence of the essay, Paragraph 2 should be placed: Individual Question A. where it is now. B. before Paragraph 1. C. after Paragraph 3. D. after Paragraph 4.


2. This tiny country—*about one-sixth of a square mile in all—*is also home to a disproportionately large number of sites with great historical, artistic, and which have religious significance. E. NO CHANGE F. approximately about one-sixth of a square mile, all told— G. a grand total sum of about one-sixth of a square mile— H. a total of about one-sixth of a square mile when added together—


4. [1] Edna Gellhorn, a leader in the Missouri Equal Suffrage League, planned a "silent parade" without *movement or music* or speech. [2] She gathered together 7,000 St. Louis women. E. NO CHANGE F. movement or music or, G. movement or, music or, H. movement: or music or


6. 1] Edna Gellhorn, a leader in the Missouri Equal Suffrage League, planned a "silent parade" without movement or music or speech. [2] She gathered together 7,000 St. Louis women. [3] Similar forms of demonstrations, known as "walkless-talkless parades," had been adopted by national woman suffrage organizations in Washington, D.C. [4] Gellhorn made telephone calls and wrote letters. [5] They donned yellow sashes over white dresses and held yellow umbrellas aloft as they lined both sides of Locust Street *between* the convention delegates' hotel and the meeting hall. E. NO CHANGE F. among G. with H. amid


8. The moon being aligned with Earth and the sun when full or new, so *its* gravity combines with the sun's gravity to create an even stronger gravitational pull 8. Choose the best answer. E. NO CHANGE F. one's G. it's D. its'




14.For plankton tows, we would stand on the bridge while Mom lowered a cone-shaped net that *is often used by marine biologists.* Given that all of the choices are true, which one provides information that is relevant and that makes the rest of this paragraph understandable? E. NO CHANGE F. had a specimen bottle attached to its smaller end. G. was woven from cotton and nylon material. H. was shaped like a geometric figure.






44. For the sake of the logic and coherence of the essay, Paragraph 4 should be placed F. where it is now G. before Paragraph 1. H. before Paragraph 2. J. before Paragraph 3.


50. F. No change G. frieze; into which are carved H. frieze. Into which are carved J. Frieze, carved into it are


54. F. NoCHANGE G. elegantly chandelier illuminates H. elegantly chandelier illuminate J. elegant chandeliers illuminates




6. *I have great respect for my mother.* I learned early that the moon affected the tides. Mom was always waiting for a full or new moon, when low tide would be lower than average and high tide higher than average. 6. Which choice most effectively signals the shift from the preceding paragraph to this paragraph? E. NO CHANGE F. Our lives were likewise affected by the phases of the moon. G. A relationship exists between the moon and the tides. H. The moon is a mysterious orb afloat in the sky.










As we neared the summit, the whole group of hikers--thinly spread across the mountain for most of the route--condensed, *forming* an illuminated line along the trail. F. No change G. they formed H. there was J. we saw


We crouched down on jutting pieces of rock and waited for the shifting clouds to clear. *We waited for the sun.* If the writer were to delete the * * sentence, the paragraph would primarily lose: F. a restatement of an idea that emphasizes the hikers' anticipation when they reached the summit. G. a statement that introduces the idea of waiting. H. an unnecessary detail J. a clear image that conveys what the hikers saw when they reached the summit.


4. This *tiny* country—about one-sixth of a square mile in all—is also home to a *disproportionately* large number of sites with great historical, artistic, and which have religious significance. If the writer were to delete the words tiny and disproportionately from the preceding sentence, the sentence would primarily lose: E. elements of the setting of the essay. F. a contrast emphasizing the unusual number of sites. G. details that stress how important the sites are. H. a comparison between Vatican City and Rome.


















4. *Our household might have been described as uncooperative.* Which choice would most effectively introduce the rest of this paragraph? A. NO CHANGE B. There seemed to be no explanation for why Mom ran our household the way she did. C. Our household didn't run according to a typical schedule. D. Mom ran our household in a most spectacular manner.




56. If the writer were to delete the preceding sentence, the essay would primarily lose details that: F. illustrate one of the Lyceum Theatre's features that deviates from Beaux Arts architecture. G. contribute to the description of the Lyceum Theatre's elaborate interior. H. support the essay's claim that Beaux Arts architecture was ost popular in the twentieth century. J. clarify an unfamiliar architectural term used in the essay.












I grew up with buckets, shovels, and nets waiting by the back door; hip-waders hanging in the closet; tide table charts covering the refrigerator door; and a microscope *was sitting* on the kitchen table. 2. E. NO CHANGE F. would sit G. sitting H. sat


In 1916, as the Democratic Party's national convention met in St. Louis, Missouri, to nominate candidates *for the presidency* and vice-presidency and to establish a platform, a set of positions on issues. Therefore, suffragists (those who advocated extending voting rights to women) wanted the Democrats' platform to support women's right to vote. [1] Edna Gellhorn, a leader in the Missouri Equal Suffrage League, planned a "silent parade" without movement or music or speech. [2] She gathered together 7,000 St. Louis women. [3] Similar forms of demonstrations, known as "walkless-talkless parades," had been adopted by national woman suffrage organizations in Washington, D.C. [4] Gellhorn made telephone calls and wrote letters. [5] They donned yellow sashes over white dresses and held yellow umbrellas aloft as they lined both sides of Locust Street between the convention delegates' hotel and the meeting hall. *At the end of the "Golden Lane," as the event was also called*, Gellhorn organized a three-tiered "living tableau," which a live scene was presented by silent, costumed participants. Women wearing white represented states where women could vote. 8. The writer is considering revising the preceding part of this sentence ("At the end of the 'Golden Lane,' as the event was also called,") to read as follows: *At the end of the parade,* If the writer did this, the essay would primarily lose: E. an indication that Edna Gellhorn preferred the term "Golden Lane" to the term "walkless-talkless parade." F. a possible point of confusion, as the proposed revision eliminates a term that was not explained. G. another historical detail about the parade described in the preceding paragraph. H. details that help establish the time and place of the essay.


The few times that I've helped a friend with yard work has given me the joy of touching the soil with an open palm, *to get* the earth under my fingernails, of patting down the berm around a newly transplanted sapling. 10. A. NO CHANGE B. with getting C. of getting D. got


The resulting snowflake has three long sides and three sides that are so short they are difficult to detect. Although these snowflakes appear to have a triangular *shape--*they actually have a hexagonal pattern. F. No change G. shape, H. shape; J. shape:


2. The antara has its origins in the Incan civilization, once *the more richer and more* powerful empire in South America. E. NO CHANGE F. one of the richest and most G. the richest and most H. the richer and more


2. and every Saturday morning he would put on his work clothes, *pick up his hoe and trowel, and would head* out the back door. E. NO CHANGE F. picked up his hoe and trowel, and headed G. pick up his hoe and trowel, and head H. picking up his hoe and trowel, and headed


6. The antara dates back to the ninth century. Evidence about how musicians played the instrument *have come* from painted images on Incan ceramic pottery. E. NO CHANGE F. are coming G. comes H. come




12. *My favorite photograph of my father shows him squatting on his heels, trowel in hand, behind a golden heap of onions freshly pulled from the ground.* At this point, the writer is considering adding the following true statement: I have many photo albums, and each one includes pictures of my father in various poses. Should the writer make this addition here? Individual Question E. Yes, because it informs the reader that the photograph he describes in the preceding sentence is not the only one he has of his father. F. Yes, because it informs the reader that the writer is more than an amateur photographer. G. No, because it contradicts the writer's claim that the photograph he describes in the preceding sentence is one he also treasures. H. No, because it distracts the reader from the main focus of the paragraph and does not logically fit at this point in the essay.


12. [2] At the very low tides of the full moon, when almost all the water was sucked away, we found the *hideaways where crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins hid in order not to be seen.* 12. E. NO CHANGE F. hideouts where crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins concealed and hid themselves. G. places where crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins were stashed away. H. hiding places of crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins.


14. This group held out manacled hands to them as a reminder that, without the vote, women were deprived of their freedom.At the top of the tiers, stood a woman dressed as Lady Liberty. Edna Gellhorn witnessed a victory that year when votes for women would became part of the 1916 Democratic Party's *set of positions, or* platform. Then finally in August 1920, after more than seventy years and countless parades, speeches, letters, and calls, the Nineteenth Amendment, to the U.S. Constitution, was ratified, thus giving all women the right to vote. E. NO CHANGE F. set of positions, otherwise known as its G. set of positions—its H. OMIT the underlined portion.


14. Unfortunately, the music of the Incas can probably never be exactly re-creating. Yet one can *hear in the music of their descendants*, beautiful variations on a musical sound that has survived for many centuries. A. NO CHANGE B. hear, in the music of their descendants C. hear in the music of their descendants; D. hear in the music of their descendants






34. Which of the following true statements would provide the best transition from the preceding paragraph to this paragraph? F. The village of Mata Ortiz is only three streets wide but stretches for a mile between the Casas Grandes River and the railroad tracks G. the patterns on Mata Ortiz pottery that Quezada admired are based on the techniques of the ancient Paquime H. Quezada begin working with clay from the mountains. J. Quezada's painted designs became increasingly complex








48. F. NO CHANGE G. consequently, H. however, J. in fact,










74. The writer is planning to split the information in this paragraph into one paragraph that describes events leading up to the trial, and another that describes the trial and subsequent decision. The best point to divide the paragraph in order to achieve that goal would be: F. F. G. G. H. H. J. J.


8. archives of early written works for insights into lives led long ago. *Accordingly*, St. Peter's Basilica, the largest cathedral in the Northern Hemisphere, is remarkable. Built upon second-century foundations. St. Peter's features a dome designed by the artist and architect Michelangelo. E. NO CHANGE F. Indeed, G. For instance, H. OMIT the underlined portion


Bundled up in wool sweaters and thick *coats, and we watched* the sun setting on Mt. Fuji in Japan. F. No change G. coats while watching H. coats, we watched J. coats watching


By re-creating snowflake formation, *a discovery has revealed to scientists Kenneth Libbrecht and Hannah Arnold the cause of this apparent variation.* F. No change G. the discovery of the cause of this apparent variation has been made by scientists Kenneth Libbrecht and Hannah Arnold H. scientists Kenneth Libbrecht and Hannah Arnold have discovered the cause of this apparent variation. J. the cause of this apparent variation has been discovered by scientists Kenneth Libbrecht and Hannah Arnold


In the mountains, Quezada found shards of *pots, and an occasional complete pot,* painted with intricate red and black designs. Which of the following alternatives to the * * portion would NOT be acceptable? F. pots--along with an occasional complete pot-- G. pots, along with an occasional complete pot, H. pots, (and an occasional complete pot) J. pots (and an occasional complete pot)


Many years later, living in an upstairs apartment, I am *more often* sorry I didn't follow my father out to the garden. 8. The best placement for the underlined portion would be: E. where it is now. F. after the word sorry. G. after the word follow. H. after the word garden (ending the sentence with a period).


We rested uneasily for a moment as a clerk burned the station brand into our walking *sticks which it was proof of* our progress through the darkness. F. No change G. sticks, it was proof of H. sticks, proof of J. sticks proved


[1] Often, my *brother and I*, joined our mother on her adventures into tidal lands. 10. Choose the best answer. Individual Question E. NO CHANGE, and I, G. brother, and I H. brother and I


In the half-light of the rising *sun:* we began to make out the dark lines of the *cliffs' at the crater's* edge. F. No change G. sun-- H. sun, J. sun; A. No change B. cliff's at the craters' C. cliffs at the crater's D. cliffs at the craters

H and C



30. Suppose the writer's primary purpose had been to relate a story from the narrator's childhood that illustrated why the narrator does not trust. strangers. would essay accomplish that goal? f. Yes because the stranger that the story focuses on is clearly described as "suspicious" and "downcast" G. Yes, because the story focuses mainly on how the narrator rarely interacted with strangers H. No. because the story ends by emphasizing the narrator's abiding love of strangers. J. No, because while the narrator's mother is suspicious of the stranger, the narrator is curious about the stranger






52. F. No Change G. gray limestone H. limestone J. *Delete*














72. F. No Change G. on pretty much nothing H. with basically nothing to even decide on J. without hearing any arguments


During the flake's descent from Earth's upper atmosphere, other water vapor molecules *bumps* into the hexagonal structure. F. No change G. has bumped H. bumped J. bump


In 2009, Libbrecht and Arnold's experiments revealed that triangular snowflakes begin with the same process of chemical bonding and *forms* a hexagonal shape. F. No change G. were they to form H. if they formed J. form


The rare "triangular" snowflake, *similarly,* confounded scientists for years because it apparently defied the basic laws of chemistry. F. No change G. for example, H. additionally, J. however,


The trail gradually changed from compact dirt to a jumble of volcanic rocks. We tried to steady ourselves with our walking sticks but slipped and stumbled *because of the jumbled rocks we were slipping on.* F. No change G. even though we used our walking sticks. H. despite any efforts to remain steady. J. with each step.


Triangular snowflakes begin to form when a tiny dust particle or other such impurity collides with the flake as it falls, thereby pushing one edge upward. The greater *the pressure from the wind,* causes bonds to form *quick* at this edge than in the rest of the snowflake. F. No change G. pressure from the wind, which H. the pressure, as the wind J. pressure from the wind A. No change B. more quickly C. most quickly D. quickest

J and B











35. A. No change B. a dedication to teaching C. a teacher of D. has taught


37. A. No change B. lead himself C. led himself D. Lead himself








5. Having tried and failed, my father was unable to make a gardener of me. *I had no qualms, of course,* about enjoying the results of his labor: the potatoes, squash, cucumbers, and cauliflower that he pursued out of the earth. 5. A. NO CHANGE B. More important, I had no qualms C. It stands to reason, then, that I certainly would have no qualms D. I had no qualms, as a consequence of it,






However, to many, the most spectacular part of Vatican City is the Sistine Chapel. This vast chapel displays what many *consider some* of the most important works of Renaissance art: Michelangelo's awe-inspiring frescoes. These frescoes—paintings made on freshly spread, still-moist plaster—capture the attention of viewers with a complex array of religious images. One of his most famous frescoes, The Last Judgment, is painted on the west wall. A series of interrelated frescoes covers the vaulted ceiling. Despite its small size, Vatican City offers its many visitors a chance to see a wide range of historical and artistic wonders. It is easy to understand why the city has become one of the most frequently visited places in the world. A. NO CHANGE B. consider some, C. consider, some, D. consider, some












6. I had no qualms, of course, about enjoying the results of his labor: the potatoes, squash, cucumbers, and cauliflower that he *pursued* out of the earth. I would even help him dig out the potatoes or cut a cucumber from its vine. 6. Choose the best answer. A. NO CHANGE B. coaxed C. surrendered E. enlisted








This group held out manacled hands to *them as a reminder* that, without the vote, women were deprived of their freedom.At the top of the tiers, stood a woman dressed as Lady Liberty. Edna Gellhorn witnessed a victory that year when votes for women would became part of the 1916 Democratic Party's set of positions, or platform. Then finally in August 1920, after more than seventy years and countless parades, speeches, letters, and calls, the Nineteenth Amendment, to the U.S. Constitution, was ratified, thus giving all women the right to vote. A. NO CHANGE B. the passing delegates to remind the men C. them as a way to remind them D. remind them




















45. Suppose the writer's primary purpose had been to write an essay sumarizing the history of pottery making in Mexico. Would this essay accomplish that purpose? A. Yes, because it discusses ancient pottery shards and complete pots from the Paquime Indians and compares that pottery to modern designs. B. Yes, because it demonstrates the quality of the ancient pottery of the Mata Ortiz area. C. No, because it focuses instead on how one artist based his creations on ancient pottery techniques and shared those techniques with other artists D. No, because it focuses instead on describing the Casas Grandes culture in ancient Mexico






6. The Vatican Museums house a great many valuable paintings, sculptures, pieces of jewelry, and tapestries,*as well as* the world's most extensive collections of ancient manuscripts. Scholars often probe the museums' archives of early written works for insights into lives led long ago. Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable? A. in addition to B. besides C. also there is D. and also






Then we would patiently wait. After a while, she would pull up the net, and we would go home. Later, we would see her sitting at the kitchen table, peering *at a drop of water* through the lenses of her microscope from the bottle—watching the thousands of tiny swimming organisms. 15. The best placement for the underlined portion would be: A. where it is now. B. after the word lenses. C. after the word microscope. D. after the word bottle (but before the dash).






3. *Having studied, my mother is* a marine biologist. 3. A. NO CHANGE B. As my mother's interest is science, she is C. My mother's occupation is that of D. My mother is




4. As a ten-year-old, I was supremely unenthusiastic about swinging a hoe in the garden when I could be out playing with my friends. *Having tried and failed,* my father was unable to make a gardener of me. 4. Which of the choices best emphasizes how much the father wanted his son to share his avid interest in gardening? Individual Question A. NO CHANGE B. Because of my indifference to his hobby, C. Contrary to this thinking, D. Despite his repeated attempts,


4. The pipes, which can vary *numerously* from three to fifteen, are fashioned from clay that is rolled around a mold. A. NO CHANGE B. in quantity of numbers C. number-wise D. in number






47. A. No CHANGE B. alike, regularly filling C. alike, regularly fill D. alike regularly fill






















































































46. F. no change G. they're H. their J. its






60. Suppose the writer had decided to write an essay that summarizes how beliefs in the supernatural have influenced the writing of famous authors. Would this essay fulfill the writer's goal? F. Yes, because the essay makes the point that Conan Doyle's belief in fairies clearly influenced his Sherlock Holmes stories. G. Yes, because the essay indicates that Conan Doyle's disagreement with Houdini motivated him to write about the supernatural. H. No, because the essay argues that the author's belief in fairies and the supernatural did not in any way affect his writing. J. No, because the essay limits its focus to the particular events surrounding one author's reaction to evidence of the supernatural.




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