ANAT M01 Final Exam

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Which of the following about osteoporosis is FALSE? (A disease whereby bones become weak and brittle. A disease that can lead some patients to lose height and appear hunched or stooped. A disease for which prevention includes Vitamin D and calcium supplements, exercise, and maintaining a healthy body weight. A disease that often affects women as they age. A disease that weakens bones and makes them more likely to break. A disease due to the inadequate mineralization of bone. A disease of bone that when viewed under the microscope appears porous. A disease whereby the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both.)

A disease due to the inadequate mineralization of bone.

Which of the following events occurs first? (The myosin head binds ATP and detaches from actin. Calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Calcium binds to troponin. Myosin cross-bridges attach to actin. The myosin head pivots toward the M line.)

Calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following statements about connective tissue is FALSE? (Connective tissue is avascular. The extra-cellular matrices of connective tissues vary. Connective tissue consists of specialized cells. Connective tissue is found in diverse locations such as bone, blood, cartilage. Connective tissue is the most abundant primary tissue. Connective tissue connects, binds, and supports other tissues. Connective tissue is characterized by a few cells scattered in an abundant extra-cellular matrix. The extra-cellular matrices of connective tissues are produced by specialized cells.)

Connective tissue is avascular

Which of the following statements about Duchenne muscular dystrophy is FALSE?

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an Y-linked recessive disease affecting mostly females.

Blood passing through the aortic valve has a relatively low oxygen concentration. (T/F)


Dense irregular connective tissue is found lining the air sacs of the lungs. (t/f)


Diapedesis is the process by which red blood cells move into tissue spaces from the interior of blood capillaries (T/F)


Skeletal muscle tissue is found in the wall of the heart (T/F).


The alpha cells in the pancreatic islets produce insulin. (t/f)


The humeroulnar joint is an example of a ball-and-socket joint. (T/F)


The skull is deep to the brain. (t/f)


There are more EFFERENT lymphatic vessels leaving a lymph node than there are AFFERENT lymphatic vessels entering a lymph node. (T/F)


True or False: The autonomic nervous system is under voluntary control; whereas, the somatic nervous system is involuntary.


In correct order from beginning to end, the phases of interphase are (zygote, blastocyst, embryo. G1, G2, S. follicular and luteal. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase. proliferative and secretory. mitosis and cytokinesis. S, G1, G2)

G1, G2, S

Which of the following statements about HIV and AIDS is FALSE? (When helper T cell count is below 200, a patient is diagnosed with AIDS. HIV is categorized as a lentivirus. HIV infects cells that bear the CD4 surface protein. Late stage HIV infection is characterized by an increase in "opportunistic" infections. HIV is transmitted though respiratory droplets released during coughing and talking. Treatments for HIV and AIDS include antivirals that interfere with the many processes. PREP, pre-exposure prophylaxis is a daily medication for individuals at high-risk for contracting HIV. An HIV viral load of less than 50 copies/mL of blood is described as "undetectable".)

HIV is transmitted though respiratory droplets released during coughing and talking.

Cancer of the lymph nodes characterized by large distinctive Reed-Sternberg cells is (Kaposi sarcoma, thrombocytopenia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, lymphedema, glioma)

Hodgkin's lymphoma

The thick myosin filaments in muscle tissue are anchored to the (actin T tubule troponin terminal cisterna M line Z disc tropomyosin triad)

M line

Which of the following about skin cancer is FALSE? (Squamous cell carcinoma results from the rapid growth and metastasis of the cells in the stratum spinosum. Basal cell carcinoma rarely metastasizes and is easily removed by in-office surgical excision. The tendency for melanocytes to metastasize contributes to the high mortality rate of melanoma. Melanoma-related mortality rates are highest among Caucasian individuals. Melanoma arises from the uncontrolled proliferation of melanocytes. People of color, including those with black and brown skin are completely immune to skin cancer due the abundance of melanin in their skin. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer. Melanin confers some natural protection from skin cancer.)

People of color, including those with black and brown skin are completely immune to skin cancer due the abundance of melanin in their skin.

If a long bone found at an archeological dig contained functional epiphyseal plates, what inference is most accurate? (The individual was elderly, The individual had many injuries, The individual died as a result of blunt force, The individual suffered from hypertension, The individual was a male, The individual was short in stature, The individual was a juvenile, The individual was malnourished)

The individual was a juvenile

Which of the following describes phospholipids in the plasma membrane? (The lipid tails are polar.The phosphate heads are hydrophobic. The lipid tails are hydrophilic. The lipid tails are hydrophobic. The lipid tails act as cell surface markers. The phosphate heads are non-polar. The tails are at the surface. The phosphate heads are sandwiched in the middle of the membrane.)

The lipid tails are hydrophobic.

Which of the following is characteristic of all leukocytes? (They produce antibodies. Transform into macrophages. They release histamine. They mature in the thymus. They are phagocytic. They are nucleated. They are the most numerous of the formed elements in blood. They have cytoplasmic granules.)

They are nucleated

Which of the following is true of the myosin molecule? (They bear globular heads. They make up the thin filament. They interact with the thick filament. They store calcium ions. They are anchored within the sarcomere at the Z disc. The distribute the electrical signal deep into the cell. They mediate the release of the neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction. They bear the "active site" blocked by tropomyosin.)

They bear globular heads.

The mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and is reflected over the anterior surface of the eyeball is the (lacrimal apparatus, synovial membrane, mucosa, vitreous body, retina, No answer text provided. choroid, conjunctiva)


Blood is classified as tissue. (epithelial, adipose, bone, extracellular matrix, muscle, connective, cartilage, nervous)


The the tapered lower end of the spinal cord that occurs near the lumbar vertebral levels L1 and L2 is called the (filum terminale, conus medullaris, lumbar enlargement, cauda equina)

conus medullaris

The anteriorly curving bulge of the eye on which a person may put "contacts" is called (the) (pupil, choroid, iris, sclera, optic disc, optic nerve, cornea, retina)


The final stage of cell division that results in two identical daughter cells is (G1 telophase prophase S phase metaphase anaphase cytokinesis G2)


The deep layer of the skin that consist of adipose connective tissue is called the (epidermis, stratum corneum, reticular layer, papillary layer, hypodermis, stratum basale, stratum lucidum, dermis)


The major function of the ________ system is protection of the body from the external environment. (integumentary, urinary, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, muscular, skeletal, digestive)


A cell spends the majority of its life cycle in (telophase epiphase cytokinesis endophase interphase metaphase anaphase prophase)


_____ are branched processes of a nerve cell that receive electrochemical stimulation from other nerve cells. (Sarcomeres, Dendrites, Myofibrils, Sarcolemmae, Schwann cells, Soma, Axons, Myelin)


Antidiuretic hormone ________. (targets the adrenal cortex. is produced in the adenohypophysis. eliminates the need to consume water. promotes the "fight-or-flight" response. produces dilute urine. is inhibited by alcohol. promotes dehydration. increases urine production)

is inhibited by alcohol

Mitosis (accounts for all congenital disorders. is a part of all cell's life cycle. is the stage of a cell's quiescence or arrest. creates diversity in genetic potential. is the formation of sex cells. occurs during interphase. is the division of a cell's nucleus. results in apoptosis (cell death) )

is the division of a cell's nucleus

The predominant cell of the epidermis is the (Merkel cell, keratinocyte, chondrocyte, adipocyte, dendritic cell, melanocyte, fibrocyte, osteocyte)


Organs of the urinary system include the

kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder.

The system that contains the orbital structures for tear production and drainage is called the (Broca's area, limbic system, primary motor cortex, fibrous tunic, semicircular canals, Haversian system, lacrimal apparatus)

lacrimal apparatus

Lipids absorbed in the digestive tract enter (the) ________ in the intestinal wall. (spongy bone, thymus, macrophages, kidneys, lymph nodes, lacteals, T-cells, spleen)


The concentric layers that compose an osteon are called (trabeculae lamellae condyles ligaments canaliculi rami tendons menisci)


Structures that connect bone to bone are called (ligaments, sutures, joint capsules, tubercles, menisci, trabeculae, tendons, fossae)


The tonsils located at the base of the tongue are the ________tonsils. (submandibular palatine lingual pharyngeal parotid esophageal oral paranasal)


The organ system that provides the structural anatomy for the immune system is the _____ system. (reproductive, muscular, nervous, endocrine, urinary, lymphatic, digestive, integumentary)


A white blood cell that mostly resides in lymph nodes is called a (monocyte, erythrocyte, lymphocyte, basophil)


When monocytes migrate into the interstitial spaces, they are called ________. (megakaryocytes, dendritic cells, merkel cells, T cells, thrombocytes, antibodies, macrophages, erythrocytes)


The vasomotor, cardiac, and respiratory centers are located in the (midbrain, dorsal root ganglion, cerebellum, pituitary gland, pineal gland, medulla oblongata, thalamus, pons)

medulla oblongata

The ___ is the pigment-producing cell of the epidermis. (melanocyte fibrocyte keratinocyte osteocyte adipocyte chondrocyte Merkel cell dendritic cell)


The pineal gland secretes the hormone ____ which regulates the circadian rhythm. (cortisol, melanin, keratin, hemoglobin, carotene, Vitamin D, insulin, melatonin)


Which of the following is a fibrocartilaginous structure within the knee? (ligament, meniscus, fossa, basal lamina, gomphosis, meatus, tendon, tubercle)


A Large agranulocyte that contains a kidney bean-shaped nucleus (eosinophil Neutrophil monocyte lymphocyte)


The middle layer of the heart wall composed of cardiac muscle tissue is called the (pericardium, endocardium, myocardium, No answer text provided.)


Which of these orders of muscle structures progresses from the smallest to largest in diameter? (fascicle, myofibril, muscle fiber, filament. fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, muscle. muscle, muscle fiber, myofibril, fascicle. muscle, myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle. muscle fiber, myofibril, fascicle, muscle. muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril. myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle, muscle. fascicle, muscle, myofibril, muscle fiber)

myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle, muscle

____are phagocytic and are the most numerous of all white blood cell types. (monocytes platelets thrombocytes neutrophils erythrocytes lymphocytes eosinophils basophils)


The special movement that only involves the pollex is called (depression flexion inversion protraction adduction rotation circumduction opposition)


Damage to the ___ nerve could result in blindness. (facial vagus abducens trochlear trigeminal glossopharyngeal vestibulocochlear oculomotor olfactory hypoglossal optic accessory)


The functions of the centrioles include (organizing the mitotic spindle in cell division. facilitating mRNA synthesis. permitting simple diffusion of oxygen into the cell. digesting unwanted cellular debris. producing ATP. serving as the site for protein synthesis. propelling a sperm. anchoring the cell to the extracellular matrix.)

organizing the mitotic spindle in cell division.

Lymphatic capillaries (receive lymph directly from the lymph nodes. provide the structural anatomy for the immune system. originate as blind sacs within the loose connective tissues of the body. transport a specialized connective tissue called plasma. produce the initial filtrate in the renal corpuscle. cannot be discerned structurally from circulatory system capillaires. concentrate lymph prior to passing it to larger lymphatic vessels. transport respiratory gases.)

originate as blind sacs within the loose connective tissues of the body.

In osseous tissue, which of the following is able to break down bone? (erythrocyte, osteoblast, osteoclast, osteocyte, adipocyte, leukocyte, chondrocyte, cardiomyocyte)


The division of the autonomic nervous system that causes contraction of the rectum to promote defecation is the (parasympathetic division, sympathetic division)


The division of the autonomic nervous system that causes erection of the clitoris is the (visceral sensory division, somatic motor division, visceral motor division, somatic sensory division, parasympathetic division, sympathetic division)


The division of the autonomic nervous system that causes an increase in gastric motility is the (parasympathetic division, visceral motor division, somatic sensory division, visceral sensory division, sympathetic division, somatic motor division)

parasympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that causes contraction of the urinary bladder to promote urination is the (s/p)

parasympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that causes the secretion of saliva from the salivary glands is the (parasympathetic division, visceral motor division, somatic sensory division, visceral sensory division, sympathetic division, somatic motor division)

parasympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that stimulates the lacrimal gland is the (s/p)

parasympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that stimulates the secretion of mucus from the nasal and oral mucosa is the (parasympathetic division, visceral motor division, somatic sensory division, visceral sensory division, sympathetic division, somatic motor division)

parasympathetic division

The single most important regulator of calcium levels in the blood is (glucagon, antidiuretic hormone, parathyroid hormone, insulin, oxytocin, cortisol, calcitonin, aldosterone)

parathyroid hormone

The fibrous sac that surrounds and protects the heart is called the (pericardium, No answer text provided. epicardium, endocardium)


The thin connective tissue sheath that surrounds a muscle fascicle is the (perineurium endosteum perimysium epimysium periosteum endoneurium endomysium)


The thin membrane that surrounds a bundle of nerve fibers (a fascicle) is called (perimysium endomysium perineurium periosteum epineurium endoneurium epimysium endosteum)


Antibodies that act against a particular foreign substance are released by (plasma cells, chief cells, Type I pneumocytes, G cells, B cells, parietal cells, helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells)

plasma cells

A Flat, irregular cellular fragment involved in the clotting process is called (lymphocyte platelets plasma erythrocyte)


The crease on the dorsal side of the spinal cord is called the (posterior median sulcus, posterior grey horn, anterior median fissure, posterior white column_)

posterior median sulcus

Aldosterone will ________.(promote the stress response. result in a larger output of urine, promote a decrease in blood pressure. promote an increase in blood pressure, promote energy metabolism of most body cells. result in a lower blood volume. decrease sodium reabsorption target the heart to increase the force of contraction.)

promote an increase in blood pressure

During which phase of a cell's life cycle does the nuclear envelope break apart and the sister chromatids condense? (cytokinesis, S, G1, prophase, anaphase, G2, metaphase, telophase)


What is the major function of the skeletal system? (storage of glucose. production of stress hormones. production of vitamin D. promote the exchange of respiratory gases. elimination of nitrogenous waste. maintenance of osmotic balance. provide a framework for the body. production of ATP.)

provide a framework for the body

The elbow is _____ to the wrist (deep proximal superior inferior distal medial)


The valve of the right ventricle that directs blood into the pulmonary circuit is called the (pulmonary valve aortic valve tricuspid valve bicuspid valve)

pulmonary valve

Smooth muscles are primarily used to (support soft tissue. move the skeleton. stabilize joints. pump blood through the heart. push substances through tubes. produce facial expression. generate heat. maintain posture and body position.)

push substances through tubes

The dermis consists of dense _____ connective tissue. (regular, irregular, elastic, areolar, columnar, squamous, reticular, keratinized)


Flattened stacks of erythrocytes that pass through a blood vessel are called ________.(ions, gases, globulins, semicircular canals, plasma proteins, intercalated discs, pyramids, rouleaux)


The functional unit of a striated muscle cell is (a) (Z disc myosin osteon M line myofibril muscle fiber actin sarcomere)


The ________ of a muscle cell stores massive amounts of calcium. (nucleus, sarcoplasm, myofibril, sarcoplasmic reticulum, sarcomere, sarcolemma, cytoskeleton, mitochondrion)

sarcoplasmic reticulum

Rotational movement of the head is detected by the ____ in the inner ear (semicircular canals, retina, malleus, cochlea, tympanic membrane, organ of Corti, vestibule, external auditory canal)

semicircular canals

The _______ is the thin membrane that separates the lateral ventricles (epineurium, corpus callosum, cerebral cortex, cingulate gyrus, septum pellucidum, arachnoid mater, fornix, pia mater)

septum pellucidum

The formal hypothesis that describes the mechanism of muscle contraction is called (the) (sarcomere powerstroke, fast twitch muscle theory, mitosis, sliding filament theory, active site crossbridge hypothesis, muscle summation, muscle flow hypothesis, myofibril crossbridge theory)

sliding filament theory

The deepest layer of the epidermis is called the (stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum, stratum basale, stratum spinosum, No answer text provided. papillary layer, reticular layer)

stratum basale

The "horny" outer layer of the epidermis is called the (stratum spinosum, papillary layer, reticular layer, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum basale, stratum corneum)

stratum corneum

The epidermis is ____ to the hypodermis. (proximal, superficial, deep, superior, inferior, anterior)


The large vein that returns deoxygenated blood from the head and upper appendages to the heart is the (inferior vena cava, pulmonary artery, thoracic trunk, brachiocephalic vein, superior mesenteric artery, superior vena cava, great cardiac vein, pulmonary trunk)

superior vena cava

A joint that holds cranial bones together is called (a) (diarthrosis, suture, gomphosis, symphysis, amphiarthrosis, synostosis, synfibrosis, synchondrosis)


The division of the autonomic nervous system that causes ejaculation is the (s/p division)


The division of the autonomic nervous system that causes an overall feeling of euphoria, alertness, and energy is the (parasympathetic division, visceral motor division, somatic sensory division, visceral sensory division, sympathetic division, somatic motor division)

sympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that causes glycogenolysis is the (parasympathetic division, visceral motor division, somatic sensory division, visceral sensory division, sympathetic division, somatic motor division)

sympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that causes relaxation of the rectum to inhibit defecation is the (parasympathetic division, visceral motor division, somatic sensory division, visceral sensory division, sympathetic division, somatic motor division)

sympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that elevates blood pressure is the (parasympathetic division, somatic motor division, somatic sensory division, visceral motor division, sympathetic division, visceral sensory division)

sympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that elevates blood pressure is the (sympathetic, parasympathetic division)

sympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that glycogenolysis is the (p/s)

sympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that stimulates the sweat glands is the (parasympathetic division, visceral motor division, somatic sensory division, visceral sensory division, sympathetic division, somatic motor division)

sympathetic division

The division of the autonomic nervous system that stimulates vaginal contractions during orgasm is the (sympathetic division, visceral motor division, visceral sensory division, somatic motor division, somatic sensory division, parasympathetic division)

sympathetic division

The anatomical term for the jaw joint is the _____ joint. (tibiofemoral, temporomandibular, atlantoaxial, radiocarpal, glenohumeral, humeroulnar, acetabulofemoral, talocrural)


The connective tissue structure that connects muscle to bone is called a (ligament T tubule bursa fossa trochanter triad tendon)


In the prone position, (the body is situated facing posteriorly and the eyes are open. the individual is standing on his/her toes. the body is hanging upside down. the body is lying in anatomical position face up. the body is seated. the body faces posteriorly. the body is lying in anatomical position face down. the body is in the crouched position.)

the body is lying in the anatomical position face down

The first heart sound, the "lub" in "lub-dup" is caused by (the closing of the semilunar valves. atrial systole. the intercalated discs. sympathetic innervation. ventricular contraction. the closing of the AV valves. the powerstroke of muscle contraction. vagal nerve stimulation)

the closing of the AV valves

The second heart sound, the "dup" in "lub-dup" is caused by (vagal nerve stimulation. the closing of the semilunar valves. sympathetic innervation. the intercalated discs. the powerstroke of muscle contraction. atrial systole. the closing of the AV valves. ventricular contraction)

the closing of the semilunar valves.

A long bone increases in length until (during fetal development. the body runs out of calcium. the epiphyseal plate becomes ossified. osteoclasts outnumber osteoblasts. death; bones grow as long as we are alive. collagen fibers reach their maximum tensile force.)

the epiphyseal plate becomes ossified

Most of the lymph returns to the venous circulation by way of the (thoracic duct, cisterna chyli, hepatic portal vein, right lymphatic duct, bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes)

thoracic duct

The cruciate ligaments are located in the ____ joint. (glenohumeral acetabulofemoral talocrural humeroulnar atlantoaxial radiocarpal tibiofemoral temporomandibula)


The function of the chordae tendineae is (to prevent the eversion of the atrioventriclular mitigate the hypercontraction of atrial diastole. to open the semilunar valves. to direct oxygen-rich blood toward the lungs. to form a protective membrane around the heart and major vessels. to greatly increase the volume of the atria. to ensure the cardiomyocytes contract as a unit. to generate ventricular systole.)

to prevent the eversion of the atrioventriclular valves.

Spongy bone is made up of a network of bony spines called (marrow lacunae cavities trabeculae lamellae canaliculi menisci osteons)


Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system? (carrying out immune responses, providing a site for the seeding of lymphocytes, playing a role in immunity, transporting respiratory gases, draining excess interstitial fluid, transporting dietary fats, removing old red blood cells, returning a clear fluid called lymph to venous circulation)

transporting respiratory gases

The AV (atrioventricular) valve that bears three triangular cusps is called the (pulmonary valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve, bicuspid valve)

tricuspid valve

During the initiation of muscle contraction calcium ions bind to (the) _____ which exposes the active sites on the actin filaments. (tropomyosin tendon T tubule troponin trochlea triad vestibule titin thalamus)


Which tunic of an artery is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure and continuous blood circulation? (adventitia, fibrous tunic, tunica media, tunica externa, tunica intima, tunica serosa, tunica intermedius, vascular tunic)

tunica media

The ____ contains the axons of motor neurons. (dorsal root ganglion, central canal, ventral root, dorsal root)

ventral root

The two inferior chambers of the heart are called (atria, arteries, ventricles, veins)


The main component of the cytosol is (proteins potassium creatinine water sodium sugars lipids urea)


Which of the following is a physiological function that is mediated by a hormone released by the posterior pituitary gland? (maturation of the egg and sperm, decrease in calcium levels, glycogenolysis, increase in rate of cellular metabolism, water retention, increase in red blood cell production, water excretion, stress response)

water retention

The white matter of the spinal cord is organized into anterior, posterior, and lateral ________. (white columns, grey commissures, grey horns, grey columns, white horns, sulci, ventricles, grey matter)

white columns

An obstruction in the superior vena cava would decrease the flow of blood from the head and neck to the heart. (t/f)


Comparatively speaking, the hip joint is LESS mobile than the shoulder (T/F)


Most type I diabetics do not produce insulin. (T/F)


Ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi apparatus functionally act in sequence to synthesize and modify proteins. (T/F)


Smooth muscles is typically found in the walls of hollow organs (t/f)


Standing on tiptoes requires plantar flexion. (T/F)


The elbow is proximal to the wrist. (t/f)


The function of the lens of the eye is to allow precise focusing of light on the retina. (t/f)


The glenohumeral joint is an example of a ball-and-socket joint. (T/F)


Type 2 diabetics may reflect declining receptor sensitivity to insulin rather than decreased insulin production (T/F)


A joint that permits free movement is called (synchondrosis amphiarthrosis synarthrosis symphysis gomphosis diarthrosis suture or synfibrosis)


The ____ of a spinal nerve contains the axons of sensory neurons. (conus medullaris, dorsal root, dorsal root ganglion, cauda equina, cingulate gyrus, decussation of pyramids, grey commissure, ventral root)

dorsal root

The cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in the (cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, hypothalamus, dorsal root ganglion, central canal, ventral root, dorsal root, rami communicantes)

dorsal root ganglion

The inner-most layer of the heart wall is called the (epicardium endocardium pericardium)


The innermost layer of the heart wall is called the (endocardium epicardium pericardium No answer text provided.)


The connective tissue covering the inner surface of a bone is (the) (perimysium endomysium periosteum perineurium epimysium endoneurium endosteum epineurium)


A granulocyte that contains red-staining granules in the cytoplasm is a (basophil monocyte erythrocyte eosinophil)


The formed element ________ can kill parasitic worms (basophil, erythrocyte, neutrophil, megakaryocyte, eosinophil, thrombocyte, monocyte, lymphocyte)


The glial cell that lines the ventricles and aids in the production of cerebrospinal fluid is the (Merkel cell, Schwann cell, oligodendrocyte, neurocyte, microglial cell, astrocyte, satellite cell, ependymal cell)

ependymal cell

The outer-most layer of the heart wall is called the (epicardium pericardium endocardium)


The keratinized epithelium of the skin is the (cerebral cortex, epimysium, hypodermis, arbor vitae, dermis, papillary layer, reticular layer, epidermis)


The property of ____ exhibited by all muscle tissue is defined as the ability of a muscle cell to receive and respond to a stimulus. (torsion ossification excitability tensility flexibility extensibility elasticity contractility)


Seventy percent of all sensory receptors are located in the ________. (viscera, eye, ear, spinal cord, taste buds, nose, skin, joints)


Adrenocorticotropic stimulates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone. (t/f)


Blood in the left ventricle has a relatively low oxygen concentration. (t/f)


Diapedesis is the process by which red blood cells move into tissue spaces from the interior of blood capillaries. (t/f)


Each hemoglobin protein is capable of transporting 16 oxygen molecules. (t/f)


The beta cells in the pancreatic islets produce glucagon. (t/f)


The hormone that raises blood sugar levels is glucagon. (t/f)


The primary source of RBCs in the adult human being is the bone marrow in the shafts of the long bones. (T/F)


The thick-walled arteries close to the heart are called muscular arteries. (t/f)


The anatomical term for the hip joint is _____ joint (talocrural, humeroulnar, atlantoaxial, glenohumeral, acetabulofemoral, tibiofemoral, temporomandibular, radiocarpal)


The yellow marrow that fills the medullary cavities of many bones stores (calcium, sebum, fat, iron, lymph, blood cells, collagen, sweat)


Bringing the forearm towards the arm in the sagittal plane is an example of elbow (pronation, elevation, flexion, abduction, circumduction, adduction, rotation, protraction)


All of the cell types in the body combine to form ________ primary tissue types. (21, four, 208, 600+, 11, 31 , 95, 12)


A ____ section would separate the body into an anterior and a posterior. (frozen, serial, cross, parafin, transverse, frontal, sagittal, oblique)


The anatomical term for the shoulder joint is the ___ joint. (talocrural acetabulofemoral radiocarpal humeroulnar glenohumeral temporomandibular tibiofemoral atlantoaxial)


As a result of stress the adenohypophysis releases ________, which stimulates release of hormones from the adrenal cortex that retain sodium and water, increase blood sugar, and begin breaking down fats (adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisol, prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone, growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormon, insulin, luteinizing hormone)

adrenocorticotropic hormone

The most important mineralcorticoid regulator of electrolyte concentrations in extracellular fluids is ________ (oxytocin, estrogen, cortisol, antidiuretic hormone, glucagon, testosterone, aldosterone, insulin)


The study of external and internal structures and the physical relationships between body parts is (histology, anthropology, anatomy, psychology, cytology, chemistry, physiology, history)


The crease on the ventral side of the spinal cord is called the (anterior median fissure, anterior white column, anterior grey horn, posterior median sulcus)

anterior median fissure

The joint that permits the greatest range of motion is the _____ joint. (glenohumeral, humeroulnar, temporomandibular, talocrural, atlantoaxial, radiocarpal, acetabulofemoral, tibiofemoral)


Which of the following hormones would be expected to increase if you were studying all day for a test and skipped breakfast and lunch? (testosterone glucagon insulin antidiuretic hormone oxytocin parathyroid hormone estrogen luteinizing hormone)


The type of joint formed by the roots of teeth and the bony socket of the maxilla and mandible are called (synfibrosis amphiarthrosis diarthrosis synchondrosis gomphosis synostosis suture symphysis)


The large elastic artery that directs oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body is the (coronary sinus, inferior vena cava, brachiocephalic trunk, aorta, superior vena cava, right coronary artery, celiac trunk, pulmonary trunk)


The valve of the left ventricle that directs blood into the aorta is called the (bicuspid valve tricuspid valve aortic valve pulmonary valve)

aortic valve

The arteries that directly feed into the capillary beds are called ________. (arterioles, anastomoses, fenestrations, sinusoids, muscular arteries, coronary arteries, elastic arteries, venules)


Which of the following is an example of a pivot joint? (sternoclavicular joint, talocrural joint, tibiofemoral joint, glenohumeral joint, atlantoaxial joint, temporomandibular joint, acetabulofemoral joint, humeroulnar joint)

atlantoaxial joint

The two superior chambers of the heart are called (ventricles, veins, arteries, atria)


HIV weakens the immune system by ( destroying red blood cells, interfering with self-tolerance, destroying the liver, overwhelming it with infection, causing cervical cancer, causing paralysis, destroying antibodies, attacking T cells.)

attacking T cells

An ____ or nerve fiber is a long, slender projection of a nerve cell that conducts electrical impulses away from the cell body. (sarcomere, Schwann cell, myofibril, neurotransmitter, soma, axon, sarcolemma, dendrite)


In standard anatomical position, a person stands with the legs together and the feet flat on the floor. Additionally, (the elbow is flexed in a 90 degree angle. hands are at the sides, and the palms face anteriorly. the individual is crouched in a squat position. the individual is lying face down. the head is turned to the right. hands are facing posteriorly. the hands a hanging naturally at the persons sides. hands are raised above the head.)

hands are at the sides, and the palms face anteriorly.

The study of tissue is (psychology anatomy histology physiology cytology chemistry anthropology history)


In order for the DNA molecule to coil to become a chromosome, it must first wrap around small molecules called (dystrophins, phospholipids, ribosomes, paired bases, histones, microtubules, amino acids, phosphates)


The mode of secretion used by sebaceous glands is ____ secretion. (eccrine merocrine paracrine endocrine holocrine apocrine epicrine)


The least numerous of blood cells with large violet-staining granules in the cytoplasm is a (lymphocyte, eosinophil, monocyte, basophil)


The AV (atrioventricular valve) that bears two triangular cusps and is also called the mitral valve is the (tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, bicsupid valve, aortic valve)

bicuspid valve

Which of the following is produced within red bone marrow? (collagen, cortisol, adipose tissue, sebum, electrical stimuli, blood cells, calcium, tears)

blood cells

The major target of growth hormone are ________. (the islets of langerhans, the adrenal medulla, the liver, the brain and spinal cord, bones and skeletal muscle, the mammary glands, uterus, kidneys)

bones and skeletal muscle

Organs of the skeletal system include the (stomach, gallbladder, and pancreas. kidneys, urinary bladder, and ureters. bones, ligaments, and cartilage. skin, hair, and nails. lungs, diaphragm, and larynx. spleen, lymph nodes, and thymus. brain, spinal cord, and nerves. heart, blood, and blood vessels.)

bones, ligaments, and cartilage

The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores (collagen keratin iron Vitamin D melanin calcium ions carotene sodium)

calcium ions

Permitting the exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue cells is the primary function of (capillaries, sinuses, lacteals, veins, venules, arteries, trunks, arterioles)


Which of the following is the contractile tissue found in the wall of the heart? (cardiac muscle tissue, hyaline cartilage, areolar connective tissue, collagen, elastic cartilage, skeletal muscle tissue, adipose connective tissue, smooth muscle tissue)

cardiac muscle tissue

The yellow/orange pigment that accumulates in keratinocytes is called (keratin, melanin, melatonin, ground substance, carotene, sebum, myelin, hemoglobin)


The anatomical division of the nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord is called the (afferent nervous system, enteric nervous system, efferent nervous system, somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system)

central nervous system

The ___ is the region of the brain that coordinates complex motor patterns. (pituitary gland, pons, midbrain, medulla oblongata, cerebellum, Broca's area, thalamus, hypothalamus)


The dense connective tissue fibers that surround the cusps of the AV valves are the (conjunctivae, auricles, cristae ampullares, ventricles, chordae tendineae, papillary muscles, atria, cellulites)

chordae tendine

The "heart strings" that prevent the AV valves from prolapsing are called the (coronary veins, intercalated discs, coronary arteries, chordae tendineae)

chordae tendineae

____ represents the pressure exerted on the arteries when the heart contracts. (Diastole Systole Cisterna Hypotension Synarthrosis Hypertension Syostosis Polycythemia)


The deep invagination of the sarcolemma that delivers the electrical signal deep into the muscle cell is called a (sarcomere T tubule neurotransmitter M line Z disc action potential striation titin)

T tubule

The thin actin filaments in muscle tissue are anchored to the (M line terminal cisterna osteon sarcomere T tubule tendon Z disc titin)

Z disc

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