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What animals sit in front rows and listen to old Major?

The Chickens do.

What was Snowball's response to Boxer's incident?

"Don't feel sorry for them, the only good human is a dead one!"

What is the maxim that the Seven Commandments are reduced to?

"Four legs good, two legs bad"

What is Boxer's new slogan?

"I will work harder!"

hat commandment did the pigs break at the end of the chapter?

"No animal shall drink alcohol."

What are the Seven Commandments?

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. 2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3. No animal shall wear clothes. 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill any other animal. 7. All animals are equal.

Describe the animals' current living and working conditions?

60 hours a week with food taken away if you weren't working

What happened to the seven commandments? What were they replaced with?

All of the commandments had been replaced with ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.

What was the original plan for the animals' retirement?

Animals retired at certain ages.

Who is the only animal on the farm who does not side with either Snowball or Napoleon?

Benjamin is.

Where does Boxer end up going? How do the animals figure this out?

Boxer ends up going to a horse slaughter house. Benjamin sees the logo on the side of the truck.

What is Boxer's solution to this problem?

Boxer pins one of them down

Who is Boxer? Describe him.

Boxer was a large, strong horse who had a white stripe on his nose and first rate intelligence

Why are the animals uneasy about Boxer going to a veterinary hospital?

Boxer won't be able to work anymore.

What decision does Napoleon make to try to procure more food on the farm?

Chickens must give up all their eggs.

The animals were able to complete the windmill on time despite many obstacles and setbacks. What were the obstacles and setbacks?

Harsh weather conditions were.

What does Napoleon abolish? Why does he do this?

He abolishes "Beasts of England" because it was no longer needed. The rebellion was over and the only reason they needed the song was for the rebellion.

According to Napoleon, who is responsible for the windmill's destruction? Why does he blame him?

He blames Snowball because he thinks he wanted to avenge himself for his ignominious expulsion.

What does Old Major call for?

He calls for a rebellion.

What are Napoleon's strengths? How does Napoleon win the animals' support?

He canvasses support for himself in between times

What lie does Squealer tell to try to convince the animals that Boxer did not go to the slaughter house?

He claims it was an ambulance that had not been repainted yet.

What is Napoleon's new accusation that even puzzles Boxer?

He claims that Snowball was working with Jones from the very beginning

What does Mr. Pilkington say that is shocking and goes against animalism?

He claims that animals and humans should get along with each other, which violates the rule that animals should hate humans.

What does Snowball say at the sheep's funeral?

He claims that everyone needs to be ready to die for Animal Farm if need be.

hat does Napoleon announce on the third Sunday? Why does he say the things he says?

He claims that there will be no Sunday meetings because he secretly doesn't want the other animals to have a voice against the pigs.

What is Napoleon's new policy? How does this violate what Old Major had previously said?

He doesn't want to trade with other farms anymore, which contradicts the rules set up by the first meeting.

Boxer thought he did something terrible. What was it and how did he feel about it?

He felt terrible for killing somebody. It drove him to tears.

What does Napoleon do to convince Mr. Whymper that there is food on the farm?

He fills food cans with sand and puts the rest of the food on top of them

What does Mr. Jones do when the animals' singing wakes him up?

He fires a shot into the barn from his bedroom.

Why did Old Major want to speak to the animals?

He had a dream about his mother's revolution song.

What are Snowball's strengths? How does Snowball win the animals' support?

He has plans, innovations, and brilliant speeches that he wins meetings with.

What causes Napoleon's safety precautions to be increased? What are these new precautions?

He hears about a plan to kill him so he starts to sleep with 4 dogs guarding him.

What is Snowball blamed for? Why does Napoleon always blame Snowball?

He is blamed for pretty much everything.; Napoleon doesn't want the animals to consider siding with him.

What happens when Napoleon orders the animals to line up?

He makes the dogs attack the other pigs.

How did Snowball prepare for the humans' attempt to take back the farm?

He read about Julius Caesar's war tactics.

How does Benjamin feel toward the windmill?

He refuses to accept it.

Who does Napoleon finally sell the timber to? Why is this shocking to the animals?

He sells it to Frederick and the animals are surprised because of the slogans going around.

How is Squealer able to convince the animals that the Fourth Commandment was not changed?

He tells them that human beds are just as moral as straw beds as long as they don't have sheets and threatens that Jones will return if they don't let them use them.

What tactics does Squealer use to convince the other animals that the pigs need the milk and apples?

He uses lying and hyperbole

Why did Snowball create the windmill plans? What does Napoleon do to these plans?

He wants to power machines that do work for him.

What warning does Clover give to Boxer? What does this warning foreshadow?

He warns "A horse's lungs don't last forever." This is foreshadowing his lung giving out while working on the stone.

What was Squealer caught doing at the end of the chapter?

He was caught writing on the fifth commandment.

Where did Mr. Jones go the night before the rebellion started? What did he do upon his return?

He went to the The Red Lion bar.; He slept on his couch.

Which animal does the majority of the work?

Horses do.

What is the windmill used for?

Instead of generating electricity, the windmill was being used for milling corn.

What does the flag look like? What do the colors and symbols represent?

It is a green flag with a white horn and a white hoof. The green is supposed to represent the fields, and the horn and hoof symbolize the future.

Why did George Orwell set the battle in October? What historical significance does it have?

It is when the Russian revolution started.

What happened to the Fourth Commandment?

It was changed to "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets"

Where did the milk go?

It was mixed into the pigs mash.

Why does Squealer fire the gun? Why does Boxer disagree?

It was to celebrate the animals' victory but Boxer thought the loss was too great to celebrate.

According to Old Major, who is the enemy?

Man is the enemy.

Who is the new character and what does he do?

Minimus is the new character and he composes music.

Why do the pigs have a hard time convincing Mollie?

Mollie is too attached to things made by humans such as sugar and ribbons.

Who was missing? Where was this animal found?

Mollie was missing.; She was buried in the manger's hay

Why do the pigs have a hard time convincing Moses?

Moses has been told propaganda and believes that heaven is a place full of human made things.

Who reappears on the farm in the middle of the summer?

Moses the Raven does.

Who is missing from the barn that night?

Moses the Raven is.

What three events made it easier for the animals to rebel?

Mr. Jones was too angry to get work done, he got so drunk that he didn't come home for days, and he forgot to feed the animals.

Describe how the farm has changed.

Multiple animals have died, Snowball has been forgotten, Boxer has been forgotten by everyone except for a few animals who knew him. Napoleon was now a mature boar at 24-stone. Squealer was now fat. Benjamin is old and depressed. Many new animals have been born. The farm is larger and more organized, it now has many industrial advantages. However, the animals will never get a 3 day work week or stalls with electric light and hot and cold water because Napoleon claimed that the truest happiness comes from hard labor and frugal living.

Why do Snowball and Napoleon disagree with each other?

Napoleon believes that food production should be the main focus right now.

What changes does Napoleon make to Animal Farm?

Napoleon changes the name to "The Manor Farm."

What happens to Snowball when he convinces the animals that the windmill must be built?

Napoleon unleashes a group of violent hounds upon him.

Who is Old Major? Describe him.

Old major is the elder pig who advocates for freedom from humans.

What are seven things that Old Major says animals must refrain from?

Refrain from going on two legs, whatever goes on four legs and has wings is an ally, no animal shall wear clothes, no animal shall sleep in a bed, no animal shall drink alcohol, no animal shall kill another animal, and all animals are equal.

What did Clover accuse Mollie of? How does this violate the rules?

She eats human food and receives human care. This violates the rule of "2 legs bad."

What happened to Mollie? Why did she leave?

She ran away to go live with her human because she had been caught.

Who goes in and checks out the farm house? What do they see?

Snowball and Napoleon find human luxuries.

What are the pigs' and dogs' main roles on the farm?

Squealer claimed that they were in charge of organizing and supervising the farm.

What shocking discovery do the animals make?

Squealer was walking on his hind legs.

What is different about this harvest than previous harvests?

The animals cannot use tools or stand on 2 feet, but they can get as much as they want.

Compared to the time when Mr. Jones was on the farm, how much food do the animals have now?

The animals have at least as much food as they did with Mr. Jones.

Describe the animals living and working conditions in the winter.

The animals undergo cruel work in the winter with less food

What are the military decorations the animals create and to whom are they awarded?

The awards are: Brass medal - Animal Hero First Class and Animal Hero Second Class.

What is the Sixth Commandment? What was it changed to? Why was it changed?

The commandment was "No animal shall kill any other animal." It has been changed to "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause" because Napoleon wanted to justify killing the traitors.

Summarize the events of the rebellion.

The cows thrashed the men until they gave up and Mr. Jones left because of how frightened he was.

How does the new litter of pigs negatively affect the other animals?

The litter of pigs will require a schoolhouse which they can not afford to build.

What mysterious thing happens at the end of the chapter?

The milk disappears.

What do the animals see when they peek inside the farm house?

The pigs are relaxed and playing cards with humans.

How do the pigs change once they learn to walk on their hind legs?

The pigs start subscribing to newspapers, smoking pipes, and wearing human clothes.

What is the new phrase the sheep bleat?

The sheep started bleating "4 legs good, two legs BETTER!"

What happens to the windmill?

The windmill has been destroyed.

What happened to the windmill?

The windmill was blown up by the humans.

What are the pigeons' new orders? Why does Napoleon give out these orders?

Their new orders are "Death to Frederick."

What is the pigs' main role on the farm?

Their role is Direction and Supervision.

What changes to the windmill do the animals make to ensure it will not fall down again?

They double the width.

What did Mr. Jones' employees do that ignited the rebellion?

They forgot to feed the cows.

What do the animals do at the end of the chapter?

They go back to bed after hearing a gunshot.

What has Snowball's involvement with Mr. Jones evolved into?

They now claim that Snowball was actually fighting against the animals in the fight against Jones.

What do the animals decide to do with the farmhouse?

They preserve it as a museum and decide that no animal shall ever live there.

What do the animals decide to do with Mr. Jones' gun?

They put it on the flagstaff and decided to only fire it on the day of the rebellion and the day of the Battle of the Cowshed.

What do Mr. Frederick and Mr. Pilkington say about animal farm that convinces their animals that it is bad?

They said that the animals on animal farm were cannibals who tortured eachother with hot horseshoes and had their females in common.

What is the pigs' reasoning for keeping the apples and milk to themselves?

They say that they actually hate milk and apples, but they eat them to be healthy.

Describe the battle. Who won? What were the casualties?

They started fighting, Frederic blew the windmill up, animals fought back with rage and won. One cow, two geese, and three sheep were killed. Three humans had their heads broken, and one was stabbed by a cow's horn.

What do the pigs do once they start dealing with men? How does this also violate what Old Major said?

They started trading with two legged people, which violates the rule of "Anything with two legs is an enemy."

How did the pigs acquire money for another case of whisky?

They used the money gained from selling Boxer.

What are some of the new inequalities that the animals are experiencing?

They were getting lesser food rations and were forced to step aside when on the same path as pigs. Pigs could now wear ribbons on their tails on Sundays. Pigs now got all of the barley.

Despite these harsh conditions, why are the animals still happy?

They were serving themselves and not humans

Where did the nine dogs come from?

They were taken away from their mother at the beginning of the book.

What happened to Jessie and Bluebell's nine puppies once they weaned?

They were taken away from their mothers and secluded in the attics.

At first, why did the other farmers not help Mr. Jones?

They wondered if they could turn Mr. Jones misadvantage into their advantage.

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