Aero 310

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The edge of space is often defined at 100 KM above the Earth's surface. This is referred to as the:

the karman line

Early Airmail pilots were called?

the suicide club

Jimmy Doolittle is famous for his 1942 raid on?


Alberto Santos-Dumont flew from Parc Saint Cloud to the Eiffel Tower and bank in 1901.


An Aircraft's Drag Polar is one of the most important ways to assess the overall vehicle aerodynamics.


An Aircraft's Drag Polar is one of the most important ways to assess the overall vehicle aerodynamics?


Marilyn Monroe was "Discovered" making Drones?


Other people were flying before Wilbur Wright's famous 2 hour flight of 1908?


The Lafayette Escadrille were Americans volunteers flying in support of the French before the US joined WW I?


True or false: A "Pork Chop plot" is useful in determining when to launch for travel to another planet?


True or false: Cal Poly Students have built satellites that have flown in space?


True or false: Space debris is considered a series risk to Astronauts on orbit?


In what year did Sputnik orbit the Earth?


In what year did President Kennedy announce the goal to go to the Moon?


In what year did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon?


In what year did the first Space Shuttle launch into orbit?


The Hubble Space Telescope was finally put on orbit in what year?


About How many miles away is the Moon from Earth?


What keeps us from having supersonic airliners now?

A law prohibiting supersonic flight over land limits the possible routes and profitability

Adm. Grace Hooper coined the term "Computer Bug" when she found what, in the computer she was testing?

A moth

The Wright Brothers were successful in being the first to fly a powered manned heavier than air vehicle because they addresses the issue of:

Aerodynamics Propulsion Structures Controls

Which of the following is not a type of propulsion?

Jet **Warp (Space dilation)** Propeller Rocket

Actor who flew B-17s and B-24s, retired from USAFR as a General?

Jimmy Stewart

Who was the first American to orbit the Earth?

John Glenn

What was the name of the designer of the SR-71?

Kelly Johnson

Spirit and Opportunity are two of the many?

Mars Rovers

The point of closest approach (The minimum distance) between a satellite and the object it is orbiting is known as?


Which of the following was not a deep space probe?

Pioneer 10 **Viking 2** Pioneer 11 Voyager 1 Voyager 2

The sound barrier was first broken by what aircraft?

the Bell X-1

This event is associated with the start of the "Cold War"?

The Berlin Blockade (Airlift)

True or false: 14 CFR FAA Part 107 regulations require that drone operators respect the privacy of those whose property they are overflying below 400 ft altitude above the ground?


True or false: A "New moon" is when the "Dark side" of the moon is pointing towards the Earth?


True or false: Apollo 17 was the last Apollo mission?


True or false: The United States Department of Defense official rules of engagement do not address armed drones?


Large jet aircraft are designed such that there are fewer than 1 accident per 10 Billion miles of flight?

false, actually 1 Billion hours

Which of these aircraft companies was Not formed before the start of World War I (WW I)?

**Boeing** Curtiss Ford Lockheed

How many astronauts have walked on the moon?


In what year did the first "Drone" fly?


What year did the Wright Brother fly the first powered manned heavier than air airplane?


In what year did World War 1 start?


In what year did the United States enter WWI?


In what year did World War I end?


In what year did the "Kettering Bug," the first production drone, or flying torpedo first fly?


In what year did Robert Goddard fly his first liquid Rocket?


In what year did Cal Poly start it's Aeronautical Engineering program?


In what year did WWII start?


What year did the US enter WWII officially?


In what year did World War II end?


In What year was the "Sound Barrier" Broken?


In what year did the first commercial jet aircraft enter service?


Who was the first American to travel into space?

Alan Shepard

There were 6 Space Shuttles Built, which one did not travel to space?

Atlantis Challenger Columbia **Enterprise** Endeavor Discovery

Whose equation tells us the pressure of air is Ptotal = Pstatic + 1/2 *Density * Velocity2


The U-2 aircraft was first used to disprove the existence of a "_________" gap between the US and USSR.


What does Archimedes principle deal with?


This Cal Poly Alumni has had more than 45 of his aircraft designs built and flown?

Burt Rutan

Who was the first to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, Solo, from West to East?

Charles Lindbergh

What was the name of the pilot who broke the sound barrier flying the X-1

Chuck Yeager

Who said "Never was so much owed by so many to so few"?


The famous Apollo 8 picture "Earth-rise" was taken on what date?

Dec 24, 1968

Which of the following is not considered a source of space debris?

Derelict launch vehicle components **Trash bags left by previous missions** Tools dropped by astronauts while on space walks Parts from destroyed satellites No longer functioning satellites

The X-59 is being designed to determine acceptable sound levels for what purpose?

Develop new laws that would permit supersonic aircraft flight over land

The first living creature to orbit the earth was a?

Dog, Laika

What technology did Not start in or before WWII?

Drones **Laser Guided Weapons** Stealth RADAR

True or false: The Metric used by passenger Airlines to show profitability is Revenue per pound mile?


True or false: An orbit with an eccentricity of 1.0 is a perfectly circular orbit?

False, its 0.0

Who was Yuri Gagarin?

First man to travel into space

This person was hired by Lockheed as a Test Pilot in 1929?

Florence "Poncho" Barnes

Put the components of the Atmosphere in order of greatest to least concentration

N2, O2, CO2

His laws provide the basis for most of engineering.


This device was responsible for making precision bombing possible?


This was the first large campaign with the US as part of the Allied forces?

North Africa

Which of these Billionaires is not funding an Aerospace company or project?

Richard Branson Elon Musk **Warren Buffet** Jeff Bezos

This event led to the United States to take sides in World War I?

sinking of the Lusitania

Who was the first Cal Poly Alumni to travel into space?

Robert Gibson

To be in "Straight and Level Flight" The following must be true:

Rolling Moment = 0.0 Pitching Moment = 0.0 Lift = Weight Thrust = Drag

Where was Winston Churchill when he commented "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"?

The Battle of Britain

The first operational aircraft designed specifically to be nearly invisible to radar was the?

The F-117A Nighthawk

The new Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), is also known as the?

The F-35 Lightning II

What agency creates the regulations that govern how aircraft are built?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

What aircraft is considered NASA's most successful X-plane?

The X-15

The 1990's Advanced Tactical Fighter Competition fly off pitted the:

The YF-22 Lightning II vs. the YF-23 Black Widow

True or False, The Speed of sound at sea level is about 760 MPH?


True or false: Ships can be made Stealthy?


What man made object is the furthest away from the Earth?

Voyage 1

Who was the Chief designer of the Saturn Rocket used for Apollo?

Werner Van Braun

In 1927 Charles Lindbergh was the first to fly across the Atlantic Ocean (From Paris to New York) solo?


The Lafayette Escadrille were the first squadron of the French Air Force?


The Speed of sound at sea level is about 1020 MPH?


What was Sputnik? What does it mean?

a satellite, fellow traveler

While Cal Poly Alumni Victor Glover was on the International Space Station 400 KM above the Earth's surface. About how fast was he traveling relative to the earth's surface?

about 17,500 mph

About how many aircraft did the US make in World War II?

about 300,000

P*V = n*R*T is known as the?

ideal gas law

Which of these items must be addresses to make eVTOL Urban Air Mobility viable?

increased energy density in batteries

The Astronauts of Apollo 8 were the first astronauts or cosmonauts to do what?

orbit the moon

What were the two major theaters of WWII?

pacific and european

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