Africa 1

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Commercial farming is the raising of crops and livestock for sale and is generally done on a large scale using modern machines and technology.

Define commercial farming.

Most African lions live on the open plains. They live in small family units that move with a larger group of up to 40 members.

Describe a lion's social organization.

What was the goal of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa?

Discovering past wrongdoing and resolving historical conflict

Desertification is the degradation of land in arid and dry sub-humid areas, but is not occurring in Africa yet.


Who referred to the Egyptian Civilization as the "gift of the Nile?"


Describe the Songhai society.

Highly structured society, with noblemen, commoners, and slaves.

circular migration according to seasonal rains across the Serengeti

How are the wildebeest's migration patterns affected by the seasonal rains?

Herodotus referred to the Egyptian Civilization as the "Gift of the Nile."

How did Herodotus refer to the Egyptian Civilzation?

Imperialism in South Africa emerged with the discovery of gold and diamonds.

How did the discovery of diamonds and gold affect South Africa?

Cattle are considered sacred. Cattle ownership is as important to a Swazi as gun ownership is to an American. Government provides free medicines and veterinary services to cattle, which number 600 000 in a nation of 900 000 people.

How do people in Swaziland regard cattle?

About 25% of the Sahara is covered by dunes and sand sheets.

How do sand sheets and dunes characterize the Sahara Desert?

It is the largest lake.

How does Lake Victoria compare with the other lakes in Africa?

Nile River is the longest river in Africa.

How does the Nile compare with other rivers in Africa?

It's seen as a way to help rural Africans out of poverty.

How does the World Bank view the importance of commercial farming in Africa?

One characteristic of the vegetation found in the Sahara is that these species must be able to adapt to unreliable precipitation and excessive heat.

How has the Sahara desert affected the plants that grow there?

accelerated the pace of technological and social change

How has the growth of sedentary farming affected technological and social change?

People have depended on the Nile River for over 6000 years

How long has the Nile River been an intregal part of human settlement in Africa?


How many countries are located in Africa?

North Africa (the Sahara, from the Atlantic to the Red Sea)

In what parts of Africa is Arabic the most commonly spoken language?

Approximately how many people died during the Rwandan genocide?


Approximately what percent of the Sahara Desert is covered by sand sheets and dunes?

About 25%

Why is Africa facing such a disease crisis?

Africa has 14% of the world population, 25% of the global disease burden, but only 1.3% of the global health workers.

The increasingly organized and commercialized bushmeat market in recent years is threatening the survival of wildlife in Central Africa.


True - Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa are among the least-developed countries in the world, with high infant mortality rates and low life expectancies.

True or False? Sub-Saharan Africa is home to the poorest people of the world.

Sedentary farming is a system in which the farmer remains settled in one place. It contrasts with shifting cultivation and nomadic pastoralism.

Define sedentary farming.

Equatorial Africa is a relatively vague term that could be used to refer to the tropical region of Africa or the region of Sub-Saharan Africa crisscrossed by the equator.

Describe Equatorial Africa.

The perennial system, less dependent on the Nile flood, is used more widely. The perennial irrigation system allows farmers to plant multiple crops.

What are the benefits to the perennial system of irrigation?

End of the slave trade, exploration, capitalism, steam engines, medical advances, politics, and military innovations were all factors leading to the Scramble for Africa

What caused the scramble for Africa?

Flows through the country of Congo; the second longest river in Africa and the deepest river in the world

Describe the relative location of the Congo River.

Which of the following men was one of the first explorers to investigate the interior of Africa?

Dr. David Livingstone

How did the Tutsi come to power in Rwanda?

European colonists chose the Tutsi to rule the Hutu because the Tutsi looked more like themselves.

What is located between Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania

Lake Victoria

Which of the following is the largest lake in Africa?

Lake Victoria

Which of the following animals live in small family units that move with a larger group of up to 40 members?


Which of the following countries is not part of the Sahara?


Which of the following diseases is a life-threatening parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitoes?



- Human Immunodeficieny Virus (HIV), Acquired Immune Deficiency System (AIDS) -

What is PEPFAR?

An American initiative to combat the global HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The equator runs north-south roughly through the middle of the continent of Africa.


Victoria Falls is located at the base of which of the following rivers?

Nile River

What is used to divide the continent of Africa into regions?

Sahara Desert

A rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees


Which of the following countries is not located on the Equator?

South Africa

Somalia is located on the coast of Africa, east of Ethiopia.


Some 2.5 million people currently live in the Sahara, most of these in Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco and Algeria.


In what country is mt. Kilimanjaro is located


What was the immediate effect of the explorations of men like Burton, Livingstone, Speke, and Stanley?

Their explorations contributed to the potential desirability of parts of Africa for economic purposes.

Where's victoria falls located?

Zambezi river

Sahara desert - divided into North and Sub-Saharan Africa

What physical feature is most often used to divide the continent of Africa into regions?

First country to begin the process of European colonization of Africa. The Scramble for Africa began in 1881, when France moved into Tunis with Bismarck's encouragement.

What role did France play in the African land-grab?

The Scramble for Africa began in 1881, when France moved into Tunis with Bismarck's encouragement. After centuries of neglect, Europeans began to expand their influence into Africa. Soon, it took on a full-fledged land grab in Africa by European Powers. This came to be called the Scramble for Africa.

What significant event of Africa history began in 1881s?

Southern Africa

Where can you find the world's largest resources of platinum. It is also a source for diamonds, uranium, gold, and other minerals.

Which of the following approaches are considered good alternatives to government to government aid in Africa? Increased trade opportunities Foreign investments Microfinance projects All of the above

All of the above

Western Africa

Bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Sahara Desert & was known for having a series of corrupt and oppressive governments plagued by political unrest, ethnic rivalries, and brutal civil wars.

Which of the following is considered sacred to the people of Swaziland?


What did David Livingstone's 3 C's stand for?

Christianity, Commerce, and Civilization

The basin system was developed thousands of years ago; it is now used only in parts of southern Egypt and northern Sudan. The perennial system, less dependent on the Nile flood, is used more widely. The basin system only supports one main crop because it is dependent on the annual flooding of the Nile. The perennial irrigation system allows farmers to plant multiple crops.

Compare the basin system of irrigation and the perennial system of irrigation.

shrubland found throughout South Africa

Define "chaparral."

a landform at the mouth of a river

Define "delta."

Between Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania

Where is Lake Victoria located?

Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, is located in Tanzania.

Where is Mt. Kilimanjaro?

Zambezi River and is protected by two national parks in Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Where is Victoria Falls located?

On the Nile River in Egypt; The New Aswan High Dam, designed to improve irrigation and provide hydroelectric power, is a short distance south of the old dam. Lake Nasser, its huge reservoir, extends some 300 miles (480 km) upstream.

Where is the New Aswan high Dam? Why was it built?

Northern Africa; Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan and Tunisia

Where is the Sahara desert? In which countries is it located?

Burton, Livingstone, Speke, and Stanley

Which European explorers showed the desirability of parts of Africa for economic purposes?

One of the first, and most well-known, explorers to penetrate the interior of Africa was Dr. David Livingstone, a British physician and missionary.

Who was Dr. David Livingstone?

Equatorial Africa

Within the region of Sub-Saharan Africa this region can be found.


the africans-only virus found in 1976 monkeys are susceptible

Expansion of the desert. The Sahara is expanding by about 30 miles a year, taking over surrounding grasslands.

Define "desertification." How is it affecting the Sahara?

A savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees.

Define "savanna."

Ways to limit/prevent malaria

- Don't let mosquitos bite - Take antimalarial drugs - Spray insecticides everywhere - Sleep under bedding nets - Use insect repellent - Wear long-sleeved clothing


- Kills off millions of people a year - life-threatening parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitos - About 13000 cases each year in the US - It's estimated a child dies of malaria every 30 seconds - Causes vicious poverty - Lack of resources prevents malaria control center from bein built (Sub-saharan) - Parasites becoming increasingly resistant to anti-malarial drugs


- the meat of wild african animals - bushmeat market has become increasingly organized and commercialized and now militarized as well - Poachers are armed with better weapons than military - Until recently people only hunted enough to feed their families - Gangs mass kill now - Using poison arrows instead of guns to avoid tracking

Why do many people believe the current aid to Africa situation is doing more harm than good?

Most government to government aid has been pocketed by corrupt officials.

Nile Valley basin

Most of the Sahara desert has little vegetation—except in which region?

Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco and Algeria

Most people who live in the Sahara desert live in which countries?

Northern Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, Western Africa & Central Africa

Name the 5 regions of Africa.

What part of Africa is predominantly Islamic?

North Africa above the Sahara, West Africa and the East African coast

What part of Africa had a large supply of salt?

Northern Africa

Where has the ebola virus infected humans?

Only Africa

Which of the following systems of farming is farming whereby farmers grow only what they need to survive?

Subsistence farming

European colonialists in many cases adopted Muslim law as a unifying administrative structure, rather than the indigenous and often competing tribal customs of their artificially demarcated colonies.


Modern Mali is unique due to the blending of Islam and Black African traditions from the Middle Ages and the rich tradition of cross-cultural exchange following years of colonial domination by the French.


Napoleon Bonaparte saw colonization in Africa as a way to improve France's stature compared to the British.


The Nile is the longest river in the world, flowing through 10 countries in Africa.


The World Bank sees the development of commercial farming as a way of helping rural Africans out of poverty.


Which of the following documents stated that "South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white?"

The Freedom Charter

What river in Africa was essentially used as a highway to transport gold and salt?

The Niger River

Why was there a sudden rise in ivory poaching in 2008 and 2009?

The United Nations allowed the first legal ivory auction in over a decade.

Why was the basin system of irrigation largely abandoned by farmers near the Nile River in modern times?

The basin system only allows the planting of one main crop.

Central Africa

The climate in this region is mainly a humid tropical climate that supports a large tropical rain forest.

Ivory Auction

The first legal ivory auction in a decade took place during 2008, yielding over 1 million dollars $ from Chinese japanese bidders

Sahara Desert

The most notable aspect of the geography of Northern Africa is the __________.

Mount Kilimanjaro and Lake Victoria

These 2 landforms can be found in Eastern Africa.


This country has a large border on the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlas Mountains form the backbone of this country. The Sahara Desert is found in the south east portion of the country - there are few people in this region.


This country is a desert except for the fertile land found around the Nile River Delta. This region is green on the image with a large area of fertile land in the north along the Meditteranean Sea and south along the banks of the Nile River.


This country is a landlocked and located in Central Africa. Due to its harsh desert climate, it is sometimes referred to as the "Dead Heart of Africa." The areas in the north and the south have a distinctly different geographical appearance because of the deserts there and is divided into three distinct zones, from the Sudanese savanna in the south to the Sahara Desert in the north.


This country is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and by three different countries to the north, south, and east; is one of the world's leading producers of diamonds and petroleum but has some of the world's worst statistics for infant mortality and life expectancy with an incredible amount of poverty throughout the country.

South Africa

This country is surrounded on three sides by ocean, with a long coastline that stretches more than 1,550 miles. The interior is generally sparse and flat.

Illegal Poaching

This trade of endangered animals has been an issue in Africa for years

Malaria kills people all over the world, not just Africa - about 1300 cases of malaria are diagnosed every year in the United States.


Since many countries with malaria are already among the poorer nations, the disease maintains a vicious cycle of disease and poverty.


Gabon, Congo, Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, and Somalia

What countries are located on the equator?

Five years of declining harvests and three years of drought-induced crop failures have spurred small holder farmers who make up a majority of Swaziland's population to do the unthinkable: change their traditional attitudes about what they grow. African farmers are very hesitant to change their traditional crops to drought-resistant crops such as cotton.

What has caused many subsistence farmers to break with traditional crops and begin planting more drought-resistant crops such as cotton in recent years?

Everyone needs cash.

What has caused people in Africa to give up subsistence farming?

The gerenuk is also known as the gazelle-giraffe because of its long giraffe-like neck. When standing on four legs, it is just over 4 feet tall, but thanks to an evolutionary adaptation, the gerenuk is also able to stand on its hind legs, and extend its forelegs.

What is a gerenuk?

Alluvial soil is material which has settled out of water carried by a stream or river; along the banks of the Nile River

What is alluvial soil? Where can it be found?

Desertification is the degradation of land in arid and dry sub-humid areas, resulting primarily from natural activities and influenced by climatic variations. Desertification is a major issue in Africa.

What is desertification? Is it occurring in Africa?

Growing just enough for your family; when crops aren't successful, it would pose big problems.

What is subsistence farming? When would subsistence farming be problematic for rural farming families?

The basin system was developed thousands of years ago; it is now used only in parts of southern Egypt and northern Sudan. The basin system only supports one main crop because it is dependent on the annual flooding of the Nile.

What is the "basin system" of irrigation? What are its drawbacks?

Of the many African savannas, the Serengeti is most well-known.

What is the Serengeti?

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