Animal Science 120 Midterm Review

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testing of personal care products accounts for__% of the national demand for laboratory animals


Index Medicus

A comprehensive index of medical scientific journal articles; published since 1879

Animal welfare act

A movement that believes a reduced and minimal number of animals should be used in research -and that those animals used should be treated as humanely as possible. this concept includes proper housing, disease prevention, nutrition and humane euthanasia or slaughter. This concept implies that humankind has dominion over animals.


American Association of Zoological parks and Aquariums; now called Association of Zoos and Aquariums; accredits zoos and aquariums (moorpark is not accredited)


American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals animal welfare organization;1866; New York; Henry Bergh; originally protected horses

Health Research Extension Act

HREA of 1985 requires the National Institutes of Health to create guidelines for animal use and to develop a research plan for alternatives to the use of animals

Humane Society of the United States

HSUS; 1954 Animal rights activists group; nations largest animal advocacy organization; boasts a $40m a year budget


Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing; Johns Hopkins University; Henry Spira; leading research facility for animal testing with a donation from Revlon

Clinical Trials

Were used to develop open heart surgical techniques, coronary bypass surgery, heart transplantation, techniques used to save the lives of "blue babies" with structural defects in their hearts


the study of the body, its parts and how they function


transporting animals - check animals every _ hours to ensure proper air, temp.

USDA regulations/guide

used as a basis of federally mandated IACUC research facility's program reviews and animal facilities inspections

Scientifically Validation

used in scientific method; the idea that the experiment has been tested several times and produced the same results, and there is a control used to compare the results in


National Science Foundation 1/4 the animals under_____ grants involve field studies of free living wild animals


"bloodless castrator"; breaks the blood vessels leading to the testicles by crushing the spermatic cord


"cut" branch of science concerned with structure/form of living things

Alternative is


Domestic Farm Animal


Fetal Alcoholism


Human dominion over animals




great Britain (an invertebrate) list of protected


johns Hopkins enter for alternatives to animal testing


Percentage of animal used in research non-human primates, rodents

90-95% rats and mice <0.5% non-human primates

# of animals used in biomedical research per year in the US

17-23 million

Study of science achievement in seventeen countries, the US ranked

17th in top 17

Food, drug and Cosmetic Act

1938; gave oversight of safety of food, drug and cosmetics to the FDA; also defined what is suitable for human use/consumption

Food, Agriculture Conservation, and trade Act

1990; 4th amendment to the AWA; protection of pets

__ % of studies proposed to and approved by federal agencies /year actually funded

24 (1/4)%

# americans suffer severe traumatic injuries each from car accidents and other causes that leave them permanently disabled


__ % of animals used in research in the United States are subjected to pain


# poliomyelitis cases in the US

50,000 in 1952, 1984, and today

American Quarter Horse Association



Ability to experience pain and pleasure


Animal Liberation Front; terrorist organization (US and GB)

Tom Regan

Animal Rights Activists and professor created the idea of inherent value wrote "The Case for Animal Rights"


Animal Welfare Information Center mandated by the AWA to provide information for improved animal care and use in research, testing, teaching and exhibition

USDA pain classifications

B - no pain or distress because the animal is not yet being used C - no or minimal pain or distress D - pain with pain-relieving drugs E - pain without pain-relieving drugs

Jeremy Bentham

British philosopher who was the first to explicitly describe utilitarianism

open heart surgical techniques, coronary bypass surgery, heart transplantation, techniques used to save the lives of blue babies and babies with structural defects in their heart all were developed using...

Clinical trials

Russel and Burch

Created the three R's

major U.S. government agency funding lab animal research

NIH: National Institutes of Health

California, the regulation of research facilities falls under the department of

Department of Health

first major theory based on experiments on living animals



Federal Bureau of Investigation; keeps files on the ALF as the biggest domestic terrorist group

Cruelty to animals Act

First legislation in the world to regulate the use of animals in research

Kidney Transplant

First sucesful one was in 1909 on a dog


Food and Drug Administration, at the federal level, monitors the process of food production to assure safe food supply

Health Research Extension Act



Humane Farming Association


Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Utilitarian Philosophy

Is the philosophy in which the individual believes using animal for the betterment of people is acceptable, as long as the animal is treated with compassion where an action id determined to be morally right outweighs any harm it may cause

Hermann Goring

Leading member of the Nazi party; ordered an end to "unbearable torture and suffering" in animal experiments and threatened to "commit to concentration camps those who think they can continue to treat animals as inanimate property

One fourth of the animals under __ grants involve field studies of free living wild animals

NSF, National Science Foundation


Marking of animals for identification purposes




Office for Protection fro Research Risks now OLAW - Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare


PCRM - is an animal rights organization purported to represent physicians in favor of animal rights

The principles of Humane Experimental Technique

PHET, 1959, created by Russel and Burch, described a method of minimizing unnecessary suffering and use of animals in laboratories


Parts per billion standard of measurements used to detect carcinogens and other unhealthy agents


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Libertarian Philosophy

Philosophy that animals are not to be put to work in any way, and all use of animals should be eliminated.

Inherent Value

Philosophy were animals and humans all have equal intrinsic value on which their right to life and concern are based

Dr. John Orem

Physiology professor at Texas Tech; investigated and researched SIDS using cats, ALF raided and burned down his lab on campus in 1989

Ingrid Newkirk

President and co-founder of PETA; diabetic; said: "I need to live to save the rights of animals"

JS mill

Refined the term utilitarianis,; defended bantham's view

Three R's

Refinement, Replacement, Reduction


State of insensitive to pain but still awake


State of lack awareness or sensitivity, with or without loss of consciousness


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Animal Liberation (philosophy)

The concept that animals are not to be put to in any way, and all use of animals should be eliminated. Animal liberationists have been known to break into research labs and set animals free.

Standard temperature set for livestock under the law

To which an animal responds most favorably. (OR) After 85*F Auxiliary ventilation must be used, and cannot exceed 85*F for more than four hours nor fall below 45*F

What are the instructions when shipping dogs and cats for food and water?

Transportation act P.E. (primary Enclosure): cage 4 hours for food and water 12 hours for stopping

Country - systematic data on animal pain and distress

US is the only country that collects systematic data


United States Department of Agriculture


Used animal experimentation "dog" to demonstrate that veins carried blood

Replaceability Argument

Utilitarian view introduced by Singer's "animal liberation"; says that it is not wrong to rear and kill an animal for food, provided that it lives a pleasant life, and after being killed is replaced by another animal, which will lead a similarly pleasant life and would not have existed if the first animal had not been killed



Nociceptive reflex

a reflex elicited by a painful stimulus

Draize test

acute toxicity test devised in 1944 by FDA toxicologist Draize and Spines

de minimis standard

amount so small that it is legally insignificant

In vitro

an experiment done in an artificial environment outside the living organism

In vivo

an experiment done within a whole living organism

Henry Spira

animal rights activist; Associated with the CAAT and the cosmetics, toiletries and fragrances association


anti morning sickness drug used in GB in the 70's, resulted in a large number of children being born without legs or arms


are the people who believe that individuals can do whatever they want to animals, and that humans are the only species with any rights

Animal liberation

book written by peter singer; bible of the animal rights movement

Eminent Domain

concept of Utilitarian philosophy; the right of a law body to impose upon or take an individual's personal space/property for the use of the greater good

Body of Liberties

first law in modern day world to protect farm animals from cruel treatments; Massachusetts bay colony; 1641

Animal Welfare

movement that believes a reduction in a minimal number of animals should be used in research, and those animals that are used should be treated as humanely as possible. the concept implies that humankind has dominion over animals, and as such has responsibility for animal well-being

IACUC regulations/guide

has the obligation to review all research projects proposed for PHS support prior to their receiving funding must prepare reports of animal facility inspection and submit them to institutional official

In Situ

in the original place, natural place or site

Ames test

is a non-animal test used to test for carcinogenicity - but is made from mouse liver cells


is the concept of ascribing human traits to animals


is the humane killing of an animal accomplished by a method which produces rapid unconsciousness and subsequent death, without evidence of pain or distress


is the major US government agency funding lab animal research


is the study of behavior of animals

Scotland yard

law enforcement in GB who also considers the ALF to be the largest domestic terrorist group


main source of funding that established CAAT at johns Hopkins university in response to its cosmetic testing on rabbits


making a (scientific) discovery that was unanticipated


means of cutting into a live animal (originally meant "without anesthesia" because it had not been developed yet).


means one's place or relative position, or one's rank in the community

LD 50 - Lethal Dose 50

measure of acute lethality; rating is calculated for the dose at which one-half of the test animals can be expected to die from ingestion of the test substance

Animal Rights

movement that insists that animals have moral rights equal to those of humans. This concept is totally opposed to biomedical research, sporting events, clothing, product testing, entertainment using animals, and eating of animals

nano gram

ng one billionth of a gram

1889, Minkowski and Von Mering demonstrated

pancreas contained regulators to control blood sugar; dogs induced with diabetes by removing their pancreas


philosophy that animals/nature should not be interfered with


the application of any chemical or mechanical agent on any limb of a horse, or any practice inflicted on a horse that can be expected to cause it physical pain or distress when moving; aimed at producing an exaggerated gait


the belief that humans are superior to animals - a prejudice or bias toward the interests of members of one's own species and against the members of another species

Peter Singer

wrote "Animal Liberation"; Replaceability argument; father of animal rights movement; Austrailian professor of bioethics; coined the term speciesism; fell out of favor with the animals rights movement for supporting research of Huntington's disease

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