American History Final

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Mapp v. Ohio

(1961) Court ruled evidence seized illegally could not be used in state courts. search warrants must include any possible evience

Baker v. Carr

(1962) the first of several decisions that established the principle of "one person, one vote." Federal courts had the right to tell states to redivide their districts for more equal representation. Court ruled that congressional district boundaries should be redrawn so that districts would be equal in population. districts must have approximately equal population. each representative in congress should represent more people. for the House of Representatives

Gideon v. Wainwright

(1963) the justices required criminal courts to provide free legal counsel to those who could not afford it

Reynolds v. Sims

(1964) extended the principle to state legislative districts, leading to a shift of political power throughout the nation from rural to urban areas

Escobedo v. Illinois

(1964) justices ruled that an accused person has a right to have a lawyer present during police questioning

What were some causes of the great depression?

- tariffs and war debt policies that cut down the foreign market for American goods - a crisis in the farm sector - the availability of easy credit - an unequal distribution of income

Montgomery Bus Boycott

1955 protest action to end segregation on buses in Montgomery, Alabama. 1956, Supreme Court outlawed bus segregation. Proved that African-Americans could unite and organize a successful protest movement and the power of nonvioletn resistance

Brown v. Board of Education

1954, ruled school segregation unconstitutional. Ruled by Chief Justice Earl Warren

Neutrality Acts

4 laws passed in the late 1930s that were designed to keep the US out of international incidents 1) outlawed arms sales or loans to countries in war

In 1929 about how many Americans owned stocks?

4 million Americans or 3 percent of the nation's population

living room war

For the first time, Americans could sit in their living rooms and see the devastating effects of the war (body bags) on their televisions... credibility gap!!

Dien Bien Phu

a place of the battle where the French were defeated in Vietnam (northwest Vietnam)


a policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs

credibility gap

a public distrust of statements made by the government caused by TV

Martin Luther King Jr.

Leader of the civil rights movement and chosen to leader the Montgomery Bus Boycott, leader of the SCLC


a person who opposed the Vietnam War and believed that the US should withdraw from it


a person who supported US involvement in the Vietnam war and believed that the US should use increased military force to win it

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

a resolution adopted by Congress in 1964, giving the president broad powers to wage war in Vietnam

Harry Dougherty

Named attorney general of the US, in charge of enforcing the countries laws, a huge crook, sells federal pardons, arrested, tried and gets off on a technicality. *,m..................... (tries to sell prescriptions of alcohol)*

Was the stock market crash the only thing that caused the great depression?

No but it hastened the collapse of the economy and made the depression more severe

J. Edgar Hoover

Palmer appointed him as his special assistant.

Washington Naval Conferance

President Harding invited several major powers to this and Hughes urged no warships be built for ten years.


President Nixon's strategy for ending US involvement in the Vietnam War, involving the gradual withdrawal of US troops and their replacement with South Vietnamese forces

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Rural to urban development through appropriating money to build units of low rent public housing and help low to moderate income families pay for better private housing

Nikita Khrushchev

Soviet Union premier who promised to defend Cuba with Soviet arms. photographs revealed private missile bases ready to fire at America from Cuba (Oct 14). when Kennedy informed the US about the sites and about a threat of all-out war if they launched, Americans were in fear for days, but this premier offered to remove missiles in return for the US not to attack Cuba

McNary-Haugen bill

This called for federal price-supports for key products such as wheat, corn, cotton, and tobacco

Marshall Plan

a way to provide aid to countries after WWII that needed it. created by George C. Marshall. this and containment go together

New Left

a youth-dominated political movement in the 1960s, embodied in such organizations as Student for a Democratic Society and the Free Speech Movement; sweeping change


actor, director, producer, writer, created one of the most renowned radio broadcasts of all time "The War of the Worlds"

True/False: majority of war believed in war


True/False: congress and american public supported johnson going to vietnam 64%

True along with McNamara and Rusk

True/False: never declared war on Vietnam

True but did have Resolution: Vietnam Conflict

Stokely Carmichael

a black civil rights activist in the 1960's. Leader of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee. Carmichael urged giving up peaceful demonstrations and pursuing black power. He was known for saying, "black power will smash everything Western civilization has created."

Hydrogen Bomb

a bomb much more powerful than the atomic bomb. US beat Soviet Union in this however they came back up a year later

electricity, flood control, and a regular water supply

What did the bolder dam provide?

They should be deported or expelled from the country, and some did.

What did whites say about Latinos (mainly Mexicans and Mexican Americans living in the southwest)

Canned food and sewed clothes; carefully managed household budgets.

What did women do to help their families survive adversity during the Great Depression

It lowers it from 57% to 34%

What does dust do the humidity of New York?

farmers were producing more food than needed

What drove down food prices?

Bolder Dam´s supply of regular water,

What enabled the growth of California´s massive agriculture economy?

Showing kindness to strangers; gave food, clothing , a place to stay to the needy, strengthened bonds in their community, saving money.

What habits shaped a whole new generation of americans

People lost their jobs, were evicted from their homes, and ended up in the streets. Also, made makeshift shacks out of scrap material.

What happened to people in the cities during the Great Depression?

MacArthur gets fired

What happens to MacArthur when he wants to nuke China, but Truman denies this because if we do, the Soviet Union could come in and start WWIII. MacArthur tries to go over his head by talking to newspapers and congress, but this outrages Truman

Edna St. Vincent Millay

donated proceeds from her poem Justice Denied in Massachusetts" to their defense. She personally appealed to governor fuller of Massachusetts for their lives.

Why American was in WW1

dragged into it by arm dealers and greedy bankers

Essay: Separate paragraphs into: - nativism - fear of communism - discriminated different people in general

essay: Why did the KKK rise again


established May 18, 1933, renovated 5 dams and constructed 20 others, made jobs, provided flood control, along with hydroelectric power and more

how did the new legislation of the hundred days effect the government

expanded the federal government's role in the nation's economy


giving up principles to pacify an aggressor

Nuclear Deterrence

having enough weapons that prevents others from considering using theirs. you need to have this in order to assure mutual destruction


having majority of voter support (more than half). JFK lacked this making it harder to pass new ideas through Congress. having Republicans and southern Democrats also did not help him. a third reason was because he had no skill in persuasion and getting votes

what was Hoover's one major advantage in the election of 1928?

he could point to years of prosperity under Republican administrations since 1920

What had president hoover convinced Americans to do?

he encouraged Americans to remain confident about the economy

Thurgood Marshall

him and his NAACP lawyers would win 29 out of 32 court cases, inlcuding Brown v. Board of Education

difficulty fighting in vietnam

far away; lay of land; unknown; get lost;

Type of government that Franco ruled

fascist government; totalitarian

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

hoovers most ambitious economic measure; it authorized up to $2 billion for emergency financing for banks, life insurance companies, railroads, and other large businesses.; an unprecedented example of federal involvement in a peacetime economy, but in the end it was too little too late.

one of the most important legacies of the new deal

federal government has assumed some responsibility for the welfare of its' people

Impact of Great Society

federal power extended, poverty rate drops, increases deficit, leads to Vietnam, spurred economy, debate over finances, if the programs work. liberals - it helped millions, blacks can vote, and government has responsibility to help the excluded conservatives - big government is not the answer, budget deficits, cant solve problems with money, culture of dependency


financed and worked with electrical cooperatives to bring electricity to rural isolated areas

Brown II

handed down by the Supreme Court and ordered school desegregation implemented "with all deliberate speed"

where were many of CCC corps located

in the Great Plains they were given lodging, in 8 years they planted over 200 million trees

result of scaling back new deal programs

industrial production dropped again, unemployment went up by 1938

Why did the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act lead to more unemployment?

industries could no longer export goods to Europe

Why did the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act leasd to more unemployment?

industries could no longer export goods to Europe

Black Cabinet

influential African Americans who advised FDR on racial matters

fireside chats

informal chats for the American people about his New Deal plans, he explained in simple terms

U.S. provided economic support to the French under Truman; $1 billion dollars

initial involvement of U.S. in war

jesus, thoreau, randolph, gandhi

inspired MLK´s soulforce

1970´s changes

instead of changing laws... changing behavior resisted busing to change de facto white flight had reversed efforts in school segregation African American poverty rates were three times white rates.


issued a presidential directive prohibiting racial discrimination by federal agencies and all companies that were engaged in war work

Why did the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act fail?

it hurt American farmers and manufacturers

what did FDR think of deficit spending

it was a necessary evil during economic crisis, he did it with great reluctance

what did critics of CWA say

it was a waste of money

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC(

its purpose was to carry on nonviolent crusades and planned to stage protests and demonstrations throughout the South

Inferior races

jews, slavs and nonwhites

fiver year plan

launched by Stalin and termed revolution from above, the ultimate goal of the plans was to generate new attitudes, new loyalties, and a new socialist humanity.

Kim Il-sung

leader of North Korea

Syngman Rhee

leader of South Korea

Marshall Philippe Petain

leader of Vichy France who cooperated with Germany


leader of labor unions


loaned more than $1 billion to tenant farmers to become land owners, established camps for migrant workers, hired photographers to take pictures of farms

Lee Harvey Oswald

lone assassin according to the Warren Commission

view in America on women working

many Americans believed that women should not work if their husbands were working (angered men), therefore, they faced discrimination in the workplace, always paid less

What was a result for the suffering farmers?

many farmers lost their farms when banks foreclosed and seized the property as payment for the debt

What did many people after the stock market crashed?

many people panicked and withdrew their money from banks

Governor Faubus

publicly showed support for segregation and ordered the National Guard to turn away the "Little Rock Nine". Shut down the school after the end of the year


put young men ages 18-25 to work building roads, planting trees, developing parks, and more

Deficit Spending

putting money into the government. ways this was done was through increased defense spending (flexible response), increased minimum wage to $1.25, extended unemployment insurance, and lowered taxes and provided assistance to cities to stimulate the slower economy

what key industries were barely making a profit at the end of the 19202's?

railroads, textiles, and steel

March on washington

randolph and rustin led this to help get JFK´s civil rights bill

20th Amendment

ratified the inauguration from March to January (didn't apply to 1932 election)

Fransisco Franco

rebelled against the Spanish republic. general who led the Spanish army officers.

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

reestablished the NIRA provision of collective bargaining, protected workers right to join unions, prohibited unfair labor practices (firing union members),

what did congress press FDR to do in 1937

scale back on new deal plans, stop deficit spending

military tactics Americans used

search and destroy missions; went into villages and figure out who was enemy; then burned entire village down.

Second Hundred Days of Second New Deal (influenced by Elenor Roosevelt)

second burst of activity where FDR urged congress to provide more extensive relief to farmers and workers

Charles Evan Hughes

secretary of state who urged that no warships be built for next ten years.

MLK´s assasination

shot in memphis Tennessee with a high powered rife.

Job Corps

specifically for low income people to provide them with basic employment skills to help them get a job. still around today.

deficit spending

spending more money than the government receives in revenue

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

staged the first sit-in


stressed nationalism and placed the interests of the state above those of individuals; Power must rest upon a single strong leader and a small group of devoted party followers.

American Liberty League

strong conservatives who opposed FDR, belived that FDR was too involved in people's lives (big business, rich people)

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

student protest group and created the most imprtant student activist movements

1941-Vietminh was formed, 1945-Ho chi Minh declares independent nation, 1946- Frace returns to SV, 1954- Domino theory, May-July 1954- Genava Accords, Elections cancelled, Tonkin Gulf Resolution, U.S. Sends troops.

order of events

Committee for Industrial Organization

organized industrial unions, signed up unskilled and semi-skilled workers


organized the country's first all black trade union (Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters)

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

Civil Rights Act of 1857

outlawed segregation in public facilities by decreeing that "all persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the accommodations" but it was declared unconstitutional

Tax Cut Bill of 1964

over $10 billion in tax reduction, spurring economic growth and lowering the federal budget deficit. part of Kennedy's New Frontier

Federal Theater Project

paid actors to preform plays and artists to paint the sets

The Federal Art Project

paid artists a living wage to produce public art

Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act

paid farmers to to cut production of crops that depleted the soil and rewarded them for practicing good conservation

Federal Writers' Project

paid writers to write

Battle for "Hearts and Minds"

part of American strategy to keep Vietcong from winning the support of So. Vietnam rural population; a gasoline-based bomb that set the jungle on fire.

Four Power treaty

possessions in the pacific; people would talk before ware


taking measures to prevent the spread of communist rule to other countries. the United States foreign policy for the next 45 years

Peace Corps

talked about in his inaugural address, this is a program to provide volunteer assistance to developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. two purposes were to be health aides or teachers to help the people in need, prevent the spread of communism, and gets young people involved "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

Alliance for Progress

talked about in his inaugural address, this offered economic and technical aid to Latin American countries the purpose of this program was to prevent any possible Communist revolutions from rising in more impoverished countries


the South Vietnamese Communists who, with North Vietnamese support, fought against the government of South Vietnam in the Vietnam War; wanted independence.

Third Reich

the Third Emire which would last for 100 years but lasted for 13

programs that discriminated against Mexican Americans

the WPA and CCC because a lot of them didn't have a permeant address

Rome Berlin Axis

the alliance between Italy and Germany (Mussolini and Hitler) which was grown when they provided aid for Franco during the Spanish War

VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America)

the domestic peace corps. you would go to inner cities or mountains and tutoring, building homes, and other service projects. still around today

who was Hoover under Harding and Coolidge?

the secretary of commerce

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

the space along the 38th parallel where negotiations occur between North Korea, South Korea, and the UN


the spy plane that was shot down by the Soviet Union. the plane being shot down. the summit (meeting between the leaders) was called off, and this event causes a lot of tension between the two countries


third party who heard testimonies of unfair business practices and held elections to see if anyone wanted to join a union

purpose of FDR repealing prohibition

to tax alcoholic beverages to raise government revenues (prohibition completely repealed by the end of 1933)

vietcong used...

tunnels: withstand airstrikes, launch surprise attacks, quick disappearances; booby traps, and land mines


turning point of the war in Korea. MacArthur launches a counter attack to move across Korea and cut off North Korea of supplies and troops. Forces NK to surrender. 300,000 Chinese came across Yalu River and attacked UN when they got too close

who was FDR before becoming president

two-term governor of New York

Hungarian Uprising

want to overthrow the communist leaders in 1955. they ask for help from the US but they did not get help because communism had already been in control of communism and they wanted to overthrow them. this leads to the Hungarians being massacred

I have a dream speech

wanted peace and racial harmony among all people.

Westmoreland's strategy

war of attrition: gradual wearing down of the enemy by continuous harassment; concept of body count

after 1937 how many new justices did FDR appoint


How much did the income of the wealthiest 1 percent of the population rise by compared to america as a whole?

75 percent, compared with a 9 percent increase for Americans as a whole.

what party did FDR belong to


1930 Congressional Elections

democrats took control of the anti-hoover sentiments to take more seats in Congress.

Adolf Hitler

der fuhrer extreme nationalism, militaristic expansion, forceful leader, private property with strong government controls, and anit-communist

Great Arsenal of Democracy

describes the idea that the us must become the producer of war materials


desegregation campaign led by this and fought to end segregation

destroy jungle

destroy camouflage

the second AAA

didn't have a processing tax to pay for farm subsides which was previously declared unconstitutional

why didn't FDR fully support the civil rights movement

didn't want to upset Southern democratic whites

Mussolini´s followers

black shirts

Shantytowns (Hoovervilles)

little towns consisting of shacks


living space

Community Action Program

not around today. encouraged poor people to participate in public works programs through funding

Soup kitchens

offering free or low-cost food

Democratic People's Reublic of Korea

official name of the communist North Korea

Republic of Korea

official name of the democratic South Korea


photographer who documented life during the great depression, had polio as a child

what did FDR do during the 1932 lame-duck period

picked a team of advisers called brain trust- formulated policies for his new administration

Francis Gary Powers

pilot of the shot down U-2 plane


placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal control and ordered a thousand paratroopers into Little Rock

American Federation of Labor

pledged to avoid strikes

cash and carry

policy adopted by the United States in 1939 to preserve neutrality while aiding the Allies. Britain and France could buy goods from the United States if they paid in full and transported them.

Final Solution

policy of genocide

how much does the FDIC insure today


How much was considered the minimum amount needed for a decent standard of living?

$2,500 per year

deficit in 1934 vs. 1938

$2.9 billion, dropped $100 million but later rose back to $2.9 billion

By mid-November about how much had investors had lost about?

$30 billion

deficit high during WW2

$54.5 billion

Federal Home Loan bank act

(1932) Lowered mortgage rates for homeowners and allowed farmers to refinance their farm loans and avoid foreclosure


(Night of the Broken Glass) November 9, 1938, when mobs throughout Germany destroyed Jewish property and terrorized Jews.

National Socialist German Workers Party

(Nazi Party) was a far-right, racist political party in Germany between 1920 and 1945; no ties to socialism

Kent state

- ROTC burned -May 1970 gaurds fired live ammunition into a crowd of protestors who were throwing rocks -9 wounded 4 killed

Why did some leaders of SCLC disagree with SNCC tactics?

- sncc was recruiting only African Americans - too aggressive

Effects of Agent Orange

-Caused cancer and horrible birth defects -400,000 were killed or maimed and 500,000 children were born with defects

Hitler Broke agreement with Soviet union

1941; allowed USA to sign a lend lease act along with it because any enemy of mine is my friend.

US takes out of vietnam

-NV troops would remain in SV -Nixon promised to respond with full force to any violation of the peace agreement -last US troops went home on march 29 1973

opposition to war

-US had no business in what was basically a civil war -repressive SV regime no better than communist NV regime -US couldn´t be a global policeman -draining US strength in other parts of the world - morally unjust (use of napalm/seeing violence)

Kerner Commission

-appointed by LBJ named white racism as the main cause of urban violence. -LBJ afraid of upsetting white opposition - separation

Jackson State University

-mostly black -12 wouned/2 killed both bystanders -The shootings divided the country with many feeling the students had deserved it

when did CCC end

1942, by then 3 million men had used the cooperation, they would make $30 and immediately $25 would be sent home to their families

Memorial Day Massacre in 1937

10 people killed and 84 wounded

By 1933ow many of the nation's 25,000 banks had failed?


Emmett Till

14-year old African-American boy who had flirted with a white woman and was murdered

How much did the stocks fall on black Tuesday?

16.4 million

wolf pack attacks

1941 individual surface attacks by individual U-boats

Lend-Lease Act

1941 law that authorized the president to aid any nation whose defense he believed was vital to American security

Taylor Grazing Act

1934, helped to reduce grazing on public lands, contributed to erosion that brought storms in the 1930s

Nye committee

1934. Senate committee led by South Dakota Senator Gerald Nye to investigate why America became involved in WWI. Theory that big business had conspired to have America enter WWI so that they could make money selling war materials. Called bankers and arms producers "merchants of death."

Nuremburg Laws

1935 laws defining the status of Jews and withdrawing citizenship from persons of non-German blood.

when was NIRA declared unconstitutional

1935, gave legislative powers to the executive branch and enforcement of industry codes within states went beyond the federal government's control

when was AAA declared unconstitutional

1936, agriculture is a local matter and shouldn't be regulated by government

when did some Americans think the great depression was ending


when was the new deal over

1939, FDR was turning his attention to Europe, Hitler's rise to power

France Falls


Selective Training and Service Act

1940 law requiring all males aged 21 to 36 to register for military service

invasion cambodia

1970, Nixon ordered troops + bombs into Cambodia to disrupt the Ho Chi Minh Trail and other supply lines used by North Vietnam, even though Cambodia was neutral. In 1970, he ordered air and ground strikes in Cambodia. This is the most controversial act of his to end the Vietnam War.

Gerald Ford

1974-1977, Republican, first non elected president and VP, he pardoned Nixon

Berlin Crisis

20% of Germans flee to West Berlin (Brain Drain). Khrushchev and Kennedy meet in June 1961. Khrushchev wants to close roads, JFK refuses and calls it an act of war. Soviets isolate West Berlin from East Germany, hoping to get Western Powers out of Berlin

April 1965 marches = November 1965 marches=

20,000 people 30,000 people

The Dow had reached a high of what?


Central Park protests

500,000 protestors ¨burn cards, not people¨ ¨Hell, no, we won´t go¨ Hawks and Doves

Bob Dylan

60's musician. Part of counterculture revolution through music. anti-war and anti-government

About how many businesses went bankrupt?


why did millions of people lost their savings accounts?

Because the government did not protect or insure bank accounts

pentagon papers

A 7,000-page top-secret United States government report on the history of the internal planning and policy-making process within the government itself concerning the Vietnam War. - Nixon is president during this - damaging to Johnson´s administration -no plan to end war as long as NV continued fighting

Robert Kennedy

A Democratic candidate for president in 1968; brother of FDR; assassinated; Senator of NY


A city in northern France on the North Sea where in World War II (1940) 330,000 Allied troops had to be evacuated from the beaches at Dunkirk in a desperate retreat under enemy fire; on French side of the English Channel

Maginot line

A fortification built before World War II to protect France's eastern border

Ohio Gang

A group of poker-playing, men that were friends of President Warren Harding. Harding appointed them to offices and they used their power to gain money for themselves. They were involved in scandals that ruined Harding's reputation even though he wasn't involved.


A heavily wooded region of Northeast France that Hitler invaded through in order to bypass the Maginot Line (was believed to be impassable)

Letter from Birmingham Jail

A letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. after he had been arrested when he took part in a nonviolent march against segregation. Response to whites saying blacks were demanding too much too soon.

Installment plan

A payment plan that allows customers to make payments at set intervals over a period of time until the total debt is paid

Sacco and Vanzetti

A shoemaker and peddler in 1920 these two men were convicted of murder and robbery of a factory paymaster and his guard in South Braintree, Massachusetts. They were found guilty and died in the electric chair unfairly


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

triangular trade

A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Africa sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa

24th amendment

Abolishes poll taxes

Philip Randolph

African American labor leader


African American protesters sat down at segregated lunch counters and refused to leave until they were served


African American woman who promoted opportunities to young African Americans, headed Division of Negro Affairs of the NYA


African American writer who wrote "Native Son"


African Americans tried to escape southern racism by moving here

Kellog Briand Pact

Agreement signed in 1928 in which nations agreed not to pose the threat of war against one another


America's first female cabinet member, Secretary of Labor

Charles G. Dawes

American banker and diplomat who negotiated a loan repayment plan with France, Britain, and Germany known as the dawes plan

General William Westmoreland

American commander in South Vietnam; West Point graduate who served in WW2 and Korea; continued to ask for more and more soliders


American commander in south Vietnam; not impressed with the Army of the Republic of Vietnam(south Vietnamese army); requested more troops.

William Shirer

American journalist, stationed in Germany in the 1930's, who wrote Berlin Diary and The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

By making credit easily available what happened to many Americans?

Americans piled up a large consumer debt

what did Americans do with the bull market?

Americans rushed to buy stocks and bonds

¨rugged individualism¨-- the idea that people should succeed through their own efforts.

Americans valued ___________________.


Americans who supported the Vietnam War; think Us needs to do more


An economic and political system based on one-party government ruled by a dictatorship.


An involvement in risky business transactions in an effort to make a quick or large profit.

James Earl Ray

Assassinated MLK

What did failing rural banks try to do to recoup some money?

Auctions were held to recoup some of the banks' losses

nonagression pact

August 23, 1939; Germany (Hitler) and Russia (Stalin) agree not to declare war on each other.

Jean westin

Author of Making Do: how women survived the 30s and this said you'd do anything to save a penny

1964 election

Barry Goldwater (R.) and Johnson (D.) LBJ says he will not send troops to Vietnam and wins by a landslide. such a big majority, southern democrats are not needed to pass bills

why did millions of people lose their savings accounts?

Because the government did not protect or insure bank accounts

We shall overcome

Best known song of the civil rights movement by Martin Luther King Jr. instead of Black Power.

Neville Chamberlain

Great British prime minister who advocated peace and a policy of appeasement

The Great Depression

Brought hardship, homelessness, and hunger to millions

Zhou En-lai

Communist China's foreign minister who warned that his country would not stand idly by and let Americans take the border that is the Yalu River

the boulder dam

In Hoover´s view what was a model of how the federal government could encourage cooperation

Boston Police Strike

Calvin Coolidge proclaimed that nobody had the right to strike against the public safety, and later became Warren G. Harding´s vice presidential running mate.

15th amendment

Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude

what was the CIO previously known as before being expelled form AFL

Committee for Industrial Organization

China and USSR

Countries who supplied the Vietcong and NVA with weapons and equipment.

Fidel Castro

Cuban revolutionist and communist who accepted aid from the Soviet Union, seized the US and British oil refineries, broke up farms into communes (resulting in Congress establishing trade barriers against Cuban sugar)

Richard M. Nixon

Republican Candidate in election of 1960 and vice president under Eisenhower. from California

14th Amendment

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Democrat who ran against Hoover and won.

John F. Kennedy

Democratic candidate in the election of 1960. he is a senator from Massachusetts. first and only Roman Catholic president, the youngest president ever elected, war hero

Who was Alfred E. Smith?

Democratic presidential candidate in 1928. Smith was a career politician who had served four terms as governor of New York.


Depression shantytowns, named after the president whom many blamed for their financial distress

Warren G. Harding

Described as a good natured man who "looked like a president ought to look" said return to normalcy

First automatic traffic lights blinked in...

Detroit in the early 1920s

yes while the depression deepened

Did Hoover eventually softened his position on government intervention in the economy and did he take a more activist approach to the nation´s economic troubles?

South Vietnamese people hated ________

Diem; did not establish democracy, ran a corrupt government, restricted buddhist practice, offered little or no land distribution to peasants, jailed, tortured and killed opponents against him

Communism: - dictator runs this (one party state) -Ex: North Korea - government owns all industries -classless society with no individual profit making -government controlled most of people´s lives -strong censorship with restrictions on what could be said or written - We are all in this together motto... WE´RE ALL IN TH.. Capitalism: - free elections and more than one political party -private ownerships (own businesses) -They employ workers and keep all profits made -Limits on governments in people´s lives. -Freedom of speech and movement -American dream

Difference between Capitalism and Communism?

Medgar Evers

Director of the NAACP in Mississippi and a lawyer who defended accused Blacks, he was murdered in his driveway by a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Final Stage of Final Solution

Early 1942; introduce new killing methods

German Democratic Republic

East Berlin (communist)

Freedom Summer (1964)

Effort by civil rights groups CORE and SNCC in Mississippi to register black voters during the summer of 1964


Eisenhower's main method of dealing with the Soviet Union. doesn't work forever and it doesn't work over small issues. the best example of this during the Cold War is the Cuban Missile Crisis

who allowed or made the performance of Anderson at the Lincoln Memorial possible in 1939

Elenor Roosevelt, one of the most dramatic cultural events of the period

Haile Selassie

Emperor of Ethiopia (r. 1930-1974) said it is us today it will be you tomorrow

how did FDR and Hoover differ in attitude

FDR had a "can do" attitude and was very personable (friendly) while Hoover was not

Good Neighbor Policy

FDR's foreign policy of promoting better relations w/Latin America by using economic influence rater than military force in the region

what was the Resettlement Aminstration replaced by


why were farmers suffering?

Farmers who had gone into debt during WW1 had difficulty in paying off their loans.


First President to send advisers into Vietnam


First death camp (used a gas chamber)

Operation Rolling Thunder

First sustained bombing against north vietnam

Calvin Coolidge

Fit into the pro-business spirit of the 1920s very well, and said¨The chief business of the american people is business... the man who builds a factory builds a temple the men who work their worships there¨

Daniel Ellsberg

Former Pentagon official who "leaked" the Pentagon Papers written by McNamara -said war was unwinnable -how long we were in war -credibility gap

Mario Savio

Free speech activist in Berkeley and other places during 1960's. Berkeley Free Speech Movement activist and raised awareness for free speech, the just simply the right to protest simply everything in society

Charles De Gaulle

French general and statesman who became very popular during World War II as the leader of the Free French forces in exile (1890-1970)


German Air Force

St. Louis

German ocean liner with 943 Jewish passengers who were forced to turn around by USA and return to Germany (only half survived the Holocaust)

Wolf packs

German submarines that traveled in groups in the North Atlantic Ocean to attack US ships and merchant ships.

Revision of neutrality act

German tanks thundered acoss poland in 1935; preparing for what´s ahead.

Axis Powers

Germany, Italy, Japan

governor wallace

Governor of Alabama; pledged to oppose integration and to prevent enrollment of blacks at state university; won popularity for his views.

John Connally

Governor of Texas (sits in front of the Kennedy's)

Bonus Army (Bonus Expeditionary Force)

Group of WWI vets. that marched to D.C. in 1932 to demand the immediate payment of their government war bonuses in cash

Bureau of the Budget

Harding made this to help run the government more efficiently (new where money was going)

James Meredith

He was a civil rights advocate who spurred a riot at the University of Mississippi. The riot was caused by angry whites who did not want Meredith to register at the university. The result was forced government action, showing that segregation was no longer government policy.

How was Alfred E. Smith?

He was personable and enjoyed being in the limelight

¨bull¨ connor

He was the chief of police of Birmingham, Alabama during the Civil Rights Movement. His use of excessive force against the peaceful marchers on television brought attention to the issue, and helped gain support for civil right legislation.


Herbert had been an _________________.

power of reason

Herbert put a great faith in the _________ of ___________.

encourage and facilitate, not to control it.

Herbert said that government´s role was to ________________.


Herbert was also a __________________.

Mein Kumpf

Hitler set forth basic beliefs of nazism that became the plan of action for the nazi party.

Security squadrons

Hitler's special elite Nazi death squad. These people rounded up Jews- men, women, children, and babies- and shot them on the spot (started in Poland)

storm troopers/ Brown shirts

Hitler´s army

National Credit Corporation

Hoover backed this; This organization loaned money to smaller banks, which helped them stave off bankruptcy. (did not work)

weaken people´s self respect and ¨moral fiber¨

Hoover believed that any handouts would _______________.

foster competition between competing groups and interests in society. (have the government step in and figure out a consensus that met their mutual interests).

Hoover believed that the government chief´s main function was to _______________________.

federal welfare or direct relief to the needy.

Hoover opposed and form of ____________or _____________.

Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming

Hoover proposed a water act for what seven states of the Colorado Basin?

who ran in election of 1932

Hoover vs. FDR

who headed FERA

Hopkins, believed money helped people buy food but working allowed them to gain confidence and self-respect

-selling goods to the united states or -by collection reparations from Germany.

How could Britain and France pay back war debts?

Farmers burned their corn and wheat and dumped the milk on highways. Declared a ¨farm holiday¨ and refused to work their fields. Block food markets and threatened banks in order to not foreclose.

How did americans express their anger about the depression?

More than 7 years.

How long did the drought last for?

726 feet high and 1,244 feet long and it would be the worlds tallest dam and the second largest.

How tall/large was the Bolder Dam?

Charles Homilton Houston

Howard University law professor who served as chief legal counsel for the NAACP from 1934 to 1938 and focused on the inequality between the separate schools that many states provided

Benitio Mussolini

Il duce; established a totalitarian government in Italy; he was a powerful speaker who played on the fears of economic collapse and communism.

Executive Order 8802

In 1941 FDR passed it which prohibited discriminatory employment practices by fed agencies and all unions and companies engaged in war related work.

Henry Ford

Inventor of the assembly line

invaded ethiopia in 1935


Robert Kennedy

JFK's brother, campaign manager, and attorney general

Invaded china province in 1931


February 1966

Johnson changed deferments for college students, required to be in good academic standing; protests erupted; SDS called for civil disobedience at Selective Service centers; told students to flee to Canada and Sweden

Civil Rights Act of 1957

Johnson was able to get this passed. this was very huge for the times, proving his power

New Frontier

Kennedy's policies of the administration (domestic policy) and his vision of progress that explores science and space. continuation of previous deals

Soul Force

King called his brand of non-violent resistance this


LBJ escalated Vietnam conflict and gets us more involved

election of 1936

Landon vs. FDR (second new deal was going on while the election was happening)


Later Israel

Five Power Treaty

Limited Naval arms

17th parallel

Line of latitude that separated North and South Vietnam

3 big liberal critics

Long, Townsend, Coughlin

charles Lindberg and Amelia Earhart

Made transatlantic flights helped to promote cargo and comercial airlines

ballots or bullets

Malcolm X's philosophy that if change could not be achieved through voting, violence may be necessary

What did people think of when hoover declared "We in America are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before."?

Many Americans believed him

when was FDR's first fireside chat

March 12, 1933

Invasion of Czechoslovakia

March 15, 1939

Bay of Pigs

March 1960, Eisenhower gave CIA permission to train Cuban exiles to launch an invasion of Cuba in hopes to trigger a mass uprising against Castro. Kennedy approved the plan. April 17, 1961, around 1500 Cuban exiles supported by US military landed on Bahia de Cochinos. air strikes failed, a distraction force never reached shore, many were killed or imprisoned. embarrassed, Kennedy paid 53 million in ransom worth of of medical supplies and food, as well as the release for remaining exiles. Kennedy loses trust in the military and the CIA

date of first Hundred Days

March 9 - June 16 (1933)

Invasion of Austria

May 12, 1938; Hitlers first target

Dow Jones Industrial Average

Measure of average of stock prices of major industries


Mexican muralist who painted Americans at work

Who else was suffering other than the U.S.?

Much of Europe

Who else was suffering other than the U.S.?

Much of Europe and germany

March 1972

NV launch biggest attack since the Tet Offensive

reelected in 1972


Henry Kissinger

Nixon's adviser who helped negotiate an end to the Vietnam war

Did the government discourage buying and selling on the stock market?


could many of the stocks find buyers?


Frederick Lewis Allen

Noted in since yesterday about the affects of roaming the streets looking for jobs did to a man

what month was FDR elected in 1932

November and took office in March

March on rome

October 1922; an

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929; date of the worst stock-market crash in American history and beginning of the Great Depression.

Coal Miners Strike

One of the more successful stirkes; in protest of low wages and long workdays. Wilson appointed an arbitrator to put an end to the dispute, and the coal miners received a 27 % wage increase.

Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam)

One project of hoover he made when he was secretary of commerce that did make a difference.

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

Party founded in Mississippi during the Freedom Summer of 1964. Its members attempted to attend the 1964 Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey, as the legitimate representatives of their state, but Democratic leaders refused to recognize the party.

Richard Nixon

President of the US; elected 1968

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister of Great Britain during second part of WWII; thought signing of Munich agreement was adopting apolicy of appeasement.


Produced by Lockhead Company, it was the most popular plane of the late 1920s.

what resulted from an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor?

Production had also expanded much faster than wages

Gerald Nye

Republican of North Dakota,

how many houses in cities had electric lights or a furnace for heat?

Scarcely half

Robert McNamara

Secretary of Defense under Johnson

Robert McNamara

Secretary of Defense. involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis

Dean Rusk

Secretary of State

John Foster Dulles

Secretary of State during the Eisenhower Administration

Dean Rusk

Secretary of State under Johnson

Andrew Mellon

Secretary of Treasury under President Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, who instituted a Republican policy of reduced government spending, lower taxes to the wealthy and higher tariffs

Fulbright Hearings

Senator Fulbright conducted a series of televised committee hearings in which he asked members of the Johnson administration to defend their vietnam policies; intended to win support for the war; afterwards, Fulbright announced he was now opposed to the war.- youth especially began to opose war.

Invasion of Poland

September 1, 1939, Germany invaded, breaking their agreement, so Britain and France declared war, starting World War II

Britain and France declare war on Germany

September 3, 1939

Munich Agreement

September 30, 1938; Agreement between (Daladier) Chamberlain and Hitler that Germany would not conquer any more land other than Sudentland.

What happened as a result of black Tuesday?

Shareholders frantically tried to sell before prices plunged even lower

Tripartite Pact

Signed between the Axis powers in 1940 (Italy, Germany and Japan) where they pledged to help the others in the event of an attack by the US

Modern Advertising

Slogans became very popular for advertisement such as "Say it with flowers" doubled florists' business between 1912 and 1924. "Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet" lured weight-conscious Americans to cigarettes and away from candy. Brand names became familiar from coast to coast, and luxury items now seemed like necessities.

what replaced the AAA

Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act

April 1975

South Vietnam falls to Communist forces (north Vietname). it´s all over; saigon turns to Ho chi minh city

Ngo Dihn Diem

South Vietnam's president who was a strong Anti-communist and refused to take part in the countrywide elections of 1956 ; the US promised military aid and training if he returned a stable form of government in the South


Special session of lecture and discussion on a controversial topic that often occurred during the Vietnam War era; no curriculum/no time regulation

U.S. troop morale

Steadily dropped throughout the war due to difficult conditions, fighting a war they didn't necessarily support (drafted, not volunteered), alcohol and drug abuse, and a feeling that all-out victory was impossible; Despite these challenges, most American soldiers felt they were carrying out their patriotic duty

goal in vietnam

Stop the spread of communism

Free Speech Movement (FSM)

Student movement at the University of California, Berkeley, formed in 1964 to protest limitations on political activities on campus; clash between faculty and students *Free Speech*; merica is machine

Brown v. Board of Education

Supreme Court struck down segregation in schooling as an unconstitutional violation of the 14th amendment's equal protection clause

Star of David

Symbol of Judaism

programs that discriminated against African Americans


oil producing states

Texas and California

Civil Rights act of 1965

The Civil Rights Act of 1965 or also known as the Voting Rights Act gave federal protection to black voters which allowed many more to vote and participate in the government.

what did limiting America's ability to import European goods do?

The Great Depression compounded problems

Wendell Wilkie

The Republican nominee for president in the 1940 election against FDR

bloody sunday

The Selma marchers were brutally attacked by state troopers and deputized citizens as they attempted to cross a bridge leaving Selma

assassination of Diem

The brutal murder of the president of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, and his powerful brother and adviser, Ngo Dinh Nhu, on November 2, 1963, was a major turning point in the war in Vietnam; made things worse and Kennedy knew about this

Siegfried Line

The defensive line in Germany opposite the Maginot that separated and protected Germany from France


The events and scandal surrounding a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in 1972 and the subsequent cover-up of White House involvement, leading to the eventual resignation of President Nixon under the threat of impeachment.

Woodbridge Cloverleaf

The first cloverleaf intersection was built in New Jersey in 1929.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

The first communist government in Russia was based on the teachings of these dudes, and they published The Communist Manifesto, which outlines a theory of class struggle. It said that a class that had economic power also had social and political power.

price supports

The government would buy surplus crops at guaranteed prices and sell them on the world market.

why could many people not purchase the flood of goods that factories produced?

The prosperity of the era rested on a fragile foundation

what had become the most visible symbol of a prosperous American economy?

The stock market

who was FDR related to

Theodore Roosevelt (distant cousins)

What did people think when some economists had warned of weaknesses in the economy?

They maintained the utmost confidence in the nation's economic health

Los Angeles, Las Vegas

Today where does the Bolder Dam provide water to?

christmas bombings

To re-convince North Vietnam when they called off talking, Nixon launched a 3 week bombing on Vietnam in late december.

Treaty of Versailles

Treaty that ended WW I. It blamed Germany for WW I and handed down harsh punishment; stripped germans from overseas colonies and border territories.

Federal Employee Loyalty Program

Truman is accused of being too soft on the topic of communism. he sets up this program to investigate every person who worked for the federal government (Loyalty Review Board)

Five naval powers

U.S. , Great Britain, Japan, France, and Italy


US sets up a __________ of Cuba to keep them in a tight space and under control, prohibiting the entrance of weapons into the country. 170,000 soldiers prepare for invasion of Cuba.

Gulf of Tonkin Incident (1964)

USS Maddox in the golf of Tonkin off the North Vietnamese coast


Union of Austria and Germany


United States diplomat who served under President Nixon and President Ford; said peace was at hand

Will Rogers

United States humorist said It will take a hundred years to see if you helped us or hurt us, bu you certaintly didn´t leave us where you found us.

The Red Scare

Vladimir I. Lenin and his followers the bolsheviks or the ¨majority¨ overthrew the czarist regime and established a new communist state. When a communist party formed in the United States seventy thousand radicals joined and bombs were sent to government and leaders, citizens grew fearful and General A, Mitchell Palmer took action to combat this.


Voting activist who spoke for Mississippi democratic freedom party

what ended the great depression


Hard times were undermine moral values

What did some fear during the Great Depression?

Federal Republic of Germany

West Berlin (democratic)

The Progressive Era

What Era caused wrenching changes in American life?

His political philosophy

What caused Hoover to take a cautious approach to the depression.

Milk consumption

What consumption declined across the country?

The debate over whether or not America should join the league of Nations.

What deeply divided America?

favored government policies that would keep taxes down and profits up, and give business more available credit in order to expand.

What did Coolidge and Hoover both favor?

He held firm on his principles, refused to support direct relief or federal welfare

What did Hoover do despite the criticism o f the people?

Called on key leaders such as business to promise not to cut wages/layoff workers, and labor to promise that they would not demand higher wages/go on strike. also, created a special organization to help private charities generate contributions to the poor.

What did Hoover do soon after the stock market crash to work together to find solutions to the nation´s economic woes and to not worsen them, that didn´t work?

A dramatic rise in malnutrition and diet-related diseases, such as rockets (vitamin D deficiency results in defective bone growth)

What did clinics and hospitals report in the 1930s?

would put an end to private property, substitution government ownership of factories, railroads, and other businesses.

What did communist do in order to try to equalize wealth and power?

Stayed at home and played board games and listened to the radio.

What did families do when money was tight?

that individuals, charities and local organizations should pitch in to help for the less fortunate.

What did he say to the needy?

Thousands of farmers and sharecroppers left their land behind and headed west. (Route 66) (known as okies)

What did many families do because of dust storms and evictions?

Tenant farming (renting land)

What did many farmers turn to?

most farmers could grow food for their families

What did rural areas have an advantage over city areas during the Great Depression?

poor diets and lack of money for health care

What led to serious health problems for children in the 1930's?

National Urban League

What organizations helped African Americans out?

Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado (the dust bowl)

What places were hardest hit by the dust storms?

African Americans and Latinos; unemployment rates were higher, and the lowest paid. Along with increasing racial violence.

What races were the Great Depression especially difficult for? Why?

Hoover´s inability to deal effectively with the depression.

What sealed the political fate of hoover?


What stood as a source of strength for most Americans during the Great depression

mine workers, longshoremen´s and railroad porters

What unions did african Americans join?

The vermonter was respected for his solmenity and wisdom.

What was coolidge respected for?

Unemployment rates were still raising and the economy was still shrinking. More companies went out of business and soup kitchens became a common sight. Shantytowns and hobos grew along with misery.

What was happening a year after the stock market crash?

Wages were rising becuse of new technology and productivity.

What was happening during Coolidge´s office?

the automobile

What was the backbone of the American Economy in the 1920s

To minimize federal intervention by proposing to finance the dam´s construction by using profits from the sale of electric power that the dam would generate.

What was the purpose of the bolder dam and how?

Republicans lost control of the house of representatives and saw their majority of the Senate dwindle down to one vote.

What was the result of the 1930 congressional elections?

negotiating agreements among private entities, again reflecting his relief in small government.

What were Hoover´s attempts to relieve the depression?

You could order the model A car in the the color ¨Arabian Sands¨ and ¨niagara Blue¨

What were some main differences in the Model T car and the model A car?

In the early 30's.

When did the drought begin?

Herbert Hoover

Who did Harding appoint as secreatary of commerce because he had done a masterful jjob of handling food distribution and refugee problems during world war I.

Herbert Hoover

Who was Calvin Coolidge´s Republican successor?

Forbes, Dougherty, and Miller, and Falls

Who were apart of the ohio gang?

Lucas Iowa

Where was John L. Lewis Born

Wyoming and Elk Hills, California

Where was the TEapot Dome ?

Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Nebraska, the dakotas, Oklahoma, and Texas

Where were the dust storms

Charles Evan Hughes

Who did Harding apoint as secreatary of state

1.) much of the work force consisted of immigrants willing to work in poor conditions 2.)Since immigrants spoke a multitude of languages, unions had difficulty organizing them. 3.) Farmers who had migrated to cities to find factory jobs were used to relying on themselves and 4.) most unions excluded African Americans

Why did labor movement lose members?

A result of the Red scare and anti immigrants feelings different groups of bigots used anti communism as an excuse to harass any group unlike themselves.

Why did the KKK rise again?

The economic difficulties increasing

Why did the political tide turn against Hoover and the republican´s

Many thought women especially married women had no right to work when there were men unemployed

Why did women gain resentment?

Soldiers were returning home which means they were unemployed or taking jobs away from women and minorities, cost of living doubled, and farmers and factory workers suffered as wartime orders diminished.

Why was the economy in a difficult state after WWI?


Year monopoly was invented

Steel Mill strike

Workers wanted shorter working hours and higher wages. Strikebreakers were hired. A report was issued on the harsh working conditions which resulted in an 8 hour work day. (no union)

what was FDR known as

a "friend of labor"

Geneva Accords

a 1954 peace agreement that divided Vietnam into Communist controlled North and non-communist controlled south until unification elections could be held in 1956; created Laos and Cambodia

Pentagon Papers

a 7,000 page document - leaked to the press in 1971 by the former Defense Department worker Daniel Ellsberg- revealing that the US government had not been honest about its intentions in the Vietnam War


a German territory west of the Rhine River along the French border that was ridden of from the treaty of Versailles

search-and-destroy mission

a US military raid on a South Vietnamese village, intended to root out villagers with ties to the Vietcong but often resulting in the destruction of the village and the displacement of its inhabitants

where did the phrase "New Deal" originate from

a campaign speech where Roosevelt had promised "a new deal for the American people"

Albert B. Fall

a close friend of various oil executives manage to get the oil reserves transferred from the navy to the interior department., who secretly leased land to two private oil companies . The first American to be convicted of a felony while holding a cabinet post.


a communications satellite that showed live television pictures from space

Irving Fajans

a department store sales clerk in New York City tried to persuade fellow workers to join the department store employees union to gain better pay and working conditions during the 1920s.


a gasoline-based substance used in bombs that US planes dropped in Vietnam in order to burn away jungle and expose Vietcong hideouts

War Powers Act

a law enacted in 1973, limiting a president's right to send troops into battle without consulting Congress


a list of people whom they condemned for having a communist background

Tet offensive

a massive surprise attack by the Vietcong on South Vietnamese towns and cities early in 1968

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

a mutual defensive treaty that pledged military support to one another in case any member was attacked

silent majority

a name given by President Richard Nixon to the moderate, mainstream Americans who quietly supported his Vietnam War policies

Ho Chu Minh Trail

a network of paths used by North Vietnam to transport supplies/arms to the Vietcong in South Vietnam

what was the "bull market"?

a period of rising stock prices

Rosa Parks

a seamstress and an NAACP officer, sat in the front of the colored section and refused to move when asked to give up her seat

My Lai

a small village in Cambodia where US Lieutenant William Calley Jr massacred innocent civilians searching for Vietcong rebels


a term that originally referred to Oklahomans but came to be used negatively for all migrants; found work as farmhands

Agent Orange

a toxic leaf-killing chemical sprayed by US planes in Vietnam to expose Vietcong hideouts

13 amendment

abolished slavery

Hollywood Ten

accused of spreading ideas of communism through film. they were sent to prison because they refused to testify

Alger Hiss

accused of spying for the Soviet Union. he was jailed for perjury about lying about typing government documents. he was proven guilty because Soviet cables were released by the National Security Administration

jobs, education, housing

african americans wanted equality in these

boat people

after the Vietnam War, refugees who escaped from Vietnam in small boats. trying to cross the south chinese sea

Jim Crow Laws

aimed at separating the races

New Deal Coalition (caused democrats to dominate politics from 1930s-1940s)

alignment of diverse groups that support the democratic party, included Southern whites, urban groups, African Americans, and unionized industrial workers

Reason france didn´t want more jewish refugees

already had 40,000 and didn´t want more.

Special Forces

also called Green Berets, the group created as a result of Kennedy's flexible response

Abraham Lincoln Batallion

americans who traveled to spain to fight against franco

Kent State University

an Ohio University where National Guardsmen opened fire on students protesting the Vietnam War on May 4, 1970, wounding nine and killing four


an agreement to stop fighting. technically the war is still going on, but this is the stalemate that North Korea and South Korea came to

Madison Grant

an anthropologist of the American Museum of Natural History in new York City, fed peoples attitudes with racist ideas.


an arrangement in which consumers agreed to buy now and pay later for purchases

Only one city home in ten had what?

an electric refrigerator


an organization of Vietnamese Communists and other nationalist groups that between 1946 and 1954 fought for Vietnamese independence from the French in North


appointed by FDR when an elderly justice retired, began to shift the court to favor the new deal more

Weaver and Hastie

appointees to FDR's Department of Interior


armed freight yard patrolmen


artist from Iowa who painted "American Gothic"

Sirhan Sirhan

assassinated Robert Kennedy in 1968; a palestinian loyalist

Turning point

assassinated by James Earl Ray in Memphis where he had gone to support striking garbage workers... riots sparked all over the United States.


attacking suspected communists in State Department. throwing allegations out until someone confesses

Rachel Carson

author of Silent Spring which exposes dangers of pesticides

Ralph Nader

author of Unsafe at Any Speed that criticized the US automobile industry for ignoring safety concerns

Frederick Lewis Allen

author who Noted in ¨since yesterday¨ about the affects of roaming the streets looking for jobs did to a man

Emergency Banking Relief Act

authorized the Treasury Department to inspect all the banks to see if they were sound or insolvent, if they needed help- they received loans, it revived public confidence in banks

Patman Bill

authorized the government to pay a bonus to WWI veterans who had not been compensated adequately for their wartime service

What were two of the businesses to go bankrupt?

automobile and railroad companies

Federal Farm board

backed by Hoover and intended to raise crops prices by helping members to buy crops and keep them off the market temporarily until prices rose. (did not work)

Limited Test Ban Treaty

banned nuclear testing in the atmosphere

Governor Ross Barnett

barred James Meredith from registering as a student at Ole Miss

Why did the Confidence in the market start to waver?

because early September 1929, stock prices peaked and then fell

Why did rural banks start to fail?

because farmers began to default on their loans

why did railroads loose business?

because of new forms of transportation such as trucks, buses, and private automobiles, for instance

why could many people not participate fully in the economic advances of the 1920?

because of the unequal distribution of income

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

began to construct new launching facilities in Cape Canaveral, Florida and a mission control center in Houston, Texas

Election of 1960

beginning of 1960's, we were falling behind the Soviet Union in the space race and technology. this was the first televised presidential debate. Kennedy is coached by TV producers and comes across better than Nixon, and Kennedy takes a stand on civil rights. neither candidate won a majority of the votes

Affirmative action

begun in 1960s to help equalize education and job opportunities special efforts to hire or enroll groups that have suffered discrimination some requirements eased in 1980s of diversity in schools


believed in keeping blacks in their place, destroying saloons, opposing unions, and driving roman Catholics, Jews and foreign born people out of the country.

who disliked the NRA

big business, they thought that it was too controlling


blue collar workers who supported US war policies; said the

The Other America

book written by Michael Harrington that wakes people up about the poverty in the United States

what was FRD looking to do in 1935

build on many of the things he had previously accomplished in the hundred days, didn't help as much as he wanted


bundle of rods bound around an ax; symbol of unity and authority in ancient rome.

Goal of Kennedy

by the end of the decade, Kennedy wants to land an american on the moon and beat the Soviet Union

what were Americans ready for in the 1932 election

change, they were sick of having no jobs, no food, and no hope


capital of North Korea


capital of South Korea

Direct relief

cash payments or food provided by the government to the poor ($2.39 per family in NYC)

what did limiting America's ability to import European goods do?

cause for american exports to not be bought since they were being taxed.

urban sprawl

cities spreading in all directions in a result of route 66 allowing workers to travel farther for jobs.

democrats in the senate in 1932

claimed 2/3 majority

democrats in the house in 1932

claimed 3/4 majority (greatest victory since Civil War)

Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot

communist party in Cambodia that imposed a reign of terror on Cambodian citizens, Pol Pot is responsible for the deaths of almost 2 million of his own people due to starvation, execution, and beatings.

Soviet Union

communist state of russia

political opponents of Hitler

communists, socialists, liberals then to Gypsies, Freemasons and Jehovah Witnesses.

Warsaw Pact

competing group against NATO. a military alliance that linked the Soviet Union with seven Eastern European countries (satellite nations). confront each other for the next 50 years

Peaceful Coexistence

competition without war (settled through economic competition, technology, Olympics)


conference attended by Truman, Stalin, and Churchill/Clement Attlee. Stalin treats the other two poorly because they aren't the original Big Three. Stalin does not allow free elections, and he wants reparations from Germany. last meeting of the Big Three, and after this, the Cold War starts

what happened during the Hundred Days

congress passed 15 pieces of New Deal legislation

Wright Patman

congressman who believe the $500 bonus, from the Patman bill should be paid immediately

Barry Goldwater

conservative Senator from AZ opposing Johnson. He believed that the federal government had no business trying to fight social and economic wrongs like poverty, discrimination, and lack of opportunity. He attacked Social Security and TVA. He also threatened using nuclear weapons on Cuba and North Vietnam, and advocated intervention in Vietnam


continues to furnish loans for home mortgages and repairs today

Suez War

control of the Suez Canal is at stake. fighting over the canal is stopped by the United Nations and Egypt is allowed to keep the canal. this leads to the Eisenhower Doctrine

Malcolm X

converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on *seperationist* and nationalism and violence.

Satellite Nations

countries that are under the control of the Soviet Union, these act as a buffer zone that provide protection for the United States


countries that can respond with massive nuclear force and are massive economic powers (US and USSR)

Plessy v. Ferguson

court case where the Supreme Court ruled that this "separate but equal" law did not violate the 14th Amendment, which guarantees all Americans equal treatment under the law

George C. Marshall

created WAC's, and becomes Secretary of State. visits Europe and finds it to be a mess. we help Europe because if they are prosperous economically, it helps our economy too

The Resettlement Administration

created by executive order in 1935, provided money loans to small farms to buy land

overall what did the new deal provide for Americans

created federal jobs, regulation of supply and demand, increased government's involvement in the economy, flooded the economy with millions of dollars

Central Intelligence Agency

created under Eisenhower, this group presents a plan of invasion to Kennedy for Cuban exiles to invade Cuba


director of many movies about the New Deal

General Douglas MacArthur

disbanded the Bonus army along with Major Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Mutual Assured Destruction

doctrine that states that each side can inflict unacceptable damage on the other in retaliation of a nuclear attack. neither side will launch their nuclear weapons


economist who attempted to justify NRA by stating the goal of industrial planning


empty pockets turned inside out

Civil Rights Gains

end of de jure segregation in the south civil rights act of 1968 dramatic increase in school education greater pride in racial identity 2/3 eligibility to vote *jesse jackson* and *john lewis* became political leaders

goal of Johnson

end poverty in the United States

What does Kennedy do to address Civil Rights?

ends Jim Crow and sends people to investigate injustice in the south


established for communication between the two leaders


established in June 1933 as part of the NIRA


established in November of 1933, provided 4 million jobs in building schools, paying school teachers, and building roads

national park system

established new wildlife refuges and set aside large wilderness areas

Glass-Steagall Act of 1933

established the FDIC

National Housing Act

established the FHA

Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

extreme change in government policies, moved away from assimilation and more towards autonomy, changes in 3 areas: economic, cultural, and political

Robert Weaver

first African American in the cabinet and HUD secretary

Alan Shepherd

first American in space

John Glen

first American to orbit the earth

March 1965

first US combat troops arrived in South Vietnam; by June 1965-- more than 50,00 soldiers were fighting the Vietcong

Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

first big piece of legislation passed by Johnson. approved nearly $1 billion for youth programs, anti-poverty measures, small business loans and job training. This created the Job Corps Youth Training Program, VISTA, Project Head Start, and the Community Action Program

Civil Rights Act of 1957

first civil rights law since Reconstruction gave the attorney general power over school desegregation and gave the federal government authority over violations of African-American voting rights

Ella Baker

first director of the SCLC and served as national field secretary. helped set up the SNCC

Yuri Gagarin

first man in space from Soviet Union

Neil Armstrong

first man to step onto the moon in June 1969


first satellite into space (Soviet Union). this space race leads to a change in US education

Holland tunnel

first underwater tunnel designed specifically for mote vehicles. It connected from New York City to Jersey City


foreign policy

Black Panthers

founded by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton to fight police brutality -provided African american communities with aid -preach ideas of Mao Zedong (nationalism) (overthrowing government) (revolution) -wanted out of draft of Vietnam

Pan American Airways

founded in 1927, inaugurated the first transatlantic passenger flights

A. Philip Randolph

founded the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters to help African Americans gain a fair wage

Lyndon B. Johnson

fourth gen. Texan and VP of Kennedy who grew up low-middle class. Became politically involved in 1937 to fill a seat in the House of Representatives. FDR took him under his wing as he followed much of his strategies. In 1948, he moved up to the Senate in the Democratic primary. he was in congress when the New Deal was passed, lots of experience. continues idea of government intervention. Kennedy selects him for ticket. he keeps many of his ideas and some of Kennedy's and creates Great Society. declares war on poverty


funded by $550 million to provide direct releif to needy, half of money was given to states to give food and clothing to unemployed, the rest of money was used for work relief programs

World Peace

goal of United Nations

Operation Ranchhand: Defoliation 1962

goal was to clear vegetation along highways in order to make it more difficult for the VC to conceal themselves for ambushes

march 1975 the NV launch an invasion of SV

going against our promise, we responded with economic aid but not full force

strip-mining and coal burning

government supported this which caused land, air, and water pollution

Vietcong used ______________

guerrilla tactics and turned the war into a stalemate

how did FDR explain the previous bank failure

he told people that when too many people demand their savings, even the strongest banks can't handle it


head of Republic Steel where the Memorial Day Massacre happened, forced to meet with union members to negotiate

Earl Warren

head of Warren Commission and Chief Justice of Supreme Court

Charles R. Forbes

head of veterans bureay was caught illegally selling governemtna dnhospital supplies to private companies.

belief of Townsend

head officer from California who wanted to give elderly $200 a month that they had to spend


health insurance for welfare recipients


helped to create the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

Elenor Roosevelt

humanitarian who reminded FDR of the nation's struggles and pushed him to appoint women to government positions

What new forms of electricity were replacing coal

hydroelectric power, fuel oil, and natural gas

Why do you think the Soviet Union opposed the Marshall Plan?

if the Soviet Union accepted, it would make them appear weak, and make us look good.

How does the war start?

in June 1950, North Korea launches a surprise attack over the 38th Parallel and take Seoul. Truman asks UN for permission to send troops and ships to support SK. North Korean army push SK and US to Pusan perimeter, almost on the verge of being thrown off the peninsula.

Why were the coal mines struggling?

in part due to stiff competition from new forms of energy

Fordney McCumber Act

increased tariffs made it difficult for European nations to conduct trade in order to pay off war debts; protected US industries from foreign competition


independence, self-government


individuals or groups blamed for wrongs that were not of their doing

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

investigated possible communist influence. they made headlines in 1957 and investigated the movie industry for suspected communist propaganda

Warren Commission

investigates if Oswald was part of a conspiracy, but concluded that Oswald acted on his own

what did those who kept their jobs during the great depression?

jobs faced pay cuts and reduced hours

what did those who kept their jobs do during the great depression?

jobs faced pay cuts; and reduced hours

when the housing fell what else fell?

jobs in the furniture manufacturing and lumbering


kennedy provides aid to south to Diem to convey he is not soft on communism & sends 16,000 advisors (meant to not fight) but to organize.


killed Medgar evers

concentration camps

labor camps meant to hold the people Hitler called enemies of the state


large government owned farms


largest Nazi death camp

Joseph Stalin

last name means ¨man of steel¨; took control of Soviet Union; creating model communist state, collectives; totalitarism

What did the unemployment level reach?

leaped from 3 percent (1.6 million workers) in 1929 to 25 percent (13 million workers) in 1933. 1 out of 4 workers was with out a job

George Creel

led the Committee on Public Information (talked about anything unamerican was suspicious)

Walter Waters

led the bonus army, an unemployed cannery worker from Oregon.

Defense Sec. McNamara

left to become head of the World Bank; originally supported war... then thought it was mistake to get involved.

War at home

less money spent on Great society, inflation rate rose, taxes had to be raised to pay for the war


lines of people waiting to receive food provided by charitable organizations or public agencies

difference between radio, movies and art, literature, and books

literature, art and books were serious and somber while movies and the radio were made for Americans to escape their current situations


low-cost medical, hospital insurance for senior citizens (over 65). does not pay for everything, only 80% of bills

Reciprocal Trade Agreement

lowered trade barriers by giving the president the power to make trade agreements with other nations and was aimed at reducing tariffs by as much as 50%

Social Security Act

made by Perkins, insurance for 65 and older, unemployment compensation, aid to families with dependent children and disabled

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

made by Tom Hayden and Al Haber; thought large govt institutions and corporations had taken over America; wanted a *restoration of participatory* democracy and greater individual freedom.

Why were Americans buying less?

mainly because of rising prices, stagnant wages, unbalanced distribution of income, and overbuying on credit in the preceding years

totalitarian government

maintained complete control over citizens; individual have no rights and the government suppresses all opposition.

goal of Stalin

make Soviet union the model communist state through growth of agriculture and industries.

Ethiopia falls

may 1936

What is the Dow measurement based on?

measure based on the stock prices of 30 representative large firms trading on the New York Stock Exchange

ways to avoid draft

medical exemptions, moved to deal with a more lenient draft board, join national guard/coast guard to avoid being sent to Vietnam, college deferment, white, financially well-off.

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

minor Communist Party activist, suspected for spying for the Soviet Union and giving information about the U.S. bomb. sentenced to death

what was significant about the 1936 election

more African Americans had voted Democratic than ever before and labor unions supported FDR

why didn't Hoover win election of 1932

most Americans were extremely displeased with how he was handling the depression

Were people happy with republican leadership?

most Americans were happy with Republican leadership

women in Vietnam war

most served as nurses, Red Cross, USO(United Services organization)

working class war

most soldiers were blue-collar workers or poor boys who could not afford to go to college to avoid draft

what did Americans spend their money on regardless

movies because they could escape reality and radios because a lot of families had electricity and they provided a wide range of entertainment

Little Rock Nine

nine African-American students who had volunteered to integrate Little Rock's Central High School as the first step in Blossom's place

Best and the Brightest

name describing JKF's advisers


name of Soviet White House

soap operas

named this because they were sponsored by soap companies

Clement Attlee

new British Prime Minister

John L. Lewis

new leader of the coalminers strike; quietly told the workers to continue protesting and became a national hero.

Jack Ruby

nightclub owner who kills Lee Harvey Oswald

on average how many times did women or men buy a new outfit of clothes?

once a year


one of africa´s few remaining independent countries.

Elizabeth Eckford

one of nine black students admitted to central high in little rock and faced an abusive crowd


only works to a certain degree, going to the all out edge of war. threatening war in hopes of the other side backing down and giving in. in the 1950's Eisenhower relies on nuclear weapons as a deterrent

nine power

open door to china no discrimination or abusing power

buying on margin

paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing the rest

WW1 effects

peace had not brought prosperity, but revolution fueled by the economic depression and struggle.

What would happen if the value of stocks declined?

people had no way to pay off the loans


people who opposed any form of government


people whose job it was to stop leaks of what Nixon was trying to achieve from being let out of the White House


prejudice against foreign-born people

War powers act of 1973

president must inform congress within 48 hours of sending forces to a hostile area without a declaration of war troops can stay for no more than 90 days without the approval of congress

belief of Coughlin

priest who wanted a guaranteed annual income and nationalization of banks, anti-Semitic (Jewish) views made him lose public support

New Deal

program designed to alleviate the problems of the great depression


program to help youth, professionals, and others, set out to create as many job as possible (mostly unskilled), in 8 years it spent $11 billion, sewing, repairs of roads, making public buildings, murals, writers, theatre

Civil Rights Act of 1964

prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and sec and granted the federal government new powers to enforce its provisions. part of Kennedy's New Frontier. any discussion of the Great Society should include civil rights

Executive order 8802

prohibited discriminatory employment practices by fed agencies and all unions and companies engaged in war related work

USO (United Services Organization)

provided entertainment for soldiers in Vietnam.


provided federal insurance for individual bank accounts up to $5,000, kept money safe


provided government loans to homeowners who faced foreclosure because they couldn't make their loan payments


provided jobs, education, recreation, and counseling for young people, allowed students to go to school by providing federal aid, part-time jobs


provided money to states to create jobs mainly in the construction of schools and community buildings, sought to establish codes of fair practice in individual industries, gave right to unionize

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

provided more than $1 billion in federal aid to help public and private schools purchase textbooks and new library materials. first intervention of federal government in the school system

Head Start

provides young kids basic skills to help them start kindergarten or first grade. like a preschool. still around today


regulated the stock market, prevented people with inside information from "rigging" it for their own profit

what policies did the new deal focus on

relief for needy, economic recovery, financial reform

conscentious objector

religious and moral beliefs; didn't allow them to fight; were often trained for noncombatant military duty.

Kellogg-Briand Pact

renounced war as a national policy however the pact was futile

Immigration Act of 1965

replaces the National Origins Act of 1924 which limited immigration and set quotas for certain countries migrating to the US


represented all workers of different industries

Federal Securities Act

required corporations to provide complete information on all stock offerings, made them liable for any misrepresentations


required enrollment in the armed services

Water Quality Act of 1965

requires states to clean up rivers. LBJ orders government to search for the worst chemical polluters

Massive Retaliation

responding with overwhelming force (if they launch 1 missile, we launch 500 missiles)

Nixon order massive attack against NV cities which stopped the attack, but the stalemate continued

response to attack by NV

Consumer Protection

revolves around safety about food and automobiles

Gone With the Wind

romance movie

Through most of the 1920s what did the stock prices do?

rose steadily

Miranda v. Arizona

ruled that all suspects must read their rights before questioning


segregated Jewish areas in certain Polish cities

De Facto

segregations by fact, custom, or habit (North)

De Jure segregations

segregations by law (South)

Joseph McCarthy

senator and strong anti-communist activist. charged that communists were taking over government. ineffective legislator and needs an issue to win the reelection. never found one communist in the United States government

belief of Long

senator from Lousiana who wanted "share our wealth," "make every man a king," assassinated at the height of his popularity

Warren Court

separate from the Great Society, but simultaneously will make great changes. goes from mid 50's to early 70's. they reject loyalty oaths, affirms free speech, expands rights of people accused of crimes, and separates church and state

Yalu River

separates North Korea from China

Fair Labor Standards Act

set maximum working hours to 44 (later changes to 40), minimum wage, and laws for anyone under 16 along with rules for those under 18


set prices of many products to ensure fair competition, standards for working hours, and banned child labor, promote recovery through breaking the habits of wage cuts, falling prices, and layoffs


set the stage for civil rights movement with a shortage of white male laboeres, soldiers needed, and civil rights movement towards voting rights

League of nation´s response to invasion in Ethiopia

slap on a rist (boycotted)

Old Left

socialism; communism

Robert and Helen Lynd

sociologists who did a community study in 1929 called "Middletown" that noted the dramatic impact of the car on the social life of people in Indiana

prisoners of war (POWs)

soldiers who have surrendered and who thereby receive special status under the laws of war

how did people like the AAA

some Americans were mad because there was still starvation in some places but it was successful, farmers made money

What did some invertors do after the stock prices peaked and then fell?

some investors quickly sold their stocks and pulled out

reactions to Indian Reorganization Act

some liked it and were happy that the government wasn't controlling them while others who were more "Americanized" disliked it because they wanted to own their own land and they had already adjusted to American culture


songwriter who sang "this land is our land"

The Public Utility and Holding Company Act of 1935

sought to end corruption in the public utility industry, outlawed monopolies

Southern Tenants Farmers Union

sought to protect rights of tenant farmers and sharecroppers


sought to raise crop prices by lowering production, paid farmers to leave parts of each acre unseeded, also paid them to meaninglessly slaughter animals

television coverage

sparked many other sit-ins across the South

Berlin Airlift

stalin blockades all of West Berlin cutting their supplies, forcing West Berlin to succumb to communist Rule. using airplanes to fly supplies into West Berlin. Stalin expected us to get tired of flying in supplies. West Berlin stays free

Domino Theory

stated that if one country fell under communist influence or control, its neighboring countries would soon follow

Eisenhower Doctrine

stated that the US would defend (with military force) the Middle East against an attack by any Communist country

Truman Doctrine

statement that declared that the US must support free peoples who are under threat of subjugation anywhere in the world, and protect against armed minorities and outsiders. first used in Greece and Turkey

Congressional Reapportionment

states redrawing election districts based on the population. this is done every 10 years. the districts are redrawn by putting in members of their own party in (gerrymandering)

Wild boys

teenage boys who hopped aboard America's freight trains to zigzag the country in search of work, adventure, and an escape from poverty.

Iron Curtain

term coined by Churchill that means an imaginary line that separates Democratic Western Europe from Communist Eastern Europe


term describing the White House and its glamour, culture, and wit. comes from King Arthur being the mysterious castle

38th Parallel

the 38 degree line of northern latitude in Korea that Japanese troops north of the line surrendered to the Soviets and those south of the line surrendered to the US, dividing the country into communists v.s. democrats

Cuban Missile Crisis

the Bay of Pigs leads directly to this. the bay of pigs occurs first, then the Berlin wall, and then this incident after that. missiles could reach the US (particularly DC) in minutes (makes massive retaliation very difficult). JFK warns Soviets that missile attack will trigger a war on USSR (brinkmanship). Khrushchev orders ships to turn around when they try and get through the quarantine. results: missiles are removed, we secretly remove missiles from Turkey.

Why could some people unable to get money from the banks?

the banks had invested it in the stock market

Mao Zedong

the communist leader who controlled northern China

Berlin Wall

the concrete wall dividing Berlin into communist east and democratic west. Communist Berlin had been weakened since the Berlin airlift, and to prevent those in east Berlin from fleeing to west Berlin and then west Germany, Soviet troops overnight erected a wall topped with barbed wire existed from 1961 to 1989. not a blockade!

Cold War

the conflict between the USSR and US in which neither side actually directly confronted each other on a battlefield

Korean War

the conflict that followed the North Korean surprise attack on South Korea

one of the first worldwide radio broadcast

the crash of the Hindenburg, became a staple for American news

april 30 1975

the day that Saigon fell to the Communists and American personnel had to evacuate by helicopter

what caused FRD to propose the court packing bill

the declaration that the AAA and NIRA were unconstitutional, feared that other decisions might dismantle the new deal


the deliberate, systematic killing of an entire people or nation

Weimar Republic

the democratic government in Germany after the First World War

what did radio embody

the democratic spirit of the time


the dictator of Cuba before Fidel Castro


the german brand of fascism, was based on extreme nationalism; national expansion

Colonel Thomas W. Miller

the head of the Office of Alien Property, was caught taking a bribe

domino theory

the idea that if a nation falls under communist control, nearby nations will also fall under communist control


the island (also known as Formosa) that Chiang fled to in May of 1949 after Zedong successfully took over all of China as a communist country

Ho Chi Minh

the leader of the Indochinese Communist Party; won popular support, brutal and repressive, redistributed land to the peasants, war hero fighting the Japanese and French.

what happened on October 24?

the market took a plunge

what happened on October 29?

the market took a plunge

Johnson Treatment

the method of intimidation Johnson would use to make people as uncomfortable as possible and get senators and politicians to agree with him on many issues

Chiang Kai-shek

the nationalist leader who the US supported but Chinese communists struggled against for two decades. controlled southern and eastern China

what did liberals argue

the new deal didn't go far enough to help the poor (wanted socialism)

self immolation

the offering of oneself as a sacrifice, especially by burning; suicidal action in the name of a cause or strongly held belief; buddhist monks and nuns especially did this.

The People's Republic of China

the official name for the communist Chinese government

Great Depression

the period from 1929 to 1940 in which the economy plummeted and unemployment skyrocketed

Texas Book Depository

the place where Lee Harvey Oswald shoots from


the price intended to keep farmer's income steady


the process by which a mortgage holder takes back property if an occupant has not made payments

Conventional Forces

the regular military

military coup

the removal of a head of state by military leaders.


the systematic murder of 11 million peopl across Europe; more than half of them were Jews

Why did the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act hurt farmers and manufacturers?

the tariff prevented other countries from earning American currency to buy American goods

Great Society

the term describing the period of social and economic change in the 1960's, the main goal being to end poverty and discrimination

Flexible Response

the use of conventional forces and broad range responses rather than using nuclear weapons to attack. this resulted in Kennedy increasing conventional forces, Special Forces, and tripled nuclear capabilities


the war to end all wars


the years of the Cold War

what did conservatives argue

thought that the federal government had too much control, hated AAA and NIRA, thought it interfered with the free-market economy

purpose of freedom rides

to bring civil rights movement down to the deep south states especially alabama and mississippi

FRD's first step as president (one day after taking office)

to carry out reforms in banking and finance (Emergency Banking Relief Act)

Herbert Hoover

tried to reassure Americans that the nation's economy was on a sound footing; thought that the government should play a more limited role in helping to solve problems.

Hitler´s dream

uniting all german speaking people in a all german place; master race: aryans


used in poland; lightning war


used radio program to condemn discrimination against Mexicans was jailed and deported, become a hero to Mexican Americans

Quota system

was set up by the Emergency Quota act of 1921; this system established the maximum number of people who could enter the united states from each foreign country.

what happened to people who had bought stocks on credit?

were stuck with huge debts as the prices plummeted, while others lost most of their savings

favored limited role for government in business affairs and in social reform; urged U.S. steel to abond 12 hour working days

what did Harding favor in domestic affairs.

communists and persons with criminal records.

what did Hoover think the Bonus army marchers were?

an economic base for such cities as: akron in Ohio and Detroit, Dearborn, Flint and Pontiac in Michigan.

what did the automobile provide?

¨Hoover Blankets¨

what homeless people called the newspapers they wrapped themselves in

Colorado river

what river was the bolder dam river built on?

he didn´t understand many of the issues

what was hardings main issues?

Dallas, TX

where Kennedy get assassinated to campaign in the South for the 1964 election (he was unpopular due to his civil rights stance). Lyndon was from Texas and was very popular there, so he wanted to appeal to people as much as he could

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

which established the highest protective tariff in United States history

Legendary Route 66

which provided a rout for people trekking west of chicago to california.

Fordney Mccumber Tarriff

which raised taxes on U.s. imports to 60 % ; protected us business especially in chemical and metal industries.

Glass-Steagull banking act

which separated investment from commercial banking and would (hopefully) prevent another crash.


who did America want to lead Russia?

Mellon, Hughes and Hoover

who were good appointments in Harding´s cabinet?

FDR's win in 1932 statistics

won 23 million to 16 million

sit-down strikes

workers remained at their jobs and refused to leave, therefore -companies couldn't bring people in to replace them, generally peaceful

white flight

working and middle-class white people move away from racial-minority suburbs or inner-city neighborhoods to white suburbs and exurbs

within a few years how much had world trade fallen?

world trade had fallen more than 40 percent

Reason Britain didn´t want more jewish refugees

worried about fueling anti-semitism and refused to admit more than 80,000

Reason USA didn´t want more jewish refugees

worried of Great Depression(Jobs)

court packing bill

would allow FDR to appoint 6 new court justices, caused issues because some believed he was on the road to communism, he was abusing his power


wrote Grapes of Wrath which was about tenant farmers and their families and the Dust Bowl

Jo Ann Robinson

wrote a letter to the mayor of Montgomery, Alabama, asking that bus drivers no longer be allowed to force riders in the "colored" section to yield their seats to whites. Mayor refused


years of the Berlin Wall

Did Hoover win by a lot?


roots of opposition

youth (17 to 26)


¨Sitting War¨ The Phony War. People expected heavy combat, but people just sat around and waited for combat for 6 months. Lowered French and British moral along with the fact the French had bad leadership.

operation sunrise

• Goal: Villages are easy to penetrate; defendable villages o Chose to live in original village didn't want to move • Instability in South Vietnam o Monk are burning themselves alive as protest of Diem o US is asked if it is okay to overthrow Diem March 1962

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