Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 17 Mastering Questions

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Hypercalcemia could cause ______.

prolonged T wave

Which part of the intrinsic conduction system delays the impulse briefly before it moves on to the ventricles?

AV node

Which of the following is not part of the conduction system of the heart?

AV valve

Which of the following is true during ventricular systole?

The AV valves are closed.

The term for pain associated with deficient blood delivery to the heart that may be caused by the transient spasm of coronary arteries is ________.

angina pectoris

From what vessel do the left and right coronary arteries arise?


Into what vessel does the left ventricle eject blood?


The vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood to tissues is the __________.


The structure that is located anatomically between the aorta and the left ventricle is __________.

aortic semilunar valve

Heart murmurs caused by a stenotic mitral valve ______.

are detected while blood flow into the left ventricle is reduced

Atrial pressure is greater than ventricular pressure during which phase of the cardiac cycle?

atrial contraction

The P wave of a normal electrocardiogram indicates ________.

atrial depolarization

Normal heart sounds are caused by which of the following events?

closure of the heart valves

An increase in sympathetic stimulation of the heart would increase stroke volume by increasing __________.


The source of blood carried to capillaries in the myocardium would be the ________.

coronary arteries

The __________ carries oxygen-poor venous blood of the coronary circulation into the right atrium.

coronary sinus

In what direction does blood flow through the heart?

from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure

Action potentials generated by the autorhythmic cells spread to the contractile cells through what structures in the membrane?

gap junctions

What causes the aortic semilunar valve to close?

greater pressure in the aorta than in the left ventricle

Compared to skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle ________.

has gap junctions that allow it to act as a functional syncytium

Which of the following is NOT a factor that regulates stroke volume?

heart rate

What causes heart sounds?

heart valve closure

How would an increase in the sympathetic nervous system increase stroke volume?

increased contractility

By what mechanism would an increase in venous return increase stroke volume?

increased end diastolic volume

Which of the following would increase cardiac output to the greatest extent?

increased heart rate and increased stroke volume

Which of the following cannot trigger tachycardia?

increased vagal tone

Which of the following would cause a decrease in the contractility of the heart?

increasing extracellular potassium levels

The __________ carries oxygen-poor venous blood from below the diaphragm from the areas of the lower body and extremities into the right atrium.

inferior vena cava

What structures connect the individual heart muscle cells?

intercalated discs

Which of the following terms refers to a lack of oxygen supply to heart muscle cells?


What separates the parietal and visceral pericardium?

pericardial cavity

Which of the following is a branch of the right coronary artery?

posterior interventricular artery

One of the changes that occurs in the pacemaker potential (unstable resting membrane potential) in the SA node (an autorhythmic cell) is a decreased efflux of what ion?


Cardiac tamponade results in ineffective pumping of blood by the heart because the excessive amount of fluid in the pericardial cavity will______.

prevent the heart from filling properly with blood

Which vessel(s) of the heart receive(s) blood during right ventricular systole?

pulmonary trunk

Which of the following is NOT a vein that returns blood to the right atrium of the heart?

pulmonary vein

Which of the following does NOT deliver blood to the right atrium?

pulmonary veins

The left ventricular wall of the heart is thicker than the right wall in order to ________.

pump blood with greater pressure

The fact that the left ventricle of the heart is thicker than the right ventricle reveals that it ________.

pumps blood against a greater resistance

Which of the following terms is correctly matched to its description?

quiescent period: total heart relaxation between heartbeats

The presence of an incompetent tricuspid valve would have the direct effect of causing ______.

reduced efficiency in the delivery of blood to the lungs

Isovolumetric contraction ________.

refers to the short period during ventricular systole when the ventricles are completely closed chambers

In an ischemic heart, the affected cardiac muscle cells are likely to have an altered ______.

resting membrane potential

Into which chamber of the heart do the superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus return deoxygenated blood?

right atrium

Which chamber receives blood from the superior and inferior vena cavae?

right atrium

Which artery serves the myocardium of the lateral right side of the heart?

right marginal artery

Which heart chamber pumps unoxygenated blood out the pulmonary trunk?

right ventricle

Which heart chamber sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs?

right ventricle

To auscultate the aortic semilunar valve, you would place your stethoscope in the ________.

second intercostal space to the right of the sternum

Specifically, what part of the intrinsic conduction system stimulates the atrioventricular (AV) node to conduct impulses to the atrioventricular bundle?

sinoatrial (SA) node

Which of the following pacemaker cells generates impulses of approximately 75 depolarizations per minute in order to control the heart's contraction rate?

sinoatrial (SA) node

The heart's pacemaker is the __________.

sinoatrial node

Which of the following factors does not influence heart rate?

skin color

The anatomy of the intrinsic conduction system causes contraction of the ventricles to begin at the apex and move superiorly. Why is this important?

so blood is forced upward, toward the semilunar valves

During contraction of heart muscle cells ________.

some calcium enters the cell from the extracellular space and triggers the release of larger amounts of calcium from intracellular stores

Consider the following characteristics of the cells found in muscle tissue. Which feature is shared by both cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle?


The __________ carries oxygen-poor venous blood from above the diaphragm from areas of the upper body and extremities into the right atrium.

superior vena cava

The role of the coronary arteries is to __________.

supply blood to the heart tissue

The capillaries receiving blood flow from the left side of the heart are __________.

systemic capillaries

If the length of the absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle cells was the same as it is for skeletal muscle cells ________.

tetanic contractions might occur, which would stop the heart's pumping action

The heart is actually (one, two, or three) pumps?

two pumps

When an ectopic pacemaker leads to an extrasystole, the ______.

ventricles contract before the atria contract

The QRS complex on an electrocardiogram represents __________.

ventricular depolarization

What does the QRS complex represent in the ECG wave tracing?

ventricular depolarization

Isovolumetric relaxation and ventricular filling (two phases of the cardiac cycle) take place during __________.

ventricular diastole

Most of the decrease in ventricular volume takes place during which phase of the cardiac cycle?

ventricular ejection

Ventricular pressure is greater than aortic pressure during which phase of the cardiac cycle?

ventricular ejection

Most of the increase in left ventricular volume takes place during what phase of the cardiac cycle?

ventricular filling

At what point in the cardiac cycle does the semilunar valve open?

when ventricular pressure becomes greater than aortic pressure

At what point during the cardiac cycle does the AV valve close?

when ventricular pressure becomes greater than atrial pressure

What does the T wave of the electrocardiogram (ECG) represent?

ventricular repolarization

At what point in the cardiac cycle is pressure in the ventricles the highest (around 120 mm Hg)?

ventricular systole

Repolarization of an autorhythmic cell is due to the opening of which channels?

voltage-gated potassium channels

At what point in the cardiac cycle does the AV valve open?

when atrial pressure becomes greater than ventricular pressure

At what point in the cardiac cycle does the semilunar valve close?

when pressure in the ventricle becomes less than aortic pressure

The tricuspid valve is closed ________.

when the ventricle is in systole

Which of the following is the outermost covering of the heart?

fibrous pericardium

The heart has __________ chambers and __________ valves.

four; four

An abnormally fast heart rate:


How long is the cardiac cycle, assuming the heart beats 75 times per minute?

0.8 seconds

An abnormally slow heart rate:


The volume of blood per minute pumped out by one ventricle:

Cardiac output (CO)

At what rate does the sinoatrial (SA) node ensure depolarization in the heart?

75 beats of the heart per minute

Calculate the stroke volume if the end diastolic volume (EDV) is 135 mL/beat and the end systolic volume (ESV) is 60 mL/beat.

75 mL/beat

Calculate the cardiac output if heart rate (HR) is 90 beats per minute, stroke volume (SV) is 110 ml/beat, end diastolic volume (EDV) is 140 ml, and end systolic volume (ESV) is 30 ml.

9.9 L/min

Determine which ECG shows a normal sinus rhythm. Select from letters A-D.


A patient is prescribed a calcium channel blocker to prevent angina (chest pain) by decreasing the demand for oxygen. What is the explanation for this pharmacological effect?

A drug that inhibits the entry of calcium ions into the cytoplasm of cardiac cells decreases the force of myocardial contractility, thereby decreasing the oxygen demand, relieving the chest pain.

Select the correct statement about cardiac output.

A slow heart rate increases end diastolic volume, stroke volume, and force of contraction.

Electrical link(s) between atria and ventricles:

AV bundle

Damage to the ________ is referred to as heart block.

AV node

Delay(s) occurs here while atria contract:

AV node

Which of these structures conduct(s) action potentials the slowest?

AV node

Increased pressure in the ventricles would close what valve(s)?

AV valves only

A man enters the hospital complaining of chest pain. His history includes smoking, a stressful job, a diet heavy in saturated fats, lack of exercise, and high blood pressure. Although he is not suffering from a heart attack, his doctor explains to him that a heart attack is quite possible. What did the chest pain indicate? Why is this man a prime candidate for further complications?

Angina pectoris. If the coronary arteries are occluded (atherosclerosis), the heart muscle could be deprived of oxygen, resulting in a heart attack.

Select the correct partial path below. This path is part of the complete blood flow pathway. You should be able to trace flow starting in any location.

Aorta to smaller systemic arteries to systemic capillaries to systemic veins to right atrium through the tricuspid valve

Which functional feature best describes the manner in which cardiac muscle contracts?

Automaticity (autorhythmicity) promotes the spontaneous contraction of the cardiac muscle cells.

Determine which of the following electrocardiogram (ECG) tracings is missing P waves. Select from letters A-D.


Convey(s) the impulse down the interventricular septum:

Bundle branches

Determine which ECG shows a mostly 2:1 ratio of P waves to QRS waves. Select from letters A-D.


Which of the following is NOT a difference between cardiac and skeletal muscle?

Cardiac muscle does not use the sliding filament mechanism for contraction; skeletal muscle does.

Difference between resting and maximal cardiac output:

Cardiac reserve

These activities change heart rate by changing the balance of parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation of the heart. Sort each of the activities according to whether it decreases or increases heart rate.

Decreases: Lying down; Digesting a meal Increases: Fright or anger ; Exercise, Standing up

Asystole is the total absence of ventricular electrical activity. Would defibrillation be effective in this situation?

Defibrillation would not be effective: it interrupts chaotic electrical activity in the heart, and if there is no electrical activity, then there is nothing to interrupt.

The volume of blood in one ventricle before contraction:

End diastolic volume (EDV)

The volume of blood in one ventricle after contraction:

End systolic volume (ESV)

T or F? An ECG provides direct information about valve function.


T or F? Arterial blood supply to heart muscle is continuous whether the heart is in systole or diastole.


T or F? Auricles slightly increase blood volume in the ventricles.


T or F? Autonomic regulation of heart rate is via two reflex centers found in the pons.


T or F? Cardiac muscle has more mitochondria and depends less on a continual supply of oxygen than does skeletal muscle.


T or F? The "lub" sounds of the heart are valuable in diagnosis because they provide information about the function of the heart's pulmonary and aortic valves.


T or F? The papillary muscles contract after the other ventricular muscles so that they can take up the slack on the chordae tendineae before the full force of ventricular contractions sends blood against the AV valve flaps.


The number of heart beats per minute:

Heart rate (HR)

Drag and drop valve names to their correct location in the image.

In order from left to right: tricuspid valve, pulmonary semilunar valve, aortic semilunar valve, mitral (bicuspid) valve

Predict the changes in heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output for each of the following conditions by filling out the table below: Increased exercise

Increased heart rate, increased stroke volume, increased cardiac output

Predict the changes in heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output for each of the following conditions by filling out the table below: Increased sympathetic activity

Increased heart rate, increased stroke volume, increased cardiac output

Link(s) between the SA node and AV node:

Internodal pathways

A 55-year-old male was admitted to the hospital with heart failure. He complains of increasing shortness of breath on exertion, and of needing to sleep on three pillows at night. On physical assessment, the nurse determines that his ankles and feet are very swollen. Which of these symptoms either reflect left-sided and/or right-sided heart failure?

Left side failure results in shortness of breath. Right side failure results in edema in the extremities.

Drag and drop the terms to arrange them, from left to right, in order of blood flow of oxygen-rich blood into the heart.

Lung capillaries ; Pulmonary veins ; Left atrium ; Mitral/Bicuspid valve

Which of the following is correct about the filling of the ventricles?

Most blood flows passively into the ventricles through open AV valves.

Which statement regarding cardiac muscle structure is accurate?

Myofibrils of cardiac muscle tissue vary in diameter and branch extensively.

Predict the changes in heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output for each of the following conditions by filling out the table below: Increased preload

No change in heart rate, increased stroke volume, increased cardiac output

Predict the changes in heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output for each of the following conditions by filling out the table below: increased contractility

No change in heart rate, increased stroke volume, increased cardiac output

Sort the terms into the appropriate category of either oxygen-poor or oxygen-rich.

Oxygen poor: superior vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary arteries Oxygen rich: pulmonary veins, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta

Contraction of the atria results from which wave of depolarization on the ECG tracing?

P wave

Which portion of the electrocardiogram represents the depolarization wave received from the sinoatrial (SA) node through the atria?

P wave

During which portion of the electrocardiogram do the atria contract?

P-R interval

Describe the pressures in the atria and ventricles that would cause the opening of the AV valves.

Pressure in the atria would be greater than the pressure in the ventricles.

Convey(s) the impulse throughout the ventricular walls:

Purkinje fibers

A person notices his or her heart beat because he or she senses blood being pumped by the heart. Excessive caffeine intake can lead to irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias) that patients perceive as "skipped beats." Given that caffeine is a stimulant, which of the following mechanisms best explains the reason for the feeling that the heart skipped a beat?

Purkinje fibers initiate spontaneous action potentials, which cause the ventricles to contract early.

Which portion of the electrocardiogram represents the time during which the atria repolarize?

QRS complex

Assume blood is flowing from the coronary sinus to the lung capillaries. Place the anatomical items in order of flow in the target boxes.

Right atrium ; Tricuspid valve ; Right ventricle ; Pulmonary semilunar valve ; Pulmonary trunk ; Pulmonary arteries

Set(s) the pace for the entire heart:

SA node

Which of the following structures sets the pace of heart contraction?

SA node

Which part of the conduction system initiates the depolarizing impulse, which spreads throughout the heart?

SA node

Which part of the intrinsic conduction system normally initiates the depolarizing impulse that causes a heartbeat?

SA node

Arrange these elements of the intrinsic conduction system in the order that a depolarizing impulse travels during a normal heartbeat.

SA node ; Internodal pathways ; AV node ; AV bundle ; Bundle branches ; Purkinje fibers

The order of impulse conduction in the heart, from beginning to end, is __________.

SA node, AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers

The volume of blood per heart beat pumped out by one ventricle:

Stroke volume (SV)

An older woman complains of shortness of breath and intermittent fainting spells. Her doctor runs various tests and finds that the AV node is not functioning properly. What is the suggested treatment?

Surgery to implant an artificial pacemaker

T or F? Anastomoses among coronary arterial branches provide collateral routes for blood delivery to the heart muscle.


T or F? As pressure in the aorta rises due to atherosclerosis, more ventricular pressure is required to open the aortic valve.


T or F? Blood in the heart chambers provides some nutrients to the heart muscle cells.


T or F? Chronic release of excess thyroxine can cause a sustained increase in heart rate and a weakened heart.


T or F? Congestive heart failure means that the pumping efficiency of the heart is depressed so that there is inadequate delivery of blood to body tissues.


T or F? Proxysmal atrial tachycardia is characterized by bursts of atrial contractions with little pause between them.


T or F? The left side of the heart is considered the systemic circuit pump.


T or F? The left side of the heart pumps the same volume of blood as the right.


T or F? The myocardium receives its blood supply from the coronary arteries.


T or F? Tissues damaged by myocardial infarction are replaced by connective tissue.


Select the correct statement about the heart valves.

The AV valves are supported by chordae tendineae so that regurgitation of blood into the atria during ventricular contraction does not occur.

Which of the following is equivalent to the ventricular volume during isovolumetric contraction?

The end diastolic volume (EDV)

Select the correct statement about the function of myocardial cells.

The entire heart contracts as a unit or it does not contract at all.

Which of the following is NOT a difference between the left and right ventricles?

The left ventricle receives a smaller percentage of coronary blood supply than the right ventricle.

Select the correct statement about the structure of the heart wall.

The myocardium is the layer of the heart that actually contracts.

Isovolumetric relaxation is characterized by which of the following?

The semilunar and AV valves are closed.

During the ventricular ejection phase of the cardiac cycle, which of the following is true?

The semilunar valves are open.

When the atria contract, which of the following is true?

The ventricles are in diastole.

A patient was admitted to the hospital with chest pains. On admission, his pulse was 110 and blood pressure was 96/64. According to his history, his normal pulse rate is usually between 80 and 88 and his blood pressure runs from 120/70 to 130/80. Why did these changes in BP and HR occur?

To maintain the same cardiac output, the heart rate would need to increase to compensate for a decreased stroke volume.

Heart rate at rest under both autonomic divisions signaling:

Vagal tone

The volume of blood per minute flowing into one atrium:

Venous return (VR)

Which of the events below does not occur when the semilunar valves are open?

Ventricles are in diastole.

Hemorrhage with a large loss of blood causes ________.

a lowering of blood pressure due to change in cardiac output

In a healthy individual which of the following would be low?


What is afterload?

back pressure exerted by arterial blood

During the period of ventricular filling ________.

blood flows mostly passively through the atria and the open AV valves into the ventricles

Which of these vessels receives blood during ventricular systole?

both the aorta and pulmonary trunk

The condition where fluid compresses the heart and limits its ability to contract is called ________.

cardiac tamponade

Norepinephrine acts on the heart by ________.

causing threshold to be reached more quickly

What is the source of ATP for cardiac muscle contraction?

cellular respiration

The first heart sound (the "lub" of the "lub-dup") is caused by __________.

closure of the atrioventricular valves

If cardiac muscle is deprived of its normal blood supply, damage would primarily result from ________.

decreased delivery of oxygen

How would a decrease in blood volume affect both stroke volume and cardiac output?

decreased stroke volume and no change in cardiac output

What does the ECG wave tracing represent?

electrical activity in the heart

Which of the following is equivalent to the ventricular volume during isovolumetric relaxation?

end systolic volume (ESV)

An abnormal P wave could be indicative of ______.

enlarged atria

The layers of the heart wall from superficial to deep are: __________.

epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium

Which of the following would increase heart rate?


Which of the following would increase heart rate?

epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which of the following increases stroke volume?


A premature ventricular contraction is classified as a(n) __________.


When threshold is reached at the SA node (an autorhythmic cell), what channels open causing further depolarization of the membrane?

fast calcium

What is the period during the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are completely closed chambers and blood volume in the chambers remains constant as the ventricles contract?

isovolumetric contraction phase

Put the phases of the cardiac cycle in the correct order, starting after ventricular filling.

isovolumetric contraction, ventricular ejection, isovolumetric relaxation

The second heart sound is heard during which phase of the cardiac cycle?

isovolumetric relaxation

Blood within the pulmonary veins returns to the ________.

left atrium

Into which chamber do the pulmonary veins send blood?

left atrium

Which chamber of the heart receives oxygenated blood via the pulmonary circuit?

left atrium

Which heart chamber receives blood from the pulmonary veins?

left atrium

The greater the mass of tissue in an organ, the greater is its need for an adequate blood supply. Which chamber of the heart has the highest probability of being the site of a myocardial infarction?

left ventricle

Which chamber of the heart sends oxygenated blood to the aorta to the systemic circuit?

left ventricle

Which chamber pumps oxygenated blood out the aorta to the systemic circuit?

left ventricle

The structure that prevents backflow of blood into the left atrium is the __________.

mitral (bicuspid) valve

Which layer of the heart wall contracts and is composed primarily of cardiac muscle tissue?


As part of a blood drive on campus for the American Red Cross, you and your friends have just donated 500 ml of blood. You are now relaxing at the student lounge, waiting for A&P lab to begin. Unfortunately, even though you are thirsty, you haven't bothered to buy yourself a drink. Other than a little soreness of the skin and tissue around your median cubital vein, you feel fine. How has your 500 ml decrease in blood volume most likely affected your cardiac output, heart rate, and stroke volume?

no change in cardiac output, increased heart rate, decreased stroke volume

When viewing a dissected heart, it is easy to visually discern the right and left ventricles by ________.

noticing the thickness of the ventricle walls

In order to cause cardiac muscle contraction, the contractile cells must also depolarize. What causes the depolarization of the contractile cells?

the flow of positive ions from adjacent cells

If the vagal nerves to the heart were cut, the result would be that ________.

the heart rate would increase by about 25 beats per minute

If we were able to artificially alter the membrane permeability of pacemaker cells so that sodium influx is more rapid, ________.

threshold is reached more quickly and heart rate would increase

What is the main function of heart valves?

to prevent backward flow of blood

The __________ valve is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle.


Which valve is located between the right atrium and ventricle?

tricuspid valve

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