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A teleconference is ~ a meeting of people in different locations using telecommunications ~ a term for data sets that are very large or complex ~ a teaching method that promotes the development of creativity and cooperation ~ an electronic gadget that is able to connect, share and interact with user ~ associated with a similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence

a meeting of people in different locations using telecommunications

What is cloud computing? ~ a possibility to send a file without internet ~ a possibility to connect to a device via Wi-Fi ~ a possibility to store and get access to the information by internet ~ a possibility to exchange messages ~ a possibility to load data from Internet

a possibility to store and get access to the information by internet

What does «Platform as a service» deliver to customer? ~ a single application through the web browser ~ CPU clocks with OS level control ~ development environment ~ several WS Office programs ~ files and applications

a single application through the web browser

Show the correct definition of Web browser: ~ a way to identify and locate computers connected to internet ~ a software application that used to view web documents on Internet ~ an unique name that is used to identify a computer or device on network ~ a software system that searches information for keywords on the World Wide Web ~ is a collection of related Web pages

a software application that used to view web documents on Internet

Show the correct definition of Search engine: ~ a computer software which can be used to view documents on the internet ~ a software system that searches information for keywords on the World Wide Web ~ any device attached to the network capable of communicating with other network devices ~ a graphical representation of numeric data ~ a program or device for intercepting and analysing network traffic

a software system that searches information for keywords on the World Wide Web

E-business ~ support of all activities of business using internet ~ is using electronic technologies to access educational program ~ to provide state information and services to citizens via Internet ~ is using electronic technologies for formatting files using ICT ~ is using electronic technologies for print keys using ICT

support of all activities of business using internet

The main function of Wi-Fi: ~ the schematic description how the arrangement of the network is including the nodes, connecting lines, and other devices. ~ a software application that allows for the browsing of the World Wide Web, used for accessing sites information on a network ~ a connection point called a "hub node" that may be a network hub, switch or router. ~ a wireless internet connection between the devices. It uses radio waves to connect to the devices or gadgets ~ a central connection point called a "hub node" that may be a network hub, switch or router

a wireless internet connection between the devices. It uses radio waves to connect to the devices or gadgets

Specify the type of addressing in which cell addresses doesn't change when you copy a formula from one cell to another: ~ mixed cell ~ different cell ~ relative cell ~ absolute cell ~ multiple cell

absolute cell

Show the types of cell references in Ms Excel: ~ absolute, mixed, relative ~ column, relative ~ function, row ~ main, mixed ~ field, mixed

absolute, mixed, relative

The Linear multimedia is ~ active content progresses without any navigational control for the viewer. ~ content which offers user interactivity control progress used a computer game. ~ most widely used and flexible means of presenting information on screen and conveying ideas ~ application content which forms the part of a user interface ~ the most sensuous element of multimedia that refers to sound

active content progresses without any navigational control for the viewer.

To telemedicine refers: ~ Telemonitoring (telemetry) of functional parametres of patients ~ Live video and video recordings of surgical operations ~ Video consultations and video consiliums between the consulting physician and the attending physician ~ Provision of personalized medical support to citizens in non-medical institutions ~ all answers are correct

all answers are correct

HTML document consist of: ~ pictures ~ programs ~ codes ~ tasks ~ tags


Give definition to Private cloud. ~ allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public ~ allows systems and services to be accessible within an organization ~ allows systems and services to be accessible by group of organizations ~ mixture of public and private cloud ~ uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data

allows systems and services to be accessible within an organization

Give definition to Public cloud. ~ allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public ~ allows systems and services to be accessible within an organization ~ allows systems and services to be accessible by group of organizations ~ mixture of public and private cloud ~ uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data

allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public

Show the definition of Computer virus ~ any combination of letters and numbers ~ a little program that is loaded onto your computer and disturbs normal work of computer ~ any software application in which advertising banners are displayed while a program is running ~ person who install antivirus programs ~ information about user or organization

any combination of letters and numbers

Word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems are examples of ~ application software for general purposes ~ application software for special purposes ~ a application software for teachers of ICT ~ application software for programmers ~ application software for students

application software for general purposes

Expert systems, video/audio editors programs, music notation editors are examples of ~ application software for professional(special) purposes ~ application software for general purposes ~ application software for programmers ~ application software for common purposes ~ application software for students and teachers

application software for professional(special) purposes

Show the element base of 5th generation of computers: ~ transistors ~ artificial intelligence ~ integrated circuits ~ microprocessors ~ vacuum tubes

artificial intelligence

Code of open source software is ~ available for viewing, study and modify ~ are not available for viewing, study and modify ~ available only for viewing ~ available only for reading ~ available for adding, reading and deleting

available for viewing, study and modify

Give definition to Command line interface (CLI) ~ Interaction between people (users) and computers ~ The user interacts directly with the computer by typing commands ~ The task to optimize the human resources needed to accomplish the task ~ The user can communicate with the file ~ User interface to make a program easy to use

The user interacts directly with the computer by typing commands

~ Windows. Specify programs archives ~ WinZIP, WinRAR ~ Defrag, AVP, RAR ~ Photosop,Excel ~ AIDS, ZIP, ScanDisk ~ Dr.Web, Kaspersky


Graphical Operating System ~ Windows ~ PASCAL ~ SQL ~ DOS ~ BASIC


Main elements of graphical user interface (WIMP interface) ~ Windows, Icons, Menus ~ Command, Graphics, Windows ~ Web, Icons, Menus ~ Memo, Windows, Icons ~ Menus , Place, Web

Windows, Icons, Menus

Give definition to Synchronous learning. ~ the learner and teacher are online and interact at the same time from different location ~ the learner and teacher transforming information from one location ~ the learner and the teacher cannot be online at same time ~ the learner stores data and send it to teacher from different location ~ the learner and teacher are offline

the learner and teacher are online and interact at the same time from different location

Give definition to Asynchronous learning ~ the learner and teacher are online and interact at the same time from different location ~ the learner and teacher transforming information from one location ~ the learner and the teacher cannot be online at same time ~ the learner stores data and send it to teacher from different location ~ the learner and teacher are offline

the learner and the teacher cannot be online at same time

Show the main elements in MS Excel: ~ Worksheet, Cell, Formula bar, Chart ~ Report, Form ~ Query, Formula bar, Chart ~ Block, Forms ~ Query, Formula bar

Worksheet, Cell, Formula bar, Chart

Which of the following is NOT a part of a common database? ~ Tables ~ Records ~ Worksheets ~ Queries ~ Fields


Show the definition of desktop ~ application for mobile devices and service for mobile devices ~ the main icon that manage your data from internet ~ the main documents that helps to make open a protocol ~ the main area of the screen that appears after you turn on the computer ~ collection of some popular resources on the computer

the main area of the screen that appears after you turn on the computer

Show the element base of second generation of computers ~ vacuum tubes ~ integrated circuits ~ microprocessors ~ artificial intelligence ~ transistors


A software application that used to view web documents on Internet: ~ browser ~ search engine ~ modem ~ router ~ network


What is not a topology of network? ~ ring ~ bubble ~ star ~ bus ~ mesh


The main function of Bus topology ~ use a single cable to connect all devices ~ is the schematic description of the arrangement of the network ~ connects all computers in a ring on which messages travel in one direction ~ each device performs as root of a tree of the network devices ~ all devices connected to a central devices called hub or switch

use a single cable to connect all devices

Definition of Vector Graphics: ~ used drawing element or objects as lines, rectangle and circle ~ is used in processing publication and printing ~ operates with objects in 3D space ~ is designed for automatic generation of images through mathematical calculations ~ is an image processed in Photoshop.

used drawing element or objects as lines, rectangle and circle

Show the element base of first generation of computers ~ transistors ~ integrated circuits ~ microprocessors ~ artificial intelligence ~ vacuum tubes

vacuum tubes

Function AVERAGE in Excel: ~ calculate the average value of all numbers in the range ~ finds the maximum value ~ returns the result of a number raised to a power ~ returns the square root of a number ~ adds all the numbers in a range of cells

calculate the average value of all numbers in the range

Tailor-made software, General purpose software, Application Package software examples of ~ categories of application software ~ categories of output device ~ categories of input device ~ categories of system software ~ equipment of personal computer

categories of application software

In Microsoft Excel you can enter numbers and mathematical formulas into ~ cells ~ spreadsheets ~ books ~ documents ~ sheets


Relative cell references in MS Excel when cell adresses: ~ change ~ don't change ~ change partially ~ Mixed cell ~ Relative cell


Which one is the part of synchronous learning? ~ chat ~ web ~ active ~ type ~ record


The domain for commercial organizations: ~ edu ~ com ~ mil ~ gov ~ org


The archiver is intended for ~ compression of files ~ editing text ~ connections of the zip-store ~ definitions of devices ~ checks on a virus

compression of files

The program archiver is intended for ~ compression of files ~ editing text ~ connections of the zip-store ~ definitions of devices ~ checks on a virus

compression of files

The person who oversee the operations of computers in data centres ~ web designer ~ programmer ~ system analyst ~ computer operator ~ project manager

computer operator

What is a Malware? ~ free software ~ computer program that fights against viruses ~ computer program that gains unauthorized access to data or disrupt normal processing operations ~ operating system ~ type of hardware

computer program that gains unauthorized access to data or disrupt normal processing operations

End devices include ... ~ document, spreadsheet, database ~ communication lines, signals, devices ~ hub, switch, router, modem, repeater ~ metal wire, glass, air ~ computers, network printers, security camera

computers, network printers, security camera

Show definition to Multimedia content: Animation ~ most widely used and flexible means of presenting information on screen and conveying ideas. ~ the most sensuous element of multimedia that refers to sound, can include files which contain sound. ~ can display application content or can form part of a user interface, generated by computers in raster or vector format ~ a sequence of pictures, it is defined as the display of recorded real events on a television type screen. ~ consists of still images displayed so quickly that they give the impression of continuous movement.

consists of still images displayed so quickly that they give the impression of continuous movement.

The Non-Linear multimedia is ~ active content progresses without any navigational control for the viewer. ~ content offers user interactivity to control progress as used with a computer game. ~ most widely used and flexible means of presenting information on screen and conveying ideas ~ application content which forms the part of a user interface ~ the most sensuous element of multimedia that refers to sound

content offers user interactivity to control progress as used with a computer game.

Windows OS. The command Ctrl+C means ~ new ~ print ~ bold ~ copy ~ insert


The search system architecture include ~ crawler ~ text editor ~ algorithm ~ system ~ files


Windows OS. The command Ctrl+X means ~ copy ~ open ~ bold ~ cut ~ new


My SQL, File Maker, MS Access examples of ~ data types ~ database management system ~ operating system ~ service programs ~ interaction

database management system

What was the first type of communication? ~ digital devices ~ libraries ~ drawings and gestures ~ e-mail ~ telephone

drawings and gestures

E-technology include ~ e-government ~ e-file ~ e-content ~ e-platform ~ e-analyse


Which one is the part of asynchronous learning? ~ e-mail ~ web pages ~ close group ~ open group ~ new site


Windows OS. The command Ctrl+F means ~ copy ~ print ~ find ~ cut ~ insert


Choose the correct HTML element for insert heading on page: ~ head ~ heading ~ h1 ~ header1 ~ header size12


General term describes the physical parts of the computer: ~ operating system ~ software ~ monitor ~ mouse ~ hardware


The first tag in html file, that notifies your system of the beginning of html document ~ web page ~ start ~ html ~ http ~ header


Definition of Raster Graphics ~ used drawing element or objects as lines, rectangle and circle ~ images are made of pixels; little tiny squares of color or shades of black ~ operates with objects in 3D space ~ is designed for automatic generation of images through mathematical calculations ~ is an image processed in Photoshop.

images are made of pixels; little tiny squares of color or shades of black

Printer which forms the image on the page by spraying tiny droplets of ink from the print head: ~ ink jet ~ matrix ~ laser ~ dot matrix ~ plotter

ink jet

Modem, router, hub, switch, repeater are examples of ~ intermediary devices ~ end devices ~ transmission media ~ network topology ~ peripheral devices

intermediary devices

Router, modem, hub examples of ~ intermediary devices ~ data models ~ architecture of computers ~ microsystems ~ database levels

intermediary devices

Specify correct definition of Microsoft Access ~ is a program to create presentation ~ is a program to create text documents ~ is a powerful program to create and manage databases ~ is a program to create logical elements ~ is a program to create archive files

is a powerful program to create and manage databases

A virus signature... ~ is a section of program code that helps to identify virus ~ is a program that helps to protect you from worms ~ is a set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces itself and spreads to other files ~ is a type of virus ~ is a type of antivirus

is a section of program code that helps to identify virus

What is anti-spyware? ~ is a type of software that is designed to detect and remove unwanted spyware programs ~ specifically protects against viruses ~ screens out threats that try to reach your computer over the internet ~ is a collection of databases that contain information about domain names ~ a software application that used to view web documents

is a type of software that is designed to detect and remove unwanted spyware programs

What kind of information can be processed by means of film and video and stored on film and videotape? ~ sound ~ text ~ graphics ~ visual ~ video information

video information

Microsoft Excel workbook consists of ~ worksheets ~ rows ~ papers ~ database ~ fields


Specify the address of the e-government of the Republic of Kazakhstan: ~ www.akorda.kz ~ www.electron_pravitelcnvo.kz ~ www.egov.kz ~ www.egoverment.kz ~ www.elicense.kz


Give definition to Table in Microsoft Access. ~ is used to customize formats for adding, editing, deleting or displaying data ~ is an arrangement of data in a fields and records ~ is display information from one or more tables based on a selection criteria ~ is contain data from one or more tables and databases that can be printed ~ is an object in desktop databases containing custom procedures

is an arrangement of data in a fields and records

What is Web page is: ~ a software application that used to view web documents on Internet ~ is as one area of the WWW, an article, paragraph, or combination of text and graphics ~ is a collection of related Web pages ~ an unique name that is used to identify a computer or device on network ~ a way to identify and locate computers connected to internet

is as one area of the WWW, an article, paragraph, or combination of text and graphics

Show the definition to decision tree: ~ the most important software that runs on a computer ~ word processing, spreadsheet, database ~ data processing and accessing for another purposes ~ is one of the most popular methods for solving problems of classification and prediction ~ connectors for the hard drive and optical drives

is one of the most popular methods for solving problems of classification and prediction

Specify data type Currency in MS Access. ~ is used to store all valid printable characters. Default size is 255 ~ is used to create a text field for storing large amounts of information ~ is used to enter numeric data ~ is used to enter monetary data ~ is used to enter date and time values

is used to enter monetary data

Give definition to E-learning ~ is using electronic technologies to access educational program using ICT ~ is using electronic technologies to produce product using ICT ~ is using electronic technologies for storage data using ICT ~ is using electronic technologies for formatting files using ICT ~ is using electronic technologies for print keys using ICT

is using electronic technologies to access educational program using ICT

Specify a type of addressing with the help of which you can keep the row constant while the column changes, or vice versa: ~ mixed cell ~ different cell ~ relative cell ~ absolute cell ~ multiple cell

mixed cell

Specify the Wide area network(WAN) ~ computer network that will be useful in communicating devices such as telephones and PDAs ~ network covering a small geographic area, like a home, office, or group of buildings ~ network defined as a group of computers and network devices connected across large physical areas such as states or countries ~ network that connects two or more local area networks or campus area networks together ~ a central connection point called a "hub node" that may be a network hub, switch or router

network defined as a group of computers and network devices connected across large physical areas such as states or countries

Specify the Metropolitan area network(MAN) ~ computer network that will be useful in communicating devices such as telephones and PDAs ~ network covering a small geographic area, like a home, office, or group of buildings ~ network defined as a group of computers and network devices connected across large physical areas such as states or countries ~ network that connects two or more local area networks or campus area networks together ~ a central connection point called a "hub node" that may be a network hub, switch or router

network that connects two or more local area networks or campus area networks together

Bus, star, ring are examples of ~ network topology ~ device topology ~ program topology ~ file topology ~ folder topology

network topology

MS Access. What data type of the field allows insert a picture or video clip? ~ Text ~ MEMO ~ object OLE ~ Number ~ Currency

object OLE

Show the definition of Hacker ~ person who install antivirus programs ~ person who breaks into computers, usually by gaining to access administrative controls ~ person who connect your computer with organization ~ any software that infects your files ~ use your information and send e-mail

person who breaks into computers, usually by gaining to access administrative controls

Give definition to Analysis of data: ~ connectors for the hard drive and optical drives ~ process, of inspecting cleaning, transforming and modeling data ~ the most important software that runs on a computer ~ an operating system for desktop computers ~ compression of the folder and files

process, of inspecting cleaning, transforming and modeling data

What is spyware? ~ program that helps you to protect against spies ~ is a computer program that seems to perform one function while actually deleting personal data ~ program that secretly gathers personal information without the user's knowledge ~ program that helps to find viruses ~ antivirus program

program that secretly gathers personal information without the user's knowledge

The specialists who write code using programming language to solve problems ~ web designer ~ programmer ~ system analyst ~ computer operator ~ project manager


Give definition to E-government ~ provide state information and services to citizens use ICT ~ support of all activities of business use ICT ~ access educational program and training use ICT ~ access important projects use ICT ~ open management courses use ICT

provide state information and services to citizens use ICT

What refers to green technology : ~ re-use of resources ~ storage of information ~ retrieving data ~ creation spreadsheet ~ data mining

re-use of resources

Using terminal you can pay for... ~ formalization documents ~ selling apartments ~ repay loans ~ computer devices ~ encoding information

repay loans

Windows OS. The command Ctrl+S means ~ save ~ print ~ select all ~ cut ~ insert


What is accelerator? ~ is the management and optimization of information flows ~ a set of procedures enabling the transfer of funds ~ a company the business of which is to help other companies ~ a set of procedures for searching information ~ an early stage of the life cycle of the enterprise

a company the business of which is to help other companies

Expert systems are intended for ? ~ development computer drawings, diagrams, 3D models ~ creating and editing images, installation of pictures ~ solving problems of some subject areas instead of experts ~ processing audio material, recording of musical compositions ~ processing video material, installation of movies

solving problems of some subject areas instead of experts

Web designer ~ write code using programming language to solve problems ~ specialists who focus on developing applications for the Internet ~ oversee the operations of computers in data centres ~ coordinate the development of a project and manage the team of programmer/analyst ~ work with the users to determine the requirements an application must meet

specialists who focus on developing applications for the Internet

SMART stands for: ~ special, acting and real ~ specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound ~ measurable, acting, real and true ~ social, measurable, achievable ~ simple, achievable, realistic and time-bound

specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound

Show the definition of Internet ~ a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities ~ a software application that allows for the browsing of the World Wide Web ~ a central connection point called a "hub node" that may be a network hub, switch or router ~ a personal area network (PAN) ~ a computer program used for accessing sites information on a network

a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities

What is payment terminal? ~ a hardware-software complex providing reception from payments from individuals in self-service mode ~ a set of services, devices, other products of the same company, which are inextricably linked in a single network a set of programs that available for viewing, study and modify a last stage of the life cycle of the enterprise on which the entrepreneur moves to the finishing of business activity ~ a company the business of which is to help other companies

a hardware-software complex providing reception from payments from individuals in self-service mode

Show the correct example of IP-address: ~ ~ 1899.65.61.25 ~ 198.61.25 ~ 198.65565.61.25 ~ 198.2584.61

Show the Logical function in MS Excel ~ AND, IF, TRUE, FALSE ~ All recently used functions ~ MIN, MAX, AVERAGE ~ SIN,COS,SQRT ~ Text based functions


An unique name that is used to identify a computer or device on network. ~ IP address ~ IP router ~ IP server ~ IP device ~ IP topology

IP address

System analyst, programmer and web designer are ~ IT professionals ~ IT technical ~ IT trains ~ IT teachers ~ IT users

IT professionals

Windows OS. The command "to print" is executed through ~ Ctrl+ C ~ Ctrl+ V ~ Ctrl+ B ~ Ctrl+ X ~ Ctrl+ P

Ctrl+ P

Windows. The command "new" is executed through ~ Ctrl+С ~ Ctrl+X ~ Ctrl+N ~ Ctrl+P ~ Ctrl+Z


E-government also known as ... ~ Digital government ~ E-tech ~ Hitech ~ E-business ~ E-learning

Digital government

In order to work with peripheral equipment, installation of _______ is nessecary. ~ Utilities ~ Drivers ~ System applications ~ Network connection ~ Malware software


The most important component of E-business is ~ E-knowledge ~ E-labor market ~ E-commerce ~ E-addressing ~ E-learning


In a record, each separate piece of data, such as a name, a telephone number, or an address, is called a ........ ~ Table ~ Record ~ File ~ Field ~ Element


MS Excel.Show a function that would you use to find the largest number of a selected range ~ MAXIMUM ~ LARGE ~ LARGEST ~ MIN ~ MAX


It is software package for creation and managing databases: ~ A photo editor system ~ A device management system ~ A database management system ~ A file management system ~ A memory management system

A database management system

Which one of the following is NOT a feature of electronic commerce? ~ Goods can be advertised and prices compared ~ Transactions can be processed quickly ~ Services are available 24 hours a day ~ There is physical contact between buyer and seller ~ Large integrated circuits

There is physical contact between buyer and seller

Screens out threats that try to reach your computer over the internet ~ A firewall ~ Anti-spyware ~ Antivirus ~ Agents ~ All software

A firewall

URL refers to ~ Uniform Resource Locator ~ Universal Remove Locator ~ Universal Relative Locator ~ Uniform Resource Limit ~ Undefined Resource Locator

Uniform Resource Locator

What does a storage unit provide? ~ A place to show data ~ The connector that allows you to attach the device to a computer ~ A place to store information ~ A place to store currently worked on information ~ Connection to data servers

A place to store information

What is presentation? ~ A sequence of slides that usually combine text, sound, graphics, and animation ~ Integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds by means of computer technology ~ A television interview or news report ~ Information presented using more text than graphics and animation ~ A special program that loaded to your computer

A sequence of slides that usually combine text, sound, graphics, and animation

~ What is payment system? ~ A set of procedures enabling the transfer of funds ~ A set of programs that available for viewing, study and modify ~ Is the management and optimization of information flows ~ An early stage of the life cycle of the enterprise ~ A set of procedures for searching information

A set of procedures enabling the transfer of funds

Disadvantages of Cloud Services: ~ Possibility of distributed (together with colleagues) work with documents ~ Ability to store data without using your own disk data drives ~ Possibility to work with files in Internet ~ Ability to work only with access to the Internet ~ Impossible to exchange messages

Ability to work only with access to the Internet

Name of the first woman computer programmer is? ~ Ada Linkoln ~ Anna Mitchel ~ Anna Schot ~ Mary Clark ~ Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace

Any software application in which advertising banners are displayed while a program is running ~ Spyware ~ Adware ~ Worm ~ Trojan horse ~ Virus


The threat to information security may come from: ~ Viruses ~ Hackers ~ Users ~ Internet ~ All answers are correct

All answers are correct

What is "cloud computing"? ~ High level of computations ~ Apple's latest computer operating system ~ Allows users to store data on remote servers and work with single data together in a real time mode ~ A new environmentally friendly way of computing ~ A new communication technology

Allows users to store data on remote servers and work with single data together in a real time mode

To start working with a new Google document, users need to ~ Create a file on the local device and upload it to the gmail.com service ~ Download google drive app ~ Create a document on Google drive ~ Get permission to create a document on Google drive ~ Manage the emailing back and forth easily

Create a document on Google drive

You have made an error while typing a document. What key combination should you use to quickly undo it? ~ Ctrl+R ~ Ctrl+Y ~ Ctrl+Z ~ Ctrl+U+N ~ Ctrl+Alt+Del


What is startup? ~ An early stage of the life cycle of the enterprise on which the entrepreneur moves from the business idea to the fundraising and the beginning of business activity. ~ Offer residents a structured program that helps the team to hone the business model to get the necessary contacts and increase sales. ~ A last stage of the life cycle of the enterprise on which the entrepreneur moves to the finishing of business activity ~ A study of current trends in development of logistics management ~ The mastery of techniques and approaches in designing and managing the supply chain using computer technology

An early stage of the life cycle of the enterprise on which the entrepreneur moves from the business idea to the fundraising and the beginning of business activity.

What is Smart device: ~ An electronic gadget that is able to connect, share and interact with its user and other smart devices ~ A telephone meeting among two or more participants involving new technology ~ The remote delivery of healthcare services over the telecommunications infrastructure ~ A term for data sets that are very large or complex ~ A teaching method that promotes the development of creativity, cooperation and ability

An electronic gadget that is able to connect, share and interact with its user and other smart devices

A term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data is ... ~ Data collection ~ A text editor ~ A spreadsheet ~ A database management system ~ A type of virus

Data collection

What is Android? ~ An operating system for smartphones and tablets ~ An operating system for desktop computers ~ A specific smartphone model ~ A mobile app that can be downloaded to smartphones ~ The games of mobile phones

An operating system for smartphones and tablets

Files with .MOV extension refers to: ~ Image file ~ Text file ~ MS Office document ~ Audio file ~ Animation/movie file

Animation/movie file

Software designed to solve the problems of certain class is ~ Database management system (DBMS) ~ Software ~ Hardware ~ Information systems ~ Application package

Application package

Science and technology to create intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs is ~ Artificial intelligence ~ Internet of Things ~ Big Data ~ Green technology ~ Smartphone

Artificial intelligence

Science and technology to create intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs is ~ Artificial intelligence ~ Big Data ~ Green technology ~ Smart technology ~ Telemedicine

Artificial intelligence

One of the categories of E-learning. Show the correct categories. ~ External ~ Asynchronous ~ Web-resources ~ Secondary ~ Important


The accelerator program for the preparation of startups in Kazakhstan? ~ Guide Startup ~ ICT Startup ~ Atameken Startup ~ Government ~ Development Startup

Atameken Startup

Synchronous learning includes ~ Audio and video conferencing ~ External activities ~ Internal activities ~ Physical components ~ Primary data

Audio and video conferencing

Show the relative cell reference: ~ B23 ~ $9F$8 ~ $A29 ~ G$15 ~ $N45


Asynchronous learning includes ~ Virtual Classroom ~ External activities ~ Internal activities ~ CDs, DVDs, E-books ~ Information components

CDs, DVDs, E-books

Show the function in MS Excel: ~ COUNT ~ TYPE ~ MEAN ~ FONT ~ SIZE


Memory in the processor of small capacity with high speed: ~ Buffer memory ~ External memory ~ Cache memory ~ Permanent memory ~ hard disk

Cache memory

What is the meaning of CPU? ~ Crucial Processing Unit ~ Central Printing Unit ~ Critical Processing Unit ~ Central Press Unit ~ Central Processing Unit

Central Processing Unit

A collection of computing devices that are connected in various ways in order to communicate and share resources ~ Computer network ~ Computer system ~ Client/server ~ Network node ~ Internet Protocol address

Computer network

Hardware and Software are components of ~ Computer system ~ Operating system ~ Information system ~ Standards ~ Information process

Computer system

Multi-user, Multiprocessing, Multitasking are classification of ~ Hardware ~ Software ~ Operating system ~ Computers ~ Input-Output control


What type of cloud does not exist? ~ Public Cloud ~ Computing Cloud ~ Private Cloud ~ Hybrid Cloud ~ Community Cloud

Computing Cloud

The protection of information from unauthorized access. ~ Components ~ Confidentiality ~ Integrity ~ Availability ~ Interconnection


A computer network is ... ~ a collection of computers and devices connected together via communication devices and transmission media ~ a device or application that uses the services provided by a server ~ a device attached to the network capable of communicating with other network devices ~ a device that uses the services provided by a server ~ Internet Protocol address

a collection of computers and devices connected together via communication devices and transmission media

Show definition to Multimedia content: Video is ~ most widely used and flexible means of presenting information on screen and conveying ideas. ~ the most sensuous element of multimedia that refers to sound, can include files which contain sound. ~ can display application content or can form part of a user interface, generated by computers in raster or vector format ~ a sequence of pictures, it is defined as the display of recorded real events on a television type screen. ~ consists of still images displayed so quickly that they give the impression of continuous movement.

a sequence of pictures, it is defined as the display of recorded real events on a television type screen.

Show the type of the chart in MS Excel: ~ column ~ circle ~ ring ~ round ~ dot


In MS Excel spreadsheet consists of ~ columns, rows ~ Fields, cells ~ slide, cells ~ functions, range, cells ~ range, cells

columns, rows

In the Access database, such field types are allowed: ~ logical, date, numeric, monetary, OLE ~ numeric, text, protected ~ numeric, character, graphic, array ~ table, form, query ~ text, arithmetic, float

logical, date, numeric, monetary, OLE

Specify the Local area network(LAN) ~ computer network that will be useful in communicating devices such as telephones and PDAs ~ network covering a small geographic area, like a home, office, or group of buildings ~ network defined as a group of computers and network devices connected across large physical areas such as states or countries ~ network that connects two or more local area networks or campus area networks together (larger than LAN, smaller than WAN) ~ a central connection point called a "hub node" that may be a network hub, switch or router

network covering a small geographic area, like a home, office, or group of buildings

Specify the type of addressing in which cell addresses changes when you copy a formula from one cell to another: ~ mixed cell ~ different cell ~ relative cell ~ absolute cell ~ multiple cell

relative cell

Which sign helps you to make absolute reference in Excel? ~ % ~ $ ~ ! ~ ? ~ >


Show the correct absolute cell reference: ~ D13 ~ Q$18 ~ $K356 ~ $C$24 ~ $A56


Which character is used to indicate an end tag (end of the command)? ~ / ~ < ~ > ~ -


In an octal numeral system the following numbers are used: ~ 0,1 ~ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F ~ 8 ~ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ~ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7


In an hexadecimal number system the following numbers are used: ~ 0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9 ~ 0,1 ~ 16 ~ 0,1,2,3,5,6,7 ~ 0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F


The base of a hexacademical number system is ~ 8 ~ 10 ~ 16 ~ 32 ~ 2


Convert the following 10101 binary number to decimal number ~ 16 ~ 22 ~ 21 ~ 36 ~ 46


Convert the following 4E hexadecimal number to decimal number: ~ 75 ~ 78 ~ 70 ~ 74 ~ 76


Show the types of Viruses ~ Direct Action Virus, Resident Virus ~ User Interfaces ~ Antivirus, Anti-spyware ~ Active virus, Passive virus ~ Shot commands

Direct Action Virus, Resident Virus

What the term "Cloud computing" stands for? ~ Outdoor work ~ Use of free technology ~ Distribution and access to information resources on remote servers ~ Access to information via wireless networks ~ Access to information via global networks (e.g. Internet, EUNet, etc.)

Distribution and access to information resources on remote servers

A way to identify and locate computers connected to internet ~ Domain name ~ Browser ~ TCP ~ URL ~ Web site

Domain name

Buying and selling product, servicing customers, processing payments are examples of ~ E-learning ~ E-business ~ E-mail ~ Electronic training ~ Government


Education, migration, taxes, finance examples of ~ E-mail services ~ E-training services ~ E-government services ~ E-learning services ~ E-contents

E-government services

Which was the first mainframe computer? ~ IBM PC ~ UNIC ~ BRAINIA ~ FUNTRIA ~ ENIAC


Auto Sum function in MS Excel: ~ Easily calculates the sum of a range ~ And, If, True, False, etc. ~ All recently used functions ~ Text based functions ~ Accrued interest, cash flow return rates and additional financial functions

Easily calculates the sum of a range

www.ayu.edu.kz refers to ~ Educational web-resources ~ Electronic business resources ~ Electronic government resources ~ Components resources ~ Electronic payments

Educational web-resources

Mechanisms for the implementation of remote transactions including banking and non-banking payment terminals and remote financial services. ~ The information technology ecosystem ~ Electronic payment systems ~ Credit system ~ The information technology file system ~ Bank system

Electronic payment systems

Commonly _____ of a file determines which program will be used to open it. ~ Name ~ Size ~ Extention ~ Location ~ Shortcut image


Which of this is definition of folder? ~ Folder is specific output device that allows printed media ~ Folder is a container used to store files and subfolders ~ Folder is deleting files in the computer ~ Folder is translate files to the computer ~ Folder is pointing device

Folder is a container used to store files and subfolders

In MS Excel show the place where appear any calculations or formulas when you write them: ~ Formula Bar ~ Standart toolbar ~ Status bar ~ Spreadsheet Grid ~ Menu

Formula Bar

A person who is responsible for acquiring, developing, maintaining or operating with computers and communications networks ~ IT professional ~ IT teacher ~ IT user ~ IT scientist ~ IT student

IT professional

GIF, JPG, BMP are file extension of ~ Animation ~ Image ~ Text ~ Spreadsheet ~ Database


Files with .JPG extension refers to: ~ System file ~ Animation/movie file ~ Image file ~ Many files ~ MS Word document

Image file

Where are documents that you place on Google Drive stored? ~ On your local personal computer ~ Both on your hard drive and Google servers ~ In the cloud (Google servers) ~ On a flash drive ~ On your private network

In the cloud (Google servers)

Which one of the following would improve computer performance? ~ Using a larger monitor ~ Increasing the number of applications running ~ Using a faster printer ~ Increasing the size of RAM ~ None of above

Increasing the size of RAM

What is extension of the file? ~ Indicates properties of the file ~ Indicates name of the file ~ Indicates type of the file ~ Indicates size of the file ~ Indicates location of the file

Indicates type of the file

Practice of protecting digital information from unauthorized access, use, disruption, modification etc. ~ Information effects ~ Information Security ~ Interconnection ~ Networks ~ Intermediary devices

Information Security

A set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information is called ~ IT and social network ~ Mobile Technology ~ Information and managing ~ Green Technology ~ Information and Communication Technology

Information and Communication Technology

What happens to your file on Google drive if your computer turns off suddenly ~ The file will be saved on a local disk ~ The file will be damaged, but through special, third-party services it can be restored ~ Information is saved in Google documents automatically - it will not be lost ~ Information will be lost ~ All of the above

Information is saved in Google documents automatically - it will not be lost

Information about state bodies, their work and services did appear in _____________? ~ Informational stage ~ Interactive stage ~ Transactional stage ~ Transformational stage ~ International stage

Informational stage

What is the main function performed by peripheral devices? ~ Processing the information ~ Information storage ~ None of above ~ Input and output data ~ Management of computer for a given program

Input and output data

What are the four basic components of a computer? ~ File explorer, operating system, Microsoft Office, My computer ~ Input devices, output devices, printing, and typing ~ Input devices, central processing unit, memory, and output devices ~ Input devices, monitor, output devices, and RAM ~ Input devices, central processing unit, memory, and file system

Input devices, central processing unit, memory, and output devices

What is multimedia? ~ Only moving images and text ~ Information presented in digital format that can be stored in any axillary device ~ All components of active program ~ Integration of text, audio, graphics, and video by means of computer technology ~ Programs that delete text and images

Integration of text, audio, graphics, and video by means of computer technology

Information is correct and not changed over its entire life-cycle ~ Components ~ Confidentiality ~ Integrity ~ Availability ~ Interconnection


Specify devices that perform the functions of information transmission ~ Personal Computers, Digital camera, Scanner, Smartphone ~ Calculator, PC, Smartphone ~ CD, DVD, Pen drive, Microchip, Cloud ~ Internet, Teleconference, Video conferencing, Mobile technology, Radio ~ PC, TV, Projector, Smartphone

Internet, Teleconference, Video conferencing, Mobile technology, Radio

Which of this is graphical operating system ~ MS DOS ~ Windows XP ~ BASIC ~ Pascal ~ ALU


Specify the program includes functions, formulas, and charts ~ MS Outlook ~ MS Excel ~ MS Power Point ~ MS Access ~ MS Word

MS Excel

What program is an electronic spreadsheet software package that allows you to organize data in a tabular format ~ MS Word ~ MS Access ~ MS Excel ~ MS Outlook ~ MS Power Point

MS Excel

Adware, Spyware, Trojan horse examples of ~ Malicious programs ~ Mini programs ~ Main programs ~ Multimedia programs ~ Microsoft programs

Malicious programs

Show the other name of utilities ~ List of commands ~ Enter the operating system ~ Context menu ~ Human interface ~ Service programs

Service programs

Give definition to Qiwi payment ~ A last stage of the life cycle of the enterprise on which the entrepreneur moves to the finishing of business activity ~ Services designed to pay for everyday services from mobile communications and utilities to bank loans ~ Set of services, devices, other products of the same company, which are inextricably linked in a single network ~ A study of current trends in development of logistics management ~ The mastery of techniques and approaches in designing and managing the supply chain using computer technology

Services designed to pay for everyday services from mobile communications and utilities to bank loans

A database is: ~ Arbitrary set of information ~ System that supports the modification and manipulation of files ~ Set of interrelated data about an object organized and stored on external media in a special way ~ Set of programs for storing and processing large amounts of information ~ System that supports the modification and manipulation of files

Set of interrelated data about an object organized and stored on external media in a special way

A Google Drive user can share a document with ___ at a time. ~ Only one user ~ Only to those users, who is on his contact list ~ Several users ~ Ten ~ None of the above

Several users

Example of the smart service: ~ Smart healthcare ~ Smart file ~ Smart book ~ Smart bag ~ Smart pen

Smart healthcare

A set of all programs used by computer, and also all sphere of activity on their creation and application is called ~ Hardware ~ Operating system ~ Brainware ~ Devices ~ Software


Any set of programs that tells the hardware what to do and how to do ~ Hardware ~ Software ~ Operating system ~ Database ~ Programs


Microsoft Excel is a multifunctional ~ DBMS package ~ Spreadsheet package ~ Communication S/W Package ~ Word processing package ~ Broweser

Spreadsheet package

Show functions in MS Excel: ~ Statistical, Math, Logical ~ Trigonometrical, Logical ~ Symbol, System ~ Chart, Memo ~ Logical, Memo

Statistical, Math, Logical

What is an E-technologies ~ Technology based on an electronic vision ~ Technologies based on the division of labor ~ Technologies based on electronic devices and services ~ Technology based on clean energy sources ~ Technologies based on create table

Technologies based on electronic devices and services

The structures created mainly on the basis of higher educational institutions or scientific research institutions to use the scientific potential of universities ~ Information systems Accelerators Startups ~ Technoparks ~ Business incubators


_________ refers to any type of application or presentation that involves more than one type of media, such as text, graphics, video, animation, and sound. ~ An executable file ~ Desktop publishing ~ Multimedia ~ Hypertext ~ Usage of single (general) type of information


Animation and graphics example of ~ Multimedia elements ~ System elements ~ Database elements ~ Worksheet elements ~ Folder elements

Multimedia elements

Which password is more safe? ~ NXtp850%# ~ 121DAV212 ~ Qwertyui ~ 270X82K ~ ASDF82G


The domain edu refers to ~ Organizational domain ~ Geographical domain ~ Structural domain ~ Centralized domain ~ Communicational domain

Organizational domain

Show the elements which doesn't refer to methods of data collection: ~ Observation method ~ Personal interview ~ Telephone interview ~ Organizing data ~ Mail survey

Organizing data

One of the area which covers green technologies: ~ Remote patient monitoring ~ Interactive telemedicine ~ Analys data ~ Production of energy from renewable sources ~ Reduction of natural resources

Production of energy from renewable sources

The code and information of programs executed by the processor at the current time are stored in ____ . ~ Visual memory ~ Permanent memory ~ Random access memory(RAM) ~ Integrated memory ~ Storage devices

Random access memory(RAM)

Internet of Things (IoT) is ~ A system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people ~ A term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate to deal with them ~ A more powerful version of a traditional cell phone. ~ A telephone meeting among two or more participants involving information technology ~ A teaching method that promotes the development of creativity, cooperation and ability

A system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people

A wireless mouse communicates with the computer using: ~ BlueTooth ~ Cable ~ Keyboard ~ Touch ~ Flash drive


Which of the following network topologies will allow an Internet connection? ~ Car ~ Fast-internet ~ Bus ~ Plane ~ None of the above


Show two types of network configurations: ~ Client/server networks, peer-to-peer networks ~ Network topology, Personal area network ~ Wide area network, Local area network ~ Metropolitan area network, Local area network ~ Client/server networks, Local area network

Client/server networks, peer-to-peer networks

Public, Private, Community, Hybrid are examples of ~ Devices ~ Cloud ~ Nodes ~ Computers ~ Apps


_________ computing refers to applications and services that run on a distributed network and provide access to various user services. ~ Firmware ~ Soft ~ Cloud ~ Parallel ~ Internet


The delivering computing resources and services from Internet is ~ Computer devices ~ Cloud computing ~ Control computing ~ Database ~ Centres

Cloud computing

Creating, configuring and working with databases is carried out by ____ . ~ Database utilities ~ External management systems ~ Database management systems ~ Database operating systems ~ Database managers

Database management systems

When a desktop icon or other file is selected, pressing «Shift+Del» does what? ~ Removes all objects from the clipboard and copies only this one ~ Allows the user to rename file ~ Deletes indicated file without storing it in the Recycle Bin ~ Does nothing to the file, just shuts down the comput ~ Opens file in a new window

Deletes indicated file without storing it in the Recycle Bin

What of devices belongs to peripherals of the personal computer? ~ Printer ~ System unit ~ Motherboard ~ Video card ~ RAM


The domain kz refers to ~ Organizational domain ~ Geographical domain ~ Structural domain ~ Centralized domain ~ Communicational domain

Geographical domain

Show most popular search engine in the world: ~ Bing ~ Yandex ~ Google ~ Yahoo ~ ASK


What type of interface is easier for human? ~ Graphical user interface ~ Command line interface ~ Menu-driven interface ~ Formal interface ~ Form-based interface

Graphical user interface

Special language for creating web pages? ~ Visual Basic ~ C++ ~ HTML ~ Fortran ~ HTTP


Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data? ~ CD disk ~ Hard Disk ~ USB Disk ~ Floppy Disk ~ DVD disk

Hard Disk

Show the models of databases. ~ Hierarchical model, Network model, Relational model ~ Archive model , Embedded model ~ Computer model, External model ~ Internal model,Computer model, External model ~ Relational model, Archive model , Embedded model

Hierarchical model, Network model, Relational model

What piece of hardware is usually at the center of a star network? ~ Modem ~ Router ~ Hub ~ Server ~ Repeater


It is mixture of public and private cloud. ~ Private cloud ~ Community cloud ~ Public cloud ~ Hybrid cloud ~ Cloud computing

Hybrid cloud

HTML stands for: ~ Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ~ High Transfer Language Markup ~ Hyper Text Markup Language ~ High Translate Medium Language ~ Hierarchal Text Medium Language

Hyper Text Markup Language

Big data: ~ Is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate to deal with them ~ Is capable to adapt automatically and modify behavior to fit environment ~ A teaching method that promotes the development of creativity, cooperation and ability ~ Is an electronic gadgest that is able to connect, share and interact with its user ~ A telephone meeting among two or more participants involving new technology

Is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate to deal with them

What is a Smart Home stands for? ~ It's acomputer system that is situated in some environment ~ It's one of the computer system ~ It's the system provides automatic control of all services inside the house ~ It's one of the the computer devices ~ It's a new communication technologies between users

It's the system provides automatic control of all services inside the house

To confirm the entry in a Microsoft Excel cell user have to _____ . ~ Press F key ~ Press A key ~ Press the Enter key ~ Press A+End key ~ Press F+End key

Press the Enter key

Specify portable computers: ~ Desktop computers ~ Laptops ~ Mainframe ~ Monoblock ~ Server


All multimedia can be divided into 2 types: ~ Linear and non-linear ~ Primary and secondary ~ Synchronous and asynchronous ~ Direct and not direct ~ Wire and wireless

Linear and non-linear

The most widely used text processor is ... ~ Adobe Illustrator ~ Microsoft Word ~ Notepad ~ Dream weaver ~ E Text Editor

Microsoft Word

What program doesn't belong to Microsoft office? ~ Word ~ Minesweeper ~ PowerPoint ~ Excel ~ Access


Which of the following services allows you to create online courses? ~ Search engines ~ PHP ~ Moodle ~ Apache server ~ File transfer protocol


Show the types of pointing devices: ~ Mouse, touchpad, trackball ~ Camera, modem, printer ~ Flash drive, keyboard, touchscreen ~ CD drive, modem, plotter ~ Speakers, microphone

Mouse, touchpad, trackball

Oral communication, first alphabet, hieroglyphics, abacus were created in ~ Mechanical period ~ Electromechanical period ~ Electronic period ~ Proelectronic period ~ Premechanical period

Premechanical period

Types of data in Access: ~ Number, Currency, Date/time ~ Cell, Sheet ~ Primary, secondary data ~ Relational, Network model ~ Max, Min

Number, Currency, Date/time

In e-commerce, all activities are carried out through ~ Online portal administrators ~ Banks ~ Online services ~ Shops ~ Postal services

Online services

In e-commerce, all activities are carried out through ~ Online portal administrators ~ Regular shops ~ Online services ~ Postal services ~ Online file transfer services

Online services

Google docs are ~ Only accessible to others that you explicitly share them with. ~ Can be shared only within local network ~ Accessible to everyone on the internet ~ Cannot be shared at all ~ Not accessible

Only accessible to others that you explicitly share them with.

Specify main function of Start-up button ~ Opens a context menu ~ Finishes operation of the computer ~ Opens the main menu ~ Causes the reference book ~ Makes the new device

Opens the main menu

The most important program that runs on a computer ~ Input System ~ Operating System ~ Service System ~ Network system ~ System software

Operating System

The distribution of all computer resources between its components is carried out by ___ ~ RAM ~ System utilities ~ Operating system ~ CPU ~ System defragmentation utilities

Operating system

Which is the first program run on a computer when the computer boots up? ~ System operations ~ Programs ~ Other software ~ System software ~ Operating system

Operating system

Extension of image files? ~ PNG ~ MPG ~ TXT ~ AVI ~ MOV


A hardware-software complex providing reception payments from individuals in self-service mode ~ Bank system ~ Money terminal ~ Card terminal ~ Payment terminal ~ Credit terminal

Payment terminal

Raster picture elements from which the image is formed, are termed as: ~ Phosphor ~ Blocks ~ Pixels, Dots(points) ~ Curves (references) ~ File

Pixels, Dots(points)

What program can you use to make presentation with animation and sound? ~ PowerPoint ~ Word ~ Excel ~ Access ~ Photoshop


Services designed to pay for everyday services from mobile communications and utilities to bank loans ~ Bank payment ~ Credit payment ~ Terminal ~ Qiwi payment ~ Direct payment

Qiwi payment

Show the largest payment systems ~ Qiwi payment, YandexMoney ~ PC Money, PC payment ~ Credit card, Credit system ~ Bank Pay, Business system ~ Internet Money, Mac payment

Qiwi payment, YandexMoney

A volatile memory is ~ Flash drive ~ Hard drive ~ CD drive ~ ROM ~ RAM


Show the memory: ~ RAM ~ Monitor ~ Printer ~ Sound card ~ Speakers


One of the main category of Telemedicine: ~ Remote patient monitoring ~ Cloud technology ~ Cyber security ~ Green technology ~ Application software

Remote patient monitoring

MS Access. It contains data from one or more tables and databases that can be printed. ~ Form ~ Query ~ Table ~ Report ~ Module


Device designed to receive, analyze and move incoming packets to another network ~ Router ~ Hub ~ Client ~ Bridge ~ Server


Main objects in Access: ~ Table, Query ~ Function, Chart ~ Formula, Cell ~ Block, Number ~ Cell, Sheets

Table, Query

Show 3 main categories of application software: ~ Tailor-made software, General purpose software, Application Package software ~ Command line user, Graphical user interface, Application Package software ~ Windows, DOS, General purpose software ~ LINUX, Windows, DOS, ~ Android, Windows, DOS,

Tailor-made software, General purpose software, Application Package software

What is a term IoT stands for? ~ Access to internet from some unusual device (fridge for instance) ~ Technique that allows you to not to pay for internet ~ System and a set of devices which can communicate via Internet to achieve some goal ~ None of the above ~ It's one of the the computer devices

System and a set of devices which can communicate via Internet to achieve some goal

In general terms, operating systems are related to _____ . ~ Hardware applications ~ User applications ~ System applications ~ Device utilities ~ Data storage software

System applications

3G of mobile technology includes ~ Web Browser ~ Topology ~ MAN ~ LAN ~ service, e-mail

Web Browser

A software application that allows for the browsing of the World Wide Web, computer program used for accessing sites information on a network is ... ~ Web Browser ~ IP address ~ Node ~ Routers ~ Modems

Web Browser

In what stage of e-government citizens were able to pay state fines and charges, community service? ~ Informational ~ Interactive ~ Transactional ~ Transformational ~ International


When creating file sharing, the user indicated public access and opened it through a link to the Google Drive file. In this case, ___ will have access to the file. ~ Only Google service users ~ All cloud service users ~ Users who has a link (shared access) to a file and actual Gmail account ~ Only Google management department ~ Only user neighborhoods

Users who has a link (shared access) to a file and actual Gmail account

What type of graphics displayed by rendering of set of different objects: line, rectangles, curves, etc? ~ Raster ~ IoT graphics ~ Vector ~ Engineering ~ 3D graphics


What of devices belongs to peripheral device of the personal computer? ~ Scanner ~ System unit ~ Motherboard ~ Video card ~ RAM


Specify a user interface ~ implementation computer system ~ optimize the human resources ~ user interacts with a computer or a software ~ commands on the screen ~ service of the computer

user interacts with a computer or a software

The interaction between computer and human is called ~ hardware interface ~ system interface ~ user interface ~ many interface ~ working interface

user interface

Telephone,Morse code,telegraph,radio were created in ~ Mechanical period ~ Premechanical period ~ Electronic period ~ Proelectronic period ~ Electromechanical period

Electromechanical period

ENIAC, PC, social media, cell phones, Internet are devices and technology of ~ Electronic period ~ Premechanical period ~ Mechanical period ~ Electromechanical period ~ Proelectronic period

Electronic period

Command of extraction the file from archive ~ Add to ~ Go to ~ Extract to ~ Create ~ Move to

Extract to

Named collection of data in any storage device: ~ Folder ~ File ~ Interaction ~ Process ~ Software


MS Access. It is used to customize formats for adding, editing, deleting or displaying data. ~ Form ~ Query ~ Table ~ Report ~ Module


Pictures, graphics and icons are elements of ~ Graphical user interface ~ Command line interface ~ Architecture ~ Human resources ~ Disk Operating System

Graphical user interface

External (secondary) memory of the computer: ~ RAM, ROM ~ Hard drive, CD-ROM, flash drive ~ BIOS, RAM ~ Cache memory ~ Primary memory

Hard drive, CD-ROM, flash drive

Specify output device of computer ~ Flash drive, keyboard, touchscreen ~ Hard drive, Pen drive, webcam ~ CD drive, modem, plotter ~ RAM, ROM, projector ~ Headpfone, printer, speakers

Headpfone, printer, speakers

Integrated circuits are the element base of ~ 1 generation ~ 4 generation ~ 5 generation ~ 2 generation ~ 3 generation

3 generation

How many Megabytes is 3 Gigabytes? ~ 1024 ~ 4096 ~ 3072 ~ 2048 ~ 5120


First calculating device in premechanical period of ICT was ~ ENIAC ~ Pascaline ~ The Analytical Engine ~ Calculator ~ Abacus


Command of archiving the file ~ Add to ~ Extract to ~ Move to ~ Go to ~ Open

Add to

The Analytical Engine was invented by ~ Blaise Pascal ~ Wilhelm Schickard ~ Alexander Graham Bell ~ William Cooke ~ Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage

Windows. The command "insert" is executed through ~ Ctrl+V ~ Ctrl+P ~ Ctrl+Z ~ Ctrl+X ~ Ctrl+C


It consists of technologies to protect computers, networks and data from unauthorized access, and attacks delivered via the Internet. ~ Cyber security ~ Internet ~ Computer ~ Commands ~ Programs

Cyber security

The data about objects and the processes of environment, their parameters and properties is called ~ Interaction ~ Process ~ Components ~ Technology ~ Information


Which of the following are good ways to protect your computer? ~ Install antivirus software, Use strong password ~ Managing data, Clean hardware ~ Delete exe files ~ Open important files, Use mini program ~ Use Shot Commands

Install antivirus software, Use strong password

Definition of graphical user interface (GUI) ~ Interaction between people (users) and computers ~ The user to interact directly with the computer by typing commands into a screen ~ The task to optimize the human resources needed to accomplish the task ~ It is a very 'friendly' way for user to interact with the system using graphical elements ~ The design and use of computer technology

It is a very 'friendly' way for user to interact with the system using graphical elements

What are computer shortcuts? ~ It is easy and fast way to navigate through your computer ~ It is slow and hard way to navigate through your computer ~ Number system to navigate through your computer ~ It is storage device ~ A type of virus

It is easy and fast way to navigate through your computer

The principle of open architecture of the COMPUTER belongs to ~ Wilhelm Leibniz ~ Blaise Pascal ~ John Von Neumann ~ Charles Babbage ~ Glushkov Ivanov

John Von Neumann

Show the Antivirus programs. ~ Kaspersky, Doctor Web. ~ UNIX,MS DOS. ~ WinZip, MS DOS. ~ Spam, WinRar,Eset Nod ~ WinRar, WinZip

Kaspersky, Doctor Web.

Specify evolution of ICT where used first calculator, mechanical computer, difference engine ~ Premechanical Period ~ Electromechanical Period ~ Proelectronic period ~ Electronic Period ~ Mechanical Period

Mechanical Period

First calculator, mechanical computer, difference engine were created in ~ Premechanical period ~ Electromechanical period ~ Electronic period ~ Proelectronic period ~ Mechanical period

Mechanical period

The important functions of OS ~ Memory management ~ Multi-user ~ Web browser ~ Computer system ~ RAM

Memory management

An operating system that capable to support and utilize more than one computer processor ~ Milti-user ~ Multuprocessing ~ Multitasking ~ Real-time ~ Multithreading


Where is BIOS located? ~ ROM ~ RAM ~ processor ~ Hard drive ~ PCI


Graphical user interface (GUI), Command line interface (CLI) are types of ~ Unicode ~ Utilities ~ User tasks ~ User interface ~ Universal control

User interface

Show the definition of Trojan-horse programs. ~ a malicious program that when activated, causes harm to a computer system. ~ hacker program that do not show up on the system ~ program that edit, modify and delete information ~ archiving program for Windows ~ program opening exe-files

a malicious program that when activated, causes harm to a computer system.

Extension of the document in MS Access ~ doc ~ ppt ~ xls ~ acppt ~ accdb


The main function of Star topology ~ use a single cable to connect all devices ~ is the schematic description of the arrangement of the network ~ connects all computers in a ring on which messages travel in one direction ~ each device performs as root of a tree of the network devices ~ all devices connected to a central devices called hub or switch

all devices connected to a central devices called hub or switch

Give definition to Query in Microsoft Access. ~ is used to customize formats for adding, editing, deleting or displaying data ~ is an arrangement of data in a fields and records ~ is display information from one or more tables based on a selection criteria ~ is contain data from one or more tables and databases that can be printed ~ is an object in desktop databases containing custom procedures

is display information from one or more tables based on a selection criteria

Show the appointment of CD-RW: ~ is used for reading information from a CD disk and for numerous record on a CD disk ~ is used for reading information from the D disk and for single record on the D disk ~ is used for reading information from a CD disk and for single record on a CD disk ~ is used only for reading information from a CD disk ~ is used only for reading information from a CD disk, for restoration of a disk

is used for reading information from a CD disk and for numerous record on a CD disk

Specify data type Memo in MS Access. ~ is used to store all valid printable characters. Default size is 255 ~ is used to create a text field for storing large amounts of information ~ is used to enter numeric data ~ is used to enter monetary data ~ is used to enter date and time values

is used to create a text field for storing large amounts of information

The device for data transmission between computers through a telephone network is ... ~ modem ~ hubs ~ router ~ network ~ switches


Type of information that can be processed by means of a tape recording and stored on magnetic tapes, records and audio CDs ~ text ~ graphics ~ video ~ visual ~ sound


Two types of software are ~ word processing and spreadsheet ~ system and application ~ Windows and Mac OS ~ hardware and software ~ transaction and application

system and application

Give definition to Menu ~ increases efficiency hardware devices ~ the list of commands displayed on the screen ~ an exchange of phenomena ~ implementation of technology ~ multiple icons on the screen

the list of commands displayed on the screen

Which of these is definition of operating system? ~ word processing, spreadsheet, database ~ data processing and accessing ~ components of equipment ~ connectors for the hard drive and optical drives ~ the most important software that runs on a computer

the most important software that runs on a computer

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