Algebra- Unions and Intersections of Sets

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A doctor is examining three patients. Which symptoms do all three patients have in common?

fever, joint pain, and tiredness(middle of the bubble diagram)

Bob is comparing the ingredients for three different muffin recipes. Which ingredients do all three recipes have in common?

wheat, baking soda, and salt(middle of the bubble diagram)

Let X={x[x is a whole number less than 15}, Y={x[x is a multiple of 3}, Z={x[x is a real number greater than or equal to 5.5}. What is X∩Y?


You have two boxes of colored pens. The first box contains a red pen, a blue pen and a green pen. The second box contains a yellow pen, a red pen, and a black pen. WHat is the set that represents all the pens?

{red pen, blue pen, green pen, yellow, pen, black pen}

The bulk food section of a grocery store has two bins with different types of mixed nuts. The first bin contains walnuts, peanuts, and pistachios. The second bin contains pecans, almonds, Brazil nuts, and walnuts. What is a set that represents all the types of nuts in the bins?

{walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, pecans, almonds, Brazil nuts}

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