ANS 101: Test One

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On which species would you expect Freeze Branding to be mostly used to identify individual animals?

Cattle, Horses

On which species would you expect an ear tag to be mostly used to identify individual animals?

Cattle, sheep, goats

On which species would you expect an Ear Tattoo to be mostly used to identify individual animals?

Cattle, sheep, swine, rabbits and etc.

What species scientific name is Galline?


On which species would you expect a Microchip to be mostly used to identify individual animals?

Dogs, Cats, Emus

Define Domesticated Species

Species that has been genetically altered to meet human needs.

On which species would you expect an Ear Notch to be mostly used to identify individual animals?

Swine Goats

On which species would you expect a paint stick/brand to be mostly used to identify individual animals?

Swine, sheep, beef

Is a Leg Band (Bovine or Avian) Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Temporary Not, Just Like Bracelet

Is a paint stick/brand Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Temporary, Non Invasive

Is a Wing Band Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Temporary. Can catch in cage wires. Does poke hole in wing bow Otherwise does not seem to bother the hen.

What species scientific name is Meleagrine?


Is a DNA Sample Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Very Permanent To sample DNA .. . yes! blood drawn or tissue

Is a Hot Brand Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Very permanent if done correctly Invasive. Breaks skin with hot iron and causes pain

What is the name of a young female sheep?

ewe lamb

What is the name of a young female cattle?


What is the name of an intact male sheep?


What is a symbiotic relationship?

relationship where both humans and animal benefit

What is the name of an intact male pig?


What is the name of a young female goat?


What species scientific name is Bovine?


What species scientific name is Canine?


When was the Glacial Exodus?

10,000 BC

When was fire controlled?

500,000 BC

On which species would you expect a DNA Sample to be mostly used to identify individual animals?


On which species would you expect a Retinal Scan to be mostly used to identify individual animals?


What is one method of bovine identification that is permanent and easily read at a short distance?


What is the name of an intact male goat?


What is the name of an intact male rabbit?


What is the name of an intact male cattle?


Regarding the major categories of comparison, which category is referenced by observations that show an animal is "bolder sprung", "deeper ribbed", and "wider chested" than another?


What species scientific name is Feline?


On which species would you expect a Hot Brand to be mostly used to identify individual animals?


On which species would you expect an EID Bolus to be mostly used to identify individual animals?


On which species would you expect an EID Tag to be mostly used to identify individual animals?


Why would microchipping not work well for a dairy producer?

Consider what will happen when the cow can no longer provide milk. She will be harvested for meat. It will be impossible to find the microchip at that point, and thus cannot be used in the food chain.

On which species would you expect a Leg Band (bovine) be mostly used to identify individual animals?

Dairy Cattle

What happens to the human animal relationship as domestication expands?

Dependency increases Breeding intensifies Relationship becomes symbiotic

What is the name of a young female rabbit?


What is the name of an intact male dog?


Animal welfare is really the same concept as anthropomorphism as we discussed in class.


What is the name of a young female horse?


Why do we need to individually identify each sheep in the flock?

For example, to maintain health records or pedigree information, in addition to record performance records on each animal that can be used for marketing, genetic evaluations, and selection decisions.

What is the name of a young female pig?


What species scientific name is Caprine?


On which species would you expect a Lip Tattoo to be mostly used to identify individual animals?


What species scientific name is Equine?


What first began humans interaction with animals?

Humans became omnivorous scavengers about 2 mil. BC.

What did fire control allow for in domestication?

Interaction continues.Dependency established

What is a newborn leporine offspring is called?


Is Freeze Branding Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Permanent Invasive. Kills pigment cells so hair grows lighter

Is an Ear Notch Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Permanent Invasive. Removes tissue, albeit cartilage so is not painful

Is a Retinal Scan Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Permanent Just Light in the eye

Is an EID Bolus Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Permanent Well, does enter the body cavity.

Is a Microchip Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Permanent Yes . has to be placed under the skin

Is a Carcass Tattoo Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Permanent (so long as skin stays attached to carcass, that is.) Yes, invasive. Stamped into skin of live animal.

Is a Lip or Ear Tattoo Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Permanent, but very hard to read easily in most cases Invasive, but much less so if done right than other forms.

On which species would you expect a Carcass Tattoo to be mostly used to identify individual animals?


What species scientific name is Porcine?


What is the name of a young female turkey?


On which species would you expect a Leg Band (Avian) to be mostly used to identify individual animals?


On which species would you expect a Wing Band to be mostly used to identify individual animals?


What is the name of a young female chicken?


What species scientific name is Leporine?


Which is a more useful approach to cattle identification to a cow/calf producer: Retinal scan or an ear tag? Why so?

Retinal scans are very accurate and permanent, but not easily read and are expensive to use routinely. Tags are much more useful. They can be read at a distance, contain useful information (as you learned at the ear tag station today), but alas can be lost sometimes.

How do you read ear notches on pigs?

Right Ear: Litter Number Left Ear: Pig Number

What is the name of an intact male chicken?

Rooster/ Cock

What was the choice early humans had after the glacial exodus?

Seek new hunting areas, Become nomadic, follow herds. OR Intensify use of given area and Produce food.

What species scientific name is Ovine?


Is an ear tag or EID Tag Temporary or Permanent? Invasive or not?

Somewhat temporary. Can be easily lost along Slightly invasive

What did domestication begin with?

The Neolithic revolution

Define agriculture

The conscious production of biological products to meet human needs.

What occured in the neolithic revolution?

The settling of clans The start of "Agriculture"

We stated that our relationship with animals forms "the warp and woof of human civilization". Which phrase captures the concept of what is referenced by this statement

The strands of yarn which are weaved together are analogous to the close-knit dependency we have on animal usage, enabling time and health for human civilization to be developed.

What has occured as domestication has expanded?

Time, health increased. Labor became divided. Cultures formed. Animals became part of the humanities.

What is the name of an intact male cat?


What is the name of an intact male turkey?

Tom or Jake

During US colonial times, a wall was built in New York to prevent livestock (mostly pigs, actually) from entering the boroughs (housing areas). What is the name of the street where this wall was built?


Domestic animals were described in class as "an expression of our humanity". Why is this the case?

We have altered them genetically to be an outward expression of our human interests and who we are as humans.

Why is our relationship with dairy cattle considered a symbiotic relationship?

We have genetically altered the cow to produce a lot of milk, and in so doing we have (perhaps inadvertantly) selected against their ability to survive fully on their own. Therefore, we provide for their basic needs and they in turn provide to meet ours.

What animal-derived product initially brought England and Spain to the economic power they are today?


How do you write cattle ear tags?

Write the last number of the cow's year of birth on the tag Include a slash after the birth year to make it easier to read Add the calf's birth number to the tag

What is the name of a mature female goat?


What did the glacial exodus cause?

natural selection created extinction, famine and a choice.

What is the name of an intact male horse?


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