AMSCO. Chapter 13 : Union in Peril | Analysis Questions

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Did the North, South, or West benefit most from the Compromise of 1850? Why?

Although many northerners in the 19th century believed that they did not benefit the most from the Compromise of 1850, they did because: 1. There were more free states and slave states (18 > 17) (2 undecided) 2. Settlers in the Utah and New Mexico territories were able to vote on slavery based on popular sovereignty, therefore they had the potential to become free states. 3. Slave trade was banned in the District of Columbia(a major trading port). 4. Even though the fugitive slave law benefited the south by permitting slavery in the south, the north used this law to boost anti-slavery movements and literature to gain more supporters.

How was the impact of the Mexican Cession in 1848 similar to the impact of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803? Make sure your answer includes specific evidence connecting the broad context of both events.

*The impact of the Mexican Cession in 1848 was similar to the impact of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, in that both territories expanded the United States Territory and were subject to the debate on slavery.* For example, the Louisiana Purchase led Missouri to become a state. Missourians wanted to become a slave state, but that would have broken the balance between the slave states and non-slave states in the United States. Therefore, the Missouri Compromise was created to temporarily solve the issue of slavery among the states until the Mexican Cession. The Mexican Cession led many northerners to believe that the south used these newly acquired territories to expand slavery, leading to the Wilmont Proviso. As a result, southerners were outraged by the Northerner's "prejudice" against southerners' livelihoods, economic system, and labor system. Therefore, the issue of slavery arrised again, and the Missouri compromise was edited and then replaced by the compromise of 1850. All of these factors fueled sectionalism, ultimately leading to the American Civil War. Therefore, the impact of the Mexican Cession in 1848 was similar to the impact of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 on the issues of territory and slavery.

List and explain the four main reasons historians agree on that propelled the nation into civil war.

1) *Slavery* propelled the nation into civil war because the moral North was anti-slavery, while the defensive south was pro-slavery. This resulted in sectionalism and the south's desire to secede from the union. 2) *Constitutional disputes* between the national and state's rights influenced politics and political thought on important events/documents/ideas such as the Dred Scott case, Popular Sovereignty, etc. 3) *Economic differences* between the North v. the South over tariffs, banking, and internal improvements also propelled the nation into civil war. 4) *Political blunders & extremism* led to violence and radicalism that resulted in an unnecessary war.

List the 6 key Provisions of the Compromise of 1850 and who it benefited:

1. Admit California as a free state. 2. Divide Mexican Cession into Utah and New Mexico 3. Rely on settlers in the Utah and New Mexico territories to vote on slavery(popular sovereignty) 4. Provide new territories in the land in dispute between Texas and New Mexico territories for the federal government, taking Texas's debt of $10 million. 5. Ban slave trade in the District of Columbia, but allow white slaveownres to hold slaves(just can't buy new slaves). 6. Adopt and enforce the Fugitive Slave Law.

Compare the impact of nativism to the impact of slavery on the American political system from 1848-1860.

Between 1848-1860, both Nativism and slavery has a significant impact on the American political system. During his time, there were severe ethnic tensions within the Northern state's native-born Protestant Americans versus immigrant Germans, and Irish Catholics. This nativist hostility led to the Know-Nothing Party. The Know-Nothing party opposed Catholics and immigrants from entering northern cities in large populations because it risked jobs for "native" born Americans. The impact of nativism is similar to the impact of slavery on the American political system through the free-soil party. The free-soil party opposed slavery to the west but prohibited slavery to the south. This is similar to the Know-Nothing party because both parties tried to prevent those viewed as "inferior" to have opportunities over white males in the northern states. In addition, both parties disregarded southerners' views, leading to further sectionalism.

The Mexican-American War ended in 1848. What was the impact of the Mexican Cession on American politics?

Following the Mexican-American War, the Mexican Cession impacted American Politics in several ways, including the Wilmot Proviso, the issue of slavery, and the focus of sectionalism in the United States. All of these impacts fueled sectionalism and the Southern section's desire for secession from the union.

Evaluate which of the 5 would be the most controversial:

Fugitive Slave Law because it caused constant conflict between the north and the south

Compare the issues and results of the 1860 presidential election to those of the 1852 election.

In the election of 1852, only two major parties were running for the presidency, the whigs, and democrats. The Whigs nominated General Winfield Scott who took no position on slavery and the Democrats nominated Franklin Pierce who supported the Fugitive Slave Law. In the end, Franklin Pierce won, and the south was willing to stay with the union. The election of 1852 is in stark contrast to the election of 1860, with four parties running for the presidency. The free-state democratic party nominated Stephen A.Douglas who popular sovereignty and the fugitive slave law. Southern Democrats nominated John C. Breckenridge who supported slavery. The "Know-Nothings" nominated John Bell who ignored the issue of slavery but wanted to preserve the union. In the end, Abraham Lincoln(antislavery republican) won the election of 1860, resulting in the immediate secession of the south. Therefore, the biggest issues of these elections were the position of slavery and the number of political parties campaigning for the presidency.

Support or refute the assertion that John Brown was a martyr.

John Brown was both a martyr and a criminal. John Brown was killed not only because of his beliefs that slavery must be abolished, but also because he has committed homicide for the purpose of overrunning the government.

Compare and contrast the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 to the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Identify a minimum of 2 similarities and 2 differences.

Similarities: 1. The Kansas Nebraska Act and the Missouri Compromise decided on the institution of slavery. 2. Both The Kansas Nebraska Act and the Missouri Compromise tried to appease northern and southern interests. Differences: 1. The Kansas Nebraska Act allowed citizens of Kansas and Nebraska to decide on slavery through popular sovereignty, unlike the Missouri Compromise. 2. The Missouri Compromise truly worked to keep the balance between slave states and free states, unlike the Kansas Nebraska Act.

Why did some politicians in the US look to expand into Latin America?

Some politicians in the US looked to expand into Latin America because it was open to slavery. In the United States, there was not much good land for plantations left for southerners to expand slavery into. Knowing this, many politicians looked to Latin America to expand slavery.

Which one was more successful? Explain your reasoning.

The Missouri Compromise was far more successful than the Kansas Nebraska act. The Missouri Compromise kept the balance of slave states and free states to keep sectionalism at bay. On the other hand, the Kansas Nebraska Act allowed slavery to be decided based on popular sovereignty. This resulted in a major event known as "Bleeding Kansas". During this time both pro-slavery southerners and antislavery/abolitionist northerners fought to decide on slavery in Kansas. Therefore, the Missouri Compromise was more successful(although not perfect) than the Kansas-Nebraska act because it decreased sectional tensions and did not result in fighting.

Why did the North so strongly resent the Fugitive Slave Law and why did the South resent northern resistance to enforcing it?

The North strongly resented the Fugitive Slave Law because it permitted slavery and put it right in front of their faces.

Compare and Contrast the Crittenden Compromise and the Wilmot Proviso. Explain the significance of this comparison.

The Wilmot Proviso and the Crittenden Compromise are exceedingly different from one another. The Wilmot Proviso suggested that slavery would be banned in the newly acquired territory from the Mexican Cession. However, the Crittenden Compromise allowed slavery past the 36' 30* line in the last effort to save the union. This comparison is extremely significant because it demonstrates two differing views on sectionalism. David Wilmot believed that slavery should not be expanded even if it comes at the expense of the union. However, Crittenden was willing to expand slavery to save the union.

Explain how abolitionists impacted state institutions and American culture.

The abolitionists impacted state institutions and American culture through anti-slavery literature such as Uncle Tom's Cabin and Impending Crisis of the south. Uncle Tom's Cabin was the most influential because it made northerners view the south as evil and immortal. The Impending Crisis of the South demonstrated the economic aspect of slavery. In Helper's book, she demonstrates how slavery weakened the southern economy instead of bolstering it.

Explain how the arts impacted movements for social and political change in the Antebellum Era.

The arts impacted movements for social and political change in the Antebellum error by influencing civilize citizens' views on the issue of slavery. For example, Uncle Tom's Cabin made northerners view southerners as cruel and abusive to their slaves, fueling the anti-slavery and abolitionist movements.

If the canning of Sumner occurred in modern times, how might the outcome be different? What is the difference in Antebellum America and modern America that paints such a different picture?

The canning of Sumner demonstrated how politicians and citizens alike physically defended their family's honor and reputation during the Antebellum period. During modern times, Senator Preston Brooks would have been arrested and jailed on battery charges for canning Sumner. This shows a significant difference in American history because the morals and ethics behind events, laws, and society have changed to become more humanitarian in modern America. It can be inferred that sectionalism and the American Civil War sparked this change because people's morals behind institutions of slavery changed, and so did their outlook on human needs and dignity.

Explain how the chart on page 251 explains a major cause of the Civil War

The chart titled "Comparing the Free and Slave States in the 1850s" demonstrates how Northern population, industry, capital, ideas, and inventions have grown exponentially compared to the South. This is a major cause of the civil war because it not only shows the divide between the North and South, but it also shows how the North is ready for war.

Was the Compromise of 1850 a wise effort to balance sectional differences or a futile attempt to push the slavery issue out of sight?

The compromise of 1850 was a wise effort to balance sectional differences because it balanced the benefits given to both the northern and southern states, and attempted to solve many social issues during the 19th century.

Explain how the death of the Whig party foreshadowed the Civil War

The death of the Whig party foreshadowed the Civil War because the Whig party consisted of many nationalist politicians such as Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. They were in favor of saving the union and were willing to compromise. Therefore, when the Whig party broke apart, so did their nationalistic views and wanting to keep the union between the north and the south.

Daniel Webster's 7th of March Speech (Excerpt) Daniel Webster's key point:

The key point of Daniel Webster's 7th of March Speech was to show the American people how secession from the union would decrease national identity, patriotism, and strength.

Which cause do you view as the most significant and why?

The most significant cause of the American Civil War was the issue of slavery. The issue of territory and slavery was consistently debated by Northerners and Southerners. Northerners viewed slavery as a moral issue and worked to keep newly acquired states slave-free. On the other hand, Southerners viewed slavery as essential to the Southern economy, but then expressed that slavery was good for the master and the slave(obviously untrue). These beliefs fueled sectionalism, extremism, and constitutional beliefs, which are all major causes leading up to the civil war.

In what ways were the rationales of secession following the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 similar to the rationales of the South Carolina Exposition and Protest and Ordinance of Nullification during the Jackson Era?

The rationale of the succession following the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 is similar to the rationales of the South Carolina Exposition and Protest and Ordinance of Nullification of the Jackson is similar in that the south believed the north had absolute tyranny over the southern states. Therefore, southerners believed that they should destroy the union between the north and the south to create a new nation/constitution.

Evaluate why there were significant differences between the north and south in the chart.

There were significant differences between the north and the south in the chart because the north was not only viewed as a place of economic growth, industry, but it also provided jobs for immigrants. Due to the constant rush of immigrants to fuel factories and manufactured goods, the northern economy boomed. Additionally, the north consisted of all free states, which appealed to those who opposed slavery or wanted to abolish slavery altogether. On the other hand, the South had little economic, job, and population growth because many jobs were filled by slaves.

The 7th of March speech was one of the key speeches that convinced congress to pass the Compromise of 1850. Was Webster right in his assertions and insisting that the Compromise of 1850 be passed?

Webster was not right in his assertions and insisting that the compromise of 1950 be passed because they estranged Massachusetts(consisted of abolitionists who supported him), causing Webster to become extremely unpopular in the north. Since Webster supported the maintenance of the union, he was extremely unpopular in the south. Therefore, he did not have a right in his assertion and insist upon the compromise of 1950 because it went against his supporters.

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