Adolescent Psych (exam 1)

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According to the textbook, the prevalence of adolescent smoking is a direct function of

The number of retail outlets selling tobacco in their immediate neighborhood

When researchers evaluated the social climate of today's schools to see just how much had changed since The Adolescent Society was published, what did they find?

The researchers concluded that there were both similarities and differences between the climate of today's "adolescent society" and the society described 60 years ago

When researchers evaluated the social climate of today's schools to see just how much had changed since The Adolescent Society was published, what did they find?

The researchers concluded that there were both similarities and differences between the climate of today's "adolescent society" and the society described 60 years ago.

According to the textbook, Julie, a seventeen-year-old living in a college dormitory, has noticed that her menstrual periods have begun to synchronize with _____, which is compelling evidence that social relationships can affect biological functioning.

The time her female roommate menstruates

Which of the following conditions is most likely to produce the most favorable and easiest adjustment to menarche?

When the girl knows the facts about the physical changes her body will undergo

Theresa has been known to go on eating binges and then purge immediately afterward. Theresa is probably suffering from


Who of the following is probably a child (and not an adolescent)?

Christine, someone who tends to think about things one aspect at a time

The most virulent threats to adolescent health come from all of the following, except

Chronic disabilities such as cancer

Typically, the social redefinition of young people occurs in groups of peers who are approximately the same age, known as


Which of the following is not one of the areas of fundamental change in adolescence?


Dr. Ramirez believes that the passage into adulthood is a gradual process in which the adolescent assumes the roles and status of adulthood bit by bit. This view is most closely associated with the

Continuous Transition

Cory is more responsible, more self-assured, more adaptive, more creative, and more intellectually curious than most of her peers. Jerry, on the other hand, is very dependent, more passive, less socially adept, less self-assured, and less intellectually curious than most of his peers. According to the textbook, what is the best way to explain this difference?

Cory most likely has authoritative parents and Jerry most likely has authoritarian parents.

Given a choice, Mike would prefer to stay up until 1:00 a.m. and sleep until 10:00 a.m. This pattern is called the

Delayed Phase Preference

The ability to see beyond what is directly observable and reason in terms of what might be possible is called

Hypothetical Thinking

Fifteen-year-old Hermione is able to write a much more complex answer than 10-year-old Ginger to the question, "Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using simple spells for self-protection." This is because, as an adolescent, Hermione is able to think:

In Multiple Dimension

Over the period of adolescence, individuals' perspectives change. Research indicates that one manifestation of this change in perspective is a(an) _____ in adolescents' willingness to lie to their parents.


Which of the following did not contribute to the redefinition of the term youth?

Increased materialism among college students

Which statement regarding increases in cognitive abilities is FALSE?

Increases in cognitive abilities are due to growth in the size of the brain

According to the textbook, puberty involves all of the following EXCEPT

Increases in intellectual functioning

Marcus feels like his parents don't care about him because they allow him to set his own rules and they seldom provide much support. He even wishes they would punish him because that would at least indicate they are paying attention to him. Marcus's parents would be described best as fitting into which of Baumrind's parenting styles?


Which of the following statements is consistent with Piaget's cognitive development theory?

Individuals progress through stages based on biological readiness in addition to increasing environmental demands

Justin's parents try extremely hard (almost excessively) to control his choice of friends. What effect is this style of parenting likely to have on Justin?

Justin may become closer to the "forbidden" peers

During childhood, boys typically associate with boys, while girls primarily associate with other girls. This separation of boys and girls has been referred to as

Sex segregation

Which of the following statements about the impact of hormones on behavior is false?

The direct relation between adolescent moodiness and hormonal changes of puberty is extremely strong

As Alex enters adolescence, he and his parents are experiencing severe relationship problems. These difficulties suggest that

their problematic relationship has existed since Alex's childhood.

As Alex enters adolescence, he and his parents are experiencing severe relationship problems. These difficulties suggest that:

their problematic relationship has existed since Alex's childhood.

Compared to a child, an older adolescent is more likely to

think about the long-term consequences of their decisions

Early maturing boys are

(n Better prepared to deal with changes of adolescence)

Which of the following girls would probably be least susceptible to feelings of body dissatisfaction due to the rapid increase in body fat in early adolescence?

(n Diane, someone from a relatively affluent family)

All of the following are reasons that males have greater gains in strength than females during early adolescence, except

(n Strong societal pressures on girls to decrease their physical activity in adolescence)

Which of the following sex characteristics is the first to develop in boys?

(n face hair)

Online harassment is ________ in-person harassment.

(n. as common as)

Denise's parents have both been laid off from work and are unable to pay the bills. Denise's parents are likely to do all of the following, except

(n. become less nurturing toward Denise) begin using harsher and more inconsistent discipline than they had in the past?

Jennifer, who is 16, ran away with her friend Tonya, who is 18. The police, however, only arrested Jennifer for running away because for a minor, running away is considered

A Status Offense

Bickering and squabbling between teenagers and their parents is largely caused by

Adolescents' ability to formulate counterarguments

The stimulation by maturation of adrenal glands is called


Teenagers may become self-conscious because they believe that people are talking about them. Which characteristic are they exhibiting?

An Imaginary Audience

The simultaneous release of growth hormones, thyroid hormones, and _________ stimulates rapid acceleration in height and weight during puberty.


Karen has been known to exercise excessively, count calories, and diet obsessively. She is currently depriving herself of food even though she is 20 pounds underweight. Karen is probably suffering from

Anorexia Nervosa

The extreme skepticism observed in many adolescents is most likely a result of:

Seeing knowledge as relative rather than absolute

Although both sexes experience changes in muscle tissue and body fat, the ratio of muscle to body fat is

Greater in boys than girls

Today, people go through ______ earlier than 100 years ago, but tend to stay in ______ longer.

Puberty, School

Most research on adolescents' beliefs about rights and civil liberties comes from:

Studies of Western, middle-class youth

The first sign of puberty in girls is generally

Growth of Breasts

Of the following, the biggest threat to adolescents' health is

Risky Behaviors

According to some commentators, teenagers have become separate from adult society to such an extent that they have established their own society, which undermines parents' authority and emphasizes peer deviance. This society is called

Youth Culture

Changes in the limbic system during adolescence may cause all of the following, EXCEPT

decreased risk-taking

By the end of high school, crowds:

become less important to adolescents

Dan, an adolescent, has more developed cognitive skills than his 6-year-old brother Timmy because Timmy's thinking is

In general, bound to what he can directly observe

According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, sports figures Babe Ruth, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Phelps are all considered above average in

Kinesthetic Intelligence

Professor Ngo is studying family transitions. According to family systems theory, he is most likely to see dramatic changes in family relationships during all of the following events, EXCEPT when:

Lack of change creates a sturdy, yet boring, family pattern

In addition to an increase in responsiveness to stress, changes in the _____ may also help explain why adolescents' concerns about what their peers think increase during this time.

Limbic System

According to the textbook, when compared to their less mature peers, adolescents who are physically mature are

More likely to be involved in cross-sex activities such as going out on dates

Of all the developments that take place during the second decade of life, the only one that is truly inevitable is


The physical transformation from child to adult is called


Which of the following statements about puberty's impact on family relationships is true?

Puberty appears to increase distance between parents and children.

Puberty began for Nancy when she was 9 years old. Her mother began puberty at 11 years. For her grandmother, the onset was at 13 years of age. These changes in the age of onset of puberty over time are referred to as:

Secular Trend

Jesse is in the seventh grade at a school that has open classrooms with multiple teachers instructing their classes in one large area. Which of the following cognitive processes will help Jesse focus on his teacher?

Selective Attention

Adolescents develop the ability to think about social issues, a concept more generally referred to as

Social Cognition

The chief determinant of popularity in high school is

Social Competence

Which of the following statements regarding divorce in America is TRUE?

Social support from relatives has been found to buffer the effects of living in a single-parent household

Greg is the star quarterback of the football team and hangs out with Larry, who is the star pitcher of the baseball team. Ben also hangs out with Larry and Greg. When classmates refer to Ben, they call him a member of the "jocks." The crowd with which Ben associates serves as

A clique

Steve eats lunch with Jeff, Hans, and Mike every day. After school, they play computer games and talk about girls. This group of boys is called

A clique

Dave knows that kids who drink and drive sometimes get killed, but he believes that he is somehow immune to having such a terrible thing happen to him. Dave's belief is an example of

A personal fable

One finding that emerged from the competence to stand trial research described in the textbook was that

About 1/5 of 14- and 15-year-olds are not competent to stand trial

Piaget theorists believe that the use of _____ is the chief feature of adolescent thinking that differentiates it from the type of thinking employed by children.

Abstract Logical Thinking

Javier spends a great deal of time talking about relationships, politics, philosophy, religion, and morality with his friends, demonstrating his ability to think:


All of the following statements accurately reflect research on adolescent-sibling relationships, EXCEPT which one?

Adolescent-sibling relationships are characterized by a large increase in sibling rivalry.

Based on research addressing ethnic differences in the timing and rate of pubertal maturation, which American girl would be expected to be the earliest to mature?

Brandy, a middle-income Black adolescent

Dr. Goodrich believes that the passage into adulthood is a sudden change in which adult roles and statuses are abruptly assumed. This view is most closely associated with the

Discontinuous Transition

Which of the following is considered a shared environmental influence for siblings?

Family socioeconomic status

Up until about eight weeks after conception, the human brain is ______ until it is exposed to certain hormones.


The adolescent growth spurt

Generally begins two years earlier for girls than for boys

Avram is considered a late-maturing boy. A year after pubertal onset, we would expect Avram to show all of the following advantages over his early-maturing peers, except

Greater athletic ability

John is a junior in high school. Although he is sociable, he feels very self-conscious. He feels as if everyone is evaluating him. David Elkind refers to this loss of perspective in adolescence as:

Imaginary Audience

Psychologist Jeffery Arnett has suggested that 18- to 25-year-olds are caught between adolescence and adulthood in "emerging adulthood," which is characterized by all EXCEPT which of the following?

The subjective feeling of emotional immaturity

Tamika and Theresa both live in single-parent households and survive on welfare. Tamika, however, lives in a better neighborhood than Theresa. According to community researchers, who is more likely to drop out of school or become pregnant?


Which of the following is not true for adolescents who have been exposed to violence?

They are less likely to experience feelings of hopelessness

Which of the following is not part of the feedback loop in the endocrine system?

Thyroid hormones

The main reason that reactive aggression is associated with unpopularity and greater problems with peers is that reactive aggression is characterized by a combination of:

aggression and poor emotion regulation or lack of social skills

Changes requiring considerable adjustment for families with adolescents typically include all of the following, EXCEPT

differing expectations about family obligations

Ethnic differences in parenting practices suggest that

even though authoritative parenting is less commonly used by ethnic minority families, its effects on adolescent development are beneficial in all ethnic groups

When siblings are treated differently by parents, research shows that they are likely to

get along better because they feel unique

Self-esteem is _____ among students who are identified with peer groups that have relatively high status in their school


According to the textbook, one recent study of Mexican-American families found __________ rates of parent-adolescent conflict when the adolescent was relatively _____________________.

higher; more highly acculturated

Research assessing the effects of stepfamilies on children's adjustment suggests that over time:

if the remarriage lasts, gender differences in adjustment disappear

Mixed-sex cliques start becoming more prevalent during

middle adolescence

Which of the following factors have not been found to influence the onset of maturation?

n Good nutrition

The growth of _____ during adolescence is directly related to an improved ability to think abstractly

n. Automatization (Social Cognition)

Which of the following is not thought to contribute to the onset of puberty?

the development of primary sex characteristics

Which of the following would not be considered an initiation ceremony?

Obtaining a drivers license

Mark is a teenager who generally respects his parents. On which of the following issues, however, is Mark most likely to side with his friends and against his parents?

How to wear his hair

Studies show that adolescent mood swings are most closely related to changes in


Tammy's father has absolute standards and expects Tammy to conform to them without exception. If she disobeys he generally punishes her, and sees no reason why he should explain his rules to Tammy. Instead, his response is, "I'm the father and I love you. I know what's best for you." Her father is best described as having what kind of parenting style?


Suzanne and Greg are the first members of their class to begin the pubertal transition. Based on what you know about early-maturing adolescents, Suzanne and Greg are more likely to

Be involved in illegal activites

Generalizing from the textbook, the children who are most likely to think of themselves as being "off schedule" with respect to their physical development are girls who mature _____ and boys who mature _____.

Early, Late

Molly's breasts are beginning to develop, she is beginning to grow pubic hair, her skin is becoming more oily, and her body is growing rapidly. These changes are brought about by the secretion of _____ by the _____.

Estrogen and Androgens; Ovaries

Henry believes that the rise of adolescent peer groups has contributed to the rise of adolescent crime and drug use. Which of the following statements REFUTES this belief?

Even though society has continued to become increasingly age segregated, the rates of many adolescent problem behaviors have fluctuated considerably over past eras

Which of the following statements suggests that rising levels of the protein leptin is an important signal that tells the body it is ready for puberty?

Excessive thinness can delay onset of puberty

Jeffrey Arnett, the psychologist who created the term emerging adulthood, believes that the developmental period between adolescence and adulthood (18-25 years of age)

Exists in very few cultures

According to Piaget, the period of cognitive development that is based on theoretical, abstract principles of logic is called

Formal Operations

The tensions that are often assumed to be inherent in the relations between adolescents and adults are referred to as the

Generation Gap

Which of the following was not offered by the textbook as an explanation for the sex differences in the impact of early and late maturation?

Genetic Makeup

The first sign of puberty in girls is generally

Growth of breasts

Which of the following sex characteristics is the first to develop in boys?

Growth of testes and scrotum

In America, early maturing girls are more likely than their late-maturing peers to

Have a more negative self image

Which of the following statements about hormonal changes of puberty is TRUE?

Hormonal changes affect the brain in ways that increase adolescents' desire for sensation seeking activities.

Which of the following statements about adolescent mood swings is false?

Hormones play a greater role in the development of depression than do stressful life events.

Dr. Davis is interested in how puberty affects adjustment. He studies a group of 100 junior high school students over the course of three years. He is conducting what kind of study?


Which of the following girls will experience the greatest menstrual discomfort?

Loryn, who has a negative attitude toward menarche

All of the following are aspects of metacognition, EXCEPT

Managing Thinking

The ability to think about one's own thoughts is called:


The identity crisis of adolescence may interact with the ________ in increasing family conflict.

Midlife crises of adults

Relocation studies that have randomly chosen poor families to either stay where they are living or move to a more advantaged neighborhood have found

Mixed Results

What thought process helps adolescents appreciate the sarcasm and satire of Family Guy and The Simpsons?

Multidimensional Thinking

Authoritative parents value all of the following, EXCEPT


Which of the following statements about friendship stability is TRUE?

Only half of all reciprocated best friendships that exist at the beginning of the school year exist at the end.

The presence or absence of certain hormones early in life may "program" the brain and the nervous system to develop in certain ways later on. These hormones are considered


When it comes to matters like religion, adolescents are more likely to be influenced by _____ over _____.

Parents, Friends

According to the textbook, what was the most effective way to reduce adolescent smoking?

Raising the price of cigarettes

During the first half of the 21st century, the adolescent population is expected to

Remain constant

The idea that an individual's behavior is influenced by other's expectations for them is a description of


Which of the following is least likely to be affected by genetic factors?

Self-perception of scholastic competence

Changes in social definition will likely have profound effects on developments in the domains of

Sexuality, autonomy, achievement, and identity

Although Sarah's parents divorced seven years ago, the counselor at school attributes Sarah's poor school performance and delinquent behavior to the divorce. This counselor is probably referring to the:

Sleeper effect of divorce

The status of adolescents as full-time students arose as a result of

The Industrial Revolution

Which of the following statements about prenatal development is not true?

The amount of cortisol exposed to the fetus is directly linked to the timing and tempo of puberty.

Which of the following statements about the production of hormones at puberty is FALSE?

The body begins to produce several hormones that have not been present in the body up until this time.

Sarah is a junior high student anticipating and preparing for puberty. She wants to know when puberty will start and how long it will take until she looks and is considered an adult. What would you tell her?

The timing of puberty, as well as the rate with which it occurs, is highly variable and is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

The belief that being on welfare has a negative impact on adolescents

is incorrect because there are few differences in the behavior, values, and family relationships between adolescents whose families are or are not on welfare

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