American Gov 101 (quizes)

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Foreign policy is necessarily __________.

externally focused

Which of the following is one of the central provisions of the Arizona immigration law struck down by the Supreme Court?

Police officers may check the immigration status of anyone they stop and arrest. NOT

How does creating and voting for an omnibus bill facilitate Congress?

Policy changes are accomplished more quickly.

Which of the following is an advantage of federalism?

Policy innovation and political participation

Which of the following is true of public policy?

Policy is created through a long series of compromises.

Which of the following is NOT true of public policy?

Policy is implemented in a vacuum.

What is a super PAC?

Political action committees sponsored by corporations and unions that can spend an unlimited amount of money on behalf of political candidates

Who manages shadow campaigns?

Political action committees without the guidance of candidates

What does moralistic political culture expect and encourage?

Political participation by all citizens

In which model of representation does Congress act as a delegate based on rational political calculations about whether the constituency or the nation is best served?

Politico Model of Representation

What term refers to the process of gaining control within a government for the purpose of achieving goals within a nation?


What is the process of an elected leader looking out for his or her constituents while carrying out the duties of the office?

Pork-barrel politics WRONG

Around what time did the public shift from the radio to the TV to acquire political information?


Which of the following is most likely to be influenced by public opinion during the legislative process?

President WRONG

What is the title of senator who acts in the absence of the actual president of the Senate?

President Pro Tempore

Which of the following does not require Senate approval?

President's personal staff

How are judges selected at the federal level?

Presidential nomination

Which of the following best explains the relationship between presidential policy stances and public opinion?

Presidents attempt to guide their party toward the public's stances. NOT

What event is held by states on the same day and dubbed "Super Tuesdays"?


Which of the following state-level elections is most important today?


The right to terminate a pregnancy during the first trimester is reliant upon which right?


When several liberties come into conflict, which is least likely to supersede the other?


Which of the following is not specifically written in the Bill of Rights?


Which of the following is excludable?

Private goods

Which of the following is a responsibility of the Office of Management and Budget?

Produce the president's annual budget for the country.

Which of the following is not a cultural classification?


Which of the following is NOT a major domestic policy area?


Which of the following identifies a voter who researches the candidate and makes a logical assessment of the candidates?

Prospective voting

How is public opinion about American institutions measured?

Public approval ratings

Which of the following should NOT influence judicial decision-making?

Public opinion

Which of the following owns and produces digital and print media?






Which of the following groups is considered a suspect class?


FDR's fireside chats used which medium to communicate with the public?


Which of the following distinguishes political parties from interest groups?

Running candidates for office

Who was the first woman appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court?

Sandra Day O'Connor

Under the council-elected executive system, who elects the members of the council and the executive?


Judicial clerks do all EXCEPT which of the following?

Select cases to hear

What is the significance of incumbents having a higher level of name recognition?

Voters are more likely to select names they recall hearing over several years.

Although congressional approval ratings are low, why have incumbent reelections remained unaffected?

Voters do not have access to accurate news coverage. WRONG

What gives lawmakers an indication of how to vote on an issue?

Voting cues

Which leader founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?

W.E.B. DuBois

The two-party system is rooted in the division between the _____________.

WRONG Democrats vs. Republicans

How have pro-life advocates restricted the ability of American women to receive abortion services?

WRONG Enacted state policy altering the total number of abortion services allowed

Which of the following views has a positive perception of the bureaucracy?

Weberian model WRONG

When does the rally around the flag effect occur?

When the president's popularity spikes during an international crises

When does political socialization begin?

When we are very young

According to the Defense of Marriage Act, what could states choose?

Whether to recognize same sex marriages

The ideological spectrum in American political culture is _______.

a range of beliefs from Republicans on the far-right to Democrats on the far-left WRONG

When the government prevents the poor from starving to death, this is known as _______.

a safety net

Choosing which stories to cover is known as _____.

agenda setting

How many presidents have faced impeachment?


How many departments are considered to be the inner cabinet?


The Electoral College consists of how many delegates total?


How many justices preside over the U.S. Supreme Court?


What major event sparked an interest in science and innovation at the federal level of government?

Cold War

Which of the following is an opinion written in opposition of the court judgement?


Under which of the following is it hardest to pass legislation?

Divided government

What are amicus briefs?

Documents presenting legal arguments stating why a court should take a case or rule a certain way

Why do incumbents attract more money?

Donors prefer to give money to a winner.

In what landmark case did the Supreme Court deny a slave living on free soil personhood and citizenship?

Dred Scott v. Sanford

What was the main goal of activist Amelia Bloomer?

Dress reform

Which of the following types of federalism best describes the period between about 1870 to the 1930s?


Which of the following is NOT a civil liberty?

Due process

Which president was the first to use Air Force One and fly across the nation to convey his message?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Which of the following is a benefit of federalism?

Each level of government can function exclusively. WRONG

EMILY's List stands for __________.

Early Money Is Like Yeast

Which of the following is a disadvantage of federalism?

Economic disparities across states

Young Americans are more likely to engage in what form of political engagement?

Engage in community action

What type of program guarantees benefits to a particular group and maintains low requirements for enrollment?

Entitlement program

What are the powers given explicitly to the federal government by the Constitution?

Enumerated powers

What is the mathematical formula used for congressional apportionment?

Equal proportions method

What is the last stage of the public policy process?


Which case dealt with the issue of forbidding unmarried couples from using contraception?

Griswold v. Connecticut WRONG

What type of power threatens the use of military action to influence the behavior of another country?

Hard power

Which of the following is NOT an argument in favor of term limits?

Increase level of experience

What Congressional Act forced Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi?

Indian Removal Act

In which of the following is society more likely to favor tax breaks?


According to Putnam, how do people prefer to work?


In accordance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, before a bill can be considered in Congress what is required by the Congressional Budget Office?

Information about the cost of a proposed government mandate that exceeds a specified threshold

Which of the following is the act of taking an organization's message directly to lawmakers to influence policy?

Inside lobbying

Which of the following is a group of people with similar interests who work to create policies?

Interest group WRONG "political party" right

Which groups work indirectly to influence leaders?

Interest groups

What is the soft money loophole?

Interest groups may spend money on behalf of candidates without being restricted by federal law.

Which of the following is responsible for overseeing the management of U.S. lands, water, wildlife, and energy resources?


Which of the following states holds their primaries and caucuses first?

Iowa and New Hampshire

Which of the following is an advantage of a group with financial resources?

It can focus on objectives WRONG

Which of the following is an advantage of term limits?

It encourages new ideas and perspectives in law-making.

Which of the following is an advantage of smaller groups?

It is easier to reach a consensus.

Which politician along with Congress sought to protect a common-law right to privacy?

James Madison

Which politician proposed legislation to establish the Bank of the United States?

James Madison WRONG

Which ethnic group was interned by the Roosevelt administration during WWII?

Japanese Americans

Which of the following presidents had the highest average approval rating?

John F. Kennedy

Which of the following philosophers most heavily influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke

Which Act granted U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans?

Jones' Act

Under what program were Mexicans invited to immigrate to the United States as farm workers?

Jones' Program NOT

Which group is responsible for uncovering news stories?


Which of the following is true about the relationship between judicial decision making and public opinion?

Judges are more likely to mirror latent majority opinions.

As the scope of liberties and rights are expanded, what is likely to happen?

More rights and liberties will come into conflict with each other.

What is required in the Sunshine Act of 1976?

Multi-headed federal agencies must hold meetings in a public forum on a regular basis.

Who is responsible for garbage disposal?

Municipal governments

What ensures that civil servants are paid in a fair manner?

Pay schedule

How is Medicare funded?

Payroll taxes

Members of the Senate and House should vote in support of whom?

People who live in their district

According to individualistic political culture, what is the motivation for engagement in politics?

Personal interest

Which of the following is a method of limiting voter access?

Photo identification requirement

Which of the following was an agreement to self-govern established by the Pilgrims in the Plymouth Colony?

Magna Carta

Which type of election requires the winning candidate to receive at least 50 percent of the votes?

Majoritarian voting

Which of the following is most likely to be a basis for a voter's decision?

Physical characteristics

Under which theory will people with shared interests form groups to make their desires known to politicians?

Pluralist theory

According to which election rule does the candidate with the most votes win, despite share of the votes?

Plurality voting

What is a material incentive?

Monetary or physical benefits given to group members to help overcome a collective action problem

The right of the president to withhold information is known as ______?

executive privilege

In order to prevent inflation the federal government can manipulate _____.

interest rates

Between the end of the Revolutionary War and early twentieth century, the United States engaged a(n) __________ strategy.


Conscientious objectors argued that their ______ rights were in conflict with ______.

religious; conscription

The practice providing for more transparent government and engaging the watchdog function is known as _____.

reporter's privilege

In order to aggregate responses in a manner that reflects the quantified opinions of the population under study, the researcher must collect a ______.

representative sample

President Kennedy choosing to implement a blockade around Cuba is an example of a __________ focused foreign policy output.


In a federal system, _____________.

states and the federal government have to work together to achieve their objectives

American Indians and Native Alaskan tribes have high rates of _______.


According to term limit opponents, ________.

term limits will improve the diversity of representatives in the legislature WRONG


test 7

According to the judgment in Korematsu v. United States, __________.

the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII was unconstitutional WRONG

What is the minimum amount of time spent representing interests groups that would require lobbyists to register in accordance with the Lobbying Disclosure Act?

20 percent

In what year was the public split on the issue of same-sex marriage?


The first step in the public policy process is _____.

identifying a problem

Which president used radio to quiet the public's fears about the economy?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Laws that treat one group of people differently from others may be described how?

Not always unconstitutional

Which of the following recently changed the requirements for registration rules?

Oberfell v. Hodges WRONG

In which Congress did the Senate become ideologically polarized?


How many cabinet departments are in the federal government?


What is the limit on individual contributions to Political Action Committees (PACs)?


In which year did voters age 24-44 turnout to vote at a higher rate than voters age 45-64?


What was proposed in the Great Compromise?

A bicameral Congress

What does liberal internationalism advocate?

A foreign policy approach where the United States is actively engaged in foreign affairs

What is a representative sample?

A group whose demographic distribution is similar to the overall population of the United States

What is judicial restraint?

A justice is more likely to let stand decisions of other branches of government.

Who was Elizabeth Cady Stanton?

A leader of the early women's movement

What is a caucus?

A meeting of party members in which nominees are selected informally

What is delegate model representation?

A model of representation in which representatives feel compelled to act on the specific wishes of their constituents

What is cloture?

A parliamentary process to end a debate in the Senate

What is the purpose of a filibuster?

A parliamentary process to extend a debate on a piece of legislation with the intention of obstructing the debate

Which of the following describes third parties?

A party that captures votes but does not have a reasonable chance of winning

What is a lobbyist?

A person who represents an organization in an attempt to influence government policy

What is the most common form of direct democracy?

A petition WRONG

Which of the following is a grassroots movement?

A political movement that begins with average citizens concerned about an issue

What is the most unusual form of direct democracy?

A recall

What is an agent of political socialization?

A source of political information intended to help citizens make decisions on political matters

What is a great concern requiring increased oversight?

Ability of bureau to create own rules

What did President Obama's Executive Order 13490 prohibit for appointees in the executive branch?

Accepting gifts from lobbyists

What does criminal law prohibit?

Actions that can harm others

Which of the following was NOT used to discriminate against people of color?

Affirmative action

In 2000, what third-party candidate was accused of splitting the vote?

Al Gore WRONG Ralph Nader George Bush, Jr. Barack Obama

How would you define a balance of power?

All nations are the same militarily.

What is the two presidencies thesis?

An argument that the domestic and international role of the presidencies are distinct

Which of the following is a negative aspect of online news?

An increased amount of poorly written material with little editorial oversight

What is a straw poll?

An informal poll that collects opinions from a non-random population

What is an executive agreement?

An international agreement between the president and another country without formal consent by the Senate

What does the merit system require?

Applicant's qualifications be evaluated

Which of the following is NOT a role of the president in the context of conducting foreign policy?

Approving operations beyond sixty days in length

Which of the following has the strictest term limits?

Arkansas WRONG

Under which article does legitimate national law overrule conflicting state laws?

Article VI

What is the first step toward engagement?


Why is gender a quasi-suspect class?

Because the ERA failed the ratification process and gender is not specifically protected in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights

During which primary may only members of the political party selecting nominees vote?


Which of the following is a law that convicts someone without a trial?

Bill of attainder

Which of the following would states prefer to receive?


Where was the first continuous print press started?


Which of the following is a group of non-elected individuals?


What did the Hatch Act prohibit?

Bureaucrats from actively engaging in political campaigns and from using federal authority to influence elections

In which of the following cases did the court allow some for-profit corporations to be exempt from the ACA's contraceptive requirement?

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby

The Federalist position tended to garner support from which group?





Chapter 8

What prevents the federal government from imposing uniform policies?

Checks and balances

What is the title of the highest ranking judge on the Supreme Court?

Chief justice

In what case did the court decide that citizens of one state could bring a suit against citizens of another state?

Chisholm v. Georgia

An initiative is normally a law or constitutional amendment proposed and passed by whom?

Citizens of a state

Which of the following is the most local form of government?

City government

If two or more private individuals have a case pending, where will their case be heard?

Civil court

Which of the following are limitations on government power, intended to protect freedoms that the governments may not legally violate?

Civil liberties

During the 1960s and 1970s, separation of schools by race was ruled a violation of which type of rights?

Civil rights

What is the system in which law is largely developed through binding judicial decisions?

Common Law

According to the monopolistic model, bureaucracy functions are based on the absence of what?


According to the merit system, how were civil service positions filled?

Competitive examinations

What were the effects of the Indian Reorganization Act?

Conditions on the reservation did not improve dramatically.

It is the responsibility of which of the following to assess the economic impact of all proposed federal legislation?

Congressional Budget Office

What is another name for the king caucus held during the nineteenth century elections?

Congressional Caucus

If the federal government is issuing more block grants than categorical grants, what may be occurring?


Which of the following is a role of a committee chair?

Control the committee's budget

What is outside lobbying?

Conveying an organization's message to the public, in hopes that they will pressure lawmakers

States rights advocates prefer which type of federalism?

Cooperative NOT

Who oversees voter registration?

County clerk

Which of the following is another name for the supreme court?

Courts of last resort

What is it called when there are anti-discrimination laws but discrimination still occurs in practice?

De facto

Which of the following was the first state to ratify the Constitution?


If someone is a young poor woman, she is more likely to identify as a _______.


Which of the following are Millennials and Gen Xers most likely to favor?


What occurs when there is a temporary contraction of the economy and no economic growth for two years?

Depression WRONG

Which of the following is NOT a way in which the president executes oversight?

Executive orders WRONG

Who has the least influence on foreign policy?

FBI director

Which level of government has a higher level of spending?


Who adjudicates conflicts between the federal government and state government?

Federal courts

Stanton and Anthony denounced which civil rights amendment?

Fifteenth Amendment

Which of the following amendments expanded the franchise?

Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amendments

When does the electorate vote in the general election?

First Tuesday following the first Monday in November

Which of the following is not a contending issue?

Foreign policy

Executive agreements are formal agreements negotiated between the executive branch and whom?

Foreign powers

Which of the following directly applied to both the federal and state government and did not have to be applied through selective incorporation?

Fourteenth Amendment

Which news outlet slanted coverage in favor of Romney in the 2012 election?


What results when a large interest group develops diverging needs?


Which president was most successful in using the radio to promote his policy agenda?

Franklin Roosevelt

Many tradeoffs made by government are about what?

Freedom of speech

Which of the following is a heuristic for voting?


During what stage of presidential elections are the candidates officially identified?

General election WRONG

Who was the president of the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington

Which of the following increased the partisan divide?


In which of the following cases did the court find that the government had a compelling state interest to restrict the defendant's religious rights?

Gillette v. United States WRONG

What is Congress's most powerful oversight tool?

Government Accountability Office

Civic engagement can increase the power of ordinary people to influence what?

Government actions

Citizens' key freedoms are protected from whom in the first four amendments of the Bill of Rights?

Government intrusion

What is discretionary spending?

Government spending that Congress must pass legislation to authorize each year

The Bill of Rights was intended to appease the Anti-Federalists and provide which of the following?

Greater constitutional protection for individual liberties

Which case dealt with the issue of forbidding married couples from using contraception?

Griswold v. Connecticut

What is Medicaid?

Health insurance program

When parties are polarized, they can be characterized as what?

Heterogeneous WRONG

How do citizens form an opinion about an issue or candidate?

Heuristics and research

Which of the following is NOT an example of public policy?

Hobby Lobby

Which of the following departments was created last?

Homeland security

Which theory states that media develops a person's view of the world through perceived reality?

Hypodermic Theory WRONG

Which of the following is the first act undertaken by the new president?

Inaugural address

Which of the following is true?

Judicial decisions can be revised

Presidents are most likely to appoint which of the following?

Justices that share their ideology

Which model argues that economic growth relies on consumption trends?

Keynesian economics

In the early 1800s, how did the federal government support states?

Land grants

Which of the following are characteristics of broadly focused foreign policy?

Large scale spending and longer to implement

How can lawmakers benefit from lobbyists' information?

Lawmakers may receive monetary incentives. WRONG

The end of the Cold War led to what effect?

Less of a rally-behind-the-president

Which of the following was NOT used to measure presidential responsiveness to public opinion?

Level of public liberalness WRONG

What is the act of printing false information with the intention to harm a person?


What is the term length for judges and justices in national courts?


Which type of veto allowed the president to veto certain aspects of a bill while signing the remaining parts into law?

Line-item veto

What is a group of institutions that organize around a common set of concerns within a given industry?

Lobbyists WRONG

What are the most important motivations for voters?

Local concerns

What is the role of the General Services Administration?

Manage the logistics of the transition to a new president

Which of the following is true of marijuana policy?

Marijuana is illegal under federal law, in which it is classified as a schedule 1 drug.

According to the United States v. Windsor, the United States has no authority to define what?


Which of the following accounted for the largest proportion of mandatory spending in fiscal year 2015?


What is a lifetime ban?

Members can only serve once in the number of years allotted, and they may not run again.

Who was barred from attending American schools in the early twentieth century in parts of Arizona and Texas?

Mexican Americans

What issuance declared "All persons held as slaves...henceforth shall be free"?

The Emancipation Proclamation

What was the main objection of the Anti-Federalists?

NOT Increased power for the state government

The American colonists had a longstanding tradition of which of the following?

NOT Monarchy

Congress' ability to override a presidential veto is an example of which principle?

NOT Separation of power

Many of these first ten amendments were based on provisions from which source?

NOT The Federalist Papers

According to the supremacy clause, which level of government is supreme?


What is the association made up of a collective of governors and used as a lobbying force in Washington, D.C.?

National Governors Association

When governors declare a state of emergency, who is activated?

National Guard

Which faction of the women's rights movement was considered more radical?

National Women's Suffrage Association WRONG

The U.S. government has created guidelines for ______ who wish to self-govern similarly to the Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

Native Hawaiians

What are incumbents?

Newly elected officials who currently hold an office

Which president is largely to blame for the application of "-gate" to scandals and controversies?


Which president's actions during the war in Vietnam had lasting policy effects?


Which system only allows members of a ruling elite to govern?


During which primary may everyone vote?


In which of the following primaries can voters registered with a political party vote for a candidate in the other party's primary?

Open primary

In which of the following is it most likely that a new candidate will get elected?

Open seat

Gun policy, made at the state level, is an example of which of the following?

Participation Tradeoffs Elitism Pluralism

Which of the following is a factor that results in decreased voter turnout?

Participation is not mandatory

Which people represent themselves in public as being part of a party?

Party identifiers

According to stare decisis, what information is used by courts to make new decisions?

Past decisions and their precedents

What does the reduction veto allow some governors to do?

Reduce the budget proposed in a piece of legislation

Which of the following is true about voter registration?

Registration requirements vary across states.

A small number of individuals bear the cost of which policy?

Regulatory policy

What are the two major parts of the first amendment?

Religious freedom and protection from the restriction of religious beliefs by government

What is the practice of granting anonymity to a news source?

Reporter's Privilege

The Articles of Confederation established what form of government?


When the Progressive party dissolved around 1916, most members returned to the _______.

Republican party

Which of the following is the least heavily protected?

Right to privacy

Which of the following developments contributed to the growth of bureaucracy in the early 1800s?

Rise of party politics

Which of the following decreased the cost of distributing printed materials?

Roads and waterways

Which of the following is a nonprofit aimed to get out the vote?

Rock the Vote

What does a judicial activist do?

Rule in favor of the plaintiff WRONG

With what region is the traditionalistic political culture associated?

The southern United States and Southwest

Internet polling methods are problematic because they have a high likelihood of what type of error?

Self-selection bias

In the U.S. congress, which chamber enables regional interests to influence national lawmaking?


What is the name of the Senate foreign policy committee?

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

In order for a presidential appointment to be finalized, what has to occur?

Senate approves by majority vote

Who exerts significant influence upon judicial appointments?


According to the legal principle of coverture, what did married women lose?

Separate legal identity

During the 1930s and 1940s, what was the second step in transmitting information?

Sharing information with friends

The passage of an emergency funding measure is what type of foreign policy input?

Sharply focused foreign policy

According to the Constitution, what is the term for a senator?

Six years

Which amendment contains provisions that govern criminal trials?

Sixth Amendment

What is the act of speaking false information with the intention to harm someone?


What type of contract is an agreement among persons to be governed?

Social contract

Under which governing system are the means of generating wealth owned by the government and not private individuals?


Which of the following affects our personal beliefs and represents preferences based on life experiences?

Socialization agents NOT

Which of the following is a predictor of whether a citizen will vote?

Socio-economic status

Candidates want coverage in which of the following?

Soft news WRONG

What is used when foreign relations breakdown?

Soft power WRONG

Which of the following is a belief of a neopluralist?

Some interests are influenced by political environment.

Who is a policy advocate?

Someone actively working to promote a policy

What is the name of the governor's annual speech before state legislature?

State of the State address

On what grounds do some states assert their right to make immigration policy?

States are adversely affected by immigration.

Which of the following is NOT one of the basic tiers?

Supreme courts WRONG

What allowances were made as a part of the Compromise Tariff Act?

Tariffs were lowered over time.

What is the most common way for the government to raise revenue?


What is a group of people with different interests working together to support a particular issue?

Tea Party WRONG

What has allowed modern presidents to more easily go public?

Technological advances

What is the "guns versus butter" debate?

Tension between building up military and building domestic infrastructure

Which amendment ended poll taxes in 1964?

The 24th Amendment

What is the most common form of county government?

The Commission system

Which committee is used to reconcile different bills in the House and the Senate?

The Conference Committee

Where are expressed powers for the president and Congress outlined?

The Constitution

What influences government action and public policy?

The ConstitutionGlobal perspectives The founding fathers Tradeoffs and compromises

What is the main entity responsible for influencing monetary policy?

The Federal Reserve

Hamilton, Madison, and Jay wrote which of the following?

The Federalist Papers

Under which law did the federal government authorize the use of military force against states that challenged federal tariff laws?

The Force Bill

Which of the following is NOT an example of a broadly focused policy?

The Iraq War Surge

Which office oversees the actions of the executive bureaucracy?

The Office of Management and Budget

What is efficacy?

The belief that government cares about you and your views

What is the markup stage of a bill?

The bill is amended and voted on.

What does "tabling a bill" mean?

The bill is dead, but it may return for a vote.

Who are constituents?

The body of voters represented by a politician

Where are provisions for the county government found?

The state constitution

With whom does the president consult for court vacancies in the lower federal courts?

The state's U.S. Senators

What is party polarization?

The changing of a party's positions from moderate to ideological extremes

Who chooses the leaders at each level of federal and state government?

The citizens

What is descriptive representation?

The extent to which a body of representatives represents the descriptive characteristics of their constituencies

Which group instigated Shay's Rebellion?

The farmers

Anti-Federalists believed allowances for religious diversity in the Constitution would prevent which of the following?

The formation of a political community with shared values and interests

According to strict scrutiny, the burden of proof is on whom to demonstrate there is compelling government interest in treating one group differently?

The government

Although the United States is a democracy, policy is often made to suit whom?

The interests of a few

What is the minority party?

The legislative party with less than half the seats in the legislative body

Which of the following was one weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

The national government could not impose taxes.

Amendments to the Constitution tend to protect who?

The people

Independent executive agencies report to whom?

The president

According to Campbell's Surge and decline theory, midterm elections favor whom?

The president's opposition party

Why is horserace coverage so popular?

The public is always interested in who will win.

What is collective representation?

The relationship between Congress and the United States as a whole, whereas the institution represents the American people

What is public policy?

The relatively stable set of governmental actions that address matters of concern to some part of society

What right does executive privilege give the president?

The right to withhold information from Congress, the judiciary, and the public

Why is the makeup of Congress important?

The socioeconomic background of individuals affects their political interests.

Whom did the Articles of Confederation favor?

The states

What does the surge-and-decline theory propose?

The surge in voter interest during presidential elections will fall during midterm elections.

What is the disturbance theory?

The theory that an external event can lead to interest group mobilization

What does the National Security Act govern?

The way the government stores and shares information

What is the meaning of the dual court system?

There are courts at the national and state level.

Why are most House and Senate members not inclined to engage in foreign policy?

There is no electoral benefit.

What is an advantage to disclosure requirements?

They promote transparency.

In 1800, the Democratic-Republicans were led by whom?

Thomas Jefferson

The statement, "all men are created equal," a reflection of the struggle for equal rights for women and minorities, was stated by whom?

Thomas Jefferson

How many levels of government are established in the federal system?


What is the purpose of a referendum?

To ask citizens to confirm or repeal a decision

Why do interest groups support candidates with similar views?

To gain access to them once they are in office

Why are changes allowed to the constitution?

To respond to the nation's changing needs

Under which of the following systems does the government control every aspect of citizen's lives?


How are America's poor more likely to identify?


Which of the following is a state legislator who uses his or her own judgement in making legislative decisions?


When was the Bill of Rights ratified?

Two years after the Constitution

After an amendment is proposed by Congress, it must be approved by what majority in both the House and Senate?


Under which system will members of one of two parties win most elections?

Two-party system

Who is in charge of enforcing the Pendleton Act of 1883?

U.S. Civil Service Commission

The use of which of the following terms in media coverage is an example of bias?

Unauthorized immigrant WRONG

How much may corporations donate to super PACs?


In which state do registrants have to recite a "Voter's Oath"?


What measure did Andrew jackson employ as a means to block legislative initiatives with which he did not agree?


A strategy in which nations attempt to equalize the individual power of each member of the international community is known as __________.

balance of power

Following the American Revolution women were considered ________.


Someone who works in the bureau is known as a(n) _____.

civil servant

Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had the power to __________.

coin money

A democratic system in which all citizens are encouraged to participate in governing is referred to as __________.

direct democracy

The Hoover Dam is an example of a _____ policy project.


In an attempt to make media coverage more democratic during elections, the _______ was instituted.

equal time rule

The practice of altering the context of a story to affect perception is known as _____.


During the primary elections, candidates focus on ____.

fundraising WRONG

It is _____ to amend the Constitution.


Most Americans are _________.

not aware of judicial appointments

California's marijuana law is an example of ____.


When a crosscutting issue splits the party-in-the-electorate, this is know as _______.

nullification WRONG

The Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist Papers are examples of the _______.

party press era

Originally public servants received jobs through ________.


Advocates of affirmative action argue that _____.

positive unequal treatment will not remedy the effects of past discriminations NOT

Which of the following describes the system under which taxes owed increase as income increases?



quiz 2

quiz 4

quiz 4

quiz 6

quiz 6

The radio was used to pitch the New Deal to the American public in what became known as ____.

the Fireside chats

Many early women's rights activists had been active in the push for _______.

the abolition of slavery

If you change addresses after registering to vote, __________.

you must re-register

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