American's History: eighth edition (chapter 9)

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nativist movements

Confronted by Catholic and German-speaking immigrants, some American-born citizens formed these movements that condemned immigration and asserted the superiority of Protestant religious and cultural values.

Middle class

Standing between the wealthy owners and propertyless wage earners was this growing group, a product of increased commerce. It was made of of farmers, mechanics, manufacturers, the traders who carry on professionally the ordinary operations of buying, selling and exchanging merchandize.


To protect the British textile industry from American competition, the British government prohibited the export of textile machinery and emigration of these people (skilled craftsman who invented and improved tools for industry). Lured by the prospect of higher wages, though, thousands of British mechanics disguised themselves as laborers and sailed to the United States.

Waltham-Lowell System

To reasuure parents about their daughters moral welfare, the mill owners enforced strict curfews, prohibited alcoholic beverages and required regular church attendance. At Lowell(1822), Chicopee(1823) and other sites in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, the company built new factories that used this labor system.

labor theory of value

Under this theory, the price of goods should reflect the labor required to make them, and the income from their sale should go directly to the producers, not to the factory owners, middlemen, or storekeepers.

self-made man

according to this idea, those who achieved success in America did so not as a result of hereditary privilege or government favoritism, but through their own intelligence and hard work

artisan republicanism

As the Industrial Revolution gathered momentum, it changed the nature of workers' lives. Following the American Revolution, many craft workers espoused this ideology of production based on liberty and equality. They saw themselves as small-scale producers, equal to one another and free to work for themselves.

moral free agent

Finney's central message was that God had made man someone who could choose salvation The doctrine of free will was particularly attractive to members of the new middle class who had accepted personal responsibility for their lives, improving their material condition, and welcomed Finney's assurance that heaven was also within their grasp.

Benevolent Empire

A social movement in America that, driven by Presbyterian and Congregationalists, sought for social reform in the topics of morality. -tried to enforce Sabbath

Eli Whitney

-cotton gin -machine tools achieved prosperity and social standing as the inventor of the cotton gin and other machines- inspired Morse to develop first successful telegraph also used machine tool and interchangeable parts- standardized production. and made it possible to replace broken parts of machines

Market Revolution

-growth and mechanization of industry -expansion and integration of markets Around 1820, they began constructing a massive system of canals and roads linking states in trans-Appalachian west. This transportation system set in motion this crucial event and a massive migration of people to the Greater Mississippi River Basin. This huge area, drained by six river systems contained the largest and most productive contiguous acreage of arable land in the world.

machine tools

-machines that made parts for other machines -eli whitney American craftsmen pioneered this development of machines that made parts for other machines. A key innovator was Eli Whitney (1765-1825), the son of a middling New England farm family.

Samuel Slater

Brought the Cotton Gin from Britain to America -started idea of child labor

mineral-based economy

By the 1830s this new economy of coal and metal began to emerge. Manufacturers increasingly ran their machinery with coal-burning stationary steam engines rather than water power. And now they fabricated metal products-iron, brass, copper and tinplate(tin-coated roller iron)-as well as pork, leather, wool, cotton and other agricultural goods.

Industrial Revolution

Came to the United States between 1790 and 1860, as merchants and manufacturers reorganized work routines, built factories, and exploited a wide range of natural resources. As output increased, goods that once had been luxury items became a part of everyday life.

Division of labor

During the 1820s and 1830s, merchants in Lynn, Massachusetts, destoryed the business of these artisans by introducing an outwork system and this idea. The merchants hired semiskilled journeymen and set them up in large shops cutting leather into soles and uppers. They sent out the upper sections to rural Massachusetts towns where women binders wewed in fabric linings. The manufacturers then has other journeymen attach the uppers to the soles and return the shoes to the central for inspection.

Cyrus McCormick

Irish-American inventor that developed the mechanical reaper. The reaper replaced scythes as the preferred method of cutting crops for harvest, and it was much more efficient and much quicker. The invention helped the agricultural growth of America.

Lyman Beecher

Presbyterian clergyman, temperance movement leader and a leader of the Second Great Awakening of the United States.

Charles Grandison Finney and Lydia Finney

Presbyterian minister found a new way to propagate religious values among Americans- not part of traditional religious elite- conducted emotional revival meetings that stressed conversion rather than instruction and discipline. he repudiated traditional calvinist and believed that God would welcome any sinner who submitted to the holy spirit- ministry drew on and greatly accelerated the second great Awakening and he ways of protestant revivalism that had begun after the Revolution. "free will"- attractive to middle class, he also appealed to rich and poor. free presbyterian church, sunday school(poor children) and female charitable society

Sabbatarian values

Provoked opposition from workers and freethinkers. Men who aboded twelve to fourteen hours a day, six days a week, wanted the freedom to spend they one day of leisure as they wished. To keep goods moving, shipping company managers demanded that the Erie Canal provide lock keepers on Sundays.

American Temperance Society

Set out to curb the consumption of alcoholic beverages in 1832. The society quickly grew to two thousand chapters and more than 200,000 members. It's nationwide campaign employed revivalist methods-group confession and prayer, using women as spiritual guides, and sudden emotional conversation-and was a stunning success.


Some wage earners worked in carpentry, stonecutting, masonry and cabinetmaking-traditional crafts that required specialized skills. Their strong sense of identity or trade consciousness, enabled these worlds to bargain with their master-artisan employers. They resented low wages and long hours which restricted their family life and educational opportunities.

Sellars family

in Philadelphia Region, Samuel Sellars Jr in vented a machine for twisting worsted woolen yard to give it an especially smooth surface. John designed more efficient ways of using water power to run the families saw mills and built a machine to weave wire sieves- 1829 the family along with other families founded the Franklin INstitute in Philadelphia

Francis Cabot Lowell

opened a textile plant in Waltham, Massachusetts; his mill launched the factory system; first to use women as workers

Erie Canal

tied the manufacturing east to the agricultural west To carry people, crops and manufactures to and from the Great Mississippi River Basin, public mont and private business developed a water-borne transportation system of unprecedented size, complexity and cost. The key event was the New York Legislature's 1817 financing of this 364-mile long waterway connecting the Hudson River and Lake Erie. Previously the longest canal in the US was just 28 miles long-reflecting the huge capitol cost of canals and lack of American engineers expertise.

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