Africa/ Midterm Test

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Zimbabwe's decline?

All of Zimbabwe's resource were accidentally exhausted.

Taureg people

Berber-speaking pastoralists who inhabit an area in North and West Africa

Niger River

Farmer can pump water for irrigation. Starts from Sierra Leone and ends at Guinea. Used for fishing and transportation.

Taureg adaptation

Fathers teach their sons to care for goats and camels, then spend a lifetime in search of water. Other Tuaregs are determined to live out their days in the desert. The heat cmaps can reach up to 120 degrees. Tuareg managed trade routes for gold, ivory, salt, and black African slaves, and provided services to trade caravans throughout the Sahel.

North Africa

From Morocco to West of Egypt, because of its location, has the most contact with Europe and Middle East.

Central Africa

Includes the Dominican Republic

How large is the Sahara Desert?

It is 3.5 million square miles. The Sahara comes from the Arabic word tan, the color of the desert. Sahara's sub desert is called the Sahel, form the arabic word Shore.

East Africa

Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania

Why was West Africa mostly females and East Africa mostly males?

Market in America wanted young men which is why ⅔ of the salves exported were male. Asian and African market preferred young females, for their reproductive value as sex objects. As a result he west coast African became mostly females, and the population in East Africa became mostly male.

What was hierarchy based on?

Money alone did not grant prestige. High status was based on blood and royal service.

Namib Desert

One of the most driest place on Earth.


The East African coastal culture, named after a Bantu language, strong Arabic influences.


women slave merchants, Mae Aurlia Correia

Contrast factory-forts to shore trading.

(1.) The Gold Coast, established Factory forts were fortified trading posts on the African coast that were expensive to maintain. However, they provided defense against rival European ships. (2)Shore trading was process by which European ships would drop anchor and send out small boat to trade. they would invite African slave dealers to come to the ship to trade slaves. shore trading method allowed the ship to move easily from markets while factory forts were sedentary.

Why were Africans selected for slaves?

1.) Firstly, blacks were viewed as an inferior race and thus, enslaving them was justified. 2.) Secondly, Africans had partial immunities to both Smallpox and Malaria. This allowed them to work in many conditions and survive in the New World. Africans also had no problem with enslaving other members of their the America they experienced the lowest mortality rates, making suitable workers. 3.) tsetse fly causes sleeping sickness and other diseases, farmers had trouble using animals. These soils could not be plowed and so must be used by a hoe, therefore productivity was low. Enslaved people in the Americas were more productive, and so many Europeans were willing to pay a higher price.

List ten features of the kingdom of Ghana.

1.) Ghana became a model for other rulers. formed when the Gold Coast Colony gained independence from the British rule. Name selected to signify ancient Ghana's past, and paid tribute to their heritage. 2.)The nucleus of the territory was inhabited by the Soninke people. 3.)They called their land Wagadou 4.)The population was as high as 200,000 5.) All authority came from the king, the war chief known as Ghana 6.) The kingship was blood linked. 7.)The capital city of Ghana was Koumbi Saleh. 8.) Muslims of Koumbi Saleh lived separately either to protect themselves or preserve their special identity. 9.) There was a large and prosperous Muslim community in Ghana, had a imam was a religious leader, Muezzin led the prayer responses after the imam 10.) There were four sources of income for the king; Royal estates: Heredity and conquered Annual tribute from subordinate chieftains, Tariffs on goods, Customs duties on goods entering and leaving Gold Monopoly 11.) Berber merchant also paid taxes to the king on cloth, weapons, metalwork, in return they relied royal protection from bandits. Ghana captured Berber town Awdaghost, situated on the trans Saharan of the major caravan, causing them to extend their influence.

European theology

1.) Permitted the enslavement of outsiders but made the enslavement of white Europeans taboo. Europeans cannot bear the sight of other Europeans as slaves. But the African don't have a problem selling their own people to Europe. 2.) Another theology is the in the Muslim and Arab world developed an association with blackness and slavery. Words and or black has become synonyms with slaves.

What were the two fundamental asset for Mali to form from Kangaaba?

1.) Strong agricultural and commercial base supported alrg population,and wealth. 2.) Mali had rulers, Sundiata and Mansa Musa, combined military success.

Africa's languages

1000 languages spoken. Language was changed though contact with each other, people migrated across the continent. East Africa contact with the Arab created the basic Bantu language called Swahili.

Ghana's military

200,000 warriors, 40,000 of them are bow and arrow. acts as his personal ambassador. Military can be increased, by using conquered people, slave, and free reserves.


40 percent of Africa. Three deserts Kalahari, Namibia, and Sahara

How many Africa's regions

5 regions, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, North Africa

Tropical Wet

8%: Rainforest. Extends from Guinea to Great Rift Valley. Temp of 80, 60 inches of rain. Many lush plants that grow here, but not good soil because of leeching, rain washes away the nutrients. Diseases, insect breed in pools of water.

Latitude and Elevation

80 percent of Africa is between Tropic of Caner and Capricorn. Tropical climate. Coolest regions of Africa are found in height elevation. Such as in Ghana have temp of 80 but in Kenya, 5,300 feet, have temp of 60-70.

What was the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea and why was it important?

A merchant seamen from Alexandria sailed down the Red Sea and out into the Indian Ocean, and also the seaports of East Africa, writing includes East African people, and commercial activities.

Uneven distribution of natural resources

Africa is rich in resource, it is unevenly distributed. Some countries have to get their oil from exports. Uganda has no resource but near the rift valley, have rich soil for farming with abundant of water= crops.

What effects did the evolution to settled life have on the people of Africa?

African farmers learned to domesticate plants. most Africans evolved a sedentary way of life. relying on root crops such as yams and cassava, and fishing. Hunting-and-gathering societies survived only in scattered parts of Africa, particularly in the central rain forest region and in southern Africa, use stone tools.

What is the etymology of the word "Ethiopians?" How does it compare to the Berber and Arab terms?

Africans inhabited the region south of the Sahara, an area of savanna and rainforest. The ancient Greeks called them Ethiopians, which means "people with burnt faces." the Arabs used the term Bilad al-Sudan, which survives as Sudan. The Berber and Arab terms both mean "land of the blacks."

Wodabe Challenges

After the drought the Wodaabe are unable to uphold the traditions because lack of water and cattle. Wodabe men begin the day with a tea ceremony; they drink three types of tea, representing life, love, friendship.Brought by the Arabs. Medicine Mahogany, Wodabe are sick or seeking extraordinary power they wear mixtures of powdered roots, bark and seeds; these are carried around their necks in leather pouches. It will make them strong and feel powerful. "Tbgu"; the men prepare for the dance of charm and personality by applying make-up to their faces, the men, pride themselves on their physical beauty; light skin, thin lips and a long nose and jawline attractive. The three most beautiful women of the clan act as judges

Describe the Kingdom of Aksum.

Aksum was a kingdom in northwestern Ethiopia, a sizable trading state and the center of Christian culture. They traded ivory gold, emeralds and slaves to Sudan, Arabia, and Yemen. Two thirds of Ethiopia were highlands, rugged plateaus, Great Rift Valley, this mountain valley caused all three major religions to influence Ethiopia. Aksum independently mint their own coins, first time that African state has it own currency.

What is Middle Passages

All portuguese shipments went on the Middle Passage horrific journey. The dwelling place of a slave is dirt floor. Exposed to harsh conditions and bad weather. Once reach protect they are branded on right breast the king, branding uses a hot silver instrument in the act of spying king's duties known as caimbo.


Alternating rainfall season. When rains falls on South the North will experience a dry season, and the next year it reverses. Moving more further North and South the shorter the rainy season and long the dry season. Desert get about 2.5 cm of rain, near equator get 203 cm of rain.

Africa's religion

Animistic and polytheistic. Believed in one supreme beings had created the universe and all source of life. Recognize ancestral sprit protect them from harm.


Areas with plentiful of rain move down to thee semiarid areas, and chop away trees for farmland. Cattle eat the eat destroying the integrity of the soil, causing the land to become desert, soil turn to dust.

African Kings

Bear resemblance to the Germanic kinship. King's authority based on ability to negotiate outside powers, such as gods.


Berber created a saddle but no effect because merchant walked with camels. But they had a military advantage and began to dominate the North Africa.


Berber merchant form North Africa controlled the caravan trade. Traded dates, salt, and traded with West Africa for ivory, gum, gold, enslaved West Africa people, sold to Muslim slave markets.

West Africa

Bulges into the Atlantic, from Mauritania to Nigeria

Explain how racism accompanied the expansion of slavery.

By viewing other people as inferior, slaves were able to justify their enslavement of races of people. For example, the enslavement of the American Indians and Africans were justified by racism.

Why did the camel have such an impact on the trans-Saharan trade?

Came "Ship of the desert." The camel was the equivalent to the horse in North America. The camel served as an effective means of transporting goods across the Sahara desert. Camels were able to provide efficient transportation of heavy and bulky freight. The camels brought great economic and social change to Africa. Because camels can carry about 500 pounds as far as 25 miles per day and can go for days without drinking. They were efficient for desert transportation.

What did the people of West Africa grow?

Cereals, raised cattle. Daily life such as marriages and trade agreement were based on cattle.

Chrstianity and Islam in Africa.

Christianity is dominate in South of Africa, and Islam is dominate in Africa northern parts.


Climate similar to Los Angeles. Winters are cool and moist. Summer rare hot and dry, many Europeans were attracted to this area.

Zimbabwe's monuments

Consists of two vast dry stone buildings, temples, and ornaments, sixty acres, massive wall. Gold ore lay near the surface,

Great Rift Valley Uses

Created form the Earth crust, has rich oil from erosion in the base of valley. Volcanic activity created Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya, created lakes of Malawi and Tanganyika. Lakes sources of clean energy fro the steam and hot springs. Though to be the place where all human life originated.

Major industries

D.R Congo and Zambia: huge deposits of copper South Africa, D.R. Congo, Botswana: Diamond and cobalt Nigeria, Angola: Offshore oil from underwater sources.

Describe the impact of slavery on African societies (Economic, Social, and Cultural).

ECONOMIC: Europeans introduced new goods into Africa such as firearms, tobacco and rum. African merchants who controlled the production of exports gained from the foreign trade. Entrepreneurs who specialized in slave trading gained and other individuals did as well. However, overall, the European slave trade did not lead to the economic development of Africa nor technological growth. Slave trading entropy allowed trader and farmer to supply food to local towns, slave ships. But overall the international trade did not lead to Africa's economic development.


Efe, known as "pygmies," have lived and foraged in the Ituri Forest in the northeast corner of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Also known as the "dancing dwarves," and "people of the trees"

Ameridians vs African slaves

European settlers first enslaved indigenous people The Ameridians, to mine the silver and gold discovered in the New World, but when they proved ill they brought in the Africans.

What was the final prices of slave determined by?

Final prices of those enslaved depend on their enthic origin, availability, and physical health. The supply of slaves for a foreign market was controlled by a small, wealth African merchant class. Only Africa entrepreneur can afford the finance.

Pokot adaptation

Food gathering led to settlement. Pokot most fruitful nature's gift is cattle, flourished in tropical everyday life. Keep as many cattle to fight against the drought. Cow Dung can be used for insulating walls and roots Camel for meat and milk not travelling Use, which is part of a tree that can be used to wash livestock.

Taureg Challenges

For Tuaregs have replaced glory days spent raiding, trading and collecting taxes at the point of a sword. Tuareg children have learned to gather at the hotel and ask for coins in French, English, Italian and German There is now a decrease in the water supply causing fertile land to now become sandy dunes. Taureg once owned hundreds of cattle are now left with only a dozen. Some are forced to settle in cities.

Great Rift Valley

From Red Sea to Zambez River. Rich in resources, but cliff prevent mining dangerous, and expensive pathways to be built.

Identify Frumentius.

Frumentius was a Syrian Christian trader. He was kidnapped as a young boy and was taken to Aksum to become future king. He was taken to Alexandria where he is the first bishop of Aksum. Then, he returned to Ethiopia with some priests to spread Christianity. It later became the Ethiopian state religion. Made Ethiopia's the first society to studies written records. These record explained how life went on for Ethiopia.

What is Ghana's decline

Ghana's delcine from the Almoravid invasion and being forced to convert to Islam.

Hierarchy of religion

God: Supreme God Divinities: Angels, Devils (lesser gods) The spirits The Living Dead


Groups living on the coast or on trade routes has the most contact with outsiders. The Berbers of North Africa, was one of them. Many of these people were first entered North Africa, after their expulsion from Spain.

Rainfall Impacts

Heavy downpour wash away soil and cause flooding Desertification

What was Ibn Battuta's assessment of Mali's empire?

Ibn Battuta describes his empire as an extremely just and fair one. The kingdom was safe from robbers and the inhabitants. Blacks were safe from the confiscation of their property, even if they died. Their sultan show no mercy to anyone who is guilty.


In Africa, these rivers prevent Europeans trying to explore the continent.

How did Muslim acceleration in Africa?

In common era, Merchants and seamen, came from the Mediterranean, and settled in East African coast. Accelerated Muslim penetration of the area, Arab called the "land of the black." Inhabited by bantu speakers, but local coastal people soon slowly converted to Islam.

What do different regions encourage

In eastern African palin, the earliest humans hunted wild animals. The differ steppe regions favored herding. Wetter savanna regions like the Nile Valley, encouraged grain-based agriculture/ Tropical forests favored hunting and gathering, and later root based agriculture. Crops such as yams, potatoes, and cassava, are high in carbohydrates. Rivers and lakes supported economics based on fishing.

How did the expansion of Islam affect West Africans?

Islam was introduced to the West Africans through the trans-Saharan trade. Muslims created Mogadishu, which employed a slave military corps. The king of Ghana was also influenced. Muslims guided African kings in the ways of governing. They taught kings the diwan, or register for keeping financial records. Islam brought writing to West Africa and taught the rulers of Ghana how to build palaces and bricks Most influential consequence of the Trans Saharan trade was the spread of Islam. Arab forced the Berber to spread Islam, and soon Ghana, Mali. The rulers converted in order to protect their kingdom rom Berbers and Musim attacks. Muslims quickly became an integral west Africa government and society.

Efe challenges to culture

Ituri Fores, dependent upon their ability to forage and hunt freely over large areas of forest, their fate is tied to the future of the forest itself. Remarkable music. Summoning Tore (God) with trumpet calls that imitate the sounds of animals, and often chanting continuously through the evening, Efe are renowned for their songs of love for the forest. The efe has come under attack The DRC has been sporadically ravaged by civil war for the last 40 years, government forces and a rebel coalition. The Ituri Forest has witnessed a rapid influx of immigrants who have succeeded in pushing the Efe into confined areas Hundreds of thousands of refugees who continue to flood the eastern Congo and exploit natural resources, bringing with them a host of infectious diseases. The average life expectancy of an Efe adult is 40 years, and many children. European companies caused devastating outbreaks of malaria, illegal poaching, and introducing money, tobacco, and marijuana, left the Efe sick, and hungry.


Kenya and in the Pokot District of the eastern region in Uganda. Tropical climate.


Kings, his courts, Muslim adminstrators, highest rung of the social ladder. Merchant on next class. Below merchant were the farmers, gold mine supervisors, skilled craftsmen, middle class. Lowest rung was the slaves.

How is mask important to Africans

Link between Living and the dead.

Africa's landforms

Made of high plateaus. Highest plateaus is on the east and south by gradually get smaller moving North and West. There is also sudden drops, known as escapement (steep cliffs), separate the coastal line and high lands, cataracts may form there.

What diseases do the Africans face?

Malaria, sleeping sickness, river blindness, elephantiasis, and AIDs. AIDS have slashed the African population.

Sundiatia role

Mali's founder Sundiata transformed the capital of Niani into financial and trading center. Gained territories of Ghana, and cities such as Gao.

Mansa Musa Role

Mansu fought many rebellions, and his influence stretched in the Sahara, and all the way to Gao, and west to Atalntic ocean.

Zambezi River

Massive hydroelectric power, that both Zimbabwe and Zambia use.

River Blindness.

Million of Africa to suffer from bilharzia, lose their sight. Transmitted from river infected with snail carrying parasitic worms.

Consequence of Mansu Must

Musa opened up diplomatic relations with Muslim rulers of Morocco and Egypt, and the Muslim faith and Islamic culture increased. There was so much gold in Cairo that it ruined the value of money. Musa built Mosques in Timbuktu, but came a trading center. He built new mosques for a conversion to Islam for Africans. In this city had a racist tolerance and understanding.

Pocket challenges to culture

No officials, get along well as long as outsiders remains outside Elders were top of the social class, learn to live with themselves and nature.

Kalahari Desert

Not quite as dry, melons and grasses grow their

What was the basic social unit for Southern Africa?

Nuclear family is the basic social unit among the early southern African people who practiced polygeny.

Who was Olaudah Equiano? Why is he important?

Olaudah Equiano was a man born in African and captured by slavers. He learned to read and write and eventually became one of the most outspoken abolitionists. He was important because he was able to give a first hand account of the wrongs of slavery. His master took him to Jamaica, to Virginia and then to England, was placed in a kind family. learning, reading, and math. He amassed enough money, and become free. But he hated the brutal slavery and vicious racism, cause that led to the Slave Trade Act of 1807.

Bantu Migration

Originated from Cameroon and Nigerian borders. But began to spread South and East into the forest zones. These people farmed and fished. Migrated throughout savanna's, drove off or killed assimilated hunter and gathering people. Cultivation of crops such as banks led to population increase.


Played role in human development, Nile flooded each year deposited silt but when the Aswan dam was built caused the lower Egypt to not get any more floods so now they have to buy fertilizer.

What is the political consequence from slavery.

Political consequence form slave trade such as trade enhanced the power and wealth of some kings, but promoted condition of instability and collapse over long run. Dahomey slave trade made it a royal monopoly. This kingdom became one of the major West African sources of slaves. But as the demand declined the kingdom fell into a depression

Rivers of Africa

Provide fishing, water irrigation, transportation, and hydroelectric power.

Congo River

Provides hydroelectric power, and transportation. Waterfall and rapids prevent boats from traveling all the way down the river to ocean.

Why is the term "race" often imprecise and inaccurate?

Race can be applied to geographical, national, religious, linguistic and cultural groups. Race used to mean an ethnic or national group defined by language, culture, or religion. Recently, race has come to mean physical appearance of a certain people.

Wodabe adaptation

Revolved around cattle must move every day for sources and water and food for the cattle. Work men and women are separate. Women do not talk to first born children, the two sexes seldom speak with each other. The Wodaabe never beat their cattle; they control them using an intricate system of whistle and clicking sounds.

Downfall of Aksum

Roman influence of Christianity over Egypt caused Nubi to for converted. Nobatia had a close relation with Aksum. In addition Islam also affect Aksum, weakened Aksum's commercial prosperity, Muslim attack and destroyed the people, some converted, others refugees to the rugged mountains

Tropical Wet and Dry

Savannas: half of continent, grasslands. During summer are rainy seasons and during winter has dry season. Rainfall during summer 80 inches close to the equator, but further away short rainy seasons. Unpredictable rainfall.

Africa's size

Second largest continent has 55 countries. Between two major oceans, Atlantic and Indian. Mediterranean Sea in the North, and the Red Sea in the northeast.

What was the profound effects of settling?

Settled societies made shared or common needs more apparent families strengthened. Agricultural and pastoral populations increased. Early societies were influenced by iron working with by the Phonecians or Meroe.

How did slavery accelerated Muslim settlement?

Slave trade accelerated with the establishment of Muslim settlements. Global market fueled East African coastal slave trade until the beginning of the 20th century. West Africa, traders obtained slave from raids and kidnapping. Such as Arabs Oman enticed hungry children with dates, and then they were kidnapped. Arab traders then transported the slave up the red sea to Arabia.

What evidence exists to support the notion that slavery was a continental phenomenon long before the intrusion of the Europeans?

Slavery began with trade with the Mediterranean Islamic world. Slave traffic across the Indian Ocean dates back as far as the seventh century. People captured in ethnic and tribal wars were often made slaves. Slaves were a principal commodity in trade.They also served as concubines, servants, soldiers, and laborers.

How does significant environment affect different settlement patterns.

Some regions have plenty of water while the do not, resulting in an uneven distribution of the population, greatest density is in river Victoria and Congo.

How many languages did the Africna speak, why is this a problem

Speaks over 1000 different languages, there is no one communication that other countries can communicate with each other. It is all different.

Powerful Stateless societies

Stateless societies were common in Africa, between 800 to 1500, Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. Based on trade activities and influenced by Islam.

What were all African societies basic idea?

Stateless societies: a close relationship between political and social organization. These societies lacked a central authority figure. These societies weakness was their inability to organize and defend themselves against attacks by powerful armies.

What is the most prominent feature of West Africa

Strong sense of community tied with blood and religion.

Delineate the region known as the Sudan. How does that compare with the modern country of Sudan?

Sudan is the region bounded by the Sahara to the north, the Gulf of Guinea to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the West, and the mountains of Ethiopia to the east. The modern country is much smaller.

South Africa

Surrounded by Atlantic and Indian ocean includes Zimbabwe, and Zambia.


Temp of 130 degree, rainfall less than 10 inches per year. But the Sahara served as a highway barrier, move goods.

Trans Saharan Trade

The Berbers and other African people were able to establish a trans-Saharan trade, a north-south trade across the desert. Tran Saharan trade brought lasting economics and social change to Africa, facilitating the spread of Islam and Muslim Arab traders.

Why did the Eastern Slave trade not reach its height?

The Chinese used these slaves as servants, musicians. But Slaves was never as valuable as ivory in India and China. So the volume of Eastern slave trade did not approach that of the trans Saharan slave trade.

What features mark Ethiopian culture as unique and distinctive among early African societies?

The city-states of East Africa were shaped by their proximity to the trade routes of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. It has been influenced by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Also, both sexes married young and because of religious opposition to polygamy(practice of having two wives), monogamy was the norm.


The most powerful city on the east coast of Africa by the late thirteenth century. Kilwa, is one of the finest built towns, buildings are wood, mangoes, cattle. There were kings, sultans, and sheik who governed cities.

How did Mansa Musa differ from his predecessors? What was the most notable event in his life? Why?

The one different thing that he did was assign governors, these people were members of the royal family so they were loyal and had valuable experience. He also became a devout Muslim, and he became a Muslim and making the pilgrimage to Mecca. In Egypt where his gold brought inflation and the knowledge of his kingdom's power.

What do the ruins of Great Zimbabwe show?

The ruins tell a story and show that Great Zimbabwe's wealth and power rested on this gold trade.

What is the dominant habitat in the continent?

The savanna, flat grasslands extend across the continent wide past of the south central africa and eastern coast. 55 percent of the African continent. Dense humid tropical rain forest stretch along central Africa and on both sides of the equator. Africa's climate is mostly tropical with subtropical climates limited o the north and south coast and the region's high elevation. Rainfall is seasonal on most of the continent and is very sparse in desert and semidesert areas.

Who is the only exception to the rule that societies have treated people as goods at some point in their history?

The three monotheistic religions; Christianity, Judaism, and Islam recognized the sacred dignity of each individual. Even slaves are viewed as people under the religions. During the Enlightenment, people began to challenge the notion that slavery was a "natural phenomenon.

How did African influence America?

The transatlantic slave trade became network known as the triangular trade. Profound impact such as in the United States enslaved African this influenced American culture, language, music, dance, and diet.

"Africa is immense." What evidence does the text provide to support that statement?

The world's second largest continent (after Asia), Africa covers 20 percent of the earth's land surface Africa's people are as diverse as the continent's topography. Fertile lands with unpredictable rainfall border parts of Mediterranean in the North and Southwestern coast. Inland these areas are dry steppes with little plant life, leading to Africa's leading greatest desserts, the Sahara in the North, and the Namib and the Kalahari in the South.

Efe adaption

They are all renowned for their intimate knowledge of the forest, their ability to decipher animal tracks, construct bark clothing, and extract thousands of herbal remedies from the forest foliage. They sometimes climb more than 100 feet to reach a beehive and burn a type of wood that stuns the bees and allows them to reach inside. The Efe had built by driving saplings into the soft ground, bending them and weaving in branches to form a domed latticework, Efe pursue more than 45 different animals for meat, which supplies half their protein. Efe trade it for garden produce and goods.

What's unusual about Mount Kilimanjaro?

Thousands of years ago, hot ash and melt rock spewed out of the Earth, creating a giant mountain. Today, Mount Kilimanjaro towers 19, 340 feet (5, 895m) over northeastern Tanzania. The mountain's great height, its summit is covered with snow all year round.


Threat for the traders, preyed on the caravans. In order for a merchant to be safe they pick selected guides among these groups, and travelled together. Water was the biggest problem. They have to drink a gallon per day. This force trader to kill camels and drink water in their stomachs. Taureg used this to their advantage, poisoning wells to wipe out caravan and steal goods.

Difference between America religion and African?

Traditional religions are not primarily for individual but for community, while U.S. religion for individual personal happiness. African all passed down through speaking, no Torah or Quran. Believed in animism, everything in nature has something associated with a spiritual component. Such as believed in Ghost of Darkness, lion was possessed by sprits who killed 28 people.

Assess the importance of slavery in West Africa. How did slavery differ from its European counterpart?

Trans saharan trade had three effects 1.) Trade stimulate gold mining. Parts of Senegal and Nigeria contain rich gold. African gold linked the entire world, their gold traded all over world. 2.) Trade in gold and other goods created a desire for slaves. Slavery is the second largest export of Western Africa. It was not based on race. Blacks traded blacks. They worked the gold and salt mines. Large number of black slaves were also recruited for Muslim military. Muslim even enslaved caucasion from war. Race had little to do with slavery 3.) Trade stimulating the development of urban centers. Families profited from trade tended to live between the border of savanna and Sahara. Soon Muslim Trader started settling their permanently, in these trading depots. Gradually city emerged, such as Timbuktu. Cities such as Sijilmasa become West Africa's commercial life.


Transmitted by mosquitos killed up to 1 million

major climate zones

Tropical wet, Tropical Wet and dry, Desert, Mediterranean

Sleep Sickness

Tsetse fly, kills both cattle and people. Disease kill cattle so Africa are left with little meat and thus has no protein which makes them easily get other diseases.


Wodaabe means ''people of the taboo.''. Lived in West Africa, The Wodaabe live in Niger, Africa.

Why did the demand for slaves increased in the Savanna and Horn regions of Africa in the late 18th Century?

because merchants and planters wanted slaves to work on sugar plantations on the Mascarene Islands, the clove plantations on Zanzibar and Pemba, and other plantations elsewhere.

Mansa Musa pilgrimage

entrance to Cairo had 500 slaves, each with 6 pound staff of gold. 100 elephants, each with 100 pound of gold. This caused the Mediterranean for the first time to learn about Mansa Musa wealth.

5 basic type of societies

farming, herding, fishing, hunting and food gather, urban.

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