ANSC 3310 Final Exam

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What is the stated goal of the HSUS grass roots co-coordinator J.P Goodwin?

abolition of all animal agriculture

Declawing cats is analogous to what in humans?

cutting off the last bone of the finger and nail

What are lethal means of predator control?

cyanide injector, trapping, livestock protection collar, and shooting

What is flea dirts?

dried blood and flea feces

What are the welfare problems mainly concerning ewes?

dystocia, lameness, poor body condition, and poor nutrition

In what confinement system can piglets move, but sows cannot turn around?

farrowing crate

Which farrowing system produces the lowest percentage of piglet mortality

farrowing crate

What are the welfare problems mainly concerning growing lambs?

gastrointestinal parasitism, myiasis, maggot control, and lameness

What is the 6.5 ft x 2.f ft metal enclosure where sows are kept confined during pregnancy?

gestation crate

What is true about intensive pig farming?

more pigs are kept in a less area

What rodeo event is conducted for children to participate?

mutton busting

What is the term used by animal rights activists to describe what they call a prejudice against other species?


Why are goats tethered by roadsides?

to control grass and weeds

Why are antibiotics used in pig production by Murphy Brown?

to prevent, control, and treat disease

For what reason do no kill shelters refuse to euthanize dogs?

to relieve overcrowding in the kennel

How many litter boxes should you have?

# of cats +1

What is the common name for the illegal substances, dermorphin, given to horses to enhance their performance?

Frog juice

Wayne Pacelle is senior VP of which organization?


Which organizations resolution is "Pursue on all fronts... the clear articulation and establishment of the rights of all animals.... within the full range of American Life and culture."


How are the BCS and the worm egg count in ewes correlated over time?


What injection is given to newborn pigs to prevent anemia?

iron injectioin

What are the welfare problems mainly concerning rams?

lameness, poor body condition, and poor nutrition

How is CAE transmitted in goats?


On average, what is the lifespan of an outdoor cat relative to an indoor cat?

much shorter

What are some problems encountered by goats tethered along roadsides?

no proper feed, shelter, or water, tethers are too long so they lie on the road, and no swivel in the tether chain so the goat is strangled

According to Smithfield Farms, which housing system has proven advantageous over the others?


What are the advatages of using gestation crates?

prevents sows fighting, easier to monitor health, control environmental temperature, prevents sunburn, worker safety, better feed monitoring, and less parasitism

Why are sheep transported live to the Middle East instead of shipping carcasses?

ritual slaughter is important to the customers

What is the general agreement about sow gestation crates?

sows cannot turn around in them and they produce both positive and negative effects

What is mulesing?

surgical removal of skin from perineum of sheep

What management procedures are carried out for new born piglets?

tails docked, castration, and iron injection

According to Wayne Pacelle President of HSUS, by what means do they plan to stop hunting?

the democratic process of voting

In the video why did the mountain lions have to be rescued?

the owner had been killed by a lion and his wife committed suicide

According to Peter Singer, animal research is justifiable only is what condition is met?

the use of a brain damaged human would be justifiable

According to the professional trainers, what is the proper way to consider large cats kept in captivity?

they can be trained but not tamed

Which is a human an effective way to stop a dog from nuisance barking?


What are the predators of sheep?

wolves, bears, and domestic dogs

What are the practices used prior to shipping to prepare sheep for live transport?

wool is sheared if it is greater than 1 inch. sheep are grouped by weight, type, and breed, and are acclimated to the feed used on the ship

Who created the first major rodeo in North America?

William F. Cody

What percentage of rodeo livestock get injuried during a performance?


In what year did the Cheyenne Frontier days begin?


How many welfare concerns about sheep were reported in the study published in the online journal "Animal"?


When did the Professional Rodeo COwboys Association establish animal welfare guidelines?


When does Smithfield Farms move sows from gestation crates to farrowing crates?

2 days prior to parturition

What is the usual market weight of pigs when they are slaughtered?

270 lbs

What is considered a puppied "socialization" period in which regular human contact should be provided?

3-14 weeks

Approximately what percentage of dogs turned over to animal shelters are euthanized?


What percent of their time will sows stay in the individual pens when allowed to freely move about?


What substance did the trainer David Wright say was used to make horses sluggish?


Which organization believes "We have to kill them to save them"?


What does PETA stand for?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

What group recommended all race day medications be banned?

The Jockey Club

How are baby chicks vaccinated against diseases?

aerosol spray over chicks

According to animal welfare activists where is the best place to obtain a pet dog?

animal shelter

How does Newkirk rate animals?

animals are equal to humans

Which of the following should be attempted before declawing a cat?

behavior modification, apply nail covers, and frequent nail trims

Which of the following are welfare problems mainly concerning young lambs?

castration, septic arthritis, tail docking, and lameness

What did the law concerning rodeos passed in 1851 in California require?

each stock farm had to have a rodeo once a year

How is the sex of a newborn chick determined?

examining the wing feathers

According to Newkirk what is the biggest blight on Earth?


What are the disadvantages of using gestation crates?

increase in stereotypies and stress levels, pressure sores, respiratory diseases, foot injuries, damages to joints, and lameness

According to Dr. Arthur in the video about horse racing problems, why should drugs not be allowed on race day?

it compromises th e"level playing field aspects of racing" and it makes it difficult to protect the welfare of the horse

What is a disadvantage of extensive hog farming?

it is more difficult to monitor animals

What are the advantages of crutching ewes?

it makes it easier for lambs to find the teats to nurse, reduces potential contamination of newborn lamb, udder, and teats, and allows easy observation of impending parturition

What do ear notches represent in pigs?

litter and pig number

Where are farrowing crates banned?


What is the HSUS postition on sow gestation crates?


What was proposed as the solution for the stray dog problem in the USA?

owner education

What is the purpose of pig nose rings?

prevent rooting

According to Ingrid NewKirk, co-founder of PETA, eating meat is what?

primitive and barbaric

According to the video seen in class, fighting dogs are trained in a manner similar to what?

race horses

What is a problem due to the large population of feral cats?

reduction of sondbird populations

What is crutching in sheep?

removal of wool from the areas around the vulva, udder, and the inside of the rear legs

According to Alex Pacheco, animals should have the same rights as what?

retarded human child

What are non-lethal mean of predator control?

sirens, electric fences, and lights

What rodeo event was forbidden in the National Finals Rodeo by the Nevada state veterinarian?

steer busting

According to NewKirk what is the goal of PETA?

total animal liberation

"We don't want any of these animals to be raised and killed... unfortunately we don't have the luxury of waiting until we have the opportunity to get rid of the entire industry." Which organization leader said this?

Miyun Park

How long does it take to transport sheep by ship from Australia to the Middle East?

21 days

How long must a contestant ride a bucking bull in order to get a score for his ride?

8 seconds

A.L.F stands for...?

Animal Liberation Front

How are horse races regulated?

Each state regulates the racing in that state

What drug that has been proven to enhance performance is given legally to race horses on race day in the USA?


Who is the largest pork producer in the world?


To what type of cancer are cats more suseptible?

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

How did the New York Racing Authority respond to the task force investigation of racing facilities?

They began aggressively disqualifying unsound horses

Dog fighting in Afghanistan was portrayed as event similar to what sort of event in America?

a county fair

What is Famacha?

a test for parasitism that is a chart to compare to the mucous membrane color of sheep

According to Michael W. Fox the VP of HSUS, what should be accorded equal respect to the life of his child?

an ant

How have Australian workers tried to ensure proper care of sheep sent to the Middle East?

by checking the vehicles carrying sheep from the port to the customer, having a team of consultants in the Middle East during festivals when sheep are bought in large numbers, and preventing the sheep from being carried in trunks of cars

Which of the following event is most likely to cause injury to an animal?

calf roping

Which are the results of consumer awareness and concern for farm animal welfare?

caused people to want products from high welfare systems, stimulated desire for assurance of farm animal welfare standards, and increased demands for welfare labeling of food

In dogs, scar tissue in throat, coughing, and difficulty breathing are caused by what?


According to Wayne Pacelle, what is the nature of the difference between animals and people?


How can CAE transmission be prevented?

don't' let the kids nurse, feed heat-treated colostrum, and feed pasteurized milk

According to Freeman Wicklund of the Animal Liberation League, what must happen if there if going to be a just and equitable world for animals?

drastic decrease in human population

What enclosure is used to prevent sows from crushin neonatal piglets?

farrowing crates

According to the video, why could the teenage girl keep a tiger in her room?

her family were professional trainers and it was not a pet

What is the legal status of gestation crates in the European Union?


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