Adolesence - Chapters 7, 8 and 9

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Charles Horton Cooley's term, the _____, refers to the idea that we learn who we are by seeing how others react to us.

- looking-glass self

In Berzonsky's view, those in the _____ identity status are likely to seek out self-relevant information and look skeptically at their own views.

- moratorium - achievement

Research suggests that once children enter adolescence, psychological androgyny has _____ effects for _____.

- positive; girls but not boys

"Of course what she did was wrong. She got sent to jail, didn't she?" This statement most closely fits what Kohlberg called

- preconventional morality.

Girls _____ personal relationships than boys.

- put more energy into - are more distressed by problems with - want to feel closer in their

Professor Mushinski does research on the rate at which caffeine affects adolescent boys and girls. This would best be described as a question of

- sex differences.

Critics have charged that Kohlberg's approach to moral development

- suffers from Eurocentric cultural bias. - underestimates the moral judgment ability of females. - studies what people think is right, but not whether they act according to their beliefs.

Girls who were exposed to high levels of prenatal testosterone

- tend to prefer playing with boys' toys. - play more with boys. - are sometimes born with ambiguous genitals.

In Bandura's view, a central element in gender typing is

- the child's belief that he or she has the resources needed for gender-typical activities.

Teens are more likely to develop a solid ethnic identity when

- they live in neighbourhoods that are ethnically diverse. - they explore the history and customs of their ethnic culture. - their families take part in ethnic celebrations and serve ethnic meals

Psychologists suggest that androgynous adolescents

are better adjusted and have higher self-esteem.

Sexual relationships on television generally

are between young unmarried people.

During childhood, symptoms of depression

are just as likely in girls and boys.

Adolescents who watch more TV shows that portray sexual relationships

are more likely to believe that sexual promiscuity is the norm.

Women who are presented in the media as physically attractive

are taller and thinner than a healthy average woman

The disciplinary technique of induction helps promote more mature moral thinking because

asking the child to imagine the other person's feelings encourages sympathy and perspective taking.

Ezra has been brought up to see assertiveness and self-expression as important personal values. This suggests that Ezra lives in a(n) _____ culture.


While Western countries generally have _____ cultures, many have ethnic minorities with more _____ cultural orientations.

individualistic; collectivistic

The disciplinary technique of _____ is most closely associated with children's moral maturity.


After Tom and Hakeem get into an argument, Hakeem spreads the (false) rumor that Tom called him a racially charged name. This is best understood as an example of

relational aggression.

According to _____, parents and others react to the changes of puberty by pushing for more gender-typical attitudes and behaviours.

the gender intensification hypothesis

According to the cultivation theory of media effects,

the selective assumptions that are constantly presented in the media encourage a shared set of ideas about the world.

A culture in which men are expected to control or dominate women would be described by social scientists as


"Yeah, he knocked over the lamp, but he didn't mean to, so it wasn't that bad." This statement represents what Piaget called

- autonomous morality.

_____ who are high in masculine traits are accepted, as are _____ who are high in feminine traits.

Boys and girls; girls

William James referred to the process that enables people to think, feel, and know about themselves as the


In ________ 15% of teens were found to have sent nude or semi-nude pictures of themselves over the Internet.

New Brunswick

Sylvana just spent half an hour playing a violent video game, while her friend, Tatiana, flipped through a teen magazine. When they turn on the TV, they see a news clip of rioters attacking women and children with machetes and clubs. Based on research, it is likely that

Sylvana is less affected by the real-life violence than Tatiana.

According to _____, the I and the Me are contrasting sides that make up the self.

William James

Franco's parents came to Canada from Central America before he was born. He insists that he is "100% Canadian" and even refuses to speak Spanish. John Berry would see Franco as an example of


Children are most likely to accept and internalize their parents' moral values when their parents take a(n) _____ approach to parenting.


For Freud, the most important factor in promoting moral behaviour is the need to

avoid internal feelings of guilt

Jomo, an African-Canadian, identifies both with his ethnic group and with the majority culture. He would best be described as


Last week, Marissa scored high on a math quiz. She told her best friend, "I lucked out this time." This week her score was lower and she told her friend, "I just don't have the head for this stuff." A likely consequence of these explanations is that she will

develop a sense of learned helplessness about math.

When Patrick is asked what his background is, he says, Irish-Canadian, but his brother, Daniel, simply says, Canadian. They apparently differ in the strength of their

ethnocultural identity

A person whom others consider to be outstanding in moral commitment and character is referred to as a moral


According to James Marcia, identity development involves the processes of _____ and _____.

exploration; commitment

Research among university students in many countries indicates that gender beliefs in Canada

fall midway between traditional and modern

Compared to adolescent girls, adolescent boys

have a stronger feeling of self-efficacy in math and science.

In Canada, being a new immigrant or Aboriginal person _____ socio-economic status.

is associated with lower

The proportion of children who are put in remedial programs and become underachievers

is higher for boys than for girls

When teachers, doctors, and other significant people in the life of a community live outside the community,

it places serious strains on social bonds.

Adolescents who are active in local community organizations

learn to recognize different viewpoints and to be willing to compromise.

In Bronfenbrenner's terms, those systems that affect an adolescent directly, such as families and friends, make up the


Those in _____ adolescence are most likely to notice discrepancies in their self-descriptions and to be disturbed by these inconsistencies.


A culture in which men and women are said to be equal in rights, education, and job opportunities would be described by social scientists as


"Trying to live up to my moral beliefs is very important to the way I think of myself." This statement suggests someone with a strong

moral identity

Anastasia has taken a summer internship in a public relations firm because she thinks she might enjoy that kind of work and wants to explore it further before choosing a major. In Marcia's terms, Anastasia is in the _____ identity status.


Marcia would say that teens who are exploring their beliefs and values but have not made a commitment to them are in the _____ identity status.


On a personality test, Kim scores high in nurturance and expressiveness as well as in assertiveness and analytical thinking. It is most likely that Kim would be classified as

psychologically androgynous.

Those who are high in both feminine and masculine personality traits are called

psychologically androgynous.

According to gender stereotypes, girls feel more _____ and boys feel more _____.

sadness; anger

One change in the self-concept that takes place during adolescence is that

self-descriptions become more complicated

For Bronfenbrenner, the exosystem is represented by

the local community.

The violence depicted in _____ is generally more graphic and extreme than in _____.

video games; TV shows

Carol Gilligan maintains that girls are more likely than boys to make moral judgments based on a _____ orientation.


When personal relationships run into trouble, girls, more than boys, are likely to talk over their problems and feelings with a friend, in what is known as


Alexi has been brought up to believe that if his personal goals clash with the goals of his family or community, he should act in the interests of the group. It is likely that Alexi lives in a(n) _____ culture.


In Professor Bilgrim's research project, teens from India, Turkey, and Canada are observed in a normative social influence situation. The data from the three groups are then compared. This is best described as a(n) _____ study.


About half the crimes shown in TV crime dramas are murders, while FBI statistics indicate that murders represent _____ actual crimes.

1 in 500 (2 in 1000)

For adolescents, the most important single contributor to self-esteem is

being physically attractive

The earliest signs of a sense of empathy with the distress of others occur when

babies become upset by the sound of another baby crying

Which of the following self-descriptions is most likely to have been made by an adolescent?

"I'm pretty outgoing with my friends, but I come on shy around grown-ups."

Which of the following statements is the best example of heteronomous morality?

"It doesn't matter what he meant to do, wrong is wrong."

Research indicates that the most common of Kohlberg's stages among adolescents is the _____ orientation.

- "Good boy/Good girl"

Programs designed to raise the self-esteem of adolescents have

- Do not led to higher school achievement. - Do not led to fewer problem behaviours. - Do not led to better personal relationships

Social class or SES has an important impact on

- access to resources. - an awareness of how social institutions function. - an ability to affect social institutions.

The gender-related attitudes of Pakistani Canadians

- are more traditional than those of Anglo Canadians. - are more traditional than those of Dutch Canadians. - are as traditional as Malaysian Canadians.

Construction toys such as Lego blocks and Tinkertoys

- are stereotyped as toys for boys. - are played with more often by boys than girls. - improve spatial abilities in both boys and girls.

The stable positive or negative feelings that people have about themselves are known as _____ self-esteem.

- baseline

Compared to their parents, adolescents in immigrant families

- become acculturated more quickly. - place less stress on the importance of family obligations. - hold more individualistic values and beliefs.

A developmental systems account would point to _____ as important contributor(s) to gender development.

- biological characteristics - parents and peers - cultural beliefs

Scholars maintain that the most important factor in gender typing is

- biology. - socialization. - cognition.

Compared to children, adolescents who describe themselves tend to use concepts that are more

- complex. - abstract. - integrated.

A genetic disorder known as _____ leads to an overproduction of androgens in the developing fetus.

- congenital adrenal hyperplasia

During the second stage of ________, typically in middle adolescence, teens embark on a process of active exploration.

- developing an ethno-cultural identity

During adolescence, scores on measures of self-esteem

- drop for girls. - drop for boys. - drop more for girls than for boys.

Recent research indicates that the identity status typical of most high school students is

- foreclosure. - diffusion.

When Jared, who is 10, wears a skirt and wig for the school play, he has to explain to his 4-year-old sister that he is still a boy. Jared and his sister differ in their understanding of

- gender consistency.

Doctor Kawasaki is interested in the ways adolescent girls and boys use networking sites on the Internet. This would best be described as a question of

- gender differences.

The expectations within a society about how males and females are supposed to be are known as

- gender roles

On Kristina's first day of nursery school, she hovers near the door, unsure what to do. The teacher's aide leads her to the kitchen corner and suggests she have a tea party with another girl and two dolls. This is best seen as an example of

- gender socialization.

During prenatal development, the hormone testosterone

- has an impact on the appearance of the external genitals in both sexes.

The proportion of children in Canada who are members of ethnic minorities

- has grown steadily in recent decades. - is greater than the proportion among adults. - is largely the result of immigration

Freud maintained that the superego forms when the child

- internalizes the parents' moral code as part of dealing with the Oedipus complex.

Research indicates that children's exposure to media violence

- leads to greater aggressiveness in some children. - leads to an increased acceptance of aggression. - leads to a distorted view of how common aggression is.

In Canada, over _____% of children and adolescents under 16 live in poverty.


By 2017, Canada's racialized minorities are predicted to rise to ______% of the Canadian population.


In ethnically and culturally diverse Canada, the 2006 Census reported over _______ mother-tongue languages.


"Once children understand that their gender is a permanent aspect of the self, they begin to identify with their gender role." This statement is closest to the view of

Lawrence Kohlberg.

Dating during adolescence is

a cultural custom in North America and some other places.

The effects of growing up in poverty are linked to

a lack of community resources such as libraries, parks, and community centers.

Ariel's father is an attorney and his mother is a municipal judge. At 17, Ariel pierces his tongue, gets a bright orange Mohawk haircut, and shows up shirtless at his parents' reception for a prominent city official. Erikson would probably describe Ariel's behaviour as indicating

a negative identity.

When Luka tells his parents he wants to be a rock musician, they offer to help him pay for guitar lessons as long as he keeps his grades up. Erikson would say that their response is an example of

a psychosocial moratorium

Oksana spent a lot of time discussing an upcoming election with friends and studying the websites of different candidates and political bloggers. Now she has decided to spend the summer working as a volunteer for the candidate she thinks is best, who is not her parents' choice. Oksana's actions fit Marcia's description of _____ identity status.


According to Erikson, the most pressing psychosocial issue during adolescence is

achieving a sense of identity.

Adolescents from a minority ethnic background may experience some conflict in the need for autonomy and family closeness. However, it is possible to integrate these two needs in what Kagitcibasi (2003) calls the

autonomous/related self.

"I felt so good about myself when my friend told me how helpful I was. It would be great if I could feel that good all the time." This comment best reflects _____ self-esteem.


Carol Gilligan maintains that during adolescence, girls

become more tentative and silence their "voice."

Adolescents from a minority ethnic background who adapt and merge attitudes and customs from their ethnic culture and the majority culture are said to be


Among _____, a small group is high in physical aggression from childhood and through adolescence.

both boys and girls

Research aimed at testing Gilligan's ideas about moral judgment has found that

boys and girls are roughly equal in the importance they give to intimacy versus obligations

One well documented cognitive difference between adolescent boys and girls is that on the whole

boys perform better on tests of spatial abilities.

Where conformity to traditional gender roles is concerned, adolescent _____ who are _____ are looked on least favorably by other adolescents.

boys; gender-atypical

When faced with emotional stress, girls are more likely than boys to

brood about the problem

Miguel is quiet and polite around his immigrant elders, but brash and funny with his Anglo friends at school. His behaviour is an example of

code switching.

Lee, a second-generation Chinese-Canadian, is running for office in an after-school organization. The day before the election, his father tells him he must run an errand for his grandmother the next afternoon. Lee complies, knowing he may lose the election as a result of not showing up. His action reflects a (n) _____ orientation.


Joy, whose parents moved to Canada from China, is shy, soft-spoken, and reticent. It is likely that her parents

consider her to be very well behaved.

Guadeloupe, 14, notices that friends with different cultural backgrounds have different attitudes on many issues. She concludes that there are many ways to approach these issues and that she should choose those that best fit her own view of the world. This is an example of a(n) _____ process of enculturation.


A study of Canadian and Chinese adolescents finds that, unlike the Chinese teens, the Canadians say that falsely denying you did a good deed is a bad thing. This suggests that attitudes about lying are


A system of norms, beliefs, and values that is shared by a group and passed along across generations is a


Lee hopes to go to a college known as a "party school", but has no idea what he might want to major in. He says he'll figure that out when he has to. James Marcia would say that Lee is in the ____ identity status.


Those who are in the _____ category of identity status are more likely to be apathetic, depressed, and uninterested.


When a cousin asks Gregoire what he wants to do with his life, he replies, "I'll think about that some other time. Rock on, dude!" According to Marcia, Gregoire is in the _____ identity status.


When faced with emotional distress, boys are more likely than girls to

distract themselves with activities.

During early adolescence, baseline self-esteem

drops sharply.

Recent research has discovered the existence of "mirror-neurons" that may provide a neurological basis for the feeling of


Instruction by parents and other adults, traditional stories, and religious sagas are among the ways children come to adopt the psychological aspects of their group, in a process known as


Adolescents in developed countries spend the largest part of their free time

engaged with mass media

Mark's parents offer to host Ahmed, a visiting student from North Africa. Mark is sure that Ahmed is kidding him when he says he has no interest in dating. Mark's disbelief is an example of


Friends describe Leslie as very sensitive and supportive, but too dependent and unassertive. Leslie best fits the description of those who are

feminine sex-typed.

At 11, Vanessa's favorite activities are dirt-biking and rock-climbing. Her mother's repeated and pressing offers to take her shopping for a party dress and to sign her up for dance lessons can be seen as an example of

gender intensification.

The term _____ refers to the structured knowledge that children acquire about the characteristics and typical activities of males or females.

gender schema

When a new and unusual toy is introduced in Sarah's nursery school class, two boys are the first to start playing with it. Later Sarah turns down a chance to play with it because "that's a boy toy." Her refusal reflects her

gender schemas

At summer camp, the first time Aaron found himself on the list for dishwashing, he protested that guys don't wash dishes, that's for girls. This reflected his particular

gender schemas.

A key element to overcoming the hazards of growing up poor is

getting social support from parents, mentors, and friends.

According to gender schema theorists, a child's sense of gender identity emerges

gradually, beginning in the preschool years

When child poverty is compared among developed nations, Canada's rate is ______than many of them.


Compared to boys, girls receive _____ in math during _____.

higher grades; elementary school

Socioeconomic status is linked to media exposure, at least for younger adolescents. Compared with those from ________-income and more-educated families, Canadian teens with _______-income backgrounds spend more time on television and video games, but not on computer use

higher, lower

"I'm taking biology because my mom's a doctor and always intended for me to go into medicine too." This statement is an example of what Erikson calls

identity foreclosure.

Anatoly's parents are activists in a political party. When Anatoly turns 18 and registers to vote, he enrolls in the same party, though he is not sure if he agrees with that party's stand on issues. In Marcia's terms, Anatoly's identity status is

identity foreclosure.

Cultural beliefs about how children should be raised and what the role of adolescents is in society are important elements of what Bronfenbrenner terms the


According to Michael Berzonsky's description of identity styles, teens with a low tolerance for ambiguity and a high need for structure are likely to use a _____ processing style.


In Kohlberg's view, people move from one stage of moral development to the next because

others confront them with arguments that are more morally adequate than their own.

The view that cultures are unified systems with shared values and beliefs

overlooks the role of conflict and opposition within cultures.

When people believe they are members of a group with a common purpose, it creates a

sense of community

Chandra was born in India but now lives in Toronto. She wears traditional Indian dress to school, does not socialize with non-Indian students, celebrates Hindu holidays, and has told her parents she wants them to arrange her marriage in traditional style. John Berry would say that she represents an example of


Marisol, 11, and her younger brother need something to do on a rainy Saturday morning. It is most likely that

she will suggest an activity such as an art project and he will agree

Family income, social prestige, and access to social resources are major indications of

social class

Millions of young people in Canada take part in community-based


Yuan enters a summer program for high school students who are gifted in math. Of the 40 students, she is one of five girls. Her success in the program is likely to

suffer because of the effect of stereotype threat.

The experience that is most likely to trigger an outbreak of depression in adolescence is

the breakup of a romance

Martin Hoffman has suggested that the origin of moral development is in

the capacity to feel empathy.

An important difference between television and video games is that

unlike watching TV, in video games the player is the character who carries out various actions and gets points for doing so.

Emma asks her father a question about earthquakes and tidal waves. In response, he is likely to

use less complex language and concepts than he would with her brother.

According to the _____ approach, adolescents make media choices in line with such factors as diversion, social utility, personal identity, and high sensation.

uses and gratifications

The term immanent justice refers to the belief that

wrongdoing automatically leads to punishment

In media presentations that adolescents watch, women are typically presented as

young, beautiful, and thin

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