Cyber-Crime Final Review

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Are a unique form of malware that can spread autonomously, though they do not necessarily have a payload. Instead, they use system memory to spread, self replicate, and deteriorate system functionality.


Are perhaps the oldest form of malware, operating since the earliest days of computing. This form of malware can neither be activated nor execute its payload without some user intervention, such as opening a file or clicking on an attachment.

White Hat

Are thought to be ethical hackers who work to find errors in computer systems and programs to benefit general computer security.

Black Hats

Are users who use the same techniques and vulnerabilities in order to gain access to information or harm systems.


As a consequence, it is necessary to consider how fighting a war in this domain may operate and what constitutes as an act of cyberwar.


BBS stands for the Bulletin Board System, it became a form of asynchronous computer mediated communications used heavily during the 1980's.

Computer Crime

Computer crime occurs between the special knowledge about computer technology

Ponemon estimated that the number of Americans hit with malware infections was what?


What is Ethnic Cleansing (related to your readings)? How much does it cost to play?

Ethnic Cleansing is a video game that was released through a platform called Resistance Records, which has no cost open source. The game is a so-called first-person klansman who kills black jews, and Latinos in various urban and subway envisionments. This game also had a sequel, and the content had utilized pro Islamic imagery, rap, and popular music as well as various messages from Osama bin Laden and the 9/11 terror attacks.

What is FloodNet and what was it used for?

Floodnet was used to be downloaded directly from their website to be used by individuals who shared their perspectives on the use of the internet as a space for social activism. Its first attack was used against the Mexican government owing to their treatment of Zapatista separatists who were fighting against what they perceived to be government repression.

What does it mean, when a computer device has been "jailbroken"?

For a computer device to be jailbroken, it has to enable the user of the device to install third party designer programs to be used on a specific product, such as apple products. It allows the people who jailbreak their phones to use them in ways that were not specifically allowed by the designer.

Is "Hate Speech" a crime in the U.S.?

Hate Speech is understood to be one of the areas in which they have positioned themselves further out on the speech-protective end of the legal spectrum. Hate speech is a crime in the United States, because the fact that the constitution has freedom of speech, it doesn't give people the right to have people say venomous things about other people in the US where everyone is free and have a right to be here.

DDos attack?

In a DDOS attack, individual send multiple requests to servers that house online content to the point where these servers become overloaded and are unable to be used by others. Some examples would be attacks against the government, the recording industry, and private businesses.


In order for a hacker to compromise a computer system or network, the hacker must utilize vulnerabilities or flaws in computer software or hardware, or people.

What is the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act? What does it do?

Includes malware related offences in addition to specific hacking related offenses. It knowingly causes the transmission of a program, information, code, or command and thereby intentionally causes damage to a protected computer. Intentionally access a protected computer without authorization and thereby recklessly cause damage. It also intentionally access a protected computer without authorization and thereby cause damage or loss.


Involves the modification of technology, such as altercation of computer hardware or software in order to allow it to be used in innovative ways. Whether for legitimate or illegitimate purposes.

identity theft"

Involves the unlawful use or possession of a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, aid, or abet illegal activity.


Is used to encapsulate the range of destructive programs that can be used to harm computer systems, gain access to sensitive information, or engage in different forms of cyber crimes.

Blended Threat

Is when the programs have recent forms of malware combine aspects of these programs.


It came as a term that emerged within the hacker subculture to recognize and separate malicious attacks from those acts supported by the hacker ethics.

carding market

It enables individuals to engage efficiently in credit card fraud and identity theft with minimal effort and limited technical knowledge or skill. These markets allow skilled hackers to garner a profit through the sale of information they acquire to other criminals, while those who use the accounts can make money for a small initial investment.


It involves the use and abuse of a credit card number or the identity associated with the account. The practice dates back to the mid-1990s when hackers would utilize statistical programs to randomly generate credit card numbers.

Script kiddies

It is a derogatory term is meant to shame individuals by recognizing their use of pre made scripts or tools, their lack of skill, and the concurrent harm they may cause.

What is a torrent file and how does it work?

It was a new file-sharing protocol, and it was a software that allows concurrent uploads and downloads of media through multiple sources. People must use the app the torrent client, which connects them to an extensive network of users. From there, a person can search for a piece of media he or she wants to download through various index services. Yes, because you can trace the media download through the index service and try to determine it back through the primary source.

Computer Fraud

Reported forms of cybercrime are forms of cyber-deception and theft. Although there are many definitions of fraud, one of the most commonly accepted involves the many definitions of fraud, one of the most commonly accepted involves the criminal acquisition of money or property from victims through the use of deception or cheating.

What was the Arab Spring?

The Arab spring was a series of the pro-democracy uprising that enveloped several largely Muslim countries, including Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Libya, Egypt, and Bahrain.


The changes that a piece of malware causes to a computer system are affected

How much does Cyber Crime cost the U.S. each year?

The cost of the malicious cyber activity is between the price of 57 billion and 109 billion from 2016. However, firms share common cyber vulnerabilities causing cyber threats to be correlated across the firms.

What is the Dark Web and how can one access it?

The dark web is software that is used as the portion of the internet that can be accessed only via encryption software and browser protocols. Also, it can run through the forums of the TOR service, which uses free proxy and encryption protocol that hides the IP address and location details. It is used illegally by different criminals who either traffic people for prostitution, drugs, or counterfeit money.

What year was one of the first computer crime laws passed in Florida? What did the law address?

The first computer crime law that was passed in Florida was in 1978, and it defined hacking as the unauthorized access to computers or computer systems, and unauthorized access leading to the acquisition, theft, deletion, or corruption of data.


This form of malware is similar to viruses in that it cannot replicate on its own, but requires some user interactions in order to execute the code.


Those who engage in deviant or criminal applications of hacking could be labeled as such, since true hackers consider destructive hackers to be a lower form of life.


Was developed in the mid-1900s as the technology was increasingly adopted by consumers and industries alike. The increasing focus was placed on defining physical terror through the use of violence to promote fear.

Why during computer forensics do we use hash tables

We use hash tables because we have to figure out the arbitrary amount of data that is being inputted to create a fixed value that can be output to make sure that the original data can be found and extracted.

nation-state actors

When a government or military cooperation are hacking into a system and are using different hackers

intellectual property

When an original idea that involves some creative expression is put into a fixed medium, such as being written down on paper or drafted on canvas using paint. It is when someone's own work is being put on display and they know it's their work because of the signature that they put on it because it was their property first.

Dead Box

When forensics examines the powered down computer components that were once active.


When possible threats are identified, a vulnerability assessment must be performed. It considers the potential loss impacts from a successful attack.


When the combination of the impact of loss rating and the vulnerability rating can be used to evaluate the potential risk to the server to the given threat.

419 Scam

With the 419 scam, there are many different variations with how it works. One way that it works is that the scammer will message a person making a claim that they are a wealthy heir to a deceased person who needs help moving inherited funds out of the country.

peer 2 peer" or "P2P" system/networks

With the peer 2 peer file share protocols contracted in the late 1990's, it enabled file sharing directly between users, which dramatically reduced the likelihood of detection. In 1998, it allowed users to connect and communicate with others in literal chatrooms of thousands run by different individuals.


has ties to Al Qaeda, Isis, and other Islamic extremist groups across the middle east and Africa, and depends on technology for communication infrastructure and as an attack platform.

Radical Far Right

is often associated with white supremacist groups like the Klu Klux Klan, though it can actually be applied as an umbrella term to capture the collective of groups with overlapping perspectives, such as Nazi groups, white nationalists, Aryan skinheads, and other Christian separatists movements.


is the set of algorithms that takes an arbitrary amount of data and creates a fixed value that acts as a unique reference number for the original data.

Forensic Preview

is when the examiner recovers data from computers seized as evidence in criminal investigations. They have to be early on to the investigation to help properly collect the material needed for the case.

What does a DoS attack mean?

A DoS attack is a denial of service attack in which the hackers, attempt to prevent legitimate users from accessing the service

digital piracy

A form of Cybercrime encompassing the illegal copying of digital media, such as computer software, digital sound recordings, and digital video recordings without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.


A threat assessment considers the full spectrum of threats, for a given facility or location

Cyber Criminals

Cyber criminals are individuals or teams of people who use technology to commit malicious activities on digital systems or networks with the intention of stealing sensitive company information or personal data and generating profit.

What is Cyber Crime

CyberCrime the perpetrator uses special knowledge of cyberspace. However within recent upgrades within electronics and computers, and that every computer has access to the internet it has in some way diminished the need to segment these two acts.


Napster was created in 1999. It freely stabilized specialized software developed by Shawn Fanning and others to provide an easy-to-use program to share MP3 encoded music files between computer systems.

What was "Operation Payback"?

Operation Payback was an attack that mainly distributed denial of service attacks, which flooded a website with traffic to crash its server, in retaliation for the shutdown of torrent search engine Pirate Bay. The Grand Jury indicted 13 members of the hacking group Anonymous on October 3rd, 2013.

Cyber Terrorists

Premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.

What are the five ideas of the "hacker ethic" by Steven Levy? (Technically 6)

The first idea of the hacker ethic was that it has access to computers, and anything that might teach you something about the way that the world works. It also should be unlimited and total. The second idea is that all the information should be free The third idea is there should be a mistrust of authority, to promote decentralization. The fourth idea is that Hackers must be judged on their hacking, not bogus criteria such as degree, age, race or position. The fifth idea is that you can create art and beauty on a computer The sixth and final idea is that computers can change your life for the better.


The individuals engaged in this effort are referred to as trolls as a historical reference to individuals who actively seek fights and cause trouble in online platforms.

What is the PLA and Unit 61398?

The person Liberation Army of China was designated Unit 61398 in the third department of the general staff department of the PLA, is thought to be staffed to be staffed by dozen if not hundreds of workers with specialized knowledge of computer security and network attacks. It concerns the United States because of such a high level with direct connections to the military suggest that we may be in the middle of a new cold war that is otherwise unknown to the citizens of these nations.

Romance Scam

The romance scam is to form an emotional and romantic bond with the other person. Online dating sites have become a target-rich environment for scammers.

Where did the term "hacking" come from

The term hacking comes from the idea of the modification of technology, and over the past 60 years it was termed as different ideas based on the progression towards modern technology.


The term that is referenced by older members of the hacker communities that may refer to noobs or script kiddies as lamers or wannabes, referencing their capacity and skills.

What will the total cost of cybercrime reach in 2019?

The total cost of cybercrime will be 124 billion in spending

What is a "troll factory"?

The troll factory is an internet research agency that is controlled by Russia, and the people who were recruited by them realized that they were recruited for a darker purpose. The purpose was to create zombies. It is important to national security because the same organization tried to meddle in the 2016 American Presidential Election.

Phishing Email Scams

These messages often mimic legitimate communications from financial institutions and service providers, such as Paypal or eBay. The message usually contains some of the branding and language commonly used by the institution in an attempt to convince the message is legitimate.


These threats demand that the operator of the infected system pay in order to have their systems functionally restored.


this sort of attack is what some researchers refer to. In that, the actors use hacking techniques to promote an activist agenda or express their opinion. As a result, hacktivism provides a way to classify criminal acts of protest involving hacking techniques that are in some way analogous to offline political action.

Electronic Pearl Harbor

to refer to a cyber attack against the USA that would take the nations by surprise and cause crippling harm.

Live Box

when the computer is still active, and then try to use everything in their power from the component turning off

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