Anatomy & Physiology Lab - Muscles of Hindlimb, Head, Neck and Truck

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What is the Linea Alba of a Human?

A midventral connective tissue septum that with the aponeuroses, allows for the insertion of the lateral wall muscles: External and internal oliques, and the transverse abdominus. The Linea Alba is formed of fibers from the aponeuroses (Aponeuroses of the Linea Alba) The abdominal cavity's lateral wall muscles function to retain the abdominal viscera and aid in flexion and rotation of the lower back.

What is the Linea Alba of a Rat?

A midventral connective tissue septum that with the aponeuroses, allows for the insertion of the lateral wall muscles: External and internal oliques, and the transverse abdominus. The Linea Alba is formed of fibers from the aponeuroses (Aponeuroses of the Linea Alba) The abdominal cavity's lateral wall muscles function to retain the abdominal viscera and aid in flexion and rotation of the lower back.

What is the Aponeurosis of the Biceps Femoris of a Human?

A sheet of pearly-white fibrous tissue that takes the place of a tendon in sheetlike muscles having a wide area of attachment. sheet. (Ribbon like tendon)

What is the Aponeurosis of the Biceps Femoris of a Rat?

A sheet of pearly-white fibrous tissue that takes the place of a tendon in sheetlike muscles having a wide area of attachment. sheet. (Ribbon like tendon)

What is the Gluteus Maximus of a Human?

A stabilizer of the hip when the opposite leg is lifted off the ground. Large in humans due to our posture. Originates from the sacrum and illium and inserts on the proxmal portion of the linea aspera of the femur. Its main function is abduction of the femur, but it can retract the femur from a protracted position and can protract if from a retracted position.

What is the Gluteus Superficialis of a Rat?

A stabilizer of the hip when the opposite leg is lifted off the ground. Small in quadrupeds due to their posture. Originates from the sacrum and illium and inserts on the proxmal portion of the linea aspera of the femur. Its main function is abduction of the femur, but it can retract the femur from a protracted position and can protract if from a retracted position.

What is the Sartorius of a Human?

A thin strap that runs at a slightly oblique angle to the anterior surface of the thigh. It is lateral near its origin and medial near its insertion. Inserts distal to the patella. Rotates the leg laterally.

What is the Sartorius of a Rat?

A thin strap that runs at a slightly oblique angle to the anterior surface of the thigh. It is lateral near its origin and medial near its insertion. Inserts distal to the patella. Rotates the leg laterally. The Tensor Fascia Latae and the Sartorius are fused.

What is the Temporalis of a Human?

Acts to close the jaw (elevation). Originates in the temporal fossa behind the orbit and passes deep to the zygomatic arch. Inserts on the coronoid process of the mandible.

What is the Temporalis of a Rat?

Acts to close the jaw (elevation). Originates in the temporal fossa behind the orbit and passes deep to the zygomatic arch. Inserts on the coronoid process of the mandible.

What is the Semitendinosus of a Human?

Arises caudal to the Biceps Femoris, and passes medially along the leg to insert via another aponeurosis on the medial side of the popliteal fossa. Flex the knee and retract the femur with the Biceps Femoris. The semitendinosus passes underneath the distal portion of the gracilis. (Caudal to Gracilis.)

What is the Semitendinosus of a Rat?

Arises caudal to the Biceps Femoris, and passes medially along the leg to insert via another aponeurosis on the medial side of the popliteal fossa. Flex the knee and retract the femur with the Biceps Femoris. The semitendinosus passes underneath the distal portion of the gracilis. (Caudal to Gracilis.)

What is the Latissimus Dorsi of a Human?

Caudal to the Spinotrapezius. Originates from the ventral portions of the spinous processes of several vertebrae and inserts in the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus. Adducts the arm, and sometimes extends the arm. - very powerful.

What is the Latissimus Dorsi of a Rat?

Caudal to the Spinotrapezius. Originates from the ventral portions of the spinous processes of several vertebrae and inserts in the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus. Adducts the arm, and sometimes extends the arm. - very powerful.

What is the Soleus of a Human?

Deep to the Achilles' Tendon that originates on the tibia and contributes to the Achilles' Tendon. One joint muscle that only causes plantar flexion.

What is the Soleus of a Rat?

Deep to the Achilles' Tendon that originates on the tibia and contributes to the Achilles' Tendon. One joint muscle that only causes plantar flexion.

What is the Gluteus Medius of a Human?

Deep to the gluteus superficialis. Originates from the illium and insert on the greater trochanter of the femur. Retracts the thigh and assists the Gluteus Superficialis in abducting the leg.

What is the Gluteus Medius of a Rat?

Deep to the gluteus superficialis. Originates from the illium and insert on the greater trochanter of the femur. Retracts the thigh and assists the Gluteus Superficialis in abducting the leg.

What is the Adductor Longus of a Human?

Deep to the gracilis - most anterior. Adducts the Thigh.

What is the Adductor Longus of a Rat?

Deep to the gracilis - most anterior. Adducts the Thigh.

What is the Semimembranosus of a Rat?

Divided into two parts that originate on the vertebrae and ischium and insert on the medial surfaces of the distal femur and the proximal tibia. Function in retraction of the thigh and flexion of the knee. The semimembranosus passes underneath the distal portion of the gracilis. (Caudal to Gracilis.)

What is the Masseter of a Human?

Elevates (closes) the Jaw.

What is the External Intercostal of a Human?

Elevates and depresses the ribs during breathing. Thoracic continuations of the oblique muscles of the abdominal cavity.

What is the External Intercostal of a Rat?

Elevates and depresses the ribs during breathing. Thoracic continuations of the oblique muscles of the abdominal cavity.

What is the Internal Intercostal of a Human?

Elevates and depresses the ribs during breathing. Thoracic continuations of the oblique muscles of the abdominal cavity.

What is the Internal Intercostal of a Rat?

Elevates and depresses the ribs during breathing. Thoracic continuations of the oblique muscles of the abdominal cavity.

What is the Quadriceps Femoris of a Rat?

Extensor of the Knee. The Patellar Tendon helps insert the Quadriceps Femoris onto the proximal tibia. (covers the front and sides of the femur, underneath the sartorius) Has four heads but they are fused together in the rat.

What is the Quadriceps Femoris of a Human?

Extensor of the Knee. The Patellar Tendon helps insert the Quadriceps Femoris onto the proximal tibia. (covers the front and sides of the femur, underneath the sartorius) Has four heads: Vastus Medialis - medial head Rectus Femoris - middle head Vastus Lateralis - lateral Vastus intermedius - deep to the lateralis and rectus femoris.

What is the Semimembranosus of a Human?

Function in retraction of the thigh and flexion of the knee. The semimembranosus passes underneath the distal portion of the gracilis. (Caudal to Gracilis.)

What is the Achilles' Tendon (Calcanear tendon) of a Human?

Helps insert the Gastrocnemius onto the calcaneus. Visible on the posterior aspect of the tibia.

What is the Achilles' Tendon (Calcanear tendon) of a Rat?

Helps insert the Gastrocnemius onto the calcaneus. Visible on the posterior aspect of the tibia.

What is the Patellar Tendon of a Human?

Helps insert the Quadriceps Femoris onto the proximal tibia.

What is the Patellar Tendon of a Rat?

Helps insert the Quadriceps Femoris onto the proximal tibia.

What is the Masseter of a Rat?

Is divided into two parts. Elevates (closes) the Jaw.

What is the Serratus Ventralis of a Human?

It has a serrated caudal border. The origin of extension from the ribs give it a pointed shape - the serration. Hold the scapula against the ribs, rotating the scapula and causing horizontal movements of the arm. - pushing or punching.

What is the Serratus Ventralis of a Rat?

It has a serrated caudal border. The origin of extension from the ribs give it a pointed shape - the serration. Hold the scapula against the ribs, rotating the scapula and causing horizontal movements of the arm. - pushing or punching.

What is the Rectus Abdominus of a Human?

Layer of muscle that makes up the ventral portion of the abdominal wall. Lies deep to the external onliques and is covered by apopneurosis in the abdominal region.

What is the Rectus Abdominus of a Rat?

Layer of muscle that makes up the ventral portion of the abdominal wall. Lies deep to the external onliques and is covered by apopneurosis in the abdominal region. Very narrow compared to a human's.

What is the Adductor Magnus of a Human?

On the Medial side of the thigh. Deep to the gracilis - large. Adducts the Thigh.

What is the Adductor Magnus of a Rat?

On the Medial side of the thigh. Deep to the gracilis - large. Adducts the Thigh.

What is the Tibialis Anterior of a Human?

On the lateral anterior surface of the tibia. Prime effector of Dorsiflexion and Inverts the Pes in humans.

What is the Tibialis Anterior of a Rat?

On the lateral anterior surface of the tibia. Prime effector of Dorsiflexion.

What is the Rectus Femoris of a Human?

One of the heads of the Quadriceps femoris that is in the middle and is found underneath the sartorius and anterior to the vastus medialis. A two joint muscle that protracts the femur. Contributes to the patellar tendon.

What is the Vastus Medialis of a Human?

One of the heads of the Quadriceps femoris that is medial and located anterior to the adductor longus.

What is the Vastus Intermedius of a Human?

One of the heads of the Quadriceps femoris that is small and lies deep to the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris. Underneath them and lateral.

What is the Vastus Lateralis of a Human?

One of the heads of the Quadriceps femoris that is the most lateral.

What is the Biceps Femoris of a Human?

One of the two joint muscles that propagates along the caudal ischium and adjacent vertebrae. Inserts via a broad Aponeurosis on the lateral side of the popliteal fossa of the tibia. Flex the knee and retract the femur with the Semitendinosus. The sciatic nerve passes between the Semitendinosus and the Biceps Femoris.

What is the Biceps Femoris of a Rat?

One of the two joint muscles that propagates along the caudal ischium and adjacent vertebrae. Inserts via a broad Aponeurosis on the lateral side of the popliteal fossa of the tibia. Flex the knee and retract the femur with the Semitendinosus. The sciatic nerve passes between the Semitendinosus and the Biceps Femoris.

What is the Cleidomastoideus of a Rat?

Originates from the clavicle and inserts on the mastoid process. It is deep to the sternomastoideus. Flex the neck and rotate the head.

What is the Tensor Fascia Latae of a Human?

Originates on the ilium and inserts on the broad sheet of connective tissue (Fascia Lata). Does not reach the knee, but the Fascia lata inserts on the proximal tibia so that the muscle can extend the knee and flex the leg at the hip. Also important in stabilizing the hip when the opposite leg is off the ground.

What is the Tensor Fascia Latae of a Rat?

Originates on the ilium and inserts on the broad sheet of connective tissue (Fascia Lata). Does not reach the knee, but the Fascia lata inserts on the proximal tibia so that the muscle can extend the knee and flex the leg at the hip. Also important in stabilizing the hip when the opposite leg is off the ground. The Tensor Fascia Latae and the Sartorius are fused.

What is the Sciatic Nerve of a Human?

Passes between the abductors (Gluteus Superficialis, Gluteus Medius) and adductors (Gracilis, Adductor Magnus, Adductor Longus) of the leg.

What is the Sciatic Nerve of a Rat?

Passes between the abductors (Gluteus Superficialis, Gluteus Medius) and adductors (Gracilis, Adductor Magnus, Adductor Longus) of the leg.

What is the Digastricus of a Human?

Primary opener of the jaw (depression). Arises at the back of the skull, behind the ear - seen near the chin on the inferior side. It is divided by a central tendon into two bellies.

What is the Digastricus of a Rat?

Primary opener of the jaw (depression). Arises at the back of the skull, behind the ear - seen near the chin on the inferior side. It is divided by a central tendon into two bellies.

What is the Sternomastoideus of a Rat?

Running in parallel and anterior to the clavotrapezius. Originates on the sternum and inserts on the mastoid process of the temporal bone. Flex the neck and rotate the head.

What is the Fascia Lata of a Human?

Runs along the cranial aspect of the thigh and helps the Tensor Fascia Latae extend the knee and flex the leg at the hip.

What is the Fascia Lata of a Rat?

Runs along the cranial aspect of the thigh and helps the Tensor Fascia Latae extend the knee and flex the leg at the hip.

What is the Sternocleidomastoideus of a Human?

The fusion of the Sternomastoideus and the Cleidomastoidieus. Flex the neck and rotate the head.

What is the Gracilis of a Rat?

The largest of the Adductors and the most superficial. Divided into two portions that originate on the pubis and ischium and insert on the proximal tibia.

What is the Gracilis of a Human?

The largest of the Adductors and the most superficial. The muscle of the inseam. (Distance from bottom of the crotch seam to bottom of the hem along the inside leg seam) The semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles pass underneath the distal portion of the gracilis. (Caudal to Gracilis.)

What is the Internal Obliques of a Human?

The middle of the three lateral layers of the abdominal cavity's lateral wall. Fibers run ventrally and rostrally, almost perpendicular to the fibers of the external obliques. The abdominal cavity's lateral wall muscles function to retain the abdominal viscera and aid in flexion and rotation of the lower back.

What is the Internal Obliques of a Rat?

The middle of the three lateral layers of the abdominal cavity's lateral wall. Fibers run ventrally and rostrally, almost perpendicular to the fibers of the external obliques. The abdominal cavity's lateral wall muscles function to retain the abdominal viscera and aid in flexion and rotation of the lower back.

What is the Transverses Abdominus of a Human?

The most inferior of the three lateral layers of the abdominal cavity's lateral wall. Fibers run in the transverse plane. The abdominal cavity's lateral wall muscles function to retain the abdominal viscera and aid in flexion and rotation of the lower back.

What is the Transverses Abdominus of a Rat?

The most inferior of the three lateral layers of the abdominal cavity's lateral wall. Fibers run in the transverse plane. The abdominal cavity's lateral wall muscles function to retain the abdominal viscera and aid in flexion and rotation of the lower back.

What is the External Obliques of a Human?

The most superfical of the three lateral layers of the abdominal cavity's lateral wall. Its fibers run caudally and ventrally. The abdominal cavity's lateral wall muscles function to retain the abdominal viscera and aid in flexion and rotation of the lower back.

What is the External Obliques of a Rat?

The most superfical of the three lateral layers of the abdominal cavity's lateral wall. Its fibers run caudally and ventrally. The abdominal cavity's lateral wall muscles function to retain the abdominal viscera and aid in flexion and rotation of the lower back.

What is the Gastrocnemius of a Human?

The muscle of the calf that originates on the distal femur and inserts on the calcaneus via the Achilles' tendon. Medial. Two joint muscle that flexes the knee and produces plantar flexion of the foot.

What is the Gastrocnemius of a Rat?

The muscle of the calf that originates on the distal femur and inserts on the calcaneus via the Achilles' tendon. Medial. Two joint muscle that flexes the knee and produces plantar flexion of the foot.

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