cell reference.
using cell addresses to create a formula
grave accent
what is this ` called?
double click formula bar
what to do to view formula in the cell
cell reference
will ensure that your formulas are always accurate because you can change the value of ____cells without having to rewrite the formula.
Formulas and functions
Cells can contain _____&____ that calculate cell values.
name or cell address
Each cell has its own ___
Fill handle
Good alternative to copy and paste commands, can also be used to continue a series
reference style
If the columns in your spreadsheet are labeled with numbers instead of letters, you'll need to change the default ___for Excel.
Makes any equation easier to read and to clarify that they will be calculated before the addition or etc.
Name box
Note that the cell address also appears in the ___ in the top-left corner, and that a cell's column and row headings are highlighted when the cell is selected.
calculate numerical information using formulas
One of the most powerful features in Excel is the ability to
Pound signs
Result of a formula when it is too large to be displayed in a cell
allows you to move content between cells
basic building blocks of a worksheet
cells can contain ___ such as letters, numbers, and dates
Formatting attributes
change the way letters, numbers, and dates are displayed
columns are identified as ___
thousands of rectangles,
esc / cancel
to avoid accidentally making changes to your formula
ctrl + `
to show all formulas in the spreadsheet and to switch back to normal view
cell range.
A group of cells
equals sign (=).
All formulas in Excel must begin with an
text, formatting, formulas, and functions
different types of content,
change default reference style
if the columns of the spreadsheet are labeled with numbers instead of words, what is done
name box
located in the top-left corner where the cell address appears
rows are identified as ___
plus sign, minus sign, asterisk, forward slash, caret
standard operators for formula of excel:
the intersection of a row and a column