Anatomy & Physiology

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During days one through five of the menstrual cycle, the thick endometrial lining of the uterus is shed along with tissue, fluid, blood, mucus, and epithelial cells


Elderly may become sensitive to the cold due to poor blood circulation in the dermis.


Energy storage is the more common function of carbohydrates.


Epidermis is not vascularized.


Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, make up about 95% of the volume of blood cells.


Growth hormone increases protein synthesis and the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates.


Hair, in addition to mammary glands, is a main characteristic of all mammals.


Hemoglobin is made of a protein called "globin" and a pigment called "heme."


Histiocytes are large, stationary phagocytic cells. Correct! True


Human chorionic gonadotropin causes the corpus luteum of the ovary to continue producing its hormones to maintain the lining of the uterus.


In peritoneal dialysis, the peritoneum is used as a diffusable membrane to correct an imbalance of electrolytes or fluid in the blood.


In the renal columns, the branches of the renal arteries are called the interlobar arteries.


Ingestion is the taking in of food by the body.


Inhalation is an active process, while expiration is a passive process


Kupffer's cells of the liver phagocytose certain bacteria and old, worn-out white and red blood cells.


Lymph in the lacteals that looks milky because of the fat content is called chyle.


Lymphatics resemble veins in structure but have thinner walls and more valves.


Main role of lymphoid tissue is the production of antibodies to protect us from disease and foreign microorganisms.


Malaria is caused by the injection of a protozoan, Plasmodium, by a female Anopheles mosquito.


Mast cells function in the production of heparin and histamine.


Midsagittal plane vertically divides the body through the midline into two equal left and right portions or halves.


Most Americans are Rh positive


Normal skin is impermeable to water, carbohydrates, fat, and protein.


One significant subdivision of the systemic circulation route is the hepatic portal circulation route


Organs of any cavity are referred to as the viscera.


Otitis media is another name for a middle ear infection, a common occurrence in young children.


Our liver converts toxic ammonia to a harmless substance called urea through its enzymes.


Papule is a skin lesion that is a solid, small elevation less than one centimeter in diameter.


Parathormone causes bone cells to release calcium and phosphorous into the blood.


Plasma membrane of cells is a selectively permeable membrane.


Pleural is the term that refers to the covering of the lungs.


Rh blood group was named after the Rhesus monkeys, the animals in which one of the eight Rh antigens or factors was first identified and studied.


Sagittal plane is any plane parallel to the midsagittal or median plane, vertically dividing the body into unequal right and left portions.


Saliva is 99.5% water, which provides a medium for dissolving foods.


Sebum has antifungal and antibacterial properties


Seminal fluid is sticky due to the presence of the sugar fructose, which provides energy for the beating flagellum of each sperm cell.


Severe allergic reactions can result in anaphylactic shock, culminating in death.


Skin weighs about six pounds.


Some of the side effects of anabolic steroids are shriveled testes and infertility, changes in blood cholesterol levels that could lead to heart disease, damage to the liver, a puffy face, and mental problems.


Sound originates from the vibrations of the true vocal cords.


Specialized connective tissue that lines the cavities of freely moving joints is called the synovial membrane.


Sweat itself is practically odorless.


T lymphocytes are responsible for providing cellular immunity.


Term parietal refers to the walls of a cavity.


There are ten pairs of intercostal arteries that supply the muscles of the thorax.


There are three classifications of hormones: modified amino acids, proteins, and steroid hormones.


Urinary tract infections are more common in women than in men since the anus and urethral opening are closer.


Urine is expelled from the body by a process called micturition, commonly known as voiding or urination.


Venous sinuses are veins with thin walls.


Vitamin D helps to increase absorption of calcium by the small intestine.


Water serves as a medium or solvent in which other reactions occur, and water is referred to as the universal solvent.


White blood cells are larger in size than are RBCs.


kidneys are the major excretory organs of the body, filtering large amounts of fluids from the bloodstream, including nitrogenous wastes, drugs, and toxins


ladder wall contains three layers of smooth muscle collectively known as the detrusor muscle.


larynx is closed off when we swallow so that foods and liquids are routed posteriorly into the esophagus and are kept out of the trachea anteriorly.


main chemical activity of the stomach is to begin the digestion of proteins with the enzyme pepsin


male urethra serves as a common passageway for both spermatozoa from the testes and urine from the bladder.


most dangerous type of skin cancer is malignant melanoma.


movement of air into the lungs is known as inhalation or inspiration.


narrow inferior portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina is called the cervix


narrow inferior portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina is called the cervix.


nephrons are mainly responsible for removing wastes from the blood and regulating its electrolytes and fluid content.


nephrons are the functional microscopic units of the kidney.


nerve supply to the kidneys comes from the renal plexus of the autonomic nervous system.


overall exchange of gases between the atmosphere, the blood, and the cells is called respiration


palatine tonsils are the ones commonly removed in a tonsillectomy.


parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system operates under normal non-stressful conditions.


pharyngeal tonsils are also known as the adenoids.


primary function of the lymphatic system is to drain tissue spaces of protein-containing fluid that escapes from the blood capillaries.


radial and ulnar arteries supply blood to the forearm.


renal artery transports approximately one-quarter of the total cardiac output (oxygenated blood) directly to the kidney.


scrotum is an outpouching of the abdominal wall consisting of loose skin and superficial fascia.


sinoatrial node initiates each cardiac cycle and sets the pace for the heart rate.


sperm cells continue to mature in the epididymis.


stratum corneum forms the outermost layer of the epidermis.


superior vena cava is also known as the anterior vena cava.


sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system prepares the body for stressful situations that require energy expenditure, such as by increasing heartbeat and respiratory rate to flee from a threatening situation.


thyroid cartilage is the largest piece of cartilage and is also known as the Adam's apple


vestibular folds of the larynx are also known as the false vocal cords


zymogenic cells, or chief cells, within the mucosa of the stomach secrete the principal gastric enzyme pepsinogen



true skin; another name for dermis.


tumors developing from connective tissue are called


tumors developing from connective tissues.


tumors developing from epithelial tissue.


two centrioles are referred to as a(n) _____________.

Deoxyribose and Ribose

two five-carbon sugars found in DNA.

Ribose and deoxyribose

two five-carbon sugars found in RNA

calcitonin and parathormone

two hormones that control the calcium concentration in our bodies.

Eccrine and apocrine

two kinds of sweat glands.

Adenine and guanine

two purine nitrogen base


two purine nitrogen bases.

Guanine and adinine

two purine nitrogen bases.

Thymine and cytosine

two pyrimidine nitrogen bases.

Nucleoplasm and Cytoplasm

two subdivisions of protoplasm.

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) and Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

two types of nucleic acid.

External occipital crest and external occipital protuberance

twos projection of the occipital bone for muscle attachment.

blood type that is considered to be the universal recipient is ____.

type AB


type of epithelial tissue based on function, also called serous tissue, that lines the cavities of the body that have no openings to the outside.


type of loose connective tissue that forms the framework of the liver, bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes.

Epithelial Tissue

type of tissue that protects, absorbs or secretes.

Epithelial tissue

type of tissue that protects, absorbs or secretes.


types of fats that are found in the human body.

osteoprogenitor cell

undifferentiated bone cell.

stem cells / hematocytoblasts

undifferentiated mesenchymal cells that develop into blood cells; also known as hematocytoblasts

Goblet cells

unicellular glands that secrete mucus.


unit used to measure energy.

If the fatty acids contain one or more double covalent bonds, the fat is called a(n) ____.

unsaturated fat

opening of the urethra is called the ____.

urethral orifice

hollow, muscular organ, located in the pelvic cavity posterior to the pubic symphysis, that serves as a reservoir for urine is the ____.

urinary bladder

Thyroxine or Tetraiodothyronine (T4)

A hormone of the thyroid gland that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. (T4)

Triiodothyronine (T3)

A hormone of the thyroid gland that regulates the metabolism of crabohydrates, fats and proteins.


A hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates the blood glucose levels.

Adrenal Cortex

Adrenogenital syndrome occurs due to excessive secretion of androgens from the _________ _________.

This structure in a joint provides for shock absorption and low friction movement between the bones.

Articular cartilage


During cell division, chromatin condenses into thick rodlike structures called ______________which become visible with a light microscope


During cell division, chromatin condenses into think rodlike structures that become visible with a light microscope and are called

Robert Hooke

English scientist who first described cells in 1665. Seeing cork cells, he called them cellulae meaning small rooms. in Latin.


Enlarged thyroid.


Enlargement of the thyroid gland due to an inadequate amount of iodine in the diet.


Environmental influences resulting from excessive secreation of epinephrine and cortisol causing psychological and physiological problems.

None listed

Epinephrine is secrete by the _____(e)______.


Female sex hormone.


Female sex hormone.

Support, nourishment, transportation, connection, movement, protection, insulation, storage, attachment and separation.

Funtions of connective tissue.

Friedrich Miescher

German chemist who first discovered the DNA molecule.

Ceruminous Glands

Glands that produce earwax.


Glucocorticoid Hormone

Alpha Cells

Glugagon is produced by the _____(b)_____.


Glycogen is stored for use between meals. It is stored in which organ? (a)


Glycosuria is a condition of elevated sugar in the ___________.


In protein synthesis, the process of copying the genetic information from the DNA molecule onto the messenger RNA is known as


In protein synthesis, the process of reading the code and bringing the appropriate amino acids in sequence along the messenger RNA is known as


Increase in urine production.

Vitamin D.

Increases calcium absorption

Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone (MSH)

Increases the production of melanin in melanocytes in the skin, causing a darkening of the skin.


Inhibits osteoblasts.

Adrenal Medulla

Inner part of the adrenal gland.

Beta Cells

Insulin is produced by _____(c)________.


Intense food cravings.

first individual to correctly illustrate the human skeleton with all of its bones was ____.

Leonardo da Vinci

Amine Group

NH2 found in amino acids.

correct pathway for electrical activity in the heart

SA node, AV node, bundles branches, Purkinje's fibers

thumb is the only example of this type of joint.


Same virus that causes chicken pox causes ?


Citric Acid

The C2 acetyl-CoA reacts with a C4 molecule oxaloacetic acid to form the C6 molecule ____________. (an intermediate product of the citric acid cycle)


The _____(c)____ controls water levels and electrolyte balance.


a sequence of organic nitrogen base pairs that codes for a polypeptide or protein.

Spinal Meninges

a series of connective tissue membranes specifically associated with the spinal cord.


a series of connective tissue membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.

Moving a body part away from the midline of the body is



abnormal and uncontrolled growth of a cell.

Antigens cause the immune system to produce high molecular weight proteins called immunoglobulins or ____.



anticoagulant manufactured by the liver and mast cells.


any depression or cavity in or on a bone.


any obvious bone projection


any plane parallel to the midsagittal or median plane vertically dividing the body into unequal left and right portions.


any sharp, slender projection such as the spinous process of the vertebrae.

inflammation of the vermiform appendix, caused by an obstruction, is known as ____.


disease caused by overproduction of thyroid hormone, often associated with an enlarged thyroid gland or goiter and bulging eyeballs, is known as ____.

grave's Disease

Gray Matter

gray areas of the nervous system.

longest veins of the body, which drain the superficial aspects of the legs, are known as the ____.

great saphenous veins

coronary sulcus

groove separating the atria from the ventricles externally

Spindle fibers

group of microtubules formed by the centrioles to guide the daughter chromatids to opposite poles..


groups of cells similar in size, shape and function.

White Matter

groups of myelinated axons form many neurons supported by neuroglia.

elevations or folds on the surface of the cerebrum are called ____


Cuticle, cortex and the medulla

hair is composed of these three parts.


half the number of chromosomes.

anterior part of the roof of the mouth is called the ____.

hard palate


haversian canal.

condition caused by progressive weakening of the myocardium & failure of the heart to pump adequate amounts of blood is known as:

heart failure

condition in which erythrocytes rupture or are destroyed at a faster rate than is normal is known as ____.

hemolytic anemia

erythroblastosis fetalis

hemolytic disease of the newborn

inherited clotting disorder associated with the expression of a recessive gene on the X chromosome is known as ____.


condition of inflammation and enlargement of the rectal veins is known as ____.


inflammation of the liver caused by a viral infection or by excessive alcohol consumption is known as ____.


condition caused by the protrusion of a portion of the stomach through the opening in the diaphragm is known as ____.

hiatal hernia

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

high-energy fuel molecule the cell needs to function.


higher cells like those of the body are called _____________.


hormone produced by the adrenal medulla: noradrenaline


hormone secreted by the pineal gland that acts as a neurotransmitter and vasoconstrictor.

FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone)

hormone that stimulates ovary follicle develpment and sperm cell production is ____(a)______.


hormones that can diffuse across cell membranes are the _______(b)_______.

Forty six

human body cells contain __________ chromosomes.

substance that acts as a reservoir for hydrogen ions, donating them to a solution when their concentration falls and taking the hydrogen ions from a solution when their concentration rises, is known as a(n) ____.


medical term for an excessive amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is ____.


Golgi body or Apparatus

consists of an assembly of flat sac-like cisternae that look like a stack of saucers or pancakes; used as a storage area in the cell.

Efferent Peripheral System

consists of efferent or motor neurons that convey information from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands.

Muscular System

consists of muscles, fascia, tendon sheaths and bursae.

Respiratory System

consists of nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.

Arrector Pili Muscle

consists of smooth muscle fibers attached to a hair follicle that causes the goose flesh appearance on the skin when we get scared or get a chill.

Digestive system

consists of the alimentary canal with its associated glands.

Nervous System

consists of the brain, spinal cord cranial nerves, peripheral nerves and the sensory and motor structures of the body.

Endocrine System

consists of the endocrine glands.

Integumentary System

consists of the epidermis and dermis and the appendages of the skin.

Lymphatic System

consists of the lymph nodes, thymus gland, spleen and the lymphatic vessels.

Reproductive System

consists of the ovaries, uterine tubes and vagina in the female; the testes, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, penis and urethra in the male.

condition due to hypothyroidism in young children in which the child is mentally retarded and does not grow to normal stature is known as ____.


portion of the tooth above the level of the gums that is covered with enamel is the ____.


chronic condition of the lymphatic system caused by a filarial worm invasion, which results in tremendous swelling of the arms or legs, is known as ____.


abnormal condition in which a blood clot becomes lodged in a vessel, obstructing the flow of blood in the vessel, is known as a(n) ____.



embolus that becomes lodged in a vessel and cuts off circulation

dentin of the tooth is covered by the hardest substance in the body, which is ____.


inflammation of brain tissue, usually caused by a virus and transmitted by a mosquito bite, is known as ____


inflammation of brain tissue, usually caused by a virus and transmitted by a mosquito bite, is known as ____.



energy releasing process that breaks down large molecules into smaller molecules is known as


energy requiring process that builds larger molecules by combining smaller molecules is known as

Two important functions of carbohydrates

energy storage (the more common function) and cell strengthening.


engulf and digest antigens; monocytes


engulf and digest antigens; monocytes.

pulmonary veins

enter the left atrium of the heart


enzyme that destroys bacteria

white blood cells that produce antihistamines and combat irritants that cause allergies, such as pollen or cat hair, are ____.


Outermost layer of the skin is the _______


disorder in which certain parts of the brain are overactive, producing convulsive seizures and possible loss of consciousness, is ____


Squamous epithelium

epithelial cells that are flat and slightly irregular in shape and serve as a protective layer....

Columnar epithelium

epithelial cells that are tall and rectangular; found lining the ducts of certain glands and in mucous-secreting tissues.


epithelial cells that line the circulatory system.

Cuboidal epithelium

epithelial cells that look like small cubes; their function is secretion, protection, and absorption.

The tissue that covers surfaces, protects, forms glands, and lines cavities of the body is ____.

epithelial tissue


exact duplicates.


external appendage of an atrium

exchange of gases between the lungs and the blood is known as ____.

external respiration

AIDS is an abbreviation for auto immune deficiency syndrome.


Acidity of the skin will not kill most bacteria and other microorganisms that make contact with the skin.


Adipose tissue is tightly packed, dense connective tissue.


Approximately 200 mL of blood passes through the kidneys every minute


Bacteria are rarely present in the intestine.


Blood transports oxygen from the lungs, where it enters the white blood cells (WBCs), to all cells of the body.


Bubonic plague is a disease of the lymphatic system caused by the bite of a deer tick.


Cataracts usually develop in children.


Cell membrane is composed of one layer of protein and one layer of carbohydrate


Cell performs all the activities necessary to maintain life except for excretion.


Cerebral palsy is a condition caused by inflammation of brain tissue, usually caused by a virus and transmitted by the bite of a mosquito.


Chloride (Cl-) is necessary for muscle contraction, as well as for building strong bones.


Chondrocyte is a type of cell found in areolar tissue.


Cortical nephrons have loops of Henle that extend deep into the medulla.


Decrease in sebum secretion is responsible for sagging and wrinkling skin.


Digestion is the passage of food from the digestive tract into the bloodstream


Each ureter is basically an extension of a glomerulus.


Electrons are the smallest particles of an element that maintain all the characteristics of that element and enter into chemical reactions.


Enzymes are protein catalysts that block a chemical reaction.


Eosinophils are the most common type of leukocytes.


Erythrocytes live for approximately 280 days.


Erythrocytes stay in the blood for about 12 hours and then move into tissues where they phagocytize foreign substances and secrete the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys certain bacteria.


Forty temporary, or deciduous, teeth form in infants between the ages of six months to two years.


Glaucoma is caused by a lack of aqueous humor in front of the lens.


Hair growth begins in the shaft.


Hanging from the posterior border of the soft palate is a cone-shaped muscular structure called the villi.


Hematopoiesis occurs in the yellow bone marrow where all blood cells are produced.


Horizontal or transverse plane is any plane dividing the body into left and right portions.


Hyperthyroidism in adults results in sluggishness, fatigue, and fluid accumulation in subcutaneous tissues.


Hypothyroidism causes nervousness, high body metabolism, and fatigue.


Immunity is the ability of the body to resist infection from antibodies.


Impetigo is caused by the human papillomavirus.


In a normal heartbeat, the right atrium contracts, followed by the right ventricle, then the left atrium, and finally the left ventricle.


It is useful to describe the body as having imaginary curved geometric surfaces passing through it called planes.


Lactogenic hormone (LTH), also known as prolactin, stimulates the production of ova in the female ovary.


Ligaments attach muscle to bone.


Loose connective tissue has fibers that are tightly woven among themselves


Loose connective tissue has fibers that are tightly woven among themselves.


Most common type of skin cancer, which produces an open ulcer that can easily be treated with radiation therapy or surgical removal, is malignant melanoma.


Mumps is caused by a bacterial infection of the salivary glands.


Once ejaculated, the spermatozoa have a life expectancy of about 96 hours in the female reproductive tract.


Onychomycosis is sometimes called "runaround."


Oogenesis occurs in the testes.


Organs are organized into tissues.


Osmosis pertains only to the movement of carbon dioxide molecules. True


Pitch is caused by tension on the nasal septum


Plasma cells are formed by replicating T cells.


Platelets are involved with antibody production.


Prothrombin forms the threads of a clot, which enmesh the blood cells and platelets seeping from the wound.


Ringworm is caused by several species of the herpes zoster virus.


Striated muscle is involuntary muscle and is not under the control of the central nervous system.


Sweat glands are most numerous in the soles of the feet and the elbows.


Taste buds are found on the filiform papillae


There are five classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.


There are two pulmonary veins that return oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart from the lungs.


Ventral cavity contains organs of the nervous system.


Warts are caused by the herpes simplex virus.


When a small blood vessel is damaged, skeletal muscles in the vessel's walls contract


When you wash your hair, it can be elongated to three times its normal length due to the weight of the water on the hair.


adrenal glands are embedded in the posterior surface of the thyroid gland.


average capacity of the bladder is 100 to 300 mL.


average heart beats approximately 90 times per minute.


cerebellum is the largest portion of the brain.


circulation of lymph through the various lymphatic vessels is maintained by the heartbeat.


cremaster muscle elevates the testes upon exposure to heat.


eardrum is also called the external meatus.


female sex hormones are estrogen and testosterone.


function of the esophagus is to produce digestive enzymes and absorb food


innermost tunic of the alimentary canal is called the tunica submucosa


liver is one of the smallest organs of the digestive system.


monocyte is a type of granulocyte


mons pubis, also called the veneris, is the collective term for the structures of the external genitalia


nostrils are also called the external nasal septa.


ovaries produce the sperm and the male sex hormones.


pacemaker is also known as the conduction myofiber.


pineal gland produces the hormone serotonin.


primary sex organs of the female reproductive system are the fallopian tubes.


pulmonary semilunar valve is found in the opening where the pulmonary trunk exits the left ventricle.


right and left coronary arteries deliver oxygenated blood to the lungs.


sclera regulates the amount of light that enters through the pupil.


trachea terminates just below the diaphragm by dividing into a right primary bronchus and a left primary bronchus.


true vocal cords are usually thicker and longer in women than in men.


urethra is approximately the same length in the male and the female.


urinary system consists of two kidneys, one ureter, and a bladder.


vertical partition that divides the nose into left and right nasal cavities is the cricoid cartilage



fertilized egg.

temporary circulation route that exists only between a developing baby and its mother is called ____.

fetal circulation

plasma protein that plays a vital role in the clotting mechanism is ____.


plasma protein that plays a vital role in the clotting mechanism is ____.



fibrous connective tissue; extension of the capsule of a lymph node

trabeculae carneae

fibrous connective tissue; extension of the capsule of a lymph node


fibrovascular membrane that covers a bone

Chiasmata (chiasma)

figures of chromosomes during crossing-over.


final stage of mitosis


final stage of mitosis is

Partial-Thickness Burns

first and second-degree burns..

Which of the following is the correct sequence of branching off the aortic arch?

first branch brachiocephalic artery, second branch left common carotid artery, third branch left subclavian artery


first cervical vertebra that supports the head by articulation with the condyles of the occipital bone.

Cell plate

first stage of a new cell wall forming at the equator of a dividing plant cell.


first step in the biochemical respiration process is the breakdown of glucose, which is called

Longitudinal Fissure

fissure separating the cerebrum into right and left halves


flared portion at each end of a long bone composed of cancellous or spongy bone.

vomer bone

flat bone that makes up the lower posterior portion of the nasal septum


flexible fibers found in the matrix of connective tissue.

Aqueous Humor

fluid in the anterior compartment of the yey located in front of the lens.

pericardial fluid

fluid in the pericardial cavity


fluid medium of the nucleus is called

Vitreous Humor

fluid that fills the posterior compartment of the eye behind the lens


folds on the surface of each hemisphere of the cerebrum

hormone that stimulates development of the follicles in the ovaries is ____.

follicle-stimulating hormone


foreign proteins.

Schwann Cells/Neurolemmocytes

form myelin sheaths around nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system.

temporal bones

form the lower sides and base of cranium.

palatine bones

form the posterior part of the roof of the mouth or part of the hard palate.

zygomatic or malar bones

form the prominence of the cheek.

parietal bones

form the upper sides and roof of the cranium.

intramembranous ossification

formation of bone by a process in which dense connective tissue membranes are replaced by deposits of inorganic calcium salts.


formation of bone by osteoblasts.


formation of the female egg is known as


formation of the female sex cells.


formation of the male sex hormone is known as


formed by fibrin at the site of a cut in a blood vessel

pelvic girdle

formed by the two hip bones.


formed when atoms combine chemically with one another.


formed when two or more elements combine via bonding.

sphenoid bones

forms anterior portion of the base of the cranium

Glandular epithelium

forms glands.

Frontal Lobe

forms the anterior portion of each cerebral hemisphere

Elastic cartilage

forms the external ear, ear canals and epiglottis.

tympanic plate of temporal bone

forms the floor and anterior wall of the external auditory meatus.

Cancellous or spongy bone

forms the inner spongy tissue underneath compact bone.


forms the intervertebral disks that surrond the spinal cord.

Compact bone

forms the outer layer of bone and is very dense.

Compact or dense bone

forms the outer layer of bone and is very dense.

Cancellous bone

forms the spongy tissue underneath compact bone.

aortic semilunar valve

found in the opening where the ascending aorta leaves the left ventricle

pulmonary semilunar valve

found in the opening where the pulmonary trunk exits the right ventricle

subcutaneous bursae

found under the skin.

subtendinous bursae

found where one tendon overlies another tendon.

Coronal suture

found where the frontal bone joins the two parietal bones.

red bone marrow

found within cancellous bone; makes blood cells.

Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary

four protein structures

area of sharpest vision in the retina of the eye is known as the ____.

fovea centralis

diarthroses or synovial joints

freely moving joints or articulations.

exchange of gases between the blood and the body cells is known as ____.

internal respiration


interrlocking cellular bridges that hold skin cells together.

When plasma moves out of the capillaries and into the spaces between tissue cells, it is called ____.

interstitial fluid

Match each statement with the correct item below by typing in the corresponding letter. second-degree burn, dermis, third-degree burn, first-degree burn, hypodermis

involves epidermis corium epidermis and dermis involves on epidermis subcutaneous tissue


nucleus contains the site of protein synthesis called the

Klinefelter's syndrom

occurs in males who have reached puberty. It is caused by males who have extra X chromosomes.


occurs when the digits return to their normal positions.

descending thoracic aorta

part of the aorta located in the thorax

thoracic aorta

part of the aorta located in the thorax

part of the brain that contains all of the ascending and descending tracts that connect between the spinal cord and various parts of the brain is called the ____.

medulla oblongata

Bright light inhibits the secretion of which of the following hormones?


pericardial sac

membrane covering the heart


membrane covering the heart.


membrane lining the abdominal cavity.

Plasma Membrane or plasmalemma

membrane surrounding cells.


membrane surrounding cells; also called the plasma membrane.

Pleural Membranes

membrane that encloses and protects the lung.


membrane that lines the thoracic cavity.

Cells that are descendants of activated T and B cells produced during an initial immune response, which exist in the body for years, enabling it to respond quickly to future infections, are known as ___

memory cells


mesencephalon; contains the ventral cerebral peduncles


messenger RNA attaches to __________ during protein synthesis.


microscopic blood vessels where exchange of nutrients and oxygen and waste and carbon dioxide gas occurs between blood and tissue cells

Urine is expelled from the body by a process called ____.



middle or central portion of the hair.

Dividing the body into two equal left and right portions or halves by drawing an imaginary line vertically through the body from top to bottom creates which of the following planes?


valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle is the ____.

mitral valve

tricuspid valve

molar teeth with three cusps

bicuspid / mitral valve

molar teeth with two cusps

Parasympathetic Division

part of the autonomic nervous system that operates under normal nonstressful conditions

Parasympathetic Division

part of the autonomic nervous system that operates under normal nonstressful conditions.

Sympathetic Division

part of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for stressful situations that require energy expenditure

Sympathetic Division

part of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for stressful situations that require energy expenditure.


part of the brain that controls secretions from the pituitary gland

Medulla Oblongata

part of the brainstem that contains all the ascending and descending tracts that connect between the spinal cord and various parts of the brain


part of the cell in which glycolysis occurs is the


part of the central nucleus that makes up an atom; carries no charge.


part of the central nucleus that makes up an atom; has a positive charge.

Temporal Lobe

part of the cerebral hemisphere that evaluates hearing input and smell

Occipital Lobe

part of the cerebrum that functions in receiving and interpreting visual input

atrioventricular (AV) node

part of the conduction system of the heart located in the lower portion of the right atrium

Mamillary Bodies

part of the diencephalon involved in memory and emotional responses to odor

Optic Tracts

part of the diencephalon involved with the sense of sight

Optic Chiasma

part of the diencephalon where optic nerves cross each other

Posterior or Dorsal Gray Horn

part of the spinal cord.


part of the sternum bone resembling the blade of a sword.


part of the sternum resembling the handle of a sword.

petrous part of temporal bone

part of the temporal bone found deep within the base of the skull where it protects and surrounds the inner ear.

painful inflammation of the pericardium caused by viral or bacterial infection is known as ____.


painful inflammation of the pericardium caused by viral or bacterial infection is known as:



molecule that comes from the decomoposition of proteins via the digestive process, and the conversion of amino acids in cellular respiration to ATP molecules.

Electron Donors

molecules furnishing electrons during a reaction.

Electron Acceptors

molecules that gain electrons during a reaction.

Electron Carriers

molecules that gain electrons only to lose them to some other molecule in a very short time.


more common term used instead of microns.


most common leukocytes; they secrete lysozyme

Basal Cell Carcinoma

most common type of skin cancer.


movement beyond the place of origin.


movement of a bone or limb away from the midline of the body.


movement of a bone or limb toward the midline of the body.


movement that occurs only with the thumb.


moving a bone around a central axis.


moving a part of the body backward on a plane parallel to the ground.


moving a part of the body forward on a plane parallel to the ground


moving the bone in such a way so that the end of the bone or limb describes a circle in the air and the sides of the bone describe a cone in the air.


moving the bones of the forearm so that the radius and ulna are not parallel.


moving the sole of the foot inward at the ankle.


moving the sole of the foot outward at the ankle.

Striated or skeletal muscle

muscle attached to bone, cartilage and the membranous structures associated with bones.

Muscle Fibers

muscle cells.

Muscle fibers

muscle cells.

Cardiac Muscle

muscle found only in the heart.


muscles that assist the prime movers

musculi pectinati

muscles that give the auricles their rough appearance

Match each term with the correct item below by typing in the corresponding letter.

muscles, fasciae epidermis, dermis brain, spinal cord ductless glands bones, cartilage

Another name for a heart attack is ____.

myocardial infarction

Suture, foramen, meatus/canal, sinus/antrum and sulcus

name the five fossae

Spine, condyle, tubercle, trochlea, trochanter, crest, line, head and neck

name the nine processes


narrow ridge of bone


nearest the midline of the body.


nearest the point of attachment or origin.

Molecular Oxygen

necessary to convert food into chemical energy. (ATP)

Feedback responses that revise disturbances to our body's condition are examples of ____ feedback.



negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleous of an atom at some distance from it center.


nerve cell bodies grouped together outside the central nervous system.


nerve cell that makes up an atom. Carries no charge.


nerve cell that transmits inmpulses.


nerve cells that perform support and protection.

Motor or Efferent Neuron

neuron that connects with muscles or glands to bring about a reaction to stimulus.

Unipolar Neurons

neurons that have only one process extending from the cell body; most sensory neurons are unipolar.

Multipolar Neurons

neurons that have several dendrites and one axon.

Atoms are electrically ____.


most common type of leukocytes that are the most active white blood cells in response to tissue destruction by bacteria are ____.


Polar bodies

nonfunctional cell produced in oogenesis.

disease characterized by tremors of the hand when resting and a slow, shuffling walk with rigidity of muscular movements is known as ____.


arrangement of the elements by increasing atomic number in such a way that similar properties repeat at periodic intervals is known as the ____.

periodic table

physical movement or pushing of food along the digestive tract in wave-like movements is known as ____.



phagocytic cell found in the central nervous system; also called neuroglia.


phase of contraction


phase of relaxation of the heart


phase of the cell cycle in which actual cell division occurs is

actual exchange of the respiratory gases between the lungs and blood takes place by diffusion across the alveoli and the walls of the capillary network that surrounds the alveoli.



process of cellular reproduction that occurs in the nucleus forming two identical nuclei is known as


process of cellular reproduction that occurs in the nucleus, forming two identical nulclei is known as


process of the messenger RNA molecule copying the genetic code form the DNA molecule in the nucleus is known as


process shaped like a pullery on a bone.


produce thrombocytes or platelets


reduction division of the nuclear material so that each gamete contains only half as much hereditary material as the parent cell is known as

innermost layer of the eye is called the ____.



reversal of electrical charge.

disease that results from streptococcal infections, occuring more in children than adults, is known as:

rheumatic heart disease

Nissl Bodies/Chromatophilic Substance

ribosomes attached to the rough ER in a neuron.


rounded prominence found at the point of articulation with another bone.

Mast cells

roundish-shaped cells found close to small blood vessels that produce heparin.

hepatic portal circulation

route between the digestive tract and the liver

folds of the mucosa on the internal surface of the stomach are called ____.


If the fatty acids contain only single covalent bonds, the fat is called a(n) ____.

saturated fat

genetic engineers

scientists who work with the recombinant DNA to alter and control the genotype or organsism is


second largest portion of the brain concerned with coordinating skeletal muscle movements and balance.


second layer of skin; also called corium.


second layer of the wall of the heart


second stage of mitosis.

Abdominopelvic Cavity

second subdivision of the ventral cavity that contains the kidneys, stomach, liver and gallbladder, small and large intestines, spleen pancreas, and the ovaries and uterus in women.

anterior portions of the nasal cavities just inside the nostrils are known as the vestibules.


pericardial cavity

space between the epicardium of the heart and the inner layer of the pericardial sac

Pericardial Cavity

space between the epicardium of the heart and the inner layer of the pericardial sac.

Match each statement with the correct item below by typing in the corresponding letter.allergist, cosmotologist, dermatologist, plastic surgeon

specialist concerned these individuals have specializes in disease doctors

Reticuloendothelial (RE) system

specialized connective tissue involved in phagocytosis.

hematopoietic tissue

specialized connective tissue that produces blood cells.

aortic semilunar valve is found in the opening where the ascending aorta leaves the left ventricle.



the longest most dynamic part of a cells life. it is not part of cell division.

Stratum Basale

the lowermost or basal layer of the stratum germinativum.


the lowermost portion of a hair found in the hair follicle.

tunica media

the middle layer of the wall of an artery or vein

Arachnoid Mater

the middle spinal or cranial meninx.


the most abundant substance in living cells.


the most widely distributed type of loose connective tissue.


the movement of molecules through a medium from an area of high concentration of those molecules to an area of low concentration of those molecules.


the name given to interstitial fluid when it enters a lymphatic capillary.

Alimentary Canal

the name given to the digestive tube that runs from the mouth to the anus.


the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution.

beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas secrete the hormone insulin


bladder wall contains three layers of smooth muscle collectively known as the detrusor muscle.


broad ligament, which is a fold of the peritoneum, encloses and helps hold the ovary in place in the pelvic cavity.


cardiovascular system and the respiratory system share the responsibility of supplying oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide gas.


cardiovascular system consists of the heart and thousands of miles of blood vessels.


decline in blood glucose can cause nervous system malfunctions, since glucose is a main source of energy for nerve cells.


deep bridge of nerve fiber known as the corpus callosum connects the two cerebral hemispheres.


endocrine glands are ductless glands that secrete their hormones directly into the bloodstream


fluid within the pleural cavity prevents friction between the pleural membranes and allows them to slide past each other during respiration


fluid within the pleural cavity prevents friction between the pleural membranes and allows them to slide past each other during respiration.


functional residual capacity is the volume of gas in the lungs at the end of a normal tidal volume exhalation.


heart is enclosed in a membranous sac called the pericardial sac.


Atomic Number

the number of protons or electrons in an atom.

Dura Mater

the outermost spinal or cranial meninx.

tunica adventitia

the outermost wall of an artery or vein

junction of two or more blood vessels is called an anastomosis.



A goiter is an enlarged ___________ gland.


The principal male sex hormone.


intercellular material in connective tissue.

Taste Cells

interior of the taste bud

Phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL) and phosphoglyceric acid (PGA)

intermediate products of glycolysis

Term ____ refers to the walls of a cavity.


atomic theory proposed that:

* All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. *All atoms of a given element are similar to one another but different from the atoms of other elements. *Atoms of two or more elements combine to form compounds. *A chemical reaction involves the rearrangement, separation or combination of atoms. *Atoms are never created or destroyed during a chemical reaction.

modern cell theory states that:

*cells are the basic unit of organization of all organisms. *all organisms are composed of one or more cells. *cells arise from only preexisting cells through cell division. *all existing cells are the descendants of the first cells formed early in the evolutionary history of life on earth.


1) a mass of nerve cell bodies and dendrites inside the central nervous system.


1) system of membranes that connect grana in a chloroplast.


1. part of the hypothalamus that connects to the pituitary gland; 2. open end of fallopian tube

thoracic vertebrae

12 vertebrae that connect with the ribs.

Purines and Pyrimdines

2 categories of nitrogen bases, which consist of a fused double ring of nine atoms.


2) layer of concentric rings surrounding the Haversian canals.


2) part of an atom.

percentage of air that is oxygen is ____


Approximately what percent of the gas in the atmosphere is oxygen?


Ionic, covalent and hydrogen

3 types of bonds

tissue that covers surfaces, protects, forms glands, and lines cavities of the body is ____.


percentage of urine that is water is approximately ____.


Addison'e Disease

A bronzing of the skin is a symptom of _______(a)______.


A condition caused by lowering blood Ph.


A lack of or low level of thyroid hormone.


A lack of or low level of thyroid hormones in children, resulting in mental and sexual retardation.


A neurotransmitter used by the autonomic nervous system; a hormone.

Graves' Disease

A trype of hyperthyroidism caused by over-production of thyroid hormone.


A(n) _____(d)______ Is a disease of the thyroid gland.

Diabetes insipidus is caused from a deficiency in the hormone ____.


Diabetes Insipidus

ADH deficiency


ADH helps maintain proper water balance in the body. It is also called _____(a)______.


ADH inhibits the body from excreting ___________.


Accumulation of fluid in subcutaneous tissues.

Blank ____ transport is the transportation of materials against a concentration gradient.


capsule of a joint contains which of the following?

All of the Above


An abnormally high level of PTH secretion.

Thyroid Gland

An endocrine gland located along the trachea.

Thymus Gland

An endocrine gland located beneath the sternum that is also involved in immunity as a site for lymphocyte production and maturation.

Pineal Gland/Body

An endorcine gland locted in the epithalamus of the deincephalon that produces the hormone melatonin.


Chronic elevations of glucose in the blood.


Anabolic steroids are varients of ____________.

Not listed

Androgens are produced by the _______(e)_____.

Muscle Bulk

Athletes use anabolic steroids to build _______ _______.


Atop Kidneys.

Lymphocytes that produce antibodies and provide humoral immunity, which is particularly effective against circulating bacterial and viral infections, are called ____

B lymphocytes

Lymphocytes that produce antibodies and provide humoral immunity, which is particularly effective against circulating bacterial and viral infections, are called ____.

B lymphocytes


Because the cannot diffuse across the intestinal lining, protein and modified amino acid hormones like insulin must be _________.


Blank ______ are small bodies in the cytoplasm containing powerful digestive enzymes that enhance the breakdown of cellular components


Blank ______ is the energy releasing process that breaks down large molecules into smaller ones


Blank ______ is the process of building larger molecules by combining smaller molecules


Blank _______ is a natural process by which cells in the body die and is controlled by specific genes


Blank _______ is the protein material that forms the microtubules and assembles at the spindal

cell cycle

Blank ___________ is a process by which a cell divides into two and duplicates its genetic material


Blank _______________ are the most common and most numerous organelles found in plant cells and cause plants to look green

Adrenal Cortex

Blank ____________is caused by a long-term excessive production of cortisol.

MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone)

Darkens the skin.


Bulging of the eyeballs.

Mineral Salts

Calcium (Ca+), Phosphate (PO4-), Chloride (C1-), Sodium (Na+), and Potassium (K=)

Diabetes Insipidus

Caused by insufficient ADH resulting in excessive urination and dehydration.


Cell __________ study the anatomy and function of cellular organelles


Chemical secretions from an endocrine gland.


Cilia and _________ are composed of fibrils that protrude from the cell and beat or vibrate

Epithelial cells that are tall and rectangular looking are called______

Columnar Cells

Corpus Callosum

Deep bridge of nerve fibers that connects the cerebral hemisphere.


Compounds with unpolarized bonds are called

Addison's Disease

Condition in which the adrenal cortex fails to produce enough hormones.

Cushing's Syndrome

Condition resulting form too much secretion from the adrenal cortex, resulting in obesity and puffiness in the skin.

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

Conducts impulses from the brain and spinal cord to smooth muscle tissue, cardiac muscle tissue and glands.

Ciliary Body

Consists of smooth muscles that hold the lens of the eye in place.

Central Nervous System (CNS)

Consists of the brain and spinal cord.


Contains four iodine atoms.

Pituitary Gland

Controls many glands.

Abducens Nerve VI

Controls movement of the eyeball.

Facial Nerve VII

Controls the muscles of facial expression and conveys sensations related to taste.


Covalently bonded amino acids composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.

Blank ____ is a chronic, inflammatory bowel disease of unknown origin with symptoms of diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, fever, chills, nausea, weakness, anorexia, and weight loss

Crohn's disease

Decussation of Pyramids

Crossing of the tracts in the brain stem.

condition caused by too much secretion from the adrenal cortex, resulting in puffy skin, obesity, a moon-shaped face, and masculinizing changes in women, is known as ____.

Cushing's syndrome

Russian chemist who developed the periodic table of the elements was ____.

Dimitri Mendeleev

Diabetes Mellitus

Disease caused by a deficiency in insulin production.

Nuclear Membrane

Double-layered membrane that surrounds the nucleous.

Endocrine Glands

Ducltless glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.

External Auditory Meatus

Ear Canal.




Endocrine glands are ductless glands. This means they secrete their hormones right into the ____________.

Pancreatic Islets/Islets of Langerhans

Endocrine portion of the pancreas.


Excessive aldosterone causing high blood pressure.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Excessive melatonin in winter causing depression.

Adrenogenital Syndrome

Excessive secretion of androgens producing male characteristics in females and early enlarged penis in young males.


Excessive thirst.


External appendage of an atrium.

Parathyroid Glands

Four glands embedded in the thyroid gland.

Sensation, protection, thermoregulation and secretion

Functions of the integumentary system.


Have ducts

bacterium associated with the development of stomach or peptic ulcers is ____.

Helicobacter pylori

Accessory Nerve XI

Helps control swallowing and movements of the head.


Hormone produced by the adrenal medulla.


Hormone produced by the pancras that regulates blood glucose levels.


Hormone produced by the pineal gland.


Hormone secreted by the pineal gland that acts as a neurotransmitter and vasoconstrictor.


Hormone secreted by the thymus gland that causes the production of T lymphocytes.


Hormone secreted by the thyroid that lowers the calcium and phosphate ion concentration of the blood.


Hormone that regulates sodium reabsorption and potassium exvretion by the kidneys.

Oxytocin (OT)

Hormone that stimulates contractions in the wall of the uterus, also causes milk secretion.


Hormone that stimulates the liver to synthesize glucose from circulating amino acids.


Hormones can be classified into ________ catagories.

Grave's Disease



If blood glucose decreases excessivley, fatty acids and _____(c)____ are realeased to cause acidosis?


In a _________, clumps of atoms are distributed through the medium


In a __________ individual atoms or ions of a substance are distributed throughout the medium

Hydrogen Atom

Is unique because its nucleus contains only on proton.

Important roles of water in cells:

It serves as a meduim or solvent for other reactions to occur in; It serves as a basis for the transportation of materials; it absorbs and releases heat, maintaining body tempeature; it protects; and it is the base for all body lubricants.


Large amounts of sugar in the urine.


Layers of proteins, enzymes and chlorophyll make up the __________.


Lowers calcium level.


Luteinizing hormone stimulates the __________ in the female.


MSH increases the production of melanin and this _________ the skin.


Maintaining the bodys internal environment.


Maintains progesterone during pregnancy.

Antidiuretic Hormone(ADH)/Vasopressin

Maintains the bodys water balance.


Maintains water balance.


Male sex hormones.

Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)

Malic acid loses two hydrogens to _____________, an electron carrier of the electron transport system and two more ATP molecules are made in this step.


Materials enter and exit the cell through the

Negative Feedback Loop

Mechanism by which hormonal systems function.


Negative feedback means that when a hormone reaches a certain level, the gland's secretion is _________.


Neurotransmitter Neuron


One of the four major parts of the brain consisting of the thalamus and the hypothalamus.

Adrenal Cortex

Outermost part of the adrenal gland.

Cushing's System

Overproduction of hormones by the adrenal cortex can lead to _______(c)_____.


Oxytocin stimulates contraction of the uterus and also stimulated _________.

Acini Cells

Pancreatic juice is produced by _______(a)_______.


Part of the hypothalamus that connects to the pituitary gland.

What is the dense outer covering of a long bone that contains many nerve fibers and is responsible for the pain of a fracture?


What is the outermost covering of the shaft of a long bone?


macrophages of the aggregated lymphatic follicles found in the walls of the small intestine destroy bacteria and prevent the bacteria from infecting and penetrating the walls of the intestine. These aggregated follicles are also known as ____.

Peyer's patches

Anterior or Ventral Root

Point of attachment of the spinal nerve to the cord. Also known as the motor root.


Polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia are associated with _____(d)______.


Primary sex organs of the female reproductive system.


Primary sex organs of the male reproductive system that produce sperm and male sex hormones.

Releasing Inhibitory Hormones

Produced by the hypothalamus, they inhibit the release of hormones from the pituitary gland.

Releasing Hormones

Produced by the hypothalamus, they stimulate the release of hormones from the pituitary gland.

amino acids

Proteins are broken down by digestion into

actual contraction of the ventricles is stimulated by the:

Purkinje's fibers

Dorsal Tectum

Reflex cneter that controls the movement of the eyeballs and head in response to visual stimuli.


Regulates blood glucose.

Alpha Cells

Secrete the hormone glucogan.

Beta Cells

Secrete the hormone insulin, found in the pancreas.

Ductless Glands

Secretes into blood

Chief Cells

Secreting cells of the parathyroid glands.

Oxyphil Cells

Secreting cells of the parathyroid glands.

Modified Amino Acids

Simplest Hormones

Adrenal glands/suprarenal glands

Small glands found on top of each kidney.


Steroid closely related to cortisol given to reduce inflammation.

Lipids (fat)

Steroid hormones are soluble in _________.

Growth Hormone (GH)

Stimulates cell metabolism in most tissues of the body.

Growth Hormone

Stimulates cell metabolism.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

Stimulates development of the follicles in the ovaries of females and the production of sperm cells in the seminiferous tubules of the testes.


Stimulates lactation.

Lactogenic Hormone (LTH)/Prolactin

Stimulates milk production in the mammoary glands after delivery.


Stimulates milk production.(b)


Stimulates or inhibits hormone release.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

Stimulates ovulation in the ovary and production of the female sex hormone progesterone.

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)

Stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete the hormone cortisol.


Stimulates the thyroid gland to produce it's own hormone. (a)

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Stimulates the thyroid gland to produce its hormone.

Functions of fat storage:

Stored chemical energy, insulator, protects internal organs,

T lymphocytes/T cells

T cells; responsible for providing cellular immunity


TSH stimulates the ________ gland to produce its hormone.


The absence of skin color.

Hair, nails, sevaceous glands, ceruminous glands (ear wax glands) and sweat glands

The accesory structures of the skin

Adrenaline and Aldosterone

The adrenal medulla secretes_________; the adrenal cortex secretes a number of hormones, the most important of which is __________.


The bulk of the brain consisting of two cerebral hemispheres.

Releasing Hormones and Releasing inhibitory Hormones

The chemical signals of the hypothalamus are called _____ ______ and ______-______ _______.

Auditory or Eustachian Tube

The ear canals located in the middle ear that equalize air pressure preventing hearing distortion.


The gland sitting atop the kidney is the _______(b)______.

Rosalind Franklin

The first person to discover that the DNA molecule had a helical structure similar to a winding staircase.

Corneum, lucidum, granulosum, spinosum and germinativum (basale)

The five stratum layers of the epidermis.


The hormone from the parathyroid glands funtions to balance ________ levels in the body.

Parathyroid Hormone/Parathormone (PTH)

The hormone of the parathyroid glands.

Chemical Signals (Neurotransmitters)

The hypothalamus sends directiond to the pituitary gland by _______ ________.

Pancreas, Insulin and Glucagon

The islets of Langerhans are located on the ___________, and they produce the hormones _______ and ________.


The larger of the pituitary glands procuces _________ hormones.

Pituitary Gland/Hypophysis

The major gland of the endocrine.

Cortisol and hydrocortisone

The middle layer of the adrenal cortex secretes _______, which is also known as _________.

Chief and Oxyphil

The parathyroid glands consist of ______ cells and _________ cells.

Anterior and Posterior

The pituitary gland has two lobes, the _______ and the _________ lobes.


The pituitary gland is also called the ___________.


The second category of hormones is the _________ Protein hormones.


The second layer of the wall of the eye containing blood vessels and pigment cells.


The sex hormones secreted by the inner layer of the adrenal cortex are _________.

Amino Acids

The simplest group of hormaones is the modified ________ ________.

Immune System

The thymus gland is important in the development of _______________.

cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm, chromatin, nucleolus, mitochondria, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (both rough and smooth), golgi apparatus and ribosomes.

Thirteen Structures of a Typical Eukaryotic Cell:

muscle sheaths, joint capsules and fascia

Three dense connective tissues having an irregular arrangement of embedded fibers.

White Blood Cells

Thymosin causes the production of which of the following? (a)

Muscle Tissue

Tissue that can shorten and thicken or contract.


To properly function, the thyroid gland must have __________.


Too much secretion of thyroid hormone.

Tetanus is caused by the introduction of the bacterium Clostridium tetani into an open wound.


pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin.



WBCs involved in the production of antibodies


WBCs that produce antihistamines


WBCs that release heparin, histamine, and serotonin during an allergic reaction

Ten common substaces found in living systems.

Water, carbon dioxide gas, molecular oxygen, ammonia, mineral salts, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Adrenal Cortex

What makes up the bulk of the adrenal gland? (b)


__________ affective disorderr produces a type of depression.


Which gland needs Iodine to function correctly? (c)


Which hormone is secreted by the thryoid gland ______(c)_______.


Witamin D increases the absorption of ______(b)_______.


_______ RNA will go into the cytoplasm and collect amino acids.


_________ are the third kind of hormones.

P.A. Levine

a biochemist who discovered that DNA contained three main components: posphate (PO4) groups, five carbon sugars and nitrogen-containing bases called purines (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidines (thymine and cytosine)


a blood clot

Covalent Bond

a bond in which the atoms share electrons to fill their outermost energy levels.

Ionic Bond

a bond that is formed when one atom gains electrons while the other atom loses electrons from its outermost energy level.


a bone of the wrist, also called the greater multiangular


a bone of the wrist; also called the lesser multiangular.


a break in a bone


a bundle of fibers inside the central nervous system.

Third-Degree Burns

a burn in which the epidermis and dermis are completely destroyed; also called full-thickness burn.

Second-Degree Burns

a burn that involves the epidermis and dermis; may form scars.


a carotenoid pigment in plant cells that produces a red-orange color.


a carotenoid pigment in plant cells that produces a yellow color.


a cavity within a bone.

Microns (micrometers)

a cellular measurement equal to one thousandth of a millimeter.


a circular opening in the iris of the eye

Endoplasmic Reticulum

a complex system of membranes that form a collection of membrane-bound cavities in a cell.

All-or-None Law

a contraction or nervous transmission either occurs or does not occur.

orbital margin

a definite ridge above each orbit.

Fovea Centralis

a depression in the retina

Glenoid fossa

a depression in the scapula for articulation with the head of the humerus.


a disk of protein on the centromere.


a fatty acid that contains one or more double covalent bonds between the carbon atoms.


a fatty acid that contains only single covalent bonds.

Myelin Sheath

a fatty sheath surruonding some axons.

Haversian canals

a feature of compact bone containing capillaries, also called central canals.

Haversian/central canals

a feature of compact bone containing capillaries.


a fibrovascular membrane that lines the medullary cavity of a long bone

Ethyl alcohol

a final product of fermentation.


a furrow or groove


a furrow or groove


a harmless substance created when the liver breaks down ammonia with enzymes.


a joint in which a conical process fits into a socket and is held in place by ligaments.

obturator foramen

a large opening in the hip bone for passage of nerves, blood vessles and ligaments.

Stratum Granulosum

a layer of epidermis made of flattened cells containing granules.


a less prominent ridge of bone than a crest.

lambdoid suture

a line where the two parietal bones connect with the occipital bone.


a mass of nerve cell bodies and dendrites inside the central nervous system.


a medium allowing other reactions to occur in.


a mistake in the copying of genetic material.


a molecule with an unequal distribution of bonding electrons.

Sensory or Afferent Neuron

a neuron in contact with receptors, it detects changes in the external environment.

Dopamine and endorphins

a neurotransmitter


a neurotransmitter, used by the autonomic nervous system; a hormone.


a nitrogen base consisting of a fused double ring of nine atoms of carbon and nitrogen.


a nitrogen base consisting of a fused double ring of nine atoms of carbon and nitrogen.


a nitrogen base consisting of a single ring of six atoms of carbon and nitrogen.


a nitrogen base consisting of a single ring of six atoms of carbon and nitrogen.


a part of the hip bone found superior and slightly anterior to the ischium


a place of junction between two or more bones.


a process by which epidermal cells of the skin change shape, composition and lose water as they move to the upper layers and become mainly protein and die.

occipital condyle

a process for articulation with the first cervical vertebra.

olecranon process

a projection of the ulna known as the funny bone.


a protein found in blood plasma that maintains osmotic pressure in blood and tissues


a protein material.


a reduction division that occurs in the gonads to produce egg and sperm cells.


a set of enzymes that attack foreign antigens


a simple molecule similar to a sugar except that it has only a three-carbon chain, part of fat.


a single bone of a finger or toe.

occipital bone

a single bone that forms the back and base of the cranium.

Frontal bone

a single bone that forms the forehead and part of the roof of the nasal cavity.


a six-carbon sugar used in glycolysis.


a socket for articulation with a tooth


a spherical particle within the nucleoplasm that does not have a covering membrane aroud it.


a starburst cluster of microtubules of tubulin produced by the centriole.


a substance released from blood platelets that is involved in the clotting reaction


a substance that acts as a reservoir for hydrogen ions.


a substance that dissociates and forms an excess of H ions when dissoved in water.


a substance whose atoms all contain the same number of protons and electrons.


a thickened area of skin developed from an excessive amount of friction.


a tough fiber found in the matrix of connective tissue.

Messenger RNA

a type of RNA that transcribes the genetic code of a DNA molecule.

Transfer RNA

a type of RNA that translates the code of a DNA molecule that was copied by messanger RNA.

Transfer RNA

a type of RNA that translates the code of a DNA molecule that was copied by messenger RNA.

Hydrogen Bond

a type of bond that helps hold water molecules together by forming a bridge between the negative oxygen atom of one water molecule and the positive hydrogen atoms of another water molecule.

Hyaline cartilage

a type of cartilage that forms the early skeleton of the embryo.


a type of loose connective tissue.

Ribonucleic Acid

a type of nucleic acid.


a type of specialized connective tissue.

condyloid joint

a type of sunovial joint, also called an ellipsoidal joint, like the wrist.

gliding joint

a type of synovial joint found in the spine.

pivot joint

a type of synovial joint, like the joint between the atlas and axis vertebrae.

hinge joint

a type of synovial joint, like the knee or elbow.

saddle joint

a type of synovial joint, the carpal metacarpal joint in the thumb.

ball-and-socket joint

a type of synovial or diarthrosis joint, also called a multiaxial joint, like the shoulder or hip joint.

Connective Tissue

a type of tissue that supports or binds.

Connective tissue

a type of tissue that supports or binds.

Nervous Tissue

a type of tissue that transmits impulses.

condition caused by excessive secretion of the growth hormone after childhood and characterized by enlarged face, hands, and feet is known as ____.


pharyngeal tonsils are also known as the ____.


transfusion reaction is caused by a reaction between protein antibodies in the blood plasma and red blood cell surface molecules called antigens, resulting in the clumping of red blood cells known as ____.



agranular endoplasmic reticulum.

plasma protein that plays a role in maintaining osmotic pressure and water balance between blood and tissues is ____.



all cells have approximately the same number of __________.

Phospholipid Layer

allows for the free passage of water molecules through the cell membrane via osmosis, active transport areas, receptor sites and identity markers for the cell.

Selectively Permeable Membrane

allows only certain materials to pass through, like water through a plasma membrane.

Fatty Acids

along with glycerol, a building block of fats.

grape-like out-pouchings located at the ends of the respiratory bronchioles are called ____.


by-product of the breakdown of amino acids is ____.



an abnormal accentuated lumbar curvature.


an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine.


an area within the cytoplasm that is surrounded by a vacuolar membrane.

Cytochrome system

an electron carrier complex.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NDA)

an electron carrier that transports two hydrogen atoms that come off each of the two PGALS in glycolysis.


an enazme in the postsynaptic neuron that breaks down acetylcholine.

Pineal Gland

an endocrine gland located in the epithalamus of the diencephalon that produces the hormone melatonin


an energy-releasing process that breaks down large molecules into smaller ones.


an energy-requiring process that builds larger molecules by combining smaller molecules


an enzyme formed from prothrombin that is necessary for the clotting mechanism

Hair Follicle

an epidermal tube surrounding an individual hair.


an inflammatory substance produced in response to allergies.


an intermediate product of fermentation.


an involuntary reaction to an external stimulus.

Round Window

an opening on the medial side of the middle ear that connects the middle ear to the inner ear

study of the human body's structures is known as ____.


Basement membrane

anchors epithelial cells to each other and to underlying tissues.

Reduced blood flow to the heart muscle causes a sensation of pain in the chest, left arm, and shoulder, which is known as ____.

angina pectoris


animal starch.


ankle bone


another name for cephalad.

Auditory ossicles

another name for the ear bones.

Interventricular Foramen/Foramen of Monroe

another name for the foramen of Monroe


another name for the ribs


clumping of red blood cells


are made of DNA molecules and proteins.

Sodium, Potassium and Chloride

are necessary for muscle contraction and nervous transmission.

DNA molecule

code to make a particular protein is a gene located on a

Nail Bed

area from which the nail grows.


area near the nucleus made of two centrioles.

Reticular Formation

area of dispersed gray matter in the medulla of the brain


areas where the terrnimal branches of an axon are anchored close to, but not touching, the ends of the dendrites of another.

smallest arteries that deliver blood to capillaries are called



articulation in which the bones are united by a thin layer of fibrous tissue.

disease of the arteries in which cholesterol-containing masses called plaque accumulate on the inside of the arterial walls is known as:


number of protons or the number of electrons within an atom is known as the ____.

atomic number

Two upper chambers of the heart are the right & left:



attracts water.


away from the point of attachment or origin.

Epithelial cells are anchored to each other and to underlying tissues by a specialized membrane called_____

basement membrane


basic unit for biological organization of the human body is the


bending or decreasing the angle between bones.

group of cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas that are responsible for secreting insulin are the ____.

beta cells

mitral valve is also known as the:

bicuspid valve


blood cell formation

systematic circulation

blood circulation to the body not including the lungs

cerebral circulation

blood circulatory route that supplies the brain with oxygen and nutrients, and disposes of waste

Match each term with the correct item below by typing in the corresponding letter. Marrow, neuroglia, eryth, leuko, neuron

blood formation supports red white conducting cell

Interstitial Fluid

blood plasma found in the spaces between tissue cells.


blood plasma proteins like antibodies and complement


blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart


blood vessels that carry blood to the heart


bluish discoloration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen in the blood.

Cardiovascular System

body system consisting of the heart and vessels that pump and distribute blood to and from all cells.

soft mass of chewed food ready to be swallowed is known as (a) ____



bone cells present in almost all cavities of bone responsible for reabsorbing bone during remodeling.

hyoid bone

bone that supports the tongue.


bone-like substances found in teeth.

sesamoid bones

bones enclosed in a tendon and fascial tissue, located adjacent to joints.

tarsal bones

bones of the ankle.

metacarpal bones

bones of the palm of the hand.


bones of the sole of the foot; form the arch of the foot.


bones of the wrist

lacrimal bones

bones that make up part of the orbit at the inner angle of the eye; contains the tear sac.

Coracoid process

bony projection on the scapula that functions as an attachment for muscles that move the arm.

Acromial process

bony prominence on the scapula

left bundle branch

branch of the bundle of His; part of the conduction system of the heart

right bundle branch

branch of the bundle of His; part of the conduction system of the heart

Pons Varolii

bridge that connects the spinal cord with the brain and parts of the brain with each other

superior (anterior) vena cava

brings blood from the upper parts of the body to the right atrium of the heart

inferior (posterior) vena cava

brings blood to the heart from the lower parts of the body; also called posterior vena cava

Inflammation of the bronchi, which causes swelling of the mucous membrane lining of the bronchial tubes, is called ____.


Random collision of diffusing molecules is called ____.

brownian movement

mouth or oral cavity can also be called the ____.

buccal cavity

A substance that acts as a reservoir for hydrogen ions, donating them to a solution when their concentration falls and taking the hydrogen ions from a solution when their concentration rises, is known as a(n) ____.


atrioventricular bundle / bundle of his

bundle of His; part of the conduction system of the heart running through the top of the interventricular septum

atrioventricular bundle is also called the ____.

bundle of his


bundle of nerve cells or fibers.

Full-Thickness Burns

burn in which the epidermis and dermis are completely destroyed; also called a third-degree burn.

First-Degree Burns

burn involving just the epidermis and heals with no scarring.

active form of vitamin D is known as ____.


hormone that lowers the calcium and phosphate ion concentration of the blood by inhibiting the release of calcium phosphate ions from the bones and by increasing the excretion of these ions by the kidneys is ____.


Volkmann's/perforating canals

canals that run horizontally to the Haversian canals


cancer-causing agents.


cancerous cells that have left the tumor site and have traveled to other parts of the body is known as

one cell-thick, microscopic vessels that connect arterioles with the venules are known as:



carbohydrate material that makes the cell wall of plant cells, fiber in our diet.

Match each term with the correct item below by typing in the corresponding letter.

carbon ionic bond water covalent bond acid

Blood returning to the lungs is high in ____.

carbon dioxide

one heart beat is known as:

cardiac cycle

Xanthophyll and carotene

carotenoid pigments are _______ and ________.


carotenoid pigments are xanthophyll and ________

left pulmonary artery

carries blood to the left lung

right pulmonary artery

carries blood to the right lung

An enzyme that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being affected by the reaction is known as a(n) ____.


purkinje;s fibers / conduction myofibers

cause actual contractions of the ventricles; they emerge from the bundle branches


caused by abrasion on bony prominences on the foot.


cavities of an endoplasmic reticulum that are sac or channel-like.


cavities within the brain that connect with each other

Cranial Cavity

cavity containing the brain.

Spinal Cavity

cavity containing the spinal cord.

Thirteen Structures of a Typical Eukaryotic Cell:

cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm, chromatin, nucleolus, mitochondria, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (both rough and smooth), golgi apparatus and ribisomes.


cells involved in the formation of bony tissue.


cells of cartilage.


cells responsible for producing melanin.

Pseudostratified epithelium

cells that have a layered appearance but actually extend from the basement membrane to the outer free surface.


cells withoug organelles are called ____________.

immunity provided by the T lymphocytes, effective against fungi, parasites, intracellular viral infections, cancer cells, and foreign tissue implants, is known as ____.

cellular immunity


cellular respiration takes place on the folds of the inner membrane of the mitochondria, these folds are called

medullary cavity

center of the shaft of long bone filled with yellow bone marrow.

blood circulatory route that supplies the brain with oxygen and nutrients and disposes of waste is called ____.

cerebral circulation

Another name for earwax is ____.



charged atom.

Carbon Dioxide

chemical produced as a waste product of cellular respiration.


cholesterol-containing masses

second layer of the eye, which contains blood vessels and pigment cells, is known as the ____.


Lymph in the lacteals of the small intestine that appears milky because of the fat content is called ____.


digested, viscous, semi-fluid contents of the small intestine are known as ____.


fetal circulation

circulation route that exists only between the developing fetus and its mother

Match each statement with the correct item below by typing in the corresponding letter. endothelium, connective tissue, mucous membrane, mesothelium, glandular

circulatory type of tissue lines digestive cavities forms glands

pulmonary circulation

circulatory route that goes from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart

long-term degenerative disease of the liver in which the lobes are covered with fibrous connective tissue is called ____.


Squamous, cuboidal and columnar

classification of epithelial cells based on their shape.

Stratum Lucidum

clear layer of epidermis.


closed sacs with a synovial membrane lining


closed sacs with a synovial membrane lining.


clotting in an unbroken blood vessel


collar bone

Cancer of the large intestine and rectum is known as ____.

colorectal cancer


colored part of the eye


complex carbohydrate, or fiber, synthesized bu golgi bodies is known as


complex molecules made up of a sugar, a phosphate and a nitrogen base; the building blocks of nucleic acids.


complex molecules made up of a sugar, a phosphate and a nitrogen base; the building blocks of nucliec acid.

Skeletal System

composed of bones, cartilage, and the membranous structures associated with bones.

Mineral Salts

composed of small ions, they are essential for the survival and functioning of the body's cells.


compounds that do not readily dissolve in water are ______________.


compounds with unpolorized bonds.


condition commonly referred to as hunchback.

system within the heart that generates & distributes electrical impulses over the heart to stimulate cardiac muscles fibers or cells to contract is known as the:

conduction system

Somatic Nervous System

conducts impulses from the brain and spinal cord to skeletal muscles, causing us to respond tor react to changes in our external environment.

Autonomic Nervous System

conducts impulses from the brain and spinal cord to smooth muscle tissue, cardiac muscle tissue and glands.

when the heart does not develope properly & heart disease is present at birth, the condition is called:

congenital heart disease

chordae tendineae

connect the pointed ends of the flaps or cusps to the papillary muscles in the ventricles of the heart

yellow bone marrow

connective tissue consisting of fat cells.


connective tissue that attaches bone to bone.


connective tissue that attaches bone to bone.

Cerebral Aqueduct/Aqueduct of Sylvius

connects the third and fourth ventricles of the brain.


consists of a nucleus containing positively charged protons and neutral neutrons.

ATP molecule

consists of a ribose sugar, adenine, and three phosphate groups. The energy of the molecule is stored in the second and third phosphate groups.

Afferent Peripheral System

consists of aggerrent or sensory neurons that convey information from receptors in the periphery of the body to the brain and spinal cord.

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

consists of all the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord with sensory receptors, muscles and glands.

Cell body

contains the nucleus of a neuron.

Parietal Lobe

control center in the brain for evaluating sensory information of touch, pain, balance, taste, and temperature


control center of the cell

Trochlear Nerve IV

controls movement of the eyeball and conveys impulses related to muscle sense

Oculomotor Nerve III

controls movements of the eyeball and upper eyelid and conveys impulses related to muscle sense

Vagus Nerve X

controls skeletal muscle movements in the pharynx, larynx, and palate

Glossopharyngeal Nerve IX

controls swallowing and carries taste impulses

Hypoglossal Nerve XII

controls the muscles involved in speech and swallowing; its sensory fibers conduct impulses for muscle sense

Co-enzyme A

converts acetic acid to acetyl-CoA.

Ventral Cerebral Penduncles

convey impulses from the cerebral cortex to the pons and spinal cord

Optic Nerve II

conveys impulses related to sight

Olfactory Nerve I

conveys impulses related to smell


convolutions of the inner membrane of the mitochondria are called

arteries that branch off the ascending aorta to supply the heart with oxygenated blood are the:

coronary arteries

disease that results from reduced blood flow in the coronary arteries that supply the myocardium of the heart is known as ____.

coronary heart disease

muscle tissue of the atria & ventricle is seperated by connective tissue; a groove called the _________________________ separates the atria from the ventricles

coronary sulcus

Peptide Bonds

covalent bonds that form between different amino acids to form proteins.


dark threads in nucleus.


death of tissues


deep socket on the lateral side of the hipbone just above the obturator foramen.

elimination from the body of indigestible substances that cannot be absorbed is known as ____.



defective cancerous cells spread to other parts of the body.

term used for swallowing is ____.


excessive loss of water caused by bouts of diarrhea can lead to a serious condition known as ____.



dense connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone.


dense connective tissue that attaches muscles to bone.

Tendons, ligaments and aponeuroses

dense connective tissues that have a regular arrangement of embedded fibers.

condition of the pituitary gland due to a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) in which an individual produces 20 to 30 liters of urine daily and can become severely dehydrated is known as ____

diabetes insipidus

condition of the pituitary gland due to a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) in which an individual produces 20 to 30 liters of urine daily and can become severely dehydrated is known as ____.

diabetes insipidus

common condition of the endocrine system in which the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin, resulting in chronic elevations of glucose in the blood, is known as ____.

diabetes mellitus

When the mucosa of the colon is unable to maintain its usual levels of water absorption and secretes larger than normal amounts of water, ions, and mucus in the feces, the condition is known as ____.


relaxation phase



different kinds of atoms of the same element.

Match each item with the correct statement below by typing in the corresponding letter.

diffusion ion compound osmosis atoms

breakdown of food by both mechanical and chemical mechanisms is known as ____.



discribing the process by which a cell eats debris and microorganisms.


dissolution of a blood clot


distribution of the exact copying of the genetic code during cellular division, producing a genetic variation to a parent cell is called

presence of pouch-like herniations through the muscular layer of the colon, particularly the sigmoid colon, is known as ____.


coronary sinus

drains the blood from most of the vessels that supply the walls of the heart with blood

Endocrine Glands

ductless glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.

Endocrine glands

ductless glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.


duplicated copies of a chromosome.

Anton von Leeuvenhoek

dutch naturalist that observed living cells in pond water. Describing the cells as animalcules, meaning little animals.

Too little growth hormone secreted before puberty, as a result of abnormal development of the pituitary gland, results in a condition known as ____.



ear bone referred to as the anvil


ear bone referred to as the anvil.


ear bone referred to as the hammer


ear bone referred to as the hammer.


ear bone referred to as the stirrup


ear bone referred to as the stirrup.

Tympanic Membrane


Kupffer's cells

eat bacteria and old white and red blood cell; found in the liver.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), Quinone and the cytochrome system.

electron carriers that participate in the electron transport (transfer) process.

Molecules that furnish electrons during a chemical reaction are called ___

electron donors

Two upper chambers of the heart are the right & left:


What bone of the skull forms the forehead?


Protects underlying tissue, absorbs, secretes and excretes

functions of epithelial tissue.


functions of hormones does not include _____(d)______

pear-shaped sac about three to four inches long that stores and concentrates bile until it is needed in the small intestine is the ____.


Nodes of Ranvier/Neurofibral nodes

gaps in the myelin sheath.

conduction system

generates and distributes electrical impulses over the heart to stimulate cardiac muscle fibers or cells to contract


genetic material located within the nucleus of the cell that determines all the cells functions and characteristics is

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

genetic material of cells located in the nucleous of the cell that determines all the functions and characterristics of the cell.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

genetic material of cells located in the nucleus of the cell that determines all function and characteristics of the cell.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid

genetic material of cells located in the nucleus of the cell that determines all the functions and characteristics of the cell.


gland Crucial to the immune system is the _____(b)____.


gland responsible for the secretion of melatonin is the ______(e)______.


gland that secretes cortisol is the _____(d)_____.

Compound exocrine glands

glands made of several lobules with branching ducts.

Exocrine glands

glands that have ducts.

Sebaceous Glands

glands that secrete sebum.

Simple exocrine glands

glands with ducts that do not branch.

condition caused by excessive pressure buildup in the aqueous humor, which can constrict blood vessels entering the eye, is known as ____.


Which of the following represents the proper sequence of flow for materials through the kidney?

glomerulus, proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal tubule, collecting duct

hormone secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreas that is responsible for stimulating the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose when blood sugar levels are extremely low is ____.


Excess glucose and other monosaccharides can be stored in the liver as animal starch, which is called ____.


medical term for an excessive amount of glucose (sugar) in the urine is ____.



granular endoplasmic reticulum.


granum is made of a stack of individual double membranes called a

pituitary gland, considered the "master gland" of the endocrine system, is also called the ____


Pituitary Gland

hypophysis; the major gland of the endocrine system

part of the brain that controls our feelings of rage and aggression, contains the body's thirst center, and maintains waking and sleeping patterns is the ____.


ability of the body to resist infection from disease-causing microorganisms or pathogens, damage from foreign substances, and harmful chemicals is known as ____.


Prophase II

in each of the two daughter cells produced in the first meiotic division, the nuclear membrane disappear but no dupliction of DNA occurs.


increases the joint angle beyond the atomic position.


increasing the angle between bones.


individual double membranes that make up a granum in a chloroplast.

Inadequate blood flow to the heart can cause an area of damaged vardiac tissue is known as a:


condition caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which affects the lymphocytes and the salivary glands, resulting in sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and fever, is known as ____.

infectious mono

Foramen magnum

inferior portion of the occipital bone through which the spinal cord connects with the brain.

Veins draining the lower parts of the body merge into a larger vein, which then transports the blood to the right atrium of the heart; this larger vein is the ____.

inferior vena cava

Match each term with the correct item below by typing in the corresponding letter. histomine

inflammatory substance cells of cartilage antico formation of bone light brown subs

sinoatrial (SA) node / pacemaker

initiates each cardiac cycle and sets the pace for the heart rate; also called pacemaker


innermost layer of the eye


innermost layer of the heart wall, including epithelial cells that line the heart


innermost layer of the heart wall, including epithelial cells that line the heart.

serous pericardium

innermost layer of the pericardial sac

Diabetes mellitus is caused from a deficiency in the hormone ____


condition caused by nutritional deficiencies or from excessive iron loss from the body, resulting in lower than normal erythrocyte production, is known as ____.

iron-deficiency anemia


is a combination of the atoms of two or more elements.

Down syndrome

is a congenital defect commonly caused by an extra chromosome 21.

Prophase I

the first stage of the first meiotic division.

Active Transport

mechanism requiring energy by which cells acquire materials against a concentration gradient.

Tay-Sachs disease

is caused by a genetic recessive trait found mainly in Jewish families of eastern European origin. It is a neurodegenerative disorder of lipid metabolism caused by a lack of the enzyme hexosaminidase A, resulting in a buildup of sphingolipids.

ascending aorta

leaves the left ventricle of the heart

type of cancer in which there is an abnormal, excessive production of white blood cells is known as ____


Cell Membrane or Plasma Membrane

is made up of a double phospholipid layer with proteins embedded in the phospholipid layer.


is needed for muscle contraction and strong bones.


is needed to make ATP.


is the basic unit of biologic organization. It is composed of a fluid meduim called protoplasm surrounded by a cell or plasma membrane.

right ventricle

lower chamber of the heart

condition of the lymphatic system evidenced by inflammation of the lymphatic vessels with accompanying red streaks visible in the skin is called,


individual who developed the atomic theory was ____.

john dalton


joint in which bones are connected by ligaments between the bones.


joint in which two bony surfaces are connected by hyaline cartilage.


joints between bones that do not allow movement.


joints in which the bones are connected by a disc of fibrocartilage.


joints that allow only slight movement.


junction of two or more blood vessels

lymphocytes that kill virus-invaded and cancerous body cells and are also involved in graft rejections are the ____.

killer T cells


kind of diffusion that pertains only to the movement of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane.




large, stationary phagocytic cells.


larger of the two bones forming the lower leg.


largest and longest bone of the upper arm.


largest artery in the body


largest leukocytes; phagocytize bacteria and dead cells; histiocytes; macrophages

Trigeminal Nerve V

largest of the cranial nerves; controls chewing movements

squamous portion

largest part of the temporal bone.

pharynx is divided into three portions, the nasopharynx, the oropharynx, and the ____



lateral calf bone


layer of areolar tissue covering the whole muscle of trunk.


layer of areolar tissue covering the whole muscle trunk.


layer of concentric rings surrounding the Haversian canals.

Strata (Stratum)


Synovial membranes

line the cavities of freely moving joints.

Synovial Membrane

line the cavities of freely moving joints; produce synovial fluid.

Ependymal Cells

line the fluid-filled ventrils of the brain; produce and move cerebral fluid through the CNS.

sagittal suture

line where the two parietal bones join superiorly.

Mucous membrane/epitheluim

lines the digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive tracts; produces mucus.

Serous tissue

lines the great cavities of the body that have no opening to the outside; also called mesothelium.


liquid portion of a cell is the


little animals.

organ that produces bile salts that break down fats is the ____.



lobe in the brain that separates the cerebrum into frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes

mastoid portion of temporal bone

located behind and below the auditory meatus or opening of the ear; part of the temporal bone.

subfascial bursae

located between muscles.

wormian/sutural bones

located within the sutures of the cranial bones.


long fibers that push a cell, like the flagellum of a sperm cell.


long threads that form a clot


long tube-like passage.


long, hollow cylinders made of tubulin.


longer, medial bone of the forearm

prominent fissure that separates the cerebrum into right and left halves or hemispheres is the ____.

longitudinal fissure


loose connective tissue full of fat cells.


low blood sugar level can cause ____(a)_______.

sacral vertebrae

lower part of the vertebral column that forms the sacrum.


lowering a part of the body.


lowermost or below

Match each statement with the correct item below by typing in the corresponding letter. sebum, lunula, melanin, shaft, cyanosis

lubriucates white cresent skin pigment visible blue

Arteries have walls made of three coats or tunics surrounding a hollow core known as a ____.


condition of the lymphatic system evidenced by inflammation of the lymphatic vessels with accompanying red streaks visible in the skin is called ____.


condition of the lymphatic system evidenced by inflammation of the lymphatic vessels with accompanying red streaks visible in the skin is called,


Chemicals released by sensitized T lymphocytes to keep us healthy are known as ____.


tumor of lymphatic tissue that is usually malignant is called a(n) ____.


Cells that engulf and digest antigens are called ____


Cells that engulf and digest antigens are called ____.



made of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio.

Smooth muscle

made of spindle-shaped cells with a single nucleus and no striations.


main component of cytoplasm is


maintaining the bodys internal environment.


major pumping organ of the cardiovascular system

maxillary bones

make up the upper jaw.


malignant tumor developing from epithelial tissue is called a

Loose connective tissue cells that function in the production of heparin and histamine are ______

mast cells


master gland is controlled by the _____(c)______.


mature bone cells.


oily substance that lubricates the skin's surface.

Simple epithelium

one cell-layer thick.

ABO Blood Group

one of the blood groups

Rh blood group

one of the blood groups


one of the bones of the wrist, also called scaphoid


one of the four major parts of the brain; it connects the brain to the spinal cord.

left ventricle

one of the lower chambers of the heart


one of the main characteristics of mammals.

Oval Window

one of the two openings in the middle ear

left atrium

one of the upper chambers of the heart

right atrium

one of the upper chambers of the heart


opening in a bone through which blood vessels, nerves and/or ligaments pass.

area of the retina where the nerve fibers leave the eye is known as the ____.

optic disk


organelles for photosynthesis.


organelles found only in plant cells where photosynthesis occurs; contain the pigment chlorophyll.

Stratum Corneum

outermost layer of epidermis, consisting of dead cells.

epicardium / visceral pericardium

outermost layer of the heart wall

Epicardium/Visceral Pericardium

outermost layer of the heart wall.

fibrous pericardium

outermost layer of the pericardial sac


outermost layer of the wall of the eye


outermost portion of the hair.

supraorbital ridge

overlies the frontal sinus and can be felt in the middle of the forehead.

S-A node, which initiates each cardiac cycle & sets the pace for the heart rate, is also known as the:


tonsils commonly removed in a tonsillectomy are the ____.

palatine tonsils

projections on the tongue that produce its rough surface are known as ____.



piece of blood clot that dislodges and gets transported by the bloodstream


pigment in hemoglobin


pigment responsible for variations in skin color.

Cleavage furrow

pinching in of an animal cell membrane during cell division.


pineal gland secretes which two substances? (a)

Epiphyseal line

place where longitudinal growth of bone takes place.


plane dividing anterior and posterior portions of the body at right angles to the sagittal plane.


plane dividing the body into superior and inferior portions. (Transverse plane.)


plane verrtically dividing the body into equal right and left portions.

liquid portion of blood is ____.



plasma protein


plasma protein produced by the liver that is involved in blood clotting


plastid in plant cells that contains no pigment but stores sugar or starch.

thrombocytes / platelets

platelets; blood cells involved in blood clotting

space between the two layers of the pleura, which contains a lubricating fluid that decreases friction between the membranes during the breathing process, is called the ____.

pleural cavity

double-folded serous membrane that encloses and protects the lungs is the ____.

pleural membrane

folds of the mucosa of the small intestine, which increase the surface area for absorption of nutrients, are called ____.


medical term for excessive thirst is ____.


medical term for excessive eating (eating abnormally large amounts of food) is ____.


medical term for excessive increase in urine production is ____.



portion of a duplicated chromosome that hold the two daughter chromatids together.


powerhouses of the cell is the

Four types of protein structure based on bonding:

primary (amino acid sequences), Secondary (based on hydrogen bonds between amino acids, causing coiling), Tertiary (secondary folding based on sulfur atoms), and quaternary (based on spatial relationships between units).


principal portion of the hair.


probide support by forming semirigid connective-like tissue rows between neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Also called oligodendrocytes.

Cell cycle

process by which a cell divides in two and duplicates its genetic material.


process by which a phosphate is added to a molecule.


process by which green plants convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy and food for use is known as


process by which messenger RNA copies the genetic code in a DNA molecule.


process by which transfer RNA reads the code on messenger RNA and gets the amino acids to make a protein.


process by which yeast cells break down glucose in the absence of oxygen is known as


process in which nuclear material is exactly replicated.


process in which yeast breaks down glucose anaerobically (in the absence of oxygen)


production of T lymphocytes is done in the _____d)______.


production of sperm.


projections of the lamina propria covered with epithelium; produces the rough surface of the tongue


protein catalysts.


protein fibers that make up the spindle during cell division.


protein in hemoglobin

Primary structure

protein structure based on amino acid sequence.

Secondary Structure

protein structure determined by hydrogen bonds between amino acids, resulting in a helix or a pleated sheet.

Quaternary Structure

protein structure determined by spatial relationships between amino acids.

Tertiary Structure

protein structure with a secondary folding.

arteries that transport deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs to release carbon dioxide & pick up oxygen are the:

pulmonary arteries

oxygenated blood losses carbon dioxide in the lungs & picks up oxygen & returns to the left atrium of the heart via the four pulmonary veins in a circulation route called:

pulmonary circulation

opening in the center of the colored part of the eye, which allows light to enter the eye, is known as the ____.


planter flexion

pushing the foot down at the ankle joint.


raising a part of the body.


raising the foot up at the ankle joint.


receptive areas of the neuron; extensions of the nerve cell body.

erythrocytes (RBCs)

red blood cells (RBCs)


red blood cells. (RBCs)

myeloid tissue / red bone marrow

red bone marrow; produce blood cells by hematopoiesis


red pigment in erythrocytes


refers to cells that do not have membrane bound organelles, such as bacteria.


refers to higher cells, like those of the human body, with membrane-bound organelles.


refers to the covering of an organ.


refers to the walls of a cavity.

Stratum Germinativum

regenerative layer of epidermis, lowermost layer.


repels water.


requires oxygen

overall exchange of gases between the atmosphere, the blood, and the cells is known as ____.


Anaerobic Respiration

respiration that does not require oxygen


restoration of electrical charge.


secretion that regulates the blood sugar level is ______(c)______.

valves that prevent blood from flowing back into the ventricles from the ascending aorta & the pulmonary artery are the:


valves that prevent blood from flowing back into the ventricles from the ascending aorta and the pulmonary artery are the ____.

semilunar valves

arches of the aorta

sends arteries to upper parts of the body

Olfactory Sense

sense of smell

Bipolar Neurons

sensory neurons that consist of one dendrite and one axon.

Taste Buds

sensory structures that detect taste stimuli

posterior interventricular sulcus

separates the left and right ventricles externally

anterior interventricular sulcus

separates the right and left ventricles from each other

interventricular septum

separates the right and left ventricles of the heart

medical term for blood poisoning, which is caused by an infection of microorganisms and their toxins in the blood, is ____.


clear, yellowish liquid that is seen after a clot forms is called ____


Stratified epithelium

several layers of cells thick.

Transitional epithelium

several layers of closely packed, flexible, easily stretched cells; appear flat when stretched and saw-toothed when relaxed.

Visible portion of the hair is the?



shaft composed mainly of compact bone.


shorter, lateral bone of the forearm.


shoulder blade

Crenulate means to ____.

shrivel up


significant stage of the cell cycle in which the cell is growing, metabolizing and maintaining itself and is not dividing is known as the

Sweat Glands

simple tubular glands found in most parts of the body that secrete sweat.

Glucose and Fructose

six-carbon sugars.

Malignant Melanoma

skin cancer associated with a mole on the skin.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

skin cancer in the epidermis.


small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries


small bodies in the cytoplasm that contain powerful digestive enzymes that enhance the breakdown of cellular components are called


small bodies in the cytoplasm that contain powerful digestive enzymes that enhance the breakdown of cellular components.


small canals in compact bone that connect lacunae with one another.

Microglial Cells

small cells that protect the central nervous system by engulfing and destroying microbes like bacteria and cellular debris.

papillary muscles

small conical projections on the inner surface of the ventricles


small hairs found on cells that function in movement of materials across the cells outer walls.

Approximately 80% of all absorption of nutrients occurs in the ____.

small intestine


small oblong-shaped structure composed of two membranes. The powerhouse of the cell where ATP is made.


small rooms.


small round process on a bone

Pleural Cavities

small space between the pleural membranes.


small vessels that connect capillaries to veins


small, flattened cells with large nuclei and reduced cytoplasm that produce fibrin in connective tissue.


soft spot on top of a baby's head.


softening of bone.

Isotonic Solution

solution in which water molecules diffuse into and out of a cell membrane at equal rates, as in normal saline solution.

Hypotonic Solution

solution in which water molecules will move into a cell and the cell will swell, as in pure distilled water.

Hypertonic Solution

solution in which water molecules will move out of a cell and the cell will shrink, as in a 5% salt solution.

formation of the male sex cells, or sperm, is called ____.


mature sperm cells, produced at a rate of 300 million per day, are also called ____.


Stratum Spinosum

spiny or prickly layer of epidermis.

single largest mass of lymphatic tissue in the body is the ____.



stacks of membranes found in chloroplasts.

Telophase I

stage in meiosis in which the homologous chromosome pairs have separated with a member of each pair at opposite ends of the spindle.

Metaphase II

stage in meiosis in which the spindle fibers bind to both sides of the centromere.

Metaphase I

stage in meiosis in which the spindle microtubules attach to the kinetochore only on the outside of each centromere.

Telophase II

stage in meiosis that produces four haploid daughter cells, each containing one-half of the genetic material of the original parent cell.

Anaphase I

stage of meiosis in which the centromere does not divide

anaphase II

stage of meiosis in which the centromeres of the chromosome divide is called

Anaphase II

stage of meiosis in which the centromeres of the chromosomes divide.


star-shaped cells that twine around nerve cells to form a supporting network in the brain and spinal cord.

Pyruvic acid

the final product of glycolysis.


the first phase of mitosis.

Intercalated disks

structures that connect the branches of cardiac muscle cells with one another.


structures within the protoplasm.


subcantaneous tissue.


substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being affected by that reaction.


substance that is dissolved in a solution.


substances that are insoluble in water like fats.

Veins draining the head and arms merge into a larger vein, which then transports the blood to the right atrium of the heart; this larger vein is the

superior vena cava

Veins draining the head and arms merge into a larger vein, which then transports the blood to the right atrium of the heart; this larger vein is the ____.

superior vena cava

coronary circulation

supplies blood to the myocardium of the heart

coronary arteries

supply the walls of the heart with oxygenated blood

lymphocytes that slow down the activities of B and T cells once the infection is controlled are the ____.

suppressor T cells

Cerebral Cortex

surface of the cerebrum.

Caffeine functions in the same way as the ____ division of the autonomic nervous system.



synonymous with frontal.


synonymous with inferior; toward the tail.

These are freely moving joints enclosed in a capsule.

synovial joint

This structure in a synovial joint produces synovial fluid for lubrication and nourishment.

synovial membrane

circulation of blood to all organs of all the systems of the body is known as:

systemic circulation

contraction phrase of the heartbeat is called:


Periodic Table

table that arranges the elements in such a way that similar properties repeat at periodic intervals.

Fluid Mosaic Pattern

term used to describe the arrangement of protein and phospholipid molecules in a plasma or cell membrane.


term used to describe the genetic material inside a nucleus before duplication.


term used to describe the total chemical changes that occur inside a cell is


terminal enlargement.


that protoplasm inside the nucleous of a cell.

Carboxyl Group

the COOH group found in amino acids and fatty acids.

Hydroxyl Group

the OH group of sugars.


the ability to do work.

Electron transfer/transport system

the aerobic mechanism of respiration which produces most of the ATP molecules from the breakdown of glucose.


the areas of gray matter in the spinal cord.

pulmonary trunk

the artery that leaves the right ventricle


the bones of the fingers and toes.


the breastbone.


the crystalline part of the eye

Capitate, hamate, lunate, pisiform, scaphoid/navicular, triquetral, trapezium and trapezoid

the eight carpal bones.


the element found in all living matter.

Axon Terminals

the endings of axons.

Cellular respiration/metabolism

the energy changes that occur in cells.


the exchange of genetic material during prophase I of meiosis.


the expulsion of lysosomes enzymes into cell cytoplasm is know as ________________.


the extremity of a long bone


the figure formed by the lining up of homologous chromosomes consisting of four chromotids in meiosis.

Lactic acid

the final product of anaerobic production of ATP in muscle cells.


the first step in cellular respiration in which a glucose molecule gets broken down into two molecules of pyruvic acid; does not require oxygen; occurs in the cytoplasm.

citric acid, Alpha-ketoglutaric acid, succinic acid, malic acid and oxaloacetic acid.

the five intermediate products of citric acid cycle

lumbar vertebrae

the five vertebrae of the lower back.


the fluid part of blood


the folds of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion.

Endochondral ossification

the formation of bone in a cartilagenous environment


the formation of the gametes.

Mucous membrane, glandular epithelium, endothelium and mesothelium

the four epithelial tissues classified by function.

Simple, stratified, pseudostratified and transitional

the four most common arrangements of epithelial cells are __________, ___________,__________ and ____________.


the full complement of chromosomes.

Not Listed

the functions of the reproductive system are inhibited by ____(e)_____.

Nucleic Acid

the genetic material of a cell, either DNA or RNA.


the gray matter on the surface of the brain.


the heel

tunica intima

the innermost layer of the wall of an artery or vein

Pia Mater

the innermost spinal or cranial meninx.

Actin and myosin

the interaction of these two proteins in a muscle cell allow a muscle to contract.

Membrane or Resting Potential

the ionic and electrical charge around a nerve fiber that is not transmitting an impulse.

Reticular Portion

the layer of the dermis between the papillary portion and the subcutaneous tissue beneath.

Papillary Portion

the layer of the dermis that is adjacent to the epidermis.

Energy Levels

the levels in which electrons are grouped.


the lining up of homologous chromosomes in meiosis.


the liquid part of a cell


the liquid part of a cell.


the long extension of a nerve cell body.


the long extension of a nerve cell body; a neuron has only one axon.


the part of a bone that connects the head or terminal enlargement to the rest of a long bone.

abdominal aorta

the part of the aorta located in the abdomen

Nail Root

the part of the nail body attached to the nail bed.


the paths that electrons travel in an energy level.

Reflex Arc

the pathway that results in a reflex.


the phase of cell division in which division and duplication of the cytoplasm occur.


the physical movement or pushing food along the digestive tract.

Golgi Apparatus

the points of collection for compounds to be secreted are the _________ ____________.

Ethmoid bone

the principal supporting structure of the nasal cavities; forms part of the orbits.


the process in which phagocytes eat cellular debris and other substances


the process of self-destruction in old or weakened cells


the protoplasm outside the nucleus of a cell.

Brownian Movement

the random collision of diffusing molecules.

Cerebral Hemisphere

the right and left halves of the cerebrum.


total chemical changes that occur inside a cell is called

Concerning the effect of temperature on diffusion, the higher the temperature, the faster the movement.


Consistent mental activity leads to mental alertness and a healthy brain.


Deepest, most important layer of the skin, which contains the only cells of the epidermis that are capable of dividing by mitosis, is the stratum germinativum or the stratum basale.


Dr. Charles Drew, an African-American scientist, is best known for his research on blood plasma and was the director of the first American Red Cross Blood Bank



the science that studies the elements, their compounds, the chemical reactions that occur between elements and compounds and the molecular structure of all matter.


the second part of the diencephalon


the second vertebra

Posterior or Dorsal Root

the sensory root containing only sensory nerve fibers.

Cervical Vertebrae

the seven smallest vertebrae found in the neck.

Cuboid, calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms (medial(I), intermediate(II), lateral(III).

the seven tarsal bones of the ankle.


the smallest combination or particle retaining all the properties of a compound.


the smallest particle of an element that maintains all the characteristics of that element.


the space between the lungs.


the sperm cell has a(n) __________ to propel it.

Krebs citric acid cycle

the step after glycolysis that takes place in the mitochondria during which pyruvic acid gets broken down into carbon dioxide gas and water; requires oxygen.

mandible bone

the strongest and longest bone of the face; forms the lower jaw.


the strongest portion of the hip bone.


the study of diseases of the body.


the study of the functions of the body parts.


the study of the structure and organization of the body.


the study of tissue.


the tarsal bones of the forefoot

xiphoid process

the terminal portion of the sternum.

Axon Endings

the terminal portions of axons.

Chronic renal failure is caused by damage to so many nephrons that the remaining ones cannot accommodate normal kidney function.


Color blindness is an X-chromosome inherited genetic trait occurring more frequently in males, resulting in the inability to perceive one or more colors.


Complement is a set of enzymes that attack foreign antigens.



the total chemical changes that occur inside a cell.

Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann

the two German scientist who laid the foundation of waht we today call the modern cell theory.

Cytosine and thymine

the two pyrimidine nitrogen base.


the uppermost and largest portion of a hip bone

Coccygeal vertebrae/coccyx

the vertebrae of the tailbone.


the white crescent at the proximal end of each nail.

Degenerative joint disease (DJD) commonly affects the knee joints because

they are major weight-bearing joints


they produce spindle fibers during cell division.


thigh bone

nasal bones

thin, delicate bones that join to form the bridge of the nose.

turbinates or nasal conchae bones

thin, fragile bones found on the lateral sides of the nostrils.


third and shortest stage of mitosis

Diffusion, osmosis and active transport

three different ways materials pass through the cell membrane.

Thymine, cytosine and uracil

three pryimidine nitrogen bases.

Blood, bone and lymphoid

three specialized connective tissues.

Loose, dense and specialized

three subgroups of connective tissue.

Fibroblasts, histiocytes (macrophages) and mast cells

three types of areolar tissue.

Hyaline, fibrous and elastic

three types of cartilage found in the body.

Areolar, adipose and retucular

three types of loose connective tissue.

Smooth, striated (skeletal) and cardiac

three types of muscle tissue.

condition of clot formation is called ____.


Which of the following glands is critical in the development of the immune system?


Which of the following is involved with the development of T lymphocytes in the fetus and infants?



tiny cavities between the lamellae or rings of compact bone that contain bone cells.


tiny cavities between the lamellae or rings of compact bone that contain bone cells.


tiny granules distributed throughout the cytoplasm where protein synthesis occurs.

Muscle tissue

tissue that can shorten and thicken or contract.


top layer of skin.


toward the back


toward the back


toward the front


toward the head.


toward the side or away from the midline of the body.

Capsular extensions of the lymph node, which divide the node internally into a series of compartments with germinal centers, are called ____.


ventricles have irregular ridges & folds of the myocardium & are called:


Match each term with the correct item below by typing in the corresponding letter

trachea, bronchi heart, arteries, veins kidneys, ureters, bladder alimentary canal lymph nodes, thymus

Internuncial or Association Neurons

transmit the sensory impulse to appropriate part of the brain or spinal cord for interpretation and processing.

Vestibulocochlear Nerve VIII

transmits impulses related to equilibrium and hearing


transparent part of the outermost layer of the eye that permits light to enter the eye.

valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle consists of three flaps or cusps, and is known as the ____.


AIDS infection has three stages: initial symptoms, a latency period, and full-blown AIDS


ATP is the high-energy fuel molecule that the cell needs in order to function.


Adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete its hormones, including cortisol.


After the egg ruptures from the mature graafian follicle, the follicle changes into the corpus luteum, or yellow body, which produces estrogen and progesterone


Air is first warmed, moistened, and filtered as it enters the nose


Alcohol is absorbed through the stomach.


Ammonia (NH3) is a by-product of the breakdown of amino acids


An element is a substance whose atoms all contain the same number of protons and the same number of electrons.


Another name for the gastrointestinal tract is the alimentary canal.


Another name for tooth decay is dental caries.


Areolar tissue forms the delicate membranes around the spinal cord and brain


Arteries are thicker and stronger than veins, and have two major properties: elasticity and contractility.


As the zygote moves down the uterine tube, it undergoes a series of rapid mitotic divisions.


B lymphocytes are the cells that produce antibodies and provide humoral immunity.


Basic characteristic of muscle tissue is its ability to shorten and thicken, or contract.


Blood is specialized connective tissue consisting of a fluid part called plasma and the formed blood cells.


Blood plasma is the source of interstitial fluid, which becomes lymph when drained by the lymph capillaries.


Blood vessels, nerves, lymph vessels, smooth muscles, sweat glands, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands are all embedded in the dermis.


Breakdown of the glucose molecule and other nutrients provides the energy to make ATP molecules.


Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart


Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart.


Cell body of a neuron contains the nucleus.


Cells in muscle tissue are so long that they are often referred to as muscle fibers.


hormone that maintains the body's water balance by promoting increased water reabsorption by the kidneys is the antidiuretic hormone known as ____.


vascular / venous sinuses

veins with thin walls

movement of air between the atmosphere and the lungs is known as breathing or ____.


Two lower chambers of the heart are the right and left:


small blood vessels that connect capillaries to veins are called:



very large projection on a bone.

Nail Body

visible part of the nail.


visible portion of the hair.

larynx is also known as the ____.

voice box

James Watson and Francis Crick

were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the discovery of the DNA structure. (idea taken from Rosalind Franklin)

Action Potential

when a muscle generates its own impulse to ontract.

Optic Disk

where nerve fibers leave the eye as the optic nerve

leukocytes (WBCs)

white blood cells (WBCs)


white blood cells. (WBCs)


wide and flat tendon.

Ensembles d'études connexes

legal studies of healthcare (final)

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Chapters 12, 7, 2, - Land and Water Use

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Elements of Culture Greenleaf test

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