Anatomy Final pt 2

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A fertilized egg and cells of the very early embryo, when it is a small ball of cell

Which of the following factors does not directly affect breathing rate? Partial pressure of oxygen in body fluids Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in body fluidsX Degree of lung tissue stretch Size of residual volume


The airplane you are riding suddenly depressurizes at 10,000 feet in the air. This causes the PO2 of the airplane's air to drastically decrease. You pass out before you can put on your oxygen mask. After a few seconds, the PO2 in your alveoli rapidly drops to 60 mmHg instead of the normal 104 mmHg. How will this affect blood gas concentrations? PO2 in the alveoli will be so low that oxygen will diffuse from hemoglobin into the alveoli, where it is exhaled. This causes blood oxygen concentrations to drop throughout the body. Blood PCO2 will increase because the air contains less oxygen. Blood PO2 will become low and much less oxygen will be delivered to tissues until cabin pressure returns. PO2 in the alveoli will be too low for gas exchange to even occur, so tissues will receive no oxygen during the depressurization event.


The airplane you are riding suddenly depressurizes at 10,000 feet in the air. This causes the PO2 of the airplane's air to drastically decrease. You pass out before you can put on your oxygen mask. After being exposed to these pressure conditions for a time, PO2 of the blood after oxygenation is only 60 mmHg. How saturated will hemoglobin be in these conditions (if the temperature remains around 38 degrees C)? About 60% saturated About 85% saturated X About 90% saturated About 100% saturated


You have just jumped into the ocean after your boat began to sink. Luckily, you found an air tank before you jumped. Unluckily, the air tank has been used. The gauge says there is now exactly 30,000mL of air left in the tank. In a panic, you take in the full inspiratory reserve volume each time you inhale. How many times can you inspire at this panicked volume before the tank runs out? 27 times 6 and a half times X 60 times 10 times


Which of the following describes a female's pelvis compared to a male's pelvis?

A cavity that is wider in all dimension, with lighter bones.

A landscaper accidentally had their leg crushed by a tree. Their femur was impacted with such force that a section of the bone completely shattered into fragments. What type of break is this?

A comminuted fracture

What conditions are necessary for diffusion of a substance to occur across a membrane

A concentration gradient Membrane permability

Which of the following correctly lists the steps of the fracture repair in sequence?

A hematoma forms, granulation tissue and fibrocartilage develop, osteoclasts and phagocytes clear away debris, bony callus forms.

Muscle fibers generally only have one motor end plate, but motor neurons innervate many different muscle fibers in a group. Choose the statement that correctly explains how this affects muscle contraction.

A signal traveling through one motor neuron can potentially make multiple fibers in a group contract, generating more force

Second event that happens during phagocytosis

A vesicle detaches from the cell's surface and moves into the cell's interior

Which of the following examples best demonstrates species resistance?

A worker at an animal shelter encounters a cat with Calicivirus, but cannot become sick with Calicivirus themselves.

Diabetes insipidus is caused by

ADH deficiency

A molecule that carries energy in a form of the cell can use is


The difference between active and passive transport is that active mechanisms use _______________


What are the forces that drive active transport?

ATP Cellular energy

what are the forces that drive active transport?

ATP; cellular energy

What is the first event in muscle fiber contraction?

Acetylcholine is released from the end of the motor neuron

In ____________ transport, substances are moved across a membrane against the concentration gradient


Interphase is a(n)______________ phase in the cell cycle


Active process Requires energy Moves molecules from low to high concentration areas

Active transport

Movement of molecules against the concentration gradient with the use of a protein pump

Active transport

Sodium potassium pump

Active transport

parasympathetic impulses

Activities of the digestive system generally increase when it is stimulated by

Which response is slower but more specific for a pathogen?

Adaptive defenses

President John F. Kennedy had

Addison disease

Specialized cells in the body have ___________ the genes and express ______________ of them

All Some

Moving down a concentration gradient is the movement from ______________

An are of high concentration to an area of low concentration

First event that happens during phagocytosis

An engulfed particle is enclosed within a vesicle

What are 3 functions of proteins in the cell membrane?

Chemicals for ions to move through Adhere adjacent cells to each other Receptors to bind to chemicals

Kristin discovers a lump in her neck. Upon examination, her physician determines it's a tumor of the thyroid and performs a complete removal. Which of the following is not one of the hormones Kristin will need to be supplemented with?


Within the nucleus, fibers called ____________ are composed of protein and DNA that contains information for synthesis of proteins. The fibers condense into chromosomes during cell division


What occurs during prophase

Chromatin coils up into chromosomes; spindle fibers form The nucleus and nucleolus disappear

Multiple hairlike, motile extensions called ______________ are attached to basal bodies; they wave, moving fluids across cell surfaces


What are characteristics of chromatin

Condenses into chromosomes during cell division Is made of protein and DNA

Which of the following is not a function of the mucus-lined nasal passages? Warming inspired air Moistening inspired air Entrapping small particles Cooling exhaled air

Cooling exhaled air

Which of these laryngeal cartilages is unpaired? Cricoid Arytenoid Corniculate Cuneiform


Cytoplasmic division, also called __________, is a process that begins during anaphase and continues through telophase. A contractile ring forms around the middle of the cell, eventually pinching the cell into new cells with identical numbers of chromosomes


The three main stages of the cell cycle are interphase, mitosis, and ____________


Indicate the three major parts of a cell, that when stained, can be easily seen under the light microscope

Cytoplasm Cell membrane Nucleus

Provides a framework for the cell


What is the supportive network of protein rods and tubules in the cytoplasm of a cell?


What is found in cytoplasm?

Cytoskeleton Cytosol Organelles

What is found in the cytoplasm?

Cytoskeleton Organelles Cytosol

The liquid portion of cytoplasm is called


Within the cytoplasm, what is the clear liquid in which organelles are suspended


During the process of _____________, vesicles fuse with the cell membrane, releasing the contents outside the cell


During the process of ___________________, vesicles fuse with the cell membrane, releasing the contents outside the cell


The process of the cell releasing contents from a vesicle to outside the cell


Indicate the active transport mechanisms

Exocytosis Pinocytosis Transcytosis

A laminectomy is a procedure used to treat osteoporosis that removes part of the posterior arch of a vertebra. (T/F)


A martial artist receives a punch that causes the xiphoid process to break. This suggests that the punch hit the pectoral girdle. (T/F)


A parathyroid gland that is over-responsive to blood calcium levels and that produces abnormally high amounts of calcitonin and causes bones to rapidly gain calcium. (T/F)


A patient has to have surgery as a result of a sports accident. Several of their carpal bones must be removed after being smashed. The surgery is occurring in the foot. (T/F)


As a person ages, osteoblasts outnumber osteoclasts. (T/F)


Blood cell formation is called osteogenesis. (T/F)


Bone remodeling occurs as osteoblasts resorb bone tissue and osteoclasts replace the bone.


Bones in the human body are non-living. (T/F)


If the sacrum were to develop without its primary curve, it would be concave. (T/F)


Intervertebral discs are composed of skeletal muscle. (T/F)


Lordosis is an excess curvature in the thoracic part of the vertebral column. (T/F)


Testosterone has a stronger effect on epiphyseal plates than estrogens.


The appendicular skeleton consists of the parts that support and protect the head, neck, and trunk. (T/F)


The femur extends from the knee to the foot. (T/F)


The first cervical vertebra is the axis and the second is the atlas. (T/F)


The ischium is the anterior part of the hip bone. (T/F)


The sternum develops in three parts; the lower manubrium, middle body, and upper xiphoid. (T/F)


The thyroid gland secretes growth hormone. (T/F)


Ions that use specific protein channels in the membrane use a process called ________________ to move down their concentration gradient across the plasma membrane

Facilitated diffusion

Movement of glucose through a cell membrane

Facilitated diffusion

Name the passive transport mechanism in which molecules or ions move via carrier proteins from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration

Facilitated diffusion

Passive process Does not require energy Moves molecules from high to low concentration areas

Facilitated diffusion

Requires a carrier

Facilitated diffusion

A sudden contraction of the diaphragm while the glottis is closed produces a sneeze. True False


An immunoglobulin molecule is an antigen secreted by T lymphocytes.


An injection of synthetic antibodies imparts active immunity.


Carbon monoxide is toxic because it destroys respiratory areas in the brain. True False


Cellular respiration enables cells to harness the energy from oxygen. True False


Coughing reflexes become faster with age. True False


Gas exchange occurs across alveolar pores. True False


Immunoglobulin A is abundant in endocrine gland secretions.


Oxygen is carried in the blood in the form of bicarbonate ions and is bound to hemoglobin. True False


The left lung is larger than the right lung and is divided into three lobes. True False


The pectoralis minor muscles and the sternocleidomastoid muscles are useful in aiding forced expiration. True False


The pharynx is an enlargement at the top of the trachea that houses the vocal cords. True False


The thymus enlarges after puberty.


Which of the following are not components of the pelvic gridle?


Name the passive transport mechanism in which small solutes are forced through a membrane by hydrostatic pressure


Water molecules leaving blood capillaries


Which of the following bone shape is stated with an incorrect example?

Flat bone - thigh bone

Which of the following hormones primarily affects the reproductive organs?

Follicle-stimulating hormone

Solutions A and B are separated by a semipermeable membrane. Solution A has more solutes than solution B. In what direction will osmosis occur

From B to A

During ____ and ____ phases, structures and molecules other than DNA are synthesized.

G1; G2

A runner collapses during a race and is examined by a doctor. They have lost the ability to plantar flex the ankle. Which of the following is probably the injured muscle?


If a cell was unable to produce pyruvate, this cell may have a mutation in the enzyme in which process?


The molecules within the cell membrane that function in cell recognition are the _________


Packages proteins for transport

Golgi apparatus

What organelle is composed of a stack of five to eight flattened, membranous sacs called cisternae

Golgi apparatus

What organelle packages and modifies proteins for transport and secretion?

Golgi apparatus

When there is a surplus of dietary carbohydrates, they are converted to lipids through lipogenesis. Where are they synthesized?

Golgi apparatus

A tooth root attached to a jawbone by periodontal ligament is a _____________-

Gomphosis joint

The term cocentration __________________ refers to the difference in concentration between two regions


What is the term given to the difference in concentration of particles from one area to another


Every cell in the body

Has varying amounts components

A respiratory specialist is giving a simple spirometer test to observe the different respiratory volumes of a patient. Which of the following won't be observable with this particular test? Tidal volume Vital capacity Residual volume Expiratory reserve volume

Residual volume

Sixth event that happens during phagocytosis

Residues are expelled outside through exocytosis

Which of the following best describes the causes of common forms of arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and osteoarthritis is caused by effects of aging

Helps in protein synthesis


Organelles that are composed of protein and RNA and are the site of protein synthesis are called


Organelles that are composed of protein and RNA and are the site of protein synthesis are called _____________


Contains ribosomes on its outer membrane Functions in the synthesis of proteins

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Protein molecules proceed through several organelles between the time they are produced and when they are secreted from the cell. Place organelles in the order through which the proteins pass

Rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Cell membrane

Protein molecules proceed through several organelles between the time they are produced and when they are secreted from the cell. Place these organelles in the order through which the proteins pass

Rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Cell membrane

DNA replication occurs during the ____ phase of interphase


DNA replication occurs during the ___________ phase of interphase


Indicate sub-phases of interphase

S G1

The cell membrane is ________________ permeable


Requires no carrier

Simple diffusion

What is the function of ribosomes

Site of protein synthesis

Functions in the synthesis of lipids Contains no ribosomes on its outer membrane

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Phagocytosis is the process by which cells engulf _____________ from extracellular fluid

Solid particles

Mitosis occurs in ________ cell and produces ____________ daughter cells

Somatic Two

Cells that have the ability to divide repeatedly without specialization are called _______________ cells


Which of the following does NOT contribute to the increase of breathing rate during exercise? Signals from cerebral cortex to skeletal muscles are also sent to the respiratory areas Stimulation of the respiratory areas by decreasing blood concentration of oxygen and increasing blood concentration of carbon dioxide A joint reflex Stimulation of the respiratory areas by sensory impulses from proprioceptors

Stimulation of the respiratory areas by decreasing blood concentration of oxygen and increasing blood concentration of carbon dioxide

What is the function of the mitochondrion

Synthesize ATP

A bone shaft is the diaphysis; the expanded parts at the ends are epiphyses. (T/F)


A child is born with a mutation that causes dehydrocholesterol to be unreactive when exposed to sunlight. This will lead to the child developing rickets.


A female develops an abnormally narrow pelvic brim. This will most likely be a problem during childbirth. (T/F)


A parathyroid gland that is unresponsive to blood calcium levels and that produces abnormally high amounts of parathyroid hormone would result in bones rapidly breaking down. (T/F)


A styloid process is part of the ulna. (T/F)


A young woman is in a car accident. When she regains her consciousness, she notices a sharp pain in her left arm. Looking down, she sees a bone sticking out. This compound fracture. (T/F)


Anemia could promote the conversion of yellow marrow into red marrow. (T/F)


Bones are classified as irregular, flat, short, or long. (T/F)


Fontanels in the fetal skull permit some bone movement, enabling the fetus to pass more easily through the birth canal during childbirth. (T/F)


If the sinus cavities located within the skull were instead completely filled with bone, the skull would be much heavier. (T/F)


If the supply of blood cells is deficient, yellow marrow may change into red marrow.


In the humerus, the deltoid tuberosity is located on the diaphyses; the trochlea, capitulum and the greater/lesser tubercles are parts of the epiphyses. (T/F)


Kyphosis is an excess curvature in the thoracic part of the vertebral column. (T/F)


Men and women begin ti lose bone at the same rate by about age 70. (T/F)


Most people have 24 ribs. (T/F)


Osteoclasts are bone- resorbing cells, whereas osteoblasts are bone- forming cells. (T/F)


Osteoporosis is more severe than osteopenia. (T/F)


Perforating canals form transverse channels in bone tissue. (T/F)


Small intestine requires vitamin D to adequately absorb calcium. (T/F)


The deltoid tuberosity is part of the humerus. (T/F)


The ilium is part of the pelvic girdle. (T/F)


The number of bones in most people is 206. (T/F)


The parietal bones meet each other along the sagittal suture. (T/F)


The pectoral girdle consists of two scapulae and two clavicles. (T/F)


In the cellular immune response

T cells attach directly to antigens and destroy them.

A child is infected with chicken pox (Varicella-Zoster virus), which triggers a primary immune response. The memory cells produced to suppress further attacks by chicken pox consist of

T cells only.,,,wrong

A person has a rare autoimmune disorder in which immune cells attack and destroy thymosins as soon as they are produced and secreted. What affect will this have on the immune system?

T lymphocytes will cease maturation and immune function will be severely impacted.

What are functions of integral proteins

Transduce signals across the membrane Transport molecules across the membrane

Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system?

Transporting hormones to intestinal smooth muscle

Another word for breathing is ventilation. True False


As a result of the allergen-antibody reaction, mast cells release histamine.


Autoimmune diseases are more common in older people.


Carbon monoxide bonds to hemoglobin more effectively than does oxygen. True False


During the primary immune response, B lymphocytes give rise to plasma cells.


Innate defenses include mechanical and chemical barriers, whereas adaptive defenses counter specific disease-causing agents.


Lymphatic capillaries are thin-walled, closed-ended tubes.


Muscle contraction moves lymph through lymphatic vessels.


Normal immune responses require T and B lymphocytes.


Older red blood cells may be destroyed in the spleen.


Ordinary air is about 21% oxygen and 0.04% carbon dioxide. True False


The glottis is the opening between the vocal cords. True False


The inflation reflex is activated when stretch receptors are stimulated during inspiration. True False


Which of the following illustrates a positive feedback mechanism?

Uterine contractions during childbirth

Which of the following lists all of the events that occur with respiration? Inhaling and exhaling Ventilation, external and internal respiration, and cellular respiration Inflating and deflating alveoli Delivering carbon dioxide to cells and removing oxygen from cells

Ventilation, external and internal respiration, and cellular respiration

Third stage that happens during phagocytosis

Vesicle-lysosome fusion occurs

Choose the item that would provoke a cell to produce interferons.


A man is taking a prescription blood thinner. His doctor informs him that if he sustains a minor injury,he needs to take vitamin K supplement to help prevent excessive bleeding and related complications. Why would vitamin K be required in this situation?

Vitamin K is essential for the synthesis of prothrombin.

Which of the following bones is NOT part of the orbit of the skull?


Which of the following bones is not part of the orbit of the skulls?


Osmosis is the diffusion of ____________


The opposing roles of the Thyroid and the parathyroid maintain the balance of calcium and phosphate ions in the blood. What will happen if the parathyroid gland develops a defect that prevents PTH secretion?

The amount of calcium ions and phosphate ions in the blood will decrease.

DiGeorge syndrome is a chromosomal disorder in which the thymus never develops/barely develops due to a deletion in a chromosome. Which of the following complications would you expect a child with DiGeorge syndrome to encounter?

The child will possess very few T lymphocytes and will be immunocompromised.

Which innate defense mechanism initiate(s) a cascade effect in response to foreign proteins in the body?

The complement system

Cathy develops a tumor in her brainstem that puts pressure on the respiratory centers. Her doctor notices that control of her diaphragm is abnormal and irregular movements occur during inspiration. Responses to sensory input are delayed and abnormal. Which specific respiratory center must be receiving pressure from the tumor? The dorsal respiratory group The ventral respiratory group The pontine respiratory group The diencephalon

The dorsal respiratory group

During endochondral bone formation, the secondary ossification center never begins to form. What will the developing bone look like?

The ends (epiphyses) of the bone will remain cartilaginous during development until adulthood, when the cartilage will ossify.

One major symptom of Hodgkin's lymphoma is noticeable swelling of lymph nodes in the axillary, thoracic, and cervical regions. Which of the following does not reflect where you expect to find swellings?

The hands

If a certain individual's phagocytes were non functioning, what would occur during fracture repair?

The hematoma clot and other damaged tissue would not be cleared from the area during healing.

If the trochlea was removed, what joint would be affected?

The humeroulnar joint

A mass of cells that has lost control of cell division produces an abnormal disorganized mass called

a tumor

peripheral protein

a type of protein in the cell membrane that does not span the entire membrane; instead, it projects from one side only of the membrane's surface

3 characteristics of cancer cells

ability to induce angiogenesis; loss of cell cycle control; ability to metastasize


abnormal condition of death (cells and tissue die because of disease)

what is the first event in muscle fiber contraction?

acetylcholine is released from the end of the motor neuron

People with myasthenia gravis have a deficiency of

acetylcholine receptors

A primary function of lymphocytes is to

act against foreign substances

Myofibrils are composed primarily of

actin and myosin

choose the correct statement about muscle contraction

actin filaments slide along myosin filaments

Nonsteroid hormones cause _________________ in their target cells.

activation of adenylate cyclase

In _______ transport, substances are moved across a membrane against the concentration gradient.


interphase is a(n) _______ phase in the cell cycle


Hyposecretion of hormones from the adrenal cortex leads to

addison disease

A lymph node contains

afferent vessels circulating lymph into the node on its convex surface.

The muscle that causes an action is the


the muscle the causes an action is the


A person with type AB blood can successfully receive blood from

all blood types.

Addison disease

all of the above

Cushing syndrome

all of the above

Growth hormone

all of the above

Hormones from the adrenal medulla increase

all of the above


all of the above

In diabetes mellitus,

all of the above

Steroid hormones

all of the above

Treatment of type 2 diabetes usually includes

all of the above

Metabolism is defined as ________

all the chemical reactions occurring in an organism that support life

A man donates part of his liver to his daughter, who suffers from cystic fibrosis. This procedure is an


Graves disease, the most common form of hyperthyroidism, is caused by

an autoimmune disorder

centromeres of replicated chromosomes separate during mitotic


As a result of the general stress response, blood concentrations of epinephrine

and cortisol rise

The muscle that opposes a particular action is called the


the muscle that opposes a particular action is called the


Target cells for releasing hormones are in the

anterior pituitary gland

The proteins that B cells produce that attack foreign molecules are


Nerve fibers in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland secrete

antidiuretic hormone

programmed cell death occurs during development, including the removal of webbing between fingers of the fetus. this process is known as


The two divisions of the skeleton are called axial and ________.



are multifunctional.

The subcutaneous layer consists of

areolar and adipose tissue

Injections of gamma globulin are sometimes given to provide

artificially acquired passive immunity.

A bone lengthens

as a result of increased activity within the epiphyseal plate.

Pneumothorax is a condition in which air separates the visceral and parietal pleura in the chest, resulting in a collapsed lung. Having pneumothorax would lower the __________ of the lung. intrapleural pressure surfactant production serous fluid content compliance


Chemistry is important to the study of physiology because

body functions depend on cellular functions that reflect chemical changes, chemical reactions enable our bodies to extract energy from nutrients, and the foods that we eat are chemicals

Osteoblasts are _________, whereas osteocytes are ______

bone forming cells; mature bone cells

Osteoblasts are ______, whereas osteocytes are ______.

bone- forming cells; mature bone cells.

Phalanges are

both finger and toe bones.

what characteristic do simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion share?

both move a substance from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration without using cellular energy

Which of the following is (are) examples of an intramembranous bone?

broad, flat skull bones

which of the following is an example of an intramembranous bone?

broad, flat skull bones

The procedure used to directly examine the trachea and bronchial tree is called bronchoscopy. tracheostomy. tracheotomy. laryngectomy.


Eumelanin and pheomelanin are

brownish black and reddish yellow pigments

Fluid-filled sacs containing synovial fluid are called


The hormone that stimulates calcium deposition into bone is


The horomone that stimulates calcium deposition into the bone is


Smooth muscle has ______ and not troponin


if a tumor suppressor gene is inhibited, _____ will result


What cell types are targeted by cytotoxic T cells?

cancer cells and virally infected cells.

carbohydrates, once broken down into glucose, can be used in lipogenesis and be converted into fats for storage

candy and sugary desserts are associated with weight gain. why would candy and sugary foods, containing carbohydrates, cause an increase in body fat

The bones of the wrist collectively are called the ________.



carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are classified as

An organic compound always contains

carbon and hydrogen

The amount of oxygen released from oxyhemoglobin increases when carbon dioxide concentration decreases. carbon dioxide concentration increases. temperature decreases. blood becomes more alkaline.

carbon dioxide concentration increases.

Which of the following groups of elements accounts for more than 95% of the human body by weight

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

which of the following groups of elements accounts for more than 95% of the human body by weight

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

metabolize carbohydrates in food, producing acidic by-products that damage enamel and dentin

carrie is being examined by her dentist, who notices that she has many cavities (caries). when she tells him about her dental regimen, he explains to her that she doesn't brush her teeth often enough to remove the bacteria that _______, which is why she has many cavities

Complement proteins, which are activated when IgG or IgM antibodies bind antigen,

cause opsonization, which coats the antibody-antigen complexes in a way that attracts phagocytes.

A nonsteroid hormone acts on a target cell by

causing synthesis of a second messenger

A nonsteriod hormone acts on a target cell by

causing synthesis of a second messenger.

components of the cellular structure called the _______ include phospholipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol

cell membrane

Cytotoxic T cells destroy their target cells by releasing perforin, which causes holes to form in

cell membranes.

T lymphocytes are responsible for

cell-mediated immunity.

Osteoclasts are

cells that break down bone matrix.

Nucleic acids are

composed of building blocks called nucleotides

Epidermis is ____, whereas dermis is _______

composed of stratified squamous epithelial tissue; composed of connective tissue, smooth muscle, and nerve cell processes

Salt is placed in a glass of water. Slowly the salt begins to even out in concentration due to what factor?

concentration gradient

salt is placed in a glass of water. slowly the salt begins to even out in concentration due to what factor?

concentration gradient

The ventral part of the medulla oblongata near the origin of the vagus nerve is the location of baroreceptors. mechanoreceptors. central chemoreceptors. peripheral chemoreceptors.

central chemoreceptors.

what organelle plays a role in the distribution of the chromosomes during cell division


sister chromatids are joined at a region called


The secondary curves of the vertebral column are the

cervical and lumbar curvatures.

The atlas is one of the

cervical vertebrae

You are singing a song at karaoke and reach a part that requires a louder, more intense sound. To increase your voice's volume, you change the force of the air passing over the vocal cords. increase the tension on your vocal cords. change the size of the laryngeal cartilages. change the shape of the laryngeal cartilages.

change the force of the air passing over the vocal cords.


changing absorbed substances into different chemical forms

The buccinator muscle is in the


Multiple hairlike, motile extensions called ______ are attached to basal bodies; they wave, moving fluids across cell surfaces


If lymph nodes existed without macrophages, the lymph nodes would lose the ability to

clear cellular debris and initiate immune responses.

IgA is passed to a newborn through maternal __________ and breast milk.


The secretion of parathyroid hormone is controlled primarily by the

concentration of blood calcium

The pH scale measures the

concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution

the pH scale measures the

concentration of hydrogen ions in solution

Aldosterone promotes the homeostasis of ions by causing the kidneys to

conserve sodium and excrete potassium

Which of the following is not a function of bones?


Compared to skeletal muscle, smooth muscle

contracts more slowly and releases more slowly

when atp levels are low, the relationship between atp and creating phosphate is that

creatine phosphate supplies energy to regenerate atp from adp and phosphate

in cell division, the division of the cytoplasm is called


the process that divides the cytoplasm of a cell into 2 daughter cells


cytokinesis is the process by which the _______ of a cell divides


the anaerobic reactions of cellular respiration take place in the


the anaerobic reactions of cellular respiration occur in the ___________, whereas the aerobic reactions of cellular respiration occur in the _____________

cytoplasm without O2 required, mitochondria with O2 required

The anaerobic reactions of cellular respiration occur in the _________, whereas the aerobic reactions of cellular respiration occur in the ________.

cytoplasm without oxygen required; mitochondria with oxygen required.

within the cytoplasm, what is the clear liquid in which organelles are suspended



david has sustained severe damage to his liver in a car accident. digestion of which nutrient will be most affected

Shafts of hair are composed of

dead epidermal cells

the enzyme acetylcholinesterase causes acetylcholine to


Irving, who is 78 years old, takes human growth hormone supplements to regain the strength of his youth. He may be disappointed, because the hormone has been shown only to

decrease fat and increase muscle mass, but not improve strength


enhances the rate at which proteins are synthesized.

one reason why protein synthesis is important is

enzymes are proteins and enzymes are essential to metabolism

in a condition called incontinentia pigmenti, the skin has deep dark splotches, due to melanin that seeps down into the dermis. Normally, melanin is confined to the


The outermost layer of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle is the


It is possible to determine if a child's long bone is growing by examining a radiograph of the bone and looking for an

epiphyseal plate

It is possible to determine if a child's long bone is growing by examining a radiograph of the bone and looking for a(n)

epiphyseal plate.

Cancer that originates in the lungs is most likely to begin in epithelial cells. smooth muscle cells. dense connective tissue cells. hyaline cartilage cells.

epithelial cells.

Cardiac muscle

excites itself

During an asthma attack, the patient usually finds it most difficult to exhale. inhale. contract the respiratory muscles. expand the lungs.


A sweat gland is an example of a(n) _______ gland.


A compound fracture

exposes the broken bone to the outside

A compound fracture

exposes the broken bone to the outside.

name the passive transport mechanism in which molecules or ions move via carrier proteins from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration

facilitated diffusion

name the passive transport mechanism in which or ions move via carrier proteins from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration

facilitated diffusion

Chloride ions follow the concentration gradient, but require a membrane protein for passage. Which transport method is occurring?

facilitated transport

all of the answer choices are correct

factors that affect basal metabolic rate (BMR) include

AIDS is caused by a virus that attacks complement enzymes.


Two mechanical barriers to infection are interferon and inflammation.


Innate defenses are

fast and non specific

Sebaceous glands secrete

fat globules that mix with cellular debris, forming sebum

Skin wrinkles with age because

fat is lost from the subcutaneous layers and the dermis shrinks

absorbed more readily in the presence of bile salts

fat-soluble vitamins are

Interleukin-1 secretion causes


what type of cell produces CT fibers


The intervertebral discs are composed of the tissue _______.


The act of closing the fingers to make a fist is an example of what time of joint movement (at the interphalangeal joints)?


At high altitudes, when capillary pressure becomes too high, fluid filters out of the blood and collects in the alveoli (pulmonary edema). blood pressure decreases. breathing and heart rates decrease. blood pH increases to pathologic levels.

fluid filters out of the blood and collects in the alveoli (pulmonary edema).

The membranous soft spots of a newborn's skull are called _________.


The talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, and lateral, intermediate, and cuneiform bones are all part the


The intensity (volume) of a vocal sound is a result of the force of air passing over the vocal cords. tension on the vocal cords. size of the laryngeal cartilage. shape of the laryngeal cartilage.

force of air passing over the vocal cords.

Tissue fluid is __________ and lymph is __________.

forced out of blood plasma; absorbed into lymph capillaries

A flashlight placed just below the eyebrow in a darkened room illuminates the frontal sinus. maxillary sinus. sphenoid sinus. ethmoid sinus.

frontal sinus.

The smooth muscle cells of the digestive tract need to send electrical signals between each other to contract them in unison. The type of intercellular junction best suited for this need is

gap junction

this is secreted by the empty stomach and enhances appetite


A molecule that is a storage form of carbohydrate is


a molecule that is storage form of carbohydrate is


Carbohydrate groups attached to some peripheral proteins form


One of the hallmarks of Graves disease is


One of the hallmarks of Graves disease is


What organelle functions in packaging protein molecules for transport and secretion from the cell?

golgi apparatus

what organelle is composed of a stack of five to eight flattened, membranous sacs called cisternae

golgi apparatus

water always tend to move toward solution of

greater osmotic pressure

Extracellular matrix consists of

ground substance and protein fibers

Secretion of excess _________ hormone causes acromegaly.


Pituitary dwarfism results from a decreased secretion of _______, which as a results decreases the rate of cell division of ________.

growth hormone; cartilage cells in the epiphyseal plate.

The arrector pili muscles are attached to

hair follicles


have functions in growth, reproduction, and development.

Exposure to secondhand smoke can cause or increase risk of high altitude sickness and sleep apnea. heart disease, lung cancer, and low birth weight. pneumonia and tuberculosis. sarcoidosis, multiple sclerosis, and vasculitis

heart disease, lung cancer, and low birth weight.


heartburn is usually caused by the effects of gastric juice on the

Blood cell formation is called _______.


A sudden inspiration caused by a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm while the glottis is closed is a yawn. laugh. sneeze. hiccup.


A mother and two young children are found passed out in their apartment, where a space heater is on. Emergency medical technicians suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, so they give the patients nitrogen and carbon dioxide. highly concentrated oxygen and some carbon dioxide. surfactant. blood transfusions.

highly concentrated oxygen and some carbon dioxide.

The region of a lymph node through which blood vessels and nerves pass is called the



hollow tubes made of a protein called tubulin; maintain shape of cell; facilitate cilia and flagellum movement

Articular cartilage is

hyaline cartilage

articular cartilage is

hyaline cartilage

cartilaginous joints are connected by

hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage

produced by parietal cells of the gastric glands and is needed for production of action of pepsin

hydrochloric acid

the primary force that drives substances via filtration is

hydrostatic pressure

in filtration, a solution is pushed through a membrane by a force called _____. this is a(n) ____ transport mechanism

hydrostatic pressure; passive

Cushing's syndrome is caused by

hypersecretion of cortical hormones.

Maxwell has a very high metabolic rate, is skinny, and has protruding eyes. These are symptoms of


Maxwell has a very high metabolic rate, is skinny, and has protruding eyes. These are symptoms of


Hormones that the posterior pituitary secretes are synthesized in the


salivary amylase

if you take a piece of white bread and chew it slowly for a long period of time, the flavor will become very sweet. this is due to the starch molecules in the bread being digested into smaller sugars that trigger a sweet sensation. which substance is responsible for this breakdown

Which three bones fuse to form the hip bone?

ilium, ischium, pubis

the nucleolus is found ______ and functions to _____

in the nucleus; produce ribosomes

Eccrine sweat glands differ from sebaceous glands

in whether or not they are associated with hair follicles, in type of secretion, in their location

Increased blood concentration of carbon dioxide leads to a(n) __________ in levels of hydrogen ions, with both causing similar effects upon the respiratory areas. increase decrease


The main function of cristae in mitochondria is to

increase surface area for chemical reactions

Carbon dioxide is sometimes added to the air that a patient breathes in order to increase the rate and decrease the depth of breathing. increase the rate and depth of breathing. decrease the rate and increase the depth of breathing. decrease the rate and depth of breathing.

increase the rate and depth of breathing.

"I'm going to hold my breath until I die and it will be all your fault!" shrieked the 6-year-old at her father. The child was physically unable to carry out her threat because she never stopped talking long enough to try to hold her breath. increased CO2 and hydrogen ion concentration and decreased oxygen concentration stimulate chemoreceptors. decreased CO2 and hydrogen ion concentration and increased oxygen concentration stimulate chemoreceptors. she could not take in enough oxygen.

increased CO2 and hydrogen ion concentration and decreased oxygen concentration stimulate chemoreceptors.

Curvature of the spine produce all of the following except

increased height.

Peripheral receptors stimulate the respiratory areas resulting in increased respiratory rate. decreased respiratory rate. respiratory collapse. passive exhalation.

increased respiratory rate.

Low-grade fever is an effective defense for short periods of time because it

increases temperature, which slows the growth of bacteria.

Athletes abuse erythropoietin (EPO) because this hormone

increases the number of red blood cells

Athletes abuse erythropoeitin (EPO) because it

increases the red blood cell supply, which brings more oxygen to muscle cells.

The formation of lymph increases as a result of

increasing hydrostatic pressure in tissue fluid.

Arielle is an 8-year-old with cystic fibrosis. For 30 minutes each morning and evening, a parent holds her body in various positions and massages and kneads the areas over her lungs to dislodge the abundant, sticky mucus, which Arielle spits into a jar. She also takes medication that thins the mucus. If she didn't take these measures, the mucus in her lungs would most likely increase her risk of cancer. emphysema. infection. asthma.


Henry has a cut on his thigh that becomes infected. As a result, the lymph nodes in his __________ enlarge.

inguinal region

Jerry drinks a few beers and soon has to urinate. The alcohol has

inhibited secretion of ADH

Jerry drinks a few beers and soon he has to urinate. The alcohol has

inhibited secretion of ADH.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus results from

insensitivity of cells to insulin

The volume of air that enters the lungs during forced maximal inspiration is the inspiratory reserve volume. expiratory reserve volume. vital capacity. tidal volume.

inspiratory reserve volume.

this is secreted by the pancreas and stimulates adipocytes to admit glucose and store fat


a(n) _______ protein is a type of compact or globular protein that spans the cell membrane


cellular adhesion molecules are

integral proteins

Melanocyte-stimulating hormone, which regulates the formation of melanin, is produced by the

intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland.

"Endocrine" means

internal secretion

chromosomes duplicate during


the phrase that begins after cytokinesis and ends at prophase is called ________.


the segment of the cell cycle called ______ is subdivided into the G1 phase, S phase and G2 phase


DNA replicated in ________, and then in _________ the identical chromosome sets are evenly distributed between the two forming cells

interphase; mitosis

Endocytosis takes particles _____ the cell by using _____

into; vesicles

Injections that are administered into the tissues of the skin are called


necessary for vitamin B12 absorption in the small intestine

intrinsic factor

Simple goiter is most prevalent where the soil lacks


electrolytes are substances that

ionize in water

The form of anemia caused by lack of dietary iron is

iron deficiency anemia.

The zygomatic bone is an example of a

irregular bone

The zygomatic bone is an example of an

irregular bone


is a normal response to stress or injury

The femur

is the longest bone in the body.

In the body, oxygen

is used during cellular respiration

A plank position is part of a yoga/pilates workout. The person supports the body on the floor in a prone position with the arms and feet supporting the body. It is a little similar to the "up" position of a push-up, held for 30-60 secs. Contraction of the abdominal muscles in a plank is most likely


plank position


Red blood cells are placed in a solution of 0.9% NaCl and no diffusion or osmosis is observed. This means the solution is __________.


red blood cells are placed in a soltion of 0.9% NaCl and no diffusion or osmosis is observed. Thismeans that the solution is


Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding RNA?

it is double stranded

The hardness of a nail comes from


You step out of the shower and vigorously rub your skin with a towel. If you were able to analyze the towel, you would find skin cells. They are most likely

keratinized epidermal cells


kwashiorkor may develop in children who have dietary deficiencies of

Respiratory distress syndrome in newborns is caused by lack of surfactant. lack of a respiratory membrane. low oxygen concentration. high oxygen concentration.

lack of surfactant.

Lactose is a disaccharide found in milk. Individuals who are lactose intolerant lack the enzyme to break this sugar down into monosaccharides. Based on enzyme nomenclature, what enzyme is deficient in these individuals?


During strenuous exercise, muscles may not be supplied with enough oxygen, causing a shift in metabolism resulting in the breakdown of pyruvic acid to lactic acid. This change in metabolism is called the

lactic acid threshold

The vocal cords are in the pharynx. larynx. trachea. oral cavity.


In a recording of a muscle twitch, the delay between the time a stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called the

latent period

this is secreted by adipocytes and both suppresses appetite and increases metabolic rate after eating


With age,

levels of GH decrease but of ADH increase

A joint capsule is reinforced by

ligaments binding articular ends of bones together

A parietal layer of a serous membrane ______, whereas a visceral layer of a serous membrane _______.

lines cavities; covers organs

the major components of the cell membrane are

lipids and proteins


lipids include all of the following except

Growth hormone signals the release of IGF-1 from the


A hormone with an effect that lasts for days would have a

long half-life

The cells that are primarily responsible for immunity are

lymphocytes and macrophages.

A transplant recipient rejects a transplanted organ because her __________ does not match that of the donor closely enough.

major histocompatibility complex

In HIV infection, reverse transcriptase

makes DNA from viral RNA

an ex of an anabolic reaction is

many monosaccharides bonding, forming glycogen


matthew takes a drug that inhibits the production of HCL in the stomach to ease the symptoms of a gastric ulcer. if he takes it for a long time, digestion of which nutrient would be affected the most

A cleft palate results from incomplete development of the


The hard palate is composed of the

maxillary and palatine bones

The hard palate is composed of the

maxillary and palatine bones.

Compared to the nervous system, the endocrine system

may have a longer lasting effect

If a human cell has 23 chromosomes, it likely just finished


the form of cell division that occurs only in cells that give rise to sex cells called


Exposure to ultraviolet light darkens skin by stimulating the synthesis of


The hormone that the pineal gland secretes is


What are some of the functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum

metabolism of drugs; lipid synthesis

what are the three parts of cytoskeleton

microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments

Bacteria infecting the mucous membranes in the air cells of the mastoid process most likely spread from the

middle ear.

A newborn is protected against certain digestive and respiratory infections by IgA received via the mother's


Threshold stimulus is the

minimum strength of stimulation required to contract a muscle fiber

A hormone is a ______ and the target cell is __________.

molecule that has a metabolic effect on another cell; a cell that has receptors for specific hormones

The mononuclear phagocytic system includes

monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils

in dehydration synthesis of a carbohydrate

monosaccharides are joined

At a neuromuscular junction, the muscle fiber membrane folds, forming a

motor end plate

at a neuromuscular junction, the muscle fiber membrane folds, forming a

motor end plate

Neurotransmitters are stored in vesicles in

motor neuron endings

neurotransmitters are stored in vesicles in

motor neuron endings

provides a viscous, alkaline protective layer on the stomach's inner surface


Spicy foods irritate the membrane of your mouth, which triggers goblet cells to produce a protective layer of a thick substance called mucus. What membrane must be lining the mouth?

mucus membrane

The tissues that forms the inner lining or respiratory passages is

mucus=secreting, ciliated, and pseudostratified

In addition to a drop in blood calcium concentration, a symptom of hypoparathyroidism is

muscle cramps

The nerve fibers in the dermis stimulate

muscles and glands in the dermis

nerve fibers scattered throughout the dermis are associated with

muscles, glands, and sensory recptors

Binding sites on the surface of actin allow the formation of the cross-bridges with molecules of


The type of resistance that is acquired as a result of developing a disease is

naturally acquired active immunity.

Melanocytes transfer melanin granules to

nearby keratinocytes

An important mechanism that controls metabolic pathways under physiological conditions is

negative feedback

Botox works by blocking nerve communication and typically is used to target the muscles of the face to reduce wrinkling. However, some patients with excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) have Botox injected into problem areas to reduce the amount of sweating. why would this work?

nerves that directly communicate with sweat glands and stimulate them to produce sweat are blocked

Endoplasmic reticulum is best described as a

network of interconnected membranes

this is secreted by the hypothalamus and enhances appetite

neuropeptide Y

ADH and oxytocin are secreted by

neurosecretory cells

The nervous system releases __________ at synapses and the endocrine system releases __________ into the bloodstream.

neurotransmitters hormones

the atoms of the isotopes of a particular element vary in the number of


The most active phagocytic cells in circulating blood are

neutrophils and monocytes.

If during the process of intramembranous ossification, the ossification center was removed, the result would be

no bone grows.

A type of hormone that the adrenal medulla secretes is a

none of the above

Skin cancer is most likely to develop from

nonpigmented epithelial cells

A virus differs from other pathogens in that it is

not capable of reproduction outside a living cell.

The subcutaneous layer is

not part of the skin

what structure is perforated with opening called nuclear pore that regulate the movement of molecules through the structure?

nuclear envelope

the _______ of the cell is a relatively large, usually spherical structure, that contains the genetic material that directed the activities of the cell


three factors that increase the rates of enzyme controlled reactions are the

number of enzyme molecules, number of substrate molecules, and efficiency of the enzyme

Laryngitis is a potentially dangerous condition because it may obstruct the esophagus. obstruct the airway. press on the thyroid gland. cause inner ear infection.

obstruct the airway.

Articular cartilage of a long bone is found

on the outer surface of the epiphyses.

absorb ingested water

one of the functions of the large intestine is to

in an ionic bond

oppositely charged atoms attract

Which of the following lists best illustrates the idea of increasing levels of complexity?

organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems

All hormones are

organic compounds

Which of the following characteristics is used to name tissue types?

organization of cells

Compact bone has ________, whereas spongy bone has __________.

osteons; trabeculae

Compact bone has _________, whereas spongy bone has ________

osteons; trabeculae

Biphosphonates are drugs that slow the progress of


Eighty-year-old Evelyn takes a bisphosphonate drug once a month to keep her bones strong. She most likely has


A sprain involves

overstretched or torn ligaments and tendons in a joint

The chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies are most sensitive to changes in blood concentration of carbon dioxide. hydrogen ions. oxygen. bicarbonate ions.


Max works out about an hour every day using aerobic machines at a gym. During his moderate physical exercise, blood concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide increase. oxygen and carbon dioxide remain nearly unchanged. oxygen decrease and carbon dioxide increase. oxygen increase and carbon dioxide decrease.

oxygen and carbon dioxide remain nearly unchanged.

breaks down triglycerides

pancreatic lipase

Secretions that affect only nearby cells are termed


Newborns can acquire __________ immunity through breast milk.


Peter receives a blow to the front of the knee on the soccer field and collapses. The bruised bone is the _________.


The scapula is part of the ________ girdle.


a protein-splitting enzyme that digests nearly all types of dietary protein into polypeptides


produced by chief cells of the gastric glands


The tough, fibrous vascular tissue that encloses a long bone is the _______.


from the pharynx to the anus

peristalsis occurs in the digestive tract

the type of endocytosis in which a cell membrane engulfs solid particles from its surrounding is called


A cell membrane is composed of the phospholipid bilayer. Each phospholipid molecule has a water-soluble _______ that points outwards and water-insoluble ____________ that makes up the middle of the membrane

phosphate group; fatty acid tails

Most of the joints between the short bones in the ankle and wrist are

plane joints

B cells divide and differentiate into __________ which produce and secrete antibodies.

plasma cells

Lymph differs from plasma in that

plasma has more protein than lymph.

Air entering the potential space of the pleural cavity is called pneumonia. pneumothorax. pulmonary ventilation. internal respiration.


Having extra digits is termed


Plasma cells

produce antibody molecules.

athletes usually experience muscle fatigue less quickly than nonathletes because they

produce less lactic acid

A primary immune response __________, and a secondary immune response __________.

produces antibodies within five to ten days of exposure to antigens; produces antibodies within a day or two of a subsequent exposure to the same antigen

Which of the following hormones requires a releasing hormone from the hypothalamus for its secretion?


Up-regulation of a target cell can occur in response to

prolonged decrease in the level of a hormone.

Down-regulation of a target cell can occur in response to

prolonged increase in the level of a hormone

the phrase of mitosis during which the chromosomes first become visible due to the tight coiling of DNA is


_________ function as receptors, cell surface markers, transporters, channels, enzymes, and cellular adhesion molecules


The atomic number of an atom equal the number of ________ and the atomic weight equals the __________.

protons; number of protons plus neutrons

The clavicles

provide attachments for muscles of the back, chest, and upper limbs.

The increase in the number of motor units activated as a result of more intense stimulation is called


the increase in the number of motor unites activated as a result of more intense stimulation is called


The tissues of the spleen are called

red and white pulp

The biconcave cells in blood that lack nuclei when they are mature are the

red blood cells

red bone marrow functions in the formation of

red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

Red bone marrow functions in the formation of

red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

The functions of skin include

regulating body temperature, housing sensory receptors, acting as a protective covering

Endochondral ossification _________, whereas intramembranous ossification ___________________.

replaces hyaline cartilage; replaces undifferentiated connective tissue

Endochondral ossification _________, whereas intramembranous ossification ________.

replaces hyaline cartilage; replaces undifferentiated connective tissue.

The spleen

resembles a large lymph node divided into lobules.

In a child, a vitamin D deficiency results in _______, whereas a vitamin A deficiency results results in __________.

rickets; retardation of bone development.

A person has alkalosis if the blood pH

rises above 7.5

The blood concentration of growth hormone

rises at puberty and levels off after adolescence


sarah eats only diary, and no meat or eggs. she is a

if energy expenditure exceeds caloric intake, it creates a negative energy balance. this leads to weight loss

sarah is trying to understand the principle of energy balance so she can develop a diet plan. she needs to understand that

Acne is a disorder of the

sebaceous glands

Exocrine glands differ from endocrine glands in that exocrine glands

secrete through ducts or tubes to the body's exterior

Exocrine glands differ from endocrine glands in that exocrine glands

secrete through the ducts or tubes to the body's exterior.

A synovial membrane

secretes synovial fluid

The pituitary glad is located in the

sella turcica

The pituitary gland is located in the

sella turcica

The thyroid hormone thyroxine ________.

stimulates replacement of cartilage with bone in the epiphyseal plate.


stimulates the production of glucose from noncarbohydrates.

A vaccine produces its effects by

stimulating a primary immune response.

Smooth muscle is found in the wall of the


The layer of the epidermis that includes melanocytes and a single row of columnar cells that undergo mitosis is the

stratum basale

In areas of the skin where the epidermis is thin, the _______ may be absent

stratum lucidum

A burn affecting only the epidermis is a

superficial partial-thickness burn

The right lung has __________ lobes; the left lung has __________ lobes. superior, middle, and inferior; superior and inferior superior and inferior; superior, middle and inferior anterior, posterior, and lateral; superior and inferior superior, middle, and inferior; anterior and posterior

superior, middle, and inferior; superior and inferior

Drugs used to reduce the tissue rejection reaction following the transplantation of tissue from one person to another

suppress the immune response in the recipient.

In treating a burn patient, the "rule of nines" is used to estimate the

surface area of the burn

The two pubic bones are connected at a joint called the pubic ________.


A fibrous joint in which an interosseous ligament binds bones is a


a fibrous joint in which an interosseous ligmanet binds bones is a


types of fibrous joints include

syndesmosis, suture, gomphosis

a muscle that assists the agonist is a


the term catabolism refers to

synthesis of large molecules

What is the function of the mitochondrion?

synthesize ATP

the function of the mitochondria is to ______.

synthesize ATP.


t/f. a complete protein has adequate amounts of the essential amino acids


t/f. amino acids can be used to synthesize proteins for cellular structures, to synthesize proteins that function in various body processes, and for energy


t/f. cholesterol is synthesized chiefly in the liver


t/f. essential amino acids are those required by the body to build proteins, whereas nonessential amino acids are not required by the body to build proteins


t/f. gram for gram, carbohydrate provides about twice as much energy as protein


t/f. kwashiorkor tends to affect adolescent girls from well-to-do families who perceive themselves as being too fat

The specificity of hormone action drives from

target cell receptors that are unique for each hormone.

The specificity of hormone action derives from

target cell receptors that are unique for the hormone type

Homeostasis is the _____

tendency of the body to maintain a stable internal environment

Energy is defined as

the ability to do work

If the atlas and axis were replaced with typical cervical vertebrae, _________ would be affected.

the ability to pivot the head from side to side

the mouth to the anus

the alimentary canal extends, in its entirety, from

What determines the color of the skin?

the amount of melanin that melanocytes produce

The presence of an epiphyseal plate indicates that

the bone is lengthening

Which of the following is an example of catabolism?

the breakdown of glucose in the cytoplasm and mitochondria

which of the following is an example of catabolism

the breakdown of glucose in the cytoplasm and mitochondria

mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa

the correct sequence for the layers in the walls of the alimentary canal from innermost to outermost is the

Classifying joints as Synarthrotic, amphiarthrotic or Diarthrotic represents

the degree of movement possible at the joint

The first event in expiration is inter-alveolar pressure increases. elastic tissues of the lungs, thoracic cage, and abdominal organs recoil. air is squeezed out of the lungs. the diaphragm and external intercostal respiratory muscles relax.

the diaphragm and external intercostal respiratory muscles relax.

The first event in inspiration is the diaphragm moves downward and the external intercostal muscles contract. atmospheric pressure forces air into the respiratory tract. decreased intra-alveolar pressure. lung inflation.

the diaphragm moves downward and the external intercostal muscles contract.

ingests food, propels food, mechanically and chemically breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and defecates the remainder

the digestive system

Which of the following describes the female pelvis compared to that of the male?

the distance between the female ischial spines is greater

Which of the following describes the females pelvis compared to that of the male?

the distance between the female ischial spines is greater.

cytokinesis is _____, and begins during _____

the division of cytoplasm; anaphase

Respiration is breathing. making ATP. the entire process of gas exchange between the atmosphere and cells. circulating blood to tissues.

the entire process of gas exchange between the atmosphere and cells.

As the respiratory tube branches become smaller in diameter, they have increased cartilage. they have increased muscle fibers. the epithelial lining changes to connective tissue. the epithelial lining changes from pseudostratified ciliated columnar to cuboidal and simple squamous epithelium.

the epithelial lining changes from pseudostratified ciliated columnar to cuboidal and simple squamous epithelium.

vitamins A, D, and K

the fat-soluble vitamins include

Fluid is kept from accumulating in tissue spaces by

the lymphatic system.


the main part of the stomach is called the


the mechanical breakup of food particles in the mouth is called

Three major parts of a cell are

the nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane

An up-regulated cell has an increase in

the number of receptors available for binding.

When the body is placed in the anatomical position, which of the following is NOT true?

the palms are facing backward

A transplant recipient may be able to eventually discontinue immunosuppressant drugs if

the recipient receives a well-matched transplant from the donor.

The functional unit of muscle contraction is

the sarcomere

Ribs that join the sternum directly by costal cartilages are called

true ribs.

The lymph nodes of the axillary region receive lymph mainly from the

upper limb and mammary gland.

Diabetes mellitus results in

urine with high osmotic pressure

Oxytocin is administered to women following childbirth to stimulate

uterine contractions

Oxytocin is administered to women following childbirth to stimulate

uterine contractions.


vanessa takes many vitamin supplements, claiming that they give her energy. she is mistaken because cells preferentially use ______ for energy

The hypoxia associated with high altitude can cause vasodilation of the major arterial blood vessels. vasoconstriction of the pulmonary blood vessels. vasoconstriction of the coronary blood vessels. vasodilation of the major venous blood vessels.

vasoconstriction of the pulmonary blood vessels.

Another name for antidiuretic hormone is


The structure of a lymphatic vessel is most similar to that of a(n)


In October 2001 at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City, fires were still burning from the terrorist attacks that had brought down the buildings. The greatest danger to the respiratory system was the odor. very small particles of debris. very large particles of debris. falling material from damaged buildings.

very small particles of debris.

organelles called transport _________ are membranous sacs containing substances that recently entered or were produces in the cell


Exocytosis uses _______ to move substances _______ the cell.

vesicles; out of

the movement of groups of vesicles transporting substances in and out of cells is called

vesicular trafficking

Skin cells play an important role in producing

vitamin D

Which of the following is the most abundant inorganic substance in the body?


Osmosis is the movement of

water through a selectively permeable membrane to a solution containing a higher concentration of impermeant solute.

If the concentration of glucose in the water outside of a cell is higher than the concentration inside,

water will leave the cell by osmosis


what compound provides fuel after cellular glucose supplies are depleted

they secrete a watery fluid which helps carry digestive products into the villi

what is the function of the intestinal glands

bile salts

which constituent of bile has a digestive function

secretion of insulin

which is not a function of the liver


which of the following provides a source of complete proteins


which of the following vitamins can promote intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus

iron: part of hemoglobin molecule

which trace element and function is correctly matched

Distilled water entering cell


A protein ___________ bind molecules, initiating changes in the cell


What is a function of glycoproteins?

To identify the cell as being "self" or foreign

Transverse tubules

transmit muscle impulses into the cell interior

One function of lymph is

transport of foreign particles to the lymph nodes.

smooth muscle lacks

transverse tubules and striations


treatment with antibiotic drugs is sometimes followed by a deficiency of vitamin

Movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane towards a solution with greater osmotic pressure


What transport mechanisms are classified as passive mechanisms?

Osmosis Filtration Facilitated diffusion Diffusion

The epidermis is about _________ mm thick and the dermis is about _____ mm thick

0.07-0.12; 1.0-2.0

Emphysema results in constriction of the bronchioles. cancer of the lung. decreased number of respiratory capillaries. backflow of capillary fluids into the alveoli. X


Identify the characteristics of the endoplasmic reticulum

1. It functions in the synthesis of proteins 2. It provides attachment for ribosomes 3. It functions in the synthesis of lipids 4. It is composed of membranous sacs

indicate characteristics of vesicles.

1. are membranous sacs 2. contain substances that have just entered the cell 3. contain substances that have been produced by other organelles

places of mitosis in the correct order

1. prophase 2. metaphase 3. anaphase 4. telophase

what are characteristics of the nuclear envelope?

1. separates the nuclear contents from the cytoplasm 2. is the double-layered porous membrane

A hormone has a half-life of 20 minutes. After an hour, ___ percent of the original number of molecules remains.


The first electron shell of an atom can hold a maximum of

2 electrons

At what age are nearly all bones completely ossified?

25 years

Mitosis results in ________ new cells, each with _______ chromosomes


Height begins to decrease on average after age


What percentage of T4 is converted to T3 in peripheral tissues?


Arrange the following steps of a muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence. 1. The muscle impulse reaches the sarcoplasmic reticulum and calcium is released 2. Thin filaments are pulled over the thick filaments 3. Calcium floods the sarcoplasm and binds to troponin molecules leaving active sites. 4. The impulse arrives at the synapse and travels through the transverse tubules 5. The muscle fiber shortens and contracts 6. Myosin heads bind to exposed active sites on actin, forming cross-bridges


How many chromosomes are in each new cell after mitotic divisions

46 chromosomes 2 sets of 23 chromosomes

The partial pressure of oxygen that stimulates the respiratory areas is __________ of normal. 33% 50% 67% 80%


What is chloride shift? An exchange that maintains the ionic balance between the red blood cells and the plasma Movement of chloride across the respiratory membranes, decreasing oxygen delivery to tissues The type of reaction catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase Movement of chloride into cerebrospinal fluid, allowing its interaction with peripheral chemoreceptors

An exchange that maintains the ionic balance between the red blood cells and the plasma

What is a stem cell

An undifferentiated cell that can divide

What is a stem cell?

An undifferentiated cell that can divide

A form of "programmed cell death" called ______________ is a normal part of development


Indicate characteristics of vesicles

Are membranous sacs Contain substances that have been produced by other organelles Contain substances that have just entered the cell

What is a centromere

Attaches two sister chromatids

A genetic mutation stops T cells and macrophages from producing cytokines. Which of the following immune compounds will not be produced?

Autoantibodies and immunosuppressants,,,,,wrong Antibodies and antigens,,,,wrong

What is the meaning of the prefix "hypo-"


An accurate description of plasma protein is

Beta globulin's-transport of lipids and fat-soluble vitamins

If the adrenal medulla were to degrade and lose the ability to secrete hormones, what would be affected?

Blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate would be affected.

The inverse relationship between pressure and volume is known as Dalton's law. Newton's law. Boyle's law. Starlings's law.

Boyle's law.

Which of the following is (are) an example of an intramembranous bone?

Broad, flat skull bones

Which of the following has an effect on the pH of blood? Oxygen Phosphate Carbon dioxide Nitrogen

Carbon dioxide

What molecule(s) should be able to pass directly through the cell membrane

Carbon dioxide Oxygen

The enzyme carbonic anhydrase catalyzes what reaction? Carbon dioxide reaction with water Carbon dioxide reaction with bicarbonate ions Water reaction with bicarbonate ions Water reaction with hydrogen ions

Carbon dioxide reaction with water

What is the meaning of "cyt-"


What term describes the series of changes that a cell undergoes, including its growth and division

Cell cycle

Cilia are extensions of the ________ that function to move fluids across the surface of the cell

Cell membrane

Components of the cellular structure called the _______________ include phospholipids, carbohydrates, proteins and cholesterol

Cell membrane

What occurs during cytokinesis

Cell membrane constricts around center of the cell Cytoplasm is divided between the cells

DNA and RNA differ in that

DNA holds genetic info, RNA uses that info to synthesize protein

DNA and RNA differ in that

DNA holds genetic information and RNA uses that information to synthesize protein

Which of the following best describes the reaction H2CO3 --> H2O + CO2

Decomposition reaction

Which of the following is not an autoimmune disease?

Diabetes insipidus

Which of the following is not a mechanical barrier against microorganisms?


Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lung


Movement of molecules through the bilayer and down a concentration gradient


Name the process that occurs due to random movement of atoms, molecules, or ions in air or liquid, from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration


What transports do no require cellular energy

Diffusion Osmosis Filtration

Fourth event that happens during phagocytosis

Digestive lysosomal enzymes decompose vesicle contents

_________ inhibits secretion of prolactin.

Dopamine from the hypothalamus

Which prefix means "within"


Name the type of active transport mechanism in which large molecules or particles are conveyed by a vesicle into the cell


The process of the cell taking particles in with use of a vesicle


What transports require cellular energy

Endocytosis Active transport

What transport mechanisms are classified as active mechanisms?

Endocytosis Active transport Exocytosis

Which of the following proteins transports some carbon dioxide in the blood? Hemoglobin Carbonic anhydrase Heme Albumin


What would you expect to happen to blood gas content if breathing rate did not increase with physical exercise? No change to blood gas content Low concentration of CO2 in the blood High concentration of O2 in the blood High concentration of CO2 in the blood

High concentration of CO2 in the blood

What factors would increase the rate of diffusion

High temp Shorter distance Larger concentration gradient

Molecules move down a concentration gradient when they move from a region of _____________ concentration to a region of _________________ concentration

Higher Lower

Which of the following is NOT a step in endochondral bone formation?

Hyaline cartilage changes to adipose tissue

Which of the following is not a step in endochondral bone formation?

Hyaline cartilage changes to adipose tissue.

Which of the following is the most abundant form in which calcium is found in the inorganic matrix of the bone?


The prefix _____________ means above or in excess and the opposite would be the prefix _________________ meaning below or not enough

Hyper Hypo

Growth hormone signals the release of


Anti-Rh antibodies are an example of what class of immunoglobulin?


The most abundant type of immunoglobulin is


Marsha gets a splinter in her finger. What is her body's first response to any microbe that might try to enter her body as a result of the splinter breaking the skin?

Innate defense

What prefix means "between"


The active period of the cell cycle, during which a cell grows, DNA replicates, and new organelles form, is called _______________. It terminates when the cell begins mitosis


Ions are hydrophilic, and therefore cannot cross the plasma membrane without help from what structure(s)

Ion channels Integral proteins

Transmembrane integral proteins that act as pores or channels allow what type of molecule(s) to cross the cell membrane?

Ions Water

Trasmembrane integral proteins that act as pores or channels allow what type of molecule(s) to cross the cell membrane

Ions Water

Which of the following substances is an element?


Characteristics of the nuclear envelope

Is a double-layered porous membrane Separates the nuclear contents from the cytoplasm

A cell is surrounded by an extremely thin flexible membrane. Why is the membrane selectively permeable?

It allows some substances to pass through and excludes others based on size, polarity, and other factors

What is the characteristic of the nucleus

It contains the genetic material (DNA)

Indicate the characteristics of the cell membrane

It enables communication and interaction It carries out important metabolic reactions It functions as a boundary for the cell

Characteristics of the endoplasmic reticulum

It functions in the synthesis of lipids It is composed of membranous sacs It provides attachment for ribosomes It functions in the synthesis of proteins

Which of the following does not describe the function(s) of the skeletal systems?

It generates the movements of the limbs.

Characteristics of phagocytosis

It is a line of defense against infection It is an active transport mechanism It allows the body to remove damaged cells

What are functions of the cell membrane?

It is a selectively permeable barrier It is the site of signal transduction

The cell membrane becomes __________ permeable to water-soluble substances due to the presence of cholesterol molecules


What are some functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Lipid synthesis Metabolism of drugs

Relates to flagella

Longer Usually only one Function to move the cell in the body

What factors would decrease the rate of diffusion

Longer distance Smaller concentration gradient Lower temp

Laryngitis occurs when the larynx becomes irritated and inflamed from an infection, acid reflux, or strenuous use of the vocal cords. Which of the following symptoms would you directly associate with having laryngitis, considering the structures affected? Swollen tongue Runny nose Loss of voice or a quiet, raspy voice Chest pain

Loss of voice or a quiet, raspy voice

After an infection, many dead and fragmented bacterial cells must be filtered from the body. Which of the following cells will clear out the cell debris?


A baseball player is hit in the face with a baseball .The impact breaks the two front teeth and fractures the bone immediately above them. The fractured bone is the ________.


Heliobacter pylori is a species of bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. It does this by burrowing into the mucosal lining of the stomach and degrading it to form a hole. By doing so, what type of innate defense is it overcoming?

Mechanical barriers

The form of cell division that occurs only in cells that give rise to sex cells is called


A person's hands are exposed to a chemical that causes neurological disease. They begin to lose feeling in the skin of their palms and fingers, particularly the sense of fine touch. They no longer can differentiate textures in objects, nor can they tell when they are touching something. What skin structure must have been damaged?

Meissner's corpuscles

What are three parts of cytoskeleton

Microtubule Intermediate filaments Microfilament

The cytoskeleton of a cell consists of threadlike structures called ____________ and _______________ that are rods and tubules made of protein

Microtubules Microfilaments

Produces ATP


ATP is used to power many cellular processes. Some genetic disorders are a result of defects in ATP creation. Which organelle is likely affected in these disorders


An example of an agranulocytes is


Relates to cilia

Multiple on one cell Shorter Function to move substances across the cell surface

__________ controls hormone concentrations.

Negative feedback

A patient come to the hospital with a suspected case of MRSA (a dangerous bacterial infection). What blood components would you expect to show elevated numbers in a blood test?


A person has an autoimmune disease. Which of the following could be targets for the immune cells in this type of disease?

Normal red blood cells

Name the porous double membrane that maintains the integrity of the nucleus and contains pores that control the passage of materials between the nucleus and the cytoplasm

Nuclear envelope

The dense body of protein and RNA inside the nucleus, which produces ribosomes, is called the


Contains most of the DNA


The ______________ of the cell is a relatively large, usually spherical structure, that contains the genetic material that directs the activities of the cell


The ________________ is surrounded by an envelope and contains the genetic material (DNA) of the cell


What is a specialized structure inside a cell called


What are special structures within the cytoplasm that are only visible under the higher magnification of electron microscopes called?


Which of the following is true?

Osteoblasts deposit bone matrix around themselves and become osteocytes when they are isolated in lacunae

Which of the following statements is true?

Osteoblasts deposits bone matrix around themselves and become osteocytes when they are isolated in lacunae.

A six-month-old baby is admitted to the hospital with a broken bone. This is the third fracture in the otherwise healthy baby. The parents are arrested on charges of child abuse. The defense lawyer gets the charges dropped after the results of genetic tests indicate which of the following conditions?

Osteogenesis imperfecta

Which of the following is not associated with spongy bone?


Which of the following has both endocrine and exocrine functions?


Facilitated diffusion is a type of _____________ transport because it moves substances from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration


Both simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are _________transport mechanisms that move molecules ______________ a concentration gradient

Passive Down

Diffusion of a substance across a membrane can happen only if the membrane is ____________ to the substance and a concentration gradient ______________ across the membrane

Permeable Exists

The basic framework of the cell membrane is a bilayer of ____________ molecules


The basic framework of the cell membrane is a bilayer of _______________ molecules


The prefix ___________ means "to drink"


The nuclear envelope is perforated with openings called nuclear ____________ that regulate traffic into and out of the cell and act like a rivet to hold the two unit membranes together


Certain membrane proteins work as ______________, which admit water molecules, while others work as ____________, which admit small molecules or ions

Pores Channels

An example that demonstrates a positive feedback loop of hormonal control:

Pressure receptors sense the movement of a baby against and through the cervix during labor. They stimulate the hypothalamus to release a hormone that causes uterine contractions. This cause more pressure receptor stimulation, leading to larger releases of the hormone and stronger, more frequent contractions, Hormone release ceases after pressure sensations cease.

Which of the following is part of the adaptive immune response?

Production of antibodies

Fifth event that happens during phagocytosis

Products of intracellular digestion diffuse into the cytoplasm

In what phase of mitosis do the chromosomes first become visible due to the light coiling of DNA


Stages of mitosis in correct order

Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

In the cell membrane, _________________ function as receptors, cell surface markers, transporters, channels, enzymes, and cellular adhesion molecules


What two organic molecules does the endoplasmic reticulum play a role in synthesizing

Proteins Lipids

Nucleic acids include


you have a condition in which your fibroblasts are functional, but very inefficient and produce collagen at a slow rate. You accidently cut yourself. What will be true of the healing process?

The process of wound closing in the dermis will be very slow

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is responsible for the infection known as mononucleosis. The virus attacks B lymphocytes and uses them to replicate itself. When the immune system manages to halt EBV production, the virus still remains dormant in infected B cells for the rest of the life of the host. In which of the following locations would you most likely find dormant EBV (in a previously infected person)?

The spleen

Which of the following is NOT correct concerning the skin

The subcutaneous layer is between the dermis and epidermis

Functions of the neuroglia include

The support and bind nervous tissue and provide nutrients and growth factors t o neurons by connecting them to blood vessels

Police stop a very drunk Richard for driving erratically at 3 AM and give him a breathalyzer test, which he fails miserably. Why does he fail so badly? The thinness of his respiratory membranes allows volatile alcohol molecules to enter the alveoli and become detectable by the machine. The thickness of his respiratory membranes prevent alcohol from evaporating out of his blood. His alveoli are in excellent condition. Excess surfactant has been secreted in response to alcohol.

The thinness of his respiratory membranes allows volatile alcohol molecules to enter the alveoli and become detectable by the machine.

An experimental treatment cultures stem cells from a newborn's umbilical cord. In a lab dish, the stem cells give rise to type II cells, which in turn give rise to more type I cells. These stem cells will be added to the extracellular matrix of a donated lung which has been stripped of its respiratory cells. How will the cells act after they grow in the donated lung? The type I cells will secrete surfactant and the type II cells will form the respiratory membrane in the alveoli. The type II cells will secrete surfactant and the type I cells will form the respiratory membrane in the alveoli. Both type I and type II cells will produce surfactant. The stem cells will directly replace alveoli

The type II cells will secrete surfactant and the type I cells will form the respiratory membrane in the alveoli.

An experimental treatment cultures stem cells from a newborn's umbilical cord. In a lab dish, the stem cells give rise to type II cells, which in turn give rise to more type I cells. These stem cells will be added to the extracellular matrix of a donated lung which has been stripped of its respiratory cells. How will the cells act after they grow in the donated lung? The type I cells will secrete surfactant and the type II cells will form the respiratory membrane in the alveoli. The type II cells will secrete surfactant and the type I cells will form the respiratory membrane in the alveoli. Both type I and type II cells will produce surfactant. The stem cells will directly replace alveoli.

The type II cells will secrete surfactant and the type I cells will form the respiratory membrane in the alveoli.

A professional wrestler ends a match early due to a severe pain and loss of function in their lower arm and hand. Upon examination by a doctor, a major tear is discovered in one of the ligaments of the elbow. Which of the following could be the torn ligament?

The ulnar collateral ligament

Which of the following occur with emphysema? The walls of the alveoli degenerate, decreasing the surface area for gas exchange. Cells in the bronchial lining divide too fast, causing increased thickness of the bronchial lining. Tar from cigarettes blackens alveoli. Membranes form within alveoli, increasing surface area.

The walls of the alveoli degenerate, decreasing the surface area for gas exchange.

Which of the following is a characteristic of carbohydrates?

They contain C, H, O, with twice as many hydrogens as oxygen atoms, they provide much of the energy that the cell requires, and they include sugars and starches.

Which is true of sex hormones?

They stimulate ossification of the epiphyseal plates.

Afer chemotherapy, a patient notices that they bleed readily and excessively when they injure themselves. They also begin to notice small red spots resembling tiny bruises all over certain areas of their body. Which of the following conditions do these symptoms suggest?


which of he nitrogenous bases is part of DNA but not RNA?


Which of the following does not provoke inflammation?


What is a function of glycoproteins

To identify the cell as being "self" or foreign

Which of the following bones does not house a sinus? Maxillary Frontal Sphenoid Zygomatic


In phagocytosis

a cell membrane engulfs solid particles

Baby Timothy suffers from apnea and is hooked up to a monitor to warn his parents when he stops breathing. Timothy's dad snores very loudly. Timothy's condition differs from his father's in that infant apnea is due to airway obstruction. a result of decreased surfactant. a central problem of respiratory control. treated by strapping a device onto the nose at night.

a central problem of respiratory control.

A mutation is

a change in a DNA sequence in less than 1% of a population that effects anatomy and/or physiology

during the swallowing reflex, the tongue presses against the soft palate and forces the nasal region of the nasopharynx shut

a child hanging upside down from a tree takes a bite from a candy bar. they manage to chew the candy and swallow it successfully. what prevents the bolus from entering the upper part of the nasopharynx

Secretion of insulin causes

a decrease in the concentration of blood glucose

Cretinism results from

a deficiency of thyroid hormones at birth.

The acetabulum is

a depression in the hip bone that receives the head of the femur.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is caused by

a disorder of the immune system

After a severe burn, new skin may grow outward from the hair follicles. New growth begins here because

a hair follicle contains stem cells in the bulb region

which of the following correctly lists the steps of fracture repair in sequence

a hematoma forms, granulation tissue and fibrocartilage develop, osteoclasts and phagocytes clear away debris, bony callus forms

Which person is at highest risk of developing cutaneous carcinoma?

a light-complexioned man age 52 who goes to the beach on summer weekends and does not use sunblock because he likes to be tan

Hypothermia is

a lowered body temperature

A pulmonary embolism is most likely casuded by a clot reaching

a lung through a pulmonary artery


a major step in extracting energy from proteins is

Gray hair is

a mixture of pigmented and unpigmented hairs

While looking at a sample of blood in a microscope, you see a purple-stained cell that is markedly larger than a red blood cell (about teo to three times larger). It has a large kidney-shaped nucleus. What type of blood cell is this?

a monocyte

A motor unit is

a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates

Sickle cell disease is caused by

a mutation

a nail consists of

a nail bed and a nail plate

amino acids

a negative nitrogen balance results from a net loss of

The Edmonton protocol is

a pancreatic islet transplant

Morris has lung cancer and is given the drug Avastin. His doctor says that the drug is a monoclonal antibody. This means that the drug consists of

a single type of antibody.

Fever is

a special case of hyperthermia in which body temperature rises in response to an elevated set point, typically in response to an infection

The visceral and parietal pleural membranes are normally held together by loose connective tissue. dense connective tissue. a thin film of serous fluid. surfactant.

a thin film of serous fluid.

Which of the following describes a lysosome?

a tiny membranous sac that contains enzymes that degrade worn cell parts and debris

Which of the following is the last likely to dissolve in water?

a triglyceride

glycerol and three fatty acids

a triglyceride consists of

A bone thickens

as compact bone is deposited beneath the periosteum of the diaphysis.

The capitulum and the trochlea are located

at the distal end of the humerus

The capitulum and trochlea are located

at the distal end of the humerus.

The force that moves air into the lungs during inspiration comes from the diaphragm. external intercostal muscles. abdominal wall muscles. atmospheric pressure.

atmospheric pressure.

In a covalent bond

atoms share a pair or more of electrons

In a covalent bond:

atoms share a pair or more of electrons

The pineal gland is located

attached to the thalamus

meaning "eating self"


Apocrine sweat glands are most abundant on or in the


Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. viruses only. fungi only. bacteria only.

bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

the skin is composed of an outer layer of epithelial tissue, the epidermis, and an inner layer of connective tissue, the dermis. Between the lowest layer of epidermis and the top layer of the dermis lies an anchor layer called the

basement membrane

Stephanie has her cancerous right breast removed, and the surgeon also removes lymph nodes in the axillary region to prevent spread of the cancer. As a result, Stephanie's right arm

becomes edematous.

Aging of the lymphatic system begins

before birth

The antibodies produced in allergic reactions

belong to the immunoglobulin E group.

make pancreatic juice alkaline; buffer stomach acid

bicarbonate ions

the term anabolic metabolism refers to

biochemical reactions that synthesize compounds

"Formed elements" are

blood cells and platelets

Which of the following are cellular fragments?

blood platelets

which of the following are cellular fragments

blood platelets

A person who is stressed usually has increased

blood pressure

Hyperventilation is usually accompanied by a(n) decrease in blood CO2 concentration and a drop in pH. decrease in blood CO2 concentration and a rise in pH. increase in blood CO2 concentration and a drop in pH. increase in blood CO2 concentration and a rise in pH.

decrease in blood CO2 concentration and a rise in pH.

Cortisol is useful in controlling inflammation reactions because it

decreases the permeability of capillaries.


deficiency of vitamin ______ causes night blindness

The dermis is composed largely of

dense irregular connective tissue

Tendons and ligaments are primarily comprised of

dense regular connective tissue

Oxygen plays a minor role in control of normal respiration because oxygenated blood is < 95% saturated. deoxygenated venous blood is < 5% saturated. oxygenated blood is more sensitive to CO2. deoxygenated venous blood is 75% saturated

deoxygenated venous blood is 75% saturated.

Cyanosis is caused by an increased blood concentration of


Which of the following is a normal response to excessive loss of body heat in a cold environment?

dermal blood vessels constrict

Blood vessels in the _________ supply the epidermal cells with nutrients


the process of cellular specialization is called


The function of the nucleus is to

direct the activities of the cell

A steriod hormone acts on a target cell by

directily causing protein synthesis.

A steroid hormone acts on a target cell by

directly causing protein synthesis

What are pathogens?

disease causing agents


do all of the above

A movement that brings the foot closer to the shin is


The force responsible for normal expiration is supplied by the diaphragm. external intercostal muscles. elastic recoil of tissues and surface tension. contraction of smooth muscles in air passages.

elastic recoil of tissues and surface tension.

The supratrochlear lymph nodes are located near the


The radial collateral ligament is associated with the

elbow joint

The medullary cavity of a long bone is lined with a thin cellular layer called _______.


A muscle end attached to a less movable or relatively fixed part is called the


Bone forming cells are called ________


which of the following is true?

osteoblasts deposit bone matrix around themselves and become osteocytes when they are isolated in lacunae

Cells that remove excess bone tissue after fracture repair are

osteoclasts and phagocytes.

The calcaneus bone of the foot is an example of a

short bone

the tissue through which gases are exhanged between the blood and the air in the lungs is

simple squamous epithelium

The walls of the alveoli are composed of ciliated columnar epithelium. simple squamous epithelium. stratified squamous epithelium. areolar connective tissue.

simple squamous epithelium.

Glycogen is stored in the liver and _________

skeletal muscles

What type of muscle cell have more than one nucleus

skeletal muscles only

The human integumentary system includes q

skin, nails, hair, follicles, and sweat glands

activities such as distance swimming and distance running will most likely stimulate development of

slow fatigue resistant fibers

Changes in the respiratory system that accompany aging include thinning mucus. thickening of the alveolar walls. overactive cilia, causing frequent coughing. slowed swallowing reflex.

slowed swallowing reflex.

What type of muscle tissue in blood vessels is

smooth muscle tissue

which of the following is not organic?

sodium chloride

Mitosis occurs in ________ cells and produces ______ daughter cells

somatic; two

Which of the following best describes a characteristic of nervous tissue?

some of its cells send electrochemical messages

what are some external controls affecting cell division

space availability; growth factors; hormones

peripheral proteins do not...

span the entire membrane; they project from the cell surface

The nail plate is produced by

specialized epithelial cells


stem cells/progenitor daughter cells can follow any of several pathways, but not all of them.

The xiphoid process is part of the ______.


Tropic hormones

stimulate certain endocrine glands to secrete hormones.

In negative feedback mechanisms, changes away from the normal state

stimulate changes in the opposite direction

The axial skeleton includes

the skull, hyoid bone, thoracic cage, and vertebral column.

The three borders of the scapula are called

the superior, lateral, and medial borders.


the teeth that are vest adapted for biting off chunks of food are the

the term conformation refers to

the three dimensional shape of a molecule such as a protein

David Vedder was known as the "bubble boy." He was born without a thymus gland. After he had a bone marrow transplant, he left his protective bubble - a set-up that kept him free of infection - but soon died of infection. He died because

the thymus produces white blood cells, which protect against infection.

If the acetabulum was malformed, which joint would be affected?

the tibiofemoral joint

a projection from the soft palate

the uvula is

The zygomatic arch is composed of processes of

the zygomatic and temporal bones.

Smokers are more susceptible to respiratory infections because they congregate in small areas to smoke. their respiratory passages overproduce cilia, to which bacteria cling. their respiratory passages lose cilia, which would otherwise remove bacteria. the respiratory passages have too little mucus.

their respiratory passages lose cilia, which would otherwise remove bacteria.

Pheromones differ from hormones in that

they are transmitted between members of the same species.

indicate the components of glycoproteins

they contain carbohydrate groups; they contain peripheral proteins

As cells are pushed from the deeper portion of the epidermis toward the surface

they die

Exercise ________ and ________ bones.

thickens; strengthens

The primary curves of the vertebral column are the

thoracic and sacral curvatures

The primary curves of the vertebral columns are the

thoracic and sacral curvatures

The two collecting ducts that drain the lymphatic trunks are the

thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct.

A computerized tomography (CT) scan differs from a conventional x-ray image because it is

three dimensional

A blood clot that forms abnormally in a blood vessel is a


The thymus gland secretes hormones called _____ that _______.

thymosins; control production and differentiation of white blood cells

The _______ secretes triiodothyronine.

thyroid gland

The volume of air that enters (or leaves) during a single respiratory cycle is the inspiratory reserve volume. vital capacity. tidal volume. expiratory reserve volume.

tidal volume.


tiny extensions of the cell membrane that absorb substances (built of actin)

Specialized cell types organized in a way that provides a specific function form

tissues which build organs

copying DNA info into an mRNA molecule is called


Transcription and translation differ in that

transcription produces RNA and translation produces protein

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