Animal Diversity Lab Exam #2 (mammals)

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What is the function of the dermis in mammals?

Moderate blood pressure and body temp

What are the three groups of mammal reproduction?

Monotremes, marsupials, and placentals

Small tubules that separate water, ions, and inorganic items


What is the flow path of oxygen between the nose and lungs?


Define "heterodont dentition".

Not all the same teeth

Monotremes lay eggs and are __________.


What is the fur, wool, or hair of a mammal called?


What is the function of canines?


What is the function of a mammal's guard hair?

Protection and coloration

Exhalation causes the diaphragm to ___.


What is the function of premolars?

Shearing & slicing

Do carnivores have shorter or longer intestines than herbivores?

Shorter intestines

What organ is responsible for nutrient absorption?

Small intestine

What is the function of incisors?

Snipping & biting

What is an erythrocyte?

Specialized blood cells which carry oxygen

What are the three bones in a mammal's ear?

Stapes, incus, and malleus

Describe a mammal's heart.

4-chambered Right and left ventricles completely separated

Most mammals have __ cervical (neck) vertebrae with fused pelvic bones.

7 neck vertebrae

What three things does an axial skeleton contain?

Braincase, backbone, and ribs

What is the blind sac at the end of the small intestine (final breakdown)?


The ___________ is at the anterior end of the hind brain in mammals.


To which class do these animals belong?

Class Mammalia

Where does solid waste end (reabsorbs water)?


Inhalation causes the diaphragm to _______.


What is the purpose of the cerebellum in mammals?

Controls motor functions

What is the function of molars?

Crushing & grinding

What is a mammal's principle muscle of respiration?


What two things make up a mammal's skin?

Epidermis and dermis

What does a mammal's integument contain?

Sweat (cooling), scent, sebaceous and mammary glands

In mammals, ventilation is made possible by the evolution of a _________ (chest) cavity and a diaphragm


What is the technical term for "ear drum"?

Tympanic membrane

How many teeth do humans have?

32 teeth

Define diphyodont teeth.

"Milk" teeth

Describe the contractions of a mammal's heart.

"Myogenic" (generated by muscle)

What is the difference between altricial and precocial young?

Altricial = born undeveloped and very dependent Precocial = born highly developed and relatively independent

What is the function of a mammal's underfur?


What does the visceral skeleton contain?

Jaw, hyoid apparatus, and the middle ear bones

What does the appendicular skeleton contain?


Marsupials are pouched animals and are therefore __________.


Placentals give birth to highly-developed young and are _____.


What is a mammal's vibrissa?

Whisker (primarily sensory)

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