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9. An individual who wears a hip brace is being measured for a wheelchair. The correct seat dimension for the OT practitioner to recommend would be: a. 2 inches wider than the widest point across the individual's hips while he or she wears the brace b. 2 inches wider than the widest point across the individual's hips c. 2 inches more than the distance from the back of the bent knee to the buttocks d. The same as the distance from the back of the bent knee to the buttocks

a. 2 inches wider than the widest point across the individual's hips while he or she wears the brace

56. Which of the following would be the BEST cup for the OT practitioner to recommend using when working with an individual who tends to drink too quickly? a. A vacuum feeding cup b. A nosy cup c. A mug with two handles d. A cup with a large drinking spout

a. A vacuum feeding cup

31. The OT is treating a patient with a standard above elbow amputation who is experiencing hypersensitivity of the residual limb, the OT would most likely perform which of the following interventions in the pre-prosthetic training: a. Activities which provide tapping, application of textures, and weight-bearing to the residual limb b. Activities to strengthen the residual limb c. Activities to increase the ROM of the residual limb d. Activities for practicing putting on and taking off the UE prosthesis

a. Activities which provide tapping, application of textures, and weight-bearing to the residual limb

51. A 48-year-old contractor experienced extrapyramidal syndrome after being placed on neuroleptic medications. The patient is to continue taking the medication after discharge from the hospital. It is most important to advise the patient to: a. Avoid use of power tools and sharp instruments b. Get up slowly from a standing, sitting or lying position c. Be aware of the dehydrating effects of caffeinated drinks and alcohol d. Keep time in the sun as brief as possible

a. Avoid use of power tools and sharp instruments

77. An OTR is MOST likely to administer a test of visual motor integration to a child referred to OT for difficulty with: a. Copying letters b. Remembering letters c. Recognizing letters d. Sequencing letters

a. Copying letters

36. While standing and holding onto furniture, a 3-year-old boy with delayed motor development shifts his weight onto one leg and steps to the side with the other. This movement pattern is BEST described as: a. Cruising b. Creeping c. Crawling d. Clawing

a. Cruising

98. To practice transfers using a transfer board with a patient, the OT practitioner must have the patient use a WC that has: a. Detachable armrests b. Fixed footrests c. Brake handle extensions d. Anti-tip bars

a. Detachable armrests

71. Which of the following would an OT recommend to a child with developmental delay to promote beginning symbolic play? a. Doll house and dress-up clothes b. Craft kits c. Board games d. Busy box, nesting toys and blocks

a. Doll house and dress-up clothes

18. An OT practitioner is working with a withdrawn child whose occupational therapy objective include increasing the ability to express feelings and conflicts. Which of the following activities will MOST effectively promote this skill? a. Drawing a picture titled "This is me" b. Playing adapted soccer with a large ball c. Playing a structured board game, such as Monopoly d. Singing folk songs in a group

a. Drawing a picture titled "This is me"

88. An individual exhibits constructional apraxia, body scheme disturbances and unilateral neglect upon perceptual evaluation. During the functional part of the evaluation, these deficits are most likely to contribute to self-care difficulties related to: a. Dressing apraxia b. Spatial relations c. Anosognosia d. Figure-ground discrimination

a. Dressing apraxia

4. The OT practitioner is treating a person with mild CTS. The MOST important instruction for the therapist to give the patient is to avoid. a. Flexion b. Extension c. Ulnar-Radial Deviations d. NOTA

a. Flexion

94. An OT practitioner is evaluating an individual who recently sustained a CVA. The sensory portion of the test would be invalid for an individual with which one of the following impairments? a. Fluent Aphasia b. Ataxia c. Non-fluent Aphasia d. Agnosia

a. Fluent Aphasia Wernicke's

57. How to treat acute symptoms of tennis elbow? a. Ice application, immobilization, splinting b. Resistive exercises, heat application, work simulation c. Heat application, PROM, and strengthening d. PROM, weight bearing and mobilization

a. Ice application, immobilization, splinting

92. An individual with a UE fracture has asked an OT how to maintain strength in her arm until her cast is removed. Which activity would best accomplish this goal: a. Isometric muscle contractions b. Isotonic muscle contractions c. Progressive resistance d. Passive movement

a. Isometric muscle contractions

80. The activity feature consistent with the behavioural frame of reference: a. Measurability of activity performance b. The symbolic potential of the activity c. The level of skill required is appropriate for the generally expected skills for that age d. Combined activity demands of sensations, perceptions and motor skills

a. Measurability of activity performance

42. Using the developmental support care approach as the basis for services, how would the OT best describe OT's scope of practice in the NICU? a. Modifying environment to protect the infant from over stimulation and inappropriate stimuli b. Educating parents and hospital staff c. Providing PROM, positioning an handling, fabrication of splints, and referral to early intervention d. Implementing motor and behavioral skill acquisition through developmental milestone positioning

a. Modifying environment to protect the infant from over stimulation and inappropriate stimuli

32. Which of the following adaptations would best solve the problem of a moving plate when the child with athetoid CP attempts to pick up food with a spoon? a. Nonslip mat b. Mobile arm support c. Scoop dish d. Swivel spoon

a. Nonslip mat

21. OTs working in the area of early intervention have frequent contact with a child's parents. Which of the following state BEST describes how parents should be involved in the OT program. a. Parents should be considered as part of a collaborative partnership with therapists b. Only one parent needs to be present when the OT program is discussed c. Parents should not be present during OT session d. Parents should be trained as substitute therapists

a. Parents should be considered as part of a collaborative partnership with therapists

64. An OT practitioner is working with a client who complains of pain while completing kitchen cleaning tasks. Which of the following positions would be most effective in alleviating LBP when the patient is loading a dishwasher? a. Place dishes near a dishwasher, bend down on one or both knees and load b. Place dishes next to a dishwasher and load from the front of the dishwasher c. Wash dishes in the sink d. Place dishes next to the dishwasher and load from a standing position

a. Place dishes near a dishwasher, bend down on one or both knees and load

53. Which of the following is the best method for introducing an assembly activity to patients functioning at ACL 3: a. Provide repetitive one-step activities b. Demonstrate a 5-step assembly process c. Provide written directions for the individuals to follow d. Provide project samples for clients to duplicate

a. Provide repetitive one-step activities

41.A dynamic splint for a butcher with low radial nerve injury should: a. Provide wrist extension, MCP extension, thumb extension b. Provide wrist extension, MCP flexion, thumb flexion c. Prevent wrist extension, MCP extension, thumb extension d. Prevent wrist extension, MCP flexion, thumb flexion

a. Provide wrist extension, MCP extension, thumb extension

75. Which aspects of psychosocial performance are most important to emphasize in developing a client's work potential in a pre-vocational program: a. Punctuality, accepting directions from a supervisor, and interacting with coworkers b. Memory, sequencing, attending to work tasks and making decisions c. Standing tolerance, eye hand coordination and endurance d. Maintaining personal cleanliness and adhering to safety precautions

a. Punctuality, accepting directions from a supervisor, and interacting with coworkers

61. An OT is selecting activities for an 8-year-old with DMD. Which of the following developmental issues is most important to consider when identifying activities for this child? a. Reinforcement of competence b. Development of self-identity c. Freedom to use his initiative d. Establishment of basic trust

a. Reinforcement of competence

50. An individual with hand weakness has difficulty holding a fork. Using a biomechanical frame of reference, which of the following intervention would be most appropriate? a. Repeatedly squeeze with the hand against increasing amounts of resistance b. Built up utensil handles c. Elicit functional grasp using reflex inhibiting postures d. Stimulate the hand flexors to promote a functional grasp

a. Repeatedly squeeze with the hand against increasing amounts of resistance

46. The most relevant assessment to determine the level of performance of a child with dyscalculia will be one which determines the child's ability to: a. Solve basic mathematical problems b. Print or write a short sentence c. Reading 2-3 paragraphs d. Plan new motor tasks

a. Solve basic mathematical problems

81. Device for an individual with C7-8 quadriplegia when performing oral hygiene activities: a. Toothbrush with a built-up handle b. Universal cuff c. Wrist support with utensil holder d. Mobile arm support

a. Toothbrush with a built-up handle

49. At a professional conference, the OT realizes he does not have the name of the author of an article containing critical information he planned on photocopying and distributing. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for the OT to take? a. Use the handout only as a resource while developing the presentation b. Distributing the handout and apologize for not having the author's name c. Refrain from using the handout in any way d. Show the handout with an overhead projector and apologize for not having the author's name

a. Use the handout only as a resource while developing the presentation

84. Principles of joint protection: a. Using the strongest joint, avoiding positions of deformity, and ensuring correct patterns of movement b. Practicing vivid imagery and relaxation exercises during difficult functional activities c. Massaging a joint before exercise d. Application of heat before treatment and application of cold after treatment

a. Using the strongest joint, avoiding positions of deformity, and ensuring correct patterns of movement

82. A person who demonstrates developing spasticity on the hemiplegic side of the body with weak, associated movements in synergy and little active finger flexion would be in which stage of recovery? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

b. 2

100. A family would like to place grab bars around the toilets in the house for easy access during transfers by the mother who uses a wheelchair. At what height should they be placed? a. 28-32 inches b. 33-36 inches c. 38-41 inches d. 43-46 inches

b. 33-36 inches

96. An OT practitioner is informing a child's caregiver about when developmental milestones of childhood occupations typically occur. The therapist reports that infants sit without support for a few minutes by: a. 6 to 7 months of age b. 8 to 9 months of age c. 13 to 15 months of age d. 2 to 5 months of age

b. 8 to 9 months of age

83. A child is observed grabbing toys from others, becoming easily frustrated, and is unable to sit still. This behavior most likely indicates: a. ASD b. ADHD c. Conduct disorder d. Anxiety disorder


44. In planning a therapeutic dressing program for a first grade child who is mentally retarded, the OT's first consideration should be the need for: a. Adapted clothing b. Adapted teaching techniques c. Adapted equipment d. Proper positioning

b. Adapted teaching techniques

35. An individual with under-reactive sensory processing has been referred to OT. Based on the SI approach, activities for this individual should have which of the following facilitatory characteristics? a. Arrhythmic and slow b. Arrhythmic and unexpected c. Sustained and slow d. Unexpected and rhythmic

b. Arrhythmic and unexpected

26. When working with clients with low back pain, it is important to practice functional techniques such as lifting and carrying. Which of the following best represents a correct lifting method? a. Keep both knees straight, flex the back, and keep object an arm's distance away from the body b. Bend both knees, keep the back straight, and bring object close to the body c. Keep both knees and back straight and bring object close to the body when lifting d. Bend one knee while keeping the other leg straight and keep the object an arm's length away from the body

b. Bend both knees, keep the back straight, and bring object close to the body

1. While performing a hand re-assessment the OT practitioner notices a deformity developing on the dorsal aspect of the client's second digit. The client's PIP joint appears flexed, and the DIP appears to be hyperextended. The OTR can BEST describe this condition as a: a. Mallet deformity b. Boutonniere's deformity c. Subluxation deformity d. Swan neck deformity

b. Boutonniere's deformity

66. Best recreational activity for a child being treated in OT for social withdrawal and depression: a. Swimming lessons b. Boy Scouts c. Computer games d. Piano lessons

b. Boy Scouts

14. An OT practitioner observes a 5-year old child with Down Syndrome who has low muscle tone sitting on the floor exclusively using a "W" sitting position This observation MOST likely indicates that the child is: a. Developing abnormally b. Demonstrating typical development for a child with Down Syndrome c. Using a non-compensatory position to achieve stability d. AOTA

b. Demonstrating typical development for a child with Down Syndrome

70. Contrast baths, retrograde massage and pressure wraps are primary techniques to address: a. Wound healing b. Edema c. Scar management d. Heterotrophic ossification

b. Edema

40. Setting up an obstacle course that provides several options for allowing a child to choose the direction he will take (unstructured) would be most appropriate if the OT wished to encourage: a. Symbolic play b. Exploratory play c. Symbolic play d. Creative play

b. Exploratory play

13. An OTR is about to begin working with a 2-year-old child with hypotonia and extremely poor head control who is unable to maintain a sitting position. The FIRST pre-sitting activity the OTR should introduce, while providing stability as needed, is: a. Forward and backward movement on a ball with the child in a prone position b. Forward and side-to-side movement with the child sitting on the therapist's lap c. Forward and side-to-side movement on a tilting board with the child in a quadruped position d. Placing the child in supine on a mat and pulling him or her into a sitting position

b. Forward and side-to-side movement with the child sitting on the therapist's lap

79. A child avoids playground equipment that requires her feet to be off the ground. This behavior MOST likely indicates: a. Tactile defensiveness b. Gravitational insecurity c. Intolerance for motion d. Developmental dyspraxia

b. Gravitational insecurity

38. In selecting a standardized test, the OT can assume that the test: a. Is valid b. Has a standard format c. Is reliable d. Has normative data

b. Has a standard format

5. An OT practitioner is working on morning activities with a young adult who recently sustained a TBI. The client requires prompting to apply shaving cream to his face and to pick up his razor. After these cues, the client is then able to complete the activity. This is MOST likely to be documented as a deficit in which of the following performance components? a. Impulsivity b. Initiation c. Memory d. Attention

b. Initiation

58. A child with limited ROM is being readied for discharge. The most important home adaptation for the OT to recommend concerning the use of the toilet is: a. Installation of safety bars next to the toilet seat b. Installation of a bidet with a spray wash and air-drying mechanism c. Mounting of a wide-based toilet seat d. Placement of a skid-proof stepping stool next to the toilet

b. Installation of a bidet with a spray wash and air-drying mechanism

97. Most appropriate WC adaptation for a client with asymmetrical muscle tone who keeps falling to the side while sitting on the WC: a. Lateral pelvic support b. Lateral trunk support c. Use an arm trough d. Change to a reclining wheelchair

b. Lateral trunk support

29. An OT practitioner is treating a client who demonstrates pain, progressive weakness of the thumb, atrophy of the thenar muscles and numbness and tingling in the thumb, index, long and half of the ring fingers. The client is not experiencing proximal upper extremity limitations so the practitioner will MOST likely suspect problems with which of the following? a. Ulnar nerve b. Median nerve c. Radial nerve d. Brachial plexus

b. Median nerve

12. "The patient has taken a more active role in the task group, as evidenced by the patient's willingness to contribute ideas and offer to assist in designing the unit mural." This statement would MOST appropriately be documented in which portion of a SOAP note? a. Subjective b. Objective c. Assessment d. Plan

b. Objective

48. An OTR is preparing to do a parachute activity as part of an SI program and several patients in the group are taking antipsychotic medications. The OTR should be alert for which possible side effect that could occur as a result of this activity? a. Blurred vision b. Postural hypotension c. Photosensitivity d. Excessive thirst

b. Postural hypotension

16. An individual has sustained a large, full thickness burn to BUE while running a firework display. The client is in the acute care phase of treatment. Which of the following BEST represents an acute care rehabilitation goal? a. Provide adaptive equipment b. Prevent loss of joint and skin mobility c. Prevent scar hypertrophy through scar management d. Provide compression and vascular support garments

b. Prevent loss of joint and skin mobility

6. An OT practitioner positions an infant in the supine position and place attractive toys overhead to provide an opportunity to work against gravity. This position is MOST effective for developing which ability? a. Shoulder extension and adduction b. Shoulder flexion and abduction c. Shoulder flexion and retraction d. B & C

b. Shoulder flexion and abduction

68. A young child with hypertonicity is unable to bring his hands to midline to reach for a toy while in the supine and sitting positions The BEST position to use in order to reduce the effect of the abnormal patterns and facilitate midline grasp is: a. Standing position b. Side-lying position c. Supine position d. Quadruped position

b. Side-lying position

52. The extrapyramidal syndrome experienced by individuals receiving antipsychotic medications that impairs swallowing and leads to involuntary jerky arm and leg movements can best be described as: a. Lithium toxicity b. Tardive dyskinesia c. Antipsychotic medication overdose d. Parkinsonian syndrome

b. Tardive dyskinesia

23. The treatment goal that BEST addresses the psychosocial skill of self-expression is: a. The client will identify and pursue activities that are pleasurable to the self b. The client will use facial expressions and gestures that are consistent with stated emotions during assertive, passive and aggressive role play situations c. The client will recognize his or her own behavior and possible negative and positive consequences d. The client will identify his or her own assets and limitations after an art or movement group

b. The client will use facial expressions and gestures that are consistent with stated emotions during assertive, passive and aggressive role play situations

65. Which statement is the best example of subjective information in a SOAP note? a. The therapist will establish a daily-self-feeding routine using verbal and physical cues to encourage the individual to open containers on the lunch tray b. The individual asks for more beverages during the meals, but appears surprised when the therapist indicates beverages in closed containers are on the meal tray c. The individual is able to identify close liquid-beverage containers on the meal tray for four of six presentations d. The individual is able to identify and drink liquids presented in cups without lids but leaves beverages in closed containers untouched

b. The individual asks for more beverages during the meals, but appears surprised when the therapist indicates beverages in closed containers are on the meal tray

22. An older adult with diabetes is working on a macramé project as a way of increasing activity tolerance. The MOST relevant factor for the OT to take into consideration of limited hand function is the: a. Length of the cords b. Thickness of the cords c. Texture of the cords d. Type of surface she will be standing on

b. Thickness of the cords

93. Which recommendation is most beneficial for an individual with a history of TBI who exhibits moderate UE incoordination? a. Use built-up utensil handles b. Use heavy, utensils, pots and pans c. Use a high stool to work at counter height d. Place the most commonly used items on shelves just above or below the counter

b. Use heavy, utensils, pots and pans

28. A young individual with MS is about to be discharged to home. The client is independent in bathtub transfers using a grab bar. The most important self-care recommendation the OT can make regarding bathing is to: a. Use cool water b. Use moderately heated water c. Take showers and avoid bathing d. Bathe at the sink with a basin

b. Use moderately heated water

69. Which of the following best represents a work-hardening activity for an individual whose ultimate goal is to return to full time employment as an auto mechanic: a. Lifting weights b. Working on a mock car engine c. Visiting the worksite garage d. Preparing a light lunch for mealtime

b. Working on a mock car engine

87. An OT practitioner is treating a client who has a swallowing limitation, partly caused by inability to receive visual and olfactory stimulation before eating. This limitation typically occurs in which stage of the swallowing process? a. Pre-oral phase b. Oral preparatory phase c. AOTA d. Oral anticipatory phase


8. An OTR requests that the COTA conduct a structured interview. During this type of interview, it is MOST important for the COTA to: a. Rephrase the interview questions in his or her own words into the patient b. Ask questions that he or she thinks are pertinent to this patient c. Ask the questions as they are stated on the interview sheet d. Ask additional questions (other than those listed) to gain further insight

c. Ask the questions as they are stated on the interview sheet

19. A school-child child has DMD. Although he is able to use a manual wheelchair for distances between classes, he is tired on arrival. What would be the BEST recommendation the OT can make for WC use at school? a. Retain the manual WC to build up strength b. Change to an ultralight sports model because it requires less strength c. Change to a power wheelchair to reduce effort d. Encourage walking with walker to alternate mobility methods

c. Change to a power wheelchair to reduce effort

43.Using the Cognitive-Behavioral as an FOR, evaluation of an individual should focus PRIMARILY on which of the following? a. The effect of personal traits and the environment on role performance b. Cognitive functions, including assets and limitation c. Clarification of thoughts, feelings, and experiences that influence behavior d. Identification of problem behaviors that need to be extinguished

c. Clarification of thoughts, feelings, and experiences that influence behavior

15. When providing adaptive equipment to an individual with arthritis, the OT practitioner would explain that the PRIMARY purpose of using this equipment is to: a. Correct deformity b. Simplify work c. Decrease joint stress and pain d. Decrease independence

c. Decrease joint stress and pain

90. The OT explains to a client that a Colle's fracture is a fracture to the: a. Pisiform b. Ulnar styloid c. Distal radius d. CMC joint

c. Distal radius

85. The OT should interpret the inability to swallow as: a. Deglutition b. Dysmetria c. Dysphagia d. Dysarthria

c. Dysphagia

54. The best position for the hands of an individual with C6 quadriplegia when using them for support is: a. Extended and abducted b. Extended and abducted c. Flexed at all joints d. Adducted and flexed only at the MCP joints

c. Flexed at all joints

99. Which activity is best for addressing goals related to transition for students diagnosed with trainable mentally retarded? a. Role play ordering food in the classroom b. Order a takeout lunch by phone c. Go out for lunch to a fast food restaurant d. Select lunch items from a picture menu in the classroom

c. Go out for lunch to a fast food restaurant

91. A splint provided for a client with swan neck deformity is designed to prevent further: a. Hyperextension of PIP and DIP b. Hyperextension of PIP and flexion of PIP c. Hyperextension of PIP and flexion of DIP d. Hyperflexion of PIP and flexion of DIP

c. Hyperextension of PIP and flexion of DIP

25. An individual tells the OT, "I don't know about going home tomorrow. I wanted to be discharged yesterday and the doctor suggested I stay in the hospital another day." Which of the following responses most accurately reflects on the active listening approach? a. It sounds as if you're very sure whether you are ready to be discharged. b. You know your doctor is a very intelligent person. c. It sounds as if you're not sure whether you are ready to be discharged. d. How about calling your doctor when you get home if you feel a panic attack coming on.

c. It sounds as if you're not sure whether you are ready to be discharged.

17. An infant born 15 weeks prematurely has a history of multiple medical issues including retinopathy of prematurity, mechanical ventilation for 5 weeks, and poor feeding skills. The infant is now a 43-week-old, medically stable and engaging infant, with a G-tube and oxygen supplement of 2 liters by nasal cannula. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate intervention to pursue at this time? a. Positioning and handling b. PROM of all extremities c. Multisensory input d. Music therapy

c. Multisensory input

37. An individual with depression is ready to return to the job held before taking a leave of absence. Which of the following is the FIRST action the OT practitioner should take? a. Encourage the individual to participate in a weekly support group b. Request reasonable accommodation c. Perform a job analysis d. Emphasize activities the promote a sense of self-efficacy

c. Perform a job analysis

60. Primary reason for redirecting in responding to clients: a. Show acceptance and understanding to the client b. Force the individual to make a choice c. Refocus the individual's comments d. Encourage the individual to give additional information

c. Refocus the individual's comments

33. Hypersensitivity training is typically graded from: a. Tap to rub to tap b. Light to medium to heavy c. Soft to hard to rough d. Rough to hard to soft

c. Soft to hard to rough

39. The benefits that a correct sitting position has in relation to hand function is explained to the parents of a child with CP. The child currently uses compensatory movements because of the inability to sit independently. Which aspect of therapeutic positioning should the OT stress? a. Stabilizing head and neck b. Stabilizing trunk c. Stabilizing pelvis, hip and legs d. NOTA

c. Stabilizing pelvis, hip and legs

86. The patient's chart indicates that "Mr. J is on a non-oral feeding program. The OT interprets that: a. The client is on thin liquid only feedings b. The client is on stage I foods only c. The client is receiving nasal tube feedings d. The client is eating pureed only foods

c. The client is receiving nasal tube feedings

2. The OT practitioner working with an infant observes the presence of the first stage of voluntary grasp. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate statement for documenting this behaviour? a. The infant is exhibiting radial palmar grasp b. The infant is exhibiting pincer grasp c. The infant is exhibiting ulnar palmar grasp d. The infant is exhibiting palmar grasp

c. The infant is exhibiting ulnar palmar grasp Ulnar > palmar > radial

11. The treatment goal for a 4-year-old child with hypotonia is to improve grasp. Which of the following activities would be BEST for preparing the child's hand for grasp activities? a. Dropping blocks into a pail b. Placing pegs on a pegboard c. Weight-bearing on hands d. Holding and eating a cookie

c. Weight-bearing on hands

27. An OT is assessing a client with schizophrenia and appears to be experiencing acute symptoms of the disease. Which of the following is considered to be an acute or positive symptom of schizophrenia, EXCEPT? a. Flat affect b. Anhedonia c. Withdrawal from others d. AOTA


76. An OT has planned to assess group interpersonal skills in an activity-based group of seven individuals. Shortly before the group is to begin, the therapist is asked to add two newly admitted clients to the group. Which of the following actions would yield the most efficient and effective result? a. Ask one or two of the original seven members to wait until later and include the two new clients in the group b. Interview the two new clients separately and continue with the original evaluation group of seven c. Proceed with the group as planned, adding both new members to the original seven d. Add the two new clients and then divide the members into two groups

d. Add the two new clients and then divide the members into two groups

47. For a child with acute JRA, which of the following precautions should the OT follow? a. Avoid rapid vestibular stimulation b. Avoid light touch c. Avoid elevated temperatures d. Avoid resistive materials

d. Avoid resistive materials

34. Which individual would benefit the MOST from using a wrist-driven flexor hinge splint during a prehension activity? a. C7 SCI b. C8 SCI c. C5 SCI d. C6 SCI

d. C6 SCI

89. Highest level of independence for an individual with C3 SCI: a. Mobile arm support b. Wrist support c. Universal cuff d. Clearly direct a caregiver in preferred head position, food portion size, and choice of food to eat

d. Clearly direct a caregiver in preferred head position, food portion size, and choice of food to eat

45. When working with a child who exhibits tactile defensiveness, which of the following areas should be evaluated FIRST? a. Reading skills b. Social skills c. Leisure interests d. Dressing habits

d. Dressing habits

3. An OT practitioner is working with three individuals in a cooking group. The individuals demonstrate difficulty attending to task, frequently asks to leave the room and do not interact with each other. Based on the developmental group concept, which of the following is the MOST appropriate goal for this group? a. Each member will take a leadership role within the session b. Members will share materials with at least one other group member c. Each member will express two positive feelings about themselves within the group session d. Each member will remain in the group without disrupting the work of others for 15 minutes

d. Each member will remain in the group without disrupting the work of others for 15 minutes

67. A client alternately exhibits laughing and crying throughout a treatment session. This behavior should be documented as: a. Paranoia b. Mania c. Denial d. Emotional lability

d. Emotional lability

63. Primary reason for using open-ended questions in communicating with clients: a. Show acceptance and understanding to the client b. Force the individual to make a choice c. Refocus or redirect the individual's comments d. Encourage the individual to give additional information

d. Encourage the individual to give additional information

24. The best method for handling a child who exhibits tactile defensiveness is to: a. Tickle him during playtime b. Play loud music when undressing him c. Lightly stroke his arms and legs during baths d. Hold him firmly when picking him up

d. Hold him firmly when picking him up

95. An OTR is evaluating an individual who has sustained a left hemisphere CVA. After determining that the person was able to read before the CVA, the therapist presents a paper with typed letters of the alphabet randomly dispersed across the page. The individual is then asked to cross out all the M's. The OTR observes that the individual has missed letters in a random pattern throughout the page. This MOST likely indicates: a. Unilateral neglect b. A right visual field cut c. Borderline ID d. Inattention

d. Inattention

62. Teaching a task one step at a time, gradually adding more steps as steps are mastered: a. Repetition b. Rehearsal c. A & B d. NOTA

d. NOTA Chaining

72. A person with PD is experiencing fatigue during the day. The OT's most appropriate response to maintain his or her level of function is: a. "work through" the fatigue b. Eliminate activities and reduce activity level as much as possible c. Perform desired exercises to increase energy level d. Perform desired activities in a simplified manner, to conserve energy

d. Perform desired activities in a simplified manner, to conserve energy

20. An OT who is leading a stress management group explains to the members that adaptation can be most accurately described as the: a. Process by which individuals adjust to daily stressful events within their environment b. Body's reactions to threat, often described as "fight or flight" c. Precipitating conditions and events that elicit stress reactions d. Process of fit between the individual and his or her environment

d. Process of fit between the individual and his or her environment

59. Primary work-related risk factors for a client with cumulative trauma disorder: a. Repetition, low force, and proper joint postures b. Progressive resistive exercises, joint mobilization, and weight bearing c. Fatigue, muscle cramps, and paresthesia d. Repetition, high force, and awkward joint postures

d. Repetition, high force, and awkward joint postures

7. An individual who had an MI was transferred from the acute care unit to a rehabilitation unit. During the initial interview, he displays good memory of information processed after the MI but poor recall of the periods prior to it. The OT practitioner would be MOST likely to document these behaviours as: a. Orientation problems b. Long-term memory deficits c. Anterograde amnesia d. Retrograde amnesia

d. Retrograde amnesia

30. An artist with MS is interested in pursuing a leisure activity that will perform physical fitness. Because the individual's symptoms are limited to mild UE numbness and slight weakness in the dominant hand at this point, the best activity to recommend is: a. Volleyball b. Painting with the dominant hand c. Jogging on a track or treadmill d. Swimming in a cool water pool

d. Swimming in a cool water pool

78. Best statement that would explain the purpose of a vocational evaluation: a. This program will help you to develop skills for getting a job b. This program will help you identify the responsibility you have to your employer while you are in treatment and to inform your employer of these responsibilities c. The program will help you learn about your interests, talents and skills for assembly jobs d. This program will help you to learn about the skills you have that are needed on most jobs and about your potential for work

d. This program will help you to learn about the skills you have that are needed on most jobs and about your potential for work

73. The team approach where the OT will perform the roles of other therapies needed while "role release" is required from the teacher, nurse and speech therapist: a. Multidisciplinary b. Interdisciplinary c. Intradisciplinary d. Transdisciplinary

d. Transdisciplinary

55. Which activity promotes maintaining range of motion in a patient with arthritis: a. Keep elbow flexed when ironing b. Keep lightweight objects on low shelves c. Use short strokes with the vacuum cleaner d. Use dust mitt to keep fingers extended

d. Use dust mitt to keep fingers extended

74. Universal precautions taken when treating an individual with a productive cough: a. Wash hands b. Wear gloves c. Wash all surfaces the individual comes in contact with before and after d. Wear gloves, a gown, a mask and goggles

d. Wear gloves, a gown, a mask and goggles

10. An OT practitioner is assessing the ROM of an individual who demonstrate Sh. IR of 0-70 degrees. The practitioner would most likely document the patient's AROM as: a. Within Functional Limits b. Hypermobility c. Hypomobility d. Within Normal Limits

d. Within Normal Limits

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