ALL Ocean Practice Questions 2021

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What is the definition of the scientific name Monodon monoceros?

"One tooth, one horn"

Sponges are part of the phylum Porifera and contain different layers of cells. What does Porifera mean?

"Pore bearing"

What percent of all volcanic activity on earth occurs in the ocean?


What is the dihedral angle between the nodal planes on the focal mechanisms of a strike-slip earthquake?

90 degrees

A diurnal high tide occurs at 9:00 am on January 1st, 2019 in the Gulf of Mexico. Approximately when will the next high tide occur?

9:50 am January 2nd, 2019

The sea lamprey is a parasitic fish from the class Agnatha. What are the two other major classes of fishes?

Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish) and Osteichthyes (bony fish)

The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora borealis was first termed by Galileo Galilei in 1619 A.D. What does the term Aurora borealis mean in Latin?

Dawn of the north

What is the world's lowest lake?

Dead Sea

Alfred Wegener was a laughingstock of his time, as his proposal of Continental Drifts was considered blasphemous. What is the full name of the more successful geologist who proposed and proved the theory to be more logical?

Harry Hammond Hess

What is the flat and transparent larva of the eel known as?


Measurements of biological nitrogen fixation are typically made using incubations of seawater with what stable isotope?

Nitrogen 15

Which element and its isotope nearly doubled in concentration in the surface waters of the central Arctic Ocean between 2007-2015?


What is another name for Steelhead trout?

Rainbow trout

The Sea MARC was one of the first side-scan sonar systems, eventually replaced by the Sea MARC-II. What does the acronym Sea MARC stand for?

Sea Mapping & Remote Characterization

In order to maintain a maximum sustainable yield from a given fishery, it is vital that the rate at which fish are taken from the sea not exceed what?

The rate of reproduction OR the rate of recruitment

What is the scientific name for cattails?


In Life of Pi, Tsimtsum is a W) ship X) country Y) person Z) fish

W) ship

Ocean acoustic tomography is a mapping system that becomes inaccurate due to differences in: W. salinity X. temperature Y. pH Z. the relative number of organisms

W. salinity

What is the only marine mammal that has large ivory tusks?


This plate's collision with the North American plate has given rise to the Cascade Ranges of North West United States. w. Vancouver Plate x. Juan de Fuca Plate y. Nazca Plate z. Cocos Plate

x. Juan de Fuca Plate

The telemetry and power to the Hawaii-2 Observatory were made available via a retired telephone cable from what company?


What is the sum of planetary and relative vorticity known as?

Absolute vorticity

Match each of the following pelagic provinces to its corresponding nickname. Abysso, Meso, Hadal; Unseen Sea, Middle Sea, Bottomless Sea

Abysso - Bottomless Sea, Meso - Middle Sea, Hadal - Unseen Sea

What are two human ailments caused by phytoplanktonic toxins which become concentrated in the tissues of edible shellfish?

Accept any 2 of the following: Paralytic shellfish poisoning, amnesic shellfish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, diarrhetic shellfish poisoning

What are two stressors that affect rocky coast, intertidal organisms?

Accept any 2 of the following: desiccation, temperature variation, salinity extremes, high wave energy, sun exposure, predation, log battering, or ice scour

What are two reasons why non-native species are harmful to marine ecosystems?

Accept any 2 of the following: they may carry diseases; they may compete with natives; they may have no natural predators; they may consume important native species

Name three natural processes by which minor and/or trace elements get into seawater.

Accept any 3 of the following: Volcanic activity, sea spray, uplift, river discharge, dissolution, runoff, rainwater, biological processes & underwater volcanoes

What is the approximate time interval between successive high tides in an area with a diurnal tidal cycle?

Accept any answer between 23 and 25 hours

Water covers approximately what percentage of the Earth's surface?

Accept any answer between 70% - 72%

Nautical charts denote depths in units of fathoms. About how many meters are equal to 100 fathoms?

Accept any number between 180 and 200 meters

What is one of the three government agencies responsible for researching, drafting, and publishing nautical charts?

Accept any of the following: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); National Ocean Service (NOS); OR Department of Commerce

What is one potential anthropogenic source of nitrogen to a coastal marine environment?

Accept any of the following: Power plant exhaust, Automobile emissions, Sewage treatment plant, Stormwater Runoff, CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operations) OR Flooding

Approximately what percentage of the ocean floor is covered with siliceous ooze?

Accept: 14% OR 15%

Name 2 phylum of marine organisms that undergo metamorphosis.

Any 2: Echinodermata, Crustaceans, Mollusks, Cnidarians, Tunicates

How does an octopus, squid, or cuttlefish change the color of its skin?

By flexing and releasing certain muscles that adjust the size and positions of many pigment sacs under the skin.

What is one way that an algal bloom can cause fish die-offs?

By releasing toxins which are ingested by the fish OR by using up all the oxygen in water, so that the fish die from lack of oxygen

In the movie Finding Nemo, there is a scene where Nemo and Dory get caught in a fishing net. This is an example of what with regard to commercial fishing?


Feather stars and sea lilies belong to which class?

Crinoidea (Cri·​noi·​dea)

What is the depth at which integrated photosynthesis is equal to respiration?

Critical depth

Common types of barriers that affect fish migrations are dams and culverts. Give one reason that explains how dams have blocked the migration of fish.

Dams created deep pools of water that flooded these habitats Dams have blocked access to fish habitats because of the barrier it puts along the migration path Dams may create low water velocities that make it difficult for fish to swim out of Dams may expose fish to high water temperatures and disease

Named for its ability to reflect sound pulses, this phenomenon is found in all oceans except for the Arctic and fools echo sounders on a daily basis by creating the image of false bottom.

Deep Scattering Layer

What is the name of the chemical reaction during which a water molecule is released from two glucose molecules bonding?

Dehydration synthesis

What were the five major hurricanes of 2005?

Dennis, Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Emily

Which two departments are in charge of carrying out the Endangered Species Act of 1973?

Department of Interior, Department of Commerce

Many phrases used today originate from maritime culture. What does the phrase "in the doldrums" mean?

Depressed or listless

DDT is a synthetic pesticide composed of hydrocarbons and it is a common pollutant found in the oceans. What does the acronym DDT stand for?


DDT is a synthetic pesticide composed of hydrocarbons and it is a common pollutant found in the oceans. What does the acronym DDT stand for?


What caused the east-west distortion on early maps?

Difficulty in accurately measuring time

What is the position of the sun during the autumnal equinox?

Directly overhead at the equator

When considering a map of the world, what are two factors that are commonly distorted?

Distance, Direction, Shape, Area

What is the term referring to the significantly different heights between successive high and low tides?

Diurnal inequalities

What is the term that describes the difference in heights of successive high or low tides due to the declination of the sun and the moon?

Diurnal inequality

What is the name for the area of the Earth between about 5 degrees north and 5 degrees south of the equator, where there is often little or no wind?

Doldrums, or Intertropical Convergence Zone

Both humans and sea lions get sick from eating fish and shellfish that have been feeding on harmful toxic algae. Such toxic algae include Pseudo-nitzschia that contains what kind of neurotoxin responsible for the neurological disorder known as amnesic shellfish poisoning?

Domoic acid

Nitzschia is often associated with the Arctic and Antarctic polar sea ice. It includes several species of diatoms known to produce what neurotoxin responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning in humans?

Domoic acid

Correctly match the following types of fin: Dorsal, Pectoral, Pelvic, and Caudal-with their appropriate purposes: Stability, Locomotion, Steering, and Propulsion.

Dorsal-Stability, Pectoral-Locomotion, Pelvic-Steering, Caudal-Propulsion

The landward intrusion of salt is carefully monitored by engineers because of the potential consequences to water supplies if the salt intrusion extends too far. The city of Poughkeepsie, NY, 60 miles north of the Hudson River, depends on the river for its drinking water. Roughly once per decade, what conditions cause the salt intrusion to approach the Poughkeepsie water intake so that they must release water from dams upstream to keep the salt from becoming a public health hazard?

Drought or water shortage

Mohorovičić Discontinuity, also known as Moho was discovered in 1909 by a yugoslavian geologist. It refers to the thin boundary between the crust and upper mantle. Explain why the Moho layer lies deeper beneath the ground beneath the continents than it does beneath the ocean basins.

Due to the difference in crustal thickness (continental crust - 30 to 40 km; oceanic crust - 4 to 10 km; Moho lies at a depth of about 35 km in continental crust and 7 km in oceanic crust)

What happens to waves as it meets opposing currents?

Due to the variation in speed in which the wave is passing through it begin to refract toward the strongest current causes a constructive interference

The Yangtze River dolphin was declared extinct in 2006 and the reeves shad in 2015. What other organism, last seen alive in 2007, triggered a 10-year fishing ban in the Yangtze River effective January 1, 2020?

Chinese paddlefish

The Australian box jellyfish is considered to be the most venomous marine animal. What is the scientific name of the Australian box jellyfish?

Chironex fleckeri

What is the primary source of pigment most plants have?


The Coastal Zone Color Scanner is an instrument that detects and collects different bands of visual light from the ocean's surface water. The variations in color reflect the difference in what?

Chlorophyll concentrations (photosynthetic plant pigment)

Pearl is the pink octopus in Finding Nemo. Octopus have three specialized skin cells that help them change color, reflectivity, and opacity for survival. What are these cells called?

Chromatophores, leucophores and iridophores

What are the two ways estuaries are classified and provide an example of each type.

Classified by geologic origin (e.g. coastal plain, deltas, fjords, Bar-built, tectonic); Classified by water circulation patterns (salt-wedge, fjords, slightly-stratified, vertically mixed, freshwater)

Correctly organize the following types of sediments from smallest to largest: Sand, Granule, Silt, Cobble, Pebble, Boulder, Clay.

Clay → Silt → Sand → Granule → Pebble → Cobble → Boulder

In the Spongebob episode, "I'm Your Biggest Fanatic" the King Jellyfish goes by the name, Cnidaria Rex. What does Cnidaria Rex mean?

Cnidaria refers to the common phylum for many jellyfish. Rex means king in Latin.

A CZCS is an instrument mounted on satellites that are used to assess variations of primary productivity in the oceans. What does CZCS stand for?

Coastal Zone Color Scanner

The federal coastal nonpoint pollution control program was created under the umbrella of which comprehensive marine-related law?

Coastal Zone Management Act

Rodinia was a supercontinent on Earth that preceded Pangea. Its name has Russian origins from the word "rodit," and roughly translates to what in English?

"to give birth"

In order to obtain core samples, gravity corers and piston corers are used. What is an advantage in using the piston corer?

-The piston corer can take a much longer core because the piston -The piston corer can adjust the penetration

The United Nations Law of the Sea, also known as UNCLOS, refers to a body of maritime legislation that ultimately produced The United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty. How many separate conventions took place in order to fully construct UNCLOS?

3 (1956, 1958, 1982)

Name all of the following orders that contain animals that are vegetarian. 1 Cetacea 2 Carnivora 3 Sirenia 4 Cephalopoda

3 only

Approximately what percent of the petroleum comes from the seafloor and what percent of petroleum comes from land drilling?

30% and 70% respectively

If a nautical mile is equivalent to 1.5 miles, how dar fo the exclusive economic zones extend?

300 miles

When sea turtles arrive by sea for nesting, the temperature of where the eggs are incubated plays an important role in determining their sex. At what temperatures, in Celsius, will the egg hatch as a female and male, respectively?

31 degrees Celsius (females), 28 degrees Celsius (males)

What is the range of open ocean salinity in parts per thousand?

33 ppt - 38 ppt

Exclusive Economic Zones cover what percent of the seafloor?


What is the salinity in parts per thousand of the Mediterranean Sea?


At what temperature range in Celsius does vaterite change into aragonite?

380 - 470 degrees Celsius

How many pairs of walking legs do Dungeness crabs and Alaska kind carbs have respectively? 4 and 3

4 and 3

What is the salinity in ppt of the Red Sea?

40 ppt

At approximately what latitude does the Davidson Current stop?

48 degrees latitude (will also acceptor 49 degrees)

How long can sea turtles stay underwater?

48 hours

Approximately what percentage of the ocean floor is covered with calcareous ooze?


How many soundings did the HMS challenger take?


Calculate the velocity of a wave with a wavelength of 20 meters and a period of 4 seconds.

5 meters/second (V=W/P)

What degrees of latitude is the line where the Southern Ocean meets the other oceans?

50 South

What is the approximate albedo observed for the ocean water surface?


Low-pressure zones of rising air known as subpolar lows are found at what latitude, both North and South?

60° North and South Latitudes

A submarine cable is an electrical cable laid on the seabed to transmit data internationally. About how many miles of submarine cables exist?

700,000 miles

In what year did Charles Darwin sail aboard the HMS Beagle for a 5-year voyage around the world?


What span of years did the Challenger Expedition take place?


When was the USA albatross put into commission?


In what year did American naval architect Lewis Nixon invent the first sonar-like listening device, intended to detect icebergs?


When did Alfred Wegner publish the idea of plates moving over Earth?


As of 2019, in what year was the strongest ever El Niño event reported?


The JOIDES Resolution was a research drilling ship that eventually replaced the Glomar Challenger. In what year was the Glomar Challenger replaced?


Where and when did the Exxon Valdez oil spill occur?

1989 in Prince William Sound, Alaska

A CTD device's primary function is to detect how the conductivity and temperature of the water column changes relative to depth. To what decimal place is a CTD accurate?

2 decimal places (hundredths place)

Which of the following areas are high nutrient, low chlorophyll regions of the world ocean? 1. The Sea of Japan 2. The Subarctic Pacific 3. The Southern Ocean 4. The Equatorial Pacific

2, 3, and 4 only

In what year did the Deepwater Horizon oil spill occur?


How long is a lunar day?

24 hours and 50 minutes.

The CMBMP was funded by the World Bank whose objective was to protect coastal and marine biodiversity in a network of protected areas in northern Mozambique. What does the acronym CMBMP stand for?

Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Management Project

Within the exclusive economic zones of the Hawaiian islands lie seamounts that can potentially yield 3 to 4 million metric tons of ore. What is this type of ore?

Cobalt Ore

Explain the difference between the compensation depth and the oxygen minimum zone.

Compensation depth: primary productivity = respiration (no net primary productivity). A function of light Oxygen minimum zone: where oxygen is depleted by the respiration of animals and is not replaced by photosynthesis - A function of metabolism.

What is the general name for the type of eyes found in crustaceans and insects?

Compound eye

What would you measure with a CTD?

Conductivity (salinity), temperature, pressure (not depth)

For each of the following rocks, give Wentworth-size class sediment: Conglomerate, Sandstone, Siltstone, Claystone

Conglomerate- Boulder, Cobble, Pebble, Granule, Gravel Sandstone- Very coarse sand, coarse sand, Medium Sand, Fine sand, Very fine sand, Sand Siltstone- Silt Claystone- Clay

What two oceans does the Bering Strait connect and where is it located?

Connects the Pacific and Arctic Oceans Located between Alaska and Siberia

What is the name for the submerged edges of continents with gradual slopes?

Continental shelves

What causes lake effect snow?

Cooler atmospheric conditions from a cold air mass moving across long expanses of warmer lake water

In the novel "The Little Mermaid", a mermaid trades her tail for legs. In real life, a statue was built to depict how a mermaid would look. Where is this statue located?


The United States CRTF was established by Presidential Executive Order 13089 to conserve and protect coral reef ecosystems. What does CRTF stand for and in what year was it established?

Coral Reef Task Force, 1998

The Australian Great Barrier Reef is located in which sea?

Coral Sea

In the 1989 film The Little Mermaid, King Triton temporarily transforms into a polyp. What forms when thousands of polyps secrete skeletons of calcium carbonate?

Coral reef

What is the name for the calcium carbonate exoskeleton which houses a polyp?


The first submarine was able to dive to a depth of 12-15 feet. Who was responsible for its design and development?

Cornelis Drebbel

What type of thermometer is used to measure temperature in deep water?

A reversing thermometer

What is the main idea of the Orpheus Theory?

A small planetary body called "Theia" collided with early Earth creating a field of debris that eventually formed into the moon.

What is the difference between a strait and an isthmus?

A strait lies between two land masses and connects two larger bodies of water; An isthmus lies between two bodies of water and connects two larger landmasses

What is the second largest whale in the world?

Fin Whale OR Fin

A walrus uses its prodigious whiskers to do what?

Find food

What is the freezing point in degrees celsius of fresh and seawater respectively?

Freshwater: 0; Seawater: -1.9

In 2007, a species of shark was found in shallow waters in Japan. While it was rescued and brought to a marine park, it died a few hours later. This species of shark is an average of 1.6 meters in length, rarely found, and is usually 1,500 meters below the surface. What is the common name for this shark?

Frilled Shark

Define fusiform and name one benefit of fish having a fusiform.

Fusiform: flat, tapered at the end; benefits: streamlined shape allows for greater swimming efficiency and increased swimming speed

Name 2 navigational aids that have come to replace lighthouses

GPS, Nautical Charts, Lighted Navigational Aids, Buoys, Radar Beacons, ETC

Name the mid-ocean ridge that runs in the Arctic Ocean that was responsible for the earthquakes in 1999.

Gakkel Ridge

What is the slowest moving spreading center in the entire world and where is it located?

Gakkel Ridge, Norway

In 1977, the first biocommunity at a hydrothermal vent was discovered in the _________ of South America

Galapagos Rift

A strong nameless hurricane occurred in 1900, which city did it hit?

Galveston, Texas

The Coriolis effect changes the intended path of a moving body. What is the full name of the French engineer that first calculated its influence in 1835 and inspired the name "Coriolis Effect?"

Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis

What was the purpose of the Aqua satellite launched by NASA and in what year was it launched?

Gathered information on precipitation and evaporation to determine if the water cycle is affected by climate change; launched in 2002

First trialed in 1969, the GLORIA vehicle system was used to map seafloor structures using sound waves. What does the acronym GLORIA stand for?

Geological Long Range Inclined ASDIC

GOES is a type of geosynchronous satellite that maps the seafloor from space. What does GOES stand for?

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite

The salinity of the ocean's surface waters decreases towards the equator and the poles. These variations are caused by the addition and removal of what molecules?

H2O molecules

What is the term for the deepest zone of the benthic province?

Hadal (hey-dahl) zone

What are the two principle evaporites that precipitate from seawater?

Halite and gypsum

The unusually strong nor'easter of 1991, recounted as the Perfect Storm, is sometimes referred to by which holiday?


What is the name given to microbes that grow best in high saline conditions?


The salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora is an example of which type of plant that grows in highly saline waters?


Coined as the Great Shoe Spill of 1990, this container ship en route from Korea to the United States lost over 61,000 Nike shoes when it encountered a storm, an event that contributed greatly to the knowledge of ocean currents today. What was the name of this container ship?

Hansa Carrier

In 1942, three authors published a book called The Oceans. What were the names of the authors?

Harald Sverdrup, Richard Fleming, and Martin Johnson

What is the English translation of "tsunami?"

Harbor Wave

Who was the scientist who proposed a new theory of seafloor spreading in 1962, based on a set of new charts of the ocean floor?

Harry Hess

Who was the first person to publish a model of surface ocean gyre currents that accurately reflect the intensification of western boundary currents?

Henry Stommel

If an earthquake occurs in the Japan Trench, some seismic stations receive no record of the event. What is the name given to those areas of the Earth that do not receive seismic waves from a particular earthquake event?

It is called the "Shadow Zone"

Why is Argon present in the atmosphere?

It is extremely unreactive and the Argon that is present is left over from when the Earth was originally created.

Point Nemo is the location farthest from land. It was discovered in 1992 through the use of geo-targeting software. How did Point Nemo get its name?

It was named after the famous submarine sailor from Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.

In Finding Nemo, Marlin and Dory were swallowed by the whale. What was inaccurate about the whale's anatomy?

It was shown that the whale has a uvula. However, animals do not possess uvulas. They are unique to humans.

What is the importance of SeaBeam?

It was the first multi-beam echo sounder; It made possible for a survey ship to map the features of the ocean floor along a strip up to 60km wide.

Elasmobranchii have developed many adaptations that allow them to thrive in distinct environments. What is the system of sense organs used to detect pressure and vibration found in elasmobranchii called?

Lateral line system

What is another name for Fosrchhammer's principle?

Law of constant proportions: relative % of ions are constant independent of salinity levels

The molecules in liquid water and ice have what shape, respectively?

Layered and Hexagonal

Name three island arcs.

Marianas island arc, Palm island arc, Gilbert island arc, Carline island arc, Marshall island arc, New Hebrides island arc, Hawaiin island arc all accepted.

MATEs are markers used for satellites that collect measurements at the specific point that they're placed in the water. What does MATE stand for?

Marine Advanced Technology Education

The overwhelming bycatch of dolphins in the 1980s was put to a stop by 1992 in the United States as dolphin protection was added to the

Marine Mammals Protection Act

What is the Latin meaning of Ursus maritimus?

Maritime bear (do NOT accept polar bear)

What is the difference between MSY and OSY?

Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is the largest yield/catch that can be taken from a species' stock over an indefinite period whereas Optimum sustainable yield (OSY) is the yield level to maximize the difference between total revenue and total cost.

Explain how to determine the isohaline of an aquatic system.

Measure the water's salinity at different depths (in different parts of the water), record the salinity measurements as individual data points, connect points (through contour lines) *will accept answers similar to these steps/will accept answers that at least mention the first step

What were the Seven Seas in Greek Literature?

Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Red Sea, Aegean Sea, Adriatic Sea, Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf

Zooids (Zoh-oids) are animals that arise from another by budding or division and constitute a colony. What are the two types of siphonophore zooids?

Medusae and polyps

On what expedition was echo sounder first used?

Meteor Expedition

Giardiasis is a waterborne disease that causes extreme, uncomfortable flatulence as a result of consuming poor-quality water. What gas, produced within the body by the water, is responsible for the flatulence?

Methane gas

Name one halide compound produced by some seaweeds and phytoplankton that can react with ozone in the stratosphere. Methyl bromides

Methyl bromides

What is the only United States state that borders Lake Huron?


Microbeads are a type of microplastic that is commonly found in personal hygiene products, but are very harmful to marine life. What act banned the use of plastic microbeads in personal care products?

Microbead Free Waters Act of 2015

What are the 3 regions of the Southeast Pacific isles?

Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia

The Puerto Rico Trench and South-Sandwich Trench are the two deepest trenches in the Atlantic Ocean. What are the names for the deepest points of each?

Milwaukee Deep (Puerto Rico) and Meteor Deep (South-Sandwich)

Which type of tidal pattern can you expect in the waters of San Francisco Bay, California?

Mixed (or Mixed Semidiurnal)

Put these ocean-themed books in order by their publication date, earliest first: Jaws, Life of Pi, The Old Man and the Sea, Moby Dick

Moby Dick - The Old Man and the Sea - Jaws - Life of Pi

What does the acronym for the satellite sensor MODIS spell out?

Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer

Name 3 uses of pack ice to Arctic seals.

Molting; resting; feeding (small crustaceans and fish stay close to the edges of sea ice); breeding; protection from predators.

Maritime heritage preserves and protects valuable resources within our coastal, marine, and Great Lakes environments. What was the first sanctuary created with a maritime heritage component?

Monitor off the coast of North Carolina in 1975

Maritime heritage preserves and protects valuable resources within our coastal, marine, and Great Lakes environments. What was the first sanctuary created with maritime heritage component?

Monitor off the coast of North Carolina in 1975

What is the largest marine sanctuary composed of many submarine canyons and found off the coast of California?

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Where is most downwelling found on Earth?

Most downwelling happens at the poles. There, cold air chills the water. The water brought in by the surface gyres is pretty salty already because it comes from the tropics, where evaporation increased salinity. And once it gets to high latitudes, the water becomes even more saline as ice forms and further concentrates sea salts.

Match the provided regional example with the given types of rock: - Mount Kilauea, Mount Saint Helens, Yellowstone - Basaltic, Rhyolitic, Andesitic

Mount Kilauea - Basaltic Mount Saint Helens - Andesitic Yellowstone - Rhyolitc

What major biological event in evolution occurs on Earth at the dawn of the phanerozoic?

Multicellular organisms appeared or evolved (Cambrian explosion)

What does the acronym MOSAiC stand for?

Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate

In 1972, NERRS was enacted to protect over one million acres of estuarine area. What does NERRS stand for?

National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Which NOAA office is responsible for productive and sustainable fisheries, safe sources of seafood, the recovery and conservation of protected resources, and healthy ecosystems?

National Marine Fisheries Service OR NMFS

Which science predicts and tabulates positions of heavenly bodies so as to be useful in celestial navigation?

Nautical astronomy

What unit of distance is approximately the length of one minute of latitude anywhere on Earth?

Nautical mile

Arrange the following vessels to their respective books: Nautilus, Hispaniola, Pequod AND Moby Dick, Treasure Island, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Nautilus: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Hispaniola: Treasure Island; Pequod: Moby Dick

What is the name for the specialized organelle that ejects a stinging thread in cnidarians?


What term refers to zones of higher turbidity above the seafloor created by the resuspension of sediments?

Nepheloid layers

What is the name of the city located in the United States, Louisiana that is currently under sea level?

New Orleans

Which river connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario?

Niagara River

What is the scientific name for the invasive species that originated in Lake Victoria, and is known for blocking oxygen and sunlight from reaching the bottom waters?

Eichhornia Crassipes

There is an underwater ridge that spans from Sicily to Tunisia and divides the Mediterranean into 2 basins. What is this type of underwater ridge called?

Either answer is acceptable: Dike; Sill

When a leptocephalus matures into a miniature adult, what is it called?


In Antarctica, what is the tallest known penguin making them the biggest penguin species group?

Emperor Penguins

Explain what the Lagrangian method used for measuring current flows is.

Employs a neutrally buoyant float that is tracked acoustically by a ship or satellite as the device drifts along the currents Release of drifters that are set loose at the surface and tracked acoustically/through sound/remotely

What are the five vertical zones from top to bottom of the open sea?

Epipelagic, Mesopelagic, Bathypelagic, Abyssopelagic, Hadalpelagic

What category of organisms decreases primary production, increases leaf drag, and impairs carbon dioxide and nutrient uptake in seagrasses?


What is the name of the disease that invasive snakehead fish may be able to transfer to US native fish?

Epizootic ulcerative syndrome

What process often occurs on the seaward side of seawalls?


What is the scientific name for the Antarctic Krill?

Euphasia Superba

PORTS, or Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System, gives operators of commercial vessels important information about environmental conditions to help them safely navigate U.S. waterways. Give one example of data that PORTS collects to aid in safe navigation.

Examples include: water levels, currents, bridge air gap, salinity, and meteorological parameters (e.g., winds, waves, atmospheric pressure, visibility, air and water temperatures).

What super-tanker was a crucial part in the oil spill on March 24, 1989?

Exxon Valdez

Pectoral fins are like the wings of a bird. Caudal fins and pelvic fins are like the (BLANK) of a bird.

Tail Feathers

What is the name of the expedition in 2006 that closely resembled the Kon-Tiki expedition that involved the sailing of a balsa raft from Peru to Polynesia?

Tangaroa Expedition

What are the oblong glass particles formed by collisions of meteorites with the Earth?


In the movie "Finding Nemo," Bloat is a porcupine pufferfish. What is the name of the toxin that this fish releases?


Several of the states that border the Gulf of Mexico highly depend on the water quality, resources, and services that it provides. Name the five states that border the Gulf of Mexico.

Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida

What piece of legislation removes the validity of any claims to land in Antarctica?

The Antarctic Treaty

In 2016, President Obama took executive action to expand the boundaries of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument to the edge of the Exclusive Economic Zone. What U.S. law allows the president to create national monuments to protect significant natural, cultural, or scientific features?

The Antiquities Act

Where is the largest dead zone in the world?

The Arabian Sea (the Gulf of Oman)

What is the name of the Ocean that occupies the polar ice caps?

The Arctic Ocean

Which navy has not only been credited for creating the Beaufort scale but also standardizing ship fleet logs?

The British Royal Navy

What is the largest inland body of water, which derived its name from the "Kaspi" People?

The Caspian Sea

The discovery of the principle of constant proportion helps to determine the salinity of seawater rapidly and accurately. This discovery was made in what expedition?

The Challenger expedition

What seas are east and south of Australia respectively?

The Coral Sea and Tasmanian Sea

Geostrophic currents are a balance between what two forces?

The Coriolis force and gravitational forces Also accept: Coriolis effect and gravity

The nickname "The Stepping Stones to Asia" is given to what nematath in the Pacific Ocean?

The Emperor Islands (Hawaiian Islands also accepted)

On March 14, 2011, Tohoku, Japan experienced an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0-9.1 which also caused a tsunami. What are the two plates responsible for the disaster?

The Eurasian and Pacific Plate

The anatomical process of blood vessels running antiparallel in order to maintain a high internal temperature is known as what?

countercurrent heat exchange

What is meant by the 'Tragedy of the Commons', with respect to fish stocks?

The depletion, and ultimately the collapse, of a limited resource, such as fish stocks, when individuals act selfishly to maximize personal gains

What is the Deep Sound Channel?

The depth at which sound travels slowest with latitude, from a few hundred meters deep in tropical and temperate latitudes to the surface around the poles.

When navigating at sea one must be aware of the difference between true north and magnetic north. What is the term given to this difference?

The difference (or correction) is called the magnetic declination

The United States mandated that all tankers must have double hulls by August of 2010. How do double-hulled oil tankers prevent oil spills?

The double hull provides an extra measure of security--in the unlikely event of a collision or grounding, the outer hull will bear the brunt of the impact while the interior hull will keep the cargo secure and prevent oil from entering the marine environment.

What was Project FAMOUS?

The first-ever marine scientific exploration by manned submersibles of a divergent tectonic plate boundary on a mid-ocean ridge. Studied the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

In the movies Nemo and Finding Dory, the character, Dory is a Pacific regal blue tang. What important role does this type of fish play in reef systems?

The fish eat the algae that accumulate on corals and sponges.

The ice-albedo feedback is a positive feedback climate process. Explain what makes this process positive feedback, and give one example that supports this.

The ice-albedo feedback is the warming of the ocean or the atmosphere, resulting in: - Ice concentration decreases - More of the ocean is exposed - The amount of solar energy absorption is increased

Estuaries are dynamic systems. Which 2 factors greatly influence the character of the circulation in an estuary?

The inflow of river water; tidal mixing

The strength of dipole-dipole interactions depends on what factor?

The polarity of the molecules

Cephalopods are characterized by bilateral body symmetry, a prominent head, and a set of arms or tentacles modified from the primitive molluscan foot. A unique characteristic of the class Cephalopoda is that they all have three hearts. Distinguish between the two branchial hearts and the systematic heart of cephalopods.

The two branchial hearts push oxygen-depleted blood through the gills while the systemic heart pumps the oxygenated blood throughout the body.

Name the three factors that influence the height of a wind-generated ocean wave.

The velocity (speed) of the wind, the distance over which the wind blows (fetch), and how long the wind blows.

What influential paper published in 1968 by ecologist Garrett Hardin describes the dilemma by which multiple individuals acting in self-interest deplete shared limited resources?

The tragedy of the Commons

Between what two cells would you find the polar front?

polar and Ferrel cells

Warmer temperatures may actually lead to the formation of larger ice caps, explain how?

The warmer it is the more evaporation is occurring, which leads to more intense tropical storms. This means there is more precipitation and snowfall to form larger ice caps.

Why are tidal bores called true tidal waves?

They are caused solely by tides

Fiddler crabs, scientifically named Uca pugnax, are small crabs that dig burrows in the sand on some beaches. Why are fiddler crabs named so?

They are named "fiddler" because the male holds one claw, always much larger than the other, somewhat like a violin.

What are rhizomes and state their purpose in turtle grass?

They are underground stems that interlock to help stabilize the sandy seafloor the turtle grass is attached to

Dissolved and solid wastes collect at the interface between air and sea. What is this layer called?

Thin neuston layer

What was the name of the explorer that used a current on his journey across the Pacific Ocean and on which Current did he sail on?

Thor Heyerdahl AND the South Equatorial Current

About 41 percent of U.S. marine waters are protected in some way, but what percent is considered highly protected in no-take MPAs to protect sensitive species and habitats?


Lagoons have a restricted circulation separate from the ocean, how many and what are these distinct zones identified as?

Three; Freshwater zone, Transitional zone, and Saltwater zone

What is the term for water that flows from the earth's surface to a specific body of water?


Put the three stages (also known as ages) of the upper epoch in the Jurassic period in order from latest to earliest: Kimmeridgian, Oxfordian, Tithonian.

Tithonian, Kimmeridgian, Oxfordian

In 1992, NASA launched the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite. What was the purpose of the satellite?

To accurately measure the level of the sea surface

What is the primary function of a boom during an oil spill?

To contain or collect oil from surface waters

Name 3 functions of echolocation for marine organisms.

To detect prey, to detect predators, to navigate, to communicate with others

Why is studying tissue samples of beached animals important?

To determine if any contaminants are prevalent in the organism, or if any diseases contributed to its beaching

Why are small current meters sometimes attached to sampling nets?

To measure the volume of water that passed through the net OR to determine the distance the net was towed

What are the functions of levees and dams?

To protect cities and farms from disastrous floods, while storing water to irrigate crops and provide water for residents

The demersal fish, also known as groundfish, acquired its name from the Latin word, demergere. What does demergere mean?

To sink/submerge

What is the difference between topography and bathymetry?

Topography: show elevation of landforms above sea level; Bathymetry: show depths of landforms below sea level

What is the name given to the prevailing winds in the Hadley Cell?

Trade winds

What color is polar bear fur and skin respectively?

Transparent and black

Name two sources of molecular oxygen on the surface of the ocean.

Transport of oxygen from the atmosphere to the ocean surface across the air‐sea interface AND photosynthesis in the photic zone

Explain why in certain cases the cleanup of spilled oil onto beaches/seas are more disastrous for the ecosystem than the actual spill itself.

Treated beaches were often left with nothing living on them/they were sterile and antiseptic, ultimately reducing biodiversity

A mass-extinction marked the beginning and end of the Mesozoic Era. Which three geologic periods comprise the Mesozoic Era?

Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous

The TOGA program monitors the equatorial South Pacific and is used to predict El Niño events. What does the acronym TOGA stand for?

Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere

Explain why tsunamis are said to behave like shallow-water waves.

Tsunamis are said to behave like shallow-water waves because they take up the entire water column, regardless of ocean depth. Also, they can pass under boats undetected due to the subtlety of how they move in the open ocean.

Match these following traits - efficient cruising, rapid acceleration, and high maneuverability, to its respective fish - tuna, pike, and butterflyfish.

Tuna - efficient cruising Butterflyfish - high maneuverability Pike - rapid acceleration

The Hudson and Baltimore canyons were shaped by what type of currents?

Turbidity currents

What part of a narwhal do female narwhals almost never have?


What is the pressure at sea level? W. 14.7 lbs/in2 X. 17.4 lbs/in2 Y. 33 lbs/in2 Z. 10 lbs/in2

W. 14.7 lbs/in2

Walfrid Ekman developed the circulation model in what year? W. 1905 X. 1912 Y. 1923 Z. 1935

W. 1905

In what year was the first oceanographic satellite launched? W. 1978 X. 1980 Y. 1982 Z. 1984

W. 1978

What percentage of wind energy is transferred to the ocean surface? W. 2% X. 5% Y. 10% Z. 15%

W. 2%

What percent of the World's Ocean water is held in the Indian Ocean? W. 20% X. 23% Y. 24% Z. 27%

W. 20%

Antarctica is a vast continent with an immense amount of life both aquatic and terrestrial. In Antarctica, how many land species are there? W. 235 X. 157 Y. 100 Z. 23

W. 235

Based off of De Dominio Maris, the British established that their territorial sea covered 1league, which is how many nautical miles? W. 3 X. 5 Y. 7 Z. 9

W. 3

If 1000 grams of seawater are evaporated, about how many grams of salts are left? W. 35 X. 75 Y. 115 Z. 350

W. 35

What percentage does the ocean basin make up in the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere, respectively? W. 61%, 80% X. 70%, 70% Y. 80%, 61% Z. 50%, 70%

W. 61%, 80%

The microbial loop is W. A type of food chain involving bacteria and protozoan grazing X. A type of food chain fueled by detritus Y. An instrument used for isolating microalgae in water waste treatment Z. Carbon cycling between chloroplast and cytoplasm

W. A type of food chain involving bacteria and protozoan grazing

The Aral Sea was once the 4th largest inland body of water. However, it is now of the shallowest. Why did this happen?

the diversion (for purposes of irrigation) of the riverine waters of the Syr Darya (ancient Jaxartes River) in the north and the Amu Darya(ancient Oxus River) in the south

What is the sum of planetary and relative vorticity known as? W. Absolute vorticity X. Momentum vorticity Y. Positive vorticity Z. Wind vorticity

W. Absolute vorticity

The coral symbiont zooxanthellae is a form of W. Dinoflagellate X. Diatom Y. Bacteria Z. Fungi

W. Dinoflagellate

The river continuum concept portrays running water systems and describes the biological communities and relationships in a stream. Which of the following is not a pattern that influences the communities in these models? W. Dissolved gas content X. Light penetration Y. Bank stability Z. Sediment loads

W. Dissolved gas content

In the novel "The Odyssey" by Homer, Odysseus had been cursed by Poseidon to sail a sea for 10 years. Which sea was this? W. Eastern Mediterranean Sea X. Black Sea Y. Baltic Sea Z. Libyan Sea

W. Eastern Mediterranean Sea

Where did Jewish immigrant Joseph Malin first open up the first fish and chips shop and in what year? W. England, 1860 X. Scotland, 1843 Y. Ireland, 1890 Z. Belgium, 1906

W. England, 1860

Who first developed the concepts of latitude and longitude? W. Eratosthenes (Ee-ra-tos-ten-nees) X. Pythagorus Y. Ptolemy Z. Prince Henry the Navigator

W. Eratosthenes (Ee-ra-tos-ten-nees)

A fjord is an example of a coastline that was mainly shaped by what? W. Erosion by glaciers X. Erosion by rivers Y. Movements of the earth's crust due to plate tectonics Z. Erosion and deposition of sediment by waves

W. Erosion by glaciers

Which act governs point-source pollution like industrial waste disposal, spills of oil, and hazardous material in the United States? W. Federal Clean Water Act X. Oceans Act of 2000 Y. Rivers and Harbors Act Z. Ocean Dumping Ban Act

W. Federal Clean Water Act

In the National Ocean Survey tide tables, the tidal ranges are specified in W. Feet X. Meters Y. Fathom Z. Kilometers

W. Feet

Which type of rock, when broken down, produces clay? W. Feldspar X. Granite Y. Shale Z. Turbidite

W. Feldspar

The northeasterly trade winds are to Hadley cell as the prevailing westerlies are to what? W. Ferrell cell X. Polar cell Y. Westerly cell Z. Hadley cell

W. Ferrell cell

A barnacle is an example of the type of feeder called a W. Filter feeder X. Opportunistic feeder Y. Active predator Z. Grazer

W. Filter feeder

Alternative names for decompression sickness include all of the following EXCEPT: W. Gastric Toxicity X. Caisson Disease Y. Aerobullosis Z. Diver's Disease

W. Gastric Toxicity

Which term was coined by Strabo? W. Geography X. Longitude Y. Latitude Z. Topography

W. Geography

The payara, commonly known as the vampire fish is gaining popularity as an aquarium species. What is its preferred prey? W. Goldfish X. Guppy Y. Betta Fish Z. Tetra

W. Goldfish

What effect is the reason for the thinning ozone layer at the poles? W. Grasshopper Effect X. Coriolis Effect Y. Polar Effect Z. Greenhouse Effect

W. Grasshopper Effect

At 209 meters below sea level, what is the lowest freshwater lake? W. Sea of Galilee X. Dead sea Y. Lake Baikal Z. Lake superior

W. Sea of Galilee

What device can be used to map sixty kilometer wide strips of ocean floor? W. Side-scanning sonar systems X. Echo sounders Y. Explosion seismic surveys Z. Altimeter remote sensing routines

W. Side-scanning sonar systems

Who used a depth of 914m below sea level to fit the continents together and confirm continental drift? W. Sir Edward Bullard X. Alfred Wegener Y. Harry Hess Z. Robert S. Dietz

W. Sir Edward Bullard

Who wrote Geographica? W. Strabo X. Aristotle Y. Seleukos Z. Posidonius

W. Strabo

The preamble of the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty defines an "Archipelagic Baseline" as the... W. Straight border line joining the outermost points of the outermost islands and reefs of the archipelago X. Sea level, in meters, of the outermost island of the archipelago, minus the sea level of the innermost island of the archipelago Y. Maximum acceptable distance from the mainland that qualifies an island to serve as the starting point of the Exclusive Economic Zone Z. Minimum acceptable surface area that would qualify an island to be considered part of an archipelago

W. Straight border line joining the outermost points of the outermost islands and reefs of the archipelago

In which tectonic environment do blueschists form W. Subduction zones X. Passive margins Y. Spreading centers Z. Bolide impacts

W. Subduction zones

Which of the following statements is true? W. The North Atlantic Gyre has a higher nitrate concentration than the North Pacific Gyre. X. The North Atlantic Gyre has a higher nitrate concentration than the Peru Current. Y. The North Pacific Gyre has a higher nitrate concentration than the North Atlantic Gyre. Z. The Peru Current has a smaller Nitrate concentration than the North Pacific Gyre.

W. The North Atlantic Gyre has a higher nitrate concentration than the North Pacific Gyre.

The SEALAB Project was conducted by who and in what year did it start? W. The US Navy in 1964 X. The US Marines in 1975 Y. Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1943 Z. The British Army in 1957

W. The US Navy in 1964

The spring turnover is important in a lake system because W. The action stirs nutrients throughout the lake's depth X. Temperature equalization throughout the lake is essential for spawning Y. The turnover uncovers organisms buried during the winter months Z. Turnover allows light to reach the deepest, normally darkest part of the lake

W. The action stirs nutrients throughout the lake's depth

Which of the following is not one of the 8 message markers in sea speak? W. Answer X. Declaring Y. Intention Z. Request

X. Declaring

Which of the following Actinopterygii species is the world's deepest living superpredator whose also hermaphroditic? W. Humpback anglerfish X. Deep-sea lizardfish Y. Sloane's viperfish Z. shorthorn fangtooth

X. Deep-sea lizardfish

Within the Polar Ice Caps, whales are seen to be living within the environment. Two Indigenous whales are Orcas and the Beluga whale. What is the scientific name of the Beluga whale? W. Orcinus orca X. Delphinapterus leucas Y. Megaptera novaeangliae Z. Balaenoptera musculus

X. Delphinapterus leucas

Which country has the highest percentage of its own electricity supplied by offshore wind farms? W. United States X. Denmark Y. Switzerland Z. Hungary

X. Denmark

What is one of the major driving forces of deep-sea circulation? W. Deep-sea currents in polar regions X. Density differences between different masses of ocean water Y. Viscosity differences between two different masses of ocean water Z. Extreme polarity of the water molecule

X. Density differences between different masses of ocean water

What property of waves allows them to propagate around a jetty? W. Refraction X. Diffraction Y. Wave interference Z. Reflection

X. Diffraction

What was a major flaw in the 150AD maps drawn by Ptolemy? W. Distortion of surface currents in the Mediterranean X. Distortion of distance with longitude Y. Distortion of distance with latitude Z. Distortion of topographic features

X. Distortion of distance with longitude

During El Niño years, Indian Ocean monsoons are typically W. Wetter than usual X. Drier than usual Y. Experience little change Z. Experience no change

X. Drier than usual

The giant squid that almost ate Nemo in Finding Dory is bioluminescent. Which one of these is not bioluminescent? W. Lanternfish X. Dumbo Octopus Y. Atolla Jellyfish Z. Cranchiidae

X. Dumbo Octopus

Which of the following is the highest Navy rank? W. Lieutenant X. Ensign Y. Commander Z. Captain

X. Ensign

How did the Basin and Range region of western North America form? W. From vertical uplift along normal faults X. Extension of continental crust as North America overrode a spreading center Y. Lateral motion along the San Andreas fault Z. Thrust faulting

X. Extension of continental crust as North America overrode a spreading center

Which of the following is not a possible reason for the cause of coral bleaching? W. Change in ocean temperature X. Extreme high tides Y. Overexposure to sunlight Z. Extreme low tides

X. Extreme high tides

In a growing river delta, which type of sedimentary structure is the most likely to form? W. Fining upwards sequence X. Fining downwards sequence Y. Overturned bedding Z. Folded bedding

X. Fining downwards sequence

What is the name of the disease that some green sea turtles suffer from around the world? W. Salmonella X. Firbopapillomatosis Y. Vitamin A Deficiency Z. GERD

X. Firbopapillomatosis

Which of the following are characteristics of sponges? W. Choanocyte, pneumatocyst, stipe X. Flagellum, spongin, ostia Y. Epidermis, mesoglea, float Z. Scolex, proboscis, thorax

X. Flagellum, spongin, ostia

Analysis of igneous rock stripes around mid-ocean ridges was done in 1963 by who? W. Harry Hess X. Frederick Vine and Drummond Matthews Y. Sir Edward Bullard Z. Sir Francis Bacon

X. Frederick Vine and Drummond Matthews

The box-like shell that encompasses diatoms are called W. Tests X. Frustule Y. Combs Z. Fulcrum

X. Frustule

During an Opposition, what is the phase of the moon? W. New moon X. Full moon Y. Waxing Gibbous Z. Crescent

X. Full moon

What term refers to the horizontal balance between the pressure gradient force and the Coriolis force? W. Geospatial balance X. Geostrophic balance Y. Gradient balance Z. Coriolis balance

X. Geostrophic balance

The gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect on Earth, in order of greatest to smallest in importance, are W. CO2, H2O, CH4 X. H2O, CO2, CH4 Y. CH4, CO2, H2O Z. H2O, CH4, CO2

X. H2O, CO2, CH4

A turbidity maximum is created when mud particles accumulate in weak currents near which layer of water stratification? W. Pycnocline X. Halocline Y. Thermocline Z. Chemocline

X. Halocline

Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan were the people credited with building the first practical underwater deep-diving device. However, he wasn't the first to attempt to create this device. What was the name of the person who first attempted to create this device? W. Harry Hess X. Henry Fleuss Y. Edward Forbes Z. Alfred Wegener

X. Henry Fleuss

Which law states that more gases can be dissolved at high pressures? W. Charles Law X. Henry's Law Y. Beauforts Law Z. Daltons Law of Partial Pressures

X. Henry's Law

A fathom is a unit of measurement for water depth. Fathoms are usually measured with echo sounders, an example of which is the fathometer. Who invented the fathometer? W. William Beebe X. Herbert Grove Dorsey Y. James Clarke Ross Z. Charles Darwin

X. Herbert Grove Dorsey

Which mountain range was formed from the closure of the Mesozoic Tethys Seaway? W. Urals X. Himalayas Y. Andes Z. Rockies

X. Himalayas

The geologic features of the Finger Lakes region, particularly its deep valleys, provided support for Louis Agassiz's theory of W. Plate tectonics X. Ice ages Y. An asteroid impact at the K-T boundary Z. Evolution

X. Ice ages

What is the term given to marine animals that are accidentally caught in nets? W. Anti-harvest X. Incidental catch Y. Overfishing Z. Nonquota

X. Incidental catch

The Law of the Sea Treaty helped to establish the Exclusive Economic Zone in order to provide limitations for coastal nations. Which country has signed the Law of the Sea Treaty? W. Germany X. India Y. Japan Z. United States

X. India

When the leading edge of two converging plates is composed of oceanic crust, what system will form? W. Hotspot X. Island arc Y. Trench Z. Mid-oceanic ridge

X. Island arc

Which of the following is true of water at 4 degrees Celsius? W. It has a high viscosity and is the least dense X. It has a high viscosity and is the densest Y. It has a low viscosity and is the least dense Z. It has a low viscosity and is the densest

X. It has a high viscosity and is the densest

The ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 in marine sediments is useful because W. It is a useful measure of the past biological productivity in the ocean X. It is a useful indicator of paleotemperatures and paleoclimatic conditions Y. It provides a means of estimating age Z. It decreases with a constant half-life

X. It is a useful indicator of paleotemperatures and paleoclimatic conditions

The name krill means "young fry of fish" in what language? W. Swedish X. Norwegian Y. Finnish Z. Icelandic

X. Norwegian

All of the following are warm-blooded chordates EXCEPT W. Whales X. Sharks Y. Seals Z. Dolphins

X. Sharks

A beach face is a wet sloping surface extending from the berm to W. Offshore X. Shoreline Y. Coast Z. Nearshore

X. Shoreline

Steve Irwin was an Australian zookeeper and conservationist who died in 2006 after being stung by what type of stingray? W. Thorntail stingray X. Short-tailed stingray Y. Whiptail stingray Z. Roughtail stingray

X. Short-tailed stingray

Which is true of oozes? W. Siliceous ooze is more common than calcareous ooze X. Siliceous ooze can exist at deeper levels than calcareous ooze Y. Siliceous ooze is primarily diatoms and foraminiferans Z. Calcareous ooze is primarily from mollusk shells

X. Siliceous ooze can exist at deeper levels than calcareous ooze

The first fossil records of vascular plants, that is, land plants with vascular tissues, appeared in which geologic period? W. Ordovician X. Silurian Y. Devonian Z. Carboniferous

X. Silurian

Spicules (spik '-yools) in the phylum Porifera serve as a primitive W. Digestive system X. Skeletal system Y. Excretory system Z. Nervous system

X. Skeletal system

Which of the following is not one of the primary prey of narwhals? W. Greenland halibut X. Snow crabs Y. Gonatus squid Z. Polar cod

X. Snow crabs

During the summer, the North Equatorial current disappears in the Indian Ocean and is replaced by what, that flows east across the North Indian Ocean? W. Northeast Typhoon Current X. Southwest Monsoon Current Y. Semi-tropical Wind Current Z. Northeast Gated Current

X. Southwest Monsoon Current

Mesohyl is a gel-like matrix that acts as an endoskeleton for which organism? W. Sea Stars X. Sponges Y. Sea Cucumbers Z. Jellyfish

X. Sponges

In temperate zones, the thermocline will be most pronounced during W. Spring X. Summer Y. Fall Z. Winter

X. Summer

The polar-orbiting environmental satellite travels at a speed equal to the orbit of the W. Earth X. Sun Y. Moon Z. Mars

X. Sun

When sea ice forms in the Antarctic, the W. Decreased albedo leads to more energy being absorbed by the ocean X. Surface water becomes saltier because the ice rejects the salt Y. Albedo increases and more solar energy will reach the ocean Z. Surface waters becomes less saline as salt is locked up in the ice

X. Surface water becomes saltier because the ice rejects the salt

Which of the following choices accurately describes the physiography of the corresponding stage of the Wilson Cycle? W. Mature - Island arcs and trenches around basin edge X. Terminal - Narrow, irregular young seas with mountains Y. Embryonic - Narrow seas with matching coasts Z. Juvenile - Complex system of linear rift valleys on continent

X. Terminal - Narrow, irregular young seas with mountains

In the movie, Moana, Moana and Maui come across the realm of monsters. They encounter one of Maui's enemies, Tamatoa, a large species of crab. What species of crab is he? W. The Snow Crab X. The Coconut crab Y. The Typical Crab Z. The Shore Crab

X. The Coconut crab

Which U.S. President included the policy "freedom of the seas" in his Fourteen Points? W. Theodore Roosevelt X. Woodrow Wilson Y. Calvin Coolidge Z. William Howard Taft

X. Woodrow Wilson

Shinkai 6500 is a manned submersible that reached the greatest depth. What is the name of the support vessel of this ROV? W. Medea X. Yokosuka Y. SeaBED Z. Slocum glider

X. Yokosuka

Which of the following connects the head to the thorax of crustaceans, specifically the American lobster? W. carapace X. cephalothorax Y. abdomen Z. Pereopods

X. cephalothorax

What is the name of the clear substance that fills jellyfish? W. melanin X. mesoglea Y. medusa Z. mesophilia

X. mesoglea

Which of the following represents the most probable sequence of ice formation from early to late? W. fast ice, pack ice, ice shelf X. pancake ice, ice floe, pack ice Y. iceberg, ice floe, ice shelf Z. pack ice, ice floe, ice shelf

X. pancake ice, ice floe, pack ice

What is the chamber-like structure below coral polyps called? W. mesoderm X. septa Y. corallite Z. endoderm

X. septa

Tropical cyclones rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. This rotation is the result of the Coriolis effect acting upon W. cold, sinking air X. warm, rising air Y. dry, rising air Z. moist, falling air

X. warm, rising air

Which of the following occurs along seashores as a result of a rise in sea level? W. marine terraces X. wave-cut beaches Y. beach ridges Z. sandbars

X. wave-cut beaches

Decreasing pH in the oceans affects calcium carbonate producing animals because they are unable to produce shells. Larger animals, such as squid, also feel the effects of increasing acidity. Which of the following conditions may cause problems with the animal's respiration and reproductive health? W. Acid Accumulation X.Acidosis Y. Acid Bioaccumulation Z. Alkalinity-loss


Which of the following is known as the fastest swimming shark? W. The Bennet Shark X.The Mako Shark Y. The Great White shark Z. The Hammerhead shark

X.The Mako Shark

Who was credited with explaining the process in which stromatolites and anhydrite became present in the Mediterranean Sea? W Victor Hensen X Lora Dufram Y Kenneth Hsü Z Charles Thompson

Y Kenneth Hsü

What are the approximate widths of ocean fronts? W)1cm to 1 m X) 1 m to 1 km Y) 10m to 10km Z) 100m to 100km

Y) 10m to 10km

In 1960, approximately how long did it take the submersible Trieste to complete its famed dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench? W) 3 hours X) 4 hours Y) 5 hours Z) 7 hours

Y) 5 hours

What percentage of the world's oceans can be considered as part of the high seas? W) 50% X) 55% Y) 60% Z) 65%

Y) 60%

It is extremely important for ships to know the distance between the surface of the water and the height of a certain bridge. Conditions such as air temperature and the amount of traffic on the bridge can change this height throughout the day. That is why there is a tool developed by NOAA to measure the height of the bridge from the surface of the water. What is the name of this tool? W) Bridge Altimeter System X) Bridge Height System Y) Air Gap System Z) Water Gap System

Y) Air Gap System

What is the scientific name of Nemo or clownfish? W) Morone saxatilis X) Oncorhynchus gorbusha Y) Amphiprion ocellaris Z) Abramis brama

Y) Amphiprion ocellaris

In Finding Nemo, what type of shark are Bruce, Chum, and Anchor? W) Bruce-Great White Shark, Chum-Tiger Shark, Anchor-Blue shark X) Bruce- Hammerhead shark, Chum- Mako Shark, Anchor- Bull shark Y) Bruce- Great White Shark, Chum-Mako Shark, Anchor- Hammerhead Shark Z) Bruce- Mako Shark, Chum -Hammerhead Shark, Anchor- Great White Shark

Y) Bruce- Great White Shark, Chum-Mako Shark, Anchor- Hammerhead Shark

Which of the following is not marsh grass? W) Cordgrass X) Reed grass Y) Eelgrass Z) Pickleweed

Y) Eelgrass

Which zone in the Atlantic Ocean did the Titanic sink to? W) Bathyal Zone X) Neritic Zone Y) Hadal Zone Z) Abyssal Zone

Y) Hadal Zone

When starches are broken down into glucose to be used, the reaction is called W) Saponification X) Fermentation Y) Hydrolysis Z) Dehydration synthesis

Y) Hydrolysis

Which of the following is not an adaptation by sharks to stay afloat? W) Heterocercal tail X) Long pectoral fins Y) Livers containing less oil Z) Greater presence of myomeres

Y) Livers containing less oil

What experiment tried to prove that life on Earth occurred from a Primordial Soup? W) Hess Experiment X) Life Origin Experiment Y) Miller-Urey Experiment Z) Cook Experiment

Y) Miller-Urey Experiment

Which of the following animals can produce the loudest sound (in terms of decibel readings) on the planet? W) Tiger Pistol Shrimp X) Beluga Whale Y) Sperm Whale Z) Blue Whale

Y) Sperm Whale

What was the Trieste named after? W) Its inventor X) A famous Explorer from the Roman Empire Y) The city it was built in Z) The late father of the man who invented it

Y) The city it was built in

How would a period of an ideal standing wave in a closed basin compare to an open basin in terms of magnitude? W)half of the open basin period X) same as open basin period Y) double of open basin period Z) triple of open basin period

Y) double of open basin period

The nickname for the narwhal fish is known as W) the fighter fish X) the unicorn of the land Y) the unicorn of the sea Z) the horsefish

Y) the unicorn of the sea

The SEASTAR satellite measures the ocean's plankton population on a W) yearly basis X) monthly basis Y) weekly basis Z) daily basis

Y) weekly basis

Albedo is the measure of how much light comes in contact with the surface and is not absorbed. The Earth's last measured average albedo was 0.30. What is the global ice within the Arctic basin's albedo range? W. 0.5 - 0.8 X. 0.2 - 0.7 Y. 0.25 - 0.8 Z. 0.15 - 0.7

Y. 0.25 - 0.8

Lead-210 with a half-life of 22 years is used to determine the rate of sediment accumulation. If the concentration or activity of lead-210 at a site is found to be reduced by half from the surface to a depth of 11 centimeters, the sediment accumulation rate is W. 2 cm/yr X. 1 cm/yr Y. 0.5 cm/yr Z. Indeterminable

Y. 0.5 cm/yr

Approximately what percent of pelagic sediment in the global ocean is accounted for by pteropod ooze? W. 0.1% X. 0.3% Y. 0.5% Z. 0.7%

Y. 0.5%

How fast does sound travel through the ocean? W. 340 meters per second X. 1,115 meters per second Y. 1,500 meters per second Z. 4,927 meters per second

Y. 1,500 meters per second

What is the density of ocean surface water? W. 1.000 g/cm3 X. 1.001 g/cm3 Y. 1.022 g/cm3 Z. 1.040 g/cm3

Y. 1.022 g/cm3

What is the average density of air at 1 atm? W. 0.96 kg/cm² X. 1.13 kg/cm² Y. 1.204 kg/cm² Z. 2.44 kg/cm²

Y. 1.204 kg/cm²

Approximately, what is the vertical relief of the Monterey Canyon? W. 0.5 kilometers X. 1.0 kilometers Y. 1.5 kilometers Z. 2.0 kilometers

Y. 1.5 kilometers

Approximately how long, does it take for corals to form a group of larvae? W. 100 years X. 1,000 years Y. 10,000 years Z. 100,000 years

Y. 10,000 years

Through carbon dating, the oldest bigmouth buffalo fish was discovered to be how many years old? W. 26 X. 87 Y. 112 Z. 134

Y. 112

What designates a hurricane? W. 8 of the Richter Scale X. 10 of the Mohs Scale Y. 12 of the Beaufort Scale Z. 14 of the Enhanced Fujita Scale

Y. 12 of the Beaufort Scale

The stonefish is recognized as one of the world's most venomous fishes, injecting venom through its dorsal spines. How many dorsal spines do a stonefish have? W. 9 X. 11 Y. 13 Z. 15

Y. 13

The Arctic sea-ice extent for January 2021 was approximately how many square kilometers? W. 5.5 X. 7.3 Y. 13.5 Z. 17.4

Y. 13.5

A remotely controlled, deep-sea submarine named Nereus was exploring the Kermadec Trench when it imploded. About how many pounds of pressure per square inch caused this implosion? W. 8,000 X. 12,000 Y. 16,000 Z. 20,000

Y. 16,000

The first survey map and first hydrography occurred in what year? W. 1803 X. 1816 Y. 1834 Z. 1842

Y. 1834

In what year were Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace's views presented together at the Linnaean society? W. 1836 X. 1847 Y. 1858 Z. 1896

Y. 1858

Cape Hatteras Fresnell Lense was replaced during what year? W. 1810 X. 1865 Y. 1870 Z. 1910

Y. 1870

Lewis Nixon, the naval architect who invented the first sonar-like listening device, what year was it developed? W. 1888 X. 1902 Y. 1906 Z. 1922

Y. 1906

The first reliable seafloor maps, as produced by the newly-introduced bathymetric technologies such as high-frequency sound beams, were created in which decade? W. 1890s X. 1900s Y. 1950s Z. 1980s

Y. 1950s

In what year was the first case of Minamata Disease recorded in Japan? W. 1932 X. 1948 Y. 1956 Z. 1978

Y. 1956

What year was the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships regulated? W. 1980 X. 1978 Y. 1973 Z. 1969

Y. 1973

In what year was the Magnuson Stevens Act implemented? W. 1966 X. 1970 Y. 1976 Z. 1980

Y. 1976

In which year was the Fisheries Conservation and Management Act instated? W. 1970 X. 1971 Y. 1976 Z. 1978

Y. 1976

In what year was the first oceanographic satellite launched? W. 1965 X. 1972 Y. 1978 Z. 1981

Y. 1978

In the 1950s, an invasive species was introduced to Lake Victoria to boost the fishing industry. While it caused an economic boom, this fish almost caused cichlids, a native species to go extinct. What is the name of the invasive species introduced?

Nile Perch

Why do shipwrecks at the bottom of the Black sea last for much longer than other seas?

No life exists at the bottom of the black sea

In Latin, the name "Nemo" translates to


When is their typical formation period of nor'easters and what are impacts that come with them?

Nor'easters are powerful non-tropical storms that gain energy once they move into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and rapidly intensify. They cause storm surge, high coastal winds, heavy rain or snow, etc. They occur during the fall and winter.

In what direction does Sverdrup transport move water in the deep basins of the south pacific?


During the Mesozoic Era, the northern half of the supercontinent Pangaea was given the name Laurasia. What present day continents were considered to have made up Laurasia?

North America, Europe and Asia

Subtropical gyres are often given nicknames based either on their history or certain characteristics. The North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, and South Pacific Gyres all have such nicknames. Match the given gyres with their nicknames, listed as follows: Turtle Gyre, Navigator Gyre, Heyerdahl Gyre, and Columbus Gyre.

North Atlantic - Columbus Gyre; South Atlantic - Navigator Gyre; North Pacific - Turtle Gyre; South Pacific - Heyerdahl Gyre

The Greenland shark or known as Somniosus microcephalus can grow up to 7 meters long and weigh 2645 pounds. Majority of the species are blind due to the parasites that hang from their eyes. Where is the Greenland shark primarily located?

North Atlantic or Arctic

Name the current that divides to form the Alaska Current and the California Current.

North Pacific Current OR North Pacific Drift

In what region of what country is the oldest known intact rock on Earth located?

Northwestern Canada

What are the names of 4 fish species that are commonly found in Caribbean reefs?

Nurse Shark, Reef Shark, Barracuda, Surgeonfish, Butterflyfish, Angelfish, Hawkfish, Grouper, Moray Eel, Stingray, Grunt, Soldierfish, Porcupinefish, Lionfish, Parrotfish

In Japanese legend, what fish if spotted, indicates that an earthquake will happen next year?


What does the Polynesian name "Moana" translate to in English?


What instrument is designed to record the Earth motion under the oceans and lakes from both man-made and natural sources?

Ocean bottom seismometer

What are two types of divergent plate boundaries?

Oceanic (Mid-ocean ridge) AND Continental (rift valley)

What law was enacted after the Exxon Valdez oil spill to ensure that oil spills are responded to more effectively and to ensure polluters take financial responsibility for the response efforts?

Oil Pollution Act

Which of the following years did notable ENSO events occur? W. 1872-1873 X. 1901-1902 Y. 1982-1983 Z. 2005-2006

Y. 1982-1983

Fish caught by driftnets or gill nets were prohibited after the International Convention of Pacific Long Driftnet Fishing signed in W. 1969 X. 1979 Y. 1989 Z. 1999

Y. 1989

The World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) was a part of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) which used resources from nearly 30 countries to make unprecedented in-situ and satellite observations of the global ocean between what years? W. 1970-1978 X. 1980-1988 Y. 1990-1998 Z. 2000-2008

Y. 1990-1998

TOPEX/Poseidon was a satellite used to map the seafloor and its features. When was it launched? W. 1892 X. 1963 Y. 1992 Z. 2002

Y. 1992

In response to the International Year of the Ocean, what year was the NOSB created to promote public awareness and science education of the ocean? W. 1975 X. 1984 Y. 1998 Z. 2003

Y. 1998

The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program was renamed to the International Ocean Discovery Program as of W. 2001 X. 2009 Y. 2013 Z. 2017

Y. 2013

By what year will polar bears and seals be extinct if greenhouse gas emissions remain on their current trajectory? W. 2050 X. 2075 Y. 2100 Z. 2125

Y. 2100

In Life of Pi, how long was Pi Patel and his Bengal tiger Richard Parker lost at sea? W. 180 days X. 212 days Y. 227 days Z. 251 days

Y. 227 days

Water conducts heat away from the body how many times faster than air because it has a greater density and therefore a greater heat capacity? W. 4 X. 10 Y. 25 Z. 50

Y. 25

What percentage of the mesopelagic zone is considered marine habitat? W. 3% X. 15% Y. 28% Z. 54%

Y. 28%

How many trips did the Polar Ship Fram take? W. 1 X. 2 Y. 3 Z. 4

Y. 3

What is the record dive depth set by a bathysphere? W. 5,053 feet X. 4,862 feet Y. 3,028 feet Z. 2,496 feet

Y. 3,028 feet

The residence time of water in the oceans is approximately what? W. 350 years X. 1,000 years Y. 3,500 years Z. 10,000 years

Y. 3,500 years

Since the Industrial Revolution in 1750, Carbon Dioxide output has increased. The excess Carbon Dioxide has been absorbed by the oceans. Scientists estimated that ocean pH has increased by how much? W. 17% X.24% Y. 30% Z. 39%

Y. 30%

How much more of the sun's energy reaches the equator each year as compared to the poles? W. 2 times X. 3 times Y. 4 times Z. 5 times

Y. 4 times

Analysis of rare earth elements has determined that the Canadian greenstone belt is the oldest, whole rock formation. They were found to be: W. 1.23 Billion years old X. 2.45 Billion years old Y. 4.28 Billion years old Z. 7.84 Billion years old

Y. 4.28 Billion years old

The Exxon Valdes occurred on March 24, 1989, where over 35,000 tons of Alaska crude poured out and dispersed into the seas. How many miles of the shoreline were contaminated by the drifting crude oil? W. 100 X. 250 Y. 400 Z. 520

Y. 400

The HMS Challenger made how many deep soundings, and at how many stations? W. 362 at 492 stations X. 362 at 528 stations Y. 492 at 362 stations Z. 492 at 528 stations

Y. 492 at 362 stations

At what temperature is the density of water 1.000 g/cm3? W. 0℃ X. -30℃ Y. 4℃ Z. 10℃

Y. 4℃

On the Beaufort wind scale, which one of these statements is correct? W. 11- strong gale X. 8 - storm Y. 5 - fresh breeze Z. 3 - strong breeze

Y. 5 - fresh breeze

The size of adult amphipods range from being W. 0.1 mm - 6 mm X. 2 mm - 12 mm Y. 5 mm to 20 mm Z. 10 mm to 25 mm

Y. 5 mm to 20 mm

In the tropics, at what depth are the highest concentrations of nutrients found? W. 50 - 200 meters X. 250 - 450 meters Y. 500 - 1000 meters Z. 1050 - 1500 meters

Y. 500 - 1000 meters

Ice floes are subdivided by their horizontal extent. A medium ice floe is W. 20-100 meters across X. 100-500 meters across Y. 500-2,000 meters across Z. 2-10 kilometers across

Y. 500-2,000 meters across

How long is eight and a half fathoms? W. 15 feet X. 23 feet Y. 51 feet Z. 64 meters

Y. 51 feet

The sailfish is known as the fastest fish in the world, traveling at top speeds of up to W. 60 mph X. 65 mph Y. 70 mph Z. 80 mph

Y. 70 mph

Americans ate an average of 15.5 pounds of fish and shellfish in 2015. This was almost a pound increase from 2014. However, U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend eating how much seafood each week? W. 4-10 ounces X. 6-15 ounces Y. 8-12 ounces Z. 15- 25 ounces

Y. 8-12 ounces

Approximately what percentage of earthquakes occur underwater? W. 25 X. 55 Y. 80 Z. 95

Y. 80

Approximately what percentage of earthquakes occur underwater? W. 25% X. 55% Y. 80% Z. 95%

Y. 80%

The New York Bight area has constantly been receiving dredge spoils for over a century. What percent of the discarded material do oceanographers estimate has remained in the dumping grounds? W. 62% X. 74% Y. 85% Z. 92%

Y. 85%

What proportion of salinity in seawater do sodium and chloride consist of? W. 30% X. 55% Y. 85% Z. 96%

Y. 85%

What is the classification for a Strong Gale on the Beaufort Scale? W. 7 X. 8 Y. 9 Z. 10

Y. 9

No matter which direction the wind is blowing, waves always approach a sloping beach about what angle to the shore? W. 10 degrees X. 40 degrees Y. 90 degrees Z. 120 degrees

Y. 90 degrees

When Noctiluca are disturbed in the water, they tend to glow a light that is? W. Yellow-Green X. White Y. Blue-Green Z. Red

Y. Blue-Green

The energy represented by the latent heat of melting is being used to W. Raise the temperature of the ice X. Raise the temperature of liquid water Y. Break hydrogen bonds Z. Break Van der Waals bonds

Y. Break hydrogen bonds

What chemical compound is the evaporite mineral known as anhydrite composed of? W. Calcium Chloride X. Calcium Phosphate Y. Calcium Sulfate Z. Calcium Nitrate

Y. Calcium Sulfate

What environmentally harmful isotope was produced during the 1954 'Bravo' thermonuclear detonation at Bikini Atoll? W. Uranium 238 X. Nitrogen-15 Y. Cesium 137 Z. Carbon 14

Y. Cesium 137

On which expedition was the Law of Constant Proportions discovered? W. Operation Drake X. Morea Expedition Y. Challenger Expedition Z. Operation Sunshine

Y. Challenger Expedition

Who confirmed the presence of Antarctica? W. John Ross X. Louis Agassiz Y. Charles Wilkes Z. Fridtjof Nansen

Y. Charles Wilkes

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, what is the most common form of ocean litter? W. Broken bottles X. Plastic toys Y. Cigarette butts Z. Food wrappers

Y. Cigarette butts

A phreatomagmatic eruption where there is a low water to magma ratio would result in the formation of grain deposits which are... W. Coarse-grained and poorly sorted X. Fine-grained and poorly sorted Y. Coarse-grained and well sorted Z. Fine-grained and well sorted

Y. Coarse-grained and well sorted

What is a distinguishing characteristic of the seamounts of the Pacific Plate? W. Flat top X. Eroded top Y. Conical top Z. Rising top

Y. Conical top

On boating signs posted for boat captains in sailable waters, what does the lone outline of a circle signify? W. Information posted ahead X. Danger Y. Controlled or restricted operations Z. Boats keep out

Y. Controlled or restricted operations

Of the shells, which is the most expensive today? W. Muricidae X. Elephant's Tusk Y. Conus Gloriamaris Z. Volutidae

Y. Conus Gloriamaris

Sverdrups, abbreviated Sv, primarily measure W. Tidal Bulges X. Wave action Y. Currents Z. Wind Speed

Y. Currents

To which group does the Synechococcus, the most abundant autotroph, on Earth belong? W. Diatoms X. Copepods Y. Cyanobacteria Z. Archaea

Y. Cyanobacteria

With which program is the research vessel Glomar Challenger associated? W. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program X. Ocean Drilling Program Y. Deep Drilling Program Z. Gulf Challenger Oil Spill Cleanup

Y. Deep Drilling Program

The methods of electrodialysis, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange are used for which purpose? W. Determining water salinity X. Measuring current velocity Y. Desalination Z. Determining residence time

Y. Desalination

Which of the following is not a period that is under the Cenozoic era? W. Paleogene X. Quaternary Y. Devonian Z. Neogene

Y. Devonian

Which of the following is prohibited in US marine sanctuaries? W. Swimming X. Fishing Y. Dredging Z. Shipping

Y. Dredging

When does the higher berm on a beach form? W. During neap tides X. During the summer in times of low energy waves Y. During winter conditions Z. During high wave conditions at low tide

Y. During winter conditions

Which of the following states in 1998 has the least changes in tidal range? W. Boston (0 to 10 ft) X. New York (-1 to 6 ft) Y. Dutch Harbor (0 to 4 ft) Z. Anchorage (-2 to 30 ft)

Y. Dutch Harbor (0 to 4 ft)

The method of analyzing tides which takes into account the presence of the continents and their effect on tides is W. Harmonic analysis X. Equilibrium tidal theory Y. Dynamic tidal analysis Z. Static tidal analysis

Y. Dynamic tidal analysis

What phylum are sea urchins classified under? W. Entoprocta X. Ectoprocta Y. Echinodermata Z. Porifera

Y. Echinodermata

A fathometer is a type of W. Sounding Line X. SONAR Y. Echo Sounder Z. Ship

Y. Echo Sounder

Which of the following resulted in the production of an accurate map of the ocean floor? W. Enough soundings using a weight had been made X. Sound waves were discovered in water Y. Echo sounding was developed Z. Oceanographers used sound to locate submarines

Y. Echo sounding was developed

The Galapagos Islands are off the coast of which country? W. Chile X. Peru Y. Ecuador Z. Columbia

Y. Ecuador

What is compass needle "dip?" W. Error in compass readings due to nearby objects influencing the compass readings X. Error in compass readings due to the earth's magnetic pole Y. Error in compass readings caused by the earth's spherical shape Z. Error in compass readings due to magnetic influences in the atmosphere

Y. Error in compass readings caused by the earth's spherical shape

Which of the following is not a characteristic that signals a tsunami is on its way? W. Earthquake struck X. Recession of water below low tide Y. Excess of water above high tide Z. Underwater volcanic eruptions

Y. Excess of water above high tide

What does a chemical equation with a negative delta G indicate? W. Releasing energy and not spontaneous X. Endothermic and spontaneous Y. Exothermic and may be spontaneous Z. Using energy and not spontaneous

Y. Exothermic and may be spontaneous

What kind of ice connects land to pack ice? W. Pancake ice X. Polar ice Y. Fast ice Z. Iceberg

Y. Fast ice

The first stage in the formation of sea ice is characterized by the formation of small ice crystals that resemble platelets and needles and are known as W. Sludge X. Slush Y. Frazil Z. Pancake ice

Y. Frazil

Thirty percent of all heat released from the Earth's inner layers comes from this area. W. Caribbean Sea X. Weddell Sea Y. French Polynesia Z. Ecuador

Y. French Polynesia

What Norwegian Explorer determined that there is no continent in the Arctic Sea? W. Alfred Wegner X. James Cook Y. Fridtjof Nansen Z. Harry Hess

Y. Fridtjof Nansen

In Frozen 2, there are a multitude of natural spirits. What name did Olaf give the wind spirit, which is defined as 63-87 km/h wind by the National Weather Service/ W. Breeza X. Ms.Malstrom Y. Gale Z. Hurricana

Y. Gale

PCR technology provides what type of data about marine organisms? W. Diet X. Habitat Y. Genetic Z. Survivable depth

Y. Genetic

In mollusks, ctenidia refer to W. Loop of Henle X. Radula Y. Gills Z. Girdle

Y. Gills

Which three factors are responsible for hypoxic zones in the northern Gulf of Mexico? W. Pesticide-laden runoff, high winds, and strong currents X. Coastal erosion, sedimentation, and spring overturn Y. High river runoff, vertical stratification, and high biological oxygen demand Z. Vessel sewage discharges, nutrient elevation, and upwelling

Y. High river runoff, vertical stratification, and high biological oxygen demand

Fjords are long narrow estuaries with steep sides that were carved by advancing glaciers. What type of mixing do fjords generally have? W. Vertically Mixed X. Slightly Stratified Y. Highly Stratified Z. No Mixing

Y. Highly Stratified

The extinction of large Pleistocene mammals such as mammoths, mastodons, and woolly rhinoceroses was most likely the result of W. Extremely cold temperatures during maximum glaciation X. Heavy predation by saber-tooth cats and direwolves Y. Hunting by early humans Z. Elimination of habitat by farming activities of humans

Y. Hunting by early humans

What chemical is the principle source of energy at many of Earth's hydrothermal vent systems? W. Oxygen X. Carbon dioxide Y. Hydrogen Sulfide Z. Iron Oxide

Y. Hydrogen Sulfide

What is the second-largest reservoir, by volume, on the planet? W. The atmosphere X. Freshwater lakes Y. Ice sheets and glaciers Z. Groundwater

Y. Ice sheets and glaciers

The North Atlantic Oscillation a phenomenon in the Atlantic Ocean that experience periodic change in atmospheric pressure between W. Iceland and Greenland X. The Azores Islands and Greenland Y. Iceland and Azores Islands Z. Iceland and the Caribbean Islands

Y. Iceland and Azores Islands

All of the following countries sponsored the Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean project EXCEPT W. Japan X. United States Y. India Z. Canada

Y. India

Standing waves oscillate back and forth about a fixed point called a/an W. Amphidromic point X. Orthogonal line Y. Node Z. Epicenter

Y. Node

All of the following features were produced by subduction zones except for the W. Aleutian Islands X. Himalayan Mountains Y. San Andreas Fault Z. Andes Mountain

Y. San Andreas Fault

Which class does the jellyfish belong to? W. Hexactinellida X. Cephalopoda Y. Scyphozoa Z. Merostomata

Y. Scyphozoa

Which of the following organisms cannot secrete epidermal cells through exocrine glands to replace their exoskeleton? W. Water Fleas X. Amphipods Y. Sea Slugs Z. Copepods

Y. Sea Slugs

What is the leading cause of mortality for the North Atlantic Right Whale? W. Hunting X. Beaching Y. Ship Collisions Z. Changing climate

Y. Ship Collisions

A submerged bank or bar that is generally composed of sand or granular material, and that often poses a navigational hazard to sailors, is termed a W. Topset Bed X. Stratum Y. Shoal Z. Windrow

Y. Shoal

The Door and Bruce Peninsulas formed of Niagara dolomite data to which of the following geologic periods? W. Cambrian X. Jurassic Y. Silurian Z. Devonian

Y. Silurian

To what order does the Portuguese Man 'o War belong? W. Physaliidae X. Hydroidolina Y. Siphonophorae Z. Physalia

Y. Siphonophorae

Which explorer discovered Victoria Land? W. Sir Francis Drake X. Captain James Cook Y. Sir James Clark Ross Z. Edward Forbes

Y. Sir James Clark Ross

Most of the salt dissolved in seawater is W. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) X. Iron oxide (Fe2O3) Y. Sodium chloride (NaCl) Z. Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3)

Y. Sodium chloride (NaCl)

Monera is a kingdom that contains unicellular organisms that do not have nuclear membranes, prokaryotic. The term "monera" comes from the Greek word moneres which means W. Naked eye X. One kind Y. Solitary Z. Nucleus

Y. Solitary

The deepest place on Earth is in the Marianas Trench. Where is this located? W. South of the Aleutian Chain X. Northeast of New Zealand Y. Southeast of Guam Z. East of Puerto Rico

Y. Southeast of Guam

Which name is given to the wind band between the horse latitudes and the doldrums in the Southern Hemisphere? W. Prevailing westerlies X. Northeast trade winds Y. Southeast trade winds Z. Polar easterlies

Y. Southeast trade winds

Which body of water is a broad basin located between New Brunswick and Newfoundland? W. Vistula River X. Elbe River Y. St. Lawrence River Z. Lake Ladoga

Y. St. Lawrence River

Which of the following is NOT a cause of tsunamis? W. Underwater volcanic eruptions X. Earthquakes Y. Storm surges Z. Underwater landslides

Y. Storm surges

What would happen if gravity suddenly doubled on Earth, but the mass of the atmosphere did not change? W. Surface pressure would stay the same but the density would increase X. Surface pressure would increase but the density would stay the same Y. Surface pressure and density would both increase Z. Surface density and pressure would stay the same because the atmosphere is in hydrostatic balance

Y. Surface pressure and density would both increase

Which of the following structures found in marine organisms is responsible for creating false bottoms? W. Lateral line X. Olfactory sacs Y. Swim bladder Z. Ampullae of Lorenzini

Y. Swim bladder

What are NOT traits of a sponge? W. Regenerative ability X.Spongin as a support protein Y. Symmetrical body structure Z. Spicules in the structural support

Y. Symmetrical body structure

What is the point called where water can exist in all three phases? W. Entree point X. Tri point Y. Triple Point Z. Flexible point

Y. Triple Point

What type of diagram is used to characterize the various ocean water masses? W. Pt diagram plotting pressure versus temperature X. Sw diagram plotting salinity versus wavelengths of light absorbed Y. Ts diagram plotting temperature versus salinity Z. Bc diagram plotting biomass versus carbon production

Y. Ts diagram plotting temperature versus salinity

Which of the following documents describes the symbols, abbreviations, and terms used on nautical charts? W. U.S. Nautical Chart Definitional Survey X. NOAA Nautical Key Y. U.S. Chart No.1 Z. Chart No.1 for Nautical Chart Analysis

Y. U.S. Chart No.1

Which of the following countries is not a party to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea? W. France X. Japan Y. United States Z. Cuba

Y. United States

The gland used by penguins to produce the oil necessary for preening is referred to as the W. Supraorbital gland X. Henle gland Y. Uropygial gland Z. Euryoecious gland

Y. Uropygial gland

The SEASAT was a satellite used for mapping the seafloor, where was it launched? W. Fairchild Air Force Base, WA X. Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA Y. Vadenberg Air Force Base, CA Z. Hill Air Force Base, UT

Y. Vadenberg Air Force Base, CA

Which of the following subphyla of the phylum Chordata contains the most species and approximately how many species does it contain? W. Uniramia, 55,000 species X. Cephalochordata, 50,000 species Y. Vertebrata, 52,000 species Z. Urochordata, 55,000 species

Y. Vertebrata, 52,000 species

Which of the following is an implication of surface divergence? W. Horizontal mixing must occur as a consequence X. Biological productivity will decrease Y. Vertical circulation must occur as a consequence Z. Productivity remains constant

Y. Vertical circulation must occur as a consequence

Which Navy-developed model will give a global analysis and forecast, out to 6 days, for significant wave height and direction? W. NOGAPS (No-Gaps) X. COAMPS (Co-Amps) Y. WAM (wham) Z. STWAVE (S-T-Wave)

Y. WAM (wham)

The circulation cell that describes the movement of different pressure along the mid-Pacific ocean is called the W. Humboldt Circulation Cell X. Hadley Circulation Cell Y. Walker Circulation Cell Z. Southern Oscillation Cell

Y. Walker Circulation Cell

Which characteristic is exclusive to echinoderms? W. Tube Feet X. Endoskeleton Y. Water Vascular System Z. Radial Symmetry

Y. Water Vascular System

Which of the following eastern boundary currents are incorrectly paired with their western boundary current? W. Brazil, Benguela X. Kuroshio, California Y. West Australia, Peru Z. Gulf stream, Canary

Y. West Australia, Peru

The world's largest fish is a filter feeder that depends on plankton as a food source. This fish is the W. Mola mola X. Blue whale Y. Whale shark Z. Megamouth shark

Y. Whale shark

In 1958, the USS Nautilus submarine reached the North Pole under the ice. Who commanded the submarine on its voyage? W. Frederick Carl Sherman X. Richard Fleming Y. William Robert Anderson Z. Robert Holmes Smith

Y. William Robert Anderson

Where is the feature called the Moho situated? W. Within the asthenosphere X. Beneath the asthenosphere Y. Within the lithosphere Z. Between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere

Y. Within the lithosphere

Hetch Hetchy, a reservoir that was widely controversial in 1906, is located where? W. Mount Rainier, Washington X. Yellowstone, Wyoming Y. Yosemite, California Z. Sequoia, California

Y. Yosemite, California

Which element is not found in manganese nodules? W. Iron X. Copper Y. Zinc Z. Nickel

Y. Zinc

The non-indigenous fish species most often caught in Lake Michigan by commercial fishermen is W. ruffe (rough) X. salmon Y. alewife (ale-wife) Z. white perch

Y. alewife (ale-wife)

Seawater in the vicinity of a major phytoplankton bloom is characterized by W. low CO2 and high nutrient content X. low O2 and high nutrient content Y. high O2 and low nutrient content Z. high CO2 and low nutrient content

Y. high O2 and low nutrient content

Which of the following is an incorrect pairing? W. Carni - meat, vora - eat X. pinni - feather, ped - foot Y. myo - muscle, merous - together Z. pectoralis - breast, dorsum - back

Y. myo - muscle, merous - together

Which of the following characteristics best describes most organisms from the phyla: Molluscs? W. trilaterally symmetrical X. soft body encased in quartz shell Y. radula Z. nematocysts

Y. radula

Epilimnion and hypolimnion are terms that deal with: W. pressure stratification in the sea X. density stratification in a lake Y. thermal stratification in a lake Z. turbidity currents in the sea

Y. thermal stratification in a lake

What property of water results in fish evolving to become hydrodynamic? W. temperature X. light refraction Y. viscosity Z. albedo

Y. viscosity

What is the Attenborough effect? W.The formation of plastic through natural processes X.The process of plastics contaminating the environment Y.The process of educating the public about the use of plastic Z.The process of extracting plastic from the environment.

Y.The process of educating the public about the use of plastic

Name the marginal sea which lies between South Korea and the People's Republic of China.

Yellow Sea

That evening you search for Polaris (the North Star) to determine your latitude, but it is nowhere to be found! What must you conclude about your position on the Earth, and what should you now look for in the sky to determine your latitude?

You are in the southern hemisphere; Use the Southern Cross

The catshark is a relatively small shark compared to others. What is the family for the catshark called? W) Sphyrnidae X) Alopiidae Y) Carcharhinidae Z )Scyliorhinidae

Z )Scyliorhinidae

When was TOPEX put into commission? W 1986 X 1976 Y1890 Z 1992

Z 1992

What sea was noted to have the first accounts of pirates? W Red Sea X Adriatic Sea Y Ariel Sea Z Mediterranean Sea

Z Mediterranean Sea

Which penguins are the fastest penguin? W Adelie penguin X king penguin Y emperor penguin Z gentoo penguin

Z gentoo penguin

At what concentration are manganese nodules found on the deep-ocean floor? W) 250 nodules per square meter X) 200 nodules per square meter Y) 150 nodules per square meter Z) 100 nodules per square meter

Z) 100 nodules per square meter

What year did the Titanic sink in real life and what year was the movie Titanic released, respectively? W) 1812, 1914 X) 1876, 1956 Y) 1900, 1971 Z) 1912, 1977

Z) 1912, 1977

Domoic acid is a toxin produced by a diatom that infected over 100 people who ate contaminated mussels from Prince Edward Island, Canada. When was this toxin first recognized? W) 1879 X) 1947 Y) 1978 Z) 1987

Z) 1987

An outbreak of Pfiesteria piscicida, a toxic dinoflagellate caused the death of 15 million fish- mostly Atlantic menhaden in North Carolina's Neuse Estuary. In what year did this occur? W) 1980 X) 1985 Y) 1990 Z) 1995

Z) 1995

Fill in the blanks of the following statements. The tallest mountain in the world is Mount ______. The Highest altitude mountain in the world is Mount ______. W) Chimborazo, Everest X) Everest, Mauna Kea Y) Everest, Chimborazo Z) Mauna Kea, Everest

Z) Mauna Kea, Everest

Which of the following would iron not reduce? W) SO 4 -Sulfate X) CO 2 -Carbon Dioxide Y) NO 3 -Nitrate Z) O 3 -Ozone

Z) O 3 -Ozone

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is the only current to completely encircle the Earth and moves more water than any other current. Which of the following is the nickname of this gyre? W) Viking Gyre X) Navigator Gyre Y) Turtle Gyre Z) Penguin Gyre

Z) Penguin Gyre

Which of the following phyla describes brown algae? W) Tracheophyta X) Rhodophyta Y) Pyrrophyta Z) Phaeophyta

Z) Phaeophyta

Rogue waves are massive, spontaneous, and solitary waves that have enormous destructive power. Which of the following is the name of the famous luxury liner that was damaged in 1966 by a rogue wave? W) SS Donatello X) SS Leonardo Y) SS Rafael Z) SS Michelangelo

Z) SS Michelangelo

What is the name of the Strait between Lake Huron and Lake Michigan? W) Bosphorus Strait X) Palk Strait Y) Strait of Dover Z) Strait of Mackinac

Z) Strait of Mackinac

During the winter solstice, the Sun is pointed overhead along the W) Tropic of Cancer X) the Equator Y) Antarctic Circle Z) Tropic of Capricorn

Z) Tropic of Capricorn

Which tanker in 1935 caught in a typhoon in the W Pacific Ocean encountered waves that were 34 meters tall that broke the US Navy's 60ft rule? W) USS Missouri X) The Badger Y) Bennington Z) USS Ramapo

Z) USS Ramapo

Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida and Louisiana in 1992 and was predicted to have a higher cost from damage if it had hit Miami directly. What is the estimated cost of the damage of Hurricane Andrew? W. $5 billion X. $14 billion Y. $21 billion Z. $25 billion

Z. $25 billion

Less than what percent of species under the Endangered Species Act have gone extinct W. 58 X. 34 Y. 12 Z. 1

Z. 1

Marine Protected Areas are defined areas where natural or cultural resources are given greater protection than the surrounding waters. How many Marine Protected Areas are there in the United States currently, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration? W. 13 X. 28 Y. 61 Z. 1,700

Z. 1,700

In February of 2001, what number of farm salmon escaped from their pens along coastal Maine? W. 100 X. 1,000 Y. 10,000 Z. 100,000

Z. 100,000

Some coral colonies remove calcium carbonate from seawater and deposit it as limestone in the reef. What is the range of yearly accumulation of limestone in a typical square mile of a reef? W. 10 to 50 tons X. 100 to 150 tons Y. 4000 to 7000 tons Z. 100,000 to 500,000 tons

Z. 100,000 to 500,000 tons

What year did the Viking Age end? W. 1001 X. 1013 Y. 1028 Z. 1042

Z. 1042

How much of the world's combined coastline is part of Canada? W. 5% X. 8% Y. 12% Z. 15%

Z. 15%

What year was the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which was identified by the German ship Meteor, discovered? W. 1912 X. 1917 Y. 1922 Z. 1925

Z. 1925

The 1979 model of the Newtsuit, an atmospheric diving suit developed by Phil Nuytten, was able to withstand a depth of how many meters? W. 75 X. 100 Y. 160 Z. 200

Z. 200

In what year was the smallest ozone hole observed since measured in 1982? W. 1994 X. 2003 Y. 2015 Z. 2019

Z. 2019

What is your latitudinal position at dusk when the smallest angle between the horizon and the North Star (Polaris) is 22 degrees? W. 44 degrees N X. 78 degrees N Y. 46 degrees N Z. 22 degrees N

Z. 22 degrees N

What was the approximate gross tonnage of the world's fishing fleet in 1992? W. 13,500 X. 17,200 Y. 20,300 Z. 26,000

Z. 26,000

The ocean sunfish, also known as the common mola, can lay upwards of how many eggs in a single breeding season? W. 300 X. 3,000 Y. 300,000 Z. 300,000,000

Z. 300,000,000

Which of the following currents are not within at least 60 degrees latitude of the Labrador Current? W. Gulf Stream Current X. Canary Current Y. North Equatorial Current Z. Benguela Current

Z. Benguela Current

If water only absorbed light and did not scatter it, what color would the water appear from above? W. Blue X. Green Y. White Z. Black

Z. Black

Which of the following types of fluid drag is minimized by the redfin needlefish's body shape? W. Surface drag X. Turbulent drag Y. Stokes drag Z. Form drag

Z. Form drag

What is the most biodiverse area in a freshwater ecosystem? W. Limnetic Zone X. Euphotic Zone Y. Profundal Zone Z. Littoral Zone

Z. Littoral Zone

The chronometer developed by John Harrison was valuable because it made possible the accurate determination of W. Latitude X. True north Y. Inclination Z. Longitude

Z. Longitude

What commercial fishing method utilizes multiple baited hooks, suspended beneath the ocean surface? W. Trolling X. Trawling Y. Seining Z. Longlining

Z. Longlining

While sailing along the coast of Bermuda in 1492, Christopher Columbus observed glowing strips of blue light illuminating the shoreline. Known then by sailors as "The Burning Sea," this phenomenon is actually powered by bioluminescent bacteria, which produce light using two phosphorus-containing chemicals. These two chemicals are W. Phosphine and Luciferyl X. Phosphoric acid and Phosphine Y. Oxyluciferin and Coelenterazine Z. Luciferin and luciferase

Z. Luciferin and luciferase

The group of marine animals with the largest number of species identified as threatened or endangered is W. Fish X. Mollusks Y. Echinoderms Z. Mammals

Z. Mammals

Which of the following is the same piece of legislation as the Ocean Dumping Act? W. Pollution Prevention Act X. Ocean Dumping Ban Act Y. Federal Water Pollution Control Act Z. Marine Pollution, Research, and Sanctuaries Act

Z. Marine Pollution, Research, and Sanctuaries Act

North Atlantic Deep Water formation W. Occurs in the subantarctic Atlantic from the cooling of relatively salty water derived from the Southern Ocean X. Is unimportant in the ocean's thermohaline circulation Y. May be enhanced by ice melting in higher latitudes Z. May play a role in future anthropogenic climate change as previous reductions in its intensity have been linked to transitions from interglacial to glacial conditions

Z. May play a role in future anthropogenic climate change as previous reductions in its intensity have been linked to transitions from interglacial to glacial conditions

Due to the differences in heat capacity between land and water, and the fact that there is a larger proportion of land in the northern hemisphere, there is an intertropical convergence zone that does not fall on the equator. Instead, there is a: W. Theoretical equator at 2 degrees south latitude X. Thermal equator at 5 degrees north latitude Y. Climatological equator at 7 degrees south latitude Z. Meteorological equator at 5 degrees north latitude

Z. Meteorological equator at 5 degrees north latitude

What area did Project FAMOUS explore? W. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans X. Indian Ocean abyssal plain Y. East Pacific Rise Z. Mid-Atlantic Ridge rift valley

Z. Mid-Atlantic Ridge rift valley

The draft of a ship is the W. Amount of water it displaces X. Depth of its cargo holds Y. Number of tons of cargo it can carry Z. Minimum depth of water in which it can float

Z. Minimum depth of water in which it can float

In the 1989 film The Little Mermaid, what species of eel are Flotsam and Jetsam? W. Conger X. Ophichthidae Y. Freshwater Z. Moray

Z. Moray

The Susquehanna River is a river along the East Coast of the US and exits into the Chesapeake Bay. Susquehanna is an Algonquian word meaning...? W. Mile wide X. Dirty water Y. Foot Deep Z. Muddy Current

Z. Muddy Current

MMSY is a term used to describe the highest average catch in a region without causing a decline in the species population. The term MMSY stands for W. Minimum and maximum sustainable yield X. Maximum sustainable yield Y. Minimum sustainable yield Z. Multispecies maximum sustainable yield

Z. Multispecies maximum sustainable yield

Through the process of cephalization, an organism is able to develop a: W. Brian X. Ganglion Y. Internal organs Z. Nerve net

Z. Nerve net

An example of a transform plate boundary is W. The Hawaiian Island chain X. The west coast of South America Y. The Mariana Islands Z. New Zealand's Great Alpine Fault

Z. New Zealand's Great Alpine Fault

Who discovered the law that explains why tides occur and what is this law called? W. Galileo: The Law of Universal Gravitation X. Newton: The Universal Law of Gravitation Y. Galileo: THe Universal Law of Gravitation Z. Newton: The Law of Universal Gravitation

Z. Newton: The Law of Universal Gravitation

60% of fish landings are caught in the W. Black and Mediterranean Seas X. South Atlantic and Pacific Y. Indian Ocean Z. North Atlantic and Pacific

Z. North Atlantic and Pacific

Which body of water does NOT border Asia? W. Arctic Ocean X. Indian Ocean Y. Yellow Sea Z. North Sea

Z. North Sea

The MOSAiC Expedition was a year-long expedition and international endeavor to the Central Arctic Ocean that set sail from which nordic country? W. Denmark X. Sweden Y. Iceland Z. Norway

Z. Norway

Thermohaline circulation, also known as the global ocean conveyor belt, is a constantly moving system of deep-ocean circulation driven by temperature and salinity. In which sea does the global ocean conveyor belt begin? W. Ross Sea X. Bering Sea Y. Amundsen Sea Z. Norwegian Sea

Z. Norwegian Sea

What kind of clownfish are Nemo and Marlin from the 2003 film, Finding Nemo? W. Orange clownfish X. Tomato clownfish Y. Paracanthurus clownfish Z. Ocellaris clownfish

Z. Ocellaris clownfish

What is the term for the small, light-sensitive organs on the bells of some jellyfish? W. Otocysts X. Pneumatophores Y. Mysticeti Z. Ocelli

Z. Ocelli

Outgassing occurring in early earth development did not include which gas? W. Water Vapor X. Carbon Dioxide Y. Hydrogen Z. Ozone

Z. Ozone

Who was the French physicist that constructed the first sonar set to detect submarines in 1915? W. Edward Forbes X. Poseidonus Y. Lewis Nixon Z. Paul Langevin

Z. Paul Langevin

Which Roman naturalist, senator, and commander of the Imperial Fleet in the 1st century AD was the first to document that nets often behaved strangely because the surface and bottom currents were flowing in opposite directions due to estuarine circulation? W. Gaius Marius the great man of the army X. Nero the madman Y. Trajan the kind-hearted soldier Z. Pliny the elder

Z. Pliny the elder

Scientists believe that the reduction of marine phytoplankton due to rising pH levels in the ocean will produce what kind of feedback, which in turn intensifies global warming? W. Negative X. Equal Y. Inverse Z. Positive

Z. Positive

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the formation of a geostrophic current? W. Friction X. Gravity Y. Coriolis Effect Z. Pressure Differences

Z. Pressure Differences

The Law of the Sea is part of the Geneva Conventions held by the United Nations to address the regulations of resources near the continental shelves. Which of the following is not a condition guaranteed by the Law of the Sea Treaty? W. Development of the Exclusive Economic Zone X. Territorial seas extending 12 nautical miles from the coast is under the jurisdiction of nearby nations Y. Vessels can freely move through the waters that are territorial seas Z. Private exploitation of mineral resources does not require the approval of the United Nations

Z. Private exploitation of mineral resources does not require the approval of the United Nations

Which kingdom do dinoflagellates belong to? W. Bacteria X. Prokaryotes Y. Archaea Z. Protista

Z. Protista

Where are the largest tidal bores located? W. Cook Inlet, Anchorage, Alaska X. Nova Scotia, Canada Y. La Rance, France Z. Qiantang River, China

Z. Qiantang River, China

Wavelengths of light represented by this color are absorbed at the shallowest depth by ocean water. This color is W. Blue X. Green Y. Yellow Z. Red

Z. Red

As the salinity of seawater increases, its... W. Density decreases X. Heat capacity decreases Y. Residence time increases Z. Residence time does not change

Z. Residence time does not change

What phenomenon of amplification is used to describe unusually large tides? W. Spring Tides X. Antinodes Y. Crests Z. Resonance

Z. Resonance

Monterey California was a favorite haunt of this author of numerous books including The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He was W. John Steinbeck X. Robert Redford Y. James Michener Z. Robert Louis Stevenson

Z. Robert Louis Stevenson

The Beaufort scale was originally intended to standardize ship logs in what fleet? W. Australian Naval Force X. US Navy Y. Navy of the Greater Japanese Empire Z. Royal Navy

Z. Royal Navy

Which scale categorizes hurricanes? W. Beaufort Scale X. Fujita Scale Y. Wentworth Scale Z. Saffir-Simpson Scale

Z. Saffir-Simpson Scale

Which of the following is not an example of a bar-built estuary? W. Pamlico Sound, North Carolina X. Matagorda Bay, Texas Y. Nauset Barrier Beach System, Massachusetts Z. San Francisco Bay, California

Z. San Francisco Bay, California

Freshwater eels spawn in which sea? W. Black Sea X. Caribbean Sea Y. Mediterranean Sea Z. Sargasso Sea

Z. Sargasso Sea

You are walking along the shores of Lake Michigan when you find the body of a fish. It has an eel-like body, no paired fins, a circular mouth, and smooth skin. You conclude that the organism is a(n): W. Sea snake X. Sargasso eel Y. Alewife Z. Sea lamprey

Z. Sea lamprey

Which of the following elements have the longest and shortest residence times respectively? W. Potassium and Manganese X. Calcium and Iron Y. Sodium and Iron Z. Sodium and Aluminum

Z. Sodium and Aluminum

Point Nemo is 2,688 kilometers from all of the following places except: W. Motu Nui X. Ducie Island Y. Pitcairn Islands Z. Solomon Islands

Z. Solomon Islands

As the supercontinent Pangaea broke apart, it was speculated to have been split into two parts, Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Where would Antarctica be with respect to the two parts? W. North of Laurasia X. South of Laurasia Y. North of Gondwanaland Z. South of Gondwanaland

Z. South of Gondwanaland

What is the largest toothed whale? W. The Blue Whale X. Long Finned Pilot Whale Y. Finback Whale Z. Sperm Whale

Z. Sperm Whale

Which of the following whale's bones were used to decorate the Pequod in Moby Dick? W. Humpback Whale X. Killer whale Y. Gray Whale Z. Sperm Whale

Z. Sperm Whale

What is another name for chimaera? W. Rat shark X. Rat tails Y. Ghostfish Z. Spookfish

Z. Spookfish

The eyewall of a hurricane can curve outwards in an effect known as the: W. Dome Effect X. Colosseum Effect Y. Bowl Effect Z. Stadium Effect

Z. Stadium Effect

When a female octopus' eggs hatch, it will die shortly after from what phenomenon? W. Old age X. Predation Y. Nutrients for offspring Z. Starvation

Z. Starvation

Which of the following is NOT a predominant characteristic of subtropical regions? W. Weak winds X. Weak surface currents Y. Clear skies with abundant sunshine Z. Stormy weather with high winds

Z. Stormy weather with high winds

Which of the following organisms is classified as nekton? W. Salps X. Foraminifera Y. Portuguese Man o'War Z. Striped marlin

Z. Striped marlin

Both the novel and movie adaptations of The Perfect Storm are based on the true story of the ill-fated fishing vessel, Andrea Gail. What pelagic fish was the Andrea Gail attempting to fish for when it left Gloucester, Massachusetts? W. Bluefin Tuna X. Sailfish Y. Marlin Z. Swordfish

Z. Swordfish

Which satellite suggested that the Pacific sea surface temperatures have been experiencing about 20 years of warming? W. Jason 1 X. Jason 3 Y. OSTM Z. TOPEX/Poseidon

Z. TOPEX/Poseidon

The density differences responsible for deep water waves are a function of which of the following? W. Amount of biomass X. Dissolved gas concentration Y. Pressure change Z. Temperature change

Z. Temperature change

Ophiolites are examples of what continental feature? W. Shield X. Platform Y. Plateau Z. Terrain

Z. Terrain

What class of organic chemicals are produced from the burning of coal and oil?

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Polar ice can melt in the summer creating an area of open water surrounded by ice, which is known as what?


The Sandwich Sound was named by James Cook and is located in Alaska. The British Admiralty later renamed the Sandwich Sound to what?

Prince William Sound

What was the name of the 1961 drilling project which aimed to obtain samples of the Mohorovičić discontinuity?

Project Mohole

Titanic was a "three-screw" vessel, meaning there was three __________


What is the difference between protandry and protogyny?

Protandry: sequential hermaphroditism from male to female; Protogyny: sequential hermaphroditism from female to male

The parrotfish is known for coating itself with a thick layer of mucus. What is the adaptive advantage of this mucus coating?

Protection from parasites i.e isopods

What is the most commonly used fishing method for catching tuna?

Purse Seine

List the following baleen whales from smallest to largest: Pygmy Right Whale, Minke Whale, Bryde's Whale, Gray Whale.

Pygmy Right Whale, Minke Whale, Bryde's Whale, Gray Whale

When the mineral orthoclase is broken by weathering, what two compounds are formed in addition to potassium ions?

Quartz (silica) and kaolinite

Which three minerals are present in continental crust?

Quartz, Feldspar, and Hornblende

The red mangrove tree has the scientific name, Rhizophora Mangle, where "rhizo" and "phora" mean what respectively?

Rhizo: Root; Phora: Bear/Carry

Who formed the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1970?

Richard Nixon

What physical process created Lake Baikal?


What is the name for a narrow seaward flow of water caused by waves breaking in the surf zone and piling up against the coast?

Rip current OR Rip tide

Which law prohibits any garbage or waste from being dumped into navigable water in the United States?

River and Harbors Act of 1899

Rank the following natural water reservoirs in terms of increasing water volume: ice masses, lakes, rivers, atmosphere, and ocean

Rivers>Atmosphere> Lakes> Ice masses> Oceans

What kind of westward propagating ocean wave is characterized by large horizontal movements with a scale up to tens of thousands of kilometers?

Rossby waves

What is candle ice?

Rotten ice in columns perpendicular to the lake surface

What is the name of the toothed structure that periwinkles have and how do they use it to eat?

Radula. It uses it to scrape off and ingest the algae

Most notably along Padre Island, dogs have been trained to help find Kemp's Ridley sea turtle nests. What are the dogs called?

Ranger Ridleys

Scientists have determined that Earth's outer core is composed of liquid, even though it is impossible to drill to this depth. What evidence allows this conclusion to be made?

S waves are not able to pass through a liquid, and thus they are not able to penetrate the outer core

What type of vessel, used in the 1960s and 1970s, evolved from the design of a catamaran and was used as oceanographic research vessels or submarine rescue ships?

SWATH OR Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull

Who narrates Moby Dick?

Sailor Ishmael

What are the Roaring Forties?

Sailors call the latitudes between 40 and 50 degrees south of the equator the Roaring Forties, where the prevailing winds are strong.

State one example of an anadromous vertebrate


Match the following types of halocline with their respective type of estuary: Weak, sharp, none AND salt wedge, well mixed, partially mixed.

Salt wedge - Sharp, Partially Mixed - Weak, Well Mixed - None

The saline lake called the Salton Sea is found in the lower Colorado desert. It was once a?

Salt-covered sink (depression)

In a salt wedge estuary, very little mixing occurs between the freshwater and saltwater from the ocean. What conditions cause a salt wedge estuary to form?

Salt-wedge estuaries occur when a rapidly flowing river discharges into the ocean where tidal currents are weak.

Located in a strait between Saltfjord and Skjerstadfjord in Nordland, Norway, is one of the strongest systems of tidal eddies and whirlpools in the world. Existing there for over 2,000 years is the strongest whirlpool, or "maelstrom," in the world. Give the name of this maelstrom.

Saltstraumen Maelstrom

Which two periods of the geologic time scale comprise the Age of Mammals? W. Mississippian and Pennsylvanian X. Permian and Triassic Y. Jurassic and Cretaceous Z. Tertiary and Quaternary

Z. Tertiary and Quaternary

Under the Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere within the United States Department of Commerce, all of the following agencies exist except W. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps. X. The Office of Marine and Aviation Operations Y. The National Marine Fisheries Service Z. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Z. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Which fin of the Great White Shark is the most coveted by poachers, causing a decrease in the populations all over the world? W. The pelvic fin X.The anal fin Y. The caudal fin Z. The dorsal fin

Z. The dorsal fin

If corrections are not made for the Coriolis deflection, a plane that departs from Stockholm, Sweden, on a six-hour flight to Lagos, Nigeria, will drift 4,800 km and land where instead?

South America (will also accept countries: Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil)

What percent of Earth's land is covered with Glacial Ice?


What is the maximum wingspan in feet of the wandering albatross, the largest of flying seabirds?

10-14 feet

Describe one positive feedback in the polar environments with regard to climate change.

(I'll determine it)

What is tide-generating force mathematically proportional to?

(M1M2)/r3 (Body 1 Mass x Body 2 Mass) divided by the cube of the distance between the two bodies

The Newlands Act, established in 1902, served the purpose of providing federal funds for the construction of dams, reservoirs, and canals in the West. Which president is responsible for the enforcement of this act?

(President) Theodore Roosevelt (must include the first name to avoid confusion)

What two countries were part of Ice Story 2000 that explored Antarctica?

China and US

Provide one explanation for why dust plumes entering the Caribbean Sea have caused the death of Caribbean coral reefs.

- The dust plumes inject vital nutrients and chemicals into the ocean, stimulating the overgrowth of algae, which can suffocate the coral polyps. - The dust plumes carry pathogens into the water, which can kill off organisms that share a mutualistic relationship with the coral, such as the sea urchin, which grazes on algae on the corals.

NASA launched the satellite TOPEX/Poseidon in order to monitor sea level and to keep track of changes in current patterns. What does TOPEX stand for and what year was it launched?

- [Ocean] Topography Experiment -In 1992

What is the charge on the bicarbonate ions produced in the final step of the carbonate buffering system?


Which of the following belong to the suborder Mysticeti? 1. Minke Whale 2. Humpback Whale 3. Sperm Whale 4. Beluga Whale 5. Blue Whale

1, 2, and 5 ONLY

Place the following FIVE navigational advances in correct chronological order of discovery: magnetic compass, chronometer, Global Positioning System, astrolabe, gyrocompass

1- magnetic compass, 2- astrolabe, 3- chronometer, 4- gyrocompass, 5- Global Positioning System (GPS)

How long is one statute mile in nautical miles?

.87 nautical miles

Approximately what percentage of Earth's water is from water vapor in the atmosphere?


The Challenger Expedition was the first organized scientific expedition conducted to gather data on 1. Seawater Chemistry 2. Aquatic Zonation 3. Whale migration routes 4. Marine Life

1 and 4

What 4 classes make up the Phylum Cnidaria?

1. Hydrozoa 2. Scyphozoa 3. Anthozoa 4. Cubozoa

The fathom, a unit of measurement for length, is equivalent to how many meters AND how many feet?

1.8 meters or 6 feet

What is the formula for salinity in parts per thousand in terms of chlorinity?

1.80655 * Chlorinity (Will take 1.806 and 1.807 as constants)

How many appendages does a decapod have?


The Denmark Strait Cataract is the world's largest waterfall. It lies beneath the Denmark strait, separating Iceland and Greenland. What is the height of the Denmark Strait Cataract in feet?

11,500 feet

What is the distance of territorial waters in both nautical miles and actual miles?

12 nautical miles; ~ 13.8 miles

The earth's magnetic polarity is known to flip back and forth on a geologic time scale. How many reversals have occurred in the past 76 million years?


What are the two main differences between a Nansen bottle and a Niskin bottle?

A Nansen bottle is made of metal and only has one opening, whereas a Niskin bottle is made of plastic and has two openings.

What is the name of the process where materials such as sediments, seamounts, and volcanic arcs are added to a tectonic plate or a landmass?


To which phyla do arrow worms and acorn worms belong?

Acorn worms - Hemichordata; Arrow worms - Chaetognatha (kee-tog-nuh-thuh)

An ADCP is a device that uses sound waves to measure the speed and direction of currents throughout the water column. What does ADCP stand for?

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

What are the three labels scientists use to describe volcanoes and how likely they are to erupt?

Active, Dormant, Extinct

Which two processes does the Rossby number describe? Advection and rotation

Advection and rotation

What type of tissue, filled with air spaces for buoyancy in the water, is found in hydrophytes?

Aerenchyma (aer-en-chyma)

Which Pacific Ocean current moderates the climate of the southern portions of British Columbia and Vancouver Island?

Alaska Current

Who engineered the submersible that discovered the wreck of the HMHS Britannic and the RMS Titanic, and what is the submersible's name?

Alleyn Vine; Alvin

Who inspired the creation of the DSV Alvin?

Allyn Vine

What are 3 coasts where the main major populations of sea otters live along?

Along the coasts of California, Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, and various Russian islands

What type of behavior accounts for many whale beachings?

Altruistic behavior

What submarine was used in the discovery of the Galapagos hydrothermal vents in the late 1970's?


What are the names of the two minerals which mainly compose andesitic rock?

Amphibole and Sodium Feldspar

What is the name of the sea that was named after the person to first reach the South Pole?

Amundsen Sea

In 1958, a giant wave surged 1740 feet up the side of a mountain in Latura Bay, Alaska, completely denuding the promontory of trees. What was the cause of this wave?

An earthquake

Due to the increase in global warming, estimate the billions of tons of water that have been added to the world's oceans. How much total ice in tons is being added in a year?

An estimate of 740 billion tons - 750 billion tons

What is the difference between an ice sheet and an ice shelf?

An ice shelf is over water and is attached via ice to the continent where Ice sheets are above land

Conshelf II was built in 1963 in the Red Sea. What is Conshelf II and who conceived it?

An underwater habitat. By Jacques Costeau

What was the name of the professor who discovered the San Andreas Fault in 1895?

Andrew Lawson

What is the tallest land waterfall and where is it located?

Angel Falls in Venezuela

What is the classic example of a catadromous fish in the Sargasso Sea?

Anguilla eel

Sea fans are a part of which class of cnidarian?


Who discovered that the White Cliffs of Dover contained layers of coccolithophorids?

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Provide two reasons why mitigation banking is largely unsuccessful in the state of California.

Any 2: - There isn't enough coastal acreage - Too much wetland already lost (too many species already threatened with extinction) - Even the most degraded wetlands provide support for some species, so changing this would lead to more damage than good - Strategies on how to recreate wetlands are still largely underdeveloped/ unsuccessful

Marine reserves are special marine protected areas where all species and their habitats are fully protected. List two marine reserves.

Any 2: National Marine Sanctuaries, National Wildlife Refuge System, National Park Service/National Seashore, National Marine Fisheries Services

What are two possible reasons for compass deviation aboard ships?

Any 2: Nearby electric currents that create their own magnetic field, magnetic influence of objects on the ship (possibly even the material from which the ship is built), the improper mounting of the compass

Name 2 senses or stimuli that help blind fish congregate in schools.

Any 2: Olfactory senses or smells, lateral line or vibrations, sounds or hearing

Name two tectonic plates that border the Easter plate.

Any 2: Pacific, Nazca, Juan Fernandez

Sea speak is used by sailors all over the world to communicate as effectively as possible. Name 3 of the 8 message markers preceding every sentence.

Any 3: Answer, advice, information, instruction, intention, question, request, warning

Along Southern California, the shore can be divided into coastal circulation cells where sand is introduced, transported and dispersed. Provide the names of three coastal cells that border Southern California.

Any 3: Santa Barbara Coastal Cell, Santa Monica Coastal Cell, San Pedro Coastal Cell, Oceanside Coastal Cell, Silver Strand Coastal Cell

Name any 3 of the nations considered to have one of the Top-10 Submarine Fleets in the World.

Any 3: United States, North Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, Iran, Japan, South Korea, India, Turkey, Colombia

The lionfish is an invasive species of fish inhabiting marine waters in areas of the Caribbean, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico. Provide three other nicknames for the lionfish.

Any 3: Zebrafish, firefish, turkeyfish, red lionfish, butterfly cod, ornate butterfly cod, peacock lionfish, red firefish, scorpion volitans, devil firefish

The Hawaiian archipelago extends 1,500 miles from the main island to Kure Atoll. Name 4 of the 8 major islands of the Hawaiian archipelago.

Any 4: Hawaii, Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, Niihau

Provide 4 examples of trace elements that are found in seawater.

Any 4: Lithium, Iodine, Molybdenum, Zinc, Iron, Aluminum, Copper, Manganese, Cobalt, Lead, Mercury, Gold

What are 4 forms of nitrogen that can be found in seawater?

Any 4: Molecular Nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Nitrous Oxide, Ammonium

Name 6 nations that border the arctic.

Any 6: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, the United States (Alaska), Canada, Denmark (Greenland), and Iceland

The formation of stromatolites occurred in what eon?

Archean Eon

Established in 1991, the acronym, AMAP, stands for what?

Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme

In which ocean is the Beaufort gyre located?

Arctic Ocean OR Arctic

The AO is a large-scale mode of climate variability, also referred to as the Northern Hemisphere annular mode. The AO is a climate pattern characterized by winds circulating counterclockwise around the Arctic at around 55°N latitude. What does AO stand for?

Arctic Oscillation

The Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode is a weather phenomenon at the Arctic poles that also goes by the name of?

Arctic Oscillation

Which bird makes the longest migration of any animal following a zig zag pattern from Greenland to Antarctica?

Arctic Tern

What two types of ecosystems will be impacted the most by increasing temperatures due to enhanced global warming?

Arctic and Mountain ecosystems

What are at least four common traits that abyssal depths in all oceans share?

Are dark (no sunlight), very cold, high hydrostatic pressures, and sparse (low) food supplies.

2,400 years ago, Aristotle recognized that whales are mammals and not fish. What information led Aristotle to make this conclusion?

Aristotle noticed whales nurse their young and breathe air like other mammals.

Sea turtles have a phase known as arribada nesting, in which they come up onto the shore and lay their eggs. What does "arribada" roughly translate to?

Arrival by sea or The Arrival

When capillary wave development increases and the wind and ocean surface interact more, more energy is transferred to the ocean to form symmetric waves that have wavelengths exceeding 1.74cm. Why are these waves called gravity waves?

At these heights, gravity replaces capillarity as the dominant restoring force.

A circular coral reef that has a well-developed lagoon and no visible central volcanic island would be in what stage of coral reef formation?


Why are most atolls in the Pacific Ocean?

Atolls are formed when a coral reef forms around a volcanic island and the island then sinks or is eroded so that the original volcanic island is below sea level. Coral reefs only form in tropical waters and most volcanic islands are found in the Pacific Ocean.

Sea dragons are native to the ocean surrounding what continent?


Name three factors that can limit primary production in the oceans.

Availability of Sunshine (Autotrophs, mainly plants, need sunlight for photosynthesis; plants serve as food for many other marine animals), Availability of Nutrients (Plants and animals need nutrients to survive), Downwelling (Transfer of nutrients into deeper waters; less accessible to animals and plants in the photic zone, which use these nutrients more), Wave turbulence (Transfer of nutrients), Concentration of oxygen (Hypoxic and Anoxic waters cannot sustain life), etc.

What is mean higher high water (MHHW)?

Average of the highest of two daily high tides

Order the following rock types from greatest density to least density: Granite, Basalt, Andesite

Basalt, Andesite, Granite

What strait connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aiden and is also known as the "Gate of Tears?"

Bab el Mandeb OR Mandib Strait

According to sailor superstition, what do red sunsets signify?

Bad luck and that one should take warning, as the day ahead will be dangerous

What are the two categories of whales?

Baleen and Tooth

White smokers are chimneys formed at hydrothermal vents as substances precipitate out of the released hydrothermal fluids and build on top of one another. What three elements make up white chimney deposits?

Barium, Calcium and Silicon

White smokers are chimneys formed at hydrothermal vents as substances precipitate out of the released hydrothermal fluids and build on top of one another. What elements make up white chimney deposits?

Barium, Calcium, Silicon

Uniform flow with depth is called barotropic flow, while variation of flow with depth is called

Baroclinic flow

The black sand beaches of Hawaii are made of what type of rock?


Why are members of Mysticeti also known as baleen whales?

Because their baleen plates give a mustache appearance which is what baleen means

Order the following from least to greatest according to its depth of intrusion: Sound, Bight, and Bay

Bight, Bay, Sound

Marlins, swordfish, and spearfish are all grouped into what type of fish?

Bill Fish

Given the extreme conditions of deep-sea environments, deep-sea fish have unique adaptations. Provide two adaptations found in deep-sea fish.

Bioluminescence, expandable stomachs, large inward-facing sharp teeth, fishing lures, sensors, and etc.

What are the three remnants of the large, ancient seaway known as the Tethys Sea?

Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, Aral Seas

A group of cells with a fluid-filled centered cavity is called?


In Finding Dory, Dory recalls that her parents live in the Jewel of Morro Bay in California. However, this is not possible because Dory and her parents are blue tang fish, which is a type of Indo-Pacific surgeonfish. Why is it not possible that they live in California?

Blue Tang fish live in an area of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, around Indonesia, Australia,and the Polynesian Islands. The water off the California coast is far too cold to suit the species

What are the top 3 longest whales?

Blue, finback, sperm/bowhead

What is a similarity between the fan worm and parchment worm in terms of obtaining food?

Both worms thrust their feathery gills out of the tube into the water to capture plankton

What is the most common species of dolphin in captivity?

Bottlenose dolphin

What is the name for the water mass in contact with the seafloor?

Bottom water

Sea jellies and Jellyfish are names given to the medusa phase of gelatinous members of the subphylum Meduzoa. What is the world's most poisonous jellyfish?

Box jelly

In the 1975 movie "Jaws'' a mechanical shark was used to capture scenes from the movies. The Shark was named after the director Steven Speiberg's lawyer. What was the name given to the mechanical shark?


In the wave equation, C equals L divided by T. What are the variables C, L, and T?

C = Wave speed; L = Wave length; T = Wave period

Give the chemical process for chemosynthesis.

CO2 + 4H2S + O2 -> CH2O + 4S + 3H2O

The Castillo de San Marcos National Monument in St. Augustine, Florida is composed of a strong biogenous sediment. What is the composition of coquina?


In finding evidence for Continental Drift, it was discovered that there are matching sequences of rocks and mountain chains. What is the name of the Mountain Chain that matches the Appalachian Mountains?

Caledonian Mountains

What was Cousteau's famous ship?


Which country has the longest continuous coastline?


Cabo das Tormentas, now known as the Cape of Good Hope, is often mistaken as the southernmost tip of Africa. Cabo das Agulhas is actually the southernmost tip of Africa and marks the geographic divide between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. What does the Portuguese term "Cabo das Agulhas" translate to in English?

Cape of Needles

What are the three anthropogenic greenhouse gases with the highest global warming potential?

Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide

What two chemical species are principally responsible for buffering seawater?

Carbonate and Bicarbonate

As oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the air, what acid is produced?

Carbonic acid

What is the scientific name of the "Meg," the 75-foot monstrous shark hunted by scientists off the coast of China in 2018's "The Meg"?

Carcharodon Megalodon

What is the largest landlocked sea?

Caspian Sea

A hurricane with winds reaching 200 miles per hour would be classified as which category?

Category 2

In the movie Blackfish, the killer whale that took the lives of several people and had the most complex brain belongs to what order?


Name the four orders to which marine mammals belong.

Cetacea, Pinnipedia, Sirenia, AND Carnivora

For Magellan's endeavors, the Strait of Magellan was named after him. What was the strait's original name?

Channel of all Saints, All Saints Strait, OR Strait of All Saints

Who was the scientific leader of the HMS Challenger Expedition that sailed from 1872-1876?

Charles Wyville Thompson

What is the concept that water in the gills and blood in the gills run in opposite directions to maximize oxygen exchange?

Countercurrent exchange (used in heat loss from extremities too)

In which direction do equatorial counter currents flow?


In Finding Nemo, what type of current did Marlin and Dory swim in?

East Australian Current

What are the four major currents that make up the Heyerdahl Gyre?

East Australian Current, South Equatorial Current, Peru Current, and South Pacific Current

The race to the South Pole was a treacherous journey made by a British explorer and a Norwegian explorer and their respective teams in 1911-1912. Who was the first person to reach the South Pole and who was the second person to reach the South Pole, only a few weeks after and died a few days later of acute hypothermia?

First person: Roald Amundsen; Second person: Robert Falcon Scott

Which US federal agency has jurisdiction over the polar bear?

Fish and Wildlife Service

The eel Anguilla lives in freshwater rivers but spawns in saltwater. Their large surface areas gives them the capability to do what?

Float and drift with the surface currents

What are the two peninsulas guarding the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico?

Florida and the Yucatán peninsula

The West Wind Drift, also known as the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, is the only current to completely encircle the earth. At what point is its flow most limited?

Flow is most limited at the Drake Passage (the passage between the islands at the southern tip of South America and the peninsula at Antarctica)

What is the name of the point at which an earthquake originates?


What do dolphins use their teeth for?


What is the nickname of the area off of North Carolina where over 600 shipwrecks have occurred?

Graveyard of the Atlantic

In terms of predicting tides, resultant forces are defined as the mathematical difference between what two other tide-related forces?

Gravitational and centripetal forces

What does a gray whale do with its tongue to assist feeding?

Gray whales are baleen whales. They push their tongues against the roof of their mouth to create a vacuum to "sweep" up organisms on the bottom of the ocean.

The Percy Jackson & the Olympians series written by Rick Riordan, features Percy Jackson, the son of the god of the sea and earthquakes in Greek and Roman mythology. What is the god of the sea called in Greek and Roman mythology, respectively?

Greek: Poseidon; Roman: Neptune

GEM is one method besides MagnaProbe that was used on the MOSAiC expedition the past year for ice floe mapping. What does the acronym GEM stand for?

Ground electromagnetic method

The collision of what two currents near the Cape Hatteras region cause many shipwrecks?

Gulf Stream and Labrador current

Sharks are said to have 8 unique senses as opposed to the 5 humans have, what are they? Hearing, smell, lateral lines, pit organs, vision, Lorenzini, touch, and taste

Hearing, smell, lateral lines, pit organs, vision, Lorenzini, touch, and taste

What term refers to the abrupt changes in Earth's climate that result from rapid cooling over decades to centuries?

Heinrich events

What term refers to the abrupt changes in Earth's climate that results from rapid cooling over decades to centuries?

Heinrich events

Which prehistoric cartilaginous fish is primarily known from a toothy spiral-shaped fossil?


What is the molecule in mollusk that binds oxygen?


While Jacques Cousteau created the first practicable SCUBA, it was already attempted in 1878. Named oxygen rebreather, who attempted to build gear similar to how SCUBA works?

Henry Fleuss

In the naming of ships, what does HMHS often stand for?

Her Majesty's Hospital Ship

What is the term for the typical coral that can produce both sperm and eggs?


What are the two major groups that corals can be divided? Which one possesses zooxanthellae?

Hermatypic coral (possess zooxanthellae) Ahermatypic coral

After a flood current, the period of no current as the tide is at its peak and is no longer coming in is called?

High slack water

Naval ship prefixes are extensively used to shorten the longer titles into easy short forms for convenient utilization. What does HIJMS stand for?

His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Ship

Harry Hess is the author of what book, detailing the mechanisms of seafloor spreading and convection cells?

History of Ocean Basins

Describe the sea level during the Holocene and the late Pleistocene.

Holocene- Sea-level rose Pleistocene- Sea-level dropped

What two systems combined in order to form the storm described in The Perfect Storm?

Hurricane Grace and a nor'easter

Order the following hurricanes in terms of increasing cost for repairs: Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy Hurricane Katrina ($160 Billion) Hurricane Harvey ($125 Billion) Hurricane Sandy ($70 Billion) Hurricane Irma ($50 Billion) Hurricane Andrew ($48 Billion)

Hurricane Katrina ($160 Billion) Hurricane Harvey ($125 Billion) Hurricane Sandy ($70 Billion) Hurricane Irma ($50 Billion) Hurricane Andrew ($48 Billion)

What was the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic and in what year did it happen?

Hurricane Wilma, 2005

What kind of sediments form from minerals that precipitate from seawater?

Hydrogenous sediments

What is the name of the instrument attached to side-scan sonar apparatuses as they're dragged through water behind ships?


In comparison to the salt concentration of its environment, what are freshwater fish called, and what is one way they have adapted to their environment?

Hypertonic AND (any ONE of the following) they don't drink water; absorb salt into their cells; release large volumes of dilute urine

What is the lower frustule of a diatom called?


What are the two main primary producers in the Arctic Ocean?

Ice algae and phytoplankton

List the following organisms from the bottom of the Arctic food web to the top of the Arctic food web: Arctic cod, Ringed seal, Zooplankton, Ice algae, Polar bear.

Ice algae → Zooplankton → Arctic cod → Ringed seal → Polar bear

The following numbers represent percentages of the water on Earth: 2.05, 0.01, and 0.001. The following are some of the many water reservoirs on Earth: Ice masses, the atmosphere, and lakes. Associate each percentage value with its appropriate reservoir.

Ice masses: 2.05; Lakes: 0.01; Atmosphere: 0.001

Where was Tilikum, the suicidal killer whale followed by the 2013 documentary Blackfish, captured?


Why does the EEZ go beyond 200 miles on the East coast of the US?

If the continental shelf exceeds the 200-mile limit it is extended to 350 miles

Which king and queen of Spain financed Christopher Columbus' explorations?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

The tooth of a narwhal grows in what direction?

In a counterclockwise spiral

In what part of a wave do the water particles move in a direction opposite to the direction of wave movement?

In the trough of the wave

Why does phytoplankton need to maintain a high surface area to volume ratio?

Increase friction with water and remain suspended in the water column to perform photosynthesis

The Tethys Sea was located at the boundary between which two minor tectonic plates?

Indian & Arabian Plates

Its surface temperature can reach over 36 degrees Celsius, making which ocean the warmest?

Indian Ocean

What was the deadliest tsunami of all time?

Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 OR Boxing Day Tsunami

The red list was created in 1964 by the IUCN containing threatened species around the world. What does the acronym IUCN stand for?

Internation Union for Conservation of Nature

What does the acronym, IOBIS, stand for?

International Ocean Biogeographic Information System

The ITWS is a network of stations that record the vibrations of the crust to predict the occurrence of large earthquakes and tsunamis. What does ITWS stand for, according to the context provided?

International Tsunami Warning System

Tsunamis are notorious for causing costly destruction of property when striking inland. What is the term that represents the result of long distance traveled by tsunamis inland?

Inundation (in-uhn-dey-shuhn)

What was the purpose of the non-indigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act instituted in 1990?

Invasive species control

Order these hurricanes from least to most costly: Irene, Sandy, Katrina, Andrew

Irene < Andrew < Sandy <Katrina

Carrageenans, a family of linear sulfated polysaccharides, are widely used in the food industry for their gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. From what species of red seaweed is carrageenan most commonly sourced?

Irish moss seaweed (Chondrus crispus)

The Atlantic Subpolar Gyre is composed of what four currents?

Irminger Current, Labrador Current, East Greenland Current, North Atlantic Current

What four elements make up the Earth's core?

Iron, Nickel, Silicon, Sulfur

What are the two main uses of delta water?

Irrigation and drinking water

Why is sulfur important for multicellular animals?

It acts as a bridge for molecule, allowing it to be in a certain shape

What is the name of the ship used by the Ocean Drilling Program or ODP?

JOIDES Resolution (or just Resolution)

Which of the National Estuarine Research Reserve is the only National Reserve named after an individual and is located at Mullica River and Great Bay?

Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve

In the 2016 Disney Studios animated film 'Moana,' the island of Motunui in Pacific Polynesia is under ecological attack by the curse of the god Te Kā. To break the curse, princess Moana is to return a pounamu stone—Pounamu being the God of Stone in Maori culture—to the heart of the goddess Te Fiti. Of what mineral are pounamu stones, a general talisman of spiritual power and prosperity, often made?


Who found the Southern Sea?

James Cook

Which country is considered to be the leading power in developing technologies and techniques for the extraction of methane from gas hydrate deposits?


An earthquake once caused a tsunami to hit the Sulzberger Ice Shelf, resulting in the creation and breaking of icebergs in Antarctica. Where were the origins of this earthquake, and in what year did this occur?

Japan, 2011 (will also accept Tohoku/March 2011, or March 12-16 of 2011)

Plastic pollution has been an existential, environmental threat to the existence of many marine species. Plastic bags consumed by whales and sea turtles are often mistaken for which animal?


The principle of constant proportions was introduced in 1865 which states that no matter how much salinity varies, the proportions of inorganic elements and compounds will remain the same. What is the full name of the geologist who first introduced this concept?

Johan Georg Forchhammer

Which British naturalist accompanied Scottish Charles Wyville Thompson on the Challenger expedition's discovery of the Marianas Trench?

John Murray

What is the full name of the author who wrote A New Class of Faults and Their Bearing on Continental Drift in 1965?

John Tuzo Wilson

What does JPSS stand for?

Joint Polar Satellite System

Which explorer was the first to sail solo around the world and what method did he use to determine his latitude?

Joshua Slocum AND Dead Reckoning

In the novel "Around the World in 80 Days", a man named Phileas Fogg had circumnavigated the world in 80 days. Which explorer actually circumnavigated the world in real life?

Juan Sebastian Elcano

Order the following three tectonic plates from most northerly to most southerly: Cocos plate, Nazca plate, Juan de Fuca plate.

Juan de Fuca plate, Cocos plate, Nazca plate

Due to seasonal changes, the intertropical convergence zone (ITZC) reaches its most northerly location and its most southerly location in which month, respectively?

July, January

During the Middle Ages, Arabs dominated maritime navigations in the Mediterranean Sea. What is the name of the tool that they used to find latitude that consisted of a string and wooden block?


Orthoclase is common potassium-bearing feldspar of granite. Upon bathing it in the acidity of water, it produces free potassium ions, dissolved silica, and what other mineral?


What graphic record describes the change in carbon dioxide concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere?

Keeling curve

What do otters sometimes use as an anchor to keep themselves from floating away?


What are two Western Boundary currents found in the Eastern Hemisphere?

Kuroshio Current and East Australian Current

What is the remote sensing method that uses light in a pulsed laser to measure ocean bathymetry?

LIDAR or Light Detection And Ranging

Name the phenomenon where surface waters of the Pacific off the coast of South American cool and trade winds become stronger than usual.

La Nina

What is the shallowest lake in North America, and what is its depth in meters?

Lake Erie 64 meters

The construction of the first Welland Canal was completed in 1829. What two lakes are connected by the Welland Canal?

Lake Erie and Lake Ontario

What is the largest tropical freshwater lake in the world?

Lake Victoria

Agnatha are known as jawless fishes that originated from the Late Cambrian period. There are only two groups that still survive today. What are these two groups named?

Lampreys and Hagfishes

What are two reasons why a shoreline is below the current sea level?

Land ice melting and thermal expansion

The high temperature in Orlando was 93, while the high temperature in Cocoa Beach, located just 30 miles away, was 87. The low temperature in those two cities were 72 and 78 respectively. Why does this difference occur and explain the process behind it?

Land/Sea Interaction OR Land/Sea Breezes; During the late morning and afternoon, the sea breeze cools the coastline. During the evening and nighttime, the sea keeps the coastline warmer than inland. All is due to differences in air/sea pressure.

Hypsographic curves can be recorded via LADS technology. What does LADS stand for?

Laser Airborne Depth Sounder

The natural period of the Bay of Fundy is approximately 12 hours, and this depends on what two factors?

Length of basin Average water depth

Fungi that live in symbiosis with Cyanobacteria are known as what?


What does it mean if a shark is ovoviviparous?

Live birth AND retention of eggs internally

Name the following species in order of economic value in the United States: crab, scallop, lobster, shrimp, salmon.

Lobster, crab, salmon, scallop, shrimp.

Describe what lobtailing is in regards to whale or dolphin behavior.

Lobtailing occurs when a whale or dolphin lifts its tail flukes out of the water and then brings them down onto the surface of the water hard and fast in order to make a loud slap.

In September of 2011, the largest saltwater crocodile in current history was captured and placed in captivity in the Philippines. It was measured to be 6.17 meters long and weighed nearly 1,075 kilograms. What was the crocodile's name?


What are the advantages of low and high aspect ratio for a fish's ability to swim?

Low aspect ratio - good for short bursts of speed High aspect ratio - good for cruising, or swimming fast for longer durations

What is one of the molecules involved in bioluminescent reaction?


What is the difference between lungers and cruisers?

Lungers wait for prey and pounce while cruisers actively seek prey.

What is the point in the ocean at which the pressure is high enough and the amount of carbon dioxide in the deep-ocean waters is great enough to begin dissolving calcium carbonate? What is this depth on average in meters?

Lysocline; 4000 meters

What is the light-colored calcareous opening used to filter water into the water vascular system of echinoderms called?


Some ships are equipped to vacuum them off the bottom. Others pull a continuously moving series of dredge buckets along the ocean floor to scoop them up. Another system sends remote-controlled collectors to get them from the ocean bottom. What is being mined?

Manganese nodules

The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program was created by NOAA to help reduce the effects of tsunamis on the United States. The NTHP also has subcommittees to help conduct their work. What subcommittee is the MMS?

Mapping and Modeling Subcommittee

The knot, a unit of speed, is equal to how many nautical miles?


How many short horn blasts are used to communicate with other boaters that you intend to either pass on their port side, pass on their starboard side, or back up, respectively?

One blast for passing on the port, two blasts for passing on starboard, three blasts for backing up.

Which of the following species have cartilaginous skeletons? 1. Tuna 2. Hammerhead shark 3. Stingrays 4. Cod 5. Whale shark

Only 2, 3, 5 (All but 1, 4)

What is the part of a fish's gill that opens and closes for respiration and feeding?


Subpolar gyres are areas of cyclonic ocean circulation that sit beneath a persistent region of low atmospheric pressure. In what direction do subpolar gyres flow?

Opposite from subtropical flow OR counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere

The standard unit of flow rate of ocean currents is named after whom?

Otto Sverdrup

Dead zones are areas of water chemically poisoned by human waste. Approximately how many dead zones can be found in the world?

Over 400; any number over 400 but not over 415

The "Shadow Zone" is another term for which layer of the ocean, usually occurring at depths anywhere from 200 to 1500 meters?

Oxygen Minimum Layer/Oxygen Minimum Zone

What are the projections of the coelom of Asteroidea that serve in respiration and waste removal called?

Papula or Skin gills or Dermal branchiae

What do archaic bacteria lack compared to moneras?


From what nation did Thor Heyerdahl attempt to prove South Americans migrated from, before their arrival to Oceania, through his voyage aboard Kon Tiki?


What is the difference between phaneritic and aphanitic textures in igneous rocks?

Phaneritic: Coarse-grained texture and crystals; igneous rock cooled slower Aphanitic: Fine-grained structure and crystals; igneous rock cooled faster

List the geologic time scale we currently live in, from eon to epoch.

Phanerozoic Eon → Cenozoic Era → Quaternary Period → Holocene Epoch

Who invented the Newt Suit and in what year?

Phil Nyutten in 1979

What is the term for photosynthesis being slowed in areas of the ocean with very high light intensity like the surface water of the tropics?


Red algae from the phylum Rhodophyta appear red due to the presence of what photosynthetic pigment over chlorophyll?

Phycobilins (phycocyanin and phycoerythrin)

What phylum and genus does the seahorse belong to?

Phylum Chordata Class Hippocampus

Comb Jellies which are jellyfish with 8 rows of thick cilia that beat continuously, belong to what phylum?

Phylum Ctenophora

What are the three layers of the ophiolite complex?

Pillow basalt, sheeted dikes, gabbro

What are the balls of cooled outer lava and warm molten lava within the ball with a glassy basalt covering called?

Pillow lava

Correctly identify the types of ships that the Pinta, the Niña, and the Santa Maria were.

Pinta - Caravel; Niña - Caravel; Santa Maria - Carrack

A collapsing breaker is a mix between what two types of breakers?

Plunging and Surging Breakers

POES is a type of sun-synchronous satellite that maps the seafloor from space. What does POES stand for?

Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite

In their natural habitat, penguins are never taken as prey by polar bears. What's the main reason for this?

Polar bears are an Arctic species and/or penguins are limited to the southern hemisphere

Spongebob, from the popular cartoon Spongebob Squarepants, is known for his porous and sea sponge identity. What is the scientific name for sponge animals?


As penguins swim, they are known for behaving like dolphins as they jump in and out of the waters. What is this motion called?


What three parameters increase the speed of sound underwater?

Pressure, Temperature, Salinity

The MARPOL Convention is the principal international agreement regulating marine pollution from what specific source?


What sea has a name based on the seasonal blooms of algae that color the surface of the water?

Red Sea

What does RSIW stand for?

Red Sea Intermediate Water

What body of water lies between Saudi Arabia and Egypt?

Red Sea OR Gulf of Aqaba

What is the equation for residence time?

Residence time = amount of element in ocean/ rate element is added to or removed from the ocean

Where is the largest tidal power station in the world located?

Shiwa Lake, South Korea

In which sea was Langmuir Circulation first observed?

Sargasso Sea

The colorful mosaic crab found in Singapore waters is the world's most poisonous crab. What neurotoxin does this crab contain in its shell and is best-known as a paralytic shellfish toxin?


Which class of mollusks consists of tusk shells?


Vasco De Gama, a Portuguese explorer who was known for being the first European to reach India by sea. On his journey, what was the disease that his crew fell victim to?

Scurvy (will also take Cabin fever)

What United States' concern led them to not sign the treaty originally that led to the EEZ within 200 miles of land?

Seafloor mining limitations

What is the term used to address a sailor of the lowest rank in the US Navy or Coast Guard below that of a petty officer?


The chinook salmon is an endangered species that can only survive in cold water, anything below 14 degrees celsius. Yet, the Sacramento River rose to about 16.5 degrees celsius due to the construction of a dam for hydroelectricity. What is the name of this dam?

Shasta Dam

What is the deepest part of the Gulf of Mexico, named after the captain of the USS Maine whose ship sunk in Havana Harbor in 1898?

Sigsbee deep

In what city is NOAA headquarters located?

Silver Spring, MA

Euphausia Superba, commonly referred to as the Antarctic krill, are considered to be a keystone species by biologists. Explain why the Antarctic krill is considered a keystone species.

Since they are herbivores, they are the single most critical link between phytoplankton and larger animals Many whales could not exist without them because then they would otherwise expend more energy than what they acquire

The documentaries The Blue Planet and Blue Planet II are both narrated by which famous British naturalist?

Sir David Attenborough

The Spanish Armada was considered to be the most powerful fleet in the world in the 1500's until it was defeated in 1588. Who helped contribute to its defeat?

Sir Francis Drake

The time between consecutive high tides and low tides is approximately how long?

Six hours and (10-40 minutes)

Eel larvae are called leptocephalus, which appears flat and transparent. What does leptocephalus mean?

Slim head

The term solstice comes from the latin roots sol and stit, each meaning what respectively?

Sol: sun Stit: stationary

In which direction would you travel along Australia's east coast to find the youngest coral reef formations of the Great Barrier reef?


The SOI is a tool used by atmospheric scientists in order to monitor the "seesaw" in air pressure systems between the western and eastern Pacific, that is linked to El Niño events. It also measures the strength or intensity of Walker circulation. What does SOI stand for?

Southern Oscillation Index

The greatest potential for wave power is associated with the prevailing westerly wind belt in which hemisphere?

Southern hemisphere

The dominant grasses in salt marshes are of which genus?


The amount of deflection caused by the Coriolis effect depends on what two factors?

Speed of moving object Location on earth

The Bay of Fundy holds some of the world's largest tidal ranges. Fundy most likely originated from the French word Fendu. What does Fendu mean?


Which species of fungus was inspired by the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants?

Spongiforma squarepantsii

Explain the circumstances for a spring bloom and what occurs.

Spring bloom of phytoplankton occurs b/c solar energy and nutrients are available, and a seasonal thermocline develops that traps algae in the euphotic zone.

In the Disney film The Little Mermaid, Ursula has 6 tentacles. This would mean she is what organism?.


What are the names for the two glacial periods in an ice age?

Stadials (STEY-dee-uhls) AND Interstadials

What is the very first stage within the life cycle of a star?

Stellar Nebula

The frictional force acting between a fluid and the particle is known as

Stokes Drag

What are polynyas?

Stretches of open water surrounded by ice; form downward circulation patterns due to sea ice formation (denser water sinks, causing the downward circulation)

What is the term for the process of snow or ice turning directly into water vapor, bypassing the liquid phase?


What is the federal legislation that granted the coastal states federal rights to natural resources within 3 nautical miles, and up to 9 miles for Texas and the Gulf coast of Florida, of the coastline?

Submerged Lands Act

In which directions do monsoons blow in the summer and winter?

Summer: northward Winter: southward

What trench was in question for the epicenter of the December 26, 2004 earthquake?

Sunda Trench (aka Java Trench)

What trench was in question for the epicenter of the December 26 2004 earthquake?

Sundae trench

Order the following freshwater lakes from largest to smallest surface area: Michigan, Baikal, Huron, and Superior

Superior, Huron, Michigan, Baikal

List the 5 Great Lakes in order of deepest to shallowest.

Superior, Ontario, Michigan, Huron, Erie (Remember: Deepest → Shallowest = SOMHE; Largest → Smallest = SHMEO)

List the following benthic environments in order going seaward: Supralittoral, bathyal, sublittoral, hadal, littoral, abyssal

Supralittoral, littoral, sublittoral, bathyal, abyssal, hadal

What is the term for the distinct organ located near the eyes of penguins to help filter salt out of their systems?

Supraorbital gland

Organisms rely on exchanging nutrients with their environment constantly. The rate of this exchange is heavily dependent on the dimensions of the organism. What is the ratio that determines this rate of exchange?

Surface Area to Volume

What allows the Ginko tree to withstand cold climates?

The Ginko has flexible roots that do not break when they become frozen

What is the method where bottles were used to measure the amount of O2 produced by phytoplankton, which indicates the amount of organic carbon synthesized and when was it developed?

The Gran method in the 1920s

In what body of water is the Flower Garden Bank National Marine Sanctuary located?

The Gulf of Mexico

What was the name of Captain Robert Falcon Scott's ship which was trapped in Antarctic ice for two years?

The HMS Discovery

During the 19th century, the Great Lakes were not called the Great Lakes. What were they called?

The Inland Seas

The Indian Ocean Tsunami in December 2004, was a magnitude 9.2 earthquake off the coast of Sumatra. It was detected by which satellite?

The Jason-1 Satellite

The term "estuary" is derived from the Latin word "aestuarium". What is the meaning of the Latin word "aestuarium"?

The Latin word "Aestuarium" translates to "tidal" in the English language

What does the Danish term 'Den Lille Havfrue' mean in English?

The Little Mermaid

Why is there no wind at the Intertropical Convergence Zone?

The Northeast Trade Winds from the Northern Hemisphere and the Southeast Trade Winds from the Southern Hemisphere cancel each other out.

At the Mariana Islands, the Pacific plate subducts underneath the Philippine plate. Explain how this can happen when both plates are oceanic.

The Pacific plate is relatively older, cooler, and thus is denser than the Philippine plate.

During which geologic time period was the Appalachian Mountain range formed?

The Permian Period

What is the name of the river in the Nebraska region, which early setters described as being a mile wide but also a foot deep?

The Platte River

What is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean?

The Puerto Rico Trench OR Milwaukee Deep

Who is responsible for designating marine sanctuaries?

The Secretary of Commerce, of the U.S. Department of Commerce

On March 18, 1967, an oil tanker crashed into the Seven Stones Reef, spilling large amounts of crude oil into the surrounding waters. What was the name of the oil tanker involved in the crash?

The Torrey Canyon

What government entity has a congressional mandate to maintain over 40,000 kilometers of navigable channels in coastal marine waters and the Great Lakes?

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Which department is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within?

The U.S. Department of Commerce

What is the name of the nation's first school of engineering opened by the Army Corps of Engineering in 1802?

The U.S. Military Academy at West Point

What feature of the asthenosphere helps to move lithospheric plates?

The asthenosphere's high viscosity

Describe the dissolved oxygen concentration of the New York Bight, and explain why it is this way.

The bottom water has little dissolved oxygen because the NY Bight is a long-standing dumping site.

What is the orographic effect?

The contrast between the moist windward side (side of the island that receives moist air) and the dry leeward side (side of the island that is blocked from winds by nearby geography) of an island.

The first few years of a marine turtle's life, where the hatchlings take their first swim until they return to coastal waters to forage as juveniles, are often referred to as what?

The lost years

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change expects sea levels to rise between 10 and 90 centimeters by the year 2100. Which two factors explain this wide range of predictions?

The magnitude of uncertainty of climatic variables and feedback loops over a vast period of time.

How does the pH change as one goes from fresh water to the marine environment?

The pH increases

What causes the "lag time" an observer experiences when recording the time a tide appears?

The slope of the continental margin (the rising slope of the ocean floor approaching the U.S. East (known as the continental rise, continental slope, and continental shelf) slows down the tidal "bulge" or "wave" of water)

Why does the leatherback sea turtle have a less rigid carapace, in contrast to the hard carapaces of other sea turtles?

The soft carapace (or shell) allows it to withstand greater pressures since it dives down for food (optional: since it can dive down to 1,000-1,200 meters/dives deep)

What is the maximum time that seiche waves can last? W. 10 hours X 12 hours Y. 15 hours Z. 24 hours

W. 10 hours

Tropical cyclones are called hurricanes in the North Atlantic Ocean. By what names are they referred to as in the Western Pacific?


Strombolian eruptions are derived from the volcano Stromboli. These eruptions are typically intermittent and of short duration which throw out blocks, bombs and lava flows. The Stromboli volcano is located in what sea?

Tyrrhenian sea

What three individual agencies came together to later become NOAA, the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration?

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (1807) The Weather Bureau (1870) U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries (1871) (became NOAA in 1970)

What was the first submarine to travel under the ice pack and in what year?

USS Nautilus, 1958

What is the name of the United States Ship that intentionally sunk in 1986 four miles south of Marathon and Key Colony Beach in Florida which now acts as an artificial reef to many organisms?

USS Thunderbolt

Which submarine was the first to complete a submerged circumnavigation of the world?

USS Triton

During an eclipse, what is the area with no light called?


The hyporheic zone refers to the mixing of shallow groundwater and surface water. Hyporheic exchange is abundant in large streams, like in the Santiam River. What does hyporheic mean in Greek?

Under/below the flow

In the movie Finding Dory, a young Dory gets caught in the undertow. What is undertow?

Undertow is a current of water below the surface and moving in a different direction from any surface current.

What is the layer above the thermocline called?

Upper mixed layer

What is the full name of the oceanographer who wrote the report, On the Influence of the Earth's Rotation on Ocean-Currents, which described the balance of friction between the wind, the sea surface, the layers of water, and the force of the Earth's rotation?

Vagn Walfrid Ekman

The venom of stonefish knows for causing intense pain, respiratory weakness, cardiovascular system damages, convulsions, and paralysis is abbreviated by VTX, which is


It was when working in the program VERTEX that John Martin came to the iron hypothesis. What does VERTEX stand for?

Vertical Transport and Exchange of Oceanic Particulate Program

Rodinia was a supercontinent on Earth that was formed how many years ago? W. 1.1 billion years ago X. 750 million years ago Y. 275 million years ago Z. 180 million years ago

W. 1.1 billion years ago

Which country possesses the largest amount of Exclusive Economic Zones by volume and which country possesses the largest amount of Exclusive Economic Zones by surface area?

Volume - United States; Surface area - France

Coldwater coral habitats are classified as a VME. What does VME stand for?

Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem

How long can emperor penguins stay underwater? W 15 minutes X 25 minutes Y 35 minutes Z 40 minute

W 15 minutes

What is the function of the septa? W aid in digestion by increasing surface area X excrete calcium carbonate Y excrete salts Z section off specialized areas called veraxians to allow for specific anabolic function

W aid in digestion by increasing surface area

Though the majority of deep-sea species are anglerfishes, which fish contributes the largest population count of deep-sea fishes? W cyclothone X gigacantis Y hatch fish Z lantern fish

W cyclothone

What allows for the relationship between surface phytoplankton and deep-sea creatures? W marine snow X vertical migration Y light stimuli Z increase in oxygen

W marine snow

On August 19, 1992. Hurricane Andrew made landfall onto the Bahamas, and eventually Florida. What category storm, was Hurricane Andrew classified as? W) 5 X) 4 Y) 3 Z) 2

W) 5

How many of the 12 Apostles are there currently remaining? W) 8 X) 7 Y) 6 Z) 5

W) 8

An example of commensalism is W) A remora attached to a Caribbean grouper X) A clownfish and sea anemone Y) A isopod attached to the head of a blackbar soldierfish Z) A coral and algae

W) A remora attached to a Caribbean grouper

Daphnia, which are organisms of the order Cladocera, have a shell which is composed mainly of ______. W) Chitin X) Calcium Carbonate Y) Silica Z)Tests

W) Chitin

What type of Coastline is the Atlantic Coast of the US? W) Depositional X) Erosional Y) Strong Z) Weak

W) Depositional

In Finding Dory, Marlin and Nemo are helped by Becky which is a loon. What is the scientific name for loon? W) Gavia X) Aves Y) Podiceps auritus Z) Melanitta fusca

W) Gavia

The deepest point in the Arctic Ocean is inside of what Basin? W) Nansen Basin X) Amundsen Basin Y) Canada Basin Z) Mendeleev Basin

W) Nansen Basin

In the 2016 Disney/Pixar animated film, Finding Dory, one of the characters Bailey is a beluga whale. According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, what is the conservation status of beluga whales? W) Near threatened X) Vulnerable Y) Endangered Z) Critically endangered

W) Near threatened

What is the name of the cluster of sensory cells that line the canals of the lateral line? W) Neuromasts X) Olfactory sacs Y) Barbels Z) Ampullae of Lorenzini

W) Neuromasts

Who was the first explorer to calculate the summer solstice using a sundial and by noting the lengthening of days? W) Pytheas X) Eratosthenes Y) Posidenius Z) Herodotus

W) Pytheas

Which of the following systems is not involved with the cloaca in sharks? W) Respiratory X) Reproductive Y) Digestive Z) Excretory

W) Respiratory

Which of the following has the highest maneuverability? W) The Butterflyfish X) The Tuna Y) The Pike Z) The Surfperch

W) The Butterflyfish

What is a parasite that attaches to a fish's skin and then forms a cyst? W) Trematodes X) Feather duster worm Y) Planaria Z) Leech

W) Trematodes

Which of the following organisms is found in the low tide zone? W) lugworm X) heart urchin Y) ghost crab Z) sea cucumber

W) lugworm

Which type of waves transmits energy through all states of matter? W)Longitudinal Waves X)Transverse Waves Y)Standing Waves Z)Orbital Waves

W)Longitudinal Waves

Which type of water mixing in estuaries fits the characteristics of deep, high volume, and strong halocline? W)Salt Wedge X)Highly Stratified Y)Vertically mixed Z)Slightly Stratified

W)Salt Wedge

Polar bears are bears that live within the polar ice caps. They hunt seals, fish, and a multitude of prey. What is the scientific name of the polar bear? W)Ursus maritimus X)Ursus arctos horribilis Y)Hydrurga leptonyx Z)Ursus arctos

W)Ursus maritimus

What is the average range for a chop? W. 1-10 seconds X. 12-30 seconds Y. 50-120 seconds Z. 240-360 seconds

W. 1-10 seconds

The "Rule of Constant Proportions" W. Allows oceanographers to determine salinity from the concentration of a single, major ion in seawater X. Means that net evaporation is constant at all distances on either side of the equator Y. Means that the temperature in the Arctic Ocean is constant below the "density floor" Z. Says that the annual average of infrared radiation in the atmosphere remains constant

W. Allows oceanographers to determine salinity from the concentration of a single, major ion in seawater

What Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) was used to photograph the U.S. Titanic? W. Alvin X. Fram Y. Seacliff II Z. Argo

W. Alvin

Which of the following is found in andesite? W. Amphibole X. Calcium feldspar Y. Potassium feldspar Z. Quartz

W. Amphibole

Which of the following choices correctly lists gases in seawater in order of decreasing abundance? W. Argon, Neon, Helium X. Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen Y. Hydrogen, Helium, Argon Z. Carbon Dioxide, Argon, Hydrogen

W. Argon, Neon, Helium

Sediments on the ocean floor rarely come from a single source; most of the time there is a mixture of sediment types. However, the type of sediment responsible for covering the majority of the world ocean floor area is: W. Biogenous X. Hydrogenous Y. Cosmogenous Z. Terrigenous

W. Biogenous

Internal waves are also known as... W. Body waves X. Seismic waves Y. Compressional waves Z. Tinastic waves

W. Body waves

The Yellow River is the fifth-longest river in the world. What sea does the yellow river outflow into? W. Bohai Sea X. Yellow Sea Y. South China Sea Z. East China Sea

W. Bohai Sea

What part of a coral reef is above a depth of 20 meters? W. Buttress zone X. Supralittoral zone Y. Hermatypic zone Z. Bathyal zone

W. Buttress zone

What is the most abundant excess volatile on Earth? W. Carbon dioxide X. Water vapor Y. Chlorine Z. Nitrogen

W. Carbon dioxide

What is the difference between a castle berg and a tabular berg? W. Castle = tall & thin, tabular = large & flat X. Castle = large & flat, tabular = tall & thin Y. Castle = tall & flat, tabular = large & thin Z. Castle = large & thin, tabular = tall & flat

W. Castle = tall & thin, tabular = large & flat

What is the name of the international project completed in 2010 that recorded the diversity, distribution, and abundance of life in the ocean? W. Census of Marine Life X. United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea Y. International Ocean Biodiversity Information System Z. Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources of the High Seas

W. Census of Marine Life

Which NOAA center is responsible for utilizing advanced acoustic equipment for monitoring tides along the coast? W. Center for operational oceanographic products and services X. Center for atmospheric sciences Y. Center for environmental information Z. Center for coastal and marine ecosystems

W. Center for operational oceanographic products and services

Ocean trenches are long, narrow depressions on the seafloor that are formed by subduction. Which of the following correctly orders the deepest points of the ocean from deepest to shallowest? W. Challenger Deep → Horizon Deep → Galathea Deep X. Challenger Deep → Milwaukee Deep → Galathea Deep Y. Challenger Deep → Horizon Deep → Meteor Deep Z. Challenger Deep → Milwaukee Deep → Meteor Deep

W. Challenger Deep → Horizon Deep → Galathea Deep

Which of the following is not a primary chemical tracer in determining measuring deep ocean currents? W. Chlorine X. Sulfur hexafluoride Y. Tritium Z. Chlorofluorocarbons

W. Chlorine

The zone below the bed of mussels, commonly known as the lower intertidal zone, is dominated by what organism? W. Chondrus crispus X. Chondrus elatus Y. Chondrus armatus Z. Chondrus giganteus

W. Chondrus crispus

A cement gland is used by which organism to adhere itself to a surface? W. Cirripedia X. Echeneidae Y. Littorina littorea Z. Laminariales

W. Cirripedia

Amphiprion ocellaris is also known as W. Clownfish X. Rock Lobster Y. Copperband Butterflyfish Z. Yellow-tail Blue Damselfish

W. Clownfish

Areas of upwelling hoist W. Coldwater with high productivity X. Warm water with high productivity Y. Coldwater with low productivity Z. Warm water with low productivity

W. Coldwater with high productivity

Sponges lack a nervous system. In response to toxic substances, they can close their ostia made possible by muscle-like cells known as W. Collar cells X. Myocytes Y. Mesenchyme (mes-eng-kahym) cells Z. Pore cells

W. Collar cells

What is the most dominant water that exists in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean? W. Common Water X. North Pacific Intermediate Water Y. Mediterranean Intermediate Water Z. Pacific Subarctic Water

W. Common Water

Which of the following is not a characteristic of cephalopods? W. Concentration of nervous tissue X. Well-developed brain Y. Acute eyesight Z. Chemo-sensors

W. Concentration of nervous tissue

What marine sediment is matched with its corresponding indicative element? W. Cosmogeneous - Iridium X. Hydrogenous - Sulfur Y. Lithogenous - Nitrogen Z. Biogeneous - Uranium

W. Cosmogeneous - Iridium

During which period did the eastern edge of North America undergo rifting and sink? W. Cretaceous Period X. Jurrasic Period Y. Ordovician Period Z.Triassic Period

W. Cretaceous Period

Psalm 8:8 states "...and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas." The paths of the sea refer to: W. Currents X. Rivers Y. Tides Z. Channels

W. Currents

The parasitic copepod that enters through the gills of fishes and then latches on the tongue while consuming it is called W. Cymothoa exigua X. Conocarpus erectus Y. Syphrna tiburo Z. Homarus Americanus

W. Cymothoa exigua

In terms of biomass, what is the largest migration on earth? W. Diel vertical migration X. Gray whale migration Y. Loggerhead sea turtle migration Z. Leopard seal migration

W. Diel vertical migration

Which of the following pairings is incorrect regarding the place of discovery and the year it was discovered? W. Greenland, A.D. 1388 X. Cape of Good Hope, A.D. 1488 Y. North American coast, A.D. 1497 Z. Bahamas, A.D. 1492

W. Greenland, A.D. 1388

What are the characteristics of neap tides? W. High tides are at their lowest and low tides are at their highest X. High tides are at their highest and low tides are at their lowest Y. Both high tides and low tides are at their lowest Z. Both high tides and low tides are at their highest

W. High tides are at their lowest and low tides are at their highest

Which wavelength of light could deep-sea animals most likely detect with their eyes? W. Infrared X. Visible light Y. Ultraviolet Z. Gamma rays

W. Infrared

What is the carbon source for marine autotrophic organisms? W. Inorganic carbon X. Phytoplankton Y. Dissolved organic carbon Z. Particulate organic carbon

W. Inorganic carbon

Which of the following statements is correct about the San Andreas Fault zone in California? W. It's a transform or strike-slip fault that connects two widely separated spreading centers X. It separates the Basin and Range province of California and Nevada from the volcanic mountains of the California Coast Range Y. Movement along the San Andreas Fault caused the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 Z. It's a normal fault that will eventually cause southern California to fall into the ocean

W. It's a transform or strike-slip fault that connects two widely separated spreading centers

Antarctic krill are abundant in the East Wind Drift, the Scotia Sea, the Weddell Drift, and off the Antarctic Peninsula. In what months do the Antarctic krill spawn? W. January and February X. March and May Y. June and July Z. September and November

W. January and February

The red tides in the Gulf of Mexico are caused by what species of dinoflagellates? W. Karenia Brevis X. Karenia Mikimoto Y. Alexandrium catenella Z. Alexandrium tamarense

W. Karenia Brevis

Which of the following is an example of the earliest forms of boats used by Egyptians? W. Khufu Ship X. Ka-mal Ship Y. Starboard Ship Z. Rah Ship

W. Khufu Ship

What is the largest lake located in German territory? W. Lake Constance X. Lake Schwerin Y. Lake Starnberg Z. Lake Tegel

W. Lake Constance

What is the name of the effect that causes a lot of snow in the Buffalo and Syracuse areas? W. Lake Effect X. Rain Shadow Effect Y. Snow Depository effect Z. Moisture Effect

W. Lake Effect

Stenothermal organisms are found mostly in the open ocean because W. Large ranges of temperature do not occur there X. They are not sensitive to the constant changing of salinity Y. The temperature is constantly changing which limits the predators that live there Z. They evolved a tolerance for the wide range of salinity conditions

W. Large ranges of temperature do not occur there

Charles Wyville Thomson was a Scottish naturalist. Which of the following was an accomplishment of his? W. Led the first major exploration devoted to studying marine organisms X. Studied the seafloor of the British isles, Aegean sea, and other locales Y. Found that you could travel on the gulf stream to get from the United States to Europe Z. Discovered Victoria Land

W. Led the first major exploration devoted to studying marine organisms

Phosphorite occurs in the ocean at depths W. Less than 300 meters X. Less than 525 meters Y. Less than 600 meters Z. Less than 800 meters

W. Less than 300 meters

Progressive waves can be longitudinal, transverse, or orbital depending on the pattern of particle oscillation. Which of the following choices correctly pairs these waves with their motion? W. Longitudinal - push and pull, transverse - side to side, orbital - interface X. Longitudinal - side to side, transverse - push and pull, orbital - interface Y. Longitudinal - interface, transverse - push and pull, orbital - side to side Z. Longitudinal - push and pull, transverse - interface, orbital - side to side

W. Longitudinal - push and pull, transverse - side to side, orbital - interface

Which type of wave transmits energy through all states of matter? W. Longitudinal wave X. Transverse wave Y. Standing wave Z. Orbital wave

W. Longitudinal wave

The 1955 Pioneer Survey provided key evidence for the theory of plate tectonics when it discovered what features on the ocean floor off the US west coast? W. Magnetic stripping X. Volcanoes Y. Monterey Canyon Z. Upwelling

W. Magnetic stripping

What are the narrow vertical streams of magma that originate in the upper mantle called? W. Mantle plumes X. Volcanoes Y. Trench spouts Z. Countercurrent convective flows

W. Mantle plumes

What is the most common map projection? W. Mercator X. Mollweide Y. Gall-Peters Z. Robinson

W. Mercator

This toxic chemical led to the "walleye scare" of the 1970s. It is W. Mercury X. Lead Y. Sulfur Z. Sodium

W. Mercury

The lanternfish and Bristlemouth are two of the most common fish in which of the following zones? W. Mesopelagic X. Bathypelagic Y. Abyssopelagic Z. Hadalpelagic

W. Mesopelagic

Petroleum as a liquid can be converted to what natural gas through heat? W. Methane X. Ethane Y. Propane Z. Butane

W. Methane

In Life of Pi, Pi's raft washes ashore near the small town of Tomatlán in W. Mexico X. Cuba Y. Dominican Republic Z. Ecuador

W. Mexico

Seismic waves experience drastic changes in velocity at which of the following? W. Moho discontinuity X. Benioff zone Y. Richter fault Z. Wadati boundary

W. Moho discontinuity

What is the scientific name for narwhals? W. Monodon monoceros X. Tursiops Y. Orcinus Orca Z. Balaenoptera musculus

W. Monodon monoceros

What is the only known fully warm-blooded fish that circulates heated blood throughout its body? W. Moonfish X. Ocean sunfish Y. Swordfish Z. Catfish

W. Moonfish

The Eskimo Curlew is typically found in the Arctic tundra or open grasslands. What family does the Eskimo Curlew belong to? W. Scolopacidae X. Alcid Y. Laridae Z. Spheniscidae

W. Scolopacidae

Beach profiles delineate the shape of the beach surface along a survey line or transect. Comparing profiles of the same transect from different times shows the loss and gain of sand. Which of the following does not describe a swell profile? W. Narrow berm X. Steep beach face Y. Created by low energy waves Z. Forms in the summer

W. Narrow berm

The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 was created to prevent marine mammal species and population stocks from declining beyond the point where they ceased to be significant functioning elements of the ecosystems of which they are apart. Which of the following is not a federal entity responsible for the implementation of this act? W. National Science Foundation X. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Y. NOAA Fisheries Z. Marine Mammal Commission

W. National Science Foundation

NOAA Fisheries operates a wide assortment of hydrographic surveys, oceanographic research, and fisheries survey vessels. Which of the following is not a vessel operated by NOAA? W. Neil Armstrong X. Thomas Jefferson Y. Fairweather Z. Ronald H. Brown

W. Neil Armstrong

What is the name of the cluster of sensory cells that line the canals of the lateral line? W. Neuromasts X. Olfactory sacs Y. Barbels Z. Ampullae of Lorenzini

W. Neuromasts

Which of the following is not a nutrient that is essential to plants? W. Nitrites X. Nitrates Y. Phosphates Z. Silicates

W. Nitrites

Volcanic Island arcs form at which type of Plate boundary? W. Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence X. Oceanic-Continental Convergence Y. Continental-Continental Convergence Z. Oceanic Transform Fault

W. Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence

Jellyfish contain a "simple eye," consisting of an arrangement of pigment spots. What is the name of this sensory organ? W. Ocelli X. Manubrium Y. Exumbrella Z. Velarium

W. Ocelli

The sea fans or fan corals belong to the W. Order Gorgonacea (gor-goh-nay'-see-uh) X. Phylum Echinodermata (ee-kine-oh-der-mah-tah) Y. Class Hydrozoa Z. Kingdom Protista

W. Order Gorgonacea (gor-goh-nay'-see-uh)

Sponges are immobile. Their food source primarily made up of plankton enters their small pores known as W. Ostia X. Osculum Y. Spicule (spik-yool) Z. Oscula

W. Ostia

Which activity has the least impact on seagrass communities? W. Overharvesting X. Watershed development Y. Boating Z. Fertilizing farmlands

W. Overharvesting

This common shorebird inhabits the marshes and sandy beaches along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. It has a long, red beak to catch its food and is usually the size of a hen. What is the name of this bird? W. Oystercatcher X. Sandpiper Y. Snowy Egret Z. Cormorant

W. Oystercatcher

What is formed when the waves keep colliding the mixture of saltwater and needle-like crystals together through the slow-moving water? W. Pancake Ice X. Grease Ice Y. Ice Pans Z. Congelation Ice

W. Pancake Ice

What is one name of the theoretical future supercontinent? W. Pangea Ultima X. Pangea Superior Y. Pangea X Z. Pangea Next

W. Pangea Ultima (aka Pangea Proxima, Neopangaea, and Pangaea II)

Where would you be most likely to find oil and natural gas reserves? W. Passive Margins X. Active Margins Y. Subduction Zones Z. Mid-ocean ridges

W. Passive Margins

Which igneous rock exhibits the fastest seismic compression wave speed? W. Peridotite X. Gabbro Y. Granite Z. Diorite

W. Peridotite

Which of the following notable oil spills was the biggest accidental and intentional oil spill in history? W. Persian Kuwait Gulf War Oil Spill X. Ixtoc 1 Mexico Oil Spill Y. BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Z. Atlantic Empress Oil Spill

W. Persian Kuwait Gulf War Oil Spill

What is the larvae name of Nephropidae? W. Phyllosoma X. Leptocephalus Y. Zoea Z. Pluteus

W. Phyllosoma

Which of the following is the cause of red tides? W. Planktonic bloom of red-colored microorganisms X. Excess of iron compounds in the water Y. Photosynthesis, combining carbon and water in sunlight Z. Organic dyes emitted by nudibranchs and neustonic organisms

W. Planktonic bloom of red-colored microorganisms

Water is the universal solvent and can dissociate many substances because of what property of water? W. Polar covalent bonds X. Van der Waals interactions Y. Ionic bonds Z. Nonpolar covalent bonds

W. Polar covalent bonds

What is the method that produced the first reliable seafloor maps and confirmed seafloor spreading in the 1950s? W. Precision Depth Recorder X. Echo sounding Y. Fathometer Z. Sounding

W. Precision Depth Recorder

Abyssobrotula galatheae is a species of cusk eel known to be the deepest-living fish on record. In 1970, a specimen was trawled from the bottom of which trench? W. Puerto Rican X. Diamantia Y. Phillipine Z. Tonga

W. Puerto Rican

Mangroves are plants that are salt-tolerant and generally classified by their leaves and root types. Which of the following are often nicknamed "walking trees"? W. Red Mangroves X. Black Mangroves Y. White Mangroves Z. Green mangroves

W. Red Mangroves

What type of deposits are formed by conditions no longer existing in that area? W. Relict sediments X. Anomalous sediments Y. Defunct sediments Z. Derivative sediments

W. Relict sediments

Which of the following is NOT true of Earth's magnetic field? W. Reversals in Earth's magnetic polarity occur, on average, every 2500 years X. Magnetite is primarily found in basalt Y. There have been approximately 176 reversals in polarity over the past 76 million years Z. Magnetic anomalies often present themselves as patterned stripes in rocks

W. Reversals in Earth's magnetic polarity occur, on average, every 2500 years

Which of the following statements regarding estuaries is not valid? W. Salt-wedge estuaries have weak water stratification X. well-mixed estuaries experience low river discharge Y. Partially mixed estuaries experience moderate tidal mixing Z. well-mixed estuaries have strong tidal currents

W. Salt-wedge estuaries have weak water stratification

Which of the following would NOT decrease salinity? W. Sea Ice Formation X. Precipitation Y. Runoff Z. Melting of Icebergs

W. Sea Ice Formation

What is the orographic effect? W. The effect where leeward sides of islands are drier than the windward side of islands X. The effect that occurs when waves refract around features in the water Y. The effect that occurs when limited breeding space is available for seabirds Z. The effect that occurs when a ship goes over an area of "dead water"

W. The effect where leeward sides of islands are drier than the windward side of islands

The spring bloom of phytoplankton in the surface waters of high latitude oceans occurs when W. The mixed layer depth becomes shallower than the critical depth X. Nutrients are regenerated rapidly by zooplankton grazers Y. Increased wind mixing injects nutrients into the surface waters Z. Zooplankton grazing declines as large copepods go into diapause

W. The mixed layer depth becomes shallower than the critical depth

Why are estuaries sometimes described as "traps" for pollutants? W. The slow flushing rate and typical circulation pattern causes pollutant concentrations to build up to high levels. X. Once pollutants get into an estuary, there is no way for them to get out Y. The low-density surface water layer in estuaries keeps pollutants trapped near the surface Z. It is easy to collect and remove pollutants from estuaries

W. The slow flushing rate and typical circulation pattern causes pollutant concentrations to build up to high levels.

The leafy part of seaweed, known as the thallus, plays an important role in the reproductive cycle of algae. There are two types of thallus, known as the sporophyte thallus and the gametophyte thallus, each with its own distinct job. Which of the following statements best differentiates between the two types of thallus, as it relates to their role in the algal reproduction? W. The sporophyte thallus releases spores that transport themselves to the ocean bottom where they might develop into gametophyte thalli, which releases gametes. X. The sporophyte thallus produces gametes, which are captured by gametophyte thalli at the ocean bottom, where they can develop into adult alage. Y. The gametophyte thallus produces spores that mature into sporophyte thalli as they freely drift through pelagic waters. Z. The gametophyte thallus releases spores that transport themselves to the ocean bottom, where they mature into sporophyte thalli.

W. The sporophyte thallus releases spores that transport themselves to the ocean bottom where they might develop into gametophyte thalli, which releases gametes.

During the Pleistocene, which was most important in controlling the growth and size of continental glaciers? W. The summer temperature in the northern hemisphere X. The winter temperature in the northern hemisphere Y. The summer temperature in the southern hemisphere Z. The winter temperature in the southern hemisphere

W. The summer temperature in the northern hemisphere

The first reliable measurement of the average depth of an ocean was made by which method? W. Timing the speed of earthquake-generated waves in the Pacific X. Repeatedly lowering a lead line or sounding line in Antarctica Y. Using acoustic depth sounders in the Atlantic Z. Collecting deep sea sediments from multiple sites in the Arctic

W. Timing the speed of earthquake-generated waves in the Pacific

If the earth were to rotate in the opposite direction to its current rotation, so that the sun rose in the west and set in the east, the Coriolis Effect would deflect moving objects W. To the right in the Southern Hemisphere X. To the right in the Northern Hemisphere Y. Always to the north Z. Always to the south

W. To the right in the Southern Hemisphere

Ekman transport predicts that in the Northern Hemisphere water will move W. To the right of the wind X. To the left of the wind Y. Opposite to the wind Z. In the same direction as the wind

W. To the right of the wind

What is the subkingdom of a flowering plant, such as the seagrass? W. Tracheophyta X. Protophyta Y. Chrysophyta* Z. Phaeophyta*

W. Tracheophyta

Which of the following items would most likely be carried on a ro-ro vessel? W. Trucks X. Wheat Y. Liquified chemicals Z. Iron ore

W. Trucks

An efficient swimmer must be adept and able to overcome 3 different drags. Which drag robs speed from a moving object? W. Turbulent drag X. Surface drag Y. Wave drag Z. Form drag

W. Turbulent drag

The immortal jellyfish is able to live on indefinitely through the cell development process of transdifferentiation, which alters the differentiated state of the cells and transforms them into new types of cells. Since this process can go on indefinitely, this renders the species biologically immortal. What is the scientific name of this species? W. Turritopsis dohrnii X. Cyanea capillata Y. Carukia barnesi Z. Chironex fleckeri

W. Turritopsis dohrnii

Rocks are often radioactively dated by measuring the proportion of which two elements in the rock? W. Uranium-238 and Thorium-234 X. Carbon-14 and Nitrogen-14 Y. Hydrogen-3 and Helium-3 Z. Uranium-235 and Thorium-231

W. Uranium-238 and Thorium-234

Cigarette Butts are the most common form of ocean litter. Which of the following cities has an initiative to recycle cigarette butts? W. Vancouver X. Tokyo Y. Seattle Z. Holland

W. Vancouver

Oyster larvae are called... W. Veligers X. Oculums Y. Tronets Z. Baskins

W. Veligers

Which of the following is the group of organs in a mollusk? W. Visceral mass X. Mantle Y. Radula Z. Siphons

W. Visceral mass

An example of a primary coast is a W. Volcanic coast X. Wave-erosion coast Y. Marine-deposition coast Z. Coral-reef coast

W. Volcanic coast

According to the IUCN red list of threatened species, what is the polar bear listed as? W. Vulnerable X. Threatened Y. Endangered Z. Least Concerned

W. Vulnerable

Which of the following is the correct definition of the prefix "hval" W. Whale X. Time Y. Depth Z. North

W. Whale

What is common with a Category 1 Hurricane? W. Winds of 80 mph, minor damage to vegetation, and a storm surge of 5 feet X. Winds of 120 mph, extensive damage to homes, and a storm surge of 15 feet Y. Winds of 65 mph, no damage, and minimal damage to trees Z. Winds of 45 mph and no damage or surge

W. Winds of 80 mph, minor damage to vegetation, and a storm surge of 5 feet

Where is the Corpus Christi ship channel? W. Albuquerque. New Mexico X. Aransas, Texas Y. New Orleans, Louisiana Z. El Paso, Texas

X. Aransas, Texas

The Marine Biological Lab was the first of its kind to be established in the United States. Where is it located? W. Woods Hole, Massachusetts X. La Jolla, California Y. Friday Harbor, Washington Z. Pacific Grove, California

W. Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Pokemon creators likely intended Magikarp to represent a carp, but it actually looks more like what fish? W. Yellow rockfish X. Weedy sea dragon Y. Nudibranchs Z. Mola mola

W. Yellow rockfish

The latent heat of vaporization of water is higher than its latent heat of melting because W. all the hydrogen bonds need to be broken at the boiling point X. there are more hydrogen bonds present in the water at 100 degrees C than at 0 degrees C Y. all hydrogen bonds need to be broken at the melting point Z. water is less dense at 100 degrees C

W. all the hydrogen bonds need to be broken at the boiling point

The worldwide effect of El Nino includes all of the following except W. drought in the US Gulf coastal states. X. coral reef deaths in the Pacific Ocean. Y. crop failure in the Philippines. Z. increased Pacific cyclone activity

W. drought in the US Gulf coastal states.

Side-scanning sonar is towed above the seafloor when the researchers are seeking the location of what ocean floor feature? W. hydrothermal vents X. particulates Y. manganese concentrations Z. surface waves

W. hydrothermal vents

Groins are structures built mainly to W. prevent local beach erosion X. serve as fishing locations Y. mark property boundaries Z. serve as boat docks

W. prevent local beach erosion

Compared with the hypolimnion, the epilimnion is: W. warmer, higher pH, and dissolved oxygen concentration X. colder, higher pH, and dissolved oxygen concentration Y. warmer, lower pH, and dissolved oxygen concentration Z. colder, lower pH, and dissolved oxygen concentration

W. warmer, higher pH, and dissolved oxygen concentration

Who was the first man to reach the North Pole and in what year? W.Robert E. Peary, 1909 X.Fridtjof Nansen, 1893 Y.Commander Albert H. Markham, 1876 Z.Charles Francis Hall, 1871

W.Robert E. Peary, 1909

Meanders that pinch off the Gulf Stream that rotates clockwise is known as what?

Warm core eddies

What does a transmissometer measure?

Water clarity or transparency

Why do ocean surface currents carry more energy than winds?

Water has a higher density compared to air

What are two nicknames for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?

West Wind Drift AND Penguin Gyre

In Moby Dick, written by Herman Melville, Captain Ahab lost his leg in an encounter with a sperm whale. As a result, he wears a prosthetic leg made of what material?

Whalebone or ivory

In summer, sea ice around Antarctica covers approximately 4 million square kilometers. Approximately, how many million square kilometers are covered by sea ice in winter? W. 5 to 8 X. 18-22 Y. 30-40 Z. 100-200

X. 18-22

When will a deep water wave approach a coastline transition into a shallow water wave?

When depth = ½ wavelength

How is bioluminescence produced?

When molecules of luciferin are excited and emit photons of light in the presence of oxygen. (MUST STATE IN THE PRESENCE OF OXYGEN)

What is meant by the phenomenon of Western Intensification?

When western boundary currents of the subtropical gyres are faster, narrower, and deeper than their eastern boundary current counterparts, primarily due to the Coriolis Effect.

What are whitecaps?

Whitecaps are breakers that are formed when waves reach critical steepness

Constantine John Phipps was the first to describe a polar bear as a distinct species. In what year did he do so? W. 1683 X. 1774 Y. 1846 Z. 1902

X. 1774

When was the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers founded? W. 1889 X. 1775 Y. 1904 Z. 1817

X. 1775

Who developed the first Bathyscaphe?

William Beebe

The principle of constant proportions states that the major dissolved constituents responsible for the salinity of seawater occur nearly everywhere in the ocean in the exact same proportions, independent of salinity. Who established this principle?

William Dittmar

The Davidson current is a geostrophic current that develops along the coast of Washington and Oregon. During which season is the Davidson current most prevalent?


The Great Lakes are the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world. Name the eight states that border the Great Lakes.

Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois

What are ships built on?

Wooden platforms called shipways or ways

This research facility built ROV Jason and also was the first lab in the United States dedicated to marine science. What was the name of this facility?

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

In summer, sea ice around Antarctica covers approximately 4 million square kilometers. Approximately, how many million square kilometers are covered by sea ice in winter? W. 5 to 8 X. 18 to 22 Y. 30 to 40 Z. 100 to 200

X. 18 to 22

What study used resources from nearly 30 countries to make unprecedented in-situ and satellite observations of the global ocean between 1990 and 1998 and to observe poorly-understood but important physical processes?

World Ocean Circulation Experiment OR WOCE

Who first tried to explain the origins of the Gulf Stream? W. Thomas Edison X Peter Matyr Y Wilfred Bowdwitch Z Thomas Jefferson

X Peter Matyr

Calculate a wave's speed/celerity if it has a wave period that is ⅓ of a minute and a wavelength of 0.624 km. W) 30.0 m/sec X) 31.2 m/sec Y) 28.6 m/sec Z) 27.7 m/sec

X) 31.2 m/sec

Rogue waves are theorized to be an extraordinary case of constructive wave interference where multiple waves overlap in phase to produce an extremely large wave. Where do conditions exist to form these waves? W) Along the Bay of Fundy X) Along Africa's Wild Coast Y) Along the coast of northern Japan Z) Along the Ewa beach near Honolulu, Hawaii

X) Along Africa's Wild Coast

The Nebular hypothesis stated that all of the planets including the Sun in the solar system was created from the nebula. What is the meaning of Nebula? W) Forces of gravity that help create larger particles X) Cloud of gases and space dust Y) Collision with a large asteroid Z) Goddess struck Earth

X) Cloud of gases and space dust

What adaptation allows cetaceans to be immune from the effects of nitrogen narcosis? W) Bigger lungs X) Collapsible lungs and rib cages Y) Specialized capillaries Z) Permeable skin

X) Collapsible lungs and rib cages

Which of the following is incorrectly paired? W) Pteropods-Carbonate X) Foraminifera-Silica Y) Radiolarians-Silica Z) Diatom-Silica

X) Foraminifera-Silica

The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault. Which of these locations experienced an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3 because of it? W) Santa Barbara, 1812 X) Fort Tejon, 1857 Y) Imperial Valley, 1940 Z) San Fernando Valley, 1971

X) Fort Tejon, 1857

Of the following river deltas, which one is extremely vulnerable? W) Amazon X) Mississippi Y) Rhine Z) Krishna

X) Mississippi

Which president signed the Endangered Species Act of 1973 into effect? W) Jimmy Carter X) Richard Nixon Y) George H.W. Bush Z) Calvin Coolidge

X) Richard Nixon

What was the first submarine that was able to stay underwater for longer than 48 hours? W) USS Triton X) USS Aquarius Y) USS Dolphin Z) USS Albacore

X) USS Aquarius

In which of the following regions is the largest use reverse osmosis found? W) the Gulf of Mexico X) the Mediterranean Sea Y) the Indian Ocean Z) the Dead Sea

X) the Mediterranean Sea

What is the characteristic primarily responsible for the formation of the Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer? W)Rotation X)Axial tilt Y)Centrifugal force Z)Radiation

X)Axial tilt

Water pressure for organisms generally increases by W. 1 atm every 1 meter X. 1 atm every 10 meters Y. 1 atm every 100 meters Z. 1 atm every 1 kilometer

X. 1 atm every 10 meters

The equator rotates at a velocity of approximately W. 1,400 kmph X. 1,600 kmph Y. 1,800 kmph Z. 2,000 kmph

X. 1,600 kmph

The RV Polarstern, which also means pole star, is the main ship on the MOSAiC. How many meters thick of ice can the research vessel break through? W. 0.5 m X. 1.5 m Y. 2.0 m Z. 3.5 m

X. 1.5 m

How many of Christopher Columbus's flagships could have fit on one of Zheng He's treasure ships? W. 5 X. 10 Y. 15 Z. 20

X. 10

How much time does it take for larvaceans to build a mucus house after they abandon their previous one? W. 5 Minutes X. 10 Minutes Y. 30 Minutes Z. 1 Hour

X. 10 Minutes

The movie Dolphin Tale involves a bottlenose dolphin; these mammals tend to travel in pods containing about how many dolphins? W. 3-5 X. 10-15 Y. 18-20 Z. 25-30

X. 10-15

Earth's position from the sun and its period of rotation keeps Earth's mean temperature at about W. 10-15 degrees Celsius X. 14-15 degrees Celsius Y. 15-17 degrees Celsius Z. 17-20 degrees Celsius

X. 14-15 degrees Celsius

The Ross Sea in Antarctica is the namesake of Sir James Clark Ross, who at that very location made the deepest depth measurement of the time being at 4893 meters. In what year did he record this record-breaking measurement? W. 1800 X. 1818 Y. 1834 Z. 1889

X. 1818

Krakatoa (krak-uh-toh-uh) was a famous tsunami that was caused by an Indonesian volcanic eruption. In what year did Krakatoa occur? W. 1874 X. 1885 Y. 1904 Z. 1925

X. 1885

After the Germans shot down the British troopship, known as the Brittania, the remaining survivors claimed that they were later attacked by giant squids in the water. In what year did this occur? W. 1934 X. 1941 Y. 1952 Z. 1968

X. 1941

The Rance Tidal Power Station, located on the Rance River in Brittany, France, is the second-largest tidal power station in the world. In what year was the Rance Tidal Power Station built? W. 1953 X. 1966 Y. 1972 Z. 1987

X. 1966

In what year did Richard Nixon form the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration? W. 1965 X. 1970 Y. 1982 Z. 1990

X. 1970

Sea stars are echinoderms that live only in saltwater. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, approximately how many species of sea stars are there? W. 1,467 X. 2,000 Y. 2,986 Z. 3,000

X. 2,000

Approximately what percent of the Earth's total water is stored in ice masses? W. 0.68 X. 2.05 Y. 3.75 Z. 5.82

X. 2.05

A tectonic plate is considered to be 'minor' if its area ranges between 1 and how many square kilometers? W. 15 X. 20 Y. 25 Z. 30

X. 20

What percent of the world's fresh surface water is contained in the Great Lakes? W. 10 X. 20 Y. 50 Z. 66

X. 20

Approximately what percent iron oxide are manganese nodules? W. 8% X. 20% Y. 40% Z. 60%

X. 20%

In what years did the western Indian Ocean become increasingly salty due to high rates of evaporation? W. 2000-2007 X. 2004-2013 Y. 2008-2015 Z. 2010-2018

X. 2004-2013

How tall was Cape Hatteras? W. 110 feet X. 210 feet Y. 310 feet Z. 410 feet

X. 210 feet

More of a third of the world's remaining glaciers will melt by the year W. 2080 X. 2100 Y. 2120 Z. 2140

X. 2100

The year 2005 is on record as having had the biggest storm season in modern history. How many storms occurred in 2005? W. 17 X. 27 Y. 32 Z. 41

X. 27

Sound travels W. 14 times faster in water X. 3 times faster in water Y. 4 times faster in water Z. 10 times faster in water

X. 3 times faster in water

The average depth of the Atlantic Ocean is approximately W. 3,582 meters X. 3,926 meters Y. 4,120 meters Z. 4,253 meters

X. 3,926 meters

The proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface back to space is known as albedo. The average albedo for the surface of Earth is closest to W. 15% X. 30% Y. 45% Z. 60%

X. 30%

How many pairs of scutes does a Hawksbill sea turtle have on the sides of its carapace? W. 2 X. 4 Y. 6 Z. 8

X. 4

Around how long is a polar bear's hibernation period? W. 2 months X. 4 months Y. 7 months Z. 8 months

X. 4 months

The small research submersible ALVIN of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution of Massachusetts is capable of taking 3 oceanographers to a depth of about W. 1,000 meters X. 4,000 meters Y. 6,000 meters Z. 8,000 meters

X. 4,000 meters

The approximate salinity of the Red Sea Intermediate Water, in parts per thousand, is W. 38 X. 40 Y. 48 Z. 53

X. 40

Marine organisms that utilize echolocation include many toothed whales and dolphins. Echolocation is sounds that regularly reach frequencies of W. 10 to 20 kHz X. 40-100 kHz Y. 50-200 kHz Z. 100-250 kHz

X. 40-100 kHz

Solar bulges are what percent the size of lunar bulges? W. 32% X. 46% Y. 63% Z. 78%

X. 46%

As of 2017, marine protected areas accounted for approximately what percent of the surface area of the ocean? W. 1% X. 5% Y. 15% Z. 50%

X. 5%

If every bit of ice in the world melted, about how many meters would sea-level rise? W. 6 X. 60 Y. 600 Z. 6,000

X. 60

How many tons of pressure per square inch act upon an object at Challenger Deep? W. 5 X. 8 Y. 11 Z. 16

X. 8

How many major islands are in the Arctic Ocean? W. 42 X. 94 Y. 102 Z. 243

X. 94

What is the name of the region where the compression of 2 plates causes the top plate to grow? W. Accrediting X. Accretion prism Y. Accretion origin Z. Accretion center

X. Accretion prism

Marine organisms can provide medicinal uses just like terrestrial animals in bioprospecting. Which of the following marine compound was the first to be approved for human use? W. Eleutherobin X. Acyclovir Y. Pseudopterosin Z. Vidarabine

X. Acyclovir

Which of the following currents is a warm water current? W. Labrador Current X. Alaskan Current Y. Falkland Current Z. Oyashio Current

X. Alaskan Current

The North American tidal power plant located within the Bay of Fundy was built on which of the following rivers? W. Passamaquoddy River X. Annapolis River Y. Fundy River Z. Susquehanna River

X. Annapolis River

What two water masses collide in the Pacific Ocean? W. Common Water and Red Sea Intermediate Water X. Antarctic Intermediate Water and North Pacific Intermediate Water Y. South Atlantic Central Water and Equatorial Central Water Z. Mediterranean Intermediate Water and North Pacific Intermediate Water

X. Antarctic Intermediate Water and North Pacific Intermediate Water

What is the name for the point at which the moon is farthest away from the Earth during its orbit? W. Perigee X. Apogee Y. Neap Z. Equinox

X. Apogee

Cyanobacteria are blue-green algae that use sunlight directly to manufacture food from dissolved nutrients. In what geologic eon did the evolution of cyanobacteria first occur? W. Hadean eon X. Archean eon Y. Proterozoic eon Z. Phanerozoic eon

X. Archean eon

Which of the following is NOT considered a primitive chordate? W. Sea squirts X. Arrow worm Y. Acorn worm Z. Lancelet

X. Arrow worm

Which of the following is a viable theory of how the oceans formed? W. Organisms released water as a waste product and eventually filled the Earth with water X. As the liquid from volcanoes cooled down, water vapor condensed and created large bodies of water Y. Basins were filled with water from the condensed balls of fire that constantly bombarded the Earth Z. Hydrogen from ammonia combusted in the presence of oxygen and combined to make water vapor

X. As the liquid from volcanoes cooled down, water vapor condensed and created large bodies of water

The Sargasso Sea forms what type of center in the circulation gyre consisting of the Gulf Stream and Canary Current? W. Symmetrical X. Asymmetrical Y. Proportional Z. Inverse

X. Asymmetrical

Which ocean has the highest concentration of foraminiferal ooze? W. Pacific X. Atlantic Y. Indian Z. Arctic

X. Atlantic

According to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch List, which wild-caught US stock is the best choice for consumption? W. Pacific halibut X. Atlantic herring Y. Red snapper Z. Blue marlin

X. Atlantic herring

The Himalayas are a result of continent-continent convergence by what two plates and how long ago did this collision occur? W. Australian and Eurasian plates, 65 million years ago X. Australian and Eurasian plates, 45 million years ago Y. Indian and Eurasian plates, 65 million years ago Z. Indian and Eurasian plates, 45 million years ago

X. Australian and Eurasian plates, 45 million years ago

What is the name of the strait between Australia and Tasmania? W. Cook X. Bass Y. Torres Z. Brisbane

X. Bass

What is the largest freshwater fish in the world? W. White sturgeon X. Beluga sturgeon Y. Bester sturgeon Z. Kaluga sturgeon

X. Beluga sturgeon

When carbon dioxide combines with ocean water, it produces W. Carbonate X. Bicarbonate Y. Carbonic acid Z. Calcium carbonate

X. Bicarbonate

Chert is a hard rock composed of which of the following types of sediment? W. Hydrogenous X. Biogenous Y. Cosmogenous Z. Lithogenous

X. Biogenous

What color wavelengths of visible light penetrates the deepest in water? W. Red X. Blue Y. Green Z. Violet

X. Blue

Which federal agency manages more than 500 miles of coastline along the North Shore of Alaska in the National Petroleum Reserve? W. Arctic Research Commission X. Bureau of Land Management Y. Federal Maritime Commission Z. National Park Service

X. Bureau of Land Management

How was the atmosphere on Earth first formed? W. Spontaneous combustion X. By comets and meteors delivering volatiles Y. Evaporation from the ocean Z. Volcanic emissions

X. By comets and meteors delivering volatiles

What is the main mineral in a coral reef? W. Halite X. Calcite Y. Gypsum Z. Feldspar

X. Calcite

The age of marine invertebrates came to exist in what period? W. Quaternary X. Cambrian Y. Devonian Z. Silurian

X. Cambrian

What is the species of invasive algae that was introduced to the Mediterranean Sea via ballast tanks, net-fouling, and release from aquariums? W. Caulerpa prolifera X. Caulerpa taxifolia Y. Macrocystis pyrifera Z. Macrocystis integrifolia

X. Caulerpa taxifolia

The theca of diatoms is mostly composed of W. Cycloalkanes X. Cellulose Y. Glucose Z. Maltose

X. Cellulose

What is the name of the free-living larval stage of schistosomes that infects vertebrates? W. Redia X. Cercaria Y. Schistomule Z. Tremetode

X. Cercaria

Which of the following is the name of the poisoning as a result of the Gambierdiscus toxicus? W. Amnesic shellfish poisoning X. Ciguatera fish poisoning Y. Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning Z. Diuretic shellfish poisoning

X. Ciguatera fish poisoning

What are the two components in the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) that use both remote sensing and in situ sensing to detect, assess, and predict the effects of global climate change, weather, and human activities on oceans and coasts? W. Satellite component and research component X. Coastal component and global ocean component Y. Academic component and environmental component Z. Linkage component and data component

X. Coastal component and global ocean component

Which species of Gastropods have generated great interest in medical researchers, producing toxins that show a variety of effects such as pain relief on vertebrate nervous systems? W. Abalone X. Cone snail Y. Mud snail Z. Moon snail

X. Cone snail

Which term refers to when the moon is between the earth and the sun. W. Opposition X. Conjunction Y. Perigee Z. Interogee

X. Conjunction

Established in May of 1980, the acronym, CCAMLR, stands for W. Conservation of Critical Antarctic Marine Life Removal X. Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Y. Convention on the Conditions of Arctic Marine Life Response Z. Committee of the Conservation of Arctic Mammal Living Resources

X. Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

Which of the following is not a type of sea dragon? W. Leafy Sea dragon X. Coral Sea Dragon Y. Weedy Sea Dragon Z. Ruby Sea Dragon

X. Coral Sea Dragon

Cyclonic circulation is W. Clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere X. Counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere Y. Associated with high pressure cells Z. Never in geostrophic balance

X. Counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere

What is the name of the term that classifies the distance over which waves change from a choppy "sea" to uniform swells? W. Composure Distance X. Decay Distance Y. High Sea Distance Z. Swell formation Point

X. Decay Distance

The Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean. How does this trench differ from the deep trenches in the Pacific Ocean? W. It is located at a divergent plate boundary X. It is located at a transform plate boundary Y. It is located at a convergent plate boundary Z. It is located near a mid-ocean ridge

X. It is located at a transform plate boundary

Who was the first to attempt living underwater and at what depth were they at? W. Charles Wyville Thompson at 30 meters X. Jacques-Vues Costeau at 26 meters Y. Alfred Wegener at 17 meters Z. James Cook at 13 meters

X. Jacques-Vues Costeau at 26 meters

The oceanographer famed for their catchphrase "Give me half a tanker of iron and I'll give you an ice age" was W. Johan Georg Forchhammer X. John Martin Y. Jacques Piccard Z. Robert Ballard

X. John Martin

This plate's collision with the North American plate has given rise to the Cascade Ranges of North West United States. W. Vancouver Plate X. Juan de Fuca Plate Y. Nazca Plate Z. Cocos Plate

X. Juan de Fuca Plate

When is national ocean month? W. April X. June Y. July Z. September

X. June

Which of the following is not an Eastern Boundary Current? W. Brazil Current X. Kuroshio Current Y. Canary Current Z. Benguela Current

X. Kuroshio Current

What was the name of the policy passed in 1997 that addressed the measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions? W. Montreal Protocol X. Kyoto Protocol Y. Superfund Act Z. Clean Air Act

X. Kyoto Protocol

In which body of water is the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary located? W. Lake Erie X. Lake Huron Y. Lake Superior Z. Lake Ontario

X. Lake Huron

What is the name of the program in which a series of Earth-observing satellite missions were created and jointly managed by NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey in 1972? W. Seasat X. Landsat Y. GOES Z. SeaWiFS

X. Landsat

The regions close to 40,50, and 60 degrees south latitude have been named the the Roaring Forties, the Furious Fifties and the Screaming Sixties due to the fast currents and large waves present in the area. Which of the following factors is responsible for the formation of large waves in the area? W. Increased wind speed in the area X. Large fetch due to a lack of landmasses Y. Constructive Interference Z. Mixed Interference

X. Large fetch due to a lack of landmasses

Which is the lowest US Navy rank? W. Fleet Admiral X. Lieutenant Commander Y. Commander Z. Captain

X. Lieutenant Commander

Rhyolitic convergent boundaries tend to have W. Large quantities of silicon X. Little to no dissolved gases Y. Lighter colors Z. Violent eruptions

X. Little to no dissolved gases

The SOFAR channel was named after a WWII project which hoped to make use of it to do which of the following? W. Prevent enemy detection of submarines X. Located survivors of sinking vessels Y. Optimized torpedo trajectories Z. Improve detection of enemy vessels

X. Located survivors of sinking vessels

Which of the following waves require a medium? W. Transverse X. Longitudinal Y. Orbital Z. None of these waves require a medium

X. Longitudinal

The greatest danger to those few scientists brave enough to dive under Antarctic ice is W. The negative-2-degree Celsius water X. Losing track of the exit hole Y. Large carnivorous predators Z. Venomous benthic dwellers

X. Losing track of the exit hole

The approximate latitude at which rocks that contain magnetite particles were formed can be determined by measuring the W. Intensity of the rocks' magnetic field X. Magnetic dip of the particles Y. Magnetic polarity of the particles Z. Apparent polar wander of the particles

X. Magnetic dip of the particles

Which of the following correctly lists the order starting from the terrestrial region to the surface waters of bar-built estuaries? W. Ocean, barrier islands, lagoon, mainland X. Mainland, lagoon, barrier islands, ocean Y. Barrier islands, lagoon, mainland, ocean Z. Lagoon, mainland, barrier islands, ocean

X. Mainland, lagoon, barrier islands, ocean

Bioluminescence is used for all of the following except W. Self-defense X. Maintaining body temperature Y. Attracting prey Z. Species recognition

X. Maintaining body temperature

The southerly-flowing, warm-water current located just below the Brazil current at the tip of South America is known as the W. Benguela Current X. Malvina Current Y. Antarctic Circumpolar Z. Irminger Current

X. Malvina Current

What is the term used to describe organisms which are planktonic only in the larval stage? W. Holoplankton X. Meroplankton Y. Femtoplankton Z. Picoplankton

X. Meroplankton

To which of the following kingdoms do red, brown, and green algae belong? W. Monera X. Metaphyta Y. Fungi Z. Protista

X. Metaphyta

Which of the following Ocean phenomenon can also occur in the Great Lakes? W. Hurricanes X. Meteotsunamis Y. Turbidity currents Z. The Bloop

X. Meteotsunamis

Near which city is the US National Hurricane Center located? W. Woods Hole X. Miami Y. Cape Canaveral Z. Tampa

X. Miami

Which best describes the behavior of high-energy waves of winter storms? W. Move sand from offshore bars onto the beach X. Move sand from the beach out to offshore bars Y. Build up sand spits and tombolos Z. Hold sand on the beach and keep the beach stable

X. Move sand from the beach out to offshore bars

Which of the following gives jellyfish the ability to sting other organisms? W. Pneumatophores X. Nematocysts Y. Photophores Z. Nictitating membrane

X. Nematocysts

Lophophorates are characterized by having a special feeding organ known as a lophophore. Which of the following is not a phylum of lophophorates? W. Phoronida X. Nematoda Y. Bryozoa Z. Brachiopoda

X. Nematoda

Which two molecules increase in concentration in deep water as it travels from the North Atlantic to the North Pacific ocean? W. Oxygen and nitrate X. Nitrate and carbon dioxide Y. Oxygen and carbon dioxide Z. Carbon dioxide and carbon-14

X. Nitrate and carbon dioxide

Which if the following correctly orders the organisms in terms of increasing zonation? W. Land Crab> Clam> Olive Shell> Flounder X. Olive Shell>Flounder>Clam>Land Crab Y. Clam>Land Crab>Olive Shell>Flounder Z. Flounder>Clam>Land Crab>Olive Shell

X. Olive Shell>Flounder>Clam>Land Crab

Thick unconsolidated sediments are usually encountered W. In the rift valley of the mid-ocean mountains X. On the continental rise Y. In the deep marginal trenches Z. On the top of guyots (ghee'-ohs)

X. On the continental rise

In the 1975 movie, Jaws, what is the name of the boat used to hunt the great white shark? W. A Perfect Storm X. Orca Y. Melville Z. Orion

X. Orca

The fastest spreading seafloor, at approximately 150 km/Myr, is found at which plate boundary? W. Pacific-Indo-Australian X. Pacific-Nazca Y. Eurasian-African Z. Philippine-Pacific

X. Pacific-Nazca

Which type of ice can ships come in contact with, giving them the nickname "ice breakers" W. Polar Ice X. Pack Ice Y. Icebergs Z. Fast Ice

X. Pack Ice

Which of the following represents the most probable sequence of ice formation from early to late? W. Fast ice, pack ice, ice shelf X. Pancake ice, ice floe, pack ice Y. Iceberg, ice floe, ice shelf Z. Pack ice, ice floe, ice shelf

X. Pancake ice, ice floe, pack ice

While some characteristics of a wave may change during a wave's progression, which of the following characteristics will not change? W. Wavelength X. Period Y. Height Z. Celerity

X. Period

Which of the following pairs does not belong? W. Phylum Annelida - segmented bodies X. Phylum Bryozoa - gill slits Y. Phylum Pogonophora - gutless bodies Z. Phylum Ctenophora - eight-sided radial symmetry

X. Phylum Bryozoa - gill slits

Which of the following is not a part of the phylum, Cnidaria? W. Hydrozoans X. Planarians Y. Sea anemones Z. True jellyfishes

X. Planarians *Planarians are a part of the phylum called Platyhelminthes

Which of the following time period is when glaciation dominated the world W. Holocene X. Pleistocene Y. Miocene Z. Oligocene

X. Pleistocene

Which of the following ships was set to recreate the infamous journey of Fridtjof Nansen and the "Fram," in 2019? W. Fram II X. Polarstern Y. Arktika Z. USCGC Polar Star

X. Polarstern

Which of the following is incorrect/ W. Pressure can be found using the formula P=Force/Area X. Pressure is the measure of the force exerted by an object. Y. Pressure is the measure of the force applied over a given area Z. Pressure is measured in pascals.

X. Pressure is the measure of the force exerted by an object.

Which of the following layers is matched correctly? W. Halocline - Separates ocean layers of different temperatures X. Pycnocline - Separates ocean layers of different densities Y. Isothermal - Separates ocean layers of different salinity Z. Thermocline - Separates ocean layers of different pressures

X. Pycnocline - Separates ocean layers of different densities

Where are the largest tidal bores found? W. Salmon River X. Qiantang River Y. Shubenacadie River Z. Amazon River

X. Qiantang River

The MOSAiC Expedition was a year-long expedition to the Central Arctic Ocean that aimed to take the closest look ever at the Arctic as the epicenter of global warming and to gain fundamental insights that are key to better understanding global climate change. What was the research icebreaker that was used during this expedition? W. RV Araon X. RV Polarstern Y. RV Laurence M. Gould Z. RV Sikuliaq

X. RV Polarstern

Which body of water has the highest salinity? W. Mediterranean Sea X. Red Sea Y. Baltic Sea Z. Black Sea

X. Red Sea

What event will occur when the nutrient deposits from the Sahara desert enter the Florida waters? W. Brown tide X. Red tide Y. Green tide Z. Black tide

X. Red tide

Which of the following is not a formal coastal zone management response due to the rising of water levels along coastal areas like beaches? W. Accommodation X. Rehabilitation Y. Protection Z. Relocation

X. Rehabilitation

Which instrument showed that the sea floor is not at all flat, but has varying depths and features? W. ROV X. SONAR Y. AUV Z. LORAN


What is a body of water with a salinity of around 40 ppt called? W. Brine X. Saline Y. Brackish Z. Fresh

X. Saline

What was the name of the operation orchestrated by the USS Nautilus in 1958? W. Sand flats X. Rip rap X. Sandblast Z. Deep blue

X. Sandblast

Where was 'Treasure Island', written by Robert Louis Stevenson published? W. France X. Scotland Y. Denmark Z. Cuba

X. Scotland

Corals are most closely related to W. Barnacles X. Sea anemones Y. Clams Z. Sea urchins

X. Sea anemones

Which of the following is false regarding sea lions and seals? W. The forelimbs of the sea lion are longer X. Sea lions have internal ear flaps Y. Only the seal can drag its body Z. Seals and sea lions both have facial whiskers

X. Sea lions have internal ear flaps

The slaying of the Hydra was which of the 12 Labors of Hercules? W. First X. Second Y. Third Z. Fourth

X. Second

What does the gyroscopic compass do? W. Calculates magnetic variation X. Senses the Earth's rotation and orients its axis of rotation parallel to the Earth's axis of rotation Y. Utilizes the relatively long term fixed positions of the stars Z. Indicates latitude and longitude

X. Senses the Earth's rotation and orients its axis of rotation parallel to the Earth's axis of rotation

What does the gyroscopic compass do? W. Calculates magnetic variation X. Senses the earth's rotation and orients its axis of rotation parallel to the Earths axis of rotation Y. Utilizes the relatively long term fixed positions of the stars Z. Indicates latitude and longitude

X. Senses the earth's rotation and orients its axis of rotation parallel to the Earths axis of rotation

When did the Florida Spill occur? W. June 1956 X. September 1969 Y. October 1971 Z. December 1989

X. September 1969

Why does the Coriolis Effect influence the motion of winds and ocean currents? W. The Earth revolves around the sun X. The Earth rotates on its axis Y. The moon revolves around the Earth Z. The Earth's crustal plates are constantly in motion

X. The Earth rotates on its axis

The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 served to formalize which of the following? W. The Marine Pollution, Research, and Sanctuaries Act X. The Marine Mammal Health & Stranding Response Program Y. The Endangered Species Act Z. The Marine Mammal Wellness Coalition

X. The Marine Mammal Health & Stranding Response Program

When river water meets seawater W. The denser freshwater sinks below the less dense seawater X. The denser seawater sinks below the less dense freshwater Y. The freshwater becomes less dense as it mixes with the seawater Z. The seawater becomes more dense as it mixes with the freshwater

X. The denser seawater sinks below the less dense freshwater

Often called a "force of nature" due to his energetic personality, this president helped lay the foundation to protect wilderness and wildlife that shaped American land and culture, creating five national parks, 18 national monuments, 51 bird sanctuaries, and setting aside more than 100 million acres for national forests. Who was this president? W. Abraham Lincoln X. Theodore Roosevelt Y. Richard N. Nixon Z. Jimmy Carter

X. Theodore Roosevelt

Why are chelators important to marine organisms? W. They absorb sunlight X. They bind trace metals Y. They prevent sinking Z. They enhance feeding

X. They bind trace metals

Which of the following ships was impaled on the rocks of Seven Stones Reef in Cornwall, England? W. Fram X. Torrey Canyon Y. Mary Rose Z. RMS Republic

X. Torrey Canyon

Which best describes the concept of hurricanes as heat transfer engines? W. Transfer the sun's energy from temperate zones to polar zones X. Transfer the sun's energy from the tropics to temperate zones Y. Transfer the sun's energy from temperate zones to the tropics Z. Transfer the sun's energy from the northern to the southern hemispheres

X. Transfer the sun's energy from the tropics to temperate zones

Which of the following is a characteristic of the Class Annelida? W. Acoelomate X. Triploblastic Y. Radial symmetry Z. Deuterostomic

X. Triploblastic

The ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System was implemented on the west coast of the U.S. in order to alert people that the effects of an earthquake will be felt momentarily. Which governmental organization developed this system? W. Department of the Interior X. U.S. Geological Survey Y. National Weather Service Z. Environmental Protection Agency

X. U.S. Geological Survey

What was the first submarine that was able to stay underwater for longer than 48 hours? W. USS Triton X. USS Aquarius Y. USS Dolphin Z. USS Albacore

X. USS Aquarius

In the spring of the North Atlantic waters, there is an enormous diatom bloom, but in midsummer, this bloom stops. Which of the following is not a reason why the diatom bloom stops? W. Rapidly multiplying plant cells in the photic zone takes in the nutrients X. Upwelling caused turbidity in the waters to increase, limiting sunlight penetration through the water column Y. Intense grazing of zooplankton due to the ample plant food Z. Formation of a seasonal thermocline as surface water is warmed

X. Upwelling caused turbidity in the waters to increase, limiting sunlight penetration through the water column

Which of the following scientists was a Scandinavian pioneer in physical oceanography? W. Victor Hensen X. Vagn Walfrid Ekman Y. Charles Wyville Thompson Z. Fridtjof Nansen

X. Vagn Walfrid Ekman

The Polynesians were extensive explorers who settled much of the Pacific region. They settled all of the following lands except... W. New Zealand X. Vanuatu Y. Tonga Z. Easter Island

X. Vanuatu

At which sun phase is the sun over the equator and moving northward. W. Autumnal Equinox X. Vernal Equinox Y. Winter Solstice Z. Summer Solstice

X. Vernal Equinox

The Ports and Waterways Safety Act of 1972 provided the US Coast Guard the authority to construct, maintain, and operate which of the following services? W. Bridge to bridge radiotelephone service X. Vessel traffic service Y. Watch stander Z. Automatic identification system

X. Vessel traffic service

Most of the solar radiation reaching the earth's surface is in which part of the electromagnetic spectrum? W. Ultraviolet X. Visible Y. Infrared Z. Microwave

X. Visible

Which of the following statements regarding satellite sensors is not true? W. Thermal infrared radiometers measure sea-surface temperature X. Visible and near infrared radiometers measure surface wind speeds Y. Altimeters measure the heights and patterns of ocean currents and tides Z. High-resolution imaging radars measure ocean floor topography

X. Visible and near infrared radiometers measure surface wind speeds

Which of the following statements regarding satellite sensors is not true? W. Thermal infrared radiometers measure sea-surface temperature X. Visible and near infrared radiometers measure surface wind speeds Y. Altimeters measure the heights and patterns of ocean currents and tides Z. High-resolution imaging radars measure ocean floor topography.

X. Visible and near infrared radiometers measure surface wind speeds

In methane hydrates, what traps the methane gas? W. Carbon dioxide X. Water Y. Argon Z. Oxygen

X. Water

What are Rossby waves? W. Wave produced by wind X. Waves produced by the rotation of the earth Y. Sound waves passing a column Z. Orthogonal waves

X. Waves produced by the rotation of the earth

Sea lampreys are a destructive invasive species in the Great Lakes Region of the United States. What canal gave sea lampreys the ability to travel to the Great Lakes? W. Erie Canal X. Welland Canal Y. Cumberland Canal Z. Oswego Canal

X. Welland Canal

How are glacial deposits currently formed? W. When cold temperatures freeze seawater near land X. When Glaciers break down Y. When freezable material is thrown into the ocean by humans Z. When glaciers are exposed to warm waters

X. When Glaciers break down

The term albedo comes from the latin word albus, meaning what in English? W. Reflection X. White Y. Scattering Z. Surface

X. White

The Challenger Expedition of 1872 was known for producing many soundings in an attempt to map the ocean floor using weights tied to the bottom of ropes to then be lowered and measured. Approximately how heavy were the weights? W. 69.21 kg X. 77.67 kg Y. 90.72 kg Z. 121.78 kg

Y. 90.72 kg

In 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, the nautical measurement of 20,000 leagues is how many kilometers? W. 20,000 X. 94,000 Y. 96,000 Z. 96,000,000

Y. 96,000

Which of the following is usually found near subduction zones? W. A mid-ocean ridge X. A hydrothermal vent Y. A deep-sea trench Z. A flat abyssal plain

Y. A deep-sea trench

The epicenters of many large earthquakes are located near the Aleutian Islands because W. The Earth's crust is unusually thin there X. A mid-ocean ridge, where new oceanic crust is being generated, is located there Y. A subduction zone, resulting from the collision of two tectonic plates, is located there Z. The weight of the islands makes the Earth's crust unstable there

Y. A subduction zone, resulting from the collision of two tectonic plates, is located there

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act is the primary law governing marine fisheries management in U.S. federal waters. Which of the following is NOT one of the key objectives of this act? W. Prevent overfishing X. Rebuild overfished stocks Y. Adopting federal land management actions Z. Increase long-term economic and social benefits

Y. Adopting federal land management actions

The distance from equilibrium level to a wave's crest or trough is known as W. Wave height X. Wavelength Y. Amplitude Z. Period

Y. Amplitude

Which of these is not characteristic of members of the phylum Arthropoda? W. Articulated appendages X. Molting for growth Y. An exoskeleton of protein Z. Striated muscle

Y. An exoskeleton of protein

Which of the following components are not represented in the logo of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association? W. A seagull-like form X. A wave crest Y. An iceberg Z. A blue sky

Y. An iceberg

Who discovered that the White Cliffs of Dover contained layers of coccolithophorids? W. Robert Hooke X. Robert Brown Y. Anton van Leeuwenhoek Z. Camillio Golgi

Y. Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Cetaceans can stay submerged for long periods of time due to what? W. Sonar X. Blowholes Y. Apnea Z. Thick Blubber

Y. Apnea

The separation of which two plates is responsible for the formation of the Red Sea? W. Eurasian and Indian X. South American and Nazca Y. Arabian and African Z. Pacific and Juan de Fuca

Y. Arabian and African

Biogenic ooze, a type of pelagic sediment characterized by a minimum 30% composition of organism tests, is distributed with varying concentrations throughout the world's oceans. Which of the following statements concerning biogenous ooze is false? W. All ooze-contributing organisms are single-celled with the exception of diatoms. X. Calcareous ooze is less commonly found at the bottoms of colder oceans because the lower temperatures dissolve calcium carbonate more readily. Y. As you move from the continental shelf to open ocean areas, the number of diatoms present increases, thus increasing the amount of siliceous ooze. Z. The average depth of the lysocline, the point at which calcium carbonate begins to dissolve most rapidly, is 4000 meters.

Y. As you move from the continental shelf to open ocean areas, the number of diatoms present increases, thus increasing the amount of siliceous ooze.

Biogenous ooze, a type of pelagic sediment characterized by a minimum 30% composition of organism tests, is distributed with varied concentrations throughout the world's oceans. Which of the following statements concerning biogenous ooze is false? W. All ooze-contributing organisms are single-celled with the exception of diatoms. X. Calcareous ooze is less commonly found at the bottoms of colder oceans because the lower temperatures dissolve calcium carbonate more readily. Y. As you move from the continental shelf to open ocean areas, the number of diatoms present increases, thus increasing the amount of siliceous ooze. Z. The average depth of the lysocline, the point at which calcium carbonate begins to dissolve most rapidly, is 4000 meters.

Y. As you move from the continental shelf to open ocean areas, the number of diatoms present increases, thus increasing the amount of siliceous ooze.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the phylum, Platyhelminthes? W. Bilaterally symmetrical X. Carnivorous Y. Asexual reproduction by budding Z. Unsegmented body

Y. Asexual reproduction by budding

Glovers Reef, located off the southern coast of Belize, has been named a World Heritage Site for its biodiversity. What type of reef is Glovers Reef? W. Barrier X. Fringing Y. Atoll Z. Patch

Y. Atoll

What does ABE stand for? W. Autonomous Bottom Explorer X. Autonomous Benthic Explorer Y. Automatic Benthic Engine Z. Automatic Bathymetric Engine

Y. Automatic Benthic Engine

Which of the following is not a characteristic of summertime beaches? W. Depositional X. Steep beach face Y. Backwash dominates Z. Spread out waves

Y. Backwash dominates

Which of the following is not included in the Seven Seas of Greek Literature? W. Aegean Sea X. Persian Gulf Y. Baltic Sea Z. Caspian Sea

Y. Baltic Sea

What is the world's second-largest reef complex? W. Florida Keys Reef Tract X. Australian Great Barrier Reef Y. Belize Barrier Reef Z. Palau Reef Tract

Y. Belize Barrier Reef

Where are you most likely to find a fresh water lens? W. At the mouth of a river X. Suspended below salt water Y. Beneath a sandy oceanic island Z. In an estuary

Y. Beneath a sandy oceanic island

Where does the relative motion of a transform fault occur? W. Outside the adjacent ridge axes X. West of the adjacent ridge axes Y. Between the adjacent ridge axes Z. East of the adjacent ridge axes

Y. Between the adjacent ridge axes

As determined by the U.S. Geological Survey, which substance is most abundant in river water? W. Sodium X. Silica Y. Bicarbonate Z. Nitrate

Y. Bicarbonate

The uniform composition of sediment in some areas of the seafloor could result from which of the following biological processes? W. Formation of graded bedding X. Dredging Y. Bioturbation Z. Denitrification

Y. Bioturbation

The IPCC and the Kyoto Protocol were created to promote the reductions of human-produced greenhouse emissions that are part of the enhanced greenhouse effect. IPCC stands for- W. International Protection of Climate Control X. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Y. International Panel on Climate Change Z. Intergovernmental Protection of Climate Control

Y. International Panel on Climate Change

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Langmuir circulation? W. It is produced by the wind X. It was first observed in the Sargasso Sea Y. It occurs only where there is coastal upwelling Z. It results in streaks of foam and debris along the surface of the ocean

Y. It occurs only where there is coastal upwelling

Which of the following is true of the supraorbital gland in penguins? W. It expels salt secretions while the penguin is on land X. It produces the oils necessary for preening Y. It separates salt secretions while the penguin is in water Z. It regulates thyroid hormones

Y. It separates salt secretions while the penguin is in water

What can cause unusual weather by steering air masses? W. Cold Fronts X. Warm Fronts Y. Jet Streams Z. Oscillations

Y. Jet Streams

Who came up with the iron hypothesis? W, Jacques Cousteau X. Harry Hess Y. John Martin Z. Sylvia Earle

Y. John Martin

Who is the physiologist also known as the father of modern decompression theory, who was the first scientist to apply a scientific approach to predicting decompression? W. Paul Bert X. Matthew Fontaine Maury Y. John Scott Haldane Z. Alphonse Jaminet

Y. John Scott Haldane

Which of the following is a characteristic of phylum Arthropoda? W. Water vascular system X. Colloblasts Y. Jointed appendages Z. Spicules

Y. Jointed appendages

Point Nemo is the location in the ocean that is farthest from the land. The location is named after the protagonist from the famous novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Who authored this novel? W. Herman Melville X, Ernest Hemmingway Y. Jules Verne Z. Rachel Carson

Y. Jules Verne

Between what months is hurricane season? W. January - April X. March-August Y. June - November Z. July - September

Y. June - November

Aseismic ridges are straight, long mountainous structures where earthquakes do not occur. Most of these ridges are constructed by volcanism from a hotspot and have volcanoes of various sizes. An example of an Aseismic ridge is the Indian Ocean's, Ninetyeast Ridge. This ridge is thought to have originated from volcanic activity from which of the following islands? W. Hawaiian Islands X. North Sentinel Islands Y. Kerguelen Islands Z. Rottnest Islands

Y. Kerguelen Islands

Which type of heat changes the state of a substance, but does not raise its temperature? W. Transforming heat X. Sensible heat Y. Latent heat Z. Converting heat

Y. Latent heat

Which of the following is not a stage in the ecological succession of a decomposing whale carcass? W. Opportunist X. Scavenger Y. Lipidation Z. Sulfophilic

Y. Lipidation

The most common way that PCBs affect both fish and humans is in causing W. Tumors in the mouth X. Brain damage Y. Liver cancer Z. A weak heart and blood vessels

Y. Liver cancer

Which of the following is not an adaptation by sharks to stay afloat? W. Heterocercal tail X. Long pectoral fins Y. Livers containing less oil Z. Greater presence of myomeres

Y. Livers containing less oil

On average, how do low clouds affect the surface temperature, compared to a clear sky? W. Low clouds warm the surface by increasing the greenhouse effect X. Low clouds cool the surface by increasing the energy emitted to space Y. Low clouds cool the surface by increasing the albedo Z. It depends on whether they are comprised of ice or liquid water

Y. Low clouds cool the surface by increasing the albedo

Which pirate controlled the largest fleet of ships and men in history? W. Henry Morgan X. Black Beard Y. Madame Cheng Z. Captain Kidd

Y. Madame Cheng

What elements if substantially depleted in high-temperature hydrothermal vent solutions compared to seawater? W. Strontium X. Calcium Y. Magnesium Z. Iron

Y. Magnesium

The Alvin is categorized as what type of marine technology equipment? W. Remotely operated vehicle X. Autonomous underwater vehicle Y. Manned submersible Z. Research vessel

Y. Manned submersible

What was the name of Dory's childhood home that she remembered as "The Jewel of Morro Bay, California?" W. Wildlife Conservation X. California Fish Retreat Y. Marine Life Institute Z. Aquatic Life Reserve

Y. Marine Life Institute

The North American Jet Stream is a relatively narrow band of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere. Which two major air masses does its flow intersect with? W. Maritime Tropical and Continental Polar X. Continental Arctic and Continental Polar Y. Maritime Polar and Continental Polar Z. Maritime Tropical and Maritime Polar

Y. Maritime Polar and Continental Polar

What can you determine by measuring the concentrations of iron and magnesium in adjacent pairs of garnet and amphibole? W. Maximum frictional temperature X. Maximum atmospheric temperature Y. Maximum metamorphic temperature Z. Maximum purity temperature

Y. Maximum metamorphic temperature

Jacques Cousteau made the first attempt to live underwater at a depth of 20 meters. In what sea did he make this attempt? W. Red Sea X. Aegean Sea Y. Mediterranean Sea Z. Caspian Sea

Y. Mediterranean Sea

Where did Hurricane Katrina first make landfall? W. New Orleans, Louisiana X. Orlando, Florida Y. Miami, Florida Z. Jacksonville, Florida

Y. Miami, Florida

Which of the following is NOT a clay mineral found in marine sediments? W. Chlorite X. Illite Y. Muscovite Z. Kaolinite

Y. Muscovite

In which suborder are slow swimming whales, which also lack teeth, classified? W. Odontoceti X. Cetacea Y. Mysticeti Z. Orcinae

Y. Mysticeti

What is the most abundant gas by proportion in the atmosphere? W. Argon X. Carbon dioxide Y. Nitrogen Z. Oxygen

Y. Nitrogen

Which of the following deep water currents would be adversely affected by the melting of the ice caps in northern latitudes by global warming, resulting in an increase of freshwater inputs? W. Antarctic Intermediate Water X. Mediterranean Intermediate Water Y. North Atlantic Deep Water Z. Antarctic Bottom Water

Y. North Atlantic Deep Water

Most hurricanes occur in the W. North Atlantic X. South Atlantic Y. North Pacific Z. South Pacific

Y. North Pacific

Which of the following was not involved in collecting data about tectonic processes? W. Deep Sea Drilling Project X. NOAA Sea-Floor Drilling Project Y. Ocean Drilling Program Z. Seabeam drilling program

Y. Ocean Drilling Program

During which month is the ozone layer the thinnest at the poles? W. June X. August Y. October Z. December

Y. October

What month is the polar summer? W. January X. June Y. October Z. December

Y. October

Where is the continental shelf the narrowest? W. Off the coast of eastern China X. Off the coast of eastern North America Y. Off the coast of western South America Z. Off the coast of northern Canada

Y. Off the coast of western South America

Dugongs are classified in the order of mammals called Sirenia. Where are dugongs found? W. Along the coasts of California X. In the warm, shallow waters of Florida Y. Off the east coast of Africa Z. In the shallow waters of the Caribbean

Y. Off the east coast of Africa

Which state is not a part of Tornado Alley? W. Kansas X. Nebraska Y. Ohio Z. Texas

Y. Ohio

Through Seaspeak, how would a sailor say the time 10:45? W. Ten forty-five X. Ten-four five Y. One zero four five Z. One zero forty-five

Y. One zero four five

What was the code name for the first submerged circumnavigation of the world, executed by the United States Navy nuclear-powered radar picket submarine USS Triton in 1960 under the command of Captain Edward L. Beach Jr.? W. Operation Sandstorm X. Operation Neptune Spear Y. Operation Sandblast Z. Operation Neptune

Y. Operation Sandblast

At which point in its anatomy would the greatest water flow rate be more important for a sponge? W. Ostium X. Chanocyte chamber Y. Osculum Z. Atrium

Y. Osculum

Which of the following choices correctly pairs the set of geologic time periods with their appropriate Age, the term 'Age' having been used to describe the focus of evolutionary progression during that period? W. Ordovician and Cambrian; "Age of Fishes" X. Devonian and Silurian; "Age of Invertebrates" Y. Permian and Carboniferous; "Age of Amphibians" Z. Cretaceous and Jurassic; "Age of Dinosaurs"

Y. Permian and Carboniferous; "Age of Amphibians"

Which quality common of transform boundaries allows for spreading at the mid-ocean ridge to occur at different rates at different locations? W. Gently-sloped shelves X. Shallow earthquakes Y. Perpendicularly-oriented offsets Z. Great differences in density

Y. Perpendicularly-oriented offsets

Which of the following radionuclides used in marine and lacustrine studies is not produced by cosmic rays? W. Helium 3 X. Beryllium 7 Y. Phosphorus 34 Z. Carbon 14

Y. Phosphorus 34

In which epoch were most glacier deposits formed? W. Neogene X. Paleocene Y. Pleistocene Z. Pliocene

Y. Pleistocene

Which of the following is not a symbiotic relationship found among marine organisms? W. Algal cells living within the tissue of flatworms X. Bioluminescent bacteria living in the body cavities of squids Y. Polychaete worms living among the gills of groupers Z. Anemones attached to the shells of hermit crabs

Y. Polychaete worms living among the gills of groupers

During the spring in the Chesapeake Bay Estuary, specifically in the months of May to August, waters can become anoxic beneath the W. Isohaline layer X. Thermocline layer Y. Pycnocline layer Z. Halocline layer

Y. Pycnocline layer

What single-celled protozoans are symmetrical and do not photosynthesize? W. Diatoms X. Coccolithophores Y. Radiolarians Z. Copepods

Y. Radiolarians

When calculating a position fix, a GPS receiver solves for four position variables: longitude, latitude, height, and what other variable? W. Satellite speed X. Receiver speed Y. Receiver time drift Z. Satellite time drift

Y. Receiver time drift

All of these are aspects of an El Nino-Southern Oscillation except W. Warmer waters along the west coast of South America X. Increase upwelling and shallower thermocline in the eastern Pacific Y. Reversal of trade winds Z. Increase upwelling during the warm phase along the western Pacific

Y. Reversal of trade winds

Members of the phylum Nemertea are referred to by which common name? W. Tapeworms X. Arrow worms Y. Ribbon worms Z. Acorn worms

Y. Ribbon worms

Which of the following not another name for the giant oarfish? W. King of herring X. Streamer fish Y. Ribbonfish Z. Paddlefish

Y. Ribbonfish

Who was the first person to uncover the thermal vents in the Galapagos rift? W. Fridtjof Nansen X. Richard Dixon Y. Robert Ballard Z. Joshua Slocum

Y. Robert Ballard

Who was the first person to uncover the thermal vents in the Galapagos rift? W. Fridtjof Nansen X. Richard Dixon Y. Robert Ballard Z. Joshua Slocum

Y. Robert Ballard

Which landmass is the oldest? W. Gondwanaland X. Pangea Y. Rodinia Z. Laurasia

Y. Rodinia

The United States EEZ was established to advance the development of ocean resources and protection of the marine environment through Proclamation 5030. Which president issued this proclamation? W. Richard Nixon X. Harry S. Truman Y. Ronald Reagan Z. Jimmy Carter

Y. Ronald Reagan

Which of the following caudal fin aspect ratios is in ascending order? W. Truncate, Rounded, Heterocercal, Lunate X. Lunate, Truncate, Heterocercal, Rounded Y. Rounded, Truncate, Lunate, Heterocercal Z. Heterocercal, Lunate, Truncate, Rounded

Y. Rounded, Truncate, Lunate, Heterocercal

Which of the following statements does not reflect the correct relationship between a property of seawater with increasing depth? W. Sound velocity varies inversely to a depth of 3,000 ft then becomes directly proportional X. Light/color vary inversely, attenuating all but the color blue by 300 ft Y. Temperature varies directly, with the shallowest depths experiencing the greatest change Z. Density varies directly and is a result in changes to temperature and salinity

Y. Temperature varies directly, with the shallowest depths experiencing the greatest change

Which of the following statement about hagfishes is NOT true? W. Hagfish belong to the phylum Chordata X. The Pacific hagfish use the sharp teeth in their round mouths to burrow into the bodies of dead or dying fish Y. The Atlantic hagfish lack teeth and are filter feeders that primarily feed on zooplankton Z. Hagfish belong to the superclass Agnatha

Y. The Atlantic hagfish lack teeth and are filter feeders that primarily feed on zooplankton

Which of the following rivers input the most amounts of silt to oceans? W. The Yukon River X. The Amazon River Y. The Ganges River Z. The Yellow River

Y. The Ganges River

The Shasta Dam is one of the largest dams in the United States. The 602-foot high dam holds water from which river? W. The San Maguire River X. The American River Y. The Sacramento River Z. The Guadalupe River

Y. The Sacramento River

Of the following, where are semidiurnal tides most likely to occur? W. The U.S. West Coast X. The Gulf of Mexico Y. The U.S. East Coast Z. The Caribbean Sea

Y. The U.S. East Coast

How does increasing atmospheric pressure affect the boiling point of water? W. The boiling point decreases X. The boiling point does not change Y. The boiling point increases Z. Water does not boil at higher pressures

Y. The boiling point increases

Which of the following statements regarding the Mediterranean Sea is true? W. It has high biological productivity. X. There is a high concentration of phosphates in the surface layer of the sea. Y. The density of the surface water is high. Z. High amounts of plant production occur locally during winter and early spring. Y. The density of the surface water is high.

Y. The density of the surface water is high.

Which of the following describes the heat flow of hot mantle rocks in the mesosphere? W. The heat is radiated X. The heat is conducted Y. The heat is convected Z. There is no heat flow

Y. The heat is convected

Generally, the higher you go on a biomass pyramid, what happens? W. The number of organisms increases, and the biomass increases X. The number of organisms increases, and the biomass decreases Y. The number of organisms decreases, and the biomass decreases Z. The number of organisms decreases, and the biomass increases

Y. The number of organisms decreases, and the biomass decreases

What is eustasy? W. The erosion for volcanic islands X. The rise of coastal mountains due to converging crustal plates Y. The rise and fall of sea level over time Z. The variation in abundance of birds on an island

Y. The rise and fall of sea level over time

The greater the pressure differential over a given distance W. The more gentle the pressure gradient X. The thinner the pressure gradient Y. The steeper the pressure gradient Z. The wider the pressure gradient

Y. The steeper the pressure gradient

Why are oxygen concentrations greater below 1500m? W. The greater the depth the more oxygen the water molecules will be able to take in X. There are fewer producers here producing oxygen Y. There are fewer consumers at these depths Z. The hydrothermal vents create a circulation current that takes the Oxygen away

Y. There are fewer consumers at these depths

Bruce is the Great White Shark in the movie Finding Nemo. Which of the following is FALSE about this species? W. They are mainly cartilaginous instead of having bones X. They cannibalize their siblings while in the womb Y. They have one dorsal fin Z. They have Skin covered with dermal denticles

Y. They have one dorsal fin

In the Disney movie Hercules, how many heads of the hydra appear after one has been cut? W. One X. Two Y. Three Z. Four

Y. Three

The difference between sea level at high tide and sea level at low tide is called the W. Tidal frequency X. Tidal period Y. Tidal range Z. Tidal wavelength

Y. Tidal range

For which of the following waves is depth less than 1/20 of wavelength? W. Capillary wave X. Microwave Y. Tidal wave Z. Surging breaker

Y. Tidal wave

Phileas Fogg, a rich British gentleman with a competitive spirit, bets his friends 20,000 pounds that he can sail around the world in 80 days in Jules Vernes' esteemed novel, Around the World in 80 Days. About halfway through his voyage, all signs begin to point towards the fact that Fogg is bound to lose the bet. In the home stretch though, things begin to look up for the young sailor as he completes his voyage with time to spare. What factor did he not account for that enabled him to complete his journey on time? W. Assistance of the Gulf Stream in carrying him across the Atlantic Ocean X. Concurrence with global wind belts Y. Time gained by traveling eastward Z. Time gained by traveling westward

Y. Time gained by traveling eastward

How are coral reefs formed? W. Movements of the Earth's crust due to plate tectonics X. Tiny plants related to diatoms that deposit the mineral silica Y. Tiny animals related to sea anemones that deposit the mineral calcium carbonate Z. Tiny animals related to amphipods that deposit hard skeletons made of chitin

Y. Tiny animals related to sea anemones that deposit the mineral calcium carbonate

The Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act was proposed by President Truman, in order to extend the EEZ of the United States to 200 miles. Which of the following was not one of its key objectives? W. To prevent overfishing X. To Rebuild Overfished Stocks Y. To Increase short term economic benefits Z. To Conserve essential fish habitats

Y. To Increase short term economic benefits

The major ocean current of the Arctic Ocean used by the MOSAiC expedition is the W. Labrador Current X. East Greenland Current Y. Transpolar Drift Stream Z. Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Y. Transpolar Drift Stream

What fishing method is most destructive to benthic communities? W. Longlining X. Purse Seining Y. Trawling Z. Drift netting

Y. Trawling

Hypsographic curves show the relationship between the height of land and the depth of the ocean. Based on the curves, approximately what is the average ocean depth and average land elevation, respectively? W. 3730 Meters and 1500 Meters X. 6020 Meters and 3730 Meters Y. 800 Meters and 6020 Meters Z. 3730 Meters and 800 Meters

Z. 3730 Meters and 800 Meters

What is the approximate maximum sea surface temperature ever recorded in the ocean? W. 28 degrees Celsius X. 32 degrees Celsius Y. 36 degrees Celsius Z. 40 degrees Celsius

Z. 40 degrees Celsius

What is the barycenter of the Earth-moon system to the nearest hundred kilometer? W. 1600 km from the center of the Earth X. 2600 km from the center of the Earth Y. 3600 km from the center of the Earth Z. 4600 km from the center of the Earth

Z. 4600 km from the center of the Earth

What percent of the world's deep ocean floor is covered by calcareous oozes? W. 12% X. 27% Y. 33% Z. 48%

Z. 48%

At your location, it is 1630 Greenwich Mean Time at local astronomical noon, when the Sun is at its zenith. Your location is at what longitude? W. 45 degrees 30 minutes E X. 45 degrees 30 minutes W Y. 67 degrees 30 minutes E Z. 67 degrees 30 minutes W

Z. 67 degrees 30 minutes W

What percentage of abyssal clay originated from the continents? W. 20% X. 40% Y. 50% Z. 70%

Z. 70%

The Asthenosphere extends from the base of the lithosphere to what depth? W. 500 km X. 600 km Y. 650 km Z. 700 km

Z. 700 km

How many different species of sargassum make up the biomass found in the Sargasso Sea? W. 2 X. 5 Y. 6 Z. 8

Z. 8

What classifies a tropical storm? W. Category 1 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale X. 3 on the Wentworth Scale Y. Category 6 on the Mohs Scale Z. 8 on the Beaufort Scale

Z. 8 on the Beaufort Scale

How many hours would it take to get a ship across the Panama Canal? W. 2-3 X. 4-6 Y. 5-7 Z. 8-10

Z. 8-10

To be considered 'protoplasm,' a colorless material comprising the living part of a cell, the gelatinous substance must be at least what percent water? W. 50 X. 60 Y. 70 Z. 80

Z. 80

The Ekman spiral indicates that the direction of water movement changes with increasing depth. How does the net water transport compare to the wind? W. 45° left X. 45° right Y. 90° left Z. 90° right

Z. 90° right

Which of the following correctly defines the term 'nurdle'? W. A small, circular indentation in the sand close to the shoreline, indicative of underlying turtle nests X. A baby grunion Y. A miniature buoy, completely spherical in shape and used to mark off minor inlets along a shoreline Z. A small, pre-production plastic pellet to be melted and manufactured into a plastic product

Z. A small, pre-production plastic pellet to be melted and manufactured into a plastic product

Which ocean zone contains over 75% of the total volume of the world's ocean? W. Bathyal zone X. Neritic zone Y. Photic zone Z. Abyssal zone

Z. Abyssal zone

What is an air gap? W. A bubble that forms in the deep ocean due to dissolved gases X. A drastic change in pressure in the atmosphere Y. The change in the buoyancy of a ship Z. Account for changes in water level and bridge height

Z. Account for changes in water level and bridge height

Which of the following daughters of Triton are incorrectly paired with their sea? W. Aquata; Coral Sea X. Adrena; Caribbean Sea Y. Arista; White Sea Z. Adena; Solomon Sea

Z. Adena; Solomon Sea

Which of the following is not a current that is included in the circulation of the South Atlantic Gyre? W. Benguela Current X. Brazil Current Y. South Equatorial Current Z. Agulhas Current

Z. Agulhas Current

What does the acronym, AWI, stand for? W. Agriculture of Water Institution for the Use of Fertilizers X. Arctic Waters Institute for Marine Research Y. Animal Welfare Institute of the Ocean Z. Alfred Wegener Institute for the Polar and Marine Research

Z. Alfred Wegener Institute for the Polar and Marine Research

Which of the following is the largest species of amphipod ever observed, with some individuals reaching up to 34 centimeters long? W. Eurythenes gryllus X. Hirondellea gigas Y. Gammarus roeseli Z. Alicella gigantea

Z. Alicella gigantea

Which scientist was a predecessor to Alfred Wegener and published The Creation and its Mysteries Unveiled where he proposed that the continents were once connected? W. Francis Paget X. Georges-Louis Leclerc Y. Sir Francis Bacon Z. Antonio Snider-Pellegrini

Z. Antonio Snider-Pellegrini

Deep-red jellyfish, scientifically named Crossota norvegica, are found in which ocean? W. Atlantic X. Pacific Y. Southern Z. Arctic

Z. Arctic

Paying homage to the ancient Greek mythological hero Jason, scientists at WHOI launched the Jason-Medea ROV pairing in 1988. Three years earlier, though, they'd developed a different dual-vehicle system, also named for Jason and his many adventures. What was the name of this pairing? W. Jason-Aetius X. Pelias-Jason Y. Jason-Argonaut Z. Argo-Jason

Z. Argo-Jason

Out of these choices, which body of water has the highest salinity? W. Pacific Ocean X. Indian Ocean Y. Arctic Ocean Z. Atlantic Ocean

Z. Atlantic Ocean

If a peat bed can be found beneath the ocean beach of a barrier island, it is evidence that the W. Beach is very young X. Beach is becoming increasingly coarse Y. Longshore transport is decreasing Z. Barrier island is moving landward

Z. Barrier island is moving landward

Why did Early Portuguese explorers give the southernmost cape of Africa the name "Cape of Agulhas?" W. Because the Agulhas current runs there. X. Because the strong Western Boundary Agulhas Current has eroded underwater seamounts to create underwater "needle-like" mountains. Y. Because the coast seen from the cape was lined with thin and tall trees that resembled needles. Z. Because "the needle" in a compass at the Cape of Agulhas points exactly north with no magnetic deviation.

Z. Because "the needle" in a compass at the Cape of Agulhas points exactly north with no magnetic deviation.

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about marine mammal blubber? W. Harbor porpoise cannot fast and mobilize their blubber reserves X. Large whales fast and mobilize their blubber reserves for weeks or months Y. Blubber acts as an effective insulator against cold Z. Blubber is non-vascularized

Z. Blubber is non-vascularized

What subphylum of arthropods includes horseshoe crabs? W. Crustacea X. Hexapoda Y. Myriapoda Z. Chelicerata

Z. Chelicerata

What is the name for the specialized cells in a sponge that enable it to actively pump water through its body? W. Amoebocytes X. Sclerocytes Y. Mesenchymes Z. Choanocytes

Z. Choanocytes

What are the special pigmented cells in the skin of some octopuses that allow them to camouflage called? W. Veliger X. Pneumatophores Y. Photophores Z. Chromatophores

Z. Chromatophores

Which of the following organisms does NOT accumulate calcium carbonate? W. Coccolithophores X. Pteropods Y. Foraminifera Z. Cladocera

Z. Cladocera

The CCAMLR came into force in 1982 and is important for conserving marine resource use. What does CCAMLR stand for? W. Convention on the Conservation of Atlantic Marine Living Resources X. Compromise on the Conservation of Atlantic Marine Living Resources Y. Compromise on the Conservation of Arctic Marine Living Resources Z. Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

Z. Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

The Great Loop is a continuous waterway that allows mariners to explore Eastern North America. Which of the following National Marine Sanctuaries would you not encounter while traveling along the Great Loop? W. Gray's Reef X. Florida Keys Y. Flower Garden Banks Z. Cordell Bank

Z. Cordell Bank

How is Oceanic Common Water created? W. Created when Antarctic Bottom Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water mix X. Created when Antarctic Intermediate Water and North Atlantic Deep Water do not mix Y. Created when Antarctic Bottom Water and North Atlantic Deep Water do not mix Z. Created when Antarctic Bottom Water and North Atlantic Deep Water mix

Z. Created when Antarctic Bottom Water and North Atlantic Deep Water mix

Which of the following is not a streamlining animal? W. Penguins X. Walruses Y. Turtles Z. Cuttlefish

Z. Cuttlefish

Which developed body shape can help to minimize the effects of surface and form drag among marine fish species? W. Rectangular X. Circular Y. Elliptical Z. Cylindrical

Z. Cylindrical

What is the name of the active caldera in Antarctica? W. Mount Erebus X. Richmond Island Y. Coleman Island Z. Deception Island

Z. Deception Island

What name was given to the 20 foot long great white shark first filmed in 2013 by shark researcher Mauricio Hoyos Padilla? W. Great Blue X. Dark Blue Y. Big Blue Z. Deep Blue

Z. Deep Blue

Which of the following would not be affected by ocean acidification? W. Coral reefs X. Coccolithophores Y. Mollusk Shells Z. Diatoms

Z. Diatoms

Capillary waves are restored by a force known as water tension, a product of water's cohesive properties. What type of physical interaction keeps water molecules attracted to one another? W. Polar covalent bonding X. Ion-dipole interactions Y. Ionic bonding Z. Dipole-dipole interactions

Z. Dipole-dipole interactions

Which type of tide occurs on the coast of Alaska? W. Perigean Tides X. Mixed Tides Y. Semidiurnal Z. Diurnal

Z. Diurnal

The residence time of an element is a function of the amount of that element in the ocean W. Multiplied by the revolution rates of oceanic gyres X. Divided by the amount of annual precipitation Y. Multiplied by the average annual rate of evaporation Z. Divided by the rate at which the element is added or removed from the ocean

Z. Divided by the rate at which the element is added or removed from the ocean

What is the order of development of underwater suits? W. Diving chamber, Jim Suit, diving suit, and SCUBA X. Jim Suit, SCUBA, Diving chamber, and diving suit Y. SCUBA, diving suit, diving chamber, and Jim Suit Z. Diving chamber, diving suit, SCUBA, and Jim Suit

Z. Diving chamber, diving suit, SCUBA, and Jim Suit

Which of the following is not a typical vector for the introduction of aquatic invasive species? W. Ballast water exchange X. The home aquarium industry Y. Aquaculture Z. Drinking water treatment systems

Z. Drinking water treatment systems

Which of the following is an example of a drowned river valley, otherwise known as a coastal plain estuary? W. Glacier Bay X. San Francisco Bay Y. Pamlico Sound Z. Ems River

Z. Ems River

Which of the following types of coral is least likely to be damaged by violent storm conditions? W. Branching coral X. Elkhorn Coral Y. Pillar Coral Z. Encrusting coral

Z. Encrusting coral

All of the following are filter feeders except W. Blue Whale X.Mussels Y. Krill Z. Ethereal sponge

Z. Ethereal sponge

What type of organism is Antarctic krill? W. Copepod X. Salp Y. Amphipod Z. Euphausid

Z. Euphausid

What type of reaction is cellular respiration considered? W. Endothermic X. Catalytic Y. Inorganic Z. Exothermic

Z. Exothermic

Which of the following correctly matches the order and its common name? W. Cetacea - walrus X. Pinnipeds - polar bears Y. Sirenians - dolphins Z. FIssipeds - sea otters

Z. FIssipeds - sea otters

The Uca pugnax is the scientific name for the marine animal species known as the... W. Feather Duster Worm X. Redfin Needlefish Y. Sea Urchin Z. Fiddler crab

Z. Fiddler crab

The process in which fine clay particles in suspended mud clumps together and more easily sink to the seafloor is known as W. Combination X. Conglomeration Y. Sedimentation Z. Flocculation

Z. Flocculation

What type of caudal fin do whales pose? W. Lateral fin X. Vertical fin Y. Horizontal fin Z. Fluke fin

Z. Fluke fin

Which major solute in seawater is least abundant? W. Calcium X. Boric Acid Y. Strontium Z. Fluoride

Z. Fluoride

The Marine Cable, also known as the Undersea Cable, is an insulated tube laid on the ocean floor for the transmission of messages. The success of the Marine Cable relied heavily on bathymetry and general knowledge of the seafloor. In 1850, the first-ever Marine Cable was laid. Between what two countries was it laid? W. Portugal and Italy X. The United States and England Y. The United States and Spain Z. France and England

Z. France and England

The prominent horseshoe shapes on a moon jellyfish are its W. Mesoglea X. Intestines Y. Orifices Z. Gonads

Z. Gonads

Agar-agar is obtained from W. Laminaria X. Chlorella Y. Ascophyllum Z. Gracilaria

Z. Gracilaria

National marine sanctuaries are protected waters that include habitats such as rocky reefs, kelp forests, deep-sea canyons, and underwater archaeological sites. Which of the following is NOT one of the national marine sanctuaries located on the west coast of the United States? W. Greater Farallones X. Monterey Bay Y. Cordell Bank Z. Gray's Reef

Z. Gray's Reef

Many reef fish have also evolved cryptic coloration to confuse predators. Which of the following is not an example of a reef-fish? W. Grouper X. Angelfish Y. Damselfish Z. Grayling

Z. Grayling

In the movie Jaws, Bruce the shark was what type of shark? W. Megalodon X. Tiger Y. Sand Z. Great White

Z. Great White

According to NOAA, the top 3 most dangerous species in terms of documented attacks are W. Bull shark, Tiger shark, Blue shark X. Great White Shark, Tiger Shark, Lemon Shark Y. Bull Shark, Tiger Shark, Grey Nurse Shark Z. Great White Shark, Bull Shark, Tiger Shark

Z. Great White Shark, Bull Shark, Tiger Shark

What is the primary source of moisture for the North American monsoon? W. Gulf of Mexico X. Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada snowpack Y. Evaporation in Great Plains Z. Gulf of California and Eastern Pacific Ocean

Z. Gulf of California and Eastern Pacific Ocean

Which environmental concern is reported to be the greatest threat to 2,500 species in the U.S.? W. Pollution X. Invasive Species Y. Overexploitation Z. Habitat Loss

Z. Habitat Loss

A classic example of hot spot-generated volcanic peaks that originated at least 70 million years ago is the W. Line Islands X. Mariana Islands Y. St. Pauls Rocks Z. Hawaiian Islands

Z. Hawaiian Islands

Which of the following does not classify Coccolithophores? W. Nannoplankton X. Photosynthetic algae Y. Rock Chalk Z. Heterotroph

Z. Heterotroph

Sea cucumbers are marine animals with a leathery skin and an elongated body containing a single, branched gonad. What class do sea cucumbers belong to? W. Echinoidea X. Ophiuroidea Y. Asteroidea Z. Holothuroidea

Z. Holothuroidea

Alkaline substances release which ion in water? W. Hydrogen X. Hydronium Y. Hydride Z. Hydroxide

Z. Hydroxide

How are icebergs formed? W. Ice forming in the deep ocean X. Ice freezing over the ocean Y. Ice freezing over lakes Z. Ice breaking off of glaciers

Z. Ice breaking off of glaciers

Which of the following triggers a spring diatom bloom? W. Increased oxygen content X. Decreased Oxygen content Y. Decreased solar radiation Z. Increased Solar Radiation

Z. Increased Solar Radiation

Which of the following results in the high speed of sound in bottom ocean waters? W. Low salinity X. High temperature Y. Low pressure Z. Increased density and pressure

Z. Increased density and pressure

What is another name for centrifugal attraction? W. Centripetal force X. Resultant force Y. Tide-generating force Z. Inertia

Z. Inertia

Which of the following is not a United Nations agency that handles ocean policy issues? W. Food and Agriculture Organization X. United Nations Development Program Y. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commissions Z. International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Z. International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Hydrogen bonding produces what kind of chains and clusters of water molecules? W. Linear X. Proportional Y. Regular Z. Irregular

Z. Irregular

Which characteristic does NOT describe a tsunami? W. It can pass across the deep ocean without being noticed X. It can be a few meters high with a length extending over 750 kilometers in the deep ocean Y. It can propagate at a speed exceedings 700 kilometers per hour in the deep ocean Z. It is dangerous when one encounters a tsunami in the deep ocean

Z. It is dangerous when one encounters a tsunami in the deep ocean

Which one of these is NOT an advantage of fish species spawning at different times of the year? W. There is less crowding of young X. There is less competition for food among larvae Y. There are different foods available at different times of the year Z. It promotes genetic diversity

Z. It promotes genetic diversity

In which month is the Earth at its perihelion? W. September X. June Y. July Z. January

Z. January

Which of the following tectonic plates do not border the Cocos plate? W. Caribbean plate X. South American plate Y. Nazca plate Z. Juan de Fuca plate

Z. Juan de Fuca plate

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel published in 1872. Who was the author of the novel? W. Sebastian Junger X. Ian McGuire Y. Rafael Sabatini Z. Jules Verne

Z. Jules Verne

Orthoclase is the common potassium-bearing feldspar of granite. Aluminum silicates break down from orthoclase when it reacts to acid water, mixes with H2O and forms which mineral type? W. Illite X. Montmorillonite Y. Calcite Z. Kaolinite

Z. Kaolinite

What is the most endangered sea turtle? W. Green Sea Turtle X. Hawksbill Y. Loggerhead Z. Kemp's Ridley Turtle

Z. Kemp's Ridley Turtle

A floating device tracked through time in order to directly measure surface currents, can be described as W. Eulerian X. Stationary Y. Involving a chemical tracer Z. Lagrangian

Z. Lagrangian

Coral bleaching involves W. Whitening of the coral skeleton from solar UV radiation X. The loss of coral tissue in competitive interactions with benthic algae Y. The loss of coral tissue due to the feeding by fish Z. The loss of symbiotic algae, called zooxanthellae, by the coral due to heat stress

Z. The loss of symbiotic algae, called zooxanthellae, by the coral due to heat stress

Which of the following is NOT true? W. The moon is in the waxing crescent phase between the new moon to first quarter phases X. The moon is in the waning gibbous phase from the full and third quarter phase Y. The moon is in the waxing gibbous phase from the first quarter and full moon phase Z. The moon is in the waning crescent phase from the full moon to the third quarter.

Z. The moon is in the waning crescent phase from the full moon to the third quarter.

What is a geoid (jee-oyd)? W. An oblate spheroid X. A sphere with an envelope of fluids Y. A rotating sphere Z. The shape of the earth

Z. The shape of the earth

What is the purpose of coagulation and flocculation? W. Control corrosion X. To kill disease-causing organisms Y. To remove leaves, sticks, and fish debris Z. To remove particulate impurities and suspended matter

Z. To remove particulate impurities and suspended matter

Which Polynesian Islands have the oldest proof of seafaring travel? W. Samoa and Cook Island X. Cook and Society Island Y. Society and Mangareva Island Z. Tonga and Samoa

Z. Tonga and Samoa

2005 was the 200yr anniversary of what famous maritime battle fought between the British fleet and Napoleon's combined French and Spanish fleet? W. Trinidad X. Waterloo Y. Britain Z. Trafalgar

Z. Trafalgar

What is the Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy Network also known as? W. TTOBN X. PDO Y. LIDAR Z. Triton

Z. Triton

What hypothesis describes the mechanisms by which intertidal marsh productivity is transported to subtidal estuaries and coastal oceans? W. Biomass transfer hypothesis X. Trophic relay hypothesis Y. Horizontal food chain hypothesis Z. Trophic relay hypothesis

Z. Trophic relay hypothesis

Which of the following is the correct structure of the atmosphere from the lowest height to the highest height from Earth? W. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere, Thermosphere X. Thermosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere Y. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere Z. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere

Z. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere

Which of the following is the most extensively drilled country in the world? W. Japan X. Russia Y. Greenland Z. United States

Z. United States

Which estuary is incorrectly matched with its characteristics? W. Slightly stratified--deep, upper layer less salty, lower layer more salty, estuarine circulation X. Highly Stratified--deep, relatively strong halocline Y. Salt Wedge--deep, high volume, strong halocline Z. Vertically mixed--shallow, low volume, strong halocline

Z. Vertically mixed--shallow, low volume, strong halocline

The attack on Lindisfarne (Lin-dis-faan) is known to have sparked the beginning of the W. Age of Discovery X. Dark Ages Y. Religious Era Z. Viking Age

Z. Viking Age

Which of the following is not a type of secondary coast? W. Wave erosion coast X. Marine deposition coast Y. Biological coast Z. Volcanic coast

Z. Volcanic coast

Changes in atmospheric pressure cause air movement as a result of changes in the molecular density of the air. Which of the following is true of this general relationship? W. Cold, more dense air causes low pressure at the surface X. Warm, less dense air causes high pressure at the surface Y. Cold, less dense air causes high pressure at the surface Z. Warm, less dense air causes low pressure at the surface

Z. Warm, less dense air causes low pressure at the surface

Which of the following does not typically affect the final spatial resolution of the multi-beam bathymetric survey? W. Survey speed X. Swath angle Y. Water depth Z. Water temperature

Z. Water temperature

What does the ratio of wavelength to period determine? W. Wave steepness X. Frequency Y. Wave height Z. Wave speed

Z. Wave speed

What is the speed of a wave equal to? W. Height of the wave divided by the period X. Amplitude divided by the wavelength Y. Wavelength divided by the frequency Z. Wavelength divided by the period

Z. Wavelength divided by the period

What was the most intense October 2005 hurricane that affected 11 countries? W. Katrina X. Sandy Y. Rite Z. Wilma

Z. Wilma

Precession of the lunar orbit is responsible for variations in tidal range which have a period of 18.6 W. Days X. Weeks Y. Months Z. Years

Z. Years

What is the oldest rock found on earth? W. Obsidian X. Pegmatite Y. Basalt Z. Zircon

Z. Zircon

The Aleutian and Marianas islands are the results of what specific type of plate convergence W. oceanic vs continental X. continental vs continental Y. continental vs oceanic Z. oceanic vs oceanic

Z. oceanic vs oceanic

Which of the following is incorrectly paired? W. sun stars - ocean bottom X. bat stars - kelp beds Y. sea cucumbers - sandy and rocky seafloors Z. sea lilies - coral reefs

Z. sea lilies - coral reefs

What does hermatypic coral possess that ahermatypic coral does not?


What effect is the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration likely to have on pH?

pH will decrease

As a ship crosses the Prime Meridian, the altitude of Polaris measured from the ship is 50oC. What is the ship's location? w) 0 latitude 50 east longitude x) 0 latitude 50 west longitude y) 50 north latitude 0 longitude z) 50 south latitude 0 longitude

y) 50 north latitude 0 longitude

Which type of volcano would be the least explosive? W) cinder cone x) stratovolcano y) shield volcano z) composite cone

y) shield volcano

Shiprock in New Mexico is a: w) laccolith x) caldera y) volcanic neck z) cinder cone

y) volcanic neck

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