Iphy 2420 tests 1&2

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Pregnant women need more iron than nonpregnant women. Why is this?

More iron is needed to support the development of the baby.

Select the individual who is likely to have the greatest percent of body fluid.

Nev, a 2-year old boy.

Which of the following is an essential nutrient?

Omega-3 fatty acid

If an individual would like to reduce the amount of saturated fat they are consuming, reducing consumption of which of the following would help them accomplish that?

Turkey and swiss cheese sandwhich

What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?

Type 1 is an autoimmune disease in which the body destroys pancreatic cells that make insulin; Type 2 diabetes is when the body becomes resistant to insulin

The regulation of dietary supplements changed when the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) was passed in 1994. Which of the following describes the changes that were made?

Under DSHEA, dietary supplements are regulated as foods rather than drugs.

Which of the following dietary changes would promote a positive change in blood cholesterol levels?

Adding avocado to tacos rather than sour cream.

Milk is packaged in containers that do not allow the transmission of UV light in order to avoid the destruction of which vitamin?

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Exposure to UV rays results in vitamin D synthesis in the body. Which of the following does not influence this relationship?

An individual's sodium intake

All individuals should aim to consume how much trans fat each day?

As close to zero as possible

Which of the following factors would not contribute to a reduced bone density over time?

Being overweight

A chronic positive energy balance will result in:

Body weight gain

Research on medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil has led to claims that coconut oil is healthy to consume in any amount. What is the correct response to this?

Coconut oil contains some of the fatty acids that are present in MCT oil, but only in small amounts, so the positive research results associated with MCT oil cannot be directly applied to coconut oil.

Which of the following is true regarding complementary protein intake for a vegan?

Complementary proteins should be eaten within about 24 hours of one another in order for the essential amino acids to work together in the body

Which of the following would be the most prudent recommendation for someone who has a cold caused by a virus?

Consume vitamin C in order to reduce the duration of the cold.

Hyponatremia (water intoxication) is most likely to be caused by:

Consuming an excessive amount of water in a short period of time (hours)

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a healthy diet?

Contains only fruits and vegetables

Which of the following individuals should avoid taking a high-dose vitamin A supplement?

Daphne, a 25-year-old woman who is pregnant

Trina's father and grandfather both have hypertension. Why is it important for Trina to monitor her blood pressure regularly?

Hypertension has few obvious outward symptoms.

Kahlen has purchased the calcium supplement pictured above. Why was this supplement not the best choice?

It is likely that, because of the presence of minerals other than calcium, the amount of calcium that will be absorbed will be reduced.

What does it mean for a nutrient to be essential?

It must be eaten in the diet

Pavel is trying to increase his calcium intake but does not like to consume dairy. Which of these would be a better food group to focus on?

Leafy greens often provide an adequate amount of calcium. However some, like spinach, can have issues with bioavailability.

Zareen eats a large bowl of pasta for lunch and is now sitting all afternoon. His body does not use all of the carbohydrates immediately, so where can they be stored?

Liver & muscles

Dietary supplements can be beneficial for certain populations. Which of the following individuals would be most likely to benefit from supplementation?

Mallory, a 25-year-old computer programmer who is recovering from major surgery after a car accident

Maya is a 12-year old girl. Her mother has been noticing that she's frequently hungry and thirsty even though she has been regularly eating and drinking fluids. What is most likely going on with Maya?

Maya has type 1 diabetes and her pancreas does not produce insulin. As a result, glucose levels in her bloodstream are high and must be excreted in the urine

Frying an egg causes the proteins in it to ______________, which causes a(n) _____________ loss of protein function.

denature; irreversible

Dehydration is a risk associated with _____________ and is of greatest concern for ___________.

diarrhea; young and old individuals

A protein that does not contain all 9 essential amino acids is:

most likely derived from a plant.

The B vitamins:

function as coenzymes in converting macronutrients to energy.

The percentage of whole blood that is comprised of red blood cells is termed as:


When considering the health concerns of diabetes, it is important to remember that:

if poorly controlled it can damage major organs and tissues in the body, possibly resulting in blindness and/or amputation.

The purpose of the villi and microvilli in the intestinal tract is to:

increase the absorptive surface of the small intestine and move nutrients into the body.

Soy contains plant protein that exhibits which of the following characteristics:

it is a complete and highly-digestible protein.

A person with lactose intolerance lacks __________, and will usually experience GI distress after consuming ______________.

lactase; dairy products

Fatima, who is a __________________, should consume more _____________ than is recommended for the general public.

smoker; vitamin C

Select the correct statement about the relationship between vitamin D and calcium.

Vitamin D helps to regulate calcium levels in the blood.

Why is vitamin D toxicity most likely to be caused by dietary supplements and not other means?

Vitamin D is not widely available in the diet, and production as a result of UV exposure is regulated.

Which of the following vitamins is matched with the correct function?

Vitamin K, produces clotting factors for the blood

Dehydration is a concern for all individuals, but which of the following individuals is most at risk for dehydration and its negative effects?

Zelda, an 85-year-old female who enjoys gardening

After eating a large meal, ______________ in your stomach sense the expansion caused by the food and send a fullness signal to the ________________.

Stretch receptors; hypothalamus

Which of the following foods and their associated nutrient would be best for someone who wants to decrease free radicals in their body?

Sunflower seeds, which are high in vitamin E

Which of the following are typical sources of fluoride in the American diet?

Tap water and dental products.

In order to calculate an individual's daily protein need, which of the following measurements is necessary?

body weight

Hydroxyapatite is part of _____________ and is made up of __________________.

bone; calcium and phosphorus

The majority of dietary chloride is consumed from:

salt, either in processed foods or used at the table.

Semyon is interested in meeting with someone about improving his diet to help his hockey game. Who would you recommend Semyon meet with to get the most reputable information about nutrition?

A registered dietitian

Willians, who is 48 years old and overweight, experiences a burning, uncomfortable sensation as well as pressure in his chest after eating meals. This sensation is most likely caused by:

A problem with the gastroesophageal sphincter, allowing hydrochloric acid to move back into the esophagus

Sodium and potassium are both important minerals; choose the incorrect statement about these nutrients.

Both sodium and potassium are found in tap water in large amounts.

When a whole grain is processed, which part(s) of it are removed and what are the effects of the processing?

Bran and germ; decrease in the grain's fiber and micronutrient content

Sugar alcohols are often found in _______________. When eaten in large amounts, ____________ is a common side effect.

Candy and gum; GI distress

Unsaturated fatty acids would be found in the greatest proportion in:

Canola oil

If a food is analyzed in a laboratory and the results indicate that the nutrients in it contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which of the macronutrients could it contain?

Carbohydrate and/or fat

The consumption of which nutrient may be reduced to prevent the progression of type 2 diabetes and what effect does the lowered intake have?

Carbohydrates should be reduced to stimulate less insulin production and reduce the demand on pancreas.

Choose the food that would have the greatest amount of protein per serving.

Chicken Breast

Blocking the synthesis of thyroid hormones is a result of what and has what effect on the body?

Due to iodine toxicity, a goiter will develop.

Snorri would like to increase his omega-3 fatty acid intake. Which of the following is the best way to do so?

Eat more fatty fish (e.g., salmon) in the diet.

Lydia does not consume enough iron in her diet and is at risk for developing anemia. Which of the following would not help her to improve her iron status?

Eating most of her daily iron intake at breakfast.

Which of the following activities would increase an individual's vitamin D and vitamin E status?

Eating sunflower seeds at an outdoor Colorado Rockies baseball game in June.

Which of the following is a proper dietary recommendation for reducing cancer risk?

Emphasize plant-based foods in the diet, as they are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants that can help to reduce the risk of cancer development.

Which of the following is not a side effect of cancer treatment killing healthy rapidly dividing cells?

Enhanced absorption of iron into the body

Petra has diabetes and needs to monitor her blood glucose levels. What food should she watch out for due to its high amount of added sugars?

Flavored yogurt

Which of the following descriptions best describes the above picture?

Fluorosis, caused by consuming too much fluoride.

Why do nutritionists recommend emphasizing foods with naturally-occurring sugars, such as fruits, but limiting foods with added sugars, such as jelly beans?

Foods with naturally-occurring sugars provide other nutrients while most foods with added sugars provide very few additional nutrients

How are free radicals related to the formation of plaque in the arteries?

Free radicals attack LDLs, producing oxidized LDLs. Oxidized LDLs are very likely to get caught in the plaque that is forming in arteries, contributing to the growth of that plaque.

Choose the answer that best describes the behavior of free radicals in the body.

Free radicals cause damage to things such as DNA and proteins, which can ultimately be associated with disease.

Billy has just consumed a high protein meal. As he is digesting, what will be primarily responsible for the denaturation of these proteins?

Gastric HCl

Who is most at risk for cardiovascular disease due to their modifiable risk factors?

Gerald, an accountant who has unmanaged type 2 diabetes and high LDL cholesterol.

If an individual with water intoxication and hyponatremia were to seek treatment at a hospital, what would be the best course of treatment?

Give the individual intravenous (IV) fluids with a higher than normal concentration of electrolytes

Which of the following meals would be suitable for a pesco-vegetarian?

Grilled whitefish, grilled asparagus, and a plain dinner roll.

Louie is running his first marathon and wants to know the best way to maintain his fluid and electrolyte balance. Which of the following would you recommend to him?

He should drink water and sports drinks throughout the race.

Babalu has been working outside in 100 degree heat all day and is experiencing weakness, vomiting, and heavy sweating. What is Babalu suffering from and what is the treatment?

Heat exhaustion; prompt cooling and consume fluids

A rugby coach sees that one of his players has collapsed during a summer practice. After pulling her into the shade, the coach notices that her skin is hot and dry. Which heat illness is the player most likely suffering from?

Heat stroke

Which statement regarding potassium is false? It is found inside cells along with phosphorous at rest High levels are found in many fruits and vegetables, including potatoes Potassium is critical for maintaining the heart's rhythm High levels can be found in processed foods

High levels can be found in processed foods

What would be expected to be seen in a blood sample from someone that has celiac disease but is consuming gluten?

High levels of certain antibodies

Hung is interested in controlling his risk of developing CVD and decides to try the DASH diet. Which of the following would be representative of the DASH diet recommendations?

Increase consumption of fish while reducing red meat intake.

What is a risk associated with amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycle) in a woman?

Increased risk for osteoporosis

Which of the following is not a function of an active antioxidant enzyme system in the body?

Inflict damage directly on cancer cells

Which of the following is not a factor in assessing one's estimated energy requirement (EER)?


Geraldo has been diagnosed with pre-hypertension and has been told to reduce his sodium intake. Which of the following would be most effective in managing his pre-hypertension and how much sodium should he limit his intake to each day?

Reduce consumption of boxed and canned food; <2300 mg/day

Yelena is trying to become pregnant and wants to avoid any chance of neural tube defects in her child. Which of the following foods would you recommend that she consume in her diet in order to decrease the risk of neural tube defects?


Which of the following would make Julio feel the most satiated (full)? Assume that each provides the same number of calories.

Steak and lentils (high protein)

In the following dinner, which of the following foods provides amino acids that are best absorbed by the body?

Roast beef

Mikael eats a bowl of brown rice. After he eats the rice, the starch is broken down via ___________ in the ________.

Salivary amylase; mouth

New FDA regulations regarding serving sizes of foods denote that a 12-ounce and a 20-ounce bottled drink are each equal to one serving size. How is it that two drinks with different volumes are both considered to be one serving size?

Serving sizes are now determined by what people typically consume, and since people typically consume a bottled drink in one sitting, both sizes constitute a single serving size.

Elenice's skin has been looking slightly orange in color lately. What is the best explanation for this?

She has been eating a large amount of carrots every day.

Which of the following foods would be problematic for someone with celiac disease to consume?

Soy sauce

Tanaka, who is 20 years old, has a family history of osteoporosis and is concerned about her bone density. Which of the following responses would be the most accurate to tell Tanaka?

The good news is that you still have 10 years to achieve your peak bone density (mass). In order to maximize your peak, eat an adequate amount of calcium and vitamin D daily and take part in weight-bearing activity regularly.

What is one of the main reasons as to why the FDA is unable to regulate all dietary supplement manufacturers?

The manpower of the dietary supplement division of the FDA is not large enough.

How does plaque formation in the arteries affect the risk of heart disease development?

The plaque can narrow passages in the arteries and reduce blood flow to the heart, increasing the risk of a heart attack

Your friend tells you that she is going to buy a supplement that contains 2,000% of the recommended amount of each of the B vitamins, as it is going to give her energy to make it through finals week. Given what you have learned in this class, what should you tell your friend?

The supplement could make someone who takes it feel more energetic only if they are deficient in the B vitamins, as the additional B vitamins will help to turn macronutrients into energy.

Moe goes to the store to purchase a weight loss supplement. As he looks at the different supplements, what can he assume about all of them?

There is no guarantee that any of the supplements will be safe or effective and he should do independent research to assure he purchases a safe and effective product.

Why does the temperature of the human body remain relatively stable over time?

Water can take on a large amount of heat without drastically changing in temperature.

Which of the following is not required to appear on a nutrition facts label?

Water content

If an individual finds out that they have low HDL cholesterol in the blood and tells you that he is going to consume more HDL cholesterol to increase that number, what is the best way to respond to him?

We do not eat HDL cholesterol so you cannot increase it in the blood by eating more HDL cholesterol. A better way to increase HDL cholesterol is to be more physically active.

Mildred is 80 years old and would like to start weightlifting to reduce her risk for osteoporosis. What is the best thing to say to Mildred?

You should talk with your doctor to make sure it will be safe for you, but elderly individuals can certainly benefit from weightlifting.

Cholesterol is used to make ____________. This entity is excreted from the body in the feces as long as there is an adequate intake of _______________ in the diet.

bile; fiber

Consuming casein can be beneficial for an active individual such as an endurance runner because:

casein will provide the amino acid glutamine, which may be essential during periods of physical stress.

Cancer is a group of related diseases characterized by:

cells that divide rapidly in an uncontrolled manner.

The best way to consume a desirable amount of fiber is to:

emphasize whole, unprocessed plant foods.

_________ is an antioxidant that helps to protect cell membranes from free radicals; this antioxidant is then regenerated with the help of _________.

vitamin E; vitamin C

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