Airfield Managment: Driver Training

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Runway Holding Position Signs

- Taxiway "C" and Runway 12-30 Intersection - Taxiway "E" and approach end of Runway 30

Runway Incursions: - The worst disaster in civil aviation history resulted from a ___ ____

runway incursion.

Vehicle/Pedestrian Deviation (V/PD) = of occurrences


Nationally, runway incursions average__ per every ___aircraft operations

1; 200,000

Runway Incursion Data: Types of Incursions: Operational Error (OE) =

29% of occurrences

Runway incursions have remained between ___ and__ per year for the Fiscal Year period 2004 thru 2007

326 and 370

Pilot Deviations (PD) =

56% of occurrences

Runway incursions represent ___ of total aviation fatalities.


___ to ___ of runway incursion result from human error.


What is a taxiway?

A defined path established for the taxiing of aircraft from one part of an airport to another.

What is a runway?

A defined rectangular surface on an airport prepared or suitable for the landing or take off of aircraft.

Displaced Threshold Markings

A displaced threshold is located at a point on a runway other than the designated beginning of the runway. Displacement of the threshold REDUCES THE LENGTH OF THE AVAILABLE RUNWAY FOR LANDINGS. The portion of runway behind a displaced threshold (marked by white arrows) is available for takeoffs in either direction and landings from the opposite direction. Area available for: •Takeoffs in either direction •Landing RWY 36 -must land beyond the displaced threshold •Landing RWY 18 -can use area beyond the displaced threshold for landing rollout

Acronyms •ATC -

Air Traffic Control

Runway Holding Position Signs.

Arrows are used when more than one runway is present

Ways to Prevent Runway Incursions: Admit When Help is Needed-

Ask ATC for help. Better to damage your pride than property.

Blast Pad or Stopway and Displaced Threshold Preceding a Runway

Blast Pad/Stopway Runway Runway

Destination Signs (cont)

Destination sign seen taxiing northwest on Taxiway Alpha

Destination Signs

Destination signs have a yellow background with a black inscription indicating a destination on the airport. These signs will always have an arrow showing the direction of the taxi route to the destination Destination sign with a common taxi route to two runways. Think of the "dot" as the word "and" Two destinations with different taxi routes Remember: "YELLOW SIGN, YELLOW ARRAY -POINTS THE WAY!"

Markings for Blast Pad and Stopways.

Chevron markings are used to show pavement areas aligned with the runway that are NOTuseable for takeoff, landing or taxi. Chevrons are yellow.

Flashing red

Clear runway or taxiway.

Flashing green

Cleared to taxi (aircraft only).

Direction Signs

Direction signs have a yellow background with a black inscription. The inscription identifies the designation(s) of the intersecting taxiway(s). Each designation is accompanied by an arrow indicating the direction of the turn. Remember: "YELLOW SIGN, YELLOW ARRAY -POINTS THE WAY!"

Ways to Prevent Runway Incursions: Never Assume-

Do not take clearances for granted. Look both ways before entering or crossing taxiways and runways.

Ways to Prevent Runway Incursions: Follow Procedures-.

Establish safe procedures for airport operations. Then follow them

Runway Distance Remaining Sign

Shows the runway distance remaining in 1000 foot increments. May be installed along one or both side(s) of the runway.


Fixed Based Operator

Runway Holding Position Signs (cont)

Hold sign inscription lists both runway directions when not located at a runway end. •Towered Airports -HOLD unless otherwise instructed by ATC •Non-Towered Airports or TOWERED AIRPORTS WHEN TOWER IS CLOSED-Proceed when no traffic conflict exists

Ways to Prevent Runway Incursions: Listen Carefully-

Listen to your clearance. Do not let communications become automatic.

Runway Holding Position Signs (cont)

Location signs are co-located with and on the out-board side of the hold sign. Hold signs are always located on the left side of the taxiway at the hold position, and sometimes on the right side as well. •Towered Airports -HOLD unless otherwise instructed by ATC •Non-Towered Airports or TOWERED AIRPORTS WHEN TOWER IS CLOSED-Proceed when no traffic conflict exists

What is a runway incursion?

the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take off of aircraft."


Instrument Landing System

Ways to Prevent Runway Incursions: Understand Signs, Lights, and Markings-

Keep current with airport signs, lights, and markings. Know what they mean and what action to take.

Ways to Prevent Runway Incursions: Situational Awareness-

Know your location. Know what is going on around you, in all directions.

Taxiway Location Signs

Location signs are used to identify either a taxiway or runway on which the aircraft is located. These signs have a black background with yellow inscription and yellow borders. Remember: "BLACK SQUARE -YOU'RE THERE!"

Runway Location Signs

Location signs are used to identify either a taxiway or runway on which the aircraft is located. These signs have a black background with yellow inscription and yellow borders. Remember: "BLACK SQUARE -YOU'RE THERE!" Runway location signs are normally used where two runways intersect near the same takeoff point which could cause some confusion. Cross check compass to ensure you are lined up on correct runway heading.

Ways to Prevent Runway Incursions: Transmit Clearly-

Make your requests and read backs complete and easy to understand.

•MLS -

Microwave Landing System

Taxiway and Displaced Threshold Preceding a Runway

NOTE: Hold markings could be offset further than normal from runway edge depending on distance of displaced threshold.


Navigational Aid

Runway Holding Position Signs (cont).

Note: This sign is located at the holding positions on taxiways that intersect a runway or on runways that intersect other runways. The runway numbers are arranged to correspond to the respective runway threshold. For example: "20-2" indicates that the threshold for Runway 20 is to the left and the threshold for Runway 2 is to the right.


Notices to Airmen

Direction Signs (continued)

Orientation of signs are from left to right in a clockwise manner. Left turn signs are on the left of the location sign and right turn signs are on the right side of the location sign.

Phonetic Alphabet

Phonetic Alpha

Flashing White

Return to starting point on airport.

Proper Phraseology:

Proper Phraseology

Destination sign for directions to Runways 32L and 35


Destination sign for directions to a Military ramp


Destination sign for directions to the parking ramp


Runway/Runway Holding Position Signs Runway 30 is used for LAHSO

Runway 30 is used for LAHSO

Wide Intersection Signs

Runway Holding Position Signs: At wide intersections, hold position signs and location signs may be located on the right side of the taxiway. •Towered Airports -HOLD unless otherwise instructed by ATC •Non-Towered Airports or TOWERED AIRPORTS WHEN TOWER IS CLOSED-Proceed when no traffic conflict exists

Relocated Threshold with Markings for Taxiway Aligned with Runway

Runway construction, runway maintenance or other activities may require a runway threshold to be relocated. When this occurs, it not only CLOSES a set portion of the approach end, but also SHORTENS the length of the AVAILABLE runway NOTE: Area used for aircraft taxi ONLY. Remember, taxiways are YELLOW & runways are WHITE

What is a movement area?

Runways, taxiways, and other areas of an airport which are used for taxiing, or hover taxiing, air taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive of loading ramps and aircraft parking areas.

Steady Red


•SMGCS (Smigs) -

Surface Movement Guidance and Control System

Surface Painted Signs

Surface painted signs usually supplement existing signs or are used where a sign cannot be installed on large pavement areas

Holding Position Signs

These signs have a red background with white inscription. They are considered critical for safety and are used to identify hold positions. There are four basic types of hold position signs. They include: Runway Hold Runway/Runway Hold ILS Critical Area Hold Runway Approach Area Hold

Haze and fog increase the risk of runway accidents by a factor of ___


What is the Purpose of Driver training?

To establish a standardized ground movement training program and make airport operators and vehicle operators aware of the resources available, to maintain the highest possible level of safety within the airport environment. To ensure that the number of runway incursions is reduced, along with the potential for aircraft incidents or accidents.

•Alternating Green/Red

Use extreme caution

Light Gun Signals

Used when a two way radio system between the air traffic control facility and aircraft or vehicle is unavailable or inoperative.

Taxiway Centerline Lighting

•Taxiway Centerline lighting is designed to facilitate ground movement, primarily during low visibility conditions. •Taxiway centerline and lead-on/off lights are green.

Ways to Prevent Runway Incursions: Right of Way-

When giving way to aircraft, ensure personnel and vehicles are outside of the Obstacle Free Area (OFA)

Ways to Prevent Runway Incursions: See the Big Picture-

When possible monitor both ground and tower frequencies.

Tower Frequency

•Controls the movement of aircraft on airport runways and airport airspace. •Local controller has jurisdiction over runways. •The tower frequency for this airport is ---.--MHZ.

Vehicle Roadway Markings

•Defines route that vehicles should use when the same area is used in conjunction with aircraft. •Markings can be solid or zipper style for greater visibility. •Vehicles should use these routes to the greatest extent practicable.

Movement/Non-Movement Area Boundary

•Defines the boundary of the movement area and non-movement area. •Must have permission from ATC to enter movement area. •Hold on the solid line side.

Runway Edge Lighting

•Designed to identify the edge of the usable runway surface at night and during periods of low visibility. •Clear (or white) except the last 2000' of a precision or non-precision instrument runway, lights are amber.

Taxiway Edge Lighting

•Designed to identify the edge of the usable taxiway surface at night and during periods of low visibility. •Taxiway edge lighting is blue.

Geographic Position Markings

•Designed to identify the location of taxiing aircraft during periods of low visibility. •Located on taxi routes in accordance with the airports' Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (SMGCS) plan.

Elevated Runway Guard Lights(Wigwags/ERGLS)

•Elevated guard lights are used to identify the holding position for a runway especially at night and during periods of low visibility. •Used to enhance the hold bar and elevated signs.

What should airmen be aware of when there's Airport Construction?

•Ensure that contractors are briefed on airport surroundings. •Keep construction areas well guarded and lit. •Establish haul routes away from runways and taxiways. (If possible) •Drive the new taxi routes to ensure that all necessary signs and markings are in place. •Ensure that NOTAMS are current. •Coordinate construction activities with your air traffic control tower. •Advisory Circular 150-5370-2E provides information.

Airfield Markings:

•Hold Bars •ILS Hold Bars •Movement/Non-Movement Area Boundary •Intermediate Holding Position (Taxiway/Taxiway) •Surface Painted Holding Position •Surface Painted Directional Signs •Surface Painted Location •Taxiway Edge (Full and Dashed) •Geographic Positioning •Vehicle Roadways

Airfield Signs:

•Hold Position Signs •ILS/MLS Critical Area Signs •Runway Approach Signs •Taxiway Location Signs •Distance Remaining Signs •No Entry •Taxiway Ending Marker •Inbound Destination Signs •Array of Multiple Signs

Hold Position Signs for Runway Approach Areas

•Identifies the location that aircraft or vehicles should hold until permission is granted to cross through a runway safety area or penetrate airspace required at the approach to a runway.

Taxiway Location Signs

•Identify the taxiway on which the aircraft or vehicle is located. •The inscription is yellow with a black background. •Can also be used to designate a runway in which an aircraft or vehicle is located.

No Entry Signs

•Indicates that entry into a particular area is prohibited to aircraft. •White dash and circle with red background.

Proper Phraseology

•Listen before you transmit. •Think about what you want to say. •Avoid using slang. •Use aviation related phraseology. •Roger (I understand) •Wilco (Will comply) •Acknowledge •Affirmative (Yes) •Negative (No)

Ground Control Frequency

•Responsible for the control of aircraft, vehicles, and pedestrians on controlled airport surfaces, except runways. (Movement Areas) •The Ground Control frequency for this airport is ---.--MHZ.

Runway Centerline Lighting

•Runway Centerline lighting is used to provide pilots with alignment guidance during takeoff and landing operations, primarily during low visibility conditions. •Runway centerline lights are white (clear). Except the last 3000' portion. 2000' of lights are alternating white/red and the last 1000' are solid red.

Airport Lighting

•Runway Lighting •Taxiway Lighting •Runway Centerline Lighting •Taxiway Centerline Lighting •Elevated Runway Guard Lights (Wigwags/ERGLS) •In Pavement Guard Lights •Runway End Lights

What does the Airport Diagram show?

•Show the airport diagram. Airport Diagrams Available at •Discuss the information located in the margins. i.e., frequencies, notes, etc. •Point out key area such as movement and non movement areas, points of interest such as fueling points, FBO's etc. (NOTE: Good idea to have a diagram with the movement area highlighted) •Review hot spots or location where surface incidents have occurred and how to avoid them •Direct vehicle operators to have an airport diagram out and available whenever operating on the airfield.

•Steady Green

•Steady GreenCleared to cross, proceed, or, go.

In -Pavement Guard Lights

•Supplement hold bars and hold position signage to alert pilots or vehicle operators of the holding position, especially during poor weather or periods of low visibility.

Intermediate Holding Position(Taxiway/Taxiway)

•To identify a location of a taxiway or apron where aircraft or vehicles are supposed to stop when advised to hold short of another taxiway or apron. Used at airports where there is an operational need to hold traffic at taxiway/taxiway intersections, geographic position, or a holding bay.

ILS/MLS Hold Bar

•To identify the location where a pilot or vehicle is to stop when he/she does not have clearance to enter the ILS/MLS area. •Located at the perimeter of the ILS/MLS critical area. •Unauthorized penetration could disrupt NAVAIDS.

Radio Communication

•Tower Control •Ground Control •Phonetic Alphabet •Proper Phraseology •Light Gun Signals

Runway/Runway Holding Position Signs - When runway is used for Land And Hold Short Operations(LAHSO)

•Towered Airports -HOLD only when instructed by ATC(LAHSO clearance accepted) •Non-Towered Airports or TOWERED AIRPORTS WHEN TOWER IS CLOSED-Does not apply

Runway/Runway Holding Position Signs -When runway is used as a TAXIWAY

•Towered Airports -HOLD unless otherwise instructed by ATC •Non-Towered Airports or TOWERED AIRPORTS WHEN TOWER IS CLOSED-Proceed when no traffic conflict exists

ILS/MLS Critical Area Sign

•Used in conjunction with ILS/MLS Critical area hold markings to identify the outer boundary of the critical area. •White inscription with Red background. •Penetration into area without permission could disrupt NAVAIDs.

Taxiway Edge Stripes

•Used to delineate the edge of a taxiway, primarily when the edge of the useable taxiway does not correspond to the edge of the pavement. (Example, taxiway shoulders). •Continuous -Paved surface other than full strength taxiway not intended for use by aircraft. •Figure B-4. Dashed Taxiway Edge Line Marking •Dashed -Operational need to identify taxiway edge where abutting paved surface is intended for use by aircraft.

Hold Position Signs

•Used to denote the entrance to a runway or critical area, in conjunction with hold bars. •Have white inscriptions with red backgrounds. •Must not be passed unless permission is granted by ATC. •At non-towered airports, it is highly recommended that you self-announce your position on the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF). •Should be NOTAMed when unavailable or unlit.

Runway End Lights

•Used to depict the end of the useable runway to aircraft. •Arranged in two sets of four lights.

Inbound Destination Sign

•Used to designate a location on the airport such as an FBO, ramp parking area, military operation, or fuel. •Black inscription with yellow background. •Denotes generally non-movement area facilities.

Distance Remaining Signs

•Used to identify the distance remaining on a runway, during take off and landing. •White inscription with black background. •Located at 1000' increments.

Hold Bars

•Used to identify the location where a pilot or vehicle is to stop when clearance has not been granted onto a runway. •Never cross without permission. •Hold on the solid line side.

Taxiway Ending Marker

•Used to indicate that a taxiway does not continue. •Retro-reflective sign or barriers with alternating yellow and black angled stripes.

Sign Array

•Used to provide direction to multiple taxiways within close proximity. •Generally located at the intersection of two or more taxiways. •Consists of Taxiway location and Taxiway directions.

Surface Painted Location Signs

•Used to supplement elevated signs and assist pilots in confirming the taxiway on which the aircraft is located. •Located on taxiway paved surface.

Surface Painted Holding Position

•Used where pilots had difficulty discerning the location of the holding position and to supplement signs located at holding positions. •Required where the width of holding position on the taxiway is greater than 200'. •Used in conjunction with the hold bar.

Surface Painted Direction Signs

•Useful to guide pilots to runways or taxiways and to avoid missing taxiway turns. •Applied on taxiway surface when it is not feasible to provide elevated directional signs or to supplement elevated signs.

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